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With read lengths of currently up to 2 × 300 bp, high throughput and low sequencing costs Illumina''s MiSeq is becoming one of the most utilized sequencing platforms worldwide. The platform is manageable and affordable even for smaller labs. This enables quick turnaround on a broad range of applications such as targeted gene sequencing, metagenomics, small genome sequencing and clinical molecular diagnostics. However, Illumina error profiles are still poorly understood and programs are therefore not designed for the idiosyncrasies of Illumina data. A better knowledge of the error patterns is essential for sequence analysis and vital if we are to draw valid conclusions. Studying true genetic variation in a population sample is fundamental for understanding diseases, evolution and origin. We conducted a large study on the error patterns for the MiSeq based on 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data. We tested state-of-the-art library preparation methods for amplicon sequencing and showed that the library preparation method and the choice of primers are the most significant sources of bias and cause distinct error patterns. Furthermore we tested the efficiency of various error correction strategies and identified quality trimming (Sickle) combined with error correction (BayesHammer) followed by read overlapping (PANDAseq) as the most successful approach, reducing substitution error rates on average by 93%.  相似文献   

Ophichthidae fishes limit to continental shelf of all tropical and subtropical oceans and contain more than 350 species, representing the greatest specialization diversity in the order Anguiliformes. In the present study, we conducted a genome survey sequencing (GSS) analysis of Ophichthus evermanni by Illumina sequencing platform to briefly reveal its genomic characteristics and phylogenetic relationship. The first de novo assembled 1.97 Gb draft genome of O. evermanni was predicted based on K-mer analysis without obvious nucleotide bias. The heterozygosity ratio was 0.70%, and the sequence repeat ratio was calculated to be 43.30%. A total of 9016 putative coding genes were successfully predicted, in which 3587 unigenes were identified by gene ontology (GO) analysis and 4375 unigenes were classified into cluster of orthologous groups for enkaryotic complete genomes (KOG) functional categories. About 2,812,813 microsatellite motifs including mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexanucleotide motifs were identified, with an occurrence frequency of 23.32%. The most abundant type was dinucleotide repeat motifs, accounting for 49.19% of the total repeat types. The mitochondrial genome, as a byproduct of GSS, was assembled to investigate the evolutionary relationships between O. evermanni and its relatives. Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenetic tree inferring from concatenated 12 protein-coding genes (PCGs) showed complicated relationships among Ophichthidae species, indicating a polyphyletic origin of the family. The results would achieve more thorough genetic information of snake eels and provide a theoretical basis and reference for further genome-wide analysis of O. evermanni.  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are widely used in map-based cloning of plant genes. Eastern filbert blight (EFB), caused by the pyrenomycete Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller, is a devastating disease of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in the Pacific Northwest. A dominant allele at a single locus from the obsolete pollenizer “Gasaway” confers complete resistance. Our map-based cloning efforts use a BAC library for “Jefferson” hazelnut, which is heterozygous for resistance. Screening the library with primer pairs designed from RAPD markers closely linked to the EFB resistance locus identified 38 BACs. We sequenced 28 of these BACs using Illumina technology, by multiplexing with barcoded adapters. De novo sequence assembly using the programs Velvet and SOPRA and further alignment using CodonCode Aligner generated contigs whose length ranged from 393 to 108,194 bp. The number of contigs per BAC ranged from 1 to 19, and estimated coverage of assembled BACs ranged from 64 % to 100 %. Preliminary analysis of the sequences identified 779 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), from which we developed 23 markers. Of these, 17 were assigned to linkage group 6 adjacent to the disease resistance locus, five were placed on other linkage groups, and one could not be assigned to a linkage group. The BAC sequences and new SSR markers will be useful for our efforts at map-based cloning of the disease resistance gene.  相似文献   

A genotype calling algorithm for the Illumina BeadArray platform   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Large-scale genotyping relies on the use of unsupervised automated calling algorithms to assign genotypes to hybridization data. A number of such calling algorithms have been recently established for the Affymetrix GeneChip genotyping technology. Here, we present a fast and accurate genotype calling algorithm for the Illumina BeadArray genotyping platforms. As the technology moves towards assaying millions of genetic polymorphisms simultaneously, there is a need for an integrated and easy-to-use software for calling genotypes. RESULTS: We have introduced a model-based genotype calling algorithm which does not rely on having prior training data or require computationally intensive procedures. The algorithm can assign genotypes to hybridization data from thousands of individuals simultaneously and pools information across multiple individuals to improve the calling. The method can accommodate variations in hybridization intensities which result in dramatic shifts of the position of the genotype clouds by identifying the optimal coordinates to initialize the algorithm. By incorporating the process of perturbation analysis, we can obtain a quality metric measuring the stability of the assigned genotype calls. We show that this quality metric can be used to identify SNPs with low call rates and accuracy. AVAILABILITY: The C++ executable for the algorithm described here is available by request from the authors.  相似文献   

Parallel tagged sequencing on the 454 platform   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parallel tagged sequencing (PTS) is a molecular barcoding method designed to adapt the recently developed high-throughput 454 parallel sequencing technology for use with multiple samples. Unlike other barcoding methods, PTS can be applied to any type of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) sample, including shotgun DNA libraries and pools of PCR products, and requires no amplification or gel purification steps. The method relies on attaching sample-specific barcoding adapters, which include sequence tags and a restriction site, to blunt-end repaired DNA samples by ligation and strand-displacement. After pooling multiple barcoded samples, molecules without sequence tags are effectively excluded from sequencing by dephosphorylation and restriction digestion, and using the tag sequences, the source of each DNA sequence can be traced. This protocol allows for sequencing 300 or more complete mitochondrial genomes on a single 454 GS FLX run, or twenty-five 6-kb plasmid sequences on only one 16th plate region. Most of the reactions can be performed in a multichannel setup on 96-well reaction plates, allowing for processing up to several hundreds of samples in a few days.  相似文献   

Despite the ever-increasing output of Illumina sequencing data, loci with extreme base compositions are often under-represented or absent. To evaluate sources of base-composition bias, we traced genomic sequences ranging from 6% to 90% GC through the process by quantitative PCR. We identified PCR during library preparation as a principal source of bias and optimized the conditions. Our improved protocol significantly reduces amplification bias and minimizes the previously severe effects of PCR instrument and temperature ramp rate.  相似文献   

基于高通量测序技术对山羊盲肠细菌多样性的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【背景】由于反刍动物特殊的生理结构,以往研究者主要集中对其瘤胃微生物的结构与组成进行了大量研究,严重忽略了盲肠微生物在营养物质消化和肠道健康方面发挥的重要作用。【目的】采用高通量测序技术分析山羊盲肠细菌的多样性及菌群结构。【方法】选用12只10月龄健康母羊,其平均体重为20.70±1.60kg,饲喂20d后,采集每只山羊的盲肠内容物,提取微生物总DNA,用细菌通用引物对细菌16S rRNA基因的高可变区进行PCR扩增,利用Illumina MiSeq平台对扩增子进行高通量测序,并用QIIME等软件对测序序列进行生物信息学分析。【结果】山羊盲肠微生物测序共获得813 496条有效序列与6 883个OTU,并且稀释曲线和Coverage指数反映此次测序结果比较全面的覆盖了山羊盲肠微生物群落。α多样性和β多样性分析表明,山羊个体之间盲肠微生物的多样性存在差异。在门水平,各样品的优势菌门均为厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes);属水平,核心菌群由梭菌属(Clostridium)、瘤胃球菌属(Ruminococcus)和6个未分类的细菌组成。PICRUSt基因预测表明,山羊盲肠微生物以代谢功能为主,主要包括:碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢、能量代谢和脂质代谢等。【结论】山羊盲肠与瘤胃细菌的多样性存在显著差异,与粪便微生物组成相似;与单胃动物相比,两者盲肠微生物的组成既有共性,也存在差异。  相似文献   

The high‐throughput capacities of the Illumina sequencing platforms and the possibility to label samples individually have encouraged wide use of sample multiplexing. However, this practice results in read misassignment (usually <1%) across samples sequenced on the same lane. Alarmingly high rates of read misassignment of up to 10% were reported for lllumina sequencing machines with exclusion amplification chemistry. This may make use of these platforms prohibitive, particularly in studies that rely on low‐quantity and low‐quality samples, such as historical and archaeological specimens. Here, we use barcodes, short sequences that are ligated to both ends of the DNA insert, to directly quantify the rate of index hopping in 100‐year old museum‐preserved gorilla (Gorilla beringei) samples. Correcting for multiple sources of noise, we identify on average 0.470% of reads containing a hopped index. We show that sample‐specific quantity of misassigned reads depends on the number of reads that any given sample contributes to the total sequencing pool, so that samples with few sequenced reads receive the greatest proportion of misassigned reads. This particularly affects ancient DNA samples, as these frequently differ in their DNA quantity and endogenous content. Through simulations we show that even low rates of index hopping, as reported here, can lead to biases in ancient DNA studies when multiplexing samples with vastly different quantities of endogenous material.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding RNAs that regulate multiple aspects of cell physiology. The differential expression of conserved miRNAs in two Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines producing recombinant proteins was examined relative to the CHO-K1 cell line. A total of 190 conserved CHO miRNAs were identified through homology with known human and rodent miRNAs. More than 80% of these miRNAs showed differential expression in recombinant CHO cell lines. The small RNA sequencing data were analyzed in context of the CHO-K1 genome to examine miRNA organization and develop sequence-specific miRNA resources for CHO cells. The identification and characterization of CHO miRNAs will facilitate the use of miRNA tools in cell line engineering efforts to improve product yield and quality.  相似文献   

IlluminaGUI is a graphical user interface implemented for analyzing microarray data from the Illumina BeadChip platform. All key components of a microarray experiment, including quality control, normalization, inference and classification methods are provided in a 'point and click' approach. IlluminaGUI is implemented as a R package based on the R-Tcl/Tk interface and is available for platforms on which R runs including Windows, Mac and Unix-type machines. AVAILABILITY: http://IlluminaGUI.dnsalias.org  相似文献   

[目的]雄蜂对蜂群繁衍有着非常重要的作用.本研究旨在探究吡虫啉对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera Ligustica雄蜂生长发育和基因表达产生的影响.[方法]以意大利蜜蜂雄蜂为研究对象,分别以0.00001、0.0001和0.001 μg/μL浓度的吡虫啉对雄蜂幼虫进行连续饲喂处理.每天观察并记录幼虫的发育形态及死亡率,在雄蜂幼虫后期(移虫后6d)测量幼虫体重.利用Illumina HiSeq测序技术对经吡虫啉处理的雄蜂进行转录组测序,进而对差异表达基因进行深入分析.[结果]取食吡虫啉后的雄蜂幼虫,体重低于正常雄蜂,当浓度高于0.0001μg/μL时差异显著;雄蜂幼虫取食吡虫啉后出现死亡现象,且死亡率随吡虫啉浓度的升高而增大;差异表达基因分析结果上调与下调基因数量分别为390个和130个.GO富集分析结果上调基因共分布于55个GO条目,富集基因数量最多的是细胞进程、细胞、细胞组件、细胞膜、细胞膜组件、结合,下调基因共分布于48个GO条目,富集基因数量最多的是细胞进程、细胞、细胞组件.富集在有关生殖功能的差异表达基因中,上调基因数量为21个,下调基因数量为5个.KEGG代谢通路富集分析结果上调基因富集在159个通路上,其中富集基因数最多的是蛋白质消化吸收和神经活性配体-受体相互作用通路.下调基因富集在71个通路上,其中富集基因数最多的是溶酶体、胰液分泌、神经活性配体-受体相互作用通路.[结论]吡虫啉能抑制意大利蜜蜂雄蜂的生长发育,甚至造成幼虫死亡,同时,可以影响雄蜂的神经系统、代谢系统和生殖系统等.本研究结果为蜜蜂资源保护提供理论依据.  相似文献   



The generation and analysis of high-throughput sequencing data are becoming a major component of many studies in molecular biology and medical research. Illumina's Genome Analyzer (GA) and HiSeq instruments are currently the most widely used sequencing devices. Here, we comprehensively evaluate properties of genomic HiSeq and GAIIx data derived from two plant genomes and one virus, with read lengths of 95 to 150 bases.  相似文献   

【目的】不合理施肥所引发的土壤环境问题逐渐成为制约我国农业可持续发展的重要因素之一,土壤真菌作为一类重要的土壤微生物,研究长期施肥对土壤真菌多样性及群落分布格局,探讨其理化因子对真菌群落结构的影响具有一定意义。【方法】本研究以东北黑土玉米田长期定位施肥试验(1984–2017)为基础,通过常规分析和Illumina Mi Seq高通量测序技术,分析长期施肥对黑土玉米田土壤养分含量和真菌群落结构变化的影响。【结果】长期施用氮肥明显降低土壤p H,却增加了玉米产量,秸秆与化肥配施可以增加土壤有机质和全氮的含量。稀释曲线结果表明长期施肥降低了土壤真菌序列的丰度和均匀度,并且在秸秆与化肥配施中序列数最低;在优势菌群中,共检测出5个已知真菌门,分别是子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、接合菌门(Zygomycota)、球囊菌门(Glomeromycota)和壶菌门(Chytridiomycota),子囊菌门占总序列平均值的57.0%,并且在氮磷钾配施高量秸秆有机肥(NPK+S0.5)的土壤中,子囊菌门丰度高达70.35%。在土壤真菌属水平的物种丰度分析中,共检测出109个已知真菌属,Humicola、Fusarium、Verticillium、Mortierella这4个菌属为优势菌属;Chaetomium、Trichocladium、Podospora、Preussia 4个菌属在秸秆与化肥配施处理中丰度较高,并同属一个分支聚类。从多样性指数分析得出,秸秆与化肥配施可以增加物种丰度和群落多样性;从热图分析可知,施用氮肥和不施用氮肥处理间真菌群落组成存在明显差异。RDA分析中,土壤理化性质影响着土壤真菌群落结构,尤其是土壤的p H、全量氮磷钾(T-N、T-P、T-K)、有效磷钾(A-P、A-K)和铵态氮(NH4+-N)浓度是重要环境因素。【结论】因此,施用氮肥虽然增加了产量,但也造成土壤酸化,真菌数量增加,其丰富度和多样性明显降低。而秸秆与化肥配施可以维持土壤健康生态环境和真菌群落多样性。  相似文献   

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