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Body weight, body length, and other developmental parameters were studied in the European ferret, Mustela putorius, from birth to 26 weeks of age. Males and females did not differ in weight until the seventh week of live, and they did not differ in length until the ninth week of life, when the males began to grow faster. Adult males (1400--1500 g) were heavier than adult females (800--900 g), but females reached adult size faster than males.  相似文献   

The research was undertaken to develop a successful nonsurgical procedure for artificially inseminating ferrets. A fiberoptic endoscope used in conjunction with a specially designed speculum and catheter permitted cervical catheterization and intrauterine insemination. Sperm were collected from the cauda epididymides of 10 discarded breeder males; the number of sperm in diluted samples used for insemination ranged from 4.4–13.6 × 106/100 μl with progressive motility of sperm ranging from 40 to 60%. Sperm collected from each male were diluted with an egg-yolk extender (TEST) and used to inseminate 8–12 females, with deposition of sperm intravaginally or transcervically into the uterine body 0 or 24 hr after an ovulatory injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The vaginal inseminations were used as a control, and no pregnancies resulted after insemination of 26 females. Intrauterine inseminations resulted in 4/24 (17%) of the ferrets pregnant when hCG administration was coincident with insemination, and 19/24 (79%) of the ferrets were pregnant when inseminations were done 24 hr after hCG administration. All inseminated females were euthanized on day 20 after insemination to count fetuses. The mean number of fetuses was 3.1 (range, 1–8). The number (millions) of motile sperm inseminated (X) had a significant effect on the percentage of fetuses (Y). Regression analysis indicated a linear relationship between the two variables, with an R2 value of 0.99 and a line of best fit described by the equation Y = 0.029 + 0.034 X. This paper is the first report of transcervical artificial insemination in the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). The method can serve as a model for application to ferrets and other mammals, particularly endangered species. Zoo Biol 17:393–404, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ferret milk composition was analyzed among individuals, over time, and across teat pairs. Females differed in fat, protein, and lactose concentrations. Protein and fat concentrations varied over the course of lactation. Lactose was the only measured component which differed across teat pairs.  相似文献   

The ferret, Mustela putorius furo, was found to be susceptible to Dirofilaria immitis infection when exposed to low (14) or high (280-420) numbers of infective larvae harvested from Aedes aegypti. Eight ferrets (half of them cortisonized) were inoculated subcutaneously with 14 larvae each. All of them were subsequently found to harbor D. immitis in the heart, and all but one of them had worms of both sexes. Six of these ferrets were examined for microfilaremia at 31 to 35 weeks after inoculation; 3 were positive (one observed only at postmortem examination) and there was evidence that fertilization of female worms had occurred in one other. Females up to 25.5 cm and males up to 16.0 cm were recovered. There was no evidence that the cortisonization of some ferrets had affected the infections. Both male and female ferrets became infected. Four cortisonized ferrets were inoculated with 280 or 420 larvae of D. immitis (divided equally between subcutaneous and intraperitoneal routes). All of them died 16 to 18 weeks after inoculation, yielding 102 to 125 immature D. immitis. In these lethal infections, worms were recovered from the heart and adjoining vessels, and also from vascular and extravascular sites throughout the body.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Pregnancy toxemia may lead to appreciable mortality among jills and their offspring. The objective of this report was to increase awareness of the disease, its likely cause, and practical prevention and treatment measures. METHODS: Ten cases of pregnancy toxemia were evaluated. Jills were in late gestation (mean, 38 days; range, 34 to 42 days) and had large litters (mean, 11.5 kits; range, 7 to 15 kits). RESULTS: The most common clinical signs of disease were lethargy, inappetence, dehydration, and excess shedding. Hematologic and clinical biochemical abnormalities included anemia (4 of 8 jills tested), hypoproteinemia (5 of 7), azotemia (7 of 7), hypocalcemia (5 of 6), hyperbilirubinemia (3 of 3), and high liver enzyme activities (6 of 6). Two jills were found dead; two jills were euthanized, six received supportive treatment, and cesarean section was performed on five. The three jills that survived tended to have less pronounced azotemia, hypoproteinemia, and liver enzyme activity increases and were not anemic. Hepatic lipidosis was observed grossly in all jills that died and was confirmed by histologic examination in four jills. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy toxemia in ferrets resembles metabolic diseases in several other animal species and requires aggressive treatment, including supportive care, nutritional supplementation, and cesarean section. Maintaining adequate nutrition and avoiding stress late in gestation may prevent the disease.  相似文献   

Blood samples were obtained from anesthetized ferrets of various ages, by venipuncture of the retro-orbital plexus with a heparinized capillary pipette. It is recommended that a cumulative collection of 20% of total blood volume not be exceeded for any two week period. This technique, when carefully performed on alternate orbits and at a frequency dictated by body weight and volume of blood needed, has been used repeatedly for months without apparent harm or distress to the animal.  相似文献   

Classification of seminiferous tubules is the basis for understanding normal and abnormal spermatogenesis. The aim of the present study was to determine spermatogenic stages and the duration of the cycle in the domestic ferret using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) as a tracer. Eleven adult male ferrets that were maintained in a breeding condition were used. Testicular sections were stained with the periodic acid-Schiff reaction for light microscopy. To determine the cycle duration, six ferrets were injected intraperitoneally with BrdU, and testes were collected 3h later and 10 days and 3h later. BrdU was detected by immunohistochemistry. Seminiferous tubules were classified into eight stages, and frequencies of stages I-VIII were 10.6, 2.2, 7.9, 13.1, 22.3, 21.9, 14.0 and 8.0%, respectively. The most advanced BrdU-labeled cells at 3h post-injection were leptotene spermatocytes in stage VI and those at 10 days and 3h were pachytene spermatocytes in stage V. From differences in stage frequency and BrdU staining frequency between two time points, the duration of one cycle was estimated to be 13.0 days. The present observations indicate that stages and the cycle duration of the ferret spermatogenesis are similar to those reported in other carnivores.  相似文献   

Ten sexually mature male ferrets were electro-ejaculated at 1, 3 and 5-day intervals to ascertain the effects of ejaculation frequency on semen quality. Semen volume, spermatozoa concentration, spermatozoal motility, as well as the number of stimuli required to obtain an ejaculation were recorded. No significant differences in these parameters were noted between the test intervals for 1 to 3-year-old males. The data indicated that male ferrets from 1 to 4 years of age may be ejaculated as frequently as once per day for short periods of time without any apparent adverse effects on semen quality.  相似文献   

Because of the scarcity of the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) and the amount of knowledge necessary for their conservation, surrogate research can play an important role in recovery. In this paper, we investigate surrogate behavioral research potential by comparing courtship behavior of the black-footed ferret to the congeneric domestic ferret (M. putorius furo). Ten female domestic ferrets were bred to five male domestic ferrets and eight female black-footed ferrets were bred to five black-footed ferret males. Courtship activities were defined, analyzed, and quantitatively compared between both groups. Lag sequential analysis of was used to prepare the behavioral matrices, and matrix cells were compared between groups with an equality of proportions test. Courtship patterns did not differ significantly between the two closely related species, and the domestic ferret would probably be an adequate surrogate for reproductive behavior research on the black-footed ferret.  相似文献   

Normal macroscopic and roentgenographic features of the skull of the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) were examined and described. Data were based on a sample of 100 (50 male and 50 female) adult ferrets of known body weight and age. The skull was described macroscopically according to six standard views, i.e. dorsal, lateral, ventral, caudal, cranial and midsagittal. The mandible was described separately. The roentgenographic characteristics of the ferret skull were demonstrated only in lateral and dorsoventral projections. Furthermore, the skull length and width as well as the minimum frontal width were measured, and skull indices were derived from relevant measurements. Sexual dimorphism was examined both morphologically and craniometrically. Besides the common features of a carnivore skull, the ferret skull is relatively elongated and flat with a short facial region. The skulls of adult male ferrets are about 17% longer and 22% wider than those of the females. Significant sexual dimorphism also exists regarding certain skull indices. The general features and some dimensional parameters of the adult ferret skull support the contention that the ferret would be an interesting and workable alternative animal model in craniofacial research.  相似文献   

Li Z  Sun X  Chen J  Leno GH  Engelhardt JF 《Theriogenology》2006,66(2):183-190
Embryo transfer (ET) to recipient females is a foundational strategy for a number of assisted reproductive technologies, including cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer. In an attempt to develop efficient ET in domestic ferrets, factors affecting development of transferred embryo were investigated. Unilateral and bilateral transfer of zygotes or blastocysts in the oviduct or uterus was evaluated in recipient nulliparous or primiparous females. Developing fetuses were collected from recipient animals 21 days post-copulation and examined. The percentage of fetal formation was different (P<0.05) for unilateral and bilateral transfer of zygotes (71%) in nulliparous females with bilateral transfer (56%) in primiparous recipients. The percentage (90%) of fetal formation in nulliparous recipients following unilateral transfer of blastocysts was higher (P<0.05) than that observed in primiparous recipients with bilateral ET (73%). Notably, the percentage of fetal formation was higher (P<0.05) when blastocyts were transferred as compared to zygotes (90% versus 71%). Transuterine migration of embryos occurred following all unilateral transfers and also in approximately 50% of bilateral transfers with different number of embryos in each uterine horn. These data will help to facilitate the development of assisted reproductive strategies in the ferret and could lead to the use of this species for modeling human disease and for conservation of the endangered Mustelidae species such as black-footed ferret and European mink.  相似文献   

The laboratory study of dracunculiasis has suffered from the lack of a suitable, readily available animal model. We have been able to experimentally infect ferrets. Mustela putorius furo, with the North American dracunculid, Dracunculus insignis. Ferrets were inoculated with 75 to 100 infective larvae and were necropsied 90 to 240 days later. Guinea worms were recovered from 10 (56%) of 18 ferrets. A total of 44 worms were recovered, for an average of 4.4 worms per infected ferret. Gravid female worms were recovered as early as 128 days postinoculation. Thirteen (87%) of 15 gravid female worms were recovered from the extremities. Living male worms were recovered at 200 days of age, indicating that not all male worms die shortly after mating. First-stage larvae recovered from gravid females as early as 200 days of age were found to be infective to the copepod, Acanthocyclops vernalis. These observations suggest that the ferret is an excellent laboratory animal for dracunculiasis research.  相似文献   

Early embryo development and implantation were arrested in ferrets passively immunized with a mouse monoclonal anti-progesterone antibody injected intraperitoneally at 72 and 96 h post coitum (p.c.) or at 72 h p.c. only. In control ferrets injected with mouse serum or 0.9% NaCl, implantation sites were found in all mated females; autopsies were carried out at Day 14 p.c. A total of 34 unimplanted embryos were recovered from the reproductive tract of antibody-treated ferrets and none of these had progressed to the blastocyst stage. When ferrets were treated with antibody at 72 h p.c. and autopsies were carried out at Day 6 p.c., only 1 of 29 embryos recovered had progressed beyond the 4-cell stage in 4 females. In 4 control animals most embryos recovered at Day 6 were at the morula (32%) or blastocyst (28%) stage. Embryos from ferrets treated with antibody were therefore developmentally arrested when recovered 72 h after antibody administration. Plasma progesterone concentrations were approximately 6-fold higher in antibody-treated ferrets with unimplanted embryos (711 +/- 132 nmol/l; 223 ng/ml) compared with control pregnant females (102 +/- 4 nmol/l; 32 ng/ml) at Day 14 p.c. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the normal course of pregnancy is arrested as a result of antibody binding of progesterone in the circulation, presumably causing a decrease in the amount of progesterone available to target cell receptors, and that heterologous anti-progesterone antibody blocks normal cleavage and embryonic development at an early stage before cavitation.  相似文献   

Ferret erythrocytes contain two hemoglobins differing only by their alpha-chains. The primary structure of the common beta-chain has been previously described; the complete sequence of the two alpha-chains are reported in this paper. The globin chains were separated by ion-exchange chromatography; the alpha-chains (42 steps), their tryptic peptides as well as the prolyl-peptides were subjected to automatic liquid- and gas-phase Edman degradation. The two alpha-chains are very similar, differing at only one position (Asp15----Gly15). Comparison with human hemoglobin alpha-chain shows 16 and 17 exchanges, for alpha 1 and alpha II chains, respectively; two substitutions involve alpha 1/beta 1 contacts and one the heme contacts. A high degree of homology was noted when the alpha-chains were compared to the corresponding chains of other representatives of the Carnivora order.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):379-387
Olfactory communication has a major role in solitary carnivores, particularly during the breeding season. Scent-marking behaviour in ferret (Mustela putorius f. furo) has been well studied, but not the significance of the deposited odours for the animal. We compared the interest in urogenital, anal and body odours of opposite-sex conspecifics between male and female ferrets and investigated both sexes’ discrimination ability (familiar vs. unfamiliar) for these three opposite-sex odours and the use of its ability by females during the breeding season. Males are more interested than females in the urogenital odour of the opposite sex. Male body odour probably did not interest females and males are somewhat interested in the female one. However, anal odour of the opposite sex is as interesting for males as for females and both sexes are able to discriminate familiar anal odour from an unfamiliar one. Moreover, females could use this ability when they must choose to have some sensory contact between olfactory familiar and unfamiliar males since they prefer to be in contact with the former. These results are coherent with behavioural differences observed between male and female solitary mustelids in the field and in captivity, and the consortship success of resident males compared to roaming males.  相似文献   

Burrows are used by many mammals to escape predation, cache food and for parturition. Although the construction of burrows has been studied in some taxa, the locomotion while inside of them has received scant attention. In this study we collected simultaneous video and force data to characterize gaits, kinematics, peak ground reaction forces (GRFs) and external mechanical energy profiles in the domestic ferret, an animal that displays the typical morphology and behaviors associated with subterranean adaptations in mustelines. We compared kinematics and kinetics between locomotion in two experimental conditions: subterranean, simulated by a Plexiglass tunnel designed such that the ferrets’ peak back height was reduced by 40% and hip height by 25%, and epigean, or unconstrained overground. Despite the large change in posture, a striking number of gait and force variables were not statistically different between experimental conditions. In both subterranean and epigean conditions, the ferrets in our study traveled at similar average velocities (~0.8 m s?1), preferred to use a lateral-sequence diagonal-couplet gait, and were more likely to demonstrate the in-phase fluctuations of external mechanical energy indicative of running mechanics (68% of all trials). The ferrets conformed to gait and mechanical patterns seen in a variety of other small (<1 kg) mammals rather than being unique, despite the divergent morphology of mustelines. Our results demonstrated biodynamically similar locomotion in both epigean and subterranean conditions and support the hypothesis that ferrets possess adaptations for tunnel locomotion.  相似文献   

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