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Pruss, S.B., Clemente, H. & Laflamme, M. 2012: Early (Series 2) Cambrian archaeocyathan reefs of southern Labrador as a locus for skeletal carbonate production. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 401–410. Archaeocyathan reefs, the first reefs produced by animals, are prominent, global features of early Cambrian successions. However, microbialites – the dominant reef components of the Proterozoic – were still abundant in most archaeocyathan reefs. Although such reefs were a locus for carbonate production, it is unclear how much carbonate was produced skeletally. This analysis of well‐known early Cambrian archaeocyathan patch reefs of the Forteau Formation, southern Labrador, demonstrates that skeletal carbonate was abundantly produced in these archaeocyathan reefs, although only about half was produced by archaeocyathans. Trilobites, echinoderms and brachiopods contributed substantially to the total carbonate budget, particularly in grainstone facies flanking the reefs. Through point count analysis of samples collected from the reef core and flanking grainstones, it can be demonstrated that skeletal material was most abundant in grainstone facies, where animals such as trilobites and echinoderms contributed significantly to carbonate production. In contrast, microbial fabrics were more abundant than skeletal fabrics in the reef core, although archaeocyathan material was more abundant than other skeletal debris. Similar to modern reefs, these reefs created a variety of habitats that allowed for the proliferation of skeletal organisms living on and around the reef, thereby promoting skeletal carbonate production through ecosystem engineering. □Archaeocyatha, bioherms, carbonates, calcification, point count analysis  相似文献   

The 125-ka sea level, which was approximately 6 m above present-day sea level, led to the partial flooding of many Caribbean islands. On Grand. Cayman, this event led to the formation of the large Ironshore Lagoon that covered most of the western half of the island and numerous, small embayments along the south, east, and north coasts. At that time, at least 33 coral species grew in waters around Grand Cayman. This fauna, like the modern coral fauna of Grand Cayman, was dominated byMontastrea annularis, Porites porites, Acropora polmata, andA. cervicornis. Scolymia cubensis andMycetophyllia ferox, not previously identified from the Late Pleistocene, are found in the Pleistocene patch reefs.Madracis mirabilis, Colpophyllia breviserialis, Agaricia tenuifolia, A. lamarcki, A. undata, Millepora spp., Mycetophyllia reesi, M. aliciae, andM. danaana, found on modern reefs, have not been identified from the Late Pleistocene reefs. Conversely,Pocillopora sp. cf.P. palmata, which is found in Late Pleistocene reefs, is absent on the modern reefs around Grand Cayman. The corals in the Ironshore Formation of Grand Cayman have been divided into 10 associations according to their dominant species, overall composition, and faunal diversity. Many of these associations are similar to the modern associations around Grand Cayman. Each of the Pleistocene coral associations, which can be accurately located on the known Late Pleistocene paleogeography of Grand Cayman, developed in distinct environmental settings. Overall trends identified in the modern settings are also apparent in the Late Pleistocene faunas. Thus, the diversity of the coral faunas increased from the interior of the Ironshore Lagoon to the reef crest. Similarly, the coral diversity in the Pleistocene patch reefs was related to the size of the reefs and their position relative to breaks in the barrier reef. The barrier reef included corals that are incapable of sediment rejection; whereas the patch reefs lacked such corals.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, preserves a Pleistocene atoll physiography with the rim of the raised reef structure, supporting spur and groove topography, enclosing a central lagoon. Excellent preservation of coral reef communities occurs along the ancient atoll rim and within the central lagoon. The previously interpreted depositional nature of the fossil atoll structure is herein corroborated with geomorphologic and stratigraphic evidence from previously un-visited portions of the island. Stratigraphic and lateral facies relationships indicate a physiographic zonation which includes spur and grooves, outer reef flat, lagoon margin, and an interior lagoon with patch reefs. The in situ occurrence and zonation of reef coral communities around the periphery and within the interior of the island appear to reflect the original physiography of the atoll lagoon, with the most pronounced reef development on the SE side of the original atoll. Stratigraphic units which comprise the raised atoll lagoon structure represent different time intervals, so the atoll lagoon structure formed during various sea level fluctuations. The modern atolls of the Pitcairn Group, Oeno and Ducie, provide some comparisons (similarities and differences) with the fossil lagoon on top of Henderson Island.  相似文献   

Summary Givetian to early Carboniferous sediments of South China are characterized by carbonates. Middle and Late Devonian strata are best developed in the Guilin area. Reefs and organic shoals are recorded by various lithofacies types indicating the existence of an extended carbonate platform and a change of the composition of reef communities in time. Starting in the late Devonian, stromatoporoids and corals were replaced by algae that subsequently played an important role together with stromatoporoids, receptaculitids and fasciculate rugose corals in reef communities. In Houshan, 5 km west of Guilin, a coral-bafflestone reef occurs in the Frasnian strata, situated near an offshore algal-stromatoporoid reef. The coral reef was formed in a back-reef area adjacent to the inner platform margin. The coral-bafflestone reef is unique among the late Devonian reefs of South China with regard to the biotic composition. The reef is composed of fasciculate colonies ofSmithiphyllum guilinense n. sp. embedded within in packstones and wackestones. The height of colonies reaches 1 m. The community is low-diverse. The species ofSmithiphyllum occurring in the Frasnian reef complexes of Guilin exhibit a distinct facies control:Smithiphyllum guilinense occurs in or near to margin facies and formed bafflestone, constituting a coral reef whereasSmithiphyllum occidentale Sorauf, 1972 andSmithiphyllum sp.—characterized by small colonies with thin corallites—are restricted to the back-reef and marginal slope facies. The bush-like coral colonies baffled sediments. Algae and stromatoporoids (mainlyStachyodes) are other reef biota. Reef-dwelling organisms are dominated by brachiopods. The reefs are composed from base to top of five lithofacies types: 1) cryptalgal micrite, 2) peloidal packstone, 3) stromatactis limestone, 4) coral-bafflestone, and 5) pseudopeloidal packstone. The reef complex can be subdivided into back-reef subfacies, reef flat and marginal subfacies, and marginal fore-slope subfacies. The Houshan coral-bafflestone reef is not a barrier reef but a coral patch reef located near the inner margin of a carbonate platform.  相似文献   

 In recent years, marine scientists have become increasingly alarmed over the decline of live coral cover throughout the Caribbean and tropical western Atlantic region. The Holocene and Pleistocene fossil record of coral reefs from this region potentially provides a wealth of long-term ecologic information with which to assess the historical record of changes in shallow water coral reef communities. Before fossil data can be applied to the modern reef system, critical problems involving fossil preservation must be addressed. Moreover, it must be demonstrated that the classic reef coral zonation patterns described in the early days of coral reef ecology, and upon which “healthy” versus “unhealthy” reefs are determined, are themselves representative of reefs that existed prior to any human influence. To address these issues, we have conducted systematic censuses of life and death assemblages on modern “healthy” patch reefs in the Florida reef tract that conform to the classic Caribbean model of reef coral zonation, and a patch reef in the Bahamas that is currently undergoing a transition in coral dominance that is part of a greater Caribbean-wide phenomenon. Results were compared to censuses of ancient reef assemblages preserved in Pleistocene limestones in close proximity to each modern reef. We have determined that the Pleistocene fossil record of coral reefs may be used to calibrate an ecological baseline with which to compare modern reef assemblages, and suggest that the current and rapid decline of Acropora cervicornis observed on a Bahamian patch reef may be a unique event that contrasts with the long-term persistence of this taxon during Pleistocene and Holocene time. Accepted: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

Summary Since first described in detail byHamilton (1956), the causes and timing of the drowning of several hundred guyots in the northwestern Pacific is a puzzling question. Thus, the northwestern Pacific is one of the key areas in deciphering the demise of flat-topped platforms throughout the earth’s history. Based on older paleontological data and the newly found shallow-water benthic foraminifera, the atoll reefs probably had a major period of vertical aggradation during the Barremian and the Aptian into the Late Albian depending on the stage of atoll development (type of guyot). New sedimentologic and stratigraphic data suggest a strong fall in sea level, leading to karstification and the formation of lowstand fringing reefs, prior to an even rapid rise of greater amplitude in the Late AlbianRotalipora appenninica zone ultimately causing drowning. After climatic relaxation, a sea level rise led to the final formation of small barrier reefs, rimming the top of many guyots in the Japanese Group, the Wake Group and the Mid-Pacific Mountains. They can be interpreted as “give-up” structures indicating a final shallow-water carbonate production on top of the atolls during drowning. The facies of the syn- and post-drowning sediments on the guyot tops are strikingly similar even when vast distances apart. This and the biostratigraphic data suggest a synchronous drowning of many seamounts investigated up to now. Biotic composition and facies of the final Albian reefs are very similar to Albian caprinid-dominated reefs in the Caribbean region, indicating comparable environmental controls. In the case of the northwestern Pacific guyots, the simultaneous demise of reefs could be due to a short-term cooling event in the Late Albian, connected with a strong regressive-transgressive cycle with an amplitude of about 180 m. This event is also known from the Tethys and the Atlantic. Climatic disturbances triggering short-term cooling and inducing a high amplitude regressive-transgressive sea level cycle, might be responsible not only for the Late Albian event, but also perhaps for other reef drownings throughout the earth’s history.  相似文献   

Stemann, T. A. & Johnson, K. G. 1992 07 15: Coral assemblages, biofacies. and ecological zones in the mid-Holocene reef deposits of the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic. A large, subaerially exposed mid-Holocene reef in the Enriquillo Valley (southwest Dominican Republic) provides an excellent opportunity to examine the relationship between reefal ecology and reefal deposits. Coral species richness and diversity in the Enriquillo reef are comparable to that found in the recent of the Caribbean, and ecological zonation comprised of a shallow-water branching coral zone and a deeper water mixed-coral zone is apparent. Similar zonation and diversity patterns have been recognized on living Caribbcan reefs with moderate wave exposure. Three statistically discrete biopdcies can be discriminated in the Enriquillo deposits using quadrat point-counting techniques commonly used to census modern reefs. They include a facies dominated by Acropora cervicornis, a low diversity assemblage with abundant, large colonies of Siderastrea siderea and Stephanocoenia intersepta, and a higher diversity assembbdge composed of various taxa including Montastraea spp., Colpophyllia spp., and Agaricia spp. Each facies can be recognized at scales of 1–3 m2, though in some cases they extend for more than 20 m2. In general, the A. cervicornis facies is spatially segregated from the other two biofacies. although neither the shallow nor the deep-water ecological zone is comprised of a single reef biofacies. Rather, the biofacies described here appear to represent distinct micro-environments resulting from ecological variation at a subzonal scale. Micro-environments of similar scale are most likely preserved in other reef deposits. Recognition of these subzonal biofacies may have important consequences for the stratigraphical and paleoccological interpretation of fossil reefs. Corals, biofacies, reef zonation, coral communities, fossil reefs.  相似文献   

Summary A minimum sea-level curve for the past 10,000 years has been constructed on the basis of radiocarbon dates of Acropora palmata (Lamarck) samples from the shallow-water framework of both relict and modern reefs of the tropical western Atlantic. A. palmata framework is a reliable reference for reconstructing the history of late Quaternary sea levels owing to its restricted depth range (<1 to 5 m), the lack of postdepositional transport of A. palmata framework, the ease of obtaining uncontaminated samples, and the minimal compaction of A. palmata reef facies. The minimum sea-level curve constructed in this study is useful not only in evaluating the reliability of present and future Holocene sea-level curves for the western Atlantic, but also in estimating paleo-water depths in the study of Holocene reef history of this area.  相似文献   

Eberhard Gischler 《Facies》2006,52(3):341-360
A first systematic study of composition, texture, and distribution of modern sediments in two Maldivian atolls reveals the predominance of skeletal carbonates. Fragments of corals, calcareous algae, mollusks, benthic foraminifera, and echinoderms are identified in the grain-size fraction >125 μm. Non-skeletal grains such as cemented fecal pellets and aggregate grains only occur in small percentages. Fragments of skeletal grains, aragonite needles, and nanograins (<1 μm) are found in the grain-size fraction <125 μm. Needles and nanograins are interpreted to be largely of skeletal origin. Five sedimentary facies are distinguished (1–5), for which the Dunham-classification is applied. Fore reef, reef, back reef, as well as lagoonal patch reef and faro areas in both atolls are characterized by the occurrence of coral grainstones (1), which also contain fragments of red coralline algae, the codiacean alga Halimeda, and mollusks. On reef islands, coral-rich sediment is cemented to form intertidal beachrock and supratidal cayrock. Skeletal grains in atoll-interior lagoons are mainly mollusks and foraminifera. The lagoon of Rasdhoo Atoll is covered in the west by mudstones (2), in the center by mollusk packstones (3) and mollusk wackestones (4), and by hard bottoms with corals in the east adjacent to channels through the atoll reef margin. The interior lagoon of Ari Atoll contains mollusk wackestones (4) in the center and mollusk-foraminifer packstones (5). Marginal lagoon areas are characterized by hard bottoms with corals. Facies distribution appears to be an expression of depositional energy, which decreases from the atoll margin towards the center in Ari Atoll, and towards the west in Rasdhoo Atoll. Predominant sediment mineralogies include aragonite and high-magnesium calcite. Mean aragonite content decreases from 90% in coral grainstone to 70–80% in mollusk packstone, mollusk wackestone, and mudstone, and to 50% in mollusk-foraminifer packstone. Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon in bulk samples range from −3 to −1.5 (δ18O) and from +0.4 to +3.2 (δ13C). It is not possible to delineate facies based on O- and C-isotopes.  相似文献   

The Lichuan Jiantianba reef is located at the platform margin between the carbonate platform and the marine trough in western Hubei, China. The water depth of this area became shallow in the late Permian Changhsingian Age, and a huge aggradation-progradation platform marginal reef developed. Based on precise field measurements and microscopic observation, this paper describes the petrological characteristics and biological assemblages of the reef in detail and distinguishes 10 microfacies: small echinoderm wackestone, sponge floatstone, bound sponge bioliestone, bound sponge framestone, large echinoderm wackestone, red algal limestone, bioclastic grainstone, dasycladales wackestone, shelly wackestone, and microbialites. Sponge floatstone and bound sponge bioliestone are defined as toppled sponge limestone. Comparisons of the petrological characteristics and biotic association of toppled sponge limestone, bound sponge framestone and bioclastic wackestone and grainstone revealed that the toppled sponge limestone and the bound sponge framestone are similar in sponge content in terms of the types and contents of reef-dwellers, except that the sponge content is slightly lower, and the preservation state is mainly toppled for the former and upright or inclined for the latter. The toppled sponge limestone is dominated by tabular calcite, and the bound sponge framestone is dominated by fibrous calcite. The bioclastic wackestone and grainstone do not contain reef-building sponge organisms, and the bioclast content is very high and often dominated by a certain class, such as echinoderms, foraminifers, green algae or shells. The toppled sponge limestone below the framework, which was classified as fore-reef breccia or bioherm bafflestone-bindstone in previous studies, should be defined as reef-core sponge limestone deposited in situ that experienced serious post-karstification. The vertical evolution of the sedimentary facies of the reef is analyzed based on the microfacies and sedimentary environment. The toppled sponge limestone and the bound sponge framestone should be classified as reef core, which is the only subfacies of the reef facies. The underlying small echinoderm wackestone should be classified as the shelf facies, whereas the overlying bioclastic wackestone and grainstone should be classified as the open platform facies. These classifications represent a modification of the sedimentary facies subdivision of the Jiantianba reef in Lichuan, Hubei Province, South China, and provide a new reference model for the subdivision of the Permian calcisponge reefs on platform margin.  相似文献   

An unusual Pleistocene patch reef is exposed in a coastal cliff at Grotto Beach, San Salvador, Bahamas. The reef is a coralline framestone constructed mainly by Porites astreoides together with a few large heads of Diploria strigosa and Montastrea annularis, and is capped by a dense thicket of Neogoniolithon strictum that is interpreted as marking the subtidal/intertidal boundary. The reef is flanked to the northeast by laminated to low-angle cross-laminated intraclastic grainstones and to the southwest by skeletal rudstone of reefal and interreefal derivation. Uranium-series dating of pure aragonite from a Diploria corallum yielded an age of 123 000±9000 years. Reef growth began on an erosional surface underlain by steeply crossbedded eolian grainstone. As the reef grew upward, it also grew laterally over adjacent penecontemporaneous subtidal sediments. The reef was eventually buried by 2.3 m of shallow subtidal and beach sediments that apparently prograded seaward during a highstand, or possibly while sea level was still rising. The shallow subtidal sediments are mainly peloidal, ooidal and skeletal grainstones that are pervasively bioturbated. The overlying beach facies comprises predominantly laminated, sparsely burrowed grainstone. The beach and shallow subtidal facies contain boulders of fine-grained laminated grainstone that are interpreted as storm-tossed blocks of beachrock. Living analogs of the Grotto Beach fossil reef lie off East Beach, San Salvador. Several of these have a flourishing cap of Neogoniolithon that extends above low-tide level and we believe that the Neogoniolithon cap of Grotto Beach reef did likewise. Wherever found in the stratigraphic record this facies should serve to identify the subtidal/intertidal boundary. The uppermost Pleistocene beach sediments associated with Grotto Beach fossil reef lie 5.8 m above present-day mean sea level, which ist strong evidence that this portion of San Salvador has undergone little subsidence since the Grotto Beach section was deposited.  相似文献   

The Kuwait example studied here may serve as a model for ancient carbonate ramp systems just as the classical—but markedly different—southern Arabian-Persian Gulf ramp of the Trucial Coast (United Arab Emirates). Five sedimentary facies may be distinguished on the modern southern Kuwait carbonate ramp based on quantitative sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses of 130 surface sediment samples and by using multivariate statistics. These facies include (1) inner ramp ooid-skeletal grainstone with common aggregate grains, peloids, and molluscs, (2) limited occurrences of nearshore quartz-ooid sand, (3) mid ramp mollusk packstone to grainstone, (4) outer ramp mollusk-marl wackestone with abundant siliciclastic fines, and (5) coralgal grainstone that is found on small nearshore patch reefs and outer ramp pinnacle and platform reefs. In addition to facies (1), an aggregate grain packstone to grainstone sub-facies is mapped out where abundances of this grain type exceed 20%. Ooid-skeletal grainstone, mollusk packstone to grainstone, and coralgal grainstone are predominantly aragonitic with 5–10% insoluble residue on average. Mollusk-marl wackestone has 55% insoluble residue on average with aragonite and low-magnesium calcite predominating in the carbonate fraction. Dolomite in this facies is interpreted to be of eolian origin derived from the upwind deserts of Syria and Iraq. Facies distribution is correlated with water depth, and hence controlled by depositional energy, primarily wavebase. This correlation is seen in the results of statistical analyses and in the fact that facies boundaries are more or less parallel to depth contours. Ooid-skeletal grainstones are found in depths from 0 to <10 m. The boundary between the mollusk packstone to grainstone and the mollusk-marl wackestone, which also marks the transition from grain-supported to mud-supported textures, is situated between 15–20 m depth and is much sharper than the boundary between the ooid-skeletal and the mollusk packstone to grainstone facies. Carbonate-dominated facies may also be distinguished geochemically as indicated by significantly different carbon and oxygen isotope compositions. The latter should be kept in mind when using bulk isotope values for chemostratigraphy or for paleo-environmental reconstructions in fossil carbonate ramps and platforms.An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

All species of the scleractinian coral genus Acropora presently known to occur in south-east Africa (denoting the African coast south of the Tropic of Capricorn, and including the atoll Bassas da India in the Mozambique channel) are reviewed. Twenty-three species are discussed, most of which are of wide Indo-Pacific distribution. Field and laboratory characteristics of all species are described in detail. Species richness in southern Mozambique is much higher (23 species) than in South Africa (14 species), probably due to the higher ecological differentiation of Mozambiquan reefs. The Acropora fauna of the atoll Bassas da India is similar to that of Mozambique but with two additional species A. paniculata and A. cf. striata. Compared to other coral reef areas in similar latitudes, the south-east African Acropora fauna is of average diversity. An identification key to all species is provided.  相似文献   

We report the first discovery of coralline sponges from Pleistocene reef limestones of Vanuatu. Sponges of the genus Acanthochaetetes were identified from two reef terraces of Middle and Late Pleistocene age. As these sponges document cryptic habitats in modern coral reefs, they may be index fossils of cryptic habitats in the Pleistocene as well, thereby providing clues on growth conditions in fossil reefs. The small size of the discovered specimens may be attributed to the transient nature of their cryptic habitats, either due to reef growth or the occurrence of an unusual event.  相似文献   

Summary Hurricane Gerta, with winds reaching 150 km/h, crossed the Belize barrier reef on September 18, 1978. Breakage and scouring of corals occurred in all zones of the reef to a depth of approximately 25 m. Survivorship of storm-generated coral fragments and detached colonies is strongly size dependent, conforming to the power function Y=4.44X0.66 where Y is the percent of fragments and X is the fragment size. Forty-six percent of detached Acropora palmata branches, which are larger ( =37.6 cm long) than fragments of other species ( =16.7 cm long), survived. Overall, 39% of fragments and detached colonies survived. This high survivorship, which probably increased the total number of colonies present, and redistribution of corals may explain the rapid recovery of reefs from all but the severest hurricanes. Storms appear to prevent coral reefs from reaching a mature state characterized by low calcification and growth rates. Therefore, we suggest that long-term reef calcification and growth rates are highest on reefs periodically distrubed by storms of intermediate intensity.Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 2072, Balboa, Republic of Panama  相似文献   

Connectivity underpins the persistence and recovery of marine ecosystems. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the world's largest coral reef ecosystem and managed by an extensive network of no‐take zones; however, information about connectivity was not available to optimize the network's configuration. We use multivariate analyses, Bayesian clustering algorithms and assignment tests of the largest population genetic data set for any organism on the GBR to date (Acropora tenuis, >2500 colonies; >50 reefs, genotyped for ten microsatellite loci) to demonstrate highly congruent patterns of connectivity between this common broadcast spawning reef‐building coral and its congener Acropora millepora (~950 colonies; 20 reefs, genotyped for 12 microsatellite loci). For both species, there is a genetic divide at around 19°S latitude, most probably reflecting allopatric differentiation during the Pleistocene. GBR reefs north of 19°S are essentially panmictic whereas southern reefs are genetically distinct with higher levels of genetic diversity and population structure, most notably genetic subdivision between inshore and offshore reefs south of 19°S. These broadly congruent patterns of higher genetic diversities found on southern GBR reefs most likely represent the accumulation of alleles via the southward flowing East Australia Current. In addition, signatures of genetic admixture between the Coral Sea and outer‐shelf reefs in the northern, central and southern GBR provide evidence of recent gene flow. Our connectivity results are consistent with predictions from recently published larval dispersal models for broadcast spawning corals on the GBR, thereby providing robust connectivity information about the dominant reef‐building genus Acropora for coral reef managers.  相似文献   

One of the most critical challenges facing ecologists today is to understand the changing geographic distribution of species in response to current and predicted global warming. Coastal Western Australia is a natural laboratory in which to assess the effect of climate change on reef coral communities over a temporal scale unavailable to studies conducted solely on modern communities. Reef corals composing Late Pleistocene reef assemblages exposed at five distinct localities along the west Australian coast were censused and the results compared with coral occurrence data published for the modern reefs offshore of each locality. The resulting comparative data set comprises modern and Late Pleistocene reef coral communities occurring over approximately 12° of latitude. For the modern reefs this gradient includes the zone of overlap between the Dampierian and Flindersian Provinces. Modern reef coral communities show a pronounced gradient in coral composition over the latitudinal range encompassed by the study, while the gradient in community composition is not as strong for Pleistocene communities. Tropical‐adapted taxa contracted their ranges north since Late Pleistocene time, emplacing two biogeographic provinces in a region in which a single province had existed previously. Beta diversity values for adjacent communities also reflect this change. Modern reefs show a distinct peak in beta diversity in the middle of the region; the peak is not matched by Pleistocene reefs. Beta diversity is correlated with distance only for comparisons between modern reefs in the north and the fossil assemblages, further supporting change in distribution of the biogeographic provinces in the study area. Coral taxa present in modern communities clearly expanded and contracted their geographic ranges in response to climate change. Those taxa that distinguish Pleistocene from modern reefs are predicted to migrate south in response to future climate change, and potentially persist in ‘temperature refugia’ as tropical reef communities farther north decline.  相似文献   

Dr. Eric Fookes 《Facies》1995,33(1):129-149
Summary This study consists of a sedimentological and diagenetical analysis of reef facies from the Upper Kimmeridgian (sensu gallico). The investigated deposits are situated in eastern France, about fifty kilometres west of the city of Geneva (Switzerland). The reef complex is a fine example of vertical development and facies differentiation. It is subdivided into two distinct sequences by a perforated hardground horizon and sand shoals. The onset of the first reef sequence is characterized by a pioneer growth stage followed by up to 20 m of reef-core and-flank facies. Corals forming the reef-core are typically the ramose variety ofCalamophylliopsis flabellum. The second reef sequence has a reef-core with an average thickness of about 5 m. Corals, however, display much more varied morphologies, and in some areas massive rudist (Heterodiceras) build-ups occur. Development of the second reef sequence was seriously weakened by a storm which produced a 2 m thick accumulation of coral rubble. A shallowing-upwards trend gradually leads to the formation of beach deposits, followed by a newly detected black-pebble horizon. Diagenesis is an important aspect of the reef complex. Especially noteworthy is the dolomitization of certain horizons. At the base of the reef formation, the passage of the phreatic mixing zone provoked invasive dolomitization in large irregular patches (probably deposits richer in Mg-calcite). Some of the beds above the black-pebble horizon, in particular a deposit of accumulated microbial mats, are also dolomitized. In this case, dolomitization is stratiform and is interpreted as having precipitated under conditions of evaporative pumping. The sedimentary record clearly shows the imprint of eustasy. The reef complex was initiated during a transgressive cycle and the hardground found between the two reef sequences is interpreted as a maximum flooding surface (mfs). At the top of the sequence, the horizon overlain by the black-pebble conglomerate is believed to represent the new sequence boundary SB140. Other significant features identified from the St. Germain-de-Joux deposits include the discovery of a new foraminifera,Troglotella incrustans, which is only marginally covered here but is the topic of another paper (Wernli & Fookes, 1992); the subdivision of the first coralligenous level defined byPelletier (1953) into two reef sequences; and a proposition to redefine the ‘Calcaires de la Semine’ (Bernier, 1984). The investigations carried out in the past on the Kimmeridgian deposits in the area of St. Germain-de-Joux were mostly based on stratigraphy and palaeontology. These reefs are among the finest known in the Jura Mountains, but no thorough study had been made on their sedimentological aspects. The aim of this study is to fill this void and also to clarify the more confusing aspects of local stratigraphy (paper based onFookes, 1991).  相似文献   

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