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At present, most turtles, all crocodilians, and several lizards are known to have temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Due to the dependence of sex determination on incubation temperature, the long-term survival of TSD species may be jeopardized by global climate changes. The current study was designed to assess the degree to which this concern is justified by examining nest-site selection in two species of Pattern II TSD geckos (Eublepharis macularius and Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) and comparing these preferences with those of a species with genotypic sex determination (GSD) (Coleonyx mitratus). Temperature preferences for nest sites were found to be both species-specific and female-specific. While H. caudicinctus females selected a mean nest-site temperature (32.4°) very close to the upper pivotal temperature (32°C) for the species, E. macularius females selected a mean nest-site temperature (28.7°C) well below this species' lower pivotal temperature (30.5°C). Thus, the resultant sex ratios are expected to differ between these two TSD species. Additionally, nest-site temperatures for the GSD species were significantly more variable (SE=+0.37) than were temperatures for either of the TSD species (E. macularius SE=±0.10; H. caudicinctus SE =+ 0.17), diereby further demonstrating temperature preferences within the TSD species.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that climate change at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-Pg) boundary, initiated by a bolide impact or volcanic eruptions, caused species with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), including dinosaurs, to go extinct because of a skewed sex ratio towards all males. To test this hypothesis, the sex-determining mechanisms (SDMs) of Cretaceous tetrapods of the Hell Creek Formation (Montana, USA) were inferred using parsimony optimizations of SDMs on a tree, including Hell Creek species and their extant relatives. Although the SDMs of non-avian dinosaurs could not be inferred, we were able to determine the SDMs of 62 species; 46 had genotypic sex determination (GSD) and 16 had TSD. The TSD hypothesis for extinctions performed poorly, predicting between 32 and 34 per cent of survivals and extinctions. Most surprisingly, of the 16 species with TSD, 14 of them survived into the Early Palaeocene. In contrast, 61 per cent of species with GSD went extinct. Possible explanations include minimal climate change at the K-Pg, or if climate change did occur, TSD species that survived had egg-laying behaviour that prevented the skewing of sex ratios, or had a sex ratio skewed towards female rather than male preponderance. Application of molecular clocks may allow the SDMs of non-avian dinosaurs to be inferred, which would be an important test of the pattern discovered here.  相似文献   

Temperature of egg incubation determines sex in Alligator mississippiensis hatchlings. To define the timing and morphology of sexual differentiation, alligator gonads were examined histologically and ultrastructurally throughout embryogenesis. At the male-producing temperature (33° C), the onset of testis differentiation occurred in most embryos during developmental stages 21–22, when a number of somatic cells in the medulla of the gonad became enlarged, forming presumptive Sertoli cells. Some enlarged somatic cells were also observed at the female-producing temperature (30° C) during gonadogenesis, but they were less widespread than at 33° C. Ovarian differentiation at 30° C began slighlty later, during stage 22–23, and was characterised by proliferation of germs cells in the cortex of the gonad. Testis formation in alligators may depend upon presumptive Sertoli cells differentiating prior to a critical event in embryogenesis, such as germ cell proliferation and meiosis. If follows that ovary formation occurs if this requirement is not met, as at lower incubation temperatures.  相似文献   

T Rhen  A Schroeder  J T Sakata  V Huang  D Crews 《Heredity》2011,106(4):649-660
Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) was first reported in 1966 in an African lizard. It has since been shown that TSD occurs in some fish, several lizards, tuataras, numerous turtles and all crocodilians. Extreme temperatures can also cause sex reversal in several amphibians and lizards with genotypic sex determination. Research in TSD species indicates that estrogen signaling is important for ovary development and that orthologs of mammalian genes have a function in gonad differentiation. Nevertheless, the mechanism that actually transduces temperature into a biological signal for ovary versus testis development is not known in any species. Classical genetics could be used to identify the loci underlying TSD, but only if there is segregating variation for TSD. Here, we use the ‘animal model'' to analyze inheritance of sexual phenotype in a 13-generation pedigree of captive leopard geckos, Eublepharis macularius, a TSD reptile. We directly show genetic variance and genotype-by-temperature interactions for sex determination. Additive genetic variation was significant at a temperature that produces a female-biased sex ratio (30 °C), but not at a temperature that produces a male-biased sex ratio (32.5 °C). Conversely, dominance variance was significant at the male-biased temperature (32.5 °C), but not at the female-biased temperature (30 °C). Non-genetic maternal effects on sex determination were negligible in comparison with additive genetic variance, dominance variance and the primary effect of temperature. These data show for the first time that there is segregating variation for TSD in a reptile and consequently that a quantitative trait locus analysis would be practicable for identifying the genes underlying TSD.  相似文献   

The alligator snapping turtle, Macrochelys temminckii, exhibits type II temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), wherein females are produced at high and low incubation temperatures. This TSD pattern is well studied at constant temperatures, but little work has focused on sex ratios in natural nests that experience daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations. We monitored nesting activity of reintroduced Macrochelys temminckii at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in 2010–2011. Nests located prior to predation were excavated to determine clutch size and the eggs were reburied with a temperature data logger to collect nest temperatures. Overall, 24% of nests were protected with wire mesh prior to predation, and the average clutch size in intact nests was 22.4 eggs. Nest predation rates in the study population will likely approach 100% if nest protection efforts do not continue. Temperature profiles were used to compare estimated sex ratios using two methods—mean nest temperature during middle third of incubation and the degree-day model—to actual sex ratios in naturally incubated Macrochelys temminckii nests. The sex ratio in all 2010 recruits was female-biased (91.8% female); 2011 nests did not produce any hatchlings, likely the result of severe drought. The predicted sex ratios based on mean nest temperature and the degree-day model matched actual sex ratios in the warmer nests (0% male), but the degree-day model estimate proved more accurate in the cooler nest. A strongly skewed population sex ratio could become a threat to this reintroduced population if the strongly female-biased sex ratio in 2010 reflects a long-term trend.  相似文献   

This study examined the changes in sex ratios and sex reversal rates in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis that occur with the progression of the spawning season in a seminatural setting. Four groups of hatchery-produced pejerrey larvae were stocked in floating cages in La Salada de Monasterio lake (Pampas region), a natural habitat of this species, and reared from hatching beyond gonadal sex determination with minimum human interference. Cage 1 was stocked at the beginning of the spring spawning season and the other cages were stocked with monthly delays until cage 4 in early summer. The genotypic (amhy+, XY/YY; amhy−, XX) and phenotypic (testis, male; ovary, female) sex ratios and proportions of genotype/phenotype mismatched individuals were estimated and their relation to water temperature and daylength during the experiment was analysed by generalized linear modelling. Water temperature varied between 11 and 30.5°C, and daylength duration between 11 h 22 min and 14 h 35 min. Sex genotyping revealed nearly balanced sex ratios of XY/YY (46%–49.1%) and XX (50.9%–54%) fish in cages 2–4 whereas the genotypic sex ratio in cage 1 was clearly biased towards XY/YY fish (60.6%). Phenotypic males ranged from 42% to 54.4% in cages 1–3. Cage 4, in turn, had significantly more phenotypic males (66%). The percentage of XX males (phenotypic male/genotypic female) was 23.1% in cage 1, decreased to a minimum of 5.4% in cage 2 and gradually increased in cages 3 and 4 to a maximum of 40.7% in the latter. The percentages of XY/YY females (phenotypic female/genotypic male) were highest in cage 1 (30%) and decreased progressively in the other cages to a significantly lower value (4.3%) in cage 4. These results generally support the findings of laboratory studies on the effect of temperature on the sex determination of this species and also provide novel evidence of a XX genotype-specific masculinizing effect of short daylength.  相似文献   

The Patagonian pejerrey Odontesthes hatcheri is an atherinopsid species presenting genotypic sex determination (GSD) at intermediate temperatures and temperature-dependent sex determination at the low and high ranges of thermal tolerance. A recent study revealed the presence of a sex-linked SNP marker in some males of this species, but a strain which inherits the marker faithfully has not been established. This research was conducted to develop such a strain, for use as a tool to study the molecular mechanisms of gonadal sex differentiation and sexual dimorphism, and to obtain basic information on the GSD mode in this species. For these purposes, we performed backcrosses and full-sibling crosses using males and females whose presumptive genotypic sex was inferred from the presence of the sex-linked SNP marker. Four backcrosses between SNP daughters and their SNP+ father generated balanced sex ratios with the phenotypic sex matching the genotypic sex in most cases (98.21%) at an intermediate, sexually neutral temperature (21 °C). Full-sibling crosses between these four SNP females and their SNP+ brothers produced three progenies with balanced sex ratios and one with 94.4% males. The results of this study confirm that a strain inheriting the sex-linked SNP marker was successfully developed. Moreover, the inheritance pattern of the marker and the sex ratios of the progenies provide strong evidence that the GSD mode in O. hatcheri is the XX–XY system.  相似文献   

Females are predicted to alter sex allocation when ecological, physiological and behavioural variables have different consequences on the fitness of male and female offspring. Traditionally, tests of sex allocation have examined single causative factors, often ignoring possible interactions between multiple factors. Here, we used a multifactorial approach to examine sex allocation in the viviparous skink, Niveoscincus ocellatus. We integrated a 16‐year observational field study with a manipulative laboratory experiment to explore whether the effects of the maternal thermal environment interact with the resources available to females for reproduction to affect sex allocation decisions. We found strong effects of temperature on sex allocation in the field, with females born in warm conditions and males in cold conditions; however, this was not replicated in the laboratory. In contrast, we found no effect of female resource availability on sex allocation, either independently, or in interaction with temperature. These results corresponded with an overall lack of an effect of resource availability on any of the life history traits that we predicted would mediate the benefits of differential sex allocation in this system, suggesting that selection for sex allocation in response to resource availability may be relatively weak. Combined, these results suggest that temperature may be the predominant factor driving sex allocation in this system.  相似文献   

The pejerrey possesses a genotypic sex determination system driven by the amhy gene and yet shows marked temperature‐dependent sex determination. Sex‐reversed XY females have been found in a naturally breeding population established in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. These females could mate with normal XY males and generate YY “supermale” individuals that, if viable and fertile, would sire only genotypic male offspring. This study was conducted to verify the viability, gender, and fertility of YY pejerrey and to develop a molecular method for their identification. Production of YY fish was attempted by crossing a thermally sex‐reversed XY female and an XY male, and rearing the progeny until sexual maturation. To identify the presumable YY individuals, we first conducted a PCR analysis using amhy‐specific primers to screen only amhy‐positive (XY and YY) fish. This screening showed that 60.6% of the progeny was amhy‐positive, which suggested the presence of YY fish. We then conducted a second screening by qPCR in order to identify the individuals with two amhy copies in their genome. This screening revealed 13 individuals, all males, with values twice higher than the other 30 amhy‐positive fishes, suggesting they have a YY complement. This assumption as well as the viability, fertility, and “supermale” nature of these individuals was confirmed in progeny tests with XX females that yielded 100% amhy‐positive offspring. These results demonstrate that qPCR can obviate progeny test as a means to identify the genotypic sex and therefore may be useful for the survey of all three possible genotypes in wild populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Why is the sex of many reptiles determined by the temperatures that these animals experience during embryogenesis, rather than by their genes? The Charnov‐Bull model suggests that temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) can enhance maternal fitness relative to genotypic sex determination (GSD) if offspring traits affect fitness differently for sons versus daughters and nest temperatures either determine or predict those offspring traits. Although potential pathways for such effects have attracted much speculation, empirical tests largely have been precluded by logistical constraints (i.e., long life spans and late maturation of most TSD reptiles). We experimentally tested four differential fitness models within the Charnov‐Bull framework, using a short‐lived, early‐maturing Australian lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus) with TSD. Eggs from wild‐caught females were incubated at a range of thermal regimes, and the resultant hatchlings raised in large outdoor enclosures. We applied an aromatase inhibitor to half the eggs to override thermal effects on sex determination, thus decoupling sex and incubation temperature. Based on relationships between incubation temperatures, hatching dates, morphology, growth, and survival of hatchlings in their first season, we were able to reject three of the four differential fitness models. First, matching offspring sex to egg size was not plausible because the relationship between egg (offspring) size and fitness was similar in the two sexes. Second, sex differences in optimal incubation temperatures were not evident, because (1) although incubation temperature influenced offspring phenotypes and growth, it did so in similar ways in sons versus daughters, and (2) the relationship between phenotypic traits and fitness was similar in the two sexes, at least during preadult life. We were unable to reject a fourth model, in which TSD enhances offspring fitness by generating seasonal shifts in offspring sex ratio: that is, TSD allows overproduction of daughters (the sex likely to benefit most from early hatching) early in the nesting season. In keeping with this model, hatching early in the season massively enhanced body size at the beginning of the first winter, albeit with a significant decline in probability of survival. Thus, the timing of hatching is likely to influence reproductive success in this short‐lived, early maturing species; and this effect may well differ between the sexes.  相似文献   

Blanco FJ  Bernabeu C 《Aging cell》2011,10(5):896-907
Alternative splicing involving intron retention plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression. We previously reported that the alternatively spliced short isoform of endoglin (S-endoglin) is induced during the aging or senescence of endothelial cells by a mechanism of intron retention. In this work, we demonstrate that the alternative splicing factor or splicing factor-2 (ASF/SF2) is involved in the synthesis of endoglin. Overexpression of ASF/SF2 in endothelial cells switched the balance between the two endoglin isoforms, favoring the synthesis of S-endoglin. Using a minigene reporter vector and RNA immunoprecipitation experiments, it was shown that ASF/SF2 interacts with the nucleotide sequence of the endoglin minigene, suggesting the direct involvement of ASF/SF2. Accordingly, the sequence recognized by ASF/SF2 in the endoglin gene was identified inside the retained intron near the consensus branch point. Finally, the ASF/SF2 subcellular localization during endothelial senescence showed a preferential scattered distribution throughout the cytoplasm, where it interferes with the activity of the minor spliceosome, leading to an increased expression of S-endoglin mRNA. In summary, we report for the first time the molecular mechanisms by which ASF/SF2 regulates the alternative splicing of endoglin in senescent endothelial cells, as well as the involvement of ASF/SF2 in the minor spliceosome.  相似文献   

In several species of short-lived Australian agamid lizards, an individual’s sex is determined by the nest temperatures encountered during incubation. The adaptive significance of such systems remains unclear. Here, we explore the hypothesis that (1) the optimal timing of hatching differs between the sexes, and thus (2) temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) enhances maternal and offspring fitness by generating seasonal shifts in offspring sex ratios. Our model predicts that TSD can indeed enhance maternal fitness returns in short-lived lizards if (1) male–male competition is intense, thus reducing mating success of newly-matured males (but not females), and (2) the nesting season is prolonged, such that seasonal effects become significant. Available data on the distribution of TSD in Australian agamid lizards broadly support these predictions. Because both the level of male–male competition and the length of nesting season can vary at small spatial and temporal scales, selective forces on sex-determining mechanisms also should vary. Hence, our model predicts extensive small-scale (intraspecific) variation in sex-determining systems within agamid lizards, as well as among species.  相似文献   

Strategies of sex determination were studied in Gammarus duebeni, a brackish water shrimp (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Animals from Budle Bay, northern England, have environmental sex determination (e. s. d.), in accord with a population studied in Germany. Males are produced in long day photoperiods and females in short days. By contrast, animals from southern England show no significant sex ratio variation with daylength. This is the first report of such variation in sex determination for an invertebrate. Detailed studies of Budle Bay animals show that sex is determined several weeks after young are released by the mother; that the critical daylength is longer at Budle Bay than in Germany; and that the critical response is cued at the onset of a photophase. The nature of sex determination in G. duebeni may be associated with population dynamics. Males gain greater relative fitness by large size than females. E. s. d. is then adaptive where the breeding season produces significant growth differences between early and late animals, but where generations do not overlap. Comparisons are drawn with the flexible sex determining system in Menidia menidia (Pisces).  相似文献   

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