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The control of behaviour is usually understood in terms of three distinct components: sensory processing, decision making and movement control. Recently, this view has been questioned on the basis of physiological and behavioural data, blurring the distinction between these three stages. This raises the question to what extent the motor system itself can contribute to the interpretation of behavioural situations. To investigate this question we use a neural model of sensory motor integration applied to a behaving mobile robot performing a navigation task. We show that the population response of the motor system provides a substrate for the categorization of behavioural situations. This categorization allows for the assessment of the complexity of a behavioural situation and regulates whether higher-level decision making is required to resolve behavioural conflicts. Our model lends credence to an emerging reconceptualization of behavioural control where the motor system can be considered as part of a high-level perceptual system.  相似文献   

The question ‘what is an individual’ does not often arise in studies within the field of behavioural ecology. Generally behavioural ecologists do not think about what makes an individual because they tend to use intuitive working concepts of individuality. Rarely do they explicitly mention how individuality affects their experimental design and interpretation of results. By contrast, the concept of individuality continues to intrigue philosophers of biology. It is interesting that while philosophers of biology debate definitions of individuality, biologists generally use the concept of individuality every day without much thought. Here we review the philosophical approaches to defining biological individuality, and illustrate how the biological individuality concepts used by biologists are affected by their study question and choice of organism. We clarify the behavioural perspective of biological individuality by introducing the concept of the behavioural individual. The notion of the behavioural individual is particularly interesting when explored in less‐conventional study organisms. By including less‐conventional organisms, it becomes clear why the concept of biological individuality is usually intuitive in behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

Animal personality has been widely documented across a range of species. The concept of personality is composed of individual behavioural consistency across time and between situations, and also behavioural trait correlations known as behavioural syndromes. Whilst many studies have now investigated the stability of individual personality traits, few have analysed the stability over time of entire behavioural syndromes. Here we present data from a behavioural study of rock pool prawns. We show that prawns are temporally consistent in a range of behaviours, including activity, exploration and boldness, and also that a behavioural syndrome is evident in this population. We find correlations between many behavioural traits (activity, boldness, shoaling and exploration). In addition, behavioural syndrome structure was consistent over time. Finally, few studies have explicitly studied the role of sex differences in personality traits, behavioural consistency and syndrome structure. We report behavioural differences between male and female prawns but no differences in patterns of consistency. Our study adds to the growing literature on animal personality, and provides evidence showing that syndromes themselves can exhibit temporal consistency.  相似文献   

How the sophisticated vertebrate behavioural repertoire evolved remains a major question in biology. The behavioural repertoire encompasses the set of individual behavioural components that an organism uses when adapting and responding to changes in its external world. Although unicellular organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates share simple reflex responses, the fundamental mechanisms that resulted in the complexity and sophistication that is characteristic of vertebrate behaviours have only recently been examined. A series of behavioural genetic experiments in mice and humans support a theory that posited the importance of synapse proteome expansion in generating complexity in the behavioural repertoire. Genome duplication events, approximately 550 Ma, produced expansion in the synapse proteome that resulted in increased complexity in synapse signalling mechanisms that regulate components of the behavioural repertoire. The experiments demonstrate the importance to behaviour of the gene duplication events, the diversification of paralogues and sequence constraint. They also confirm the significance of comparative proteomic and genomic studies that identified the molecular origins of synapses in unicellular eukaryotes and the vertebrate expansion in proteome complexity. These molecular mechanisms have general importance for understanding the repertoire of behaviours in different species and for human behavioural disorders arising from synapse gene mutations.  相似文献   

Individuals often show consistent behavioural differences where behaviours can form integrated units across functionally different contexts. However, the factors causing and maintaining behavioural syndromes in natural populations remain poorly understood. In this study, we provide evidence for the emergence of a behavioural syndrome during the first months of life in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). Behavioural traits of trout were scored before and after a 2‐month interval covering a major survival bottleneck, whereupon the consistency and covariance of behaviours were analysed. We found that selection favoured individuals with high activity levels in an open‐field context, a personality trait consistent throughout the duration of the experiment. In addition, a behavioural syndrome emerged over the 2 months in the wild, linking activity to aggressiveness and exploration tendency. These novel results suggest that behavioural syndromes can emerge rapidly in nature from interaction between natural selection and behavioural plasticity affecting single behaviours.  相似文献   


An experimental test of H. S. Jennings’ principle of “selection of overproduced movements” was conducted using a jellyfish (Sarsia tubulosa M. Sars) as the experimental animal. The hypothesis was that behavioural repertoire and diversity (measured as Brillouin's H) would be higher under unfavourable environmental conditions. The results showed no difference in behavioural repertoire and reduced behavioural diversity under unfavourable environmental conditions. The reduction in behavioural diversity was due to lower behavioural evenness under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Correlated suites of behaviours, or behavioural syndromes, appear to be widespread, and yet few studies have explored how they arise and are maintained. One possibility holds that correlational selection can generate and maintain behavioural syndrome if certain behavioural combinations enjoy greater fitness than other combinations. Here we test this correlational selection hypothesis by comparing behavioural syndrome structure with a multivariate fitness surface based on reproductive success of male water striders. We measured the structure of a behavioural syndrome including dispersal ability, exploration behaviour, latency to remount and sex recognition sensitivity in males. We then measured the relationship between these behaviours and mating success in a range of sex ratio environments. Despite the presence of some significant correlational selection, behavioural syndrome structure was not associated with correlational selection on behaviours. Although we cannot conclusively reject the correlational selection hypothesis, our evidence suggests that correlational selection and resulting linkage disequilibrium might not be responsible for maintaining the strong correlations between behaviours. Instead, we suggest alternative ways in which this behavioural syndrome may have arisen and outline the need for physiological and quantitative genetic tests of these suggestions.  相似文献   

The association and possible interactions of fetal behavioural state, fetal heart rate and vascular resistance was studied in 23 healthy pregnant women between 36 and 40 weeks' gestation. Doppler flow velocity waveforms were obtained from fetal cerebral (anterior cerebral, internal carotid and basilar), descending aorta and umbilical arteries during fetal behavioural state 1F and repeated during 2F. The Resistance Index (RI) was used as a measure of vascular resistance. Decreased vascular resistance was observed in all vessels except the umbilical artery during fetal behavioural state 2F compared to 1F (P less than 0.001). A significant interaction was observed between fetal heart rate and fetal behavioural state on the RI of the vessels studied, with a greater negative slope for RI plotted against fetal heart rate in fetal behavioural state 2F (-0.00139) compared to 1F (0.00005) (P less than 0.001). We conclude that the transition from fetal behavioural state 1F to 2F is associated with a significant reduction in cerebral and systemic vascular resistance, with no apparent change in placental resistance. Furthermore, fetal behavioural state and fetal heart rate interact, demonstrating a stronger association of fetal heart rate and RI in fetal behavioural state 2F in keeping with an increase in baroreflex sensitivity at this time.  相似文献   

Although intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of orexin-A has been reported to stimulate food intake and/or feeding behaviour in rats, mice and goldfish, little attention has thus far been paid to its effects on normal patterns of feeding. In the present study, a continuous monitoring technique was used to characterise the effects of this novel neuropeptide on the microstructure of rat behaviour during a 1-h test with palatable wet mash. Particular attention was devoted to the behavioural satiety sequence, in which feeding is followed by grooming and resting. Although results confirmed the hyperphagic effects of orexin-A (3.33-30.0 microg i.c. v.), gross behavioural analysis failed to reveal any reliable effects of peptide treatment on eating, drinking, sniffing, grooming, resting, locomotion or rearing. However, microstructural analysis revealed behavioural effects of orexin-A that are both dose- and time-dependent. At lower doses (3.33-10.0 microg), orexin-A primarily delayed behavioural satiety, i.e. the normal transition from eating to resting. In contrast, the 30 microg dose initially induced a sedative-like effect, significantly suppressing eating and other active behaviours for the first 15-20 min of the test period. This sedative-like effect resulted in a phase-shifting of the entire behavioural sequence with higher than control levels of eating, grooming, locomotion, rearing and sniffing observed over the second half of the test session. Present findings illustrate the advantages of microstructural behavioural analysis and suggest that the hyperphagic response to low doses of orexin-A results largely from a delay in behavioural satiety while that seen in response to high doses may occur in rebound to initial behavioural suppression. Further studies will be required to confirm the identity of the specific orexin receptors (i.e. OX(1) or OX(2)) involved in mediating the dose-dependent behavioural effects reported.  相似文献   

Male rat chemosignals attract females and influence their reproductive status. Through the accessory olfactory bulb and its projection target, the posteromedial cortical nucleus of the amygdala (PMCo), species-specific chemosignals detected by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) may reach the hypothalamus. To test this hypothesis in vivo, behavioural activation and neurotransmitter release in the PMCo were simultaneously monitored in freely moving female oestrus rats exposed to either rat or mouse urinary stimuli, or to odorants. Plasma levels of the luteinizing hormone were subsequently monitored. All stimuli induced an immediate behavioural activation, but only species-specific chemosignals led to a delayed behavioural activation. This biphasic behavioural activation was accompanied by a VNO-mediated release of the excitatory amino acids, aspartate and glutamate, in the PMCo. The late behavioural and neurochemical activation was followed by an increase in the levels of circulating luteinizing hormone. In conclusion, these data show that only species-specific chemosignals induce a delayed behavioural activation and excitatory activation of the PMCo, which is dependent on an intact VNO.  相似文献   

Predicting the effect of disturbance on coastal birds   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Assessments of whether disturbance is having a deleterious effect on populations have often measured behavioural responses to disturbance and assumed that populations with a larger behavioural response are more susceptible to disturbance. However, there is no guarantee that the behavioural response to disturbance is related to the population consequence, measured in terms of decreased reproduction or increased mortality. Individual-based models, consisting of fitness-maximizing individuals, are one means of linking the behavioural responses to disturbance to population consequences. This paper reviews how individual-based models have been used to predict the effect of disturbance on populations of shorebirds and wildfowl at several European sites, and shows how these models could be improved in the future by incorporating a range of alternative responses to disturbance.  相似文献   

Introduction: Behavioural traits can differ considerably between individuals, and such differences were found to be consistent over the lifetime of an organism in several species. Whether behavioural traits of holometabolous insects, which undergo a metamorphosis, are consistent across ontogeny is virtually unexplored. We investigated several behavioural parameters at five different time points in the lifetime of the holometabolous mustard leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), two times in the larval (second and third larval stage) and three times in the adult stage. We investigated 1) the stability of the behavioural phenotype (population level), 2) whether individuals rank consistently across behavioural traits and over their lifetime (individual level), and 3) in how far behavioural traits are correlated with the developmental time of the individuals.Results: We identified two behavioural dimensions in every life stage of P. cochleariae, activity and boldness (population level). Larvae and young adults ranked consistently across the investigated behavioural traits, whereas consistency over time was only found in adults but not between larvae and adults (individual level). Compared to adult beetles, larvae were less active. Moreover, younger larvae were bolder than all subsequent life stages. Over the adult lifetime of the beetles, males were less active than females. Furthermore, the activity of second instar larvae was significantly negatively correlated with the development time.Conclusions: Our study highlights that, although there is no individual consistency over the larval and the adult life stage, the behavioural clustering shows similar patterns at all tested life stages of a holometabolous insect. Nevertheless, age- and sex-specific differences in behavioural traits occur which may be explained by different challenges an individual faces at each life stage. These differences are presumably related to the tremendous changes in life-history traits from larvae to adults and/or to a niche shift after metamorphosis as well as to different needs of both sexes, respectively. A faster development of more active compared to less active second instar larvae is in line with the pace-of-life syndrome. Overall, this study demonstrates a pronounced individuality in behavioural phenotypes and presumably adaptive changes related to life stage and sex.  相似文献   

The progress of science is influenced substantially by social behaviour of and social interactions within the scientific community. Similar to innovations in primate groups, the social acceptance of an innovation depends not only upon the relevance of the innovation but also on the social dominance and connectedness of the innovator. There are a number of parallels between many well-known phenomena in behavioural evolution and various behavioural traits observed in the scientific community. It would be useful, therefore, to use principles of behavioural evolution as hypotheses to study the social behaviour of the scientific community. I argue in this paper that a systematic study of social behavioural epistemology is likely to boost the progress of science by addressing several prevalent biases and other problems in scientific communication and by facilitating appropriate acceptance/rejection of novel concepts.  相似文献   

The behaviour of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR strain), rats with inherited stress induced arterial hypertension (ISIAH, a new developed strain), and of their normotensive Wistar progenitors was studied. The open-field arena and a device for measuring the total activity in the home cage were used in the behavioural studies. The SHR were much more active in the open--field and home cage tests than the Wistar and ISIAH rats. The basal locomotor activity of the ISIAH strain was lower than that of the Wistar rats, but the ISIAH strain had an index of behavioural reactivity 2.7 fold higher than the Wistar or SHR strains. These behavioural characteristics corresponded to the hypertension patterns of the strains compared. Enhanced spontaneous locomotion of the SHR rats was associated with spontaneous increase in arterial blood pressure. The ISIAH rats showed low spontaneous locomotor activity, but high behavioural and blood pressure reactivity under conditions of mild emotional stress.  相似文献   

Because immunological defence against pathogens is costly and merely reactive, human anti-pathogen defence is also characterized by proactive behavioural mechanisms that inhibit contact with pathogens in the first place. This behavioural immune system comprises psychological processes that infer infection risk from perceptual cues, and that respond to these perceptual cues through the activation of aversive emotions, cognitions and behavioural impulses. These processes are engaged flexibly, producing context-contingent variation in the nature and magnitude of aversive responses. These processes have important implications for human social cognition and social behaviour-including implications for social gregariousness, person perception, intergroup prejudice, mate preferences, sexual behaviour and conformity. Empirical evidence bearing on these many implications is reviewed and discussed. This review also identifies important directions for future research on the human behavioural immune system--including the need for enquiry into underlying mechanisms, additional behavioural consequences and implications for human health and well-being.  相似文献   

Summary One of the main challenges to the adaptationist programme in general and to the use of optimality models in behavioural and evolutionary ecology in particular is that natural selection need not optimise fitness. This challenge is addressed by considering the evolution of optimal patch choice by natural selection. The behavioural model is based on a state variable approach in which a strategy consists of a sequence denoting the patch to be visited as a function of the organism's state and time. The optimal strategy maximises expected terminal reproduction. The fitnesses of alternative strategies are computed by iteration of the associated equations for fitness; this characterises the adaptive behavioural landscape. There may be enormous numbers of strategies that have near optimal fitnesses. A population model is used to connect frequencies of behavioural types from one generation to the next. Theories on adaptive walks on fitness landscapes are considered in the context of behaviour. The main result is that within the context of optimality arguments at selective equilibrium, sub-optimal behaviours can persist. General implications for research in behavioural ecology, including tests of behavioural theories, are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors have used behavioural and radioreceptor methods of investigation, that helped to find correlates of the behavioural phenomena on the receptor level.  相似文献   

With increasing gestation both in the human and in animals clear fetal behavioural state cycles develop. Fetal heart rate patterns are closely related to the phenomenon of behavioural state. In this review article fetal heart rate patterns will be analysed in relation to particular behavioural states, individual movement patterns and diurnal variations. Attention will also be paid to maturational changes. Differences between human and animal states are emphasized. It is concluded, that understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying the normal heart rate patterns throughout gestation, improves the reliability of fetal surveillance.  相似文献   

The nature of stimuli, emanating from other locusts, which are effective in inducing gregarization in the desert locust was investigated. Isolated-reared fifth-instar nymphs were subjected to tactile, visual and olfactory stimuli, presented singly and in combination, and the effect on the behavioural phase state was quantified using logistic regression analysis. Tactile stimulation provided by rolling paper spheres proved to be highly gregarizing, whether presented alone or in combination with the other stimuli. Olfactory and visual stimuli together caused partial behavioural gregarization. Visual stimulation alone was weakly gregarizing after prolonged exposure, while olfactory stimuli alone were ineffective. Nymphs and pre-reproductive and reproductive adults of both sexes were also treated with synthetic adult male `aggregation' pheromone blend (Torto et al., 1994, Journal of Chemical Ecology 20, 1749). No effect of this blend was found on the behavioural phase state, even when visual stimuli were present. Non-locust related stimuli, including wheat odour and flashing lights, were also tested on nymphs. Neither induced any change in the behavioural phase state, indicating that increased sensory flow is not a sufficient explanation for locust-induced behavioural phase change.  相似文献   

We present a simple framework for classifying mutually exclusive behavioural states within the geospatial lifelines of animals. This method involves use of three sequentially applied statistical procedures: (1) behavioural change point analysis to partition movement trajectories into discrete bouts of same-state behaviours, based on abrupt changes in the spatio-temporal autocorrelation structure of movement parameters; (2) hierarchical multivariate cluster analysis to determine the number of different behavioural states; and (3) k-means clustering to classify inferred bouts of same-state location observations into behavioural modes. We demonstrate application of the method by analysing synthetic trajectories of known ‘artificial behaviours’ comprised of different correlated random walks, as well as real foraging trajectories of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) obtained by global-positioning-system telemetry. Our results show that the modelling procedure correctly classified 92.5% of all individual location observations in the synthetic trajectories, demonstrating reasonable ability to successfully discriminate behavioural modes. Most individual little penguins were found to exhibit three unique behavioural states (resting, commuting/active searching, area-restricted foraging), with variation in the timing and locations of observations apparently related to ambient light, bathymetry, and proximity to coastlines and river mouths. Addition of k-means clustering extends the utility of behavioural change point analysis, by providing a simple means through which the behaviours inferred for the location observations comprising individual movement trajectories can be objectively classified.  相似文献   

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