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Two species of cold-temperate algae from the North Atlantic Ocean,Polyides rotundus andFurcellaria lumbricalis, were tested for growth and survival over a temperature range of −5 to 30 °C. In comparisons of eastern and western isolates, bothF. lumbricalis, a North Atlantic endemic, andP. rotundus, a species having related populations in the North Pacific, were quite homogeneous.F. lumbricalis tolerated −5 to 25°C and grew well from 0 to 25°C, with optimal growth at 10–15 °C.P. rotundus tolerated −5 to 27°C, grew well from 5 to 25°C, and had a broad optimal range of 10–25°C. Both species tolerated 3 months in darkness at 0°C. In neither case could any geographic boundary be explained in terms of lethal seasonal temperatures, suggesting that these species are restricted in distribution by strict thermal and/or daylength requirements for reproduction. The hypothesis that northern species are more homogeneous than southern taxa in terms of thermal tolerance was supported. A second hypothesis, that disjunct cold-temperate species should be more variable than pan-Arctic species, was not supported.  相似文献   

In field studies conducted at the Kongsfjord (Spitsbergen), the effect of filtered natural radiation conditions (solar without ulraviolet [UV]-A+UV-B, solar without UV-B, solar) on photosynthesis and the metabolism of UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the marine red alga Devaleraea ramentacea have been studied. While solar treatment without UV-A+UV-B did not affect photosynthesis during the course of a day, solar without UV-B and the full solar spectrum led to a strong inhibition. However, after offset of the various radiation conditions, all algae fully recovered. Isolates collected from different depths were exposed in the laboratory to artificial fluence rates of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), PAR+UV-A, and PAR+UV-A+UV-B. The photosynthetic capacity was affected in accordance with the original sampling depth, i.e. shallow-water isolates were more resistant than algae from deeper waters, indicating that D. ramentacea is able to acclimate to changes in irradiance. Seven different UV-absorbing MAAs were detected in this alga, namely mycosporine-glycine, shinorine, porphyra-334, palythine, asterina-330, palythinol, and palythene. The total amount of MAAs continuously decreased with increasing collecting depth when sampled in mid June, and algae taken in late August from the same depths contained on average 30–45% higher MAA concentrations, indicating a seasonal effect as well. The presence of increasing MAA contents with decreasing depth correlated with a more insensitive photosynthetic capacity under both UV-A and UV-B treatments. Populations of D. ramentacea collected from 1 m depth, with one fully exposed to solar radiation and the other growing protected as understorey vegetation underneath the kelp Laminaria saccharina, exhibited quantitatively different MAA compositions in the apices. The exposed seaweeds contained 2.5-fold higher MAA values compared with the more shaded algae. Moreover, the exposed isolates showed a strong tissue gradient in MAAs, pigments, and proteins. The green apices contained 5-fold higher MAA contents than the red bases. Transplantation of D. ramentacea from 2 m depth to the surface induced the formation and accumulation of MAAs after 1 week exposure to the full solar spectrum. Control samples which were treated with the solar spectrum without UV-A+B or with solar without UV-B showed unchanged MAA contents, indicating a strong UV-B effect on MAA metabolism. All data well supported the suggested physiological function of MAAs as natural UV sunscreens in macroalgae.  相似文献   

In Greenland, free‐living red coralline algae contribute to and dominate marine habitats along the coastline. Lithothamnion glaciale dominates coralline algae beds in many regions of the Arctic, but never in Godthåbsfjord, Greenland, where Clathromorphum sp. is dominant. To investigate environmental impacts on coralline algae distribution, calcification and primary productivity were measured in situ during summers of 2015 and 2016, and annual patterns of productivity in L. glaciale were monitored in laboratory‐based mesocosm experiments where temperature and salinity were manipulated to mimic high glacial melt. The results of field and cold‐room measurements indicate that both L. glaciale and Clathromorphum sp. had low calcification and photosynthetic rates during the Greenland summer (2015 and 2016), with maximum of 1.225 ± 0.17 or 0.002 ± 0.023 μmol CaCO 3 · g?1 · h?1 and ?0.007 ±0.003 or ?0.004 ± 0.001 mg O2 · L?1 · h?1 in each species respectively. Mesocosm experiments indicate L. glaciale is a seasonal responder; photosynthetic and calcification rates increase with annual light cycles. Furthermore, metabolic processes in L. glaciale were negatively influenced by low salinity; positive growth rates only occurred in marine treatments where individuals accumulated an average of 1.85 ± 1.73 mg · d?1 of biomass through summer. These results indicate high freshwater input to the Godthåbsfjord region may drive the low abundance of L glaciale , and could decrease species distribution as climate change increases freshwater input to the Arctic marine system via enhanced ice sheet runoff and glacier calving.  相似文献   

The green seaweed genus Chaetomorpha is characterized by unbranched filaments. Molecular phylogenetic data indicate that Chaetomorpha forms a clade that is nested in a paraphyletic assemblage of branched species (Cladophora). It follows that the unbranched condition is evolutionarily conserved and likely evolved early in the evolution of this clade. In this study we show that under laboratory culture conditions, the filaments of C. antennina frequently produce lateral branches, similar to Cladophora. Our results thus indicate that the unbranched thallus architecture is not entirely genetically constrained, but at least in part subject to morphological plasticity. Additionally, culture observations of C. antennina allowed a detailed study of rhizoidal development, which seems unique among Cladophorales.  相似文献   

Olga Piros  Nereo Preto 《Facies》2008,54(4):581-595
This paper gives an account of distribution of Dasycladales in ammonoid-bearing Middle Triassic carbonate platforms of the Dolomites. A ca. 600-m-thick section was investigated within the Latemar platform interior and Dasycladales from correlated ammonoid-bearing samples of the Marmolada platform were studied for comparison. At Latemar, the dense sampling allowed, with some confidence, the identification of the first occurrences of Diplopora nodosa and Gyroporella ladinica, and the last occurrences of D. annulatissima and D. comelicana. Their stratigraphic range was found to be in agreement with literature. Other first or last occurrences could not be reconciled with known distributions, and were considered as environmentally or palaeogeographically controlled. All four algal events occur within a narrow interval of two Illyrian (Upper Anisian) ammonoid subzones (avisianum and crassus subzones). This study demonstrates the biostratigraphic potential of Dasycladales in platform settings, and highlights the necessity of detailed stratigraphic studies to determine their distribution.  相似文献   

有壳虫(Testacea)是一类常见的自由生活的原生动物,在生态系统物质循环和能量流动中发挥重要作用.作者在分析地球三极(北极、南极、西藏)地区有壳虫种类名录(62属315种)基础上,对有壳虫区系特征、地理分布及其影响因素进行了研究.结果显示,北极地区已记录25科51属232种;南极地区20科30属131种;西藏地区22科42属173种.三个地区物种丰富度最高的属均为砂壳虫属(Difflugia)、匣壳虫属(Centropyxis)、梨壳虫属(Nebela)、鳞壳虫属(Euglypha)和表壳虫属(Arcella);5个属的种数分别占北极、南极、西藏总种数的51.3%、63.4%和60.1%.此外,3个地区共有种数是73(23.2%),共有属数是24(38.7%);仅在1个地区记录的种数是167种(53.0%).在三极地区40个亚区域,苔藓鳞盖虫(Assulina muscorum)和旋匣壳虫(Centropyxis aerophila)的分布最广泛,出现频率均高达90%.聚类分析显示,三个地区种水平相似性系数为51.3-56.3%,属于中等相似,北极和西藏相似系数最大.相似性分析表明,虽然有壳虫具有较强的长距离被动扩散能力,但是一些大于100μm的种类不是全球性分布.有壳虫的地理分布格局与个体大小、生境类型、地质历史事件等密切相关,分析结果受物种鉴定标准、样品数量、空间尺度大小等因素影响.  相似文献   

Scaling up from local, short-term experiments to larger-area and longer-term ones is crucial to address the role of scale in ecology. Few studies, however, examined large-scale spatial variability in the distribution and abundance of marine organisms, with rare attempts to directly compare spatial variation at local (centimetres-metres) vs. regional (1000's of kilometres) scale. Here, we used a hierarchical design to describe the spatial distribution of the hydroids epiphitic of the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea, a habitat-forming species that provides a continuous, extensive settling substrate at regional scale along the rocky coasts in the Mediterranean Sea. This continuity provides the potential to deal with scale-related variability, increasing area of investigation without adding differences deriving from habitat heterogeneity or changes in topographic complexity. Hydroids were selected for their abundance and for their life cycle features (rapid growth, small body size, early sexual or asexual reproduction and short life span), allowing rapid responses to changes in environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to analyse whether the structure of hydroid assemblages living on C. amentacea had a consistent pattern of variation among three portions of the algal thallus (i.e., basal, middle, and distal) across a spectrum of scales and whether having or not a pelagic stage could exert a significant influence on the distribution patterns of the species. A total of 32 species were identified. Multivariate analyses showed that hydroid colonization of Cystoseira occurs differently along each thallus, with patterns of variation in the structure of assemblages differing at an even smaller spatial scale than that of single plants. However, such differences varied from patch to patch. Among the 14 species identified as “important” to define the hydroid assemblage inhabiting Cystoseira, only one (Clytia hemisphaerica) has free medusae, the other species reproducing by fixed gonophores or by short-lived medusoids. Univariate analysis showed significant differences among portions of thalli in terms of spatial variability at the various scales investigated, thus suggesting that patterns of multivariate variation along the three portions of thalli might vary across scale. Overall, our results suggest that patterns of distribution of hydroids along C. amentacea thalli significantly vary across spatial scales but that the observed differences can be hardly interpreted on the basis of life-cycle patterns.  相似文献   

The green algal genus Cylindrocystis is widespread in various types of environments, including extreme habitats. However, very little is known about its diversity, especially in polar regions. In the present study, we isolated seven new Cylindrocystis-like strains from terrestrial and freshwater habitats in Svalbard (High Arctic). We aimed to compare the new isolates on a molecular (rbcL and 18S rDNA), morphological (light and confocal laser scanning microscopy), and cytological (Raman microscopy) basis. Our results demonstrated that the Arctic Cylindrocystis were not of a monophyletic origin and that the studied strains clustered within two clades (tentatively named the soil and freshwater/glacier clades) and four separate lineages. Morphological data (cell size, shape, and chloroplast morphology) supported the presence of several distinct taxa among the new isolates. Moreover, the results showed that the Arctic Cylindrocystis strains were closely related to strains originating from the temperate zone, indicating high ecological versatility and successful long-distance dispersal of the genus. Large amounts of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) grains were detected within the chloroplasts of the cultured Arctic Cylindrocystis strains, suggesting effective luxury uptake of phosphorus. Additionally, various intracellular structures were identified using Raman microscopy and cytochemical and fluorescent staining. This study represents the first attempt to combine molecular, morphological, ecological, and biogeographical data for Arctic Cylindrocystis. Our novel cytological observations partially explain the success of Cylindrocystis-like microalgae in polar regions.  相似文献   

Young sporophytes of short-stipe ecotype ofEcklonia cavafrom a warmer locality (Tei, Kochi Pref., southern Japan) and those of long-stipe ecotype from a cooler locality (Nabeta, Shizuoka Pref., central Japan) were transplanted in 1995 to artificial reefs immersed at the habitat of long-stipe ecotype in Nabeta Bay, Shizuoka Pref., central Japan. The characteristics of photosynthesis and respiration of bladelets of the transplanted sporophytes of the two ecotypes were compared in winter and summer 1997; the results were assessed per unit area, per unit chlorophyllacontent and per unit dry weight. In photosynthesis-light curves at 10–29 °C, light saturation occurred at 200–400 mol photon m–2s–1in sporophytes from both Tei and Nabeta. The maximum photosynthetic rate (P max) at 10–29 °C and the light-saturation index (I k) at 25–29 °C in sporophytes from both localities were generally higher in winter than in summer.P maxat 25–29 °C (per unit area and chlorophylla) were higher in sporophytes from Tei than those from Nabeta in both seasons. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis was 25 °C in winter and 27 °C in summer at high light intensities of 100–400 mol photon m–2s–1. However, at lower light intensities of 12.5–50 mol photon m–2s–1, it was 20 °C in winter and 25–27 °C in summer for sporophytes from both locations. Dark respiration increased with temperature rise in the range of 10–29 °C in sporophytes from both locations in summer and winter. The sporophytes transplanted from Tei (warmer area) showed higher photosynthetic activities than those from Nabeta (cooler area) at warmer temperatures even under the same environmental conditions. This indicates that these physiological ecotypes have arisen from genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

A detailed karyotype analysis was made on the somatic complement ofPicea rubens andP. glauca. B-chromosomes were observed in someP. glauca populations. The karyotypes are generally asymmetrical with most of the chromosomes having median to median-submedian centromeres.Picea glauca chromosomes 2, 3, 7, and 8 have secondary constriction on their short arm and chromosome 10 has a secondary constriction on the long arm. Chromosome 3 was the most easily identifiable, as it has two secondary constrictions located on the short arm. InP. rubens, all the chromosomes but chromosomes 8 and 9 have one to four distinctive secondary constrictions. In general, the diagrammatic comparisons show a high degree of similarity amongP. mariana, P. rubens, andP. glauca. GenomicP. mariana probe strongly hybridized to dots of genomic DNA fromP. rubens andP. glauca indicating that there is a high sequence homology among these three species. The synchronizing agent, hydroxyurea was used at different concentrations to enhance the mitotic index of cell suspensions derived from embryogenic cultures. Hydroxyurea at 1.25 mM increased significantly the mitotic index. An increase of hydroxyurea from 1.25 mM to 5 mM and 10 mM resulted in a steady decrease of mitotic index.  相似文献   

The consequences of global warming are particularly evident in high polar areas. Deglaciation phenomenon—negative mass balance of Svalbard glaciers and recession of tidal glaciers—results in landscape and shoreline change. These areas of very dynamic conditions are now open for primary colonists, among them hydroids, typical early colonists of the vacant substratum. This study aims to explore the patterns of Hydrozoan diversity and distribution in Hornsund (west Spitsbergen). Hydroids associated with shallow water kelp beds as well as those occurring on deeper subtidal soft bottom were collected at sites located along gradients of glacial disturbance (i.e., high mineral sedimentation, ice-berg scouring). Samples were collected by scuba diving (three sites of different distance to active tidal glaciers), van Veen grabs (two sites located in the inner and outer fjord basin), and dredges taken from along a fjord transect. Hydroid diversity differed significantly between sites located in the vicinity of glaciers fronts in glaciated bays and sites comparatively free from glacier disturbance. Glacial disturbance results in low frequencies of occurrence and high levels of rarity of hydroids at sites located close to glacier fronts. The species richness of hydroids colonizing the hard substrate elements present in deeper subtidal decreases along the fjord axis (i.e., along the glacial sedimentation gradient).  相似文献   

S. E. Hartley 《Genetica》1989,79(3):161-166
The chromosomes, together with their C and Q banding patterns, of Arctic charr from Loch Rannoch, Scotland are described. Q banding revealed fewer bands than C banding and variation between individuals for the number of C bands was found. These results suggest that subsets of heterochromatin exist and that there may be an individual variation in DNA content.  相似文献   

Biphasic transport of water and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me(2)SO), a common cryoprotective agent (CPA), in algal cells was induced and measured on a cryoperfusion stage. A two-step experimental protocol provided data for the volumetric response of Chlorococcum (C.) texanum to impermeable and permeable solutes. First, the cells were exposed to a 500-mOsm sucrose solution, causing immediate shrinkage of the cell to a minimum equilibrium volume. Then an isoosmotic 200-mOsm/300-mOsm CPA/sucrose solution was introduced to the cells, resulting in increased cell volume to a new equilibrium state. Experiments were conducted at temperatures between -3 and 23 degrees C. Cell volumes were measured off-line by computer analysis of video images. A network thermodynamic model was fit to the transient volume data to determine permeabilities of C. texanum to water and Me(2)SO over the full temperature range, and results were calculated with two numeric methods. Biphasic transport was found to be slower at colder temperatures, with water entering the cell faster than Me(2)SO. Experimental results were also compared with data from similar experiments using methanol (MeOH) as the CPA. MeOH influx was calculated to be a magnitude larger than that of water. Additionally, MeOH permeability was at least three orders of magnitude greater than Me(2)SO permeability, and the difference in these solute permeabilities increased as temperature decreased.  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice is inhabited by several amphipod species. Abundance, biomass and small-scale distribution of these cryopelagic (=ice associated) amphipods were investigated near Franz Josef Land in summer 1994. The mean abundance of all species was 420 ind./m2; the mean biomass was 10.61 g ww/m2. Gammarus wilkitzkii was the dominant species, whereas Apherusa glacialis, Onisimus nanseni and O. glacialis were only scarcely found. Amphipods were concentrated at the edges of ice floes and were less frequent in areas further away under the ice. The relationship between the distribution and ecological/physiological requirements of cryopelagic amphipods, as well as the small-scale morphology of Arctic sea ice, are discussed. Received: 14 January 1998 / Accepted 14 April 1998  相似文献   

This paper describes methods of semi-mass culture and the quantification of algal color sprayed on a concrete board of the alga Klebsormidium flaccidum (Küitzing) S. Mattox et Blackwell. The alga was cultured in 100 L tanks normally used for hatching brine shrimp, with aeration from the deepest parts of the slanting sides. Initially mean algal density increased rapidly and attained 9.1 times the original density after 4 weeks. Subsequently, increase of the algal density was slow, and the density became 16.1 times the original level after 8 weeks. The alga cultured in this study was sprayed on to a concrete board using an agricultural sprayer. The relationship between the algal density on the board and its color, expressed as L*a*b* color space, was quantified. The chromaticity was maximum as the algal density on the board was about 5 g/m2, and the color was most vivid. When the algal density was more than 20 g/m2, both the lightness and chromaticity changed slightly, and the color became dark green.  相似文献   

The skeletal dry weight of the 4.4 ± 0.2 cm size class of Asterias rubens L. from Kiel Bay in the western Baltic is 0.34 ± 0.08 g. The sum of calcium and magnesium carbonates in the skeleton amounts to 94.0 ± 1.3% while the individual concentrations are 86.9 ± 1.3% CaCO3 and 7.1 ± 0.7% MgCO3. The MgCO3 is 4% lower than expected for a magnesium calcite precipitated under Baltic temperature conditions (8°C). Strontium was not determined but strontium carbonate is known to be in the region of 0.4%. The remainder is organic matter and this gives rise to 2.9 ± 1.3% organic carbon.Animals studied were at the ‘waiting stage’ and their actual growth was minimal. Uptake of 45Ca in the skeleton consists of a fast step followed by a slow step. The fast step is attributed to saturation of exchangeable skeletal pools while the slow step is due to net deposition of CaCO3. Skeletal growth at the waiting stage calculated from the second rate constant was found to be 0.76 μg CaCO3j-mg skeleton?1 · day?1 or 0.09% · day?1 compared with 9.3 μg CaCO3 · mg skeletont1̄ · day?1 or 1.1% · day?1 at log phase. The isotope method is considered superior to size-frequency analysis in that it is capable of detecting differences in growth rate in individuals of the same size class and thus provides an insight into asteroid population structure.  相似文献   

JACKSON  MIKE 《Annals of botany》2003,91(7):940-941
This book for students new to plant biology emphasizes the functionalside of plant life. Although the topic is large, Irene Ridgeand her five co-writers (Mary Bell, Hilary Denny, Jeremy Roberts,Sue Downs and Phil Parker) have kept the size down to a lengththat is well suited to the study desk rather than the coffeetable. Careful reading of this thoughtfully prepared text byany reasonably diligent student should establish a sound butflexible framework on which to base future years of botanicallearning. The book distils many of the essentials but stillleaves the reader feeling in touch  相似文献   

Relationships among elevation, foliar morphology, spectral reflectance, and chlorophyll fluorescence of two co-occurring montane conifers, red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.), were investigated along two transects from 460 to 1460 m on Mt. Moosilauke in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA. Spectral reflectance (300-1100 nm wavelengths) and the chlorophyll fluorescence F(v)/F(m) ratio were measured on dark-adapted needles. Foliar morphology (needle size, shape, and mass) and nitrogen concentrations were measured in the laboratory. Reflectance spectra varied between species and with elevation. Two chlorophyll measures, red edge position and a chlorophyll-based difference index (Chl NDI = R750 - R705/R750 + R705), indicated more chlorophyll in fir than in spruce and decreasing chlorophyll with increasing elevation in both species. The structure-independent pigment index (SIPI = R800 - R445/R800 - R680) increased with elevation, indicating an increasing carotenoid?:?chlorophyll ratio. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI = R531 - R570/R531 + R570), a measure of photosynthetic radiation use efficiency, decreased with increasing elevation up to 1370 m. In the highest elevation site, within the stunted alpine krummholz at 1460 m, PRI was higher than at 1370 m, but still lower than at 1070 m. This same pattern was evident in the chlorophyll fluorescence F(v)/F(m) measurements. These independent indices indicate higher stress in spruce than fir, which may be related to the "spruce decline" reported in the northeastern USA. Results also indicate progressively increasing stress with increasing elevation up to 1370 m. Stress appears to be lower at 1460 m than at 1370 m, despite the harsher conditions at the very summit of Mt. Moosilauke. This may be a consequence of stress-tolerant physiology and/or prostrate architecture.  相似文献   

One of the most important drivers of local adaptation for forest trees is climate. Coupled to these patterns, however, are human‐induced disturbances through habitat modification and pollution. The confounded effects of climate and disturbance have rarely been investigated with regard to selective pressure on forest trees. Here, we have developed and used a population genetic approach to search for signals of selection within a set of 36 candidate genes chosen for their putative effects on adaptation to climate and human‐induced air pollution within five populations of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.), distributed across its natural range and air pollution gradient in eastern North America. Specifically, we used FST outlier and environmental correlation analyses to highlight a set of seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were overly correlated with climate and levels of sulphate pollution after correcting for the confounding effects of population history. Use of three age cohorts within each population allowed the effects of climate and pollution to be separated temporally, as climate‐related SNPs (= 7) showed the strongest signals in the oldest cohort, while pollution‐related SNPs (= 3) showed the strongest signals in the youngest cohorts. These results highlight the usefulness of population genetic scans for the identification of putatively nonneutral evolution within genomes of nonmodel forest tree species, but also highlight the need for the development and application of robust methodologies to deal with the inherent multivariate nature of the genetic and ecological data used in these types of analyses.  相似文献   

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