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Voluntary components of the emotion perception were shown to be related to the left hemisphere temporal area in patients with focal lesions of postero-frontal and temporal areas of both hemispheres, whereas the involuntary components required involvement of the right hemisphere temporal area. The voluntary components of the emotion reproduction are associated with involvement of the left hemisphere postero-frontal area, whereas involuntary components of perception are related to work of the right hemisphere postero-frontal area. The data obtained suggest that the voluntary (conscious) recognition and reproduction of emotions are mainly related to the sensory and motor speech centres of the left hemisphere, whereas involuntary those involve symmetrical areas of the opposite hemisphere.  相似文献   

The efficiency of emotion recognition by verbal and facial samples was tested in 81 persons (25 healthy subjects and 56 patients with focal pathology of premotor and temporal areas of brain hemispheres). The involvement of some cortical structures in the recognition of the basic emotional states (joy, anger, grief, and fear) and the neutral state was compared. It was shown that the damage to both right and left hemispheres impaired the recognition of emotional states by not only facial but also verbal samples. Damage to the right premotor area and to the left temporal area impaired the efficiency of the emotion recognition by both kinds of samples to the highest degree.  相似文献   

Successful socialization requires the ability of understanding of others’ mental states. This ability called as mentalization (Theory of Mind) may become deficient and contribute to everyday life difficulties in multiple sclerosis. We aimed to explore the impact of brain pathology on mentalization performance in multiple sclerosis. Mentalization performance of 49 patients with multiple sclerosis was compared to 24 age- and gender matched healthy controls. T1- and T2-weighted three-dimensional brain MRI images were acquired at 3Tesla from patients with multiple sclerosis and 18 gender- and age matched healthy controls. We assessed overall brain cortical thickness in patients with multiple sclerosis and the scanned healthy controls, and measured the total and regional T1 and T2 white matter lesion volumes in patients with multiple sclerosis. Performances in tests of recognition of mental states and emotions from facial expressions and eye gazes correlated with both total T1-lesion load and regional T1-lesion load of association fiber tracts interconnecting cortical regions related to visual and emotion processing (genu and splenium of corpus callosum, right inferior longitudinal fasciculus, right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus). Both of these tests showed correlations with specific cortical areas involved in emotion recognition from facial expressions (right and left fusiform face area, frontal eye filed), processing of emotions (right entorhinal cortex) and socially relevant information (left temporal pole). Thus, both disconnection mechanism due to white matter lesions and cortical thinning of specific brain areas may result in cognitive deficit in multiple sclerosis affecting emotion and mental state processing from facial expressions and contributing to everyday and social life difficulties of these patients.  相似文献   

The quantity of correct and erroneous identifications of human emotions was compared according to their intonational and mimical cues in the group of healthy persons (31 persons) and in the group of patients with lesions of different cortical parts of the left and right cerebral hemispheres (54 patients). It was established that the intactness of the temporal parts of both hemispheres is important for non-verbal recognition (choosing of appropriate photograph by the observer) of emotions by mimics. Correct verbal identification of emotions by mimics requires the integrity of the fronto-parietal parts of the left hemisphere while verbal identification of emotional intonation needs the intactness of the fronto-parietal parts of the right hemisphere. The significance of the temporal areas (especially of the right hemisphere) increases in case when the emotional colouring of the presented verbal communication does not coincide with its contents.  相似文献   

People with Huntington''s disease and people suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder show severe deficits in recognizing facial expressions of disgust, whereas people with lesions restricted to the amygdala are especially impaired in recognizing facial expressions of fear. This double dissociation implies that recognition of certain basic emotions may be associated with distinct and non-overlapping neural substrates. Some authors, however, emphasize the general importance of the ventral parts of the frontal cortex in emotion recognition, regardless of the emotion being recognized. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to locate neural structures that are critical for recognition of facial expressions of basic emotions by investigating cerebral activation of six healthy adults performing a gender discrimination task on images of faces expressing disgust, fear and anger. Activation in response to these faces was compared with that for faces showing neutral expressions. Disgusted facial expressions activated the right putamen and the left insula cortex, whereas enhanced activity in the posterior part of the right gyrus cinguli and the medial temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere was observed during processing of angry faces. Fearful expressions activated the right fusiform gyrus and the left dorsolateral frontal cortex. For all three emotions investigated, we also found activation of the inferior part of the left frontal cortex (Brodmann area 47). These results support the hypotheses derived from neuropsychological findings, that (i) recognition of disgust, fear and anger is based on separate neural systems, and that (ii) the output of these systems converges on frontal regions for further information processing.  相似文献   

Different kinds of emotional phenomena are related in a different way with the workings of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Emotional reactions (phasic emotions), which appear on the basis of a cognitive loading (mental representation, recognition, play, prognostication, watching movies, reading of emotionally colored texts or separate words and so on) and which are tested with the help of electrophysiological methods, activate different regions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain depending on the complexity and novelty of emotiogenic situations as well as on the degree of subject's emotional tension. The tonic emotions individual background-mood, on which depends the emotional estimation (negative of positive) of the presented stimuli or events, are determined mostly by a prolonged, relatively stable, tonic activation of each hemisphere connected with subjects' individual characteristics. The predominance of the left hemisphere activity creates positive emotional background, whereas the predominance of the right hemisphere creates negative background.  相似文献   

The frequency of skin-galvanic (SGR) and motor reactions was analyzed at recognition of human emotional state by mimics. 31 healthy persons and 54 patients with lesions of temporal and frontoparietal areas of both cerebral hemispheres were examined. It has been established that the process of recognition takes place by stages: at first - at intuitive level accompanied by SGR, and then at the level of making decision completed by a motor or verbal reaction. Efficiency of recognition at the first stage does not so much depend on lesion localization as at the second stage. Pathology of the left hemisphere affects mainly the stage of making decision, and of the right one - the process of recognition as a whole.  相似文献   

To justify neurophysiological correlates of depressive disorders, the spetral parameters of EEG, peak latencies of the “late” components of auditory cognitive evoked potentials, and latencies of sensorimotor reactions in middle age and elderly patients (aged 53–72 years) during therapy of prolonged psychogenic depressive reaction (F43.21 according to ICD-10) have been studied. Initial depression severity was associated to the EEG signs of decreased functional state of the anterior areas of the left hemisphere and increased activation of the right hemisphere (especially, its temporal areas). Pronounced improvement of clinical state under the affect of psychopharmacotherapy was accompanied by acceleration of the sensorimotor reactions, a decrease in peak latencies of the “late” components (P2, N2, and P3) of auditory cognitive evoked potentials and associated with the EEG signs of improvement of functional state of the posterior areas of the brain, an enforcement of inhibitory processes in the right hemisphere (especially, in its frontal, central, and temporal areas) and more pronounced activation of frontal areas of the left hemisphere. The data are in good agreement with the concept on the systemic character of impairments of brain functioning in depression, as well as on the preferential role of the left hemisphere in control of positive emotions and the right one, of negative emotions.  相似文献   

Emotions are expressed more clearly on the left side of the face than the right: an asymmetry that probably stems from right hemisphere dominance for emotional expression (right hemisphere model). More controversially, it has been suggested that the left hemiface bias is stronger for negative emotions and weaker or reversed for positive emotions (valence model). We examined the veracity of the right hemisphere and valence models by measuring asymmetries in: (i) movement of the face; and (ii) observer's rating of emotionality. The study uses a precise three-dimensional (3D) imaging technique to measure facial movement and to provide images that simultaneously capture the left or right hemifaces. Models (n = 16) with happy, sad and neutral expressions were digitally captured and manipulated. Comparison of the neutral and happy or sad images revealed greater movement of the left hemiface, regardless of the valence of the emotion, supporting the right hemisphere model. There was a trend, however, for left-sided movement to be more pronounced for negative than positive emotions. Participants (n = 357) reported that portraits rotated so that the left hemiface was featured, were more expressive of negative emotions whereas right hemiface portraits were more expressive for positive emotions, supporting the valence model. The effect of valence was moderated when the images were mirror-reversed. The data demonstrate that relatively small rotations of the head have a dramatic effect on the expression of positive and negative emotions. The fact that the effect of valence was not captured by the movement analysis demonstrates that subtle movements can have a strong effect on the expression of emotion.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to demonstrate the brain activation during transition from unconscious to conscious breathing in seven healthy human subjects. In right-handed volunteers, the activated areas were found in both hemispheres. The medial part of the precentral gyrus (area 4) was constantly activated in the left hemisphere. Additional activated areas were demonstrated in the premotor cortex and in the posterior parietal cortex. The activated cortical sites exhibited analogous distribution in the right hemisphere. In two out of the seven subjects. activated sites were also observed in the cerebellar hemispheres, and in the lentiform and caudate nuclei.  相似文献   

Patients with frontotemporal dementia have pervasive changes in emotion recognition and social cognition, yet the neural changes underlying these emotion processing deficits remain unclear. The multimodal system model of emotion proposes that basic emotions are dependent on distinct brain regions, which undergo significant pathological changes in frontotemporal dementia. As such, this syndrome may provide important insight into the impact of neural network degeneration upon the innate ability to recognise emotions. This study used voxel-based morphometry to identify discrete neural correlates involved in the recognition of basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, sadness, surprise and happiness) in frontotemporal dementia. Forty frontotemporal dementia patients (18 behavioural-variant, 11 semantic dementia, 11 progressive nonfluent aphasia) and 27 healthy controls were tested on two facial emotion recognition tasks: The Ekman 60 and Ekman Caricatures. Although each frontotemporal dementia group showed impaired recognition of negative emotions, distinct associations between emotion-specific task performance and changes in grey matter intensity emerged. Fear recognition was associated with the right amygdala; disgust recognition with the left insula; anger recognition with the left middle and superior temporal gyrus; and sadness recognition with the left subcallosal cingulate, indicating that discrete neural substrates are necessary for emotion recognition in frontotemporal dementia. The erosion of emotion-specific neural networks in neurodegenerative disorders may produce distinct profiles of performance that are relevant to understanding the neurobiological basis of emotion processing.  相似文献   

The problem is reviewed of sex differences and the brain organization of the visual-spatial and verbal-cognitive functions both in adults and in the 5–15-year old children. Characteristic of men are the integral strategy of the face image recognition, specialization of the right hemisphere for visual-spatial functions, and the tonic inhibitory effect of the right hemisphere on the left one. Typical of women are the fragmented type of the image recognition, the equality of the brain hemispheres functions at the unfamiliar face recognition, and predominance of the left hemisphere by accuracy of the object localization in the visual field. It is possible that the general strategy of the recognition in women is not realized due to the right hemisphere submitted to the interfering effect of the left hemisphere. Analysis of sex differences in distribution of verbal functions shows that the capability for the verbal learning at the age of 5 years and older is higher in girls than in boys. Such capability seems to be accounted for by the superiority of the left hemisphere in girls in this type of its activity and by its earlier development and maturation. The phenomenon of semantic paralexia appearing more often in boys is accounted for by inclusion of lexical-semantic fields of the right hemisphere symmetric areas in the verbal-cognitive activity There are reasons to believe that the higher capability in girls for the verbal learning is mainly due to processes of the auditory-verbal integration within the limits of the left hemisphere, whereas this verbal ability in boys depends on the relative predominance of the interhemispheric connections.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative process in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been proven to involve several cortical and subcortical brain regions within and beyond motor areas. However, how ALS pathology spreads progressively during disease evolution is still unknown. In this cross-sectional study we investigated 54 ALS patients, divided into 3 subsets according to the clinical stage, and 18 age and sex-matched healthy controls, by using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analyses. We aimed to identify white (WM) and gray matter (GM) patterns of disease distinctive of each clinical stage, corresponding to specific clinical milestones. ALS cases in stage 2A (i.e., at diagnosis) were characterized by GM and WM impairment of left motor and premotor cortices and brainstem at ponto-mesenchephalic junction. ALS patients in clinical stage 2B (with impairment of two functional regions) exhibited decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) (p<0.001, uncorrected) and increased mean (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD) (p<0.001, uncorrected) in the left cerebellar hemisphere and brainstem precerebellar nuclei, as well as in motor areas, while GM atrophy (p<0.001, uncorrected) was detected only in the left inferior frontal gyrus and right cuneus. Finally, ALS patients in stage 3 (with impairment of three functional regions) exhibited decreased FA and increased MD and RD (p<0.05, corrected) within WM underneath bilateral pre and postcentral gyri, corpus callosum midbody, long associative tracts and midbrain, while no significant clusters of GM atrophy were observed. Our findings reinforce the hypothesis that the neurodegenerative process propagates along the axonal pathways and develops beyond motor areas from early stages, involving progressively several frontotemporal regions and their afferents and efferents, while the detection of GM atrophy in earlier stages and its disappearance in later stages may be the result of reactive gliosis.  相似文献   

Individual features of the regional interhemispheric relations in the brain were studied in dogs during alimentary conditioning. The electrical activity was recorded from symmetrical anterior (frontal and motor cortices) and posterior (visual and auditory cortices) areas of the neocortex. Comparison between the averaged left and right intrahemispheric EEG coherences revealed a dynamic character of interhemispheric relations dependent on the stage of conditioning. Individual features were shown. In a dog with strong type of the nervous system, in the anterior brain regions, the EEG coherence was higher in the left hemisphere than in the right one, whereas, on the contrary, in the posterior regions, the values were higher in the right than in the left hemisphere. In dogs with weak type of the nervous system, there was an inverse relationship. Thus, the spatial organization of the cortical electrical activity in the associative and projection brain areas was different.  相似文献   



This study investigates the effect of tumor location on alterations of language network by brain tumors at different locations using blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) fMRI and group independent component analysis (ICA).

Subjects and Methods

BOLD fMRI data were obtained from 43 right handed brain tumor patients. Presurgical mapping of language areas was performed on all 43 patients with a picture naming task. All data were retrospectively analyzed using group ICA. Patents were divided into three groups based on tumor locations, i.e., left frontal region, left temporal region or right hemisphere. Laterality index (LI) was used to assess language lateralization in each group.


The results from BOLD fMRI and ICA revealed the different language activation patterns in patients with brain tumors located in different brain regions. Language areas, such as Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, were intact in patients with tumors in the right hemisphere. Significant functional changes were observed in patients with tumor in the left frontal and temporal areas. More specifically, the tumors in the left frontal region affect both Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, while tumors in the left temporal lobe affect mainly Wernicke’s area. The compensated activation increase was observed in the right frontal areas in patients with left hemisphere tumors.


Group ICA provides a model free alternative approach for mapping functional networks in brain tumor patients. Altered language activation by different tumor locations suggested reorganization of language functions in brain tumor patients and may help better understanding of the language plasticity.  相似文献   

Visual evoked potentials (VEP) in standard 16 EEG derivations were recorded in 26 young men and 20 women during recognition of facial emotional expressions and geometric figures. The stimuli were presented on a computer screen in the center of the visual field or randomly in the right or left vision hemifields. Peak VEP latency and mean amplitude in 50-ms epochs were measured; spatiotemporal VEP dynamics was analyzed in a series of topographic maps. The right hemisphere was shown to be more important in processing emotional faces. The character of the asymmetry was dynamic: at earlier stages of emotion processing the electrical activity was higher in the right inferior temporal region compared to the left symmetrical site. Later on the activity was higher in the right frontal and central areas. The dynamic mapping of "face-selective" component N180 of VEPs revealed the onset of activation over the right frontal areas that was followed by the fast activation of symmetrical left zones. Notably, this dynamics didn't correlate with the hemifield of stimuli exposition. The degree of asymmetry was lower during presentation of figures, especially in the inferior temporal and frontal regions. The prominent asymmetry of information processes in the inferior temporal and frontal areas was suggested to be specific for recognition of facial expression.  相似文献   

Forty two hemiparetic patients after cerebrovascular accidents were trained to change the position of the center of pressure according to a target on the screen with the visual feedback control. The learning was substantially impaired in comparison with the group of healthy subjects. Patients with the right-hemispheric lesions showed somewhat greater learning deficit than patients with lesions in the left hemisphere. Lesion localization also affected the process of learning. The learning was disturbed to a greater extent in patients with lesions involving not only motor but also premotor and parietal cortical areas. In patients with parieto-temporal lesions the learning reached a very low level after three initial days of training, possibly, because of the deficit of sensory integration and of body scheme in the extra-personal space. Patients with combined lesions of the motor, premotor, and parietal areas showed the lowest results. The learning was shown to depend on the deficit of proprioception and extent of postural disturbances (asymmetry of body weight distribution and amplitude of the center of pressure oscillations) rather than on the extent of motor deficit (paresis and spasticity). However, the learning itself improved some motor disturbances.  相似文献   

Complex analysis of EEG and thermographic parameters carried out in 10 healthy subjects and 34 patients, Chernobyl clean-up participants revealed a correlation between EEG and brain temperature changes in the baseline state and during mental arithmetic. During cognitive activity the maximal increase in the average EEG coherence and temperature shifts in healthy subjects were observed in the left frontotemporal and right parietotemporal areas. In patients changes in both parameters under study were most pronounced, the interhemispheric relations were impaired. The visual analysis revealed "flat" and "hypersynchronous" EEG types in patients. The dominant pathologic activity in the betal range indicative of mediobasal and oral brainstem lesions was characteristic of the flat EEG. This type of activity was observed in 60% of patients. In these cases, a general decrease in EEG coherence and temperature was most pronounced in the left hemisphere. The hypersynchronou EEG type (40% patients) was characterized by paroxysmal activity in the theta and alpha ranges suggesting diencephalic brain lesions. In these cases, EEG coherence and temperature were more variable; changes in the right hemisphere were significant, be it increase or decrease. Our complex approach to investigation of brain activity in different aspects seems to be promising in estimation of the brain functional state both in healthy persons and patients in remote terms after exposure to radiation. The specific hemispheric temperature changes revealed in Chernobyl patients especially during cognitive activity can be the sequels of postradiation disorders of vascular neuro-circulation. The EEG findings suggest subcortical disorders at different levels (diencephalic or brainstem) and functional failure of the right or left hemispheres in remote terms after exposure to radiation.  相似文献   

The present study examined the neural basis of vivid motor imagery with parametrical functional magnetic resonance imaging. 22 participants performed motor imagery (MI) of six different right-hand movements that differed in terms of pointing accuracy needs and object involvement, i.e., either none, two big or two small squares had to be pointed at in alternation either with or without an object grasped with the fingers. After each imagery trial, they rated the perceived vividness of motor imagery on a 7-point scale. Results showed that increased perceived imagery vividness was parametrically associated with increasing neural activation within the left putamen, the left premotor cortex (PMC), the posterior parietal cortex of the left hemisphere, the left primary motor cortex, the left somatosensory cortex, and the left cerebellum. Within the right hemisphere, activation was found within the right cerebellum, the right putamen, and the right PMC. It is concluded that the perceived vividness of MI is parametrically associated with neural activity within sensorimotor areas. The results corroborate the hypothesis that MI is an outcome of neural computations based on movement representations located within motor areas.  相似文献   

In patients with lesions in the right hemisphere, frequently involving the posterior parietal regions, left-sided somatosensory (and visual and motor) deficits not only reflect a disorder of primary sensory processes, but also have a higher-order component related to a defective spatial representation of the body. This additional factor, related to right brain damage, is clinically relevant: contralesional hemianaesthesia (and hemianopia and hemiplegia) is more frequent in right brain-damaged patients than in patients with damage to the left side of the brain. Three main lines of investigation suggest the existence of this higher-order pathological factor. (i) Right brain-damaged patients with left hemineglect may show physiological evidence of preserved processing of somatosensory stimuli, of which they are not aware. Similar results have been obtained in the visual domain. (ii) Direction-specific vestibular, visual optokinetic and somatosensory or proprioceptive stimulations may displace spatial frames of reference in right brain-damaged patients with left hemineglect, reducing or increasing the extent of the patients'' ipsilesional rightward directional error, and bring about similar directional effects in normal subjects. These stimulations, which may improve or worsen a number of manifestations of the neglect syndrome (such as extrapersonal and personal hemineglect), have similar effects on the severity of left somatosensory deficits (defective detection of tactile stimuli, position sense disorders). However, visuospatial hemineglect and the somatosensory deficits improved by these stimulations are independent, albeit related, disorders. (iii) The severity of left somatosensory deficits is affected by the spatial position of body segments, with reference to the midsagittal plane of the trunk. A general implication of these observations is that spatial (non-somatotopic) levels of representation contribute to corporeal awareness. The neural basis of these spatial frames includes the posterior parietal and the premotor frontal regions. These spatial representations could provide perceptual-premotor interfaces for the organization of movements (e.g. pointing, locomotion) directed towards targets in personal and extrapersonal space. In line with this view, there is evidence that the sensory stimulations that modulate left somatosensory deficits affect left motor disorders in a similar, direction-specific, fashion.  相似文献   

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