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Physiologically related features of muscle morphology are considered with regard to functional adaptation for locomotor and postural behavior in the brown lemur (Lemur fulvus). Reduced physiological cross-sectional area, estimated maximum excursion of the tendon of insertion, length of tendon per muscle fasciculus, and areal fiber type composition were examined in the quadriceps femoris in order to assess the extent of a "division of labor" among four apparent synergists. Each of these four muscles in this prosimian primate displays a distinguishing constellation of morphological features that implies functional specialization during posture and normal locomotion (walk/run, galloping, leaping). Vastus medialis is best suited for rapid whole muscle recruitment and may be reserved for relatively vigorous activities such as galloping and leaping (e.g., small cross-sectional area per mass, long excursion, predominance of fast-low oxidative fibers, relatively little tendon per fasciculus). In theory, rectus femoris could be employed isometrically in order to store elastic strain energy during all phasic activities (e.g., large cross-sectional area per mass, short excursion, predominance of fast-high oxidative fibers, large amount of tendon per fasciculus). Vastus intermedius exhibits an overall morphology indicative of a typical postural muscle (e.g., substantial cross-sectional area, short excursion, predominance of slow-high oxidative fibers, large amount of tendon per fasciculus). The construction of vastus lateralis reflects an adaptation for high force, relatively high velocity, and resistance to fatigue (e.g., large cross-sectional area, long excursion, most heterogeneous distribution of fiber types, large amount of tendon per fasciculus); this muscle is probably the primary contributor to a wide range of locomotor behaviors in lemurs. Marked dramatic architectural disparity among the four bellies, coupled with relative overall fiber type heterogeneity, suggests the potential for exceptional flexibility in muscle recruitment within this mass. One interpretation of this relatively complex neuromuscular organization in the brown lemur is that it represents an adaptation for the exploitation of a three-dimensional arboreal environment by rapid quadrupedalism and leaping among irregular and spatially disordered substrates.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the hand preferences exhibited by 33 black lemurs during routine feeding. Individual animals displayed hand preferences that were consistent across observations separated by as much as seven months. Within this population, 20 were left hand preferent, 12 right preferent, and 1 was ambidextrous. Correlational analysis of age and percentage left hand use indicated an inverse relationship in which younger animals tended towards the preferential use of the left hand and older animals the preferential use of the right hand. Similar analysis found no relationship between either sex and hand preference or familial relationship and hand preference. The skewed distribution of age in this sample renders tentative conclusions regarding age-related variations in hand preference. It is suggested that if the hand preferences of the black lemur are not age-related, then this species may be characterized as having a bias towards the preferential use of the left hand for food reaching.  相似文献   

Antiraptor responses from forest-living ringtailed lemurs to advertisement calls of naturally-occurring red-tailed hawks suggested that the lemurs discriminated these calls from other environmental sounds. A series of playback experiments, using real animal sounds and synthetic sound probes, was conducted to investigate the acoustic basis of this putative discrimination. Two semi-captive groups of ringtails served as study subjects: one group had many years of experience living in the forest, whereas the other group had relatively little such experience. Responses to playbacks suggested that both groups used the same acoustic criteria to discriminate “calls of large hawks” from other sounds, but the range of auditory stimuli that evoked antiraptor responses was broader for the experienced group than for the inexperienced group. Although several interpretations of the experimental results are possible, one that seems particularly compatible with the data is the “prototype” concept of stimulus categorization.  相似文献   

B. Brun  Y. Rumpler 《Human Evolution》1989,4(2-3):231-232
Artificial inseminations using fresh semen were successful inLemur fulvus mayottensis. Inseminations with frozen semen are in progress.  相似文献   

To understand how selection acts on performance capacity, the ecological role of the performance trait being measured must be determined. Knowing if and when an animal uses maximal performance capacity may give insight into what specific selective pressures may be acting on performance, because individuals are expected to use close to maximal capacity only in contexts important to survival or reproductive success. Furthermore, if an ecological context is important, poor performers are expected to compensate behaviorally. To understand the relative roles of natural and sexual selection on maximal sprint speed capacity we measured maximal sprint speed of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in the laboratory and field-realized sprint speed for the same individuals in three different contexts (foraging, escaping a predator, and responding to a rival intruder). Females used closer to maximal speed while escaping predators than in the other contexts. Adult males, on the other hand, used closer to maximal speed while responding to an unfamiliar male intruder tethered within their territory. Sprint speeds during foraging attempts were far below maximal capacity for all lizards. Yearlings appeared to compensate for having lower absolute maximal capacity by using a greater percentage of their maximal capacity while foraging and escaping predators than did adults of either sex. We also found evidence for compensation within age and sex classes, where slower individuals used a greater percentage of their maximal capacity than faster individuals. However, this was true only while foraging and escaping predators and not while responding to a rival. Collared lizards appeared to choose microhabitats near refugia such that maximal speed was not necessary to escape predators. Although natural selection for predator avoidance cannot be ruled out as a selective force acting on locomotor performance in collared lizards, intrasexual selection for territory maintenance may be more important for territorial males.  相似文献   

A total of nine groups of ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata), as well as one solitary individual, were observed on Nosy Mangabe, an island located off the eastern coast of Madagascar, for a total 536 min between November 30 and December 8, 1983. The average group size was 2.8 animals (N=5), and the population density was 175 animals/km2, as estimated from direct observation and location of vocalization. During the same period, nine groups of brown lemurs (Lemur fulvus albifrons) and one solitary individual were observed for a total 320 min. One group of brown lemurs was composed of eight animals (two adult males and females, one male juvenile, two infants, and one individual of undetermined age and sex). Feeding competition occurred between the two species, with whichVarecia variegata variegata dominating.  相似文献   

The collection of data on physical parameters of body segments is a preliminary critical step in studying the biomechanics of locomotion. Little data on nonhuman body segment parameters has been published. The lack of standardization of techniques for data collection and presentation has made the comparative use of these data difficult and at times impossible. This study offers an approach for collecting data on center of gravity and moments of inertia for standardized body segments. The double swing pendulum approach is proposed as a solution for difficulties previously encountered in calculating moments of inertia for body segments. A format for prompting a computer to perform these calculations is offered, and the resulting segment mass data for Lemur fulvus is presented.  相似文献   

The process of acquisition and propagation of a novel behavior pattern in a group of 18Lemur catta was examined. Six of eight animals that acquired the new habit were infants or juveniles. Adult males did not take up the new behavior pattern. Effects of rank and kinship on the aquisition process were not obvious.  相似文献   

Scent-marking and olfactory communication are used extensively by prosimians and can provide spatial and temporal records of group movement and behavior. We compare rates of male scent-marking in relation to reproductive seasons, male dominance rank, and habitat use in two related prosimians: Lemur catta and Eulemur fulvus rufus. We collected scent-marking data on adult male Lemur catta at Beza-Mahafaly Reserve (dry forest), and on Eulemur fulvus rufus at Ranomafana National Park (rainforest), Madagascar. In Lemur, rates of overall scent-marking differed significantly by reproductive season, with higher rates occurring in mating and lactation/migration periods, whereas in Eulemur, reproductive season did not appear to affect scent-marking rates. Dominance rank of male Lemur catta did not affect rates of scent-marking. Among male Eulemur fulvus, dominance relations were not apparent; however, 2 of the 5 focal males scent-marked somewhat more frequently during the mating season and also experienced greater mating success. In Lemur catta, higher rates of scent-marking in the mating season may relate to indirect reproductive competition during a period of high aggression, while such mating competition was not as marked in Eulemur fulvus. Furthermore, higher rates of marking in resident male Lemur catta during male migration may correlate with vigilance toward immigrating males. Greater overall scent-marking rates in ring-tailed lemurs may relate to extensive intergroup home range overlap and no area of exclusive use, whereas the red-fronted lemur groups tended to forage in areas of their home range where little-to-no intergroup overlap occurred.  相似文献   

Mating behavior of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty,Madagascar   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The mating behavior of ring-tailed lemurs at Berenty, Madagascar, was observed in April 1982. Although Troop A included five adult females, only two were observed to mate. The mating period covered two consecutive days, April 24 and 25. Each female was receptive for about 4 hr. Data from 47 copulations, of which 38 were with ejaculation, suggest that to be the first mating partner is of importance for male ring-tailed lemurs. Previously it has been suggested that male dominance is of little significance in determining mating partners. In this investigation it was observed that the second most dominant male MK was always the first mating partner. Only after several ejaculations and resultant fatigue did he lose possession of the female to lower ranking males, and the first ranking male was not seen to copulate with either female at any time. These results suggest that a male's mating success is partly, but not completely correlated with his dominance rank, and that other factors, including his length of residence in the group and female choice, also determine patterns of mating.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of two sympatric species of lemurs, Lemur cattaand Lemur fulvus,was studied in an enclosure simulating a natural habitat at the Duke University Primate Center. L. fulvusspent less time feeding during the day than L. catta.But the former species ate more fruit and had longer feeding bouts on preferred food items than L. catta.They also had a shorter food passage time than L. cattaand their choice of resting places was more influenced by food distribution. Furthermore, the two lemur species ate parts of different plant species and showed different reactions to chemical plant components. According to these results, L. fulvusis a more conservative feeder than L. catta.These interspecific differences in feeding behavior may be one of a number of differences that allow the two species to coexist. In allopatry, however, L. fulvusmay also adopt feeding patterns similar to those of L. catta.But L. cattawas never found to change its feeding strategies in different areas. It may be this option of L. fulvusto adopt different feeding strategies in different situations that allows this species to have the widest range of all Malagasy lemurs. Duke University Primate Center Publication No. 259.  相似文献   

Captive breeding of rare and endangered prosimians may be enhanced by an increased understanding of all aspects of their seasonal mating behavior. In this study, the agonistic and grooming behaior of captiveL. coronatus were studied during their annual breeding season. Between October and March, selected aspects of agonistic and grooming behavior of four male-female groups were recorded. Males initiated significantly more allogrooming than females. The frequency of this behavior pattern increased significantly in the weeks of estrus. Females performed significantly more agonistic behavior patterns than males. The mean frequency of agonistic interactions decreased significantly during the breeding season. In successfully reproducing groups males showed much less agonism towards females, than they did in unsuccessful groups. Inter-specific comparisons demonstrated that the patterns of agonistic interactions during the breeding season are very different among closely related species of lemurids. The conclusions drawn from this study are that captive breeding of crowned lemurs may be enhanced by keeping permanent multi-male, multi-female groups.  相似文献   

We studied predation risk in relation to nest location and subcolony size in Southern Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) during the chick-rearing period. Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis), the main predator, preferentially attacked from tussock grasses which are found in the periphery of all subcolonies (peripheral tussocks) and often scattered within them (central tussocks). The greatest numbers of predation and attempted predation events were observed on nests in the periphery of the subcolony next to peripheral tussocks, and on those nests next to central tussocks. Central tussocks offer Striated Caracaras an additional “edge” area from which to prey, much in the same way as do the peripheral tussocks. Predation rate per individual was not correlated with subcolony size possibly due to the presence of central tussocks which, by creating an extra edge area, change the subcolony shape. There is a suggestion (P = 0.06) of increased probability of nest success with subcolony size.  相似文献   

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) is the only species in the Genus Lemur, distributed in the deciduous and spiny forests of southwestern Madagascar. This species is listed as endangered due to the loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat, a consequence of deforestation. Twenty-one nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA derived from a free-ranging ring-tailed lemur population from the Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, Madagascar. We report various parameter estimates and measures to establish the utility of this marker suite as screened among individuals this single forest fragment.  相似文献   

Olfaction plays an important role in the social communication of all prosimians. (The experiment reported in this paper forms part of an intensive chemobehavioral study of olfaction in Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur) being carried out in this laboratory.) Five male Lemur cattawere tested on their behavioral responses to paired scent stimuli. Responses measured were (1) total investigation time, (2) arm-marking, (3) ABO/BO rubbing, and (4) flehmen. Males showed a strong discrimination between the scent stimuli,giving higher levels of response to female scent on measures 1, 3, and 4. This response suggests an olfactory-related preference by males for female scent under controlled conditions. This preference may be a consequence of the females’ dominance over males and the brevity of estrus in L. catta,both of which would favor such choice behavior.  相似文献   

Several examples have been documented of novel behaviours which have apparently arisen spontaneously in primate groups and then spread through the group by learning. Here we describe the first recorded instance of such an acquired behaviour in a prosimian. The behaviour, consisting of immersing the tail in water and then drinking from the wet tail, was observed in a group of semi free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Seventeen of 28 animals showed the behaviour, including adult males. Several animals which did not show the behaviour were observed watching and sometimes sharing the wet tail of animals who did. Several incomplete sequences, notably of non-stimulus directed elements, were also seen in non-performers. It is likely that stimulus enhancement is the mechanism of spread of this behaviour through the group, although the presence of the incomplete sequences suggests that imitation is also a possibility.  相似文献   

We conducted a long-term research project (1996–1999) on developmental aspects of olfactory behavior in ring-tailed lemurs to document the ontogenetic sequence of olfactory behavior, including the possible presence of sexual differences, and the maturation of scent-marking. The subjects were a group of 18 lemurs housed in the Pistoia Zoo (Tuscany, Italy), which we observed during 1,735 h via all-occurrences sampling, scan-animal sampling and ad libitum sampling methods. We determined the time sequence of olfactory exploration and of scent-marking patterns, and investigated sexual differences in timing and frequency. We also followed the development of scent-marking through the juvenile and adolescent phases taking into account the two aspects of motor control and of the acquisition of social competence. On the whole, we found that olfactory investigation appears and matures earlier than scent-marking. Moreover, olfactory investigation of conspecifics appeared later than substrate exploration, and seemed to follow a sequence of increasing level of acceptance by the receiver. Social play is very important for the maturation of the gestural component of scent-marking. The olfactory behavioral pattern appeared to mature during the juvenile and adolescent phases. Although sexual maturation had obvious influence on the development of olfactory behavior, the onset of scent-marking patterns was only partially parallel to sexual maturation.  相似文献   

Nest orientation in social insects has been intensively studied in warmer and cooler climates, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Previous studies have consistently shown that species subjected to these climatic conditions prefer to select mostly southern locations where the nests can gain direct sunlight. However, very little is known on nest orientation in tropical and subtropical social insects. We studied nest orientations initiated by swarms throughout a year in a Brazilian swarm-founding wasp, Polybia paulista von Ihering (Hymenoptera: Polistinae). Swarms selected various orientations as nest sites, but there was a particular trend in that swarms in the winter period (May–August) preferred to build northward-facing nests. This preference is opposite from that of social wasps observed in the northern hemisphere. Colonies of this species can potentially last for many years with continuous nesting, but nesting activities of colonies during the winter are severely limited due to cool temperature and a shortened day length. Northward-facing nests are warmer through the gain of direct solar heat during the winter period; consequently, choosing northward-facing sites may be advantageous for swarms in terms of a shortened brood development and shortened time needed to increase metabolic rates during warm-up for flight.  相似文献   

Lemur catta shares a male-biased dispersal pattern with most primate species and the majority of mammals. Individuals in a free-ranging population of ringtailed lemurs were captured, marked, released, and monitored for a 40-month period. Sixty-four percent of the males (43 of 67) migrated or were missing within this period and all nine censused groups were affected by migration. Males migrate from their natal group and then may migrate again after reaching full adult body weight. Full-sized adult males migrate at a rate of 0.28 per year or once every 3.5 years and may change groups a number of times during their life. Migrations occurred within a 6-month period, ending just after the mating season. However, there is no direct connection between mating success and male migration. Females mate with transferring males, with group males, and with visitors from adjacent groups. The age-related pattern of male migration and the occurrence of extragroup mating inLemur catta is similar to that described for several species of macaques.  相似文献   

The distribution of grooming and touching behaviours was recorded in a group of captive ring-tailed lemurs. Grooming was found to be performed chiefly by older, higher ranking animals; touching (i.e., “reach out and touch” behaviour) was directed primarily by younger, low ranking animals to older, high ranking individuals. It is suggested that such touching is a submissive gesture in this species.  相似文献   

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