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Abstract Seven grass species were grown in monocultures and in multispecies mixtures along a gradient of total nutrient levels that ranged from 1/64 to 16× the normal level of nutrient solution. The seven grasses represented three ecological groups: (i) three perennial species native to Australia (Themeda triandra, Poa labillardieri and Danthonia carphoides); (ii) two introduced annuals (Vulpia bromoides and Hordeum leporinum); and (iii) two introduced perennials (Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata). We hypothesized that the native grasses would prove less competitive when grown at increased nutrient levels than those introduced from Europe. Results supported the hypothesis. The native species were unable to compete in mixtures even at the lowest nutrient level, where T. triandra was the most productive species in monoculture. Lolium perenne and Dactylis glomerata dominated mixtures at intermediate nutrient levels. The responses of the annual introduced grasses differed in that Vulpia bromoides showed an optimum at intermediate nutrient levels in both monoculture and in mixtures, whereas Hordeum leporinum dominated at the highest nutrient levels in mixture but was suppressed by V. bromoides, L. perenne and D. glomerata at intermediate levels. The results are discussed in terms of predicting species responses in mixtures from their performance in monocultures as well as in terms of previous observations on the sequential changes in botanical composition of south‐eastern Australian grasslands after 150 years of continuous grazing by sheep.  相似文献   

Aim Based on the biochemical and physiological attributes of C4 grasses, and on the close association between decarboxylation pathways and the taxa in which they evolved, the hypotheses tested were: (1) that C4 grasses would become progressively more abundant as precipitation decreased, with grasses of the NADP‐me subtype more abundant in wetter sites and those of the NAD‐me subtype more common in arid regions; and (2) that the distribution of grass subfamilies would also be correlated with annual precipitation. Location The study was conducted along a precipitation gradient in central Argentina, from the eastern Pampas (>1000 mm year?1) to the western deserts and semi‐deserts near the Andes (<100 mm year?1). Methods Percentage of species and relative cover of C3 and C4 grasses (including C4 subtypes) in local floras from 15 lowland sites of central Argentina were obtained from our own unpublished data and from recently published floristic surveys. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained between grass distribution parameters and the available climatic data. Results The percentage of C4 grasses increased towards the arid extreme and showed a strong negative correlation with annual rainfall (r = ?0.74, P < 0.01). Within the C4 subtypes, the NADP‐me species showed a higher proportional representation at the wetter extreme, whereas the representation of NAD‐me species increased towards the more arid extreme. The relationship of PEP‐ck species with climatic parameters in central Argentina was less evident. The distributions of the Panicoideae and Chloridoideae subfamilies along the precipitation gradient were diametrically opposed, with the Panicoideae positively (r = 0.86, P < 0.001) and the Chloridoideae negatively (r = ?0.87, P < 0.001) correlated with annual precipitation. Main conclusions Our data are consistent with the broad observation that C4 grasses tend to dominate in areas where the wet season falls in the warmer summer months. In agreement with previously reported results for Africa, Asia, Australia and North America, we describe here for the first time a significant relationship between annual precipitation and the prevalence of the NADP‐me and NAD‐me photosynthetic pathways along climatic gradients for the Neotropics. We also report for the first time that correlations between C4 species and annual rainfall are stronger when the relative cover of grass species is considered. The association of grass subfamilies Panicoideae and Chloridoideae with rainfall is as strong as that recorded for the NADP‐me and NAD‐me variants, respectively, suggesting that characteristics other than decarboxylation type may be responsible for the geographic patterns described in this study.  相似文献   

叶片和根系是植物获取资源的最重要的器官,其性状随环境梯度的变化反映了植物光合碳获取和水分与养分的吸收能力及其对环境变化适应的生态对策。羌塘高原降水梯度带高寒草地群落叶片和根系成对性状关系研究不仅能揭示环境梯度对植物性状的塑造作用,也可为理解寒、旱和贫瘠等极端环境下植物的适应策略提供依据。为此,选择3组具有代表性的叶片和根系成对性状:比叶面积(SLA)和比根长(SRL);单位质量叶氮含量(LNmass)和单位质量根氮含量(RNmass);单位面积叶氮含量(LNarea)和单位长度根氮含量(RNlength),分析不同优势植物地上、地下成对性状变异特征及其与环境因子的关系,探讨植物性状对高寒生态系统水分和养分限制因素的适应策略。研究表明,区域气候和土壤环境导致的叶片性状变异大于根系性状的变异,干旱端的植物既具有高的SRL,又具有高的叶片和根系的养分含量(LNmass,LNarea和RNmass)。SLA-SRL、LNmass  相似文献   

In habitats with low water availability, a fundamental challenge for plants will be to maximize photosynthetic C-gain while minimizing transpirational water-loss. This trade-off between C-gain and water-loss can in part be achieved through the coordination of leaf-level photosynthetic and hydraulic traits. To test the relationship of photosynthetic C-gain and transpirational water-loss, we grew, under common growth conditions, 18 C4 grasses adapted to habitats with different mean annual precipitation (MAP) and measured leaf-level structural and anatomical traits associated with mesophyll conductance (gm) and leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf). The C4 grasses adapted to lower MAP showed greater mesophyll surface area exposed to intercellular air spaces (Smes) and adaxial stomatal density (SDada) which supported greater gm. These grasses also showed greater leaf thickness and vein-to-epidermis distance, which may lead to lower Kleaf. Additionally, grasses with greater gm and lower Kleaf also showed greater photosynthetic rates (Anet) and leaf-level water-use efficiency (WUE). In summary, we identify a suite of leaf-level traits that appear important for adaptation of C4 grasses to habitats with low MAP and may be useful to identify C4 species showing greater Anet and WUE in drier conditions.  相似文献   

We measured foliar NH3 volatilization as part of our study of the decrease (up to 40%) in shoot N concentration during drought in three perennial C4 grasses of tallgrass prairie. Volatilization of recently expanded leaves was quantified using cuvettes and acid traps for Spartina pectinata, Andropogon gerardii, and Schizachyrium scoparium, a mesic, intermediate, and xeric species, respectively. In general, volatilization decreased during drought, approaching zero as stomates closed, and increased with plant N status and drought tolerance. Prior to drought, NH3 volatilization was greater in xeric than mesic species (179 and 131 vs. 115 ng m-2 s-1 for individual leaves of S. scoparium and A. gerardii vs. Sp. pectinata). During a 2–3 week drought, whole-shoot volatile N losses can exceed 5% of total plant N in these species, accounting for 2–10% of the decrease in shoot percent N (again, xeric > mesic). Drought-induced N retranslocation of shoot N to roots and rhizomes is responsible for c. 63% of the decrease in percent N in Sp. pectinata, 28% in A. gerardii, and 8% in S. scoparium. The remainder of the decrease in percent N is attributable to growth dilution of existing shoot N, accounting for 34, 65, and 87% of the decrease in shoot percent N during drought in Sp. pectinata, A. gerardii, and S. scoparium, respectively. Thus, the relative importance of volatilization, retranslocation, and dilution in decreasing foliar percent N during drought in prairie grasses is species dependent and related to drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of C3 and C4 grasses was studied in eight sites located between 350 m and 2100 m along an altitudinal gradient in Central Argentina. Of 139 taxa fifty-nine are C3 and eighty C4. Species of the C3 tribes (Stipeae, Poeae, Meliceae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae) and C3 Paniceae species increase in number at higher elevations; only one C3 species was found below 650 m. C4 Aristideae, Pappophoreae, Eragrostideae, Cynodonteae, Andropogoneae and Paniceae increase at lower altitudes. The floristic crossover point is at about 1500 m; the ground cover cross-over point is at about 1000 m. Analysis of the relationships between % C4 species along the gradient and nine climatic and environmental variables showed the highest correlation with July mean temperature, but all temperature variables show highly significant correlations with % C4. Correlation with annual rainfall is lower but also significant. These results are consistent with previous research showing the relative importance of C4 grasses as temperature increases. C3 species make a high contribution to relative grass coverage below the C3/C4 floristic crossover point but are rare below 1000 m.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The success of C4 plants lies in their ability to attain greater efficiencies of light, water and nitrogen use under high temperature, providing an advantage in arid, hot environments. However, C4 grasses are not necessarily less sensitive to drought than C3 grasses and are proposed to respond with greater metabolic limitations, while the C3 response is predominantly stomatal. The aims of this study were to compare the drought and recovery responses of co-occurring C3 and C4 NADP-ME grasses from the subfamily Panicoideae and to determine stomatal and metabolic contributions to the observed response.


Six species of locally co-occurring grasses, C3 species Alloteropsis semialata subsp. eckloniana, Panicum aequinerve and Panicum ecklonii, and C4 (NADP-ME) species Heteropogon contortus, Themeda triandra and Tristachya leucothrix, were established in pots then subjected to a controlled drought followed by re-watering. Water potentials, leaf gas exchange and the response of photosynthetic rate to internal CO2 concentrations were determined on selected occasions during the drought and re-watering treatments and compared between species and photosynthetic types.

Key Results

Leaves of C4 species of grasses maintained their photosynthetic advantage until water deficits became severe, but lost their water-use advantage even under conditions of mild drought. Declining C4 photosynthesis with water deficit was mainly a consequence of metabolic limitations to CO2 assimilation, whereas, in the C3 species, stomatal limitations had a prevailing role in the drought-induced decrease in photosynthesis. The drought-sensitive metabolism of the C4 plants could explain the observed slower recovery of photosynthesis on re-watering, in comparison with C3 plants which recovered a greater proportion of photosynthesis through increased stomatal conductance.


Within the Panicoid grasses, C4 (NADP-ME) species are metabolically more sensitive to drought than C3 species and recover more slowly from drought.  相似文献   

The effect of soil flooding on arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization of wetland plants was investigated using Panicum hemitomon and Leersia hexandra , two semi-aquatic grasses (Graminaceae) that grow along a wide hydrologic gradient in Carolina bay wetlands of the southeastern US coastal plain. Three related investigations were conducted along the dry-to-wet gradient in these wetlands; a field survey of AM fungal root colonization in eight wetlands, monthly monitoring of colonization patterns in P. hemitomon over a growing season, and an inoculum potential bioassay of soils collected along the gradient. The field survey showed that AM fungal colonization was strongly negatively correlated with water depth, but colonization was present in most root samples. The monthly assessment indicated that AM fungal colonization was lowest in plots that were consistently wet but rose as some plots underwent seasonal drying. The inoculum potential assay of dry, intermediate, and wet soils performed under both dry and saturated conditions showed that soils that were wet for >1 yr had the same ability to form mycorrhizas in bait plants as those that had remained dry. These findings suggested that the lower degree of colonization in wet areas observed in the field survey was because of the presence of surface water rather than low numbers of mycorrhizal propagules in the soil. Overall, the results of these investigations show that flooding is partially but not totally inhibitory to AM fungal colonization of wetland grasses.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in ecology is to understand how ecosystems respond to changes in environmental conditions, and how taxonomic and functional diversity mediate these changes. In this study, we use a trait‐spectra and individual‐based model, to analyse variation in forest primary productivity along a 3.3 km elevation gradient in the Amazon‐Andes. The model accurately predicted the magnitude and trends in forest productivity with elevation, with solar radiation and plant functional traits (leaf dry mass per area, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration, and wood density) collectively accounting for productivity variation. Remarkably, explicit representation of temperature variation with elevation was not required to achieve accurate predictions of forest productivity, as trait variation driven by species turnover appears to capture the effect of temperature. Our semi‐mechanistic model suggests that spatial variation in traits can potentially be used to estimate spatial variation in productivity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Summary More than 500 species of the Poaceae are found in Kenya, East Africa. Eighteen of twenty-seven tribes are exclusively (except the Paniceae and Danthonieae) of the C3 photosynthetic type. A floristic analysis of low altitude grasslands suggests that nearly all species at these low altitudes are of the C4 photosynthetic type. At high altitudes, however, nearly all grasses are of the C3 photosynthetic type. Open grassland vegetation was sampled along a transect from arid low altitude sites to the top of Mt. Kenya in an attempt to document the general distributions of the photosynthetic types.The major tribes illustrated three general patterns of distribution. The C4 tribes Chlorideae, Eragrosteae, Sporoboleae, and Aristideae were abundant at low altitudes (or low indices of available soil moisture). The Paniceae and Andropogoneae were also exclusively C4 but were more common at intermediate altitudes. The C3 tribes Aveneae, Festuceae, and Agrostideae were found only at high altitudes. In these open grasslands there were no C3 species below 2,000 m and no C4 species above 3,000 m. The variation in 13C of the live grass vegetation with altitude confirms these distributional patterns and suggests a sharp transition zone between these two photosynthetic types. The photosynthetic type accounts for broad distributions within the Poaceae but these distributions are further modified by characteristics which may be inherent in the tribal groups. Ecological and paleoecological significance of these patterns of distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

Temperature increasing and precipitation alteration are predicted to occur in arid and semiarid lands; however, the response mechanism of carbon and water exchange at community level is still unclear in semiarid sandy land. We investigated the responses of carbon and water exchanges to warming and precipitation enhancement along a sand dune restoration gradient: mobile sand dunes (MD), semifixed sand dunes (SFD), and fixed sand dunes (FD). The average net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and evapotranspiration (ET) between May and August increased by 98% and 59%, respectively, from MD to SFD, while they had no significant differences between FD and the other two habitats. Warming inhibited ecosystem NEP, ET, and water use efficiency (WUE) by 69%, 49% (p < .001), and 80%, respectively, in SFD, while it nearly had no significant effects in MD and FD. However, precipitation addition by 30% nearly had no significant effects on community NEP, ET, and WUE, except for warming treatment in FD. In general, precipitation addition of 30% may still not be enough to prevent drought stress for growth of plants, due to with low water holding capacity and high evaporation rates in sandy land. Temperature increase magnified drought stress as it increased evapotranspiration rates especially in summer. In addition, community NEP, ET, and WUE were usually influenced by interactions between habitats and temperature, as well as the interactions among habitats, temperature, and precipitation. Species differences in each habitat along the restoration gradient may alter climate sensitivity of sandy land. These results will support in understanding and the prediction of the impacts of warming and precipitation change in semiarid sandy grassland.  相似文献   

Summary The growth and photosynethetic responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment of 4 species of C4 grasses grown at two levels of irradiance were studied. We sought to determine whether CO2 enrichment would yield proportionally greater growth enhancement in the C4 grasses when they were grown at low irradiance than when grown at high irradiance. The species studied were Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica, and Setaria faberi. Plants were grown in controlled environment chambers at 350, 675 and 1,000 l 1-1 CO2 and 1,000 or 150 mol m-2 s-1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). An increase in CO2 concentration and PPFD significantly affected net photosynthesis and total biomass production of all plants. Plants grown at low PPFD had significantly lower rates of photosynthesis, produced less biomass, and had reduced responses to increases in CO2. Plants grown in CO2-enriched atmosphere had lower photosynthetic capacity relative to the low CO2 grown plants when exposed to lower CO2 concentration at the time of measurement, but had greater rate of photosynthesis when exposed to increasing PPFD. The light level under which the plants were growing did not influence the CO2 compensation point for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

沿368~591 mm降水量梯度选取7个调查地点、共63个调查样点,在每个样点选择恢复年限相近的林地、草地和农地,调查表层(0~30 cm)土壤有机碳的分布特征,分析气候、土层深度和土地利用类型等因素对土壤有机碳分布的影响.结果表明: 在黄土丘陵区368~591 mm的降水量范围内,表层土壤有机碳含量表现为草地(8.70 g·kg-1)>林地(7.88 g·kg-1)>农地(7.73 g·kg-1),土壤有机碳密度表现为草地(20.28 kg·m-2)>农地(19.34 kg·m-2)>林地(17.14 kg·m-2).林地、草地、农地的土壤有机碳含量无显著差异,综合3种土地利用类型的数据分析表明,不同降雨梯度下土壤有机碳含量差异显著(P<0.001),土壤有机碳含量(r=0.838,P<0.001)与年均降水量间存在显著线性正相关关系;由北向南(以最北端鄂尔多斯为起点),土壤有机碳含量沿着368~591 mm的年均降水量梯度的递增速率为0.04 g·kg-1·mm-1,土壤有机碳密度的递增速率为0.08 kg·m-2·mm-1.年均降水量、土壤黏粒含量、林下枯落物蓄积量和农作物根系密度可较好地模拟表层土壤有机碳分布.  相似文献   

Ecological niche theory predicts that coexistence is facilitated by resource partitioning mechanisms that are influenced by abiotic and biotic interactions. Alternative hypotheses suggest that under certain conditions, species may become phenotypically similar and functionally equivalent, which invokes the possibility of other mechanisms, such as habitat filtering processes. To test these hypotheses, we examined the coexistence of the giant redfin Pseudobarbus skeltoni, a newly described freshwater fish, together with its congener Pseudobabus burchelli and an anabantid Sandelia capensis by assessing their scenopoetic and bionomic patterns. We found high habitat and isotope niche overlaps between the two redfins, rendering niche partitioning a less plausible sole mechanism that drives their coexistence. By comparison, environment–trait relationships revealed differences in species–environment relationships, making habitat filtering and functional equivalence less likely alternatives. Based on P. skeltoni's high habitat niche overlap with other species, and its large isotope niche width, we inferred the likelihood of differential resource utilization at trophic level as an alternative mechanism that distinguished it from its congener. In comparison, its congener P. burchelli appeared to have a relatively small trophic niche, suggesting that its trophic niche was more conserved despite being the most abundant species. By contrast, S. capensis was distinguished by occupying a higher trophic position and by having a trophic niche that had a low probability of overlapping onto those of redfins. Therefore, trophic niche partitioning appeared to influence the coexistence between S. capensis and redfins. This study suggests that coexistence of these fishes appears to be promoted by their differences in niche adaptation mechanisms that are probably shaped by historic evolutionary and ecological processes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have assessed the influence of different types of gradients (e.g. altitudinal, latitudinal and temporal, among others) on the structure and function of community‐level plant‐pollinator webs. Although the importance of humidity as a major driver of species‐richness gradients worldwide has been stressed by recent reviews, no studies have been specifically designed to address the influence of precipitation gradients on pollination webs. In the present paper we describe for the first time the turnover of species of plants and their associated flower visitors between eight communities located along a steep precipitation gradient in north‐west Patagonia, Argentina. Our results show that: (i) there is a high spatial turnover of plant communities and their associated pollinators; (ii) this turnover is strongly related to precipitation changes across the region; and (iii) the turnover rate is similar for plants and pollinators. Our results support the view that the precipitation gradient is a significant factor associated with the regional turnover of plants and their pollinators in the temperate forests of southern South America.  相似文献   

An untested theory states that C4 grass seeds could germinate under lower water potentials (Ψ) than C3 grass seeds. We used hydrotime modelling to study seed water relations of C4 and C3 Canadian prairie grasses to address Ψ divergent sensitivities and germination strategies along a risk‐spreading continuum of responses to limited water. C4 grasses were Bouteloua gracilis, Calamovilfa longifolia and Schizachyrium scoparium; C3 grasses were Bromus carinatus, Elymus trachycaulus, Festuca hallii and Koeleria macrantha. Hydrotime parameters were obtained after incubation of non‐dormant seeds under different Ψ PEG 6000 solutions. A t‐test between C3 and C4 grasses did not find statistical differences in population mean base Ψ (Ψb(50)). We found idiosyncratic responses of C4 grasses along the risk‐spreading continuum. B. gracilis showed a risk‐taker strategy of a species able to quickly germinate in a dry soil due to its low Ψb(50) and hydrotime (θH). The high Ψb(50) of S. scoparium indicates it follows the risk‐averse strategy so it can only germinate in wet soils. C. longifolia showed an intermediate strategy: the lowest Ψb(50) yet the highest θH. K. macrantha, a C3 grass which thrives in dry habitats, had the highest Ψb(50), suggesting a risk‐averse strategy for a C3 species. Other C3 species showed intermediate germination patterns in response to Ψ relative to C4 species. Our results indicate that grasses display germination sensitivities to Ψ across the risk‐spreading continuum of responses. Thus seed water relations may be poor predictors to explain differential recruitment and distribution of C3 and C4 grasses in the Canadian prairies.  相似文献   

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