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The gross and microscopic pathology of a neoplastic skin lesion from the chest of a wild adult eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) was consistent with the diagnosis of a trichoepithelioma. This was a benign lesion of the epithelial cells of the hair follicle and is the second type of skin neoplasm reported from macropodids.  相似文献   

As teeth wear in eastern and western grey kangaroos, the pattern of enamel ridges changes. This affects the amount of available cutting edges and consequently the masticatory efficiency. These kangaroos also have molar progression. There is evidence for the independence of rates of tooth wear and molar progression, and variation is found in the maximum amount of wear attained by teeth both within and between populations. This variation has the potential to affect diet selection, digestion and population parameters.  相似文献   

Graeme  Coulson 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(1):119-130
The eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus , and the western grey kangaroo, M. fuliginosus , are sibling species. The behaviour of 48 eastern grey kangaroos and 15 western grey kangaroos was observed for 249 h at Melbourne Zoo. Up to 31 eastern grey kangaroos and 38 western grey kangaroos were observed for 305 h where they occurred syntopically in the Grampians National Park.
In total, 46 social acts were identified in four social contexts between conspecifics. All but one of the acts were performed by both species in captivity, whereas fewer were seen performed by either species in the field. Five general acts were performed by all age/sex classes, and 10 acts occurred in mother-young contexts. High-intensity agonistic acts and all sexual acts were performed exclusively by adult males. In captivity, western grey males performed a truncated range of sexual acts directed at eastern grey females, but no interspecific sexual acts were performed by males of either species in the field, supporting the distinctiveness of the two species. The close evolutionary relationship between the two species was confirmed by high degree of concordance between their behavioural repertories, which differed only in the structure of the isolation call given by large pouch young.  相似文献   

Ideal free distribution (IFD) theory predicts that animals in competitive situations should distribute themselves among available habitat patches according to the density of conspecifics and its regulatory effect on resources. To investigate the applicability of IFD models to free-ranging herbivores, we quantified the dispersion and foraging behaviour of eastern grey kangaroos Macropus giganteus among habitat patches of differing suitability, within and outside a reservoir catchment in southern Victoria, Australia. Kangaroo densities within the catchment had a regulatory effect on resource density, while surrounding farmland maintained a higher standing crop despite higher densities of competitors. This difference was slight in autumn, however, when the system was apparently close to equilibrium. Gross bite rates of individuals foraging in farmland were lower than for individuals foraging within the catchment, and vigilance behaviour occurred more frequently in farmland habitat than any other, decreasing time devoted to feeding. Interference competition occurred in only 1.9% of focal samples, although competitive differences based on phenotype were observed. Although resource gains by individual kangaroos are likely to be influenced by other factors, including resource dynamics, predation risk and phenotypic differences, IFD theory provides a valuable analytical framework for this herbivore foraging system.  相似文献   

We examined thermoregulation in red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) from deserts and in eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) from mesic forests/woodlands. Desert kangaroos have complex evaporative heat loss mechanisms, but the relative importance of these mechanisms is unclear. Little is known of the abilities of grey kangaroos. Our detailed study of these kangaroos' thermoregulatory responses at air temperatures (T(a)) from -5 degrees to 45 degrees C showed that, while some differences occur, their abilities are fundamentally similar. Both species show the basic marsupial characteristics of relatively low basal metabolism and body temperature (T(b)). Within the thermoneutral zone, T(b) was 36.3 degrees + or - 0.1 degrees C (X + or - SE) in both species, and except for a small rise at T(a) 45 degrees C, T(b) was stable over a wide range of T(a). Metabolic heat production was 25% higher in red kangaroos at T(a) -5 degrees C. At the highest T(a) (45 degrees C), both species relied on evaporative heat loss (EHL) to maintain T(b); both panting and licking were used. The eastern grey kangaroo utilised panting (76% of EHL) as the principal mode of EHL, and while this was so for red kangaroos, cutaneous evaporative heat loss (CEHL) was significant (40% of EHL). CEHL appeared to be mainly licking, as evidenced from surface temperatures. Both species utilised peripheral vascular adjustments to control heat flow, as indicated by changes in dry conductance (C(dry)). At lower temperatures, C(dry) was minimal, but it increased significantly at T(a) just below T(b) (33 degrees C); in these conditions, the C(dry) of red kangaroos was significantly higher than that of eastern grey kangaroos, indicating a greater reliance on dry heat loss. Under conditions where heat flows into the body from the environment (T(a) 45 degrees C), there was peripheral vasoconstriction to reduce this inflow; C(dry) decreased significantly from the values seen at 33 degrees C in both kangaroos. The results indicated that, while both species have excellent thermoregulatory abilities, the desert red kangaroos may cope better with more extreme temperatures, given that they respond to T(a) 45 degrees C with lower respiratory evaporation than do the eastern grey kangaroos.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium macropodum n. sp is described. Oocysts of C. macropodum from the feces of kangaroos (Macropus spp.) are morphologically indistinguishable from other mammalian Cryptosporidium species, including C. parvum, C. hominis, C. suis, and C. canis. The oocysts are fully sporulated on excretion, lack sporocysts, and have an average width of 4.9 microm (4.5-6.0), a length of 5.4 microm (5.0-6.0), and a length:width ratio of 1.1. Phylogenetic analyses of the 18S ribosomal RNA, actin, and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) loci demonstrate that C. macropodum is genetically distinct from all described Cryptosporidium species, including others found in marsupials. The parasite seems to be highly host-specific, because it has been found only in marsupials to date. Therefore, based on biological and molecular data, we consider C. macropodum a new species.  相似文献   

Eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) are generally regarded as mesic inhabitants. Even though access to drinking water in permanent stock watering troughs is commonly available, these animals are still found in only low densities in arid pastoral areas. We hypothesised that the differential success of red and grey kangaroos in the arid zone may be due to higher energy requirements of M. giganteus with a concomitant need for increased food, rather than limitations imposed by inadequate water access. We set out to test this by indirectly measuring energy expenditure through the monitoring of heart rate by radio telemetry in semi-free-ranging eastern grey and red kangaroos (Macropus rufus). Radio telemetry measurements of heart rate were calibrated against oxygen consumption and were used in the assessment of energy expenditure of animals maintained in an 8-ha enclosure in the arid zone of southeast Australia. Heart rate provided a reliable estimate of oxygen consumption. This well-correlated relationship was curvilinear and was established for each individual. Behavioural observations revealed that both kangaroo species spent most of the day in low energy demanding activities. M. rufus were more active at night whilst M. giganteus were more active in the early mornings and late afternoons. Like other marsupials, both species had low field metabolic rates (FMRs). However, M. giganteus in keeping with their mesic history had higher FMRs than the more arid-adapted M. rufus, particularly during water restriction. Body temperature telemeters revealed a further species difference in that under hot conditions when water is freely available, M. rufus exhibits a higher and more labile daytime body temperature than M. giganteus. During the hottest part of the day M. giganteus maintain body temperature, relying upon increased evaporative cooling mechanisms, such as licking. Indeed, only when access to drinking water was restricted was thermolability evident in M. giganteus. Differences in behaviour and concomitant energy expenditure may thus contribute substantially to the divergent distribution and abundance of these two kangaroo species.  相似文献   

We studied ventilation in kangaroos from mesic and arid environments, the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) and the red kangaroo (Macropus rufus), respectively, within the range of ambient temperatures (T(a)) from -5 degrees to 45 degrees C. At thermoneutral temperatures (Ta=25 degrees C), there were no differences between the species in respiratory frequency, tidal volume, total ventilation, or oxygen extraction. The ventilatory patterns of the kangaroos were markedly different from those predicted from the allometric equation derived for placentals. The kangaroos had low respiratory frequencies and higher tidal volumes, even when adjustment was made for their lower basal metabolism. At Ta>25 degrees C, ventilation was increased in the kangaroos to facilitate respiratory water loss, with percent oxygen extraction being markedly lowered. Ventilation was via the nares; the mouth was closed. Differences in ventilation between the two species occurred at higher temperatures, and at 45 degrees C were associated with differences in respiratory evaporative heat loss, with that of M. giganteus being higher. Panting in kangaroos occurred as a graded increase in respiratory frequency, during which tidal volume was lowered. When panting, the desert red kangaroo had larger tidal volumes and lower respiratory frequencies at equivalent T(a) than the eastern grey kangaroo, which generally inhabits mesic forests. The inference made from this pattern is that the red kangaroo has the potential to increase respiratory evaporative heat loss to a greater level.  相似文献   

H. Bender 《Journal of Zoology》2006,268(4):415-422
Most species of the family Macropodidae (kangaroos and wallabies) make a distinctive foot thump by striking the ground with their hind feet when they detect potential danger. I used the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus as a model to examine (1) the acoustic characteristics and structure of the thump, (2) the social context in which free-ranging kangaroos thumped when approached by a human observer on foot and (3) the intended recipient of the signal. Thumps were about two-thirds of a second in length, generally composed of two noisy pulses, and had the majority of the signal energy below 7 kHz. Only adult kangaroos, of both sexes, were observed to thump. A higher proportion of solitary kangaroos thumped than grouped kangaroos, and a higher proportion of kangaroos thumped when visibility was poor, either because of habitat type or low light levels. Given the context in which thumps were given, the foot thump appears to be a signal to a potential predator with three possible functions: to startle, signal detection or deter pursuit.  相似文献   

In this study the structures in the hindleg of the kangaroo which are potentially available for jumping were examined. Specimens of two species, Macropus giganteus and Aepyprymnus rufescens, were examined and are described and compared. The basic pattern of the jump of the two species is similar. This is reflected anatomically by the fact that in both species the extensors of the hip, knee and ankle as a percentage of the total weight of the hindleg are greater than the flexors of the same joints. An additional similarity is that the biceps femoris and adductor magnus have the greatest share in the weight of the hip extensors. Furthermore the estimated total force of the hip, knee and ankle extensors and total moment of the hip and ankle extensors are always greater than the flexors of the same joints. However, the percentage of the hip and knee extensors, the absolute forces and moments of both the extensors and flexors and the range of movement especially of the hip and knee are always greater in M. giganteus than in A. rufescens. As well as these differences, the long tibia and the position of the knee in view of the hip may be important factors for the longer jump achieved by M. giganteus. In comparison A. rufescens has a anatomical construction which seems to be a compromise between walking and jumping.  相似文献   

This is the first extensive study of the prevalence of naturally acquired Salmonella infection in wild-caught kangaroos in Australia. Given the close association between kangaroos, livestock, and humans and the growing popularity of kangaroo meat, it is important to identify epidemiologic factors associated with infection in these marsupials in order to minimize the risk of Salmonella transmission. The overall prevalence of fecal Salmonella in 645 western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) sampled across 10 locations in Western Australia was 3.6% (95% CI: 2.3-5.3). Seven Salmonella serovars were identified including Salmonella enterica serovar Muenchen, Kiambu, Rubislaw, Lindern, Champaign, Saintpaul and II 42:g,t:-. Prevalence was significantly associated with rainfall (P<0.05) and was highest in the April-June quarter (P<0.05). There was no association between age or sex and the prevalence of Salmonella in fecal samples. Our results suggest that, while kangaroos are infected with Salmonella in their natural habitat, infection is less common than in hand-reared joeys, pet kangaroos, and macropods raised in captivity. Care should be taken to maintain hygiene during the evisceration, processing, and handling of kangaroos and to adequately cook kangaroo meat prior to consumption to reduce the risk of salmonellosis.  相似文献   

1. A comparison is made of gel electrophoretic patterns of the "whey" proteins of the milk of red (Macropus rufus) and eastern grey (Macropus giganteus) kangaroos at various stages of lactation. Qualitative and quantitative changes occur with time during the mature phase of lactation of both types. Their onset is related solely to the stage of lactation. "Whey" proteins are isolated and characterised and the nature of protein changes determined for the first time. 2. The anodic electrophoretic pattern is divided into 6 main zones (designated A F in order of decreasing mobility) and 2 cathodic zones (G and H) that are only detected in the milk of M. giganteus. 3. Zones A, B and C are milk specific. Zone B is present throughout lactation in both species and is an alpha-lactalbumin. Zones A and C are present only in late lactation, zone C, usually, but not always, appearing first. Zone A is an alpha-lactalbumin in M. giganteus, but is not an alpha-lactalbumin in M. rufus. Zone C appears to be the same protein in both species and is possibly a beta-lactoglobulin. 4. Zone D is kangaroo serum albumin and zone E is possibly a beta 2-microglobulin. Zone F contains three main iron (III) binding bands whose relative intensity varies with stage of lactation. Their intensity differs from the corresponding blood serum transferrin bands. 5. Zone H of Macropus giganteus is a lysozyme. 6. Lactose is present in the milk, but is not the principal sugar. 7. The significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) in the maintenance and transmission of Coxiella burnetii in Western Australia. Sera from 1,017 kangaroos were tested using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of C. burnetii antibodies. The overall antibody prevalence across 12 locations throughout mid- to southwestern Western Australia was 24.1% (95% CI: 21.6-26.8). Feces from 990 of the same animals were tested using PCR to identify active shedding of C. burnetii in excreta. Coxiella burnetii DNA was detected in 4.1% (95% CI: 3.1-5.6) of samples. Our results suggest that kangaroos are reservoirs for C. burnetii in Western Australia and may contribute to transmission of the organism to domestic livestock and humans.  相似文献   

Zenger KR  Eldridge MD  Cooper DW 《Heredity》2003,91(2):153-162
Genetic information has played an important role in the development of management units by focusing attention on the evolutionary properties and genetics of populations. Wildlife authorities cannot hope to manage species effectively without knowledge of geographical boundaries and demic structure. The present investigation provides an analysis of mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite data, which is used to infer both historical and contemporary patterns of population structuring and dispersal in the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) in Australia. The average level of genetic variation across sample locations was one of the highest observed for marsupials (h=0.95, HE=0.82). Contrary to ecological studies, both genic and genotypic analyses reveal weak genetic structure of populations, where high levels of dispersal may be inferred up to 230 km. The movement of individuals was predominantly male-biased (average Nem=22.61, average Nfm=2.73). However, neither sex showed significant isolation by distance. On a continental scale, there was strong genetic differentiation and phylogeographic distinction between southern (TAS, VIC and NSW) and northern (QLD) populations, indicating a current and/or historical restriction of gene flow. In addition, it is evident that northern populations are historically more recent, and were derived from a small number of southern founders. Phylogenetic comparisons between M. g. giganteus and M. g. tasmaniensis indicated that the current taxonomic status of these subspecies should be revised as there was a lack of genetic differentiation between the populations sampled.  相似文献   

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) occurs mostly in the wetter regions of eastern Australia. However, in the past 30–40 years it has moved into more arid regions (rainfall<250 mm), thus increasing its overlap zone with the xeric adapted Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus). An increased access to water (supplied for domestic stock) may explain this range extension, but changes in the availability of preferred feed could also be involved. The water use, drinking patterns and thermoregulatory behaviour of these two species of kangaroo have been examined in a semi-free range study, during summer at an arid rangeland site. Foraging was largely nocturnal in both species and during the day they behaved to reduce heat loads. This was especially so for M. giganteus, which showed greater shade seeking. However, it still used more water (72±2.6 mL kg−1 day−1, mean ± SE) than M. rufus (56±7.6 mL kg−1 day−1) and drank twice as frequently. Although M. giganteus produced a less concentrated urine (1422±36 mosmol kg−1) than M. rufus (1843±28 mosmol kg−1), kidney physiology did not explain all of the differences in water metabolism between the species. Water from the feed and faecal water retention also appear to be involved. Broadly, a better access to reliable water and the utilisation of mesic microhabitats has enabled M. giganteus to make inroads into the changing rangelands of eastern Australia. However, changes in the vegetation, due to stock grazing, have also favoured M. giganteus, which is a grass eating specialist.  相似文献   


1. 1. Western Grey Kangaroos generally inhabit more arid and hotter regions than Eastern Greys.

2. 2. Ears from Western Greys are significantly thinner, less furred and have smaller, thinner hairs than those from Eastern Grays.

3. 3. Ears may act as better heat dissipators in the Western Greys than in the Eastern Greys.

Author Keywords: Grey kangaroos; Macropus giganteus; Macropus fuliginosus; ears; thermoregulation; heat loss  相似文献   

Myocardial degeneration and necrosis in an adult female Australian kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) are described. The animal was housed in a zoo at Kano, Nigeria for approximately five years before death. This is believed to be the first reported case of degenerative cardiomyopathy in a captive marsupial in Nigeria.  相似文献   

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