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The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), which was extirpated from its native North American prairie habitat during the 1980s, is being reintroduced to the wild because of a successful captive-breeding program. To enhance propagation, the reproductive biology of this endangered species is being studied intensively. The typical life span of the black-footed ferret is approximately 7 yr. Female fecundity declines after 3 yr of age, but the influence of age on male reproduction is unknown. In this study, testis volume, seminal traits, sperm morphology, and serum testosterone were compared in 116 males from 1 to 7 yr of age living in captivity. Results demonstrated that testes volume during the peak breeding season was similar (P > 0.05) among males 1 to 5 yr of age, reduced (P < 0.05) among males 6 yr of age, and further reduced (P < 0.05) among males 7 yr of age. Motile sperm/ejaculate was similar in males 1 to 6 yr of age but diminished (P < 0.05) in those 7 yr of age. Males at 6 and 7 yr of age produced fewer (P < 0.05) structurally normal sperm than younger counterparts; however, serum testosterone concentrations were not reduced (P > 0.05) in older males. Histological comparison of testicular/epididymal tissue from 5- and 7-yr-old black-footed ferrets confirmed that the interval between these two ages may represent a transitional period to reproductive senescence. In summary, functional reproductive capacity of male black-footed ferrets exceeds that of females by at least 2 yr. Testes and seminal quality are indistinguishable among males 1 to 5 yr of age, with progressive reproductive aging occurring thereafter.  相似文献   

We present data on sexual maturity in young hamadryas baboon males (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) and its reproductive consequences in a large captive baboon colony. Hamadryas baboons live in a multilevel social system, with one-male units (OMUs) as the smallest social entity. Male leaders of OMUs are believed to monopolize matings within their OMUs; hence mating is believed to be polygynous and monandrous. In a captive colony of hamadryas baboons, we found evidence that young males less than 4 years old fathered at least 2.5% of 121 offspring born subsequent to vasectomy of all adult males, and males aged 4-5 years fathered at least 16.5% of the offspring. Additional evidence that these young males are able to sire offspring came from a morphological comparison of sperm from hamadryas males of different ages. The sperm of a 48-month-old hamadryas baboon were morphologically indistinguishable from viable sperm from adult males, whereas sperm from a 45-month-old male showed some aberrations. If successful copulations by adolescent males constitute a regular pattern even in free-ranging hamadryas baboons, a hamadryas male's chances to reproduce would not be limited to his role as an OMU leader as previously assumed, and a male's reproductive career would consist of two phases: the adolescent phase, and the OMU leader male phase.  相似文献   

The ability of sexually mature non‐territorial floaters to sire offspring affects the success of floating as a breeding strategy. Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) have second‐year (SY) and after‐second‐year (ASY) floater males, and genetic studies suggest that floaters may gain paternity. Despite these studies, we still know little about the fitness costs and benefits of floating in this species. By presenting taxidermic models of females in soliciting, precopulatory postures in territories of experienced (previously attracted at least one mate in the study area) and inexperienced (did not previously defend a territory in the study area) males, I was able to examine the copulation behavior and success of floater male Red‐winged Blackbirds as well as the effect of experience for territorial males. Floaters trespassed during 66.1% of presentations and 85.4% of trespassers were SY males. Experienced territorial males (92.5%) and neighbors (87.5%) were most successful in attempts to copulate with models, inexperienced territorial males (62.5%) and ASY floaters (50.0%) had intermediate success, and SY floaters (6.9%) were least successful. Experienced territorial males were more likely to approach models than inexperienced males, and floaters were more likely to approach models in territories of experienced than inexperienced males. These results provide further evidence that floaters trespass frequently, suggest that floaters sire offspring, and demonstrate that prior breeding experience affects the behavior and reproductive success of territorial male Red‐winged Blackbirds. Floating appears to be a conditional strategy for ASY male Red‐winged Blackbirds, but, because it is still not known if SY floaters sire offspring, these males may be trespassing to gain information or experience.  相似文献   

In species with internal fertilization, females can 'cryptically' choose (e.g. through sperm selection) which individuals sire their offspring, even when their overt preferences for copulatory partners are overrun by male-male competition and sexual coercion. The experiment presented here reveals that control of paternity after copulation has begun is also possible in species with external fertilization. Females of the hybridogenetic Rana essonae-Rana esculenta (LL-LR) waterfrog complex adjust their clutch size in response to mate type: they release fewer eggs when amplexed by hybrid LR males who--jeopardize successful reproduction--than when amplexed by parental LL males. This reduction in the number of eggs laid can increase a female's residual reproductive value through a second mating in the same breeding season or a larger clutch size in the next year. We argue that cryptic female choice through clutch size adjustment (i) may have evolved more often than previously assumed, and (ii) can arise even where females mate only once during a reproductive period.  相似文献   

Abstract. The number of spermatozoa that a male transfers to the female during copulation is a main component of its individual fitness, especially under the pressure of sperm competition. This paper presents experimental results on the direct relationship between the male's sperm investment and its paternity in the offspring of dual-mated females. An eye colour mutant (red-eyed) is used to study the differences in the mating and fertilization abilities of males through observation of single and dual matings of females in Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae). Experimentally, females accept dual matings only in the simultaneous presence of two males. Counts of spermatozoa in the seminal vesicles of virgin males show that red-eyed males have more sperm than wild-eyed ones (approximately 1.46-fold greater). Red- and wild-eyed males do not differ in their mating behaviour and females mate indifferently with both phenotypes. Compared with once-mated females, double-mated females increase neither sperm storage nor lifetime fecundity, and the offspring sex ratio is female-biased. Females mated with two males of different phenotypes produce offspring of both phenotypes throughout their reproductive life, whatever the order of males in the copulation sequence. Any mating pattern appears to produce more red- than wild-eyed offspring (between 1.45- and 1.88-fold greater). Thus, proportions of offspring of each male match the proportions of their sperm potential. With no preference of female for red-eye or wild-eye males being demonstrated at either behavioural or physiological levels, a male's investment in sperm quantity appears to determine its individual reproductive success, at least in these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Mating system variation and morph fluctuations in a polymorphic lizard   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In polymorphic male painted dragon lizards (Ctenophorus pictus), red males win staged contests for females over yellow males, and yellow males have greater success in staged sperm competition trials than red males. This predicts different reproductive strategies in the wild with red males being more coercive or better mate guarders than yellow males. Yellow males would be expected to sire more offspring per copulation and have a greater proportion of offspring from clutches with mixed paternity. However, here we show using microsatellites that the frequency of mixed paternity in the wild is low (< 20% on average across years), that all morphs on average have the same number of offspring sired per year, and that mating system variation (polyandry vs. monandry) is strongly correlated with perch density on male territories. Furthermore, a logistic regression on male successful vs. unsuccessful mate acquisition showed that red males were under negative selection when they dominated the population, which suggests ongoing frequency dependent selection on male colouration.  相似文献   

Paternity of 16 pigtail macaque offspring was determined using a DNA profile analysis and was based on two independent assays of the genome of each individual using multilocus DNA probes. The offspring were members of a group of 59 pigtail macaques, including 5 adult males, 1 subadult male, and 37 adult and subadult females. Rank was unrelated to paternity as the first ranking male sired 0, the second ranking male sired 3; the third ranking male sired 0, the fourth ranking male sired 8, and the fifth ranking male sired 2 offspring. The subadult male sired 0 offspring. The DNA analysis was effective in excluding possible sires of 3 offspring whose mothers had become pregnant by another male before being introduced to the study males. Subsequent semen evaluation revealed an absence of sperm in the semen of the alpha male, but revealed a sperm count within normal limits in the third ranking male, who also sired no offspring. Behavioral data focusing on male-offspring interactions found that offspring did not preferentially affiliate with their sire and that males did not affiliate with their offspring frequently enough for analysis. Thus, this study of one captive pigtail macaque group demonstrates that: (1) rank was not a predictor of reproductive success; and (2) there was no preferential attraction for one's own offspring by males or one's own sire by offspring.  相似文献   

Post-copulatory episodes of sexual selection can be a powerful selective force influencing the reproductive success of males. In order to understand variation in male fertilisation success, we first need to consider the pattern of sperm utilisation by females following matings with more than one male. Second, we need to study those traits responsible for male success in sperm competition. Here we study both male sperm transfer characteristics as well as offspring paternity of females mated to two males in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata. By repeatedly mating males to virgin females and interrupting copulation at defined time points, we found for all males that sperm transfer set off after approximately 40 min. During the remaining copulation, sperm transfer of individual males was continuous and with constant rate. Yet the rate of sperm transfer differed between individual males from about one sperm per minute to more than eight sperm per minute for the most successful males. In addition, we measured the fertilisation success in sperm competition of males with known sperm transfer capability. The relative number of sperm transferred by males during copulation, estimated from copulation duration and the males’ individual sperm transfer rate, explained a large proportion of variation in offspring paternity. The mode of sperm competition in this species, thus, conforms largely to a fair raffle following complete mixing of sperm prior to fertilisation. Hence, male differences in both the ability to copulate for long and of rapid sperm transfer will translate directly into differences in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Dwarf seahorses, Hippocampus zosterae (Syngnathidae), are distinguished by extreme morphological specialization for paternal care, the formation of monogamous pair bonds and mating repeatedly over the course of a breeding season. To determine the potential reproductive rates of male and female dwarf seahorses, we measured (1) the maximum number of offspring produced per breeding cycle when sexually receptive mates were unlimited, and (2) the relative time each sex was unavailable for mating ('time out'). We paired sexually isolated males and females with sexually receptive partners and observed them from the day of introduction through to copulation, to determine the length of time it takes each sex to prepare to mate. We conducted additional experiments to determine the length of gestation, which when added to the time needed to prepare to mate and copulate gives an estimate of total reproductive cycle duration, T. We estimated potential reproductive rate by dividing the mean number of offspring produced per breeding cycle by the duration of the breeding cycle (T). We estimated reproductive 'time out' by identifying the period of time males and females were physiologically capable of mating ('time in', S) and subtracting time S from time T. When provided with sexually receptive partners, females took 2 days longer than males to complete courtship and copulation, but neither males nor females remated during gestation. Therefore, males could potentially produce 17% more offspring than females over the course of one breeding season. Females had reproductive 'times out' 1.2 times longer than did males, as they were only capable of mating during the 4 h directly preceding copulation. Thus, H. zosterae males have higher potential reproductive rates and shorter reproductive 'times out' compared with H. zosterae females. These results and previous work indicating that seahorses display traditional courtship roles support the prediction that the sex having the higher potential reproductive rate, or equivalently, the shorter 'time out', will compete more intensely for access to the opposite sex. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Males that follow alternative reproductive tactics might differ in their investment into testis development and sperm production. The resource-allocation hypothesis predicts that males following a sneaker tactic should invest more into sperm production than dominant territorial males which should invest more into mate guarding. This hypothesis is supported by studies in species where individual males cannot switch between tactics (fixed tactics). Here we present the first data for a species where males can switch between tactics (plastic tactics). We studied African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) in captivity, mimicking three tactics observed in the field: philopatric group-living males, singly-housed males representing roaming males, and group-living breeding males. We measured quantitative and qualitative reproductive traits, as well as serum and testis hormone concentrations. We found no support for the resource-allocation hypothesis, since breeding and singly-housed males invested similarly in testes and sperm. However, philopatric males had significantly smaller testes and epididymides, lower sperm counts, lower testosterone and higher corticosterone levels than males of the two other tactics. Philopatric males did not reach a larger body mass than singly-housed males with well developed reproductive traits, indicating that they did not trade investment in sperm production against growth. Interestingly, testis testosterone concentrations of philopatric males did not differ from those of other males. Our data suggest that philopatric males are reproductively suppressed by the breeding male, but might be ready to increase their serum testosterone levels when social and environmental conditions allow for this physiological switch accompanying the behavioral switch between tactics.  相似文献   

Captive‐breeding programs have been widely used in the conservation of imperiled species, but the effects of inbreeding, frequently expressed in traits related to fitness, are nearly unavoidable in small populations with few founders. Following its planned extirpation in the wild, the endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) was preserved in captivity with just 14 founders. In this study, we evaluated the captive red wolf population for relationships between inbreeding and reproductive performance and fitness. Over 30 years of managed breeding, the level of inbreeding in the captive population has increased, and litter size has declined. Inbreeding levels were lower in sire and dam wolves that reproduced than in those that did not reproduce. However, there was no difference in the inbreeding level of actual litters and predicted litters. Litter size was negatively affected by offspring and paternal levels of inbreeding, but the effect of inbreeding on offspring survival was restricted to a positive influence. There was no apparent relationship between inbreeding and method of rearing offspring. The observable effects of inbreeding in the captive red wolf population currently do not appear to be a limiting factor in the conservation of the red wolf population. Additional studies exploring the extent of the effects of inbreeding will be required as inbreeding levels increase in the captive population. Zoo Biol 29:36–49, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The eastern rufous mouse lemur is one of the smallest primate species. It inhabits the eastern rain forest of Madagascar. Its reproductive biology has not been examined because of its rarity in laboratories. We present the first data on reproduction and variation in reproductive success from a breeding colony of wild‐caught Microcebus rufus. The eastern rufous mouse lemur shows a seasonal change in testicular size and in the occurrence of estrus. Females had 2.5 cycles (range, one to four) per season. The estrous cycle length was 59 days (range, 51–66), the duration of vaginal opening during estrus was 7.5 days (range, 5–8), receptivity occurred on the third day of estrus, gestation length was 56.5 days (range, 56–57), litter size was two neonates (range, one to three). The frequency and duration of mating behavior varied widely among the pairs. Copulation seemed to occur on a single day per estrus within the first to fourth hour after light change to red light. In four cases (three pairs), copulation lasted between 15 and 240 seconds. Breeding success can be increased by choosing mates carefully. Microcebus rufus seems to be a seasonal breeder like its sibling species Microcebus murinus. In wild‐caught animals, males seemed to adapt quickly (first season) to the conditions of captivity, whereas in the females, individual variation (first to third season) in reproductive activity was observed. Air humidity of >60% seems to facilitate the breeding success in wild‐caught pairs. First pregnancy and successful rearing of offspring occurred in the second and fourth year of captivity in two of three females. Wild‐caught eastern rufous mouse lemurs seemed to demonstrate variation in adapting to the conditions of captivity with regard to sex and individuality. Zoo Biol 20:157–167, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

According to the good-genes hypothesis, females choose among males to ensure the inheritance of superior paternal genes by their offspring. Despite increasing support for this prediction, in some cases differential (non-genetic) maternal effects may obscure or amplify the relationship between paternal attractiveness and offspring quality. Artificial insemination controls such effects because it uncouples mate choice from copulation, therefore denying females the opportunity of assessing male attractiveness. We adopted this technique in the live-bearing fish Poecilia reticulata and examined whether paternal coloration was associated with the behavioural performance of newborn offspring. Sexually receptive virgin females were inseminated with sperm taken individually from donor males that exhibited high variation in the area of orange pigmentation, a trait known to influence female choice in the study population. Our analysis of offspring performance focused on the anti-predator behaviour of newborn fish, including schooling by sibling pairs, the response (swimming speed) of these fishes to a simulated avian predator, and the time taken for a naive investigator to capture the offspring. Although we found no significant effect of sire coloration on either schooling or swimming speed, our analysis revealed a significant positive association between sire coloration and the ability of newborn offspring to evade capture. This finding supports the view that at least one aspect of anti-predator behaviour in newborn offspring is influenced by sire genotype, which in turn is revealed by the expression of secondary sexual traits.  相似文献   

The cottontop tamarin, Saguinus oedipus oedipus, is a cooperatively breeding monkey in which mature male and female offspring serve as helpers to assist in rearing younger siblings. Generally, only one female per social group reproduces; breeding restriction is mediated in postpubertal female offspring through low and acyclic levels of reproductive hormones. We investigated (1) reproductive activity of postpubertal male offspring, and (2) whether aggression towards male offspring and a cortisol-mediated stress response might restrict breeding of male offspring in the natal group. We examined sexual behaviour, olfactory communication and urinary hormone levels (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, luteinizing hormone, cortisol) of the subject males while we manipulated their social environment from housing in natal groups to pairing with a novel female, and after the production of their own offspring. Mounting and erection rates of the male subjects were as high in the natal group as when paired with a novel female. However, most mounts in the natal group were directed towards other males, and complete copulation sequences did not occur with natal-group females. Social environment had no significant effect on olfactory investigation of breeding females. Although hormone levels increased significantly after the subjects were removed from the natal group, the elevation was transient; the hormone levels of subjects in their natal groups did not differ from the levels shown by the same males when successfully producing their own offspring. Male offspring received more contact aggression in the natal group than when paired with the novel female. However, most of the aggression was received from siblings rather than the breeding pair, and levels of cortisol did not correspond with levels of aggression. Thus, at both a behavioural and endocrine level, mature male offspring in captive natal groups were potentially fertile, but sexual activity with natal-group females appeared to be behaviourally restricted and directed instead towards group males. In wild cottontop tamarin groups, this reproductive potential may allow male helpers flexibility to respond to breeding opportunities. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding animals, in which helpers may participatein reproduction with dominant breeders, are ideal species forexamining intraspecific variation in testis size because theyoften exhibit both monogamous breeding (low risk of sperm competition)and polyandrous breeding (high risk) within a population. However,little is known about testis investment as a result of spermcompetition in these animals. The substrate-brooding cichlidfish Julidochromis ornatus has a cooperatively breeding system,in which some males mate monogamously and other males reproduceas dominant breeders or helpers within cooperatively breedinggroups, in which male helpers frequently sire young. We examinedthe relationship between testis investment and male social statusin relation to the risk of sperm competition. As predicted fromsperm competition models, in groups with male helpers, boththe male breeders and the male helpers invested more in testesmass, compared to breeding males without male helpers. We alsofound a positive relationship between the testes mass of malebreeders and their male helpers, suggesting that males increasetheir investment in reproductive capability under the risk ofsperm competition. Sperm competition models also predict thatlarger testes are associated with increased siring success.Our paternity analysis supported this prediction; we found apositive relationship between testis investment by male helpersand the number of offspring they sired.  相似文献   

White rhinoceroses suffer from a low rate of reproduction in captivity. This study examines the role of male reproductive function as a contributing factor. We used ultrasonography to image accessory sex glands, testis and epididymis. Electroejaculation provided 36 ejaculates from 21 rhinoceroses. Based on the percentage of progressively motile spermatozoa, semen was categorized in three groups, high (I: >75%), intermediate (II: 50-70%) or low (III: <50%) quality. Only 52% of the males showed high semen quality. Ejaculates in the high motility category also had the highest proportion of morphologically intact spermatozoa. Both semen parameters, sperm motility and morphology, were found to positively correlate with size of the accessory sex glands. The semen category was associated with group size suggesting that the social status influenced functional reproductive parameters. Change of territorial status (n = 1) improved semen quality. Testicular fibrosis was characterized as a sign of reproductive ageing in all males older than 15 years of age (n = 13); although, this ageing process did not notably affect semen parameters. Furthermore, for the benefit of assisted-reproduction and genetic banking programs protocols for the storage of cooled semen and the cryopreservation of spermatozoa were designed using different cryodiluents. This report provides basic data for the evaluation of reproductive components and of breeding management in male rhinoceros. Our results indicate that low rate of reproduction in captivity can be attributed to reduced male reproductive fitness. Changes in management of white rhinoceroses may positively affect male reproductive function.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive diapause is controversial in males as compared to females that must overwinter to leave offspring, because late‐autumn males can obtain offspring by pre‐overwintering copulation. The Japanese common grass yellow Eurema mandarina is suitable to examine the evolution of male reproductive diapause, because direct comparisons are possible between males that do and do not exhibit reproductive diapause. Approximately one‐half of males are insensitive to diapause‐inducing conditions, and emerge as non‐diapause summer‐form. Most autumn‐form females mate with summer‐form males in late autumn. Females that have overwintered re‐mate with autumn‐form males before the onset of oviposition. Because last‐male‐precedence is general in sperm competition in Lepidoptera, it is unclear why half of males emerge as summer‐form in late autumn. A potential adaptive benefit for emerging as summer‐form is increased sperm overwintering success, if autumn‐form females have a higher overwintering success than autumn‐form males. In the present study, overwintering success was estimated for both sexes of autumn‐form adults by rearing under seminatural conditions and a mark–release–recapture technique. Both approaches estimated an overwintering success of approximately 5% for both sexes. The absence of difference in overwintering success between the sexes suggests that pre‐overwintering copulation does not increase sperm overwintering success. However, a considerably low overwintering success may explain, at least partly, the presence of summer‐form males in late autumn. The degree of overwintering success might be more important than the sexual differences of overwintering success in the evolution of male reproductive diapause.  相似文献   

In the last decades, many insect species have been studied in terms of sperm competition. Patterns of sperm use are often inferred from the mean species value of P(2), defined as the mean proportion of offspring sired by the second male in double-mating trials. In Panorpa germanica (Mecoptera, Panorpidae), P(2) largely depends on relative copulation durations of both males, but with the second male on average having some advantage over the first male. Estimating the presence of fertile sperm inside the female's reproductive tract in relation to time after copulation we conclude this partial last male sperm precedence not to be caused by natural death, loss, or depletion of first male sperm. Estimating sperm transfer rates of both mates of a female we, furthermore, found that the high intraspecific variance in P(2) that can be observed cannot solely be explained by variances in sperm transfer rates among P. germanica males. Other factors possibly causing the observed patterns of paternity success are discussed.  相似文献   

Birds often exhibit greater reproductive tract development on the left side than right side. Behavioral evidence from the three species for which data has been published indicates that these species copulate more frequently on the left side of females than on the right side. Missing from the literature are studies that compare asymmetry in copulation behavior to asymmetry in reproductive tract morphology of the same individuals of both sexes within a single species. To better understand the potential for cryptic sexual selection to influence avian copulation, we measured asymmetries in chukar Alectoris chukar copulation using 24 male and 29 female chukar brought into captivity from the wild. Chukar copulated (n=37) more from the left side (n=30) of females than the right side (n=7). The left testis of males was consistently greater in size, mass and volume than the right testis. The left ovary and oviduct of females was consistently functional with no observable development of the right ovary or oviduct. Left-side bias in direction of copulation, larger left testes, and functional left vaginal openings may act in concert to deliver spermatozoa to the oviduct, promoting fertilization.  相似文献   

Female greater horseshoe bats form maternity colonies each summer in order to give birth and raise young. During the mating period, females visit males occupying territorial sites, copulation takes place and sperm are stored until ovulation occurs, normally in April. Using microsatellite markers and a likelihood method of parentage analysis, we studied breeding behaviour and male reproductive success over a five-year period in a population of bats in south-west Britain. Paternity was assigned with 80% confidence to 44% of young born in five successive cohorts. While a small annual skew in male reproductive success was detected, the variance increased over five years due to the repeated success of a few individuals. Mating was polygynous, although some females gave birth to offspring sired by the same male in separate years. Such repeated partnerships probably result from fidelity for either mating sites or individuals or from sperm competition. Females mated with males born both within and outside their own natal colony; however, relatedness between parents was no less than the average recorded for male female pairs. Gene flow between colonies is likely to be primarily mediated by both female and male dispersal during the mating period rather than more permanent movements.  相似文献   

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