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A captive breeding program is being conducted with black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes), an endangered species. Results of 5 years of study are reported. Simple, but specialized, nontraumatic handling techniques allowed assessment of reproductive status with minimal stress, which was important in breeding management. Black-footed ferrets are sexually mature and may successfully reproduce in their 1st year. Proestrus lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. Duration of estrus in unbred females was 32–42 days; females usually bred within 20 days. Most breeding activity occurred during April. Mean gestation length was 42.7 days (±0.7, range 42–45 days), litter size averaged 3.0 kits (±1.4, range 1–6 kits), and weaned kits/litter averaged 2.4 (±1.7, range 1–6 kits). Weaning rate of kits was 80%. Sex ratio of kits was essentially 1:1. Productivity was greatest among females ?3 years of age. Rapid expansion of the captive population is possible and will be important for genetic management of the species and for achieving the primary goal of the recovery program, which is to return black-footed ferrets to the wild.  相似文献   

Canine distemper in black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from Wyoming   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In September and October 1985, six black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) were captured from the only known population, located near Meeteetse, Wyoming for captive propagation. Two days following capture an adult male showed signs of canine distemper and an adult female displayed similar signs 7 days postcapture; these infections were undoubtedly acquired prior to capture. Subsequently the four remaining captive black-footed ferrets also developed canine distemper and all eventually died. Clinical signs included severe pruritus, hyperkeratosis and progressive loss of body condition. A few animals had intermittent diarrhea and respiratory disease. Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were numerous in epithelial tissues and two black-footed ferrets had a mild to moderate meningoencephalitis. Canine distemper virus was isolated from four animals and paramyxovirus nucleocapsids were observed by electron microscopy of feces from all affected black-footed ferrets. Antibodies to canine distemper virus were not detected in sera of sick black-footed ferrets. Antibodies to canine distemper virus were found in sera of badgers (Taxidea taxus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) collected in the Meeteetse area in 1986. Most free-ranging black-footed ferrets in the colony apparently died of canine distemper during the summer and fall of 1985. An attempt was made to capture all surviving animals in the affected area in order to abort the epizootic and provide black-footed ferrets for captive propagation.  相似文献   

Black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) are both habitat and prey specialists that depend on prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) for food and utilize prairie dog burrows for refuge. In this study we investigated the effects of captive diet during early development on adult black-footed ferret food preferences. To test the hypothesis that early diet affects the food preferences of adult black-footed ferrets, we exposed 22 kits (divided into three experimental groups) to different quantities of prairie dog in the diet: no prairie dog, prairie dog three times per week, and prairie dog daily during the assumed sensitive period for olfactory imprinting, i.e., between 60–90 postnatal days. At age 5 months, kits were individually tested in a food choice cafeteria trial. Results indicated that higher amounts of prairie dog in the ferrets' early diet led to a higher preference for this food item when ferrets reached adulthood. These results have important implications for black-footed ferret recovery and have been considered in the reintroduction protocol. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that vaccination of black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) with F1-V fusion protein by subcutaneous (SC) injection protects the animals against plague upon injection of the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This study demonstrates that the F1-V antigen can also protect ferrets against plague contracted via ingestion of a Y. pestis-infected mouse, a probable route for natural infection. Eight black-footed ferret kits were vaccinated with F1-V protein by SC injection at approximately 60 days-of-age. A booster vaccination was administered 3 mo later via SC injection. Four additional ferret kits received placebos. The animals were challenged 6 wk after the boost by feeding each one a Y. pestis-infected mouse. All eight vaccinates survived challenge, while the four controls succumbed to plague within 3 days after exposure. To determine the duration of antibody postvaccination, 18 additional black-footed ferret kits were vaccinated and boosted with F1-V by SC injection at 60 and 120 days-of-age. High titers to both F1 and V (mean reciprocal titers of 18,552 and 99,862, respectively) were found in all vaccinates up to 2 yr postvaccination, whereas seven control animals remained antibody negative throughout the same time period.  相似文献   

Fundamental knowledge of spermatozoa cryobiology can assist with optimizing cryopreservation protocols needed for genetic management of the endangered black-footed ferret. Objectives were to characterize semen osmolality and assess the influence of two media at various osmolalities on sperm viability. We examined the influence of Ham's F10 +Hepes medium (H) at 270, 400, 500 or 700 mOsm (adjusted with sucrose, a nonpermeating cryoprotectant) and TEST Yolk Buffer (TYB) with 0% (300 mOsm) versus 4% (900 mOsm) glycerol (a permeating cryoprotectant). Electroejaculates (n=16) were assessed for osmolality using a vapor pressure osmometer. For media comparison, semen (n=5) was collected in TYB 0%, split into six aliquots, and diluted in H270, H400, H500, H700, and TYB 0% or TYB 4%. Each sample was centrifuged (300 g, 8 min), resuspended in respective medium, and maintained at 37 degrees C for 3h. Sperm motility and forward progression were monitored every 30 min for 3h post-washing. Acrosomal integrity was monitored at 0 and 60 min post-washing. Results demonstrated that black-footed ferret semen has a comparatively high osmolality (mean+/-SEM, 513.1+/-32.6 mOsm; range, 366-791 mOsm). Ferret spermatozoa were sensitive to hyperosmotic stress. Specifically, sperm motility was more susceptible (P<0.01) to hyperosmotic conditions than acrosomal integrity, and neither were influenced (P>0.05) by hypotonic solutions. Exposure to TYB 4% glycerol retained more (P<0.01) sperm motility than a hyperosmotic Ham's (700 mOsm). These findings will guide the eventual development of assisted breeding with cryopreserved sperm contributing to genetic management of this rare species.  相似文献   

Because of the scarcity of the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) and the amount of knowledge necessary for their conservation, surrogate research can play an important role in recovery. In this paper, we investigate surrogate behavioral research potential by comparing courtship behavior of the black-footed ferret to the congeneric domestic ferret (M. putorius furo). Ten female domestic ferrets were bred to five male domestic ferrets and eight female black-footed ferrets were bred to five black-footed ferret males. Courtship activities were defined, analyzed, and quantitatively compared between both groups. Lag sequential analysis of was used to prepare the behavioral matrices, and matrix cells were compared between groups with an equality of proportions test. Courtship patterns did not differ significantly between the two closely related species, and the domestic ferret would probably be an adequate surrogate for reproductive behavior research on the black-footed ferret.  相似文献   

An epizootic of toxoplasmosis occurred among 22 adult and 30 kit black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) maintained under quarantine conditions at the Louisville Zoological Garden (Louisville, Kentucky, USA) in June, 1992. Black-footed ferrets appear to be highly susceptible to acute and chronic toxoplasmosis. Clinical signs were observed in 19 adults and six kits and included anorexia, lethargy, corneal edema, and ataxia. Two adults and six kits died with acute disease. High antibody titers to Toxoplasma gondii were detected by latex agglutination and modified agglutination assay in 10 black-footed ferrets. One adult and six kits that died with acute clinical signs were necropsied and T. gondii-like organisms were found microscopically in multiple organs. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining with anti-T. gondii antibodies and by ultrastructural examination. Although the source of T. gondii for black-footed ferrets was not identified, frozen uncooked rabbit was the most likely source. Chronic toxoplasmosis resulted in the death of at additional 13 black-footed ferrets that were adults during the epizootic. Affected animals developed chronic progressive posterior weakness and posterior ataxia 6-69 mo after the epizootic began. Meningoencephalitis or meningoencephalomyelitis associated with chronic toxoplasmosis were identified at necropsy in all 13 ferrets. Precautions to prevent introduction of pathogens into the colony were insufficient to exclude T. gondii. Although toxoplasmosis may cause significant mortality in mustelids, the high mortality of black-footed ferrets in this epizootic was of concern due to their endangered status. This is the first detailed report of toxoplasmosis in black-footed ferrets.  相似文献   

Disease can threaten the restoration of endangered species directly by substantially decreasing host survival or indirectly via incremental decreases in survival and reproduction. During a biomedical survey of reintroduced populations of the highly endangered black-footed ferret from 2002 to 2005, microfilariae discovered in the blood were putatively identified as Dirofilaria immitis, and widespread screening was initiated using a commercially available antigen-based ELISA test. A subset of animals (n = 16) was screened for D. immitis using a highly sensitive PCR-based assay. Microfilariae were also molecularly and morphologically characterized. Of 198 animals at six reintroduction sites, 12% had positive results using the ELISA test. No antigen-positive animals which were screened via PCR (n = 11) had positive PCR results, and all antigen-positive animals (n = 24) were asymptomatic. No significant differences were found in body mass of antigen-positive (male: 1223 +/- 82 g [mean +/- SD], female: 726 +/- 75 g) vs. antigen-negative (male: 1,198 +/- 119 g, female: 710 +/- 53 g) individuals (P = 0.4). Antigen prevalence was lower in juveniles (3%) than adults (12%; P = 0.03), and higher in in situ, captive-reared individuals (33%) than wild-born individuals (10%; P = 0.005). Morphologic analysis of microfilariae revealed they were neither D. immitis nor any other previously characterized North American species. PCR amplification of the 5S spacer region of rDNA revealed that the filarial sequence shared only 76% identity with D. immitis. This previously unidentified filarial sequence was present in all antigen positive animals (11 of 11 tested). It appears that black-footed ferrets were infected with a previously undescribed species of filaria whose antigen cross-reacted with the ELISA assay, although further analysis is needed to make a conclusive statement. Nonetheless, this previously undescribed filaria does not appear to threaten recovery for this highly endangered mammal.  相似文献   

The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), which was extirpated from its native North American prairie habitat during the 1980s, is being reintroduced to the wild because of a successful captive-breeding program. To enhance propagation, the reproductive biology of this endangered species is being studied intensively. The typical life span of the black-footed ferret is approximately 7 yr. Female fecundity declines after 3 yr of age, but the influence of age on male reproduction is unknown. In this study, testis volume, seminal traits, sperm morphology, and serum testosterone were compared in 116 males from 1 to 7 yr of age living in captivity. Results demonstrated that testes volume during the peak breeding season was similar (P > 0.05) among males 1 to 5 yr of age, reduced (P < 0.05) among males 6 yr of age, and further reduced (P < 0.05) among males 7 yr of age. Motile sperm/ejaculate was similar in males 1 to 6 yr of age but diminished (P < 0.05) in those 7 yr of age. Males at 6 and 7 yr of age produced fewer (P < 0.05) structurally normal sperm than younger counterparts; however, serum testosterone concentrations were not reduced (P > 0.05) in older males. Histological comparison of testicular/epididymal tissue from 5- and 7-yr-old black-footed ferrets confirmed that the interval between these two ages may represent a transitional period to reproductive senescence. In summary, functional reproductive capacity of male black-footed ferrets exceeds that of females by at least 2 yr. Testes and seminal quality are indistinguishable among males 1 to 5 yr of age, with progressive reproductive aging occurring thereafter.  相似文献   

The endangered black‐footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) reproduces naturally in the spring. The Black‐Footed Ferret Recovery Program would benefit from increased productivity in the captive population by manipulating photoperiod and temperature to create three artificial cycles in 1½ years. In the present study the photoperiod was set at 8 hr light:16 hr dark for 1–2 months, then switched to 16 hr light:8 hr dark for 4–5 months. The males' light was switched 1 month before the females' light. Three cycles were performed in 2 years. During the first cycle, 0% of the males bred, 17% of the females came into estrus and were bred through artificial insemination, and 0% of the females whelped. In the second cycle, 100% of the females came into estrus and were bred naturally, and 77% whelped. In the third cycle, all males showed testicular recrudescence but none bred; all females showed signs of estrus, 40% were bred using artificial insemination, and 0% whelped. Siberian polecats (Mustela eversmanii), the black‐footed ferrets' closest living relative, also were put on an artificial photoperiod, coinciding with the black‐footed ferrets' third cycle. All female polecats came into estrus and were bred naturally, and 33% whelped. All males showed testicular recrudescence, and 22% produced sperm and bred. The low rate of success in breeding and whelping suggests that multiple cues may be needed to induce estrus in ferrets and polecats. Zoo Biol 22:1–14, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Urinary calculi was observed frequently in ferrets which were from a group used for influenza research. They were submitted for necropsy with various clinical signs. The calculi were composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate and were found in the pelvis of the kidney, urinary bladder and urethra. Crystals of undetermined nature occasionally were observed in the kidneys.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with genes for heat stabile toxins Sta and STb was isolated from the gastrointestinal tract and multiple visceral organs of three adult and three juvenile black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) that died in a captive breeding colony between 24 May 1998 and 2 July 1998. Similar isolates were obtained from rectal swabs of one adult and one juvenile that were clinically ill. All were fed a diet composed of mink chow, raw rabbit meat, beef liver powder, blood meal and lard. Escherichia coli of the same toxin genotype was isolated from the mixed ration. Clinical signs included sudden death, dehydration, anorexia and diarrhea. Necropsy lesions included acute enteritis with large numbers of rod shaped bacteria microscopically visible on intestinal villi.  相似文献   

Eight domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and two Siberian polecats (M. eversmanni) were inoculated subcutaneously with 12 to 1.2 x 10(7) Yersinia pestis originally isolated during an epizootic of plague in white-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys leucurus) near Meeteetse, Park County, Wyoming (USA) in 1985. None of the ferrets or polecats developed clinical signs of disease which suggested that black-footed ferrets (M. nigripes), a congener, also would be resistant to plague. All animals receiving greater than or equal to 1.2 X 10(3) organisms produced serum antibodies detected by the passive hemagglutination test with titers peaking at 1:1,024 and remaining positive until at least 219 days postinoculation. Sera collected from 12 free-ranging black-footed ferrets near Meeteetse in 1984 and 1985 were negative for antibodies against Y. pestis. Prevalence of antibodies against Y. pestis was high in other carnivores collected from the same area in 1986.  相似文献   

We report a panel of 12 microsatellite markers, including nine novel polymorphic loci isolated in the European polecat and three loci previously developed in closely related species, for genetic studies of polecats and ferrets. We tested the panel at fine geographic scales in polecat and domestic ferret populations of Britain and Portugal and at a broad geographic scale, using 50 polecat samples from across Western Europe. At the fine geographic scales, we recorded one to five alleles per locus and observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0 to 0.80 and from 0 to 0.74, respectively. These values increased markedly in the European sample of polecats. No linkage disequilibrium was detected between any pair of loci and all genotypic frequencies complied with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations. The microsatellite panel allowed the molecular discrimination of polecats and domestic ferrets in Britain, where hybridisation between the two species has been documented. Thus, these loci may be useful not only in genetic studies of polecats and ferrets but also in studies to assess hybridisation between these two mustelid species.  相似文献   

We studied the behavioral development of black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from 6 to 16 post-natal weeks. At 6 weeks of age, kits are still lactating and depend on their mother for survival, while at 16 weeks, ferret young start achieving independence from their mother and littermates. Behavioral observations were obtained by placing videomonitors in the litters’ cages, nest boxes and in outdoor naturalistic enclosures. Captive-raised black-footed ferrets displayed nocturnal activity patterns, although they tended to appear aboveground at certain daytime hours presumably influenced by the established feeding and cleaning regimes. Growing ferrets began emerging aboveground at approximately 7 post-natal weeks and diel activity steadily increased as kits matured. The most manifest behavioral changes (appearance of new motor patterns, increase in aboveground play and in neck-biting behaviors) occurred from post-natal week 8 to week 12. This coincides with the period of maximum growth for ferrets and with a sensitive phase for the development of food preferences in this species. Changes from the 12 to the 16 post-natal weeks involved an increase in aboveground activity, including a higher frequency of scent-marking behaviors. Information provided in this study has important implications for enhancing the captive management of this endangered carnivore.  相似文献   

Three doses of FSH were tested for their ability to induce oestrus in ferrets. A dose of 0.25 mg, administered twice daily, induced oestrus and breeding in most females within 6-13 days. Addition of 5 i.u. hCG during the final stages of follicular development enhanced the percentage of females with implantation sites (85%), and 23% of the ferrets so treated gave birth to kits, none of which survived for more than 3 days. This may have been due to insufficient prolactin secretion and thus inadequate luteal maintenance and milk production, as these females were maintained on a short-day photoperiod.  相似文献   

In laboratory conditions, in a natural photoperiod, testicular redevelopment began in late December. Maximal testis size was attained by the end of February. Testicular regression began in mid-May and was complete by the end of August. Oestrus was first observed in late March and continued throughout April. Females mated for the first time between 30 March and 8 April. Mating generally coincided with peak concentrations of urinary oestrone conjugates and when vaginal lavages contained greater than 90% cornified epithelial cells. Blastocyst implantation occurred by Day 13 and the post-implantation period was 29 days. Gestation ranged from 39 to 43 days and first parturition occurred in mid-May. Concentrations of urinary oestrone conjugates and free progesterone were elevated during the first half of pregnancy, reaching maximum values at mid-pregnancy, and then gradually declined as parturition neared. Litter size of primiparous females averaged 6.8 young/female. Females that were pseudopregnant or lost their litters shortly after birth, and several with weaned kits, exhibited a second oestrus.  相似文献   

Surgical castration in ferrets has been implicated as an etiological factor in the development of hyperadrenocorticism in this species due to a castration-related increase in plasma gonadotropins. In search for a suitable alternative, the effect of treatment with the depot GnRH-agonist implant, deslorelin, on plasma testosterone concentrations and concurrent testes size, spermatogenesis, and the typical musky odor of intact male ferrets was investigated. Twenty-one male ferrets, equally divided into three groups, were either surgically castrated, received a slow release deslorelin implant or received a placebo implant. Plasma FSH and testosterone concentrations, testis size and spermatogenesis were all suppressed after the use of the deslorelin implant. The musky odor in the ferrets which had received a deslorelin implant was less compared to the ferrets which were either surgically castrated or had received a placebo implant. These results indicate that the deslorelin implant effectively prevents reproduction and the musky odor of intact male ferrets and is therefore considered a suitable alternative for surgical castration in these animals.  相似文献   

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