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Restriction of behavioral opportunities and uneven use of space are considerable welfare concerns in modern broiler production, particularly when birds are kept at high densities. We hypothesized that increased environmental complexity by provision of barrier perches would help address these issues by encouraging perching and enhancing use of the pen space across a range of stocking densities. 2,088 day-old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to one of the following barrier and density treatment combinations over four replications: simple barrier, complex barrier, or control (no barrier) and low (8 birds/m(2)), moderate (13 birds/m(2)), or high (18 birds/m(2)) density. Data were collected on focal birds via instantaneous scan sampling from 2 to 6 weeks of age. Mean estimates per pen for percent of observations seen performing each behavior, as well as percent of observations in the pen periphery vs. center, were quantified and submitted to an analysis of variance with week as the repeated measure. Barrier perches, density and age affected the behavioral time budget of broilers. Both simple and complex barrier perches effectively stimulated high perching rates. Aggression and disturbances were lower in both barrier treatments compared to controls (P<0.05). Increasing density to 18 birds/m(2) compared to the lower densities suppressed activity levels, with lower foraging (P<0.005), decreased perching (P<0.0001) and increased sitting (P = 0.001) earlier in the rearing period. Disturbances also increased at higher densities (P<0.05). Use of the central pen area was higher in simple barrier pens compared to controls (P<0.001), while increasing density above 8 birds/m(2) suppressed use of the central space (P<0.05). This work confirms some negative effects of increasing density and suggests that barrier perches have the potential to improve broiler welfare by encouraging activity (notably by providing accessible opportunities to perch), decreasing aggression and disturbances, and promoting more even distribution of birds throughout the pen space.  相似文献   

Current housing conditions for domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) offer little in the way of environmental features biologically relevant to the birds. More specifically there is a notable absence of protective cover, a fundamental element that influences how domestic fowl use space. The availability of cover could be more relevant to small, as opposed to larger groups, because large groups offer an individual natural protection. In this experiment we investigated the immediate effects of cover panels designed to increase environmental complexity (EC) and compared their effects across three group sizes (n = 8) of five (GS5), 10 (GS10), or 20 (GS20), broilers per group. Birds were tested under two different scenarios representing increasing EC, once with one long panel (single) once with four staggered small panels (quad) and once in an empty control arena (void). Each test lasted for 1 h. Core areas, or activity centers, were not affected by EC. EC had the greatest impact on the inter-individual distances of birds in smaller groups. Minimum and nearest neighbor distances in GS5 increased significantly with EC, whereas those in the GS10 and GS20 were not different across the EC treatments. Because GS were housed together in a home pen and moved from this common home pen into testing arenas, significant differences in minimum, maximum, and nearest neighbor inter-individual distances suggest that birds adjusted their use of space in response to immediate changes in group size and EC. Overall we found a significant impact of EC on the spacing behavior of domestic fowl, however the effects were not equal for all group sizes. As predicted, smaller groups were more affected by environmental features, and thus may experience the greatest benefit from increased EC.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment, adequate space and the ability to separate a living area into suitable functional areas are key elements for pig welfare. In this study, a two-level pen for nursery pigs was explored with the aim of analysing the use of space and the impact on pig behaviour, health and performance. Therefore, per batch, three experimental groups in pens with elevated platforms (two-level pens) and one control group in a standard pen were formed after weaning at the age of 4 weeks. Thereafter, groups were studied for a period of 6 weeks. In a total of eight batches (n = 882 pigs), the occurrence of skin lesions was determined per individual using a lesion score, and in seven batches (n = 761 pigs) individual daily weight gain was analysed. In five batches (n = 450 pigs), the individual use of space and the behaviour of pigs were investigated by direct observation (4 h per day on 2 days in weeks 1, 3 and 6 of the housing period, respectively). Results revealed that 98.9% of pigs (n = 445) were observed on the elevated platform at least once. The probability that an individual pig used the platform was significantly higher than 0.95 (P < 0.0001, confidence interval = 0.977, 1). The use of the platform was not affected by sex (odds ratio (OR) = 1.013, P = 0.937). However, the probability of observing an individual on the elevated platform increased with increasing BW during the experimental period (OR = 1.043, P < 0.0001). The presence of a platform decreased the probability of seeing a pig fighting (P = 0.014) and increased the probability of observing locomotor behaviour as opposed to lying (P < 0.0001). In two-level pens, pigs sustained fewer skin injuries than in standard pens (day 41: OR = 0.731, P < 0.0001). Over 41 days of experiment, pigs in two-level pens had higher daily weight gains than animals in standard pens (416 versus 393 g/day, P = 0.006). We conclude that usable space for nursery pigs can be effectively extended by introducing elevated platforms into the pigs’ pen. Furthermore, pigs may benefit from two-level systems by establishing spaces for activity as well as for retreat from other pen mates, thereby reducing aggressive behaviour and social stress. The installation of two-level pens is therefore encouraged, if they are intended to provide more space than legally stipulated.  相似文献   

Some authors have found indications of subgroup formation when domestic fowl are forced to live together in large flocks, while others have not. In this study experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that hens in large flocks have home ranges in parts of the pen and that they form subgroups. We also studied if this is influenced by males. In a tiered aviary system (density averaged 16 hens/m(2) of floor area) eight flocks of 568+/-59 ISA Brown laying hybrids were kept in pens. Half of the pens contained 1 male per on average 24 females (mixed flocks). At peak production (36-53 weeks of age) four females roosting closely together for about 14 days and four females roosting far apart from each other were taken out from each flock and put together in separate groups in small pens. Their agonistic behaviour was studied for 2 days before they were put back. This was repeated with new birds, resulting in 16 small sample groups being studied. At 70 weeks, three groups of 10 females per flock roosting closely together in different parts of the pen were dyed with different colours and their locations were observed for 2 nights and 2 days.The incidence of aggressive pecks during day 1 among birds that had been roosting close to each other tended to be lower (P=0.05) than among birds that had been roosting far apart. This effect was not significant among birds from all-female flocks, but among birds from mixed flocks (P<0.05). However, this indicates a recognition of roosting partners and possibly also a rebound effect of the males' reduction of female aggressiveness towards strangers. Irrespective of sex composition in the flocks, birds marked while roosting at the ends of the pens were significantly more often observed within these areas than in other areas of the pen during daytime and came back to the same roosting sites at night (P<0.05-P<0.001). This was not the case for birds from the middle of the pens, where the distribution in the pen in most cases did not differ from random. These results show that laying hens in large groups are rather constant in their use of space, which indicate the presence of home ranges. However, environmental features that facilitate localisation may be important. In summary, we think that these findings indicate the existence of subgroup formation.  相似文献   

Free-range laying hen systems are increasing within Australia. The pullets for these systems are typically reared indoors before being provided first range access around 21 to 26 weeks of age. Thus, the rearing and laying environments are disparate and hens may not adapt well to free-range housing. In this study, we reared 290 Hy-Line® Brown day-old chicks divided into two rooms each with feed, water and litter. In the enriched room, multiple structural, manipulable, visual and auditory stimuli were also provided from 4 to 21 days, the non-enriched room had no additional objects or stimuli. Pullets were transferred to the laying facility at 12 weeks of age and divided into six pens (three enriched-reared, three non-enriched-reared) with identical indoor resources and outdoor range area. All birds were first provided range access at 21 weeks of age. Video observations of natural disturbance behaviours on the range at 22 to 23 and 33 to 34 weeks of age showed no differences in frequency of disturbance occurrences between treatment groups (P=0.09) but a decrease in disturbance occurrences over time (P<0.0001). Radio-frequency identification tracking of individually tagged birds from 21 to 37 weeks of age showed enriched birds on average, spent less time on the range each day (P<0.04) but with a higher number of range visits than non-enriched birds from 21 to 24 weeks of age (P=0.01). Enriched birds accessed the range on more days (P=0.03) but over time, most birds in both treatment groups accessed the range daily. Basic external health scoring showed minimal differences between treatment groups with most birds in visibly good condition. At 38 weeks of age all birds were locked inside for 2 days and from 40 to 42 weeks of age the outdoor range was reduced to 20% of its original size to simulate stressful events. The eggs from non-enriched birds had higher corticosterone concentrations following lock-in and 2 weeks following range reduction compared with the concentrations within eggs from enriched birds (P<0.0001). Correspondingly, the enriched hens showing a greater increase in the number of visits following range area reduction compared to non-enriched hens (P=0.02). Only one rearing room per treatment was used but these preliminary data indicate 3 weeks of early enrichment had some long-term effects on hen ranging behaviour and enhanced hen’s adaptability to environmental stressors.  相似文献   

In Australia, free-range egg production pullets are typically reared indoors, but adult layers get outdoor access. This new environment may be challenging to adapt to, which could impair egg production and/or egg quality. Adaptation might be enhanced through rearing enrichments. We reared 1386 Hy-Line Brown® chicks indoors with three treatments across 16 weeks: (1) a control group with standard litter housing conditions, (2) a novelty group providing novel objects that changed weekly, and (3) a structural enrichment group with custom-designed structures to partially impair visibility across the pen and allow for vertical movement. Pullets were transferred to a free-range system at 16 weeks of age with daily outdoor access provided from 25 until 64 weeks. Daily egg production at different laying locations (large nests, small nests and floor), weekly egg weights and egg abnormalities were recorded from 18 to 64 weeks old. External and internal egg quality parameters of egg weight, shell reflectivity, albumen height, haugh unit, yolk colour score, shell weight and shell thickness were measured at 44, 52, 60 and 64 weeks. There was a significant interaction between rearing treatment and nest box use on hen-day production from weeks 18 to 25 (P < 0.0001) with the novelty hens laying the most eggs and the control hens the fewest eggs in the nest box. Similarly, from 26 to 64 weeks, the novelty hens laid more eggs in the large nest boxes and fewer eggs on the floor than both the structural and control hens (P < 0.0001). Egg weight and abnormalities increased with age (P < 0.0001), but rearing treatment had no effect on either measure (both P ≥ 0.19). Rearing treatment affected shell reflectivity and yolk colour with the control hens showing paler colours across time relative to the changes observed in the eggs from enriched hens. The novelty hens may have established nest box laying patterns as they were more accustomed to exploring new environments. The differences in egg quality could be related to stress adaptability or ranging behaviour. This study shows that enriching environments during rearing can have some impacts on production parameters in free-range hens.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that exposure of chick embryos to corticosterone leads to increased fear, reduced competitive ability, reduced ability to cross a barrier and reduced growth in juvenile chicks. Behaviour was studied in birds subjected to three different egg injection treatments: a negative control (no treatment of eggs), a positive control (100 μl sesame oil vehicle) and a corticosterone treatment (0.6 μg corticosterone in 100 μl sesame oil). Eggs were injected prior to incubation and the behaviour of chicks was studied during the first 4 weeks of life. Corticosterone treatment increased fear in chicks, as indicated by greater avoidance of an observer in the home pen at 2 weeks of age (P < 0.0001), reduced ability to cross a wall to access feed at 2 weeks of age (P < 0.05) and reduced ability to compete for a wormlike object at 4 weeks of age (P < 0.01). Treatment with corticosterone also reduced body weight at 1 week of age (P < 0.003) and 4 weeks of age (P < 0.04), but not at hatch (P < 0.28). The sesame oil vehicle reduced fear (P < 0.0001), but had no other significant effects. These results indicate that embryonic exposure to corticosterone leads to behavioural and growth deficits in chicks.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) plays a crucial role in protecting biological materials from oxidative damage through the action of the selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and the effectiveness of this protection is often dependent upon Se supply. Recent evidence has indicated that GSH-Px mRNA expression can be upregulated in response to potential oxidative damage risk, and that this upregulation is independent of Se supply. The current study aimed to determine the effect of Se supplementation, stocking rate and tissue fatty acid profile on GSH-Px activity in breast and thigh tissue of commercial broilers. A total of 168 Ross 308 broiler chicks were enrolled onto the study. Prior to enrolment, birds were brooded as a single group and received a starter diet containing no additional Se. The study was a 2 × 2 factorial design comprising of two levels of dietary Se (high Se, 0.5 mg/kg total Se, low Se background Se only), and two stocking rates (high, 30 kg/m2, and low, 15 kg/m2). At 15 days of age, birds were blocked by live weight and randomly allocated to one of the four treatments, with six pen replicates per treatment. At 42 days of age, one bird was randomly selected from each pen replicate, euthanased and breast and thigh tissue harvested. GSH-Px activity, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and fatty acid (FA) content of these tissues were determined. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of stocking rate on GSH-Px activity or TBARS. GSH-Px activity did not differ between tissue types but was greater in high Se birds (P < 0.001) compared to low Se. TBARS concentrations were greater in thigh tissue (P < 0.001), and these thigh concentrations were greater in high Se birds (P < 0.05). There were marked differences between breast and thigh tissue in most FAs (P < 0.001), with breast generally containing greater proportions of polyunsaturated FA, so that breast tissue had a higher (P < 0.001) peroxidisability index (PI) than thigh. A positive correlation between GSH-Px activity and PI in the thigh tissue of high Se birds (Pearson Correlation 0.668; P = 0.025) may indicate that increasing susceptibility to peroxidisation in lipid-rich tissues may also upregulate GSH-Px activity in Se-replete birds. This study suggests that ensuring adequate dietary selenium could be a useful tool to mitigate adverse effects on meat quality caused by oxidation, particularly in lipid-rich meat.  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to study the influence of feed form on the performance, gizzard development and carcass traits of growing geese. Between 42 and 98 days of age, 360 geese (type Maxipalm®) were fed a diet containing 500 g sorghum/kg (nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy 12.6 MJ/kg, 15.1 g/kg CP). Birds were divided into three groups differing in feed form: complete pellets (Control group, n = 120); a coarse-ground meal (CG group, n = 120); or a mixture containing protein-rich pellets and sorghum whole grains (M group, n = 120). Feed intake per pen (40 birds/pen) was measured weekly between 42 and 98 days of age, and individual live weight (LW) was measured every 2 weeks. At 84 and 98 days of age, 12 birds were slaughtered in each group to measure the gizzard development and body traits. Irrespective of the goose sex, LW at 98 days was lower for the CG group than for the Control group (5555 v. 5888 g, P < 0.05 for males and 5039 v. 5215 g, P < 0.05 for females). The feed intake over the entire period was 5.5% higher in the M group (P < 0.05) than in the Control and CG groups but the feed conversion ratio (6.91, P > 0.05) was similar in the three groups. The gizzard development (as % of LW) was higher in birds of the CG group than those of the Control and M groups at 84 days of age (+13.98% and +13.51%, respectively; P < 0.05) but was similar in all three groups at 98 days of age (4.01%, P > 0.05). The relative liver development was lower in the birds of the CG group than those of the other two groups at 84 and 98 days of age (−20%, P < 0.001 and −10%, P < 0.05, respectively). The other body traits were similar in the three groups at both 84 and 98 days of age. The present results suggest that a simplified diet presented in the form of a mixture of sorghum whole grains and protein-rich pellets did not reduce the performance of growing geese.  相似文献   

Intensive selection of broilers for faster growth and better feed efficiency resulted in greater susceptibility to metabolic disorders such as ascites syndrome, which is one of the major causes of mortality and economic loss in broiler industry. Whereas cool temperature is one of the primary triggers for ascites, early feed restriction (FDR) significantly alleviates its incidence and mortality. However, little is known about effects of FDR, cold environmental temperature and their interaction on physiological responses in broiler chickens. For this purpose, 320 one-day-old male broilers were divided into two treatment groups of Ad libitum (Ad) and feed restricted (FR) with eight pen replicates each. Chickens in FR group underwent feed access limitation from days 7 to 14 of age. On day 21 half of the birds (four pens) in each group exposed to the cold temperature (CT) and the other half (four pens) continued at normal temperature (NT). Average daily feed intake, average daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured at days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42. At 39 and 46 days of age two chicks with a BW around the pen average were selected from each pen and slaughtered after collecting blood samples. Then, relative weight of internal organs and right ventricle weight per total ventricle weight (RV : TV) ratio were calculated. Compared with NT group, CT birds had higher daily feed intake and FCR (P<0.05) from day 28 to 42. Cumulative ascites mortality in CT chickens was higher (P<0.001) than NT chicks. Within the CT group, ascites mortality in FR chickens was reduced (P<0.001) to 1.25% compared with 8.75% in Ad chicks. Birds in CT group had significantly (P<0.05) thicker right ventricle and greater relative weight of heart, hematocrit and triiodothyronine concentration. However, none of these parameters were affected by FDR. Under cold stress conditions, FDR reduced activity of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase (P<0.05). Serum triglyceride, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein and total protein were not influenced by either temperature or feeding regimen. In conclusion, these findings suggest that FDR reduces ascites incidence mainly by allowing better development of internal organs, which helps them to cope with the high metabolic pressure and suffer less damage.  相似文献   

The effect of rearing with and without perches on the spatial ability of domestic hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) was investigated. No access or late access to perches during rearing has been shown to increase the later prevalence of floor eggs and cloacal cannibalism in loose-housed laying hens. This may be explained by either the birds reared without perches have difficulty using perches due to low muscle strength, lack of motor skills, and inability to keep balance, or they have impaired spatial skills necessary for moving around in three-dimensional space. These alternative explanations are not mutually exclusive.Thirty, day-old chicks were randomly allocated into two equal groups and reared in litter pens, one with access to perches (P+) and one without (P-). At 8 weeks of age, all birds were given access to perches, and by 15 weeks, all birds were using perches for roosting at night. At 16 weeks, 10 birds from each group were tested in pens where food was presented on a wire mesh tier 40 cm above the ground (T40). Three consecutive tests, with increasing difficulty for the bird to reach the food, were then performed. Firstly, the food was presented at 80 cm above the ground but with the tier at 40 cm still present; secondly, food was presented on the tier at 80 cm; and then, finally, with the food on a 160 cm high tier with the tier at 80 cm still present. All birds were food deprived for 15 h before each test and the time from the bird entering the pen until reaching the food was recorded. There was no difference in the time to reach the food between P+ and P- birds in the T40 test. But as the difficulty of the task increased, the difference between the P+ and P- birds became significant, with the P- birds taking a longer time to reach the food or not reaching it at all. Since there was no difference between P+ and P- in the T40 test, it seems reasonable to suppose that the later differences did not depend on differences in physical ability. Therefore, the results may imply that rearing without early access to perches, in some ways, impairs the spatial cognitive skills of the domestic hen.  相似文献   

Maternal behavior was examined in 301 multiparous ewes (2–6 years of age) that were of predominantly Suffolk or Targhee breeding. The ewes gave birth in either a normal lambing pen (control) or in a similar pen modified by the addition of 8 cubicles (cubicles). Approximately 100 ewes were present in each pen at a time, creating a density of 1 ewe m?2.Within the cubicle treatment, comparisons were made between the ewes which gave birth inside a cubicle (CUB-I, n = 64) and those that gave birth outside the cubicles (CUB-O, n = 92). CUB-I ewes spent less time moving about (P<0.01), travelled less distance (P<0.001), investigated fewer potential birth-sites (P<0.001) and spent more time in the cubicles (P<0.001) during the 60 min prior to giving birth than did CUB-O ewes. After giving birth, CUB-I ewes remained close to their lambs, which always remained in the cubicles. This resulted in CUB-I ewes and their lambs remaining closer to each other and to the birth-site than CUB-O ewes and lambs (P<0.001). CUB-I ewes were rarely interfered with by other ewes (17 vs. 82% interference for CUB-I and CUB-O ewes, respectively) and had fewer (0) lambs separated or stolen from them than did CUB-O ewes (13 of 144 lambs).In comparing the cubicle system and the control pen, it was found that interference with ewes and lambs was less in the cubicle treatment (P<0.01). In the cubicle system, there tended to be fewer lambs separated from their dams (5.4 vs. 9.6%) and less stealing of lambs (3.1 vs. 5.2%) compared to the control pen. It is concluded that the use of cubicles under these conditions reduces the incidence of poor maternal behavior in ewes.  相似文献   

Exercise through perching has been suggested as a way to reduce the impact of leg problems in broiler chickens. It is possible that higher stocking densities may motivate birds to perch more, and perhaps reduce some of the detrimental effects to broiler health seen with high stocking densities. The goal of this research was to investigate the effects of density (10, 15, and 20birds/m(2)) and perch design on the frequency of perch utilization. Mixed sex broilers were assigned to 36 pens in a four perch treatmentxthree density factorial with three replications for each treatment/density combination in a randomized complete block design. Pens were assigned to one of four perch treatments: control (no perches), horizontal (three horizontal perches), angled (three 10 degrees angled perches), or mixed angle (one horizontal, one 10 degrees angled, and one 20 degrees angled perch), at each of the three densities. The results show that although the frequency of perch use was low, (2.6%+/-0.15), significant preferences were clear. Perching frequency was significantly higher when birds were raised at stocking densities of 15 (2.88+/-0.303) or 20birds/m(2) (2.76+/-0.211), as opposed to 10birds/m(2) (2.10+/-0.209) as indicated by a marginally significant main effect (p<0.0597), and a significant linear effect (P<0.0427). The birds used the horizontal perches the most, followed by 10 degrees angled and mixed angle perch treatments with decreasing frequency. An effect of age was found, in that perching increased during the first 4 weeks, and dropped off significantly at the end of the rearing period for all perch treatments. In general, perches closest to the hallway or outside of the house were used more than perches in the middle of the pen. Preferential use of the highest section of the 10 degrees angled perches was also found. The applied perch treatments or densities did not significantly affect final body weight or feed conversion. Percent mortality due to heat stress showed a significant increase with density, while mortality not caused by heat stress did not change with perch treatment or density.  相似文献   

The appropriate stocking density for broiler chickens is a much discussed topic in animal welfare. To determine at which stocking density the level of crowding becomes aversive to 4–6-week-old broiler chickens, spatial distribution and behaviour of groups stocked at 8, 19, 29, 40, 45, 51, 61 or 72 birds per 3.3 m2 were analysed. Spatial distribution was evaluated using three different indices: inter-individual distances, nearest neighbour distances and Dirichlet polygon areas. The assumption was that broilers would increase the distance to their pen mates if high densities (i.e., close proximity to pen mates) were experienced as aversive, whereas they would decrease this distance if close proximity was experienced positively. Increased distances to pen mates would lead to increased nearest neighbour distances and a more homogeneous distribution (i.e., lower variation of inter-individual distances and of Dirichlet-polygon size) than expected by chance. The distribution expected by chance was determined from both a random distribution and a ‘resource-corrected’ random distribution (which incorporated environmental influences on spatial distribution but excluded social ones).Behavioural observations showed that at higher stocking densities more sitting bouts (P = 0.003) and adjustments of the sitting and lying posture (P < 0.001) occurred. It was also found that nearest neighbour distance varied according to behaviour (P = 0.001). Birds that were eating/drinking were further apart from their nearest neighbour than birds that were foraging, preening, adjusting their sitting or lying posture or showing “other” behaviour.The results from all three methods of spatial analysis suggested that broilers in groups ≥19 birds per 3.3 m2 (ultimately equivalent to 15 kg/m2) started to experience the proximity of conspecifics as aversive at some point during the last 3 weeks of rearing. However, nearest neighbour distance analysis showed evidence of aversiveness earlier in life than the other methods of analyzing spatial distribution (variation in inter-individual distance and polygon size), suggesting that nearest neighbour distance is the more sensitive indicator of space requirements.When uneven use of the different areas within the pen was reflected in the expected distribution (i.e., for comparisons to the resource-corrected random distribution) different results were obtained than when such measures were omitted (i.e., for comparisons to the random distribution). As such, this study emphasises the importance of accounting for environmental influences on distribution within a pen.  相似文献   

Abstract: Bed site selection is an important behavioral trait influencing neonate survival. Vegetation characteristics of bed sites influence thermal protection of neonates and concealment from predators. Although previous studies describe bed site selection of neonatal white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in regions of forested cover, none determined microhabitat effects on neonate bed site selection in the Northern Great Plains, an area of limited forest cover. During summers 2007–2009, we investigated bed site selection (n = 152) by 81 radiocollared neonate white-tailed deer in north-central South Dakota, USA. We documented 80 (52.6%) bed sites in tallgrass-Conservation Reserve Program lands, 35 (23.0%) bed sites in forested cover, and 37 (24.3%) in other habitats (e.g., pasture, alfalfa, wheat). Bed site selection varied with age and sex of neonate. Tree canopy cover (P < 0.001) and tree basal area (P < 0.001) decreased with age of neonates, with no bed sites observed in forested cover after 18 days of age. Male neonates selected sites with less grass cover (P < 0.001), vertical height of understory vegetation (P < 0.001), and density of understory vegetation (P < 0.001) but greater bare ground (P = 0.047), litter (P = 0.028), and wheat (P = 0.044) than did females. Odds of bed site selection increased 3.5% (odds ratio = 1.035, 95% CI = 1.008–1.062) for every 1-cm increase in vertical height of understory vegetation. Management for habitat throughout the grasslands of South Dakota that maximizes vertical height of understory vegetation would enhance cover characteristics selected by neonates.  相似文献   

The post‐fledging period is a critical life stage for young grassland birds. Habitat selection by recently fledged birds may differ from that of adults and may change as juveniles transition from the care and protection of parents to independence. To describe patterns of habitat selection during these important life stages, we studied habitat use by juvenile Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) in a Conservation Reserve Program grassland in Maryland. We used radio‐telemetry to track daily movement patterns of two age classes of Grasshopper Sparrows during the post‐fledging period. Sparrows were classified as either dependent (<32‐d‐old) or independent (≥32‐d‐old). We characterized the vegetation at 780 vegetation plots (390 plots where birds were located and 390 paired random plots). Microhabitats where dependent birds were found had significantly more bare ground, litter, and plant species richness than paired random plots. In addition, dependent birds were found in plots with less bare ground, more warm‐season grass cover, more total vegetation cover, and more forb cover than plots used by independent birds. Plots where independent birds were located also had significantly more bare ground than random plots. Dependent birds are less able to escape from predators because their flight feathers are not fully grown so they may benefit from remaining in areas of greater vegetation cover. However, juveniles transitioning from dependence to independence must forage on their own, possibly explaining their increased use of more open areas where foraging may be easier. To properly manage habitat for grassland birds, management strategies must consider the changing needs of birds during different stages of development. Our results highlight the importance of diverse grassland ecosystems for juvenile grassland birds during the transition to independence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of age of separation on the behavioural responses of the dairy calf and cow. Calves were separated from their dams 6 h, 1 day, or 4 days after birth (n=9 cow-calf pairs in each of the 3 treatment groups) and behaviour was video and audio taped from 1 h before separation to 21 h after separation. In the hour immediately before separation, we found that the younger calves tended to call and move more in the pen, and spent more time standing than the older calves, but after separation these trends reversed. Calves separated at older ages made significantly more movements in the pen (P<0.05), spent more time standing (P<0.05) and spent more time with the head out of the pen (P<0.01) than calves separated soon after birth. We observed a similar pattern for the cows. Before separation, cows with younger calves moved more frequently about the pen (P<0.05), and called at much higher rates (a mean of 40.7 calls during 40 min for cows on the 6-h treatment, vs. 0.2 calls for cows in the 4-day group; P<0.001). After separation, cows in the 4-day group called at approximately four times the rate of those separated at 6 h or 1 day (P<0.01). Moreover, the calls produced by cows separated later had a significantly higher fundamental frequency (P<0.001) and a lower emphasized harmonic (P<0.02) than the calls of cows separated from calves soon after birth. There was no difference between treatment groups in the other behavioural measures, either before or after separation. Calves separated at older ages tended to require fewer days of treatment for scouring, but calf weight gain and cow milk production did not differ among treatment groups. In conclusion, behavioural responses of both the cow and calf increase in relation to calf age at separation. However, there may be health advantages associated with delayed separation that compensate for the increased behavioural response.  相似文献   

We assessed diet selection, impact on vegetation, and explored habitat relationships with marsh birds of coypus (Myocastor coypus) in a steppe lagoon in Argentinean Patagonia. In two consecutive springs, abundance and spatial use of the coypus and nesting marsh birds were estimated by direct counts. The coypu was a selective consumer with seasonal variations in food items, and Myriophyllum sp. and Schoenoplectus californicus dominated its diet. Coypus and marsh birds showed a differential spatial use when rushes cover was high. However, when rushes cover decreased by coypu browsing, there was a similar use of space, and marsh birds were displaced to nest on the open water and other poorly protected areas of the rushes. Our results suggest that high abundances of coypu can have a detrimental effect on wetland ecosystems. Systematic monitoring and evaluation of their effects on wetlands in recently colonized areas is recommended.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of rearing density on pecking behaviour and plumage during rearing and throughout the laying period in aviaries. Chicks were reared on sand at high (H; 13 m−2) or low (L; 6.5 m−2) density, in four rearing pens of 390 chicks and eight pens of 195 chicks, respectively, each pen measuring 30 m2. Proportions of chicks per pen performing various types of pecking behaviour were recorded by scan sampling during 16 observation bouts in each rearing pen at 6 weeks of age and during 24 observation bouts at 12 weeks. Individual body weights and plumage condition were recorded. Later, these pullets were housed at 17 hens m−2 in Tiered Wire Floor (TWF; 3 H and 3 L pens of 275 hens) and Laco-Volétage (2 H and 2 L pens of 275 hens) aviaries. At 35 weeks, two samples of eight hens from each aviary pen were observed for pecking behaviour in a test pen. Throughout the laying period, additional records were collected on pecking behaviour, body weight, plumage condition, egg production, and mortality. The L birds had better plumage condition at 6 weeks of age and throughout the laying period. These birds also ground pecked more frequently than H birds during rearing and the laying period. At 12 weeks, L birds feather pecked less than H birds, but no relationship was found between rearing density and feather-pecking behaviour during the laying period. Although TWF hens feather pecked more frequently than Volétage hens, there was no interaction between rearing density and type of aviary for the various pecking behaviours.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of biostimulation by bull exposure on the expression of estrus in postpartum Angus cows. Ninety Angus cows and their calves were allocated by parity and body frame to three pens (30/pen). From 1-week post partum, one epididectomized mature Angus bull was placed with Groups A and B (BE), whereas Group C served as a Control (NE). Data for duration of estrus (DE), total mounts received (TMR), and intensity of estrus (IE) were recorded using HeatWatch. At either the first or second postpartum estrus, there were no differences between BE and NE cows for DE, TMR and IE. However, the period after onset of estrus, cow within treatment and the interaction treatment by period exerted a significant influence on IE. Overall, the greatest IE (P<0.0001) was observed during the first two periods (6h). At the first postpartum estrus, IE tended (P<0.11) to be greater in BE than NE cows during the first 3h after onset of estrus. However, IE was greater (P<0.02) in NE cows than BE cows during 4-6h after onset of estrus. At the second postpartum estrus, IE did not differ between BE and NE cows during the first 3h after onset of estrus. However, from 4 to 9h after onset of estrus, IE was greater (P<006) in NE cows than BE cows. From the results of this study, it was concluded that DE, TMR and IE were not influenced by biostimulation. However, the manner in which mounting activities were distributed across the duration of estrus was influenced by the presence of bulls.  相似文献   

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