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The Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is a global pest of wheat and barley. This arthropod is difficult to manage with pesticides or biological control agents due to the aphid’s ability to seek shelter in rolled leaves and also to develop virulent biotypes. During the past 20 years, the use of aphid-resistant cereal cultivars has proven to be an economically and ecologically beneficial method of protecting crops from D. noxia damage. Our research reports the results of experiments to determine the categories of D. noxia biotype 2 resistance present in Cereal Introduction Triticeae (CItr) 2401, and a barley genotype (IBRWAGP4-7), compared to control resistant and susceptible wheat and barley genotypes. CItr2401 and IBRWAGP4-7 exhibit no antixenosis, but both genotypes demonstrated antibiosis to D. noxia in the form of reduced aphid populations. Reduced leaf dry weight change, a measure of plant tolerance of D. noxia feeding, was significantly less in CItr2401 and IBRWAGP4-7 plants than in plants of susceptible control varieties. However, tolerance was negated when a tolerance index was calculated to correct for differences in aphid populations. Barley IBRWAGP4-7 is a new source of D. noxia biotype 2 resistance. D. noxia foliar leaf damage and population growth were significantly less on IBRWAGP4-7 plants than on plants of the susceptible barley variety Morex. IBRWAGP4-7 plants were equal in resistance to plants of the resistant barley STARS 9301 and wheat genotype CItr2401. Handling editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

Biotype 2 of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), was identified in the United States in 2003 and is virulent to all commercially available cultivars of winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., that are resistant to biotype 1. We compared the development and reproduction of biotype 2 D. noxia at 21.7 +/- 0.12 degrees C on 'Trego' (PI 612576), a susceptible commercial cultivar, and on lines CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 that represent putative resistance sources. CI 2401 is a pure wheat line originating in the former USSR (Tajikistan), whereas 03GD1378027 is a USDA-ARS breeding line originally developed from crosses with a South African line that carried a large rye translocation conferring D. noxia resistance. Both lines previously showed resistance to biotype 1 and are currently being used in the development of D. noxia-resistant wheat cultivars. Both solitary apterous virginoparae of biotype 2 and their progeny experienced a reduction in survival and prolonged developmental times on CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 compared with Trego, but the former lines did not differ significantly from each other with respect to either measure of aphid performance. Progeny developed faster than did their foundress mothers on CI 2401 and Trego, but not on 03GD1378027. Mean foundress fecundity did not differ between CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 but was reduced on these lines relative to Trego. Foundresses also were more often found off plants of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 than Trego. Estimates of intrinsic rate of increase were higher on Trego than on either CI 2401 or 03GD1378027, the latter two lines yielding similar values. The negative impacts of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 on development and reproduction of biotype 2 indicate that these lines represent sources of resistance effective against this biotype.  相似文献   

Susceptible and resistance wheat cultivars, Triticum aestivum L, were presented to two biotypes of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), in multiple choice tests to assay their relative acceptability as host plants. Both apterae (third and fourth instars) and alate adults were offered plants at the two-leaf stage in different cultivar combinations at 22±1℃ and 16:8 (L: D) hour photoperiod. Apterae were released from Petri dishes in the center of a circle of test plants, whereas alatae dispersed from a mature aphid colony to settle on plants arranged in rows. Both alatae and apterous nymphs of both biotypes readily colonized all cultivars tested:‘2137', ‘Akron',‘Ankor’,‘ Halt’ ,‘ Jagger’ ,‘ Prairie Red’ , ‘Stanton',‘TAM 107',‘TAM 110',‘Trego', ‘ Yuma', and ‘Yumar'. Fewer biotype I apterae responded (settled and fed) in the combination containing more resistant (Dn4- and Dny-expressing) cultivars, compared to the combinations that had fewer. The reverse was true for biotype 2 apterae; more aphids responded in the combination containing the largest number of Dn4 expressing cultivars. Differential colonization of cultivars was observed in only one combination, in which biotype 2 apterae colonized Akron and Yumar in larger numbers than they did Stanton and Yuma. A separate experiment confirmed that, 48 hours after infestation, more biotype 2 apterae abandoned plants of Yuma than plants of Yumar. This differential response was likely due to genetic differences between the two ' near isogenic' lines that include the lack of Dn4 expression in Yuma. Choice tests with alatae did not result in differential rates of cultivar colonization by either biotype in any combination tested. These results suggest that young wheat plants appear to lack any meaningful antixenosis toward D. noxia, even though the aphids appear to perceive, and sometimes respond to, certain differences in cultivar suitability.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated Rickettsia infection in Chinese wheat pest aphid (Sitobion miscanthi), moreover detected a possibly new Rickettsia-like symbiont, provisionally named as SMLS1 (S. miscanthi L type symbiont). The sequence of SMLS 16S rRNA gene is 94% similar to that of its presumed closest relative, Orientiatsutsugamushi. If levels of divergence indicate taxonomic distinctiveness, SMLS probably represents a new genus in the family Rickettsiaceae. SMLS occurs in most populations of S. miscanthi, and with divergent infection frequencies, from 5.0% to 93.8%.  相似文献   

A crucial function of antioxidative enzymes is to remove excess reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can be toxic to plant cells. The effect of Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), infestation on the activities of antioxidative enzymes was investigated in the resistant (cv. Tugela DN) and the near-isogenic susceptible (cv. Tugela) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RWA infestation significantly induced the activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase to higher levels in the resistant than in susceptible plants. These findings suggest the involvement of antioxidative enzymes in the RWA-wheat resistance response, which was accompanied by an early oxidative burst. The results are consistent with the role of ROS in the resistance response and the control of their levels to minimise toxic effects.  相似文献   

Interactions among three trophic levels of resistant and susceptible slenderwheat grasses, Elymus trachycaulum (Link) Goule ex Shinners ex. H.F. Lewis, Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and a hymenopterous parasitoid were studied in the laboratory and greenhouse. These relationships were compared with a commercial susceptible wheat Triticum aestivum L. variety. Aphids reared on the resistant entries showed significantly lower weights and numbers. Significant reduction of parasitoid mummy weight and adult size was positively correlated with the effects on the aphids. Resistant entries also induced a longer prereproductive period for both the aphids and parasitoids. Numbers of aphids and aphid damage were significantly modified by the addition of parasitoids. Parasitism was higher on plants that did not have leaf rolling. These findings may indicate that antibiosis resistance studied here is not the most desirable because it decreases natural enemy vitality.  相似文献   

The oriental aphid Schizaphis piricola (Matsumura) is recorded for the first time in Europe, on the ornamental pear tree Pyrus calleryana in landscaped areas in Madrid (Spain). Data on the morphology of the forms on primary host (apterous and alate fundatrigeniae and fundatrices), and their biology and distribution are given. The keys for identifying species of Schizaphis (Schizaphis) in the Iberian Peninsula are updated. Two species of aphids are also recorded for the first time on Pyrus calleryana: Schizaphis piricola and Aphis pomi.  相似文献   

Surveys were conducted in the summer andwinter rainfall wheat producing regions of SouthAfrica in a first attempt to investigate theidentity and impact of entomopathogenic fungi withinthe cereal aphid complex. Wheat produced underdryland and irrigated conditions was surveyed duringthe 1996 and 1997 seasons. Six cereal aphid specieswere recorded of which the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia, was the most abundantunder dryland conditions in the summer rainfallregion as opposed to the oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, in the winter rainfallregion. Rose grain aphid, Metopolophiumdirhodum, was most prevalent underirrigated conditions in the summer rainfall region.Five species of entomopathogenic fungi were recordedincluding four entomophthorales and the hyphomycete,Beauveria bassiana. TheEntomophthorales included Pandora neoaphidis, Conidiobolus obscurus, C.thromboides, and Entomophthoraplanchoniana. Pandora neoaphidis wasthe most important etiological agent recorded fromD. noxia, with up to 50% mycosis recordedunder dryland conditions in the Bethlehem summerrainfall region. Similarly, P. neoaphidis wasthe most prevalent species within populations ofM. dirhodum. under irrigated conditions in theBergville/Winterton summer rainfall region (up to77% mycosis). However, mycoses of R. padi didnot exceed 1.7% in samples from these areas,suggesting that R. padi may be lesssusceptible to P. neoaphidis than M.dirhodum. Epizootics in populations of D.noxia under dryland conditions in both the winterand summer rainfall regions indicated a high levelof susceptibility to P. neoaphidis.Occurrences of hymenopterous parasitoids andpredators in populations of D. noxia were low,although a parasitism level of 25% was recorded inone small sample of R. padi collected from anirrigated field in the summer rainfall region.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko),exists with holocyclic life cycle in Tacheng, Xinjiang in Northwest China. It produces males and oviparae to mate and oviposit for overwintering by eggs. Under laboratory conditions with 14 h/d photophase and temperature not lower than 15℃, RWA occurred in parthenogenesis and produced no males. The laboratory popu-lations of Russian wheat aphid, which were kept under natural conditions in fall by 15th, 49th and 81st generation while wild populations produced males and oviparae for mating, produced males and oviparae with their number decreased gradually, but viviparae and nymphs increased sequen-tially. As a result, it produced a small amount of oviparae and no males emerged in fields by 49 generations' reproduction in laboratory. After development of 81 generations, oviparae happened occasionally and no eggs occurred for overwintering instead of viviparae and nymphs. A hypothesis of RWA disastrous process was proposed. The life cycle of RWA can be changed from holocycly to anholocycly in its long-term spread and evolution. Anholocycly is more dangerous than holocycly to small grains for its strong adaptability and dispersal ability.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), exists with holocyclic life cycle in Tacheng, Xinjiang in Northwest China. It produces males and oviparae to mate and oviposit for overwintering by eggs. Under laboratory conditions with 14 h/d photophase and temperature not lower than 15℃, RWA occurred in parthenogenesis and produced no males. The laboratory populations of Russian wheat aphid, which were kept under natural conditions in fall by 15th, 49th and 81st generation while wild populations produced males and oviparae for mating, produced males and oviparae with their number decreased gradually, but viviparae and nymphs increased sequentially. As a result, it produced a small amount of oviparae and no males emerged in fields by 49 generations' reproduction in laboratory. After development of 81 generations, oviparae happened occasionally and no eggs occurred for overwintering instead of viviparae and nymphs. A hypothesis of RWA disastrous process was proposed. The life cycle of RWA can  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is considered the most important pest of wheat produced under dryland field conditions in South Africa. As part of an integrated pest management strategy, the entomopathogenic hyphomycete Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin was evaluated in combination with antibiotic host plant resistance under dryland field conditions during 1998 and 1999. A commercial formulation, Mycotrol® ES, was applied at a rate of 2.4 L (5×1013 conidia) per hectare +0.1% organosilicone surfactant. During both years, two applications were administered, i.e., on growth stages 31 (first node detectable) and 39 (early flag leaf). An additional treatment, application at growth stage 39 only, was included during 1999. Over the duration of the 1998 trial, ca. 65% fewer aphids were observed on treated plots compared with controls. A similar level of population reduction was observed during the 1999 trial; however, treatment effects were only briefly evident due to a rapid field-wide decline in aphid populations caused by adverse (cool, wet) weather conditions. The early application (GS 31) resulted in some level of control only during 1998. It was hypothesized that this phenomenon was the result of greater exposure to the spray applications and/or greater secondary pick-up of fungal inoculum by the aphids due to the higher level of aphid activity observed on the cultivar employed during that year. In this regard, migration of D. noxia onto the flag leaves should be further investigated as a behavioural trait for possible exploitation when considering the use of a mycoinsecticide.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), is a small grains pest of worldwide economic importance. The Russian wheat aphid is polyphagous and may encounter differential selective pressures from noncultivated grass hosts. Aphid biotypic diversity can disrupt the progress of plant breeding programs, leading to a decreased ability to manage this pest. The goal of this research was to quantify Russian wheat aphid biotype 2 (RWA2) reproductive and development rates on five common noncultivated grass hosts to gain information about host quality, potential refuges, and sources of selection pressure. First, RWA2 reproduction was compared on crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum, (L.) Gaertn.), intermediate wheatgrass (Elytrigia intermedia, (Host) Nevski), slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus, (Link) Gould ex Shinners), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithi, (Rydb.) A. L?ve), and foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum, (L.) Tesky) at 18–24°C. Second, RWA2 reproduction was compared on intermediate and crested wheatgrass at three temperature regimes 13–18°C, 18–24°C, and 24–29°C. At moderate temperatures (18–24°C), the intrinsic rate of increase values for all five hosts ranged from 0.141 to 0.199, indicating the possibility for strong population sources on all tested hosts. Aphids feeding on crested and intermediate wheatgrass at the 13–18°C temperature had lower fecundity, less nymph production days, longer generational times, and lower intrinsic rate of increase than aphids feeding at the 18–24°C temperature regime. Aphids feeding at 24–29°C did not survive long enough to reproduce. The positive intrinsic rates of increase in Russian wheat aphid on the wheatgrasses suggest that these grasses can support aphid populations at moderate to low temperatures.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Megoura, M. lathyricola sp. n., was collected from Lathyrus japonicus subsp. japonicus (Leguminosae) in seashore areas of northern and southern Japan. This species is described and illustrated, and a revised key to the identification of the world species of Megoura is presented.  相似文献   

Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was recorded for the first time in South Africa in 1978. In 2005, a second biotype, RWASA2, emerged, and here we report on the emergence of yet another biotype, found for the first time in 2009. The discovery of new Russian wheat aphid biotypes is a significant challenge to the wheat, Triticum aestivum L., industry in South Africa. Russian wheat aphid resistance in wheat, that offered wheat producers a long-term solution to Russian wheat aphid control, may no longer be effective in areas where the new biotypes occur. It is therefore critical to determine the diversity and extent of distribution of biotypes in South Africa to successfully deploy Russian wheat aphid resistance in wheat. Screening of 96 Russian wheat aphid clones resulted in identification of three Russian wheat aphid biotypes. Infestations of RWASA1 caused susceptible damage symptoms only in wheat entries containing the Dn3 gene. Infestations of RWASA2 caused susceptible damage symptoms in wheat entries containing Dn1, Dn2, Dn3, and Dn9 resistant genes. Based on the damage-rating scores for the seven resistance sources, a new biotype, which caused damage rating scores different from those for RWASA1 and RWASA2, was evident among the Russian wheat aphid populations tested. This new biotype is virulent to the same resistance sources as RWASA2 (Dn1, Dn2, Dn3, and Dn9), but it also has added virulence to Dn4, whereas RWASA2 is avirulent to this resistance source.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is one of the most devastating insect pests of wheat (Triticum spp.) and barley (Hordeum spp.) in the world. Yield losses and control costs are valued at several hundred million dollars each year. The use of D. noxia-resistant cultivars is an ecologically, economically, and biologically sound method of managing this pest. Several D. noxia resistance (Dn) genes from wheat have been used to develop cultivars resistant to D. noxia. However, a new U.S. D. noxia biotype (biotype 2) in Colorado is virulent to all known Dn genes except the Dn7 gene from rye (Secale spp.). Hence, there is an immediate need to identify and characterize unique sources of D. noxia resistance to biotypes. In this article, we report resistance to D. noxia biotype 2, identified in a selection from wheat cereal introduction (CItr) 2401, that is controlled by two dominant genes. CItr2401 has a strong antibiosis effect that is exhibited as a reduced intrinsic rate of increase of D. noxia biotype 2. CItr2401 plants also exhibit tolerance to leaf rolling and chlorosis. No antixenosis was detected in CItr2401.  相似文献   

The species composition, relativeabundance, and seasonal dynamics of selectednatural enemies of cereal aphids were monitoredin spring wheat fields in Moscow, Idaho in 1997and 1998. Trials also examined the potentialimpact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid(RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)(Homoptera: Aphididae) in wheat, on aphidbiological control agents. Natural enemypopulations were monitored on two springwheats: D. noxia susceptible variety`Centennial' and resistant genotype `IDO488'. Field plots were artificially infested withadult D. noxia, and sampled for cerealaphids and parasitoids weekly. Coccinellidpredators were monitored once in 1997 and twicein 1998. The coccinellids Hippodamiaconvergens Guerin, Coccinellaseptempunctata L., C. transversoguttataBrown and C. trifasciata Mulsant weredetected. No significant differences in adultor immature coccinellid densities were observedbetween the D. noxia resistant andsusceptible genotypes. During both years, themost abundant primary hymenopteran parasitoidswere Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh), Aphidius ervi Haliday, A. avenaphis(Fitch), and Lysiphlebus testaceipes(Cresson), Aphelinus varipes (Foerster),Aphidius colemani Viereck, Aphidiuspicipes (Nees), Aphidius sp., Monoctonus washingtonensis Pike & Stary, Praon gallicum Stary, Praon occidentaleBaker, and Praon sp. were also detected. Numbers of both D. noxia and D.rapae were significantly greater on Centennialthan on IDO488 in both years. When all speciesof cereal aphids and parasitoids areconsidered, the total percentage parasitism wasnot significantly different between thegenotypes. There was no interaction betweenD. noxia resistance and the populationdensity of the predators or parasitoidsmonitored. These results suggest that the D. noxia resistant line had no adverse impacton natural enemies under the conditions ofthese field experiments.  相似文献   

Russian wheat aphid,Diuraphis noxia(Mordvilko), as a pest of small grains, has prompted research into biological control and host plant resistance. In the presence of Russian wheat aphid, leaves of a susceptible barley (Morex) are curled and chlorotic and sustain large densities of this aphid, while leaves of a resistant barley (STARS-9301B) remain flat and green and sustain fewer aphids. Might parasitism of Russian wheat aphid byAphelinus albipodusHayat & Fatima andDiaeretiella rapaeMcIntosh be affected differently by these plant types? When presented the plants separately and based on parasitism rate relative to aphid density, the largerD. rapaewas more effective in parasitizing relatively high densities of aphids within curled leaves of Morex than relatively low densities of aphids on uncurled leaves of STARS-9301B. Parasitism byA. albipodusdid not significantly differ among the plants. When given a choice of plants, approximately equal rates of parasitism occurred on the two plant lines for both parasitoid species, and parasitism byD. rapaewas greater thanA. albipodus.These data indicate that using parasitoid size as an indicator of success in a physically restricted environment may be misleading, when considered in a plant environment responsive in several manners to aphids (chlorosis, curling, and ability to sustain Russian wheat aphid). We expect that use of resistant barley will result in decreased parasitoid abundance as aphid densities decrease. However, parasitism rates are expected to be approximately equal on resistant and susceptible barley. In this system, plant resistance and biocontrol are compatible management strategies.  相似文献   

There is need for efficacious biocontrol agents for aphids in commercial orchards. As a preliminary step to this end we determined the virulence of several Hypocreales fungi to pecan aphids. In the first experiment we tested the virulence of Isaria fumosorosea (ARSEF 3581) blastospores to three pecan aphids Monellia caryella, Melanocallis caryaefoliae, and Monelliopsis pecanis under laboratory conditions. Rates of 1 × 107 or 1 × 108 spores per ml were applied in 2 ml via a spray tower to 90 mm Petri dishes containing 10 aphids each. Mortality and mycosis were determined after 24, 48 and 72 h. Treatment effects were observed by 48 h post-application, and by 72 h the higher application rate caused >90% mortality and mycosis in M. caryella and M. caryaefoliae, whereas <70% was observed in M. pecanis.We conducted two subsequent experiments (Experiments 2 and 3), using the same methodology, to compare the virulence of several Hypocreales species and strains against the aphid of primary economic concern to most pecan growers, M. caryaefoliae. In Experiment 2, we compared blastospores and conidia of two I. fumosorosea strains (ARSEF 3581 and ATCC 20874 [= strain 97]). The blastospores of ARSEF 3581 and conidia of ATCC 20874 showed higher virulence than other treatments and thus were included in Experiment 3, which also compared the virulence of conidia of Beauveria bassiana (GHA strain) and Metarhizium anisopliae (F52 strain). Results in Experiment 3 indicated the highest virulence in I. fumosorosea 3581 blastospores and M. anisopliae (F52) followed by I. fumosorosea (20874) conidia. The detection of pathogenicity to pecan aphids establishes the potential for commercial usage and additional study. Results reported here will narrow treatments to test in future greenhouse and field trials.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Aluminium is toxic in acid soils because the soluble Al3+ inhibits root growth. A mechanism of Al3+ tolerance discovered in many plant species involves the release of organic anions from root apices. The Al3+-activated release of citrate from the root apices of Al3+-tolerant genotypes of barley is controlled by a MATE gene named HvAACT1 that encodes a citrate transport protein located on the plasma membrane. The aim of this study was to investigate whether expressing HvAACT1 with a constitutive promoter in barley and wheat can increase citrate efflux and Al3+ tolerance of these important cereal species.

Methods HvAACT1

was over-expressed in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) using the maize ubiquitin promoter. Root apices of transgenic and control lines were analysed for HvAACT1 expression and organic acid efflux. The Al3+ tolerance of transgenic and control lines was assessed in both hydroponic solution and acid soil.

Key Results and Conclusions

Increased HvAACT1 expression in both cereal species was associated with increased citrate efflux from root apices and enhanced Al3+ tolerance, thus demonstrating that biotechnology can complement traditional breeding practices to increase the Al3+ tolerance of important crop plants.  相似文献   

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