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Regeneration of the segment boundary in Oncopeltus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The segment boundary of Oncopeltus is a compartment border. It is also an element in the pattern of the abdomen, being marked by a groove in the surface of the cuticle and an abrupt change in the pigmentation of the cells. If the segment boundary is either burnt or extirpated, the surviving cells of the two neighbouring segments migrate into the wounded area and form a new segment boundary where they confront each other. Grafting experiments with genetically marked cells demonstrate that a boundary is regenerated wherever cells from remote locations in the anteroposterior axis of any segment are apposed; thus anterior and posterior cells from the same segment form an ectopic boundary when brought together, while cells from equivalent positions in two segments heal together without forming a boundary. We consider the segment boundary to be an element in a pattern which reiterates down the longitudinal axis of the body—whenever cells from different positions in this pattern are brought together intercalation occurs. The intercalation can either be within a segment (no boundary forms) or between segments (a boundary forms). The route of intercalation appears to be the shortest available, so that when the apposed cells are more than half a segment length apart a new boundary forms.  相似文献   

We have studied cell lineages within several internal structures and have also studied the relationship of such internal lineages to cuticular structures. Such observations were carried out by coupling various cuticular markers with enzyme or morphological markers for internal tissues and using these in both somatic recombination and Minute-gynandromorph manipulations. We have further explored the relationships among cuticular and internal tissues by studying the impact of mutations of the bithorax gene complex on cuticular structures and the internal organs which underly them. In brief, we are unable to demonstrate the existence of “compartments” in the internal tissues examined; we have shown that the cuticular and internal structures examined in this study are, in most cases, not demonstrably related in a clonal sense. Additionally, we show that changes in the internal tissues examined here in response to mutations in the bithorax complex are either not detected by our methods of analysis or are very different from the well-characterized responses of the imaginal disc derivatives.  相似文献   

The mechanism of action of 4-hydroxynonenal in cell injury   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of the C9 ketoaldehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a cytotoxic product of lipid peroxidation, on DNA, RNA and protein synthesis has been investigated in cells in culture. Macromolecular synthesis is powerfully inhibited by this agent which readily enters the lipid-rich membranes and is considerably more toxic than the polar ketoaldehyde, methyl glyoxal (MG). The entry of HNE into membranes lowers their glutathione GSH content. This is associated with an increased lipid peroxidation measured in vitro which is blocked by added GSH or alpha-tocopherol. It is proposed that this latter sequence of events is the underlying cause of the cytopathic effect of HNE in cells in culture.  相似文献   

Galactose-1-phosphate Uridylyltransferase (uridine diphosphoglucose: α-d-galactose-1-phosphate Uridylyltransferase, EC has been purified from human red blood cells and placental tissue. The placental enzyme was obtained as a homogeneous protein with a specific activity of about 100 units/mg of protein by a combination of previously published methods (G. R. Helmer, Jr., and V. P. Williams, 1981,Arch. Biochem. Biophys.210, 573–580) and concanavalin A-Sepharose chromatography. The properties of the two enzyme forms have been examined with respect to subunit size, electrophoretic properties, isozyme distribution, kinetic patterns, and immunological properties.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies are characterized that have been obtained from a fusion of mouse myeloma P3-NS1/1-Ag4-1 with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with white matter from bovine corpus callosum. The corresponding antigens (O antigens) are designated O1, O2, O3, and O4. The localization of these antigens was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence in cultures of early postnatal mouse cerebellum, cerebrum, spinal cord, optic nerve, and retina. When tested on live cultures none of the O antibodies reacted with the surface of astrocytes, neurons, or fibroblasts, however, all are positive on the surface of oligodendrocytes. The identity of these cells was determined by double-immunolabeling experiments with indpendent cell-type-specific antigenic markers (glial fibrillary acidic protein, tetanus toxin receptors, fibronectin, and galactocerebroside). Antigen O1 is exclusively expressed on galactocerebroside-positive cells, whereas O2, O3, and O4 are expressed on additional cells that are negative for any of the markers tested. None of the O antigens is expressed on the surface of cultured retinal cells. In fresh-frozen sections of adult mouse cerebellum all O antigens are detectable in white matter tracts and in vesicular structures of the granular layer. O2 and O3 antigens are in addition detectable in GFA protein-positive radial fibers in the molecular layer. In fixed cerebellar cultures, where intracellular antigens are accessible, O1, O2, and O3 antibodies label astrocytes in a GFA protein-like pattern. O antigens are expressed in mouse, rat, chicken, and human central nervous systems. O antibodies belong to the IgM immunoglobulin subclass and have been used in complement-dependent cytotoxic elimination of cerebellar oligodendrocytes in culture. At limiting antibody dilutions all processes of oligodendrocytes are preferably lysed over cell bodies.  相似文献   

The embryonic cell lineage of Caenorhabditis elegans has been traced from zygote to newly hatched larva, with the result that the entire cell lineage of this organism is now known. During embryogenesis 671 cells are generated; in the hermaphrodite 113 of these (in the male 111) undergo programmed death and the remainder either differentiate terminally or become postembryonic blast cells. The embryonic lineage is highly invariant, as are the fates of the cells to which it gives rise. In spite of the fixed relationship between cell ancestry and cell fate, the correlation between them lacks much obvious pattern. Thus, although most neurons arise from the embryonic ectoderm, some are produced by the mesoderm and a few are sisters to muscles; again, lineal boundaries do not necessarily coincide with functional boundaries. Nevertheless, cell ablation experiments (as well as previous cell isolation experiments) demonstrate substantial cell autonomy in at least some sections of embryogenesis. We conclude that the cell lineage itself, complex as it is, plays an important role in determining cell fate. We discuss the origin of the repeat units (partial segments) in the body wall, the generation of the various orders of symmetry, the analysis of the lineage in terms of sublineages, and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) (1 X 10(-8) - 1.5 X 10(-6) g ml-1) caused a transient, dose-dependent increase in perfusion pressure in the rat perfused hindquarter. The vasoconstrictor effect of NT was associated with a short-lived, dose-dependent release of histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the hindquarter effluent. Compound 48/80, a classical mast cell secretagogue, also elicited a vasoconstrictor effect in, and release of histamine from, the rat hindquarter. The vasoconstrictor effect and the release of histamine and 5-HT evoked by NT were much smaller in hindquarters derived from rats pretreated with compound 48/80 for 4 days to cause mast cell depletion than in hindquarters derived from control rats. The mast cell inhibitor cromoglycate (4 mg ml-1) inhibited by about 50% the histamine releasing effect and vasoconstriction produced by the lowest concentrations of NT utilized. The histamine releasing effect of compound 48/80 was more sensitive to blockade by cromoglycate than that of NT. The steroidal antiinflammatory and antiallergic drug dexamethasone did not affect the histamine and 5-HT releasing effect of NT. The vasoconstrictor effects of NT, compound 48/80 and 5-HT were markedly reduced by the 5-HT receptor antagonist methysergide (1 X 10(-7) g ml-1). Histamine (1 X 10(-6) - 10(-4) g ml-1) evoked a decrease in perfusion pressure in hindquarters pre-exposed to noradrenaline. The results suggest the participation of mast cell 5-HT in the vasoconstrictor effect of NT in the rat perfused hindquarter.  相似文献   

The capacity of several types of cell preparations to induce in vivo a state of memory for a secondary in vitro cytotoxic response against non-major-histocompatibility antigen was markedly reduced (on a per cell basis) by uv-irradiation. This indicated that memory induction requires metabolically active stimulator cells. An “adherent cell preparation” (AC) that was enriched for dendritic cells was among the most effective memory-inducing cell populations; but concanavalin A-activated nylon-wool-nonadherent spleen cells (Con A-NWT) or concanavalin A-activated unfractionated spleen cells (Con A-spl) were on the average equally effective. Normal unfractionated spleen cells (spl) or nonactivated nylon-wool-nonadherent cells (NWT) were markedly less effective on a per cell basis. This pattern of stimulatory activity was in line with the relative stimulatory activity of these cell types in primary cytotoxic responses in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and also in line with the relative capacity to induce IL-2-dependent proliferation in H-2D-incompatible T-cell populations (cf. W. Dröge et al., J. Immunol.132, 2749, 1984). These differences in the immunogenic potential and the requirement for metabolically active stimulator cells suggested that these cells stimulated the CTL system directly and not indirectly through antigen processing cells of the immunized host. Nevertheless, the secondary cytotoxic response after injection of low numbers of Con A-spl into H-2 heterozygous recipients, (BALB/c × BALB/b)F1, or into recipients with recombinant H-2 haplotype (A.J) was only preferentially but not exclusively restricted to the H-2 haplotype of the immunizing cell populations. Restriction was considerably more complete when AC were used for immunization.  相似文献   

Antisera against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) specifically suppressed the direct anti-SRBC plaque-forming cell (PFC) response in mice when passively administered with the antigen. The suppressive activity of mouse and rabbit anti-SRBC sera was found to correlate with anti-SRBC opsonic activity but not with hemagglutination or hemolysin titers. Macrophage depletion of mice, using carrageenan treatment, inhibited antibody-mediated immune suppression. When mice immunized with SRBC were given 125I-labeled Udr, radiolabeled spleen lymphocytes were obtained which specifically formed rosettes with SRBC. These radiolabeled antigen-reactive cells (1ARC) were specifically opsonized in mice treated with antigen-antibody complexes but not in mice treated with antigen or antibody alone. These results suggest that antibody-mediated immune suppression may be due to specific opsonization (and subsequent destruction) of ARC in the presence of antigen-antibody complexes.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of DNA injury by mild heat was investigated using matched isogenic mutants of E. coli. On heating at 52 degrees C for 1 h, the number of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) detected by the alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation technique was consistently smaller in mutants NH5016 and BW2001, both deficient in the AP (apurinic/apyrimidinic) endonuclease of exonuclease III, as compared with their wild-type parent AB1157. The greater number of SSBs in the wild type was accompanied by more extensive cell death as compared with the AP-deficient mutants. Heating of endonuclease-free DNA systems, viz., T4 phage and T4 DNA, at 52 degrees C for up to 4 h did not result in any detectable SSB. Apparently, cellular injury by mild heat is self-inflicted through an AP-endonuclease-mediated process and hence depends on the cell's genetic complement of AP endonuclease. Mild heat is believed to activate the nucleolytic attack, and the resultant DNA-strand breaks, if not repaired, will eventually lead to cell death.  相似文献   

Trypsin treatment of purified fatty acid synthetase from the uropygial gland of goose released a 33,000 molecular weight peptide from the 270,000 molecular weight synthease. A combination of ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex G-100 gel filtration, anion-exchange chromatography with QAE-Sephadex, and cation-exchange chromatography with cellulose phosphate gave rise to the first homogeneous preparation of the 33,000 molecular weight fragment containing fatty acyl-CoA thioesterase activity. Amino acid composition of this peptide was quite similar to that of the intact fatty acid synthetase except for a lower valine content; a partial specific volume of 0.734 was calculated for the thioesterase fragment. The pH optimum for the thioesterase was near 7.5 and the enzyme showed a high degree of preference for CoA esters of fatty acids with 16 or more carbon atoms. Palmitoyl-CoA inhibited the enzyme and therefore the rate of hydrolysis was not proportional to the amount of protein at low concentrations. Inclusion of bovine serum albumin in the reaction mixture prevented this inhibition. Disregarding the substrate inhibition, an apparent Km of 5 × 10?5m and a V of 340 nmol/min/mg were calculated. The thioesterase was inhibited by active serine-directed reagents such as phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and diisopropyl fluorophosphate as well as by SH-directed reagents as p-chloromercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide. The isolated thioesterase fragment generated antibodies in rabbits and the antithioesterase inhibited the enzymatic activity of fatty acid synthetase. The antithioesterase showed immunoprecipitant lines with fatty acid synthetase from the uropygial gland and the synthetase from the liver of goose. Anti-fatty acid synthetase prepared against the enzyme from the gland cross-reacted with the thioesterase segment. Even though the synthetase from the uropygial gland synthesizes multimethyl-branched fatty acids in vivo, the thioesterase segment of this synthetase appears to be quite similar to that isolated from the rat.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction of five lectins differing in their sugar specificity, with the surface of clonal cell lines derived from transplantable murine teratocarcinoma. The results show that the differentiation from primitive embryonal carcinoma cells into parietal yolk sac cells is accompanied by changes in cell surface saccharides. These changes consist of a marked decrease in the total number of binding sites for the l-fucose-specific lectin of Lotus tetragonolobus and a large increase in the total number of binding sites for wax bean agglutinin. It is suggested that these differences can be used as markers in the study of this early embryonic differentiation. No agglutination of primitive embryonal carcinoma cells or of parietal yolk sac cells by low concentrations (10 μg/ml) of concanavalin A, soybean agglutinin or the fucose binding proteins was observed.  相似文献   

The effects of trivalent (chromium chloride) and hexavalent (potassium dichromate) chromium have been studied on the nucleic acids of cultured mammalian cells (BHK hamster fibroblast line), commercial DNA and RNA, and synthetic polynucleotides of known base composition. Modifications of UV absorption spectra and alterations of thermal denaturation and renaturation patterns have been observed by directly treating purified nucleic acids, as well as by examining nucleic acids extracted from cells treated with chromium compounds.Cr(III) interacts with nucleic acid bases, mostly guanine and cytosine, but also with phosphate groups, leading to deprotonation of bases as well as intramolecular cross-links, sandwich complexes between bases and chelation between bases and phosphates. Such interactions destabilize the DNA structure. On the contrary, stabilization of RNA, due to intramolecular metal bonds between nitrogen bases in GC-rich regions, is mainly produced. The kind of interaction of Cr(III) with nucleic acids is not significantly different when intact BHK cells are treated.Cr(VI) interacts similarly with DNA and RNA giving instead different effects when purified nucleic acids or intact cells are treated. Treatment of purified DNA produces breakages in the polynucleotide chain due to the oxidizing power of Cr(VI). In intact cell treatments, changes in the properties of DNA are observed. These could result from the combined action of Cr(III), produced by the intracellular reduction of Cr(VI) and the oxidizing activity of residual Cr(VI).The relevance of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) interactions to the mechanisms of chromium (carcino)genic action is summarized. It is stressed that Cr(VI), if not completely reduced to Cr(III) by extracellular and endoplasmic constituents, can reach the cell nucleus and directly interact with DNA.  相似文献   

Comparative data on the properties of four thiol proteinase inhibitors, and of four serine proteinase inhibitors (two subtilisin and two trypsin inhibitors) isolated from seeds of Vigna are presented. They were similar in their molecular weights (5000–15,000) and dissociation constants (10?8–10?9m). The range of isoelectric points of the thiol proteinase inhibitors was 6.5 to 10.6, and of the serine proteinase inhibitors was 5.0 to 5.9. The amino acid compositions of one papain isoinhibitor, one of subtilisin, and one of trypsin are presented. Papain inhibitor A1 and subtilisin inhibitor 2a were low in cystine. All of the inhibitors were stable upon heating to 80 °C for 5 min at low pH. The subtilisin inhibitor did not bind to catalytically inactive subtilisin derivatives, whereas the papain inhibitor was stoichiometrically bound to the Hg or thioacetamide derivatives of papain. Incubation of the subtilisin inhibitor with catalytic amounts of subtilisin led to the formation of a modified form with the same inhibitor activity as the native inhibitor but with a different electrophoretic mobility. There was no indication of a similar modification of the papain inhibitor by papain. Separate sites are present on the trypsin-chymotrypsin inhibitors for trypsin and chymotrypsin. The papain inhibitors have the same binding sites for papain and ficin.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that several rabbit tissues contain proteins which cross-react in the radioimmunoassay for uteroglobin, a progestin-regulated protein in rabbit uterus (Torkkeli et al. (1977) Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 9, 101–118). In the present study, a uteroglobin-like protein was purified to an apparent homogeneity from an extra-uterine tissue, rabbit lung, by successive chromatographies on hydroxyapatite, Sephadex G-75, SP-Sephadex, DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose. The final preparation behaved homogeneously in various polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic systems and in isoelectric focusing. The uteroglobin-like protein isolated from the lung had very similar physico-chemical and immunological properties to those of uteroglobin present in the rabbit uterine fluid. The two proteins had: (i) the same molecular weight, of approx. 13 000, with a two subunit structure (each approx. Mr 7000); (ii) identical behavior in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing and denaturing conditions; (iii) the same isoelectric point at pH 5.4; (iv) absence of carbohydrate in the molecule; (v) very similar amino acid compositions; (vi) lack of tryptophan among the amino acids; (vii) the same N-terminal amino acid (glycine), and (viii) indistinguishable immunological characteristics. Collectively, these data strongly suggest that uterine and lung uteroglobins are identical proteins.In contrast to the induction of the uterine uteroglobin by steroids with progestational activity, the synthesis of extra-uterine uteroglobins was not affected by these steroid hormones to any major extent. In keeping with the concept that lung is a target tissue for glucocorticoid action, cortisol and dexamethasone were capable of increasing the concentration of lung uteroglobin 3-fold (from 3 to 9 μg/mg soluble protein). These compounds did not, however, alter the secretion of the uterine protein. Administration of high doses of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone elevated significantly the content of both uterine and lung uteroglobin. Only approx. one-fifth of the adult pulmonary uteroglobin levels were present in lungs of newborn rabbits indicating that developmental changes occur in the lung uteroglobin content.  相似文献   

A procedure for rapid isolation of the products of the interferon-induced enzyme, oligoisoadenylate synthetase, is described. After incubation of [α-32P]ATP with the poly(rI): (rC)-adsorbed fraction of cellular proteins, the products are treated with phosphatase. Aliquots of the nucleotides are then applied on small columns which contain 300 μl of alumina powder and eluted with 3 ml of 1 m glycine-HCl buffer, pH 2.0. The labeled free phosphate, released by the phosphatase treatment, is efficiently adsorbed by the alumina, while the phosphatase-resistant cores of the oligo-isoadenylates, up to the length of pentamer, are eluted. Larger oligomers are only partially recovered. We successfully applied this method for determination of the level of the enzyme in multiple samples of cell homogenates.  相似文献   

Brain capillaries have structural and functional characteristics that constitute a regulatory interface, or “barrier,” between the blood and the brain. We have investigated the role of the neural tissue environment in the differentiation of the endothelial barrier, by transplanting embryonic brain fragments to the coelomic cavity, where they were vascularized by nonneural vessels, and fragments of embryonic mesoderm to the brain, where they were vascularized by neural vessels. A major problem in this approach is that when embryonic tissues are transplanted to an ectopic site, their own blood vessels survive and form a part of the new vascular system. This has made the results of previous experiments difficult to interpret. We overcame this problem by transplanting fragments of tissue that had not yet been vascularized from very young quail embryos to host chick embryos. These grafts did not contain vascular channels that could form part of a new vascular system. Furthermore, the distinctive quail nuclear morphology allowed us to demonstrate that the grafted tissue was, in fact, vascularized by the host vessels. Abdominal vessels vascularizing grafted neural tissue formed structural, functional, and histochemical features of the blood-brain barrier. In contrast, brain vessels vascularizing grafted mesodermal tissue were devoid of barrier characteristics. These results indicate that endothelial blood-brain barrier characteristics develop in response to some aspect of the neural environment.  相似文献   

Cell-wall material from parenchymatous tissues of apple was sequentially extracted with 50mm NaOH at 1°, m KOH at 1° and 20°, and 4m KOH at 20°, to leave a residue of α-cellulose. From the 4m KOH-soluble fraction, a crude xyloglucan was isolated by anion-exchange chromatography, and further resolved into seven xyloglucans by borate anion-exchange chromatography. The relative amounts of the xyloglucans, in order of elution, were 2.7:1.3:29.7:1.0:3.2:1.2:10.3. The structural features of five of the xyloglucans were determined by methylation analysis. These results show that apple xyloglucans exhibit heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the reassembly of membranous vesicle from the sodium dcoxycholate-dissociated outer membrane components of Escherichia coli. The removal of the detergent by dialysis and the presence of Mg2+ were essential for the reassembly.Membrane protein alone did not form any membranous structure. Closed membranous vesicles similar to the native outer membrane were reassembled only when protein was mixed with both lipopolysaccharide and phospholipid in deoxycholate solution and subsequently dialyzed. The membrane showed a distinct trilaminar structure with a center-to-center distance between two dark lines of 53 Å, which is a characteristic of the native outer membrane. This characteristic trilaminar structure was shown to be due to the presence of lipopolysaccharide. Phospholipd was required for the vesicularization of membrane. Lipopolysaccharide and/or phospholipid formed a membranous structure in the absence of protein, while the morphology of their negatively stained sample was quite different from that of the native outer membrane unless the outer membrane protein was added to the reassembly mixture.The protein from the cytoplasmic membrane was unable to reform membranous vesicle with lipopolysaccharide and phospholipid, indicating that the reassembly system discriminated outer membrane proteins from cytoplasmic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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