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烟粉虱对几种常见蔬菜寄主的取食选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多种蔬菜寄主同时存在的情况下,烟粉虱对寄主的选择性和嗜好性排序为:黄瓜>节瓜,番茄,菜豆>芥蓝,茄子>甘蓝,苦瓜。  相似文献   

烟粉虱对四种蔬菜寄主的选择性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探讨利用趋避作用防治烟粉虱的可能性,进行了3方面试验:1)烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) 对黄瓜、花椰菜、油菜和莴苣等4种蔬菜的寄主选择性; 2)互喷烟粉虱不同嗜好的寄主植物汁液对其寄主选择性的影响; 3)不同间作方式对黄瓜叶上烟粉虱成虫密度的影响。结果表明,烟粉虱对供试植物有明显的选择性,其嗜好程度为花椰菜>黄瓜>油菜>莴苣。喷施莴苣和花椰菜汁液对烟粉虱的寄主选择性均有显著影响,喷施莴苣原液后,花椰菜和黄瓜上的成虫数分别减少79.6%和87.4%,花椰菜上的着卵量减少84.3%;喷施花椰菜原液后,莴苣上的成虫数和着卵量分别增加82.4%和79.2%,表明不同蔬菜中的内含物是引起烟粉虱对寄主选择性的重要原因。在黄瓜中间作莴苣可使黄瓜叶上烟粉虱成虫数平均减少76.5%;间作花椰菜时,通过诱集作用,也可使黄瓜叶上的成虫数平均降低69.7%。这些结果为利用喷施蔬菜汁液和间作方式控制烟粉虱危害提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci是许多大田和温室作物的重要害虫。其食性杂,寄主广泛,除通过取食植物汁液造成为害外,还传播病毒和引起植物生理异常。本研究使用"Y"型嗅觉仪研究了6种植物精油和4种植物水提取物对B型烟粉虱成虫的驱避效果。结果表明:5μL的剂量下,6种精油的驱避指数(RI)为:山楂(60.09)花椒(48.53)霍香正气水(2.83)车前(-30.01)紫苏(-36.13)鱼腥草(-47.07);在α=0.05水平下,除霍香正气水外,其他处理均与空白对照有显著差异。山楂和花椒等量混合的精油的驱避指数为45.00;5 g/L的剂量下4种植物水提取物的驱避指数为:八角(41.28)大蒜(39.37)陈皮(39.09)花椒(35.45)。  相似文献   

为了进一步明确芹菜挥发物对烟粉虱的驱避作用,应用固相微萃取法提取和GC/MS分析,对芹菜植株挥发物进行了鉴定,分别用1 000 mg/m~3、2 000 mg/m~3和4 000 mg/m~3的柠檬烯、α-蒎烯和β-石竹烯3种物质对烟粉虱的嗅觉反应进行了测定,在此基础上,应用4 000 mg/m~3的柠檬烯和α-蒎烯作为驱避剂分别进行模拟大棚辣椒的驱虫试验。结果表明,不同生育期芹菜茎叶中的挥发物在种类和含量上均有差异,苗期芹菜茎叶中分离到挥发物14种,而抽薹期芹菜茎叶中分离出20种,且包含苗期的全部物质;苗期茎叶中柠檬烯和α-蒎烯的相对含量高于抽薹期。嗅觉实验发现,较高浓度的柠檬烯和α-蒎烯对烟粉虱具有较强的驱避作用,而β-石竹烯对烟粉虱的驱避作用不明显。柠檬烯田间驱虫试验研究表明,在一端开口的小区中,柠檬烯对田间辣椒烟粉虱的驱避效果随着距离的延长而下降。在开口的一端再种苘麻诱集植物,处理4 h后,第1行、第4行和第7行的虫口减退率分别比没有诱集植物的提高了13.19%、78.43%和122.85%。小区远端封闭时,驱避剂附近的辣椒上烟粉虱虫量下降,但烟粉虱聚集在小区的远端辣椒上。α-蒎烯与柠檬烯对不同小区辣椒上的驱虫作用基本一致,但驱虫效果较柠檬烯弱。结果证明柠檬烯和α-蒎烯是芹菜重要的驱烟粉虱的活性物质。大棚中应用驱避剂驱虫时,必须有烟粉虱的迁出通路,或有诱集避难场所供烟粉虱栖息。  相似文献   

[目的]研究蓝光开灯时段、蓝光光强对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)的驱避作用,以及蓝光照射对保护地辣椒和黄瓜上烟粉虱的控制作用,为利用驱虫灯实施对蔬菜烟粉虱的绿色防控提供科学依据.[方法]在蔬菜上用蓝光(波长为470 nm)照射,设置照射时间段17:00-18:00、18:00-19:00、19:00-20:00、20:00-21:00和21:00-22:005个处理、光照强度1、2、6、8、10、20、30、70、1501x9个处理,分别研究不同开灯时段和光强对烟粉虱的驱避作用,以不用蓝光处理为对照;分别在保护地黄瓜和辣椒上放置蓝色灯带,每天18:00-20:00开灯,每3d一次,分别调查黄瓜和辣椒上烟粉虱的虫量.[结果]18:00-19:00时间段蓝光照射对蔬菜烟粉虱的驱避作用最强,虫口减退率占试验总时段的50.94%;17:00-18:00次之,占22.29%;烟粉虱的虫口减退率与光照强度呈正相关(P<0.05),其回归方程为)y=3.0297x+ 12.508 (R2=0.981).蓝光对保护地辣椒和黄瓜上烟粉虱有较好的驱避作用,辣椒上蓝光处理10d后烟粉虱的虫口减退率达到85.73%,上部叶片和中部叶片上虫口减退率之间没有显著差异(P>0.05);蓝光处理黄瓜12d后烟粉虱的虫口减退率达90.33%,在光照的前期上部叶片的虫口减退率高于中部叶片,处理9d后上部叶片和中部叶片上虫口减退率之间没有显著差异(P>0.05).[结论]蓝光对蔬菜烟粉虱具有较强的驱避作用,在18:00-19:00使用蓝光对保护地蔬菜上的烟粉虱的控制效果较好.  相似文献   

烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)的寄主选择性   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
周福才  黄振  王勇  李传明  祝树德 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3825-3831
通过田间系统调查、实验室嗅觉测定、笼内和培养皿内自由扩散观察,对烟粉虱的寄主选择性进行了研究.结果表明,在田间,烟粉虱对不同的寄主植物存在明显的寄主选择性,其中对茄子、花椰菜、黄瓜等植物具有较强的嗜性,而对蕹菜、芹菜、苋菜等植物的嗜性较差;烟粉虱对同一植物的不同品种也有明显的选择性.烟粉虱对寄主植物颜色有明显的选择性,选择结果与烟粉虱对这些寄主的嗜性趋势基本一致.烟粉虱对单株寄主植物的嗅觉反应不敏感,但对植物叶片的乙醇抽提物有明显的嗅觉反应,并表现出较强的寄主选择性.在养虫笼内,烟粉虱从虫源皿向寄主植物自由扩散的过程中,在不同寄主植物和同一植物的不同品种上着落的成虫数量不同,并且在一定的时间范围内,着落在寄主叶片上的虫量还会不断的发生变化.  相似文献   

广东省感染木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuMuV)的朱槿上烟粉虱隐种为MEAM1和AsiaⅡ7混合种群,并且AsiaⅡ7是该病毒有效传毒介体,明确这两个隐种的寄主选择性差异,能够为介体烟粉虱的防治提供依据。本研究选择锦葵科的棉花、黄秋葵和茄科的茄子、番茄4种寄主植物为供试寄主,通过笼内自由扩散、实验室嗅觉测定、发育观察,比较了MEAM1和AsiaⅡ7隐种对不同寄主的选择性和生态适应性。结果表明:烟粉虱MEAM1和AsiaⅡ7对4种寄主存在明显的寄主选择性,MEAM1成虫和产卵选择趋性为棉花>茄子>番茄>黄秋葵;AsiaⅡ7成虫和产卵选择趋性为棉花>黄秋葵>茄子>番茄。MEAM1和AsiaⅡ7在4种寄主上的发育历期、存活率有显著差异,MEAM1的存活率(卵到成虫)在棉花、茄子、黄秋葵上均较高(80%以上),番茄上最低(59%);AsiaⅡ7的存活率(卵到成虫)为棉花(90%)>黄秋葵(71%)>茄子(64%),在番茄上发育至1龄全部死亡。上述结果表明,4种作物均适宜MEAM1生长发育,锦葵科的2种作物适宜AsiaⅡ7隐种生长发育,茄科的2种作物不适宜。应避免棉花与黄秋葵近距离种植,防止传毒介体烟粉虱将黄秋葵作为桥梁寄主将病毒传播至棉花。  相似文献   

双斑恩蚜小蜂和桨角蚜小蜂是华南地区烟粉虱的两种优势种寄生蜂。本文研究了两种寄生蜂对不同龄期烟粉虱寄主的产卵选择特性。结果表明:两种寄生蜂均可寄生烟粉虱的1~4龄若虫。当只有1个龄期的烟粉虱若虫存在时,双斑恩蚜小蜂更多地寄生3龄和4龄若虫,较少寄生1龄和2龄若虫;而桨角蚜小蜂则更多地寄生3龄和2龄若虫,较少寄生1龄和4龄若虫。在4个龄期若虫同时存在时,双斑恩蚜小蜂会明显增加对3龄和4龄若虫的产卵寄生,降低对1龄和2龄若虫的寄生;而桨角蚜小蜂则增加对2龄和3龄若虫的寄生,减少对1龄和4龄若虫的寄生。寄主植物的差异不影响这二种蚜小蜂对各龄期烟粉虱若虫的产卵选择倾向。结果提示,烟粉虱若虫3龄和4龄是双斑恩蚜小蜂最适宜的寄主,而桨角蚜小蜂最适宜的寄主是烟粉虱2龄和3龄若虫。  相似文献   

烟粉虱对寄主的选择行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安新城  任顺祥 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):566-570
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)成虫对寄主植物选择行为的实验结果表明,烟粉虱是通过植物广谱的绿色气体识别植物材料,并进一步受到绿色的诱导。通过烟粉虱在适宜与非适宜寄主植物上滞留时间的差异,可以看出烟粉虱是通过口针刺探的寄主评估过程逐渐实现寄主偏好性的,存在一个短的时滞。综合来看,烟粉虱的寄主选择是通过嗅觉、视觉和味觉共同参与的一个决策过程,以寄主植物的气味、颜色和质量为线索,逐步定位到适宜的寄主植物上,因此在寄主选择过程中存在很大的可塑性。  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) causes tremendous losses to agriculture by direct feeding on plants and by vectoring several families of plant viruses. The B. tabaci species complex comprises over 10 genetic groups (biotypes) that are well defined by DNA markers and biological characteristics. B and Q are amongst the most dominant and damaging biotypes, differing considerably in fecundity, host range, insecticide resistance, virus vectoriality, and the symbiotic bacteria they harbor. We used a spotted B. tabaci cDNA microarray to compare the expression patterns of 6000 ESTs of B and Q biotypes under standard 25 °C regime and heat stress at 40 °C. Overall, the number of genes affected by increasing temperature in the two biotypes was similar. Gene expression under 25 °C normal rearing temperature showed clear differences between the two biotypes: B exhibited higher expression of mitochondrial genes, and lower cytoskeleton, heat-shock and stress-related genes, compared to Q. Exposing B biotype whiteflies to heat stress was accompanied by rapid alteration of gene expression. For the first time, the results here present differences in gene expression between very closely related and sympatric B. tabaci biotypes, and suggest that these clear-cut differences are due to better adaptation of one biotype over another and might eventually lead to changes in the local and global distribution of both biotypes.  相似文献   

Encarsia bimaculata was recently described from India as a potentially useful parasitoid of Bemisia tabaci. Its developmental biology was studied in the laboratory at 25–30 °C and 70–75% RH. Results showed that E. bimaculata is a solitary, arrhenotokous, heteronomous, autoparasitoid. Mated females laid eggs internally in B. tabaci nymphs that developed as primary parasitoids. Males developed as hyperparasitoids, either in females of their own species or in other primary aphelinid parasitoids. Superparasitism was common under cage conditions. Both sexes have an egg, three larval instars, prepupal, and pupal stages. Development from egg to adult took 12.70 ± 2.10 days for females and 14.48 ± 2.60 days for males. Individual B. tabaci nymphs were examined for E. bimaculata parasitization using three isozymes: esterase, malate dehydrogenase, and xanthine dehydrogenase. All three isozymes showed differential banding patterns that identified E. bimaculata parasitized or unparasitized B. tabaci nymphs.  相似文献   

Adult longevity, developmental time and juvenile mortality ofEncarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae) parasitizing the Poinsettia-strain ofBemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.) were investigated in laboratory experiments at three temperatures: 16 °C, 22 °C and 28 °C. Furthermore, the parasitoid's preference for different larval stages of the whitefly was determined at 24.5 °C. The lifespan ofE. formosa decreased with temperature from one month at 16 °C to nine days at 28 °C. A lower temperature threshold of 11 °C for adult development was found. The development of juvenile parasitoids inB. tabaci lasted more than two months at the lowest temperature, but was only 14 days when temperature was 28 °C. The lower temperature threshold for immature development was 13.3 °C, yielding an average of 207 day-degrees for the completion of development into adults. Juvenile mortality was high, varying from about 50% at 16 °C to about 30% at 22 °C and 28 °C.E. formosa preferred to oviposit in the 4th instar and prepupal stages ofB. tabaci followed by the 2nd and 3rd instars. The preference for the pupal stage was low. The parasitoid used all instars of the whitefly for hostfeeding, with no apparent differences between the stages. The average duration of the oviposition posture was four minutes. Demographic parameters were calculated from life tables constructed from the data. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m) and the net reproductive rate (R 0) increased with temperature from 0.0279 day−1 at 16 °C to 0.2388 day−1 at 28 °C and from about 12 at 16 °C to about 66 at 28 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

【目的】甜瓜和棉花均是棉蚜及烟粉虱的适宜寄主,瓜套棉种植模式为2种害虫混合危害提供了条件,该模式下哪种害虫具有竞争优势值得探讨。【方法】通过田间定点调查和室内行为学观察,研究了吐鲁番地区瓜套棉种植模式下棉蚜和烟粉虱的发生动态及竞争干扰。【结果】田间观察分别于2011和2012年进行,在瓜套棉种植模式棉花、甜瓜上,棉蚜的发生期较烟粉虱早,但随着烟粉虱田间种群数量增加,对棉蚜产生明显的干扰和竞争作用,8月下旬至9月上旬烟粉虱成为田间优势种群。室内行为观察表明,2种害虫共存状态下均表现出以烟粉虱为优势的竞争作用,主要行为表现为通过触角、足的驱赶行为和进入棉蚜活动区域干扰等。当虫量低于4头·皿~(-1)时,无论棉蚜和烟粉虱哪种昆虫先接入,相互间的影响和干扰都很少。当2种昆虫数量均增加到8头·皿~(-1)时,烟粉虱成虫以触角、足等干扰棉蚜的行为频次显著增多。不同的定殖时间下,无论棉蚜和烟粉虱哪种昆虫先接入,随着定殖时间的延长,烟粉虱通过触角、足以及进入棉蚜活动区域驱逐和干扰棉蚜的行为都呈递减的趋势。【结论】在瓜套棉种植模式下,烟粉虱较棉蚜具有显著的竞争优势。  相似文献   

李志鹏  张心怡  王苗苗  陈宏  赵健 《生态学报》2023,43(3):1276-1285
预测入侵生物的潜在地理分布、快速评估其高脆弱性区域是实现入侵生物前瞻性风险预警的重要手段。MaxEnt生态位模型是目前应用最广泛的生境风险评估方法,操作简单,预测精度较高,但模型对数据的质量和数量过分依赖。以烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci为对象,引入地理探测器显式描述评价因子的空间关联规律和贡献度,结合MaxEnt生态位模型,提出一种混合生境风险评估模型(Geo-MaxEnt),并与单一MaxEnt生态位模型进行对比。结果表明:(1)地理探测器模型显示,海拔(0.56)、土地利用(0.43)、最热月最高温度(0.36)和年平均温度(0.30),对烟粉虱的空间分布具有显著影响,各因子对烟粉虱生境的影响存在显著的差异。海拔和土地利用PD值最高,是影响烟粉虱生境的主要驱动因子。环境因子的交互作用强化了各个因子的影响力。(2)单一MaxEnt生态位和所构建的模型总体精度分别是94.86%(AUC 0.91)和98.13%(AUC 0.94),相较之下,所构建的模型精度略高,表明所构建的模型是合理的,具有高度的可靠性;(3)对于高风险区,混合模型优于MaxEnt模型,但两者在空间分布方面高度...  相似文献   

The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is a key pest of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and other vegetable crops worldwide. To combat this pest, a non-crop banker plant system was evaluated that employs a parasitoid, Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) with whitefly, Trialeurodes variabilis (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), as an alternative host for rearing and dispersal of the parasitoid to the target pest. (a) Multi-choice and no-choice greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine host specificity of T. variabilis to papaya (Carica papaya L.) and three vegetable crops including tomato, green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.). The result showed that papaya was an excellent non-crop banker plant for supporting the non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis, whose adults had a strong specificity to papaya plants for feeding and oviposition in both multi-choice and no-choice tests. (b) The dispersal ability of E. sophia was investigated from papaya banker plants to tomato and green bean plants infested with B. tabaci, as well as to papaya control plants infested with T. variabilis; and (c) the percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis reared on papaya plants and on B. tabaci infested on tomato plants was also evaluated. These data proved that E. sophia was able to disperse at least 14.5 m away from papaya plants to target tomato, bean or papaya control plants within 48–96 h. Furthermore, E. sophia was a strong parasitoid of both T. variabilis and B. tabaci. There was no significant difference in percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis (36.2–47.4%) infested on papaya plants or B. tabaci (29–45.9%) on tomato plants. Thus, a novel banker plant system for the potential management of B. tabaci was established using papaya as a non-crop banker plant to support a non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis for maintaining the parasitoid to control B. tabaci. The established banker plant system should provide growers with a new option for long-term control of B. tabaci in greenhouse vegetable production. Ongoing studies on the papaya banker plant system are being performed in commercial greenhouses.  相似文献   

SARAH (Software for theAssessment of antibioticResistance toAleyrodidae inHost plants) is a deterministic simulation model of whitefly population growth based on whitefly life-history components determined on individual plants. The life-history components recorded were oviposition rate, adult survival, pre-adult survival, developmental period, and sex ratio. The simulation model serves as a tool to combine these components and to obtain a single criterion for (antibiotic) resistance. The criterion used was the decrease in simulated intrinsic population growth rate, r s , relative the r s value determined on a susceptible control genotype. This model-based evaluation method was tested using the greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, on tomato and the sweetpotato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, on tomato, eggplant, collard, and pepper. To study its consistency over time, the evaluation method was repeated six times forT. vaporariorum on a susceptible and a resistant tomato cultivar. Simulated intrinsic population growth rate was more consistent in indicating resistance than any of the individual life-history components. Of tenL. hirsutum accessions tested for resistance toT. vaporariorum, three exhibited r s values that were significantly lower than those for the susceptible control. In addition, on these tenL. hirsutum accessions, a significant positive correlation was observed between r s and sex ratio (# females/# males). Four host plant species (tomato, collard, eggplant, and pepper) were evaluated for resistance toB. tabaci. All life-history components and r s values varied among host species, while a negative r s value was observed forB. tabaci on pepper. A high correlation was found between results from a sensitivity analysis of SARAH and results from a sensitivity analysis of a validated whitefly population simulation model by Yanoet al. (1989a). Significant correlations were found for the relationships between oviposition rate, adult survival, or pre-adult survival and r s , indicating that none of these life-history components can be omitted from the test procedure. This model-based evaluation method offers a standardized way to quantify levels of antibiotic resistance to whiteflies and will enhance efficiency in breeding programs.  相似文献   

As part of a 3-fold approach to select potential mycoinsecticides for whitefly control, we evaluated infectivity, thermal requirements, and toxicogenic activity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Clavicipitaceae) under laboratory conditions. Twenty-five native B. bassiana isolates and a commercially available mycoinsecticide (based on B. bassiana) were evaluated for virulence to fourth instar nymphs of sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, and greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, at a concentration of 1 × 107 conidia/ml. All isolates were pathogenic for both whitefly species, whereas mortality rates varied from 3 to 85%. A second series of bioassays was conducted on 10 selected isolates using four 10-fold concentrations ranging from 1 × 105 to 1 × 108 conidia/ml. Median lethal concentrations (LC50) of the four most virulent isolates varied from 1.1 × 105 to 6.2 × 106 conidia/ml and average survival time (AST) of treated nymphs from 5.9 to 7.4 days. T. vaporariorum were significantly more susceptible to all B. bassiana isolates than B. tabaci. The thermal biology of the eight most virulent isolates to both whitefly species was investigated at six temperatures (10–35 °C). The colony radial growth rate was estimated from the slope of the linear regression of colony radius on time and data were then fitted to a modified generalized β function that accounted for 90.5–99.3% of the data variance. Optimum temperatures for extension rate ranged from 23.1 to 27.1 °C, whereas maximum temperatures for fungal growth varied from 31.8 to 36.6 °C. On the basis of their virulence and thermal requirements, three isolates showed promise as candidates for whitefly management in Mediterranean greenhouses. Whilst in vitro production of macromolecular compounds toxic to Galleria mellonella larvae was not a requisite for virulence, ASTs of larvae injected with Sephadex G-25 fractions from candidate isolates ranged from 1.4 to 3.7 days compared with 5–6 days for non-toxic G-25 fractions. In addition, proteinase K treatment significantly reduced their toxic activity suggesting that they were proteins and revealing the potential of these isolates to be further improved through biotechnology to kill the pest more quickly.  相似文献   

Integrated control systems are based on the complimentary contribution of chemical and biological control fostered by conservation of natural enemies. Yet, in the 50 years since the integrated control concept [ICC] [Stern, V.M., Smith, R.F., van den Bosch, R., Hagen, K.S., 1959. The integrated control concept. Hilgardia 29, 81–101] was introduced there are few operational programs and even fewer attempts to analyze the mechanisms that allow chemical and biological control to act in concert. The dearth of demonstrable evidence for the ICC has eroded the credibility of biological control and its usage in operational IPM plans. We used in situ life tables within an experimental design to measure and compare the contribution and interaction of biological control and insecticides as tactical components within three pest management systems for Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in cotton. Insecticides were the key factor immediately following applications of broad-spectrum materials or one of two selective insect growth regulators (IGRs), and this mortality replaced that provided by natural enemies. Two to six weeks later, however, mortality from natural enemies, primarily predation, in the IGR regimes rebounded to the high levels observed in untreated controls and became the key factor. Mortality from natural enemies remained depressed in the broad-spectrum insecticide regime. Single IGR applications were sufficient to suppress B. tabaci populations throughout the season, while up to five broad-spectrum applications were needed to achieve comparable control. The chemical residual of IGRs was limited to several weeks, demonstrating a key role for mortality from conserved natural enemies that extended the control interval. This “bioresidual” allows for long-term, commercially-acceptable pest suppression following the use of selective insecticides. We provide a rare experimental illustration of integrated control, where chemical and biological controls “augment one another”. Our approach and methodology could be applied to demonstrate and validate integrated control in many other systems, addressing a critical need for implementation of biological control in practicing IPM systems.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci biotype B is a key pest in pepper crops in Argentina. The parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus is frequently found parasitizing this whitefly in greenhouses without pesticide applications. The present studies were carried out with the objective of evaluating control obtained with different rate and number of parasitoid releases under experimental conditions. Release rate: cages with pepper pots were positioned in an experimental greenhouse and randomly assigned to the release rate treatments (0, 1 and 3 pairs of E. mundus/plant/week with a total of three introductions). Number of releases: similar cages were assigned to the number of parasitoid introduction treatments (0, 1, 2 and 3) with the best release rate obtained in the previous trial. In both assays whitefly (adults and nymphs) and parasitoid (parasitized nymphs) population sizes in each cage were monitored weekly for a period of 10 weeks. Results suggested that the introduction of 2 E. mundus/plant/week was enough to suppress host population compared to control treatment (peaks of 7.75 adults and 58.75 nymphs/cage and 643.75 adults and 1598 nymphs/cage, respectively) (p < 0.05), with 85% of parasitism. E. mundus had to be introduced three times to achieve the best pest control (peaks of 1.17 adults and 20.33 nymphs/cage vs. 55.67 adults and 75 nymphs/cage in control treatment) with 84% of parasitism (p < 0.05). These results were then validated in a pepper crop under experimental greenhouse conditions. Whitefly population was lower in those greenhouses where E. mundus was released compared to control greenhouses (0.15 adults and 0.71 nymphs/4 leaves and 0.73 adults and 1.64 nymphs/4 leaves, respectively), with a peak of 54% of parasitism (p < 0.05). We concluded that good suppression of B. tabaci could be achieved using E. mundus under spring conditions in Argentina.  相似文献   

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