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Kv3.3 K+ channels are believed to incorporate an NH2-terminal domain to produce an intermediate rate of inactivation relative to the fast inactivating K+ channels Kv3.4 and Kv1.4. The rate of Kv3.3 inactivation has, however, been difficult to establish given problems in obtaining consistent rates of inactivation in expression systems. This study characterized the properties of AptKv3.3, the teleost homologue of Kv3.3, when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) or human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. We show that the properties of AptKv3.3 differ significantly between CHO and HEK cells, with the largest difference occurring in the rate and voltage dependence of inactivation. While AptKv3.3 in CHO cells showed a fast and voltage-dependent rate of inactivation consistent with N-type inactivation, currents in HEK cells showed rates of inactivation that were voltage-independent and more consistent with a slower C-type inactivation. Examination of the mRNA sequence revealed that the first methionine start site had a weak Kozak consensus sequence, suggesting that the lack of inactivation in HEK cells could be due to translation at a second methionine start site downstream of the NH2-terminal coding region. Mutating the nucleotide sequence surrounding the first methionine start site to one more closely resembling a Kozak consensus sequence produced currents that inactivated with a fast and voltage-dependent rate of inactivation in both CHO and HEK cells. These results indicate that under the appropriate conditions Kv3.3 channels can exhibit fast and reliable inactivation that approaches that more typically expected of "A"-type K+ currents.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C inhibits Kv1.1 potassium channel function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation by protein kinase C (PKC) of recombinantvoltage-gated potassium (K) channels in frog oocytes was studied. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA; 500 nM), an activator of PKC,caused persistent and large (up to 90%) inhibition of mouse, rat, andfly Shaker K currents. K currentinhibition by PMA was blocked by inhibitors of PKC, and inhibition wasnot observed in control experiments with PMA analogs that do notactivate PKC. However, site-directed substitution of potential PKCphosphorylation sites in the Kv1.1 protein did not prevent currentinhibition by PMA. Kv1.1 current inhibition was also not accompanied bychanges in macroscopic activation kinetics or in theconductance-voltage relationship. In Western blots, Kv1.1 membraneprotein was not significantly reduced by PKC activation. The injectionof oocytes with botulinum toxin C3 exoenzyme blocked the PMA inhibitionof Kv1.1 currents. These data are consistent with the hypothesis thatPKC-mediated inhibition of Kv1.1 channel function occurs by a novelmechanism that requires a C3 exoenzyme substrate but does not alterchannel activation gating or promote internalization of the channel protein.


Assembly of distinct α subunits of Kv1 (voltage-gated K(+) channels) into tetramers underlies the diversity of their outward currents in neurons. Kv1.4-containing channels normally exhibit N-type rapid inactivation, mediated through an NIB (N-terminal inactivation ball); this can be over-ridden if associated with a Kv1.6 α subunit, via its NIP (N-type inactivation prevention) domain. Herein, NIP function was shown to require positioning of Kv1.6 adjacent to the Kv1.4 subunit. Using a recently devised gene concatenation, heterotetrameric Kv1 channels were expressed as single-chain proteins on the plasmalemma of HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells, so their constituents could be arranged in different positions. Placing the Kv1.4 and 1.6 genes together, followed by two copies of Kv1.2, yielded a K(+) current devoid of fast inactivation. Mutation of critical glutamates within the NIP endowed rapid inactivation. Moreover, separating Kv1.4 and 1.6 with a copy of Kv1.2 gave a fast-inactivating K(+) current with steady-state inactivation shifted to more negative potentials and exhibiting slower recovery, correlating with similar inactivation kinetics seen for Kv1.4-(1.2)(3). Alternatively, separating Kv1.4 and 1.6 with two copies of Kv1.2 yielded slow-inactivating currents, because in this concatamer Kv1.4 and 1.6 should be together. These findings also confirm that the gene concatenation can generate K(+) channels with α subunits in pre-determined positions.  相似文献   

Kv2.1 channels exhibit a U-shaped voltage-dependence of inactivation that is thought to represent preferential inactivation from preopen closed states. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying so-called U-type inactivation are unknown. We have performed a cysteine scan of the S3-S4 and S5-P-loop linkers and found sites that are important for U-type inactivation. In the S5-P-loop linker, U-type inactivation was preserved in all mutant channels except E352C. This mutation, but not E352Q, abolished closed-state inactivation while preserving open-state inactivation, resulting in a loss of the U-shaped voltage profile. The reducing agent DTT, as well as the C232V mutation in S2, restored U-type inactivation to the E352C mutant, which suggests that residues 352C and C232 may interact to prevent U-type inactivation. The R289C mutation, in the S3-S4 linker, also reduced U-type inactivation. In this case, DTT had little effect but application of MTSET restored wild-type-like U-type inactivation behavior, suggestive of the importance of charge at this site. Kinetic modeling suggests that the E352C and R289C inactivation phenotypes largely resulted from reductions in the rate constants for transitions from closed to inactivated states. The data indicate that specific residues within the S3-S4 and S5-P-loop linkers may play important roles in Kv2.1 U-type inactivation.  相似文献   

The human Kv1.5 potassium channel forms the IKur current in atrial myocytes and is functionally altered by coexpression with Kvbeta subunits. To explore the role of protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation in beta-subunit function, we examined the effect of PKA stimulation on Kv1.5 current following coexpression with either Kvbeta1.2 or Kvbeta1.3, both of which coassemble with Kv1.5 and induce fast inactivation. In Xenopus oocytes expressing Kv1.5 and Kvbeta1.3, activation of PKA reduced macroscopic inactivation with an increase in K+ current. Similar results were obtained using HEK 293 cells which lack endogenous K+ channel subunits. These effects did not occur when Kv1.5 was coexpressed with either Kvbeta1.2 or Kvbeta1.3 lacking the amino terminus, suggesting involvement of this region of Kvbeta1.3. Removal of a consensus PKA phosphorylation site on the Kvbeta1.3 NH2 terminus (serine 24), but not alternative sites in either Kvbeta1.3 or Kv1.5, resulted in loss of the functional effects of kinase activation. The effects of phosphorylation appeared to be electrostatic, as replacement of serine 24 with a negatively charged amino acid reduced beta-mediated inactivation, while substitution with a positively charged residue enhanced it. These results indicate that Kvbeta1.3-induced inactivation is reduced by PKA activation, and that phosphorylation of serine 24 in the subunit NH2 terminus is responsible.  相似文献   

A new member of a family of proteins characterized by structural similarity to dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) IV known as DPP10 was recently identified and linked to asthma susceptibility; however, the cellular functions of DPP10 are thus far unknown. DPP10 is highly homologous to subfamily member DPPX, which we previously reported as a modulator of Kv4-mediated A-type potassium channels (Nadal, M. S., Ozaita, A., Amarillo, Y., Vega-Saenz de Miera, E., Ma, Y., Mo, W., Goldberg, E. M., Misumi, Y., Ikehara, Y., Neubert, T. A., and Rudy, B. (2003) Neuron. 37, 449-461). We studied the ability of DPP10 protein to modulate the properties of Kv4.2 channels in heterologous expression systems. We found DPP10 activity to be nearly identical to DPPX activity and significantly different from DPPIV activity. DPPX and DPP10 facilitated Kv4.2 protein trafficking to the cell membrane, increased A-type current magnitude, and modified the voltage dependence and kinetic properties of the current such that they resembled the properties of A-type currents recorded in neurons in the central nervous system. Using in situ hybridization, we found DPP10 to be prominently expressed in brain neuronal populations that also express Kv4 subunits. Furthermore, DPP10 was detected in immunoprecipitated Kv4.2 channel complexes from rat brain membranes, confirming the association of DPP10 proteins with native Kv4.2 channels. These experiments suggest that DPP10 contributes to the molecular composition of A-type currents in the central nervous system. To dissect the structural determinants of these integral accessory proteins, we constructed chimeras of DPPX, DPP10, and DPPIV lacking the extracellular domain. Chimeras of DPPX and DPP10, but not DPPIV, were able to modulate the properties of Kv4.2 channels, highlighting the importance of the intracellular and transmembrane domains in this activity.  相似文献   

We previously concluded that the Kv2.1 K(+) channel inactivates preferentially from partially activated closed states. We report here that the Kv3.1 channel also exhibits two key features of this inactivation mechanism: a U-shaped voltage dependence measured at 10 s and stronger inactivation with repetitive pulses than with a single long depolarization. More surprisingly, slow inactivation of the Kv1 Shaker K(+) channel (Shaker B Delta 6--46) also has a U-shaped voltage dependence for 10-s depolarizations. The time and voltage dependence of recovery from inactivation reveals two distinct components for Shaker. Strong depolarizations favor inactivation that is reduced by K(o)(+) or by partial block by TEA(o), as previously reported for slow inactivation of Shaker. However, depolarizations near 0 mV favor inactivation that recovers rapidly, with strong voltage dependence (as for Kv2.1 and 3.1). The fraction of channels that recover rapidly is increased in TEA(o) or high K(o)(+). We introduce the term U-type inactivation for the mechanism that is dominant in Kv2.1 and Kv3.1. U-type inactivation also makes a major but previously unrecognized contribution to slow inactivation of Shaker.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C modulates actin conformation in human T lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied the effect of activators and inhibitors of protein kinase C on actin conformation in human blood lymphocytes by flow cytometry and gel electrophoresis. PMA, 1-oleyl-2-acetyl-glycerol, and mezerein, activators of protein kinase C, caused an increase in lymphocyte F-actin within 2 to 5 min. After stimulation with PMA, lymphocytes formed pseudopods containing an increased concentration of F-actin and had an increase of actin in the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction. Sphingosine and H-7, inhibitors of protein kinase C activation, inhibited the increase in F-actin induced by PMA. The increase in F-actin in response to PMA was striking in Th and Ts lymphocytes (2- to 3-fold increase), but B lymphocytes had only a slight increase (1.15-fold). Thus, activation of protein kinase C modulates actin conformation specifically in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by TPA in human U937 myeloid leukemia cells is associated with induction of adherence, differentiation, and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. In this study, we demonstrate that in addition to these differentiating cells about 25% of U937 cells accumulated in the subG1 phase after TPA treatment. This effect proved to be phorbol ester-specific, since other compounds such as retinoic acid or vitamin D3 failed to induce apoptosis in conjunction with differentiation. Only a specific inhibitor of PKC, GF109203X, but not the broad-spectrum kinase inhibitor staurosporine or a tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein could reverse the induction of apoptosis. Bryostatin-1, another specific PKC activator with distinct biochemical activity failed to induce apoptosis. Moreover, bryostatin-1 completely abolished the induction of apoptosis in U937 cells even if added 8 hours after TPA treatment. Apart from apoptosis induced by various chemotherapeutic drugs, TPA-related cell death is not mediated by an autocrine Fas-FasL loop and could not be prevented by a blocking antibody to the Fas receptor. However, a 75% reduction in the number of apoptotic cells after TPA stimulation was achieved by preincubation with a blocking antibody to the TNFalpha receptor. Tetrapeptide cleavage assays revealed a four-fold increase in the DEVD-cleavage activity in U937 cells compared to a three-fold increase in TUR cells. Immunoblotting demonstrated that TUR cells did not activate significant levels of caspase-3 or -7, whereas in U937 cells a 20-kDa cleavage product corresponding to activated caspase-3 was detectable after 3 d TPA exposure. Moreover, immunoblots revealed a strongly reduced expression of the adaptor molecule APAF-1, which is required for cytochrome c-dependent activation of caspase-9 and subsequently caspase-3. APAF-1 proved to be inducible after PKC activation with phorbol ester in U937, but not in TUR cells. Thus, APAF-1 expression may, at least in part, be regulated by PKC activity and reduced APAF-1 levels are associated with resistance to various inducers of apoptosis. Furthermore, TPA exposure of U937 cells is associated with increased levels of the pro-apoptotic proteins Bak and Bcl-xs, whereas simultaneously a decline in the Bcl-2 expression was noticable.  相似文献   

There is good evidence from cell lines and rodents that elevated protein kinase C (PKC) overexpression/activity causes insulin resistance. Therefore, the present study determined the effects of PKC activation/inhibition on insulin-mediated glucose transport in incubated human skeletal muscle and primary adipocytes to discern a potential role for PKC in insulin action. Rectus abdominus muscle strips or adipocytes from obese, insulin-resistant, and insulin-sensitive patients were incubated in vitro under basal and insulin (100 nM)-stimulated conditions in the presence of GF 109203X (GF), a PKC inhibitor, or 12-deoxyphorbol 13-phenylacetate 20-acetate (dPPA), a PKC activator. PKC inhibition had no effect on basal glucose transport. GF increased (P < 0.05) insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose (2-DOG) transport approximately twofold above basal. GF plus insulin also increased (P < 0.05) insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation 48% and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity approximately 50% (P < 0.05) vs. insulin treatment alone. Similar results for GF on glucose uptake were observed in human primary adipocytes. Further support for the hypothesis that elevated PKC activity is related to insulin resistance comes from the finding that PKC activation by dPPA was associated with a 40% decrease (P < 0.05) in insulin-stimulated 2-DOG transport. Incubation of insulin-sensitive muscles with GF also resulted in enhanced insulin action ( approximately 3-fold above basal). These data demonstrate that certain PKC inhibitors augment insulin-mediated glucose uptake and suggest that PKC may modulate insulin action in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

In many voltage-gated K(+) channels, N-type inactivation significantly accelerates the onset of C-type inactivation, but effects on recovery from inactivation are small or absent. We have exploited the Na(+) permeability of C-type-inactivated K(+) channels to characterize a strong interaction between the inactivation peptide of Kv1.4 and the C-type-inactivated state of Kv1.4 and Kv1.5. The presence of the Kv1.4 inactivation peptide results in a slower decay of the Na(+) tail currents normally observed through C-type-inactivated channels, an effective blockade of the peak Na(+) tail current, and also a delay of the peak tail current. These effects are mimicked by addition of quaternary ammonium ions to the pipette-filling solution. These observations support a common mechanism of action of the inactivation peptide and intracellular quaternary ammonium ions, and also demonstrate that the Kv channel inner vestibule is cytosolically exposed before and after the onset of C-type inactivation. We have also examined the process of N-type inactivation under conditions where C-type inactivation is removed, to compare the interaction of the inactivation peptide with open and C-type-inactivated channels. In C-type-deficient forms of Kv1.4 or Kv1.5 channels, the Kv1.4 inactivation ball behaves like an open channel blocker, and the resultant slowing of deactivation tail currents is considerably weaker than observed in C-type-inactivated channels. We present a kinetic model that duplicates the effects of the inactivation peptide on the slow Na(+) tail of C-type-inactivated channels. Stable binding between the inactivation peptide and the C-type-inactivated state results in slower current decay, and a reduction of the Na(+) tail current magnitude, due to slower transition of channels through the Na(+)-permeable states traversed during recovery from inactivation.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter and hormone regulation of cellular function can result from a concomitant stimulation of different signaling pathways. Signaling cascades are strongly regulated during disease and are often targeted by commonly used drugs. Crosstalk of different signaling pathways can have profound effects on the regulation of cell excitability. Members of all the three main structural families of potassium channels: inward-rectifiers, voltage-gated and 2-P domain, have been shown to be regulated by direct phosphorylation and Gq-coupled receptor activation. Here we test members of each of the three families, Kir3.1/Kir3.4, KCNQ1/KCNE1 and TREK-1 channels, all of which have been shown to be regulated directly by phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2). The three channels are inhibited by activation of Gq-coupled receptors and are differentially regulated by protein kinase A (PKA). We show that Gq-coupled receptor regulation can be physiologically modulated directly through specific channel phosphorylation sites. Our results suggest that PKA phosphorylation of these channels affects Gq-coupled receptor inhibition through modulation of the channel sensitivity to PIP2.  相似文献   

With-no-Lysine kinase 4 (WNK4) inhibited ROMK (Kir1.1) channels and the inhibitory effect of WNK4 was abolished by serum-glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) but restored by c-Src. The aim of the present study is to explore the mechanism by which Src-family tyrosine kinase (SFK) modulates the effect of SGK1 on WNK4 and to test the role of SFK-WNK4-SGK1 interaction in regulating ROMK channels in the kidney. Immunoprecipitation demonstrated that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) binds to WNK4 at amino acid (aa) residues 695-699 (PP1(#1)) and at aa 1211-1215 (PP1(#2)). WNK4(-PP1#1) and WNK4(-PP1#2), in which the PP1(#1) or PP1(#2) binding site was deleted or mutated, inhibited ROMK channels as potently as WNK4. However, c-Src restored the inhibitory effect of WNK4 but not WNK4(-PP1#1) on ROMK channels in the presence of SGK1. Moreover, expression of c-Src inhibited SGK1-induced phosphorylation of WNK4 but not WNK4(-PP1#1) at serine residue 1196 (Ser(1196)). In contrast, coexpression of c-Src restored the inhibitory effect of WNK4(-PP1#2) on ROMK in the presence of SGK1 and diminished SGK1-induced WNK4 phosphorylation at Ser(1196) in cells transfected with WNK4(-PP1#2). This suggests the possibility that c-Src regulates the interaction between WNK4 and SGK1 through activating PP1 binding to aa 695-9 thereby decreasing WNK4 phosphorylation and restoring the inhibitory effect of WNK4. This mechanism plays a role in suppressing ROMK channel activity during the volume depletion because inhibition of SFK or serine/threonine phosphatases increases ROMK channel activity in the cortical collecting duct of rats on a low-Na diet. We conclude that regulation of phosphatase activity by SFK plays a role in determining the effect of aldosterone on ROMK channels and on renal K secretion.  相似文献   

A-type voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels self-regulate their activity by inactivating directly from the open state (open-state inactivation [OSI]) or by inactivating before they open (closed-state inactivation [CSI]). To determine the inactivation pathways, it is often necessary to apply several pulse protocols, pore blockers, single-channel recording, and kinetic modeling. However, intrinsic hurdles may preclude the standardized application of these methods. Here, we implemented a simple method inspired by earlier studies of Na+ channels to analyze macroscopic inactivation and conclusively deduce the pathways of inactivation of recombinant and native A-type Kv channels. We investigated two distinct A-type Kv channels expressed heterologously (Kv3.4 and Kv4.2 with accessory subunits) and their native counterparts in dorsal root ganglion and cerebellar granule neurons. This approach applies two conventional pulse protocols to examine inactivation induced by (a) a simple step (single-pulse inactivation) and (b) a conditioning step (double-pulse inactivation). Consistent with OSI, the rate of Kv3.4 inactivation (i.e., the negative first derivative of double-pulse inactivation) precisely superimposes on the profile of the Kv3.4 current evoked by a single pulse because the channels must open to inactivate. In contrast, the rate of Kv4.2 inactivation is asynchronous, already changing at earlier times relative to the profile of the Kv4.2 current evoked by a single pulse. Thus, Kv4.2 inactivation occurs uncoupled from channel opening, indicating CSI. Furthermore, the inactivation time constant versus voltage relation of Kv3.4 decreases monotonically with depolarization and levels off, whereas that of Kv4.2 exhibits a J-shape profile. We also manipulated the inactivation phenotype by changing the subunit composition and show how CSI and CSI combined with OSI might affect spiking properties in a full computational model of the hippocampal CA1 neuron. This work unambiguously elucidates contrasting inactivation pathways in neuronal A-type Kv channels and demonstrates how distinct pathways might impact neurophysiological activity.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of inactivation gating of the neuronal somatodendritic A-type K(+) current and the cardiac I(to) were investigated in Xenopus oocyte macropatches expressing Kv4.1 and Kv4.3 channels. Upon membrane patch excision (inside-out), Kv4.1 channels undergo time-dependent acceleration of macroscopic inactivation accompanied by a parallel partial current rundown. These changes are readily reversible by patch cramming, suggesting the influence of modulatory cytoplasmic factors. The consequences of these perturbations were investigated in detail to gain insights into the biophysical basis and mechanisms of inactivation gating. Accelerated inactivation at positive voltages (0 to +110 mV) is mainly the result of reducing the time constant of slow inactivation and the relative weight of the slow component of inactivation. Concomitantly, the time constants of closed-state inactivation at negative membrane potentials (-90 to -50 mV) are substantially decreased in inside-out patches. Deactivation is moderately accelerated, and recovery from inactivation and the peak G--V curve exhibit little or no change. In agreement with more favorable closed-state inactivation in inside-out patches, the steady-state inactivation curve exhibits a hyperpolarizing shift of approximately 10 mV. Closed-state inactivation was similarly enhanced in Kv4.3. An allosteric model that assumes significant closed-state inactivation at all relevant voltages can explain Kv4 inactivation gating and the modulatory changes.  相似文献   

There are two known phosphorylation-mediated inactivation mechanisms for TRPC3 channels. Protein kinase G (PKG) inactivates TRPC3 by direct phosphorylation on Thr-11 and Ser-263 of the TRPC3 proteins, and protein kinase C (PKC) inactivates TRPC3 by phosphorylation on Ser-712. In the present study, we explored the relationship between these two inactivation mechanisms of TRPC3. HEK cells were first stably transfected with a PKG-expressing construct and then transiently transfected with a TRPC3-expressing construct. Addition of 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a membrane-permeant analog of diacylglycerol (DAG), elicited a TRPC3-mediated [Ca2+]i rise in these cells. This OAG-induced rise in [Ca2+]i could be inhibited by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), an agonist for PKC, in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, point mutations at two PKG phosphorylation sites (T11A-S263Q) of TRPC3 markedly reduced the PMA inhibition. Furthermore, inhibition of PKG activity by KT5823 (1 microM) or H8 (10 microM) greatly reduced the PMA inhibition of TRPC3. These data strongly suggest that the inhibitory action of PKC on TRPC3 is partly mediated through PKG in these PKG-overexpressing cells. The importance of this scheme was also tested in vascular endothelial cells, in which PKG plays a pivotal functional role. In these cells, OAG-induced [Ca2+]i rise was inhibited by PMA, which activates PKC, and by 8-BrcGMP and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), both of which activate PKG. Importantly, the PMA inhibition on OAG-induced [Ca2+]i rise was significantly reduced by PKG inhibitor KT5823 (1 microM) or DT-3 (500 nM), suggesting an important role of PKG in the PMA-induced inhibition of TRPC channels in native endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels mediate the somatodendritic A-type K+ current (I(SA)) in neurons. The availability of functional Kv4 channels is dynamically regulated by the membrane potential such that subthreshold depolarizations render Kv4 channels unavailable. The underlying process involves inactivation from closed states along the main activation pathway. Although classical inactivation mechanisms such as N- and P/C-type inactivation have been excluded, a clear understanding of closed-state inactivation in Kv4 channels has remained elusive. This is in part due to the lack of crucial information about the interactions between gating charge (Q) movement, activation, and inactivation. To overcome this limitation, we engineered a charybdotoxin (CTX)-sensitive Kv4.2 channel, which enabled us to obtain the first measurements of Kv4.2 gating currents after blocking K+ conduction with CTX (Dougherty and Covarrubias. 2006J. Gen. Physiol. 128:745-753). Here, we exploited this approach further to investigate the mechanism that links closed-state inactivation to slow Q-immobilization in Kv4 channels. The main observations revealed profound Q-immobilization at steady-state over a range of hyperpolarized voltages (-110 to -75 mV). Depolarization in this range moves <5% of the observable Q associated with activation and is insufficient to open the channels significantly. The kinetics and voltage dependence of Q-immobilization and ionic current inactivation between -153 and -47 mV are similar and independent of the channel's proximal N-terminal region (residues 2-40). A coupled state diagram of closed-state inactivation with a quasi-absorbing inactivated state explained the results from ionic and gating current experiments globally. We conclude that Q-immobilization and closed-state inactivation at hyperpolarized voltages are two manifestations of the same process in Kv4.2 channels, and propose that inactivation in the absence of N- and P/C-type mechanisms involves desensitization to voltage resulting from a slow conformational change of the voltage sensors, which renders the channel's main activation gate reluctant to open.  相似文献   

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