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Several chimeric peptides were synthesized and found to be high-affinity ligands for both galanin and substance P receptors in membranes from the rat hypothalamus. The peptide galantide, composed of the N-terminal part of galanin and C-terminal part of substance P (SP), galanin-(1-12)-Pro-SP-(5-11) amide, which is the first galanin antagonist to be reported, recognizes two classes of galanin binding sites (KD(1) less than 0.1 nM and KD(2) approximately 6 nM) in the rat hypothalamus, while it appears to bind to a single population of SP receptors (KD approximately 40 nM). The chimeric peptide has higher affinity towards galanin receptors than the endogenous peptide galanin-(1-29) (KD approximately 1 nM) or its N-terminal fragment galanin-(1-13) (KD approximately 1 microM), which constitutes the N-terminus of the chimeric peptide. Galantide has also higher affinity for the SP receptors than the C-terminal SP fragment-(4-11) amide (KD = 0.4 microM), which constitutes its C-terminal portion. Substitution of amino acid residues, which is of importance for recognition of galanin by galanin receptors, such as [Trp2], in the galanin portion of the chimeric peptide or substitution of ([Phe7] or [Met11]-amide) in the SP portion of chimeric peptide both cause significant loss in affinity of the analogs of galantide for both the galanin- and the SP-receptors. These results suggest that the high affinity of the chimeric peptide, galantide, may in part be accounted for by simultaneous recognition/binding to both receptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The primary structure of one of the bovine brain substance P precursors has shown the existence of a second mammalian tachykinin sequence, named substance K, that is remarkably homologous to that of the amphibian peptide kassinin. In this study, three substance K sequences were chemically synthesized and were submitted to parallel bioassays with kassinin, substance P and physalaemin. The results show that the three substance K peptides all possess biological activities characteristic of the tachykinin family and that their biological activities more closely resemble those of kassinin than those of substance P or physalaemin. This suggests that substance K may have a physiological role which is related to but different from that of substance P in mammalian organisms.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional folding of Xenopus oocyte 5S rRNA has been examined using the coordination complex Rh(phen)2phi3+ (phen = phenanthroline; phi = phenanthrenequinone diimine) as a structural probe. Rh(phen)2phi3+ binds neither double-helical RNA nor unstructured single-stranded regions of RNA. Instead, the complex targets through photoactivated cleavage sites of tertiary interaction which are open in the major groove and accessible to stacking. The sites targeted by the rhodium complex have been mapped on the wild-type Xenopus oocyte RNA, on a truncated RNA representing the arm of the molecule comprised of helix IV-loop E-helix V, and on several single-nucleotide mutants of the 5S rRNA. On the wild-type 5S rRNA, strong cleavage is found at residues U73, A74, A101, and U102 in the E loop and U80 and G81 in helix IV; additional sites are evident at A22 and A56 in the B loop, C29 and A32 in helix III, and C34, C39, A42, and C44 in the C loop. Given the similarity observed in cleavage between the full 5S RNA and the truncated fragment as well as the absence of any long-range effects on cleavage in mutant RNAs, the results do not support models which involve long-range tertiary interactions. Cleavage results with Rh(phen)2phi3+ do, however, indicate that the apposition of several noncanonical bases as well as stem--loop junctions may result in intimately stacked structures with opened major grooves. In particular, on the basis of cleavage results on mutant RNAs, both loops C and E represent structures where the strands constituting each loop are not independent of one another but are intrinsically structured.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The technical difficulties associated with the structure determination of membrane proteins have limited the structural information available for the ligand binding to G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we describe a reductionist approach to GPCR structure determination in which the extracellular domains of the receptor are examined by high-resolution NMR in the presence of a membrane mimetic. The resulting structural features are then incorporated into a molecular model of the receptor, utilizing the x-ray structure of rhodopsin to generate the topological orientation of the transmembrane helices. The results of our study of the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) and its interactions with substance P (SP) are detailed here. The structure of the N-terminus, NK-1R(1-39), and of the third extracellular loop, NK-1R(264-290), in the presence of dodecylphosphocholine micelles is described. Our findings provide a structural basis for the interpretation of the results from other methods including mutagenesis, fluorescence, and photoaffinity labeling experiments, resulting in an experimentally based, high-resolution model of SP binding to NK-1R.  相似文献   

The gene organization and amino acid sequences of human substance P and neuromedin K receptors (SPR and NKR, respectively) are reported on the basis of molecular cloning and sequence determination of genomic DNA containing the respective receptor gene. The human SPR and NKR genes, unlike many other genes for G-protein-coupled receptors, (G protein, guanyl-nucleotide-binding-regulatory protein), contain introns which interrupt the protein-coding regions into 5 exons. The human SPR and NKR genes extend over 60 kb and 45 kb, respectively and are considerably larger than the human substance K receptor (SKR) gene consisting of 12 kb. All 4 introns, however, are located at equivalent positions of the three tachykinin receptor genes, suggesting that they evolved from a common ancestral gene. Human SPR and NKR consist of 407 and 465 amino acid residues, respectively, each possessing structural features characteristic of the members of G-protein-coupled receptors. The human and rat receptors show a common tendency of distinctly segmented sequence conservation and divergence among the three receptors, and the observed sequence conservation and divergence would contribute to the emergence of similar but distinct properties of the three receptors. Furthermore, the amino acid sequences and the gene sizes are more closely related between SPR and NKR than between SKR and NKR, suggesting that the SPR gene evolved from the primordial NKR gene after a gene duplication to form the NKR and SKR genes.  相似文献   

The peptides substance K and substance P evoke a variety of biological responses via distinct, guanosine-nucleotide-binding-regulatory-protein-coupled receptors. We have screened a murine genomic cosmid library using oligonucleotide probes and have isolated, cloned and characterized the substance K receptor and the substance P receptor genes. The coding portion of the substance K receptor gene consists of five exons distributed over 13 kbp. The substance P receptor gene is considerably larger than that of substance K (more than 30 kbp), however, the boundaries of the four exons that have been characterized in the substance P receptor gene correspond exactly to the homologous exons in the substance K receptor gene. To verify the identity of the isolated genes, we have cloned the corresponding cDNA by means of the polymerase chain reaction and we have expressed these cDNA species in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The ligand binding characteristics determined in this system pharmacologically confirm the identity of the two receptors. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mouse substance K receptor is 94% identical to the rat sequence and 85% identical to the bovine and human sequences. The mouse substance P receptor amino acid sequence is 99% identical to the rat sequence. The cloning of the murine substance K and substance P receptor genes should contribute substantially to the generation of in vivo models for the detailed analysis of the functional significance of these receptors.  相似文献   

We studied the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway modulation and its involvement in the stimulation of ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like cell proliferation by extracellular ATP. A dose- and time-dependent increase in Akt-Ser 473 phosphorylation (p-Akt) was observed. p-Akt was increased by ATPγS and UTP, but not by ADPβS. Akt activation was abolished by PI3K inhibitors and reduced by inhibitors of PI-PLC, Src, calmodulin (CaM) but not of CaMK. p-Akt was diminished by cell incubation in a Ca2+-free medium but not by the use of L-type calcium channel blockers. The rise in intracellular Ca2+ induced by ATP was potentiated in the presence of Ro318220, a PKC inhibitor, and attenuated by the TPA, a known activator of PKC. ATP-dependent p-Akt was diminished by TPA and augmented by Ro318220 treatment in a Ca2+-containing but not in a Ca2+-free medium. ATP stimulated the proliferation of both ROS 17/2.8 cells and rat osteoblasts through PI3K/Akt. In the primary osteoblasts, ATP induces alkaline phosphatase activity via PI3K, suggesting that the nucleotide promotes osteoblast differentiation. These results suggest that ATP stimulates osteoblast proliferation through PI-PLC linked-P2Y2 receptors and PI3K/Akt pathway activation involving Ca2+, CaM and Src. PKC seems to regulate Akt activation through Src and the Ca2+ influx/CaM pathway.  相似文献   

Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics - Chimeric genes composed of a single-chain Fv domain (scFv) of an antibody linked with receptor chains normally present in cells of hematopoietic origin were...  相似文献   

Seven-transmembrane receptors of the frizzled family can interact with secreted Wnt ligands and transmit Wnt signals into the cell. Dependent on the ligand receptor combination, distinct Wnt pathways are activated. Xenopus frizzled 7 (Xfz7) and Xwnt-8b as well as Human frizzled 5 (Hfz5) and Xwnt-5a can act synergistically in the activation of Wnt/beta-catenin target genes siamois (Xsia) and nodal related 3 (Xnr3) and in the induction of ectopic axes in Xenopus embryos. In order to characterize the role of different protein domains of Xfz7 in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, chimeric Xfz7/Hfz5 receptors were generated in which the extracellular (N5-TC7) or the intracellular domains (NT7-C5) between Xfz7 and Hfz5 were exchanged. We present evidence that the extracellular domain of Xfz7 can interact with Xwnt-5a and that the intracellular C-terminus can transmit a Wnt/beta-catenin signal. Despite these abilities, Xfz7 and Xwnt-5a do not act synergistically in the activation of Wnt/beta-catenin targets. This implies that the interaction of a frizzled receptor with different ligands can result in distinct cellular responses.  相似文献   

Many of the actions of the neuropeptide substance P (SP) that are mediated by the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1-R) desensitize and resensitize, which may be associated with NK1-R endocytosis and recycling. We delineated this endocytic pathway in transfected cells by confocal microscopy using cyanine 3-SP and NK1-R antibodies. SP and the NK1-R were internalized into the same clathrin immunoreactive vesicles, and then sorted into different compartments. The NK1-R was colocalized with a marker of early endosomes, but not with markers of late endosomes or lysosomes. We quantified the NK1-R at the cell surface by incubating cells with an antibody to an extracellular epitope. After exposure to SP, there was a loss and subsequent recovery of surface NK1-R. The loss was prevented by hypertonic sucrose and potassium depletion, inhibitors of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Recovery was independent of new protein synthesis because it was unaffected by cycloheximide. Recovery required endosomal acidification because it was prevented by an H(+)-ATPase inhibitor. The fate of internalized 125I-SP was examined by chromatography. SP was intact at the cell surface and in early endosomes, but slowly degraded in perinuclear vesicles. We conclude that SP induces clathrin-dependent internalization of the NK1-R. The SP/NK1-R complex dissociates in acidified endosomes. SP is degraded, whereas the NK1-R recycles to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling, receptor site-directed mutagenesis, and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy have been combined to further define the molecular details of the binding of substance P (SP) to the rat neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor. Mutant NK-1 receptors were constructed by substituting Ala for Met174 and/or Met181: residues previously identified as the sites of covalent attachment of radioiodinated, photoreactive derivatives of SP containing p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa) in positions 4 and 8, respectively. Photoaffinity labeling of the M181A mutant using radioiodinated Bpa8-SP resulted in a marked reduction in photoincorporation efficiency compared to the wild-type receptor. In contrast, photoaffinity labeling of the M174A mutant using radioiodinated Bpa4-SP gave the unexpected result of an increase in the efficiency of photoincorporation compared to the wild-type receptor. Enzymatic and chemical fragmentation analysis of the photolabeled receptor mutants established that the sites of covalent attachment were not the substituted alanine, but rather the other methionine on the second extracellular (E2) loop sequence, that is not the primary site of attachment in the wild-type receptor. The results thus suggest a close spatial relationship between Met174 and Met181 on the NK-1 receptor. To evaluate this structural disposition, NMR analyses were performed on a synthetic peptide with a sequence corresponding to the entire E2 loop and segments of the adjoining transmembrane helices to anchor the peptide in the lipids used to mimic a membrane. The structural features of the E2 loop include a centrally located alpha-helix, extending from Pro175 to Glu183, as well as smaller alpha-helices at the termini, corresponding to the transmembrane regions. The two methionine residues are located on the same face of the central alpha-helix, approximately 11 A apart from each other, and are therefore consistent with the conclusions of the photoaffinity labeling results.  相似文献   

Based on the experiments on rats, changes of the level of bile secretion and chemical composition of bile following application of substance P, neurokinin A, and selective agonist of the NK-2 tachykinins receptors neurokinin A Fragment (4-10), are interpreted. These results demonstrate that tachykinins (SP, NKA, and NKA Fragment (4-10)) are true holeretics and affect various enzyme systems in the hepatocyte. The alterations of the coefficients of bile confirm that.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) and multiple neurokinin A (NKA)-related peptides can be derived from alpha-, beta- and/or gamma-preprotachykinin (PPT) mRNAs. In this study, the relative concentrations of the tachykinin peptides derived from the SP gene in rat brain, duodenum, jejunum, submandibular gland, parotid gland, urinary bladder and vas deferens was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and radioimmunoassays (RIAs). In all tissues, SP levels were the highest. The relative abundance of NKA-related peptides was NKA greater than neuropeptide gamma (NP gamma) = neuropeptide K (NPK) greater than NKA(3-10). These results demonstrate that multiple tachykinin peptides are present in tissues where the SP gene is expressed, and that the NKA portion of the beta- and gamma-PPT precursors can be differentially processed posttranslationally in rat tissues into NKA, NPK, NP gamma and/or NKA(3-10).  相似文献   

The beta/alpha-barrel motif was once considered to be a single protein domain. In recent years, however, it has been shown to consist of smaller substructures displaying the ability to fold autonomously. Here we review the current status of experimental findings concerning the motif's folding behavior in the light of what is currently known about (a) the relative rates of formation of helices and sheets in proteins, in general, and (b) the peculiarities of topology and architecture of the motif, in particular, to develop a detailed phenomenological understanding of how beta/alpha-barrels might form through the modular folding and assembly of substructures.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to examine the influence of interneuronal interactions on the expression of neurotransmitter receptors by developing mammalian CNS neurons. Receptors for the neuropeptide, substance P (SP), were assayed on embryonic rat motoneurons and other spinal cord neurons developing in vitro by the binding of 125I-SP to live neurons. Scatchard analysis showed the presence of high-affinity binding sites, and binding competition assays using SP, neurokinin A, or neurokinin B indicated that the high-affinity 125I-SP binding sites on these neurons were type NK1 tachykinin receptors, or SP receptors (SPRs). Neurons in the spinal cords of rats at Embryonic Day 14 displayed no SPRs. Cell-surface SPRs were detected on spinal cord neurons within 24 hr after they were placed in culture, however, and the level of 125I-SP binding increased for several days. SPRs were assayed on spinal motoneurons that had been identified by retrograde labeling with a fluorescent tracer, isolated in high purity by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and maintained in culture. Motoneurons grown in isolation from other neurons developed SPRs in vitro along the same time course as neurons in heterogeneous spinal cord cultures. These results show that rat spinal motoneurons can express SPRs early in their development, and they suggest that the initial expression of SPRs by developing motoneurons does not require interaction with other neurons.  相似文献   

[Pro9]SP and septide have been described as selective agonists for the SP receptor (NK-1 type). These two peptides contract with a great efficacy the guinea-pig ileum, but unexpectedly septide was practically devoid of affinity for the NK-1 site labelled by 3H-[Pro9]SP. Like septide, SP analogues like SP-O-CH3, [Apa9-10]SP and [Pro9,10]SP share the same peculiar properties. In addition, the contracting activity of these peptides is not explained by an interaction with NK-2 or NK-3 sites. GR 71,251, a compound which has been described as NK-1 antagonist, was more potent in inhibiting the septide- and the [Apa9-10]SP- than the [Pro9]SP-evoked contracting responses. Altogether, these results suggest that septide, SP-O-CH3, [Apa9-10]SP and [Pro9,10]SP exert their high contracting activity in the guinea-pig ileum by acting on a new type of tachykinin receptor.  相似文献   

X H Xiao  C J Mussap  E Burcher 《Peptides》1992,13(2):281-285
Contractile responses to neurokinin A (NKA), neuropeptide gamma(NP gamma), and the NK2 receptor-selective analogs [Lys5,MeLeu9,Nle10]NKA(4-10) and MDL 28,564 were determined in the endothelium-denuded rabbit pulmonary artery. Responses to NKA, NP gamma, and [Lys5,MeLeu9,Nle10]NKA(4-10) were antagonized by the NK2 receptor antagonist MDL 29,913, with pA2 values of 6.67, 6.46, and 7.32, respectively. Autoradiographic studies failed to demonstrate any specific binding sites for [125I]-iodohistidyl NKA (INKA) over the pulmonary artery. These data suggest the presence in rabbit pulmonary artery of an unusual "nonclassical" NK2 receptor subtype, which appears to lack affinity for INKA.  相似文献   

Each of the last 6 peptide bonds in the COOH terminus of [Leu11]substance P [( Leu11]SP) and [Nle11]spantide were replaced with [CH2NH], and each analogue was tested for SP agonist or antagonist activity by determining its ability to interact with SP receptors on dispersed acini from guinea pig pancreas. Each of the 6 spantide and 5 of the 6 SP analogues had no agonist activity, whereas [psi 9-10]SP was an agonist. For the spantide pseudopeptides, the psi 10-11 analogue (Ki,2.8 microM) was equipotent as an antagonist to spantide itself, whereas the psi 9-10, psi 8-9, psi 7-8, and psi 6-7 analogues were 2.5, 7, 5, and 3 times less potent. For the SP pseudopeptides, the psi 10-11 analogue was the most potent antagonist (Ki, 6.2 microM), whereas the psi 8-9, psi 7-8, and psi 6-7 analogues were 7-, 36-, and 39-fold less potent. There was a close correlation between the ability of each pseudopeptide to inhibit binding of 125I-Bolton-Hunter-SP and to affect amylase secretion. [psi 10-11]SP inhibited SP-stimulated amylase release in a competitive manner, and its inhibitory ability was specific for the SP receptor. Despite [psi 10-11]SP, spantide, and [psi 10-11]spantide having similar affinities for the SP receptor (Ki, 2-6 microM), for inhibition of binding of 125I-[Tyr4]bombesin, the analogues differed with [psi 10-11]SP having a 50-fold lower affinity than for the SP receptor, whereas [psi 10-11]spantide had a 4-fold lower affinity and spantide a 1.5-fold lower affinity for the SP receptor. These results demonstrate that SP pseudopeptides represent a new class of SP receptor antagonists and, in contrast to the currently described SP receptor antagonists, are more specific for SP receptors.  相似文献   

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