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Summary In order to study the extent and nature of differences among various S-allele-associated proteins in N. alata, we carried out comparative studies of seven such proteins. We first isolated and sequenced cDNA clones for the Sz-, SF11-, S1-, and Sa-alleles, and then we compared the deduced amino acid sequences both of these four S-proteins and of three previously published S2-, S3-, and S6-proteins. This comparison revealed (1) an average homology of 53.8% among the seven proteins and (2) two homology classes, with Sz and SF11 in one class and S1, S2, S3, and S6 in the other class. There are 60 conserved residues, including 9 cysteines. Of the 144 variable residues, 50 were identified as hypervariable based on a calculation of their Similarity Indices. Although conserved, variable, and hypervariable residues are dispersed throughout the protein, some are clustered to form five conserved, five hypervariable, and a number of variable regions. Those variable sites which contain residues conserved within one class of S-proteins but different between classes might provide a clue to the evolutionary relationship of these two classes of S-proteins. The hypervariable residues, which account for sequence variability, may contribute to allelic specificity.  相似文献   

A transformation and regeneration system has been developed for Nicotiana alata, a plant which is being intensively studied as a model of gametophytic self-incompatibility. Plantlets can be regenerated efficiently from seedling hypocotyls. Kanamycin-resistant, transformed plants have been obtained by cocultivation of regenerating hypocotyls with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 containing a binary vector. The transformation frequency was low with <1% of tissue explants regenerating transformed plants. The transformed plants contained from one to three copies of the introduced DNA. In most cases, the kanamycin resistance phenotype was transmitted to the offspring as a normal Mendelian factor. In one unusual case, none of the offspring inherited the kanamycin resistance of the transformed maternal parent. This plant may have been chimeric or the kanamycin resistance gene may have been inactivated.  相似文献   

Genomic clones encoding the S 2- and S 6-RNases of Nicotiana alata Link and Otto, which are the allelic stylar products of the self-incompatibility (S) locus, were isolated and sequenced. Analysis of genomic DNA by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blotting indicates the presence of only a single S-RNase gene in the N. alata genome. The sequences of the open-reading frames in the genomic and corresponding cDNA clones were identical. The organization of the genes was similar to that of other S-RNase genes from solanaceous plants. No sequence similarity was found between the DNA flanking the S 2- and S 6-RNase genes, despite extensive similarities between the coding regions. The DNA flanking the S 6-RNase gene contained sequences that were moderately abundant in the genome. These repeat sequences are also present in other members of the Nicotianae.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the stigma protein patterns of individual plants of the inbred- and cross-progenies in Nicotiana alata by isoelectric focusing revealed the presence of S-specific proteins. The S allele-protein relationship was found for three different S alleles. The S-specific proteins occurred in both stigma and stylar parts of the pistil whereas they were absent in leaves. In clone OWL the concentration of S-specific proteins in the stigma increased gradually during floral development. The shift from compatibility to incompatibility was not accompanied by an abrupt increase in concentration of the S-proteins.  相似文献   

Summary In order to test Pandey's hypothesis that peroxidase isoenzymes determine S-gene specificity in Nicotiana alata, peroxidase isoenzymes in styles and pollen from various plants of an inbred- and a cross progeny were compared by means of starch gel electrophoresis and electrofocusing.No relation between the S-genotype and the peroxidase isoenzyme patterns of pollen or of styles could be established. The differences between the isoenzyme patterns of different S-genotypes were ascribed to differences in the genetic background of various plants that had the same S-genotype.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors (PIs) of the potato type II family have been identified in a number of solanaceous species. Most family members have two PI domains which are specific for either chymotrypsin or trypsin. More recently family members have been described with three or six repeated PI domains. Here we describe a novel four-domain family member produced in the stigmas and leaves of the ornamental tobacco, Nicotiana alata, which has high sequence identity with a six-domain member from the same species. Both proteins are produced as precursors that enter the secretory pathway and are subsequently processed into a series of 6 kDa PIs. The four- and six-domain precursor proteins were isolated from immature stigmas and characterised by mass spectrometry which revealed that both proteins had been trimmed at the N-terminus, at a position corresponding to the predicted signal peptide cleavage site. Furthermore, no post-translational modifications were apparent.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis of peroxidase isoenzymes observed by electrophoresis shows that each of the two cathodic bands are controlled by one gene, respectively, PI and PII. Each gene has two allele forms; presence of activity (dominant) and absence of activity (recessive). The same situation is found for one anodic band; the three other anodic bands are controlled by a single gene with three active allele forms. No progenies seem to be produced from gametes P I - P II - (no activity of PI or PII). Investigation of the incompatibility system and the isoperoxidases demonstrates that the loci PI, PII and S are located in the same chromosome. PI is closely linked to the S locus (3 cM); the distance between PII and the S locus is 34 cM.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study on the induction of peroxidase isoenzymes, specifically number 10 (P-10) in Nicotiana alata styles revealed significant differences between the various plants of an inbred progeny. In some plants the ageing-induced increase in P-10 activity was very low, whereas in some others, it was relatively high. Pollination accelerated this increase, independent of the pollen genotype. Fertilization was followed by a considerable increase in the activity of several peroxidase isoenzymes, including P-10 in all the plants.Two plants that differed greatly with regard to P-10 induction were used in additional experiments in order to ascertain the mechanism involved in the induction of P-10. The increase in P-10 activity due to pollination or fertilization can partly be explained on the basis of auxin and auxin-induced ethylene activity. The differences in P-10 induction between various plants of the inbred progeny were probably due to differences in their sensitivity to ethylene.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding a novel proline-rich protein (NaPRP4) have been isolated from a Nicotiana alata stylar cDNA library. The N-terminal part of the derived protein is highly rich in proline (32.2%) and contains several repeats such as Lys-Pro-Pro (7 times) and Pro-Thr-Lys-Pro-Pro-Thr-Tyr-Ser-Pro-Ser-Lys-Pro-Pro (twice); the C-terminal part, on the other hand, has a lower proline content (9.9%) and contains two potential N-glycosylation sites and all the six cysteine residues. Northern blot and in situ hybridisation analyses indicate that expression of the NaPRP4 gene is restricted to cells of the transmitting tract of the style.  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana alata plants were transformed with genomic clones of two S-RNase alleles from N. alata. Neither the S 2 clone, with 1.6 kb of 5 sequence, nor the S 6 clone, with 2.8 kb of 5 sequence, were expressed at detectable levels in transgenic N. tabacum plants. In N. alata, expression of the S 2 clone was not detected, however the S 6 clone was expressed (at low levels) in three out of four transgenic plants. An S 6-promoter-GUS fusion gene was also expressed in transgenic N. alata but not N. tabacum. Although endogenous S-RNase genes are expressed exclusively in floral pistils, the GUS fusion was expressed in both styles and leaves.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The integrity of actin filaments (F-actin) is essential for pollen-tube growth. In S-RNase-based self-incompatibility (SI), incompatible pollen tubes are inhibited in the style. Consequently, research efforts have focused on the alterations of pollen F-actin cytoskeleton during the SI response. However, so far, these studies were carried out in in vitro-grown pollen tubes. This study aimed to assess the timing of in vivo changes of pollen F-actin cytoskeleton taking place after compatible and incompatible pollinations in Nicotiana alata. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the in vivo F-actin alterations occurring during pollen rejection in the S-RNase-based SI system. Methods The F-actin cytoskeleton and the vacuolar endomembrane system were fluorescently labelled in compatibly and incompatibly pollinated pistils at different times after pollination. The alterations induced by the SI reaction in pollen tubes were visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Key Results Early after pollination, about 70 % of both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes showed an organized pattern of F-actin cables along the main axis of the cell. While in compatible pollinations this percentage was unchanged until pollen tubes reached the ovary, pollen tubes of incompatible pollinations underwent gradual and progressive F-actin disorganization. Colocalization of the F-actin cytoskeleton and the vacuolar endomembrane system, where S-RNases are compartmentalized, revealed that by day 6 after incompatible pollination, when the pollen-tube growth was already arrested, about 80 % of pollen tubes showed disrupted F-actin but a similar percentage had intact vacuolar compartments. Conclusions The results indicate that during the SI response in Nicotiana, disruption of the F-actin cytoskeleton precedes vacuolar membrane breakdown. Thus, incompatible pollen tubes undergo a sequential disorganization process of major subcellular structures. Results also suggest that the large pool of S-RNases released from vacuoles acts late in pollen rejection, after significant subcellular changes in incompatible pollen tubes.  相似文献   

A cDNA for an S-like RNase (RNase PD2) has been isolated from a pistil cDNA library of Prunus dulcis cv. Ferragnés. The cDNA encodes an acidic protein of 226 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 25 kDa. A potential N-glycosylation site is present at the N-terminus in RNase PD2. A signal peptide of 23 amino acid residues and a transmembrane domain are predicted. The two active-site histidines present in enzymes of the T2/S RNase superfamily were detected in RNase PD2. Its amino acid sequence shows 71.2% similarity to RNS1 of Arabidopsis and RNase T2 of chickpea, respectively. Northern blotting and RT-PCR analyses indicate that PD2 is expressed predominantly in petals, pistils of open flowers and leaves of the almond tree. Analyses of shoots cultured in vitro suggested that the expression of RNase PD2 is associated with phosphate starvation. Southern analysis detected two sequences related to RNase PD2 in the P. dulcis genome. RFLP analysis showed that S-like RNase genes are polymorphic in different almond cultivars. The PD2 gene sequence was amplified by PCR and two introns were shown to interrupt the coding region. Based on sequence analysis, we have defined three classes of S-like RNase genes, with the PD2 RNase gene representing a distinct class. The significance of the structural divergence of S-like RNase genes is further discussed. Received: 24 January 2000 / Accepted: 17 March 2000  相似文献   

In self‐incompatible Solanaceae, the pistil protein S‐RNase contributes to S‐specific pollen rejection in conspecific crosses, as well as to rejecting pollen from foreign species or whole clades. However, S‐RNase alone is not sufficient for either type of pollen rejection. We describe a thioredoxin (Trx) type h from Nicotiana alata, NaTrxh, which interacts with and reduces S‐RNase in vitro. Here, we show that expressing a redox‐inactive mutant, NaTrxhSS, suppresses both S‐specific pollen rejection and rejection of pollen from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Biochemical experiments provide evidence that NaTrxh specifically reduces the Cys155‐Cys185 disulphide bond of SC10‐Rnase, resulting in a significant increase of its ribonuclease activity. This reduction and increase in S‐RNase activity by NaTrxh helps to explain why S‐RNase alone could be insufficient for pollen rejection.  相似文献   

Insecticidal proteins are a potential resource to enhance resistance to insect pests in transgenic plants. Here, we describe the generation and analysis of the apple cultivar ‘Royal Gala’ transgenic for Nicotiana alata (N. alata) proteinase inhibitor (PI) and the impact of this PI on the growth and development of the Epiphyas postvittiana (light-brown apple moth). A cDNA clone encoding a proteinase inhibitor precursor from N. alata (Na-PI) under the control of either a double 35S promoter or a promoter from a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small sub-unit gene (rbcS-E9 promoter) was stably incorporated into ‘Royal Gala’ apple using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. A 40.3 kDa Na-PI precursor protein was expressed and correctly processed into 6-kDa proteinase inhibitors in the leaves of transgenic apple lines. The 6-kDa polypeptides accumulated to levels of 0.05 and 0.1% of the total soluble protein under the control of the rbc-E9 promoter and the double 35S promoter, respectively. Light-brown apple moth larvae fed with apple leaves expressing Na-PI had significantly reduced body weight after 7 days of feeding and female pupae were 19–28% smaller than controls. In addition, morphological changes such as pupal cases attached to the wing, deformed wings, deformed body shape, and pupal cases and curled wings attached to a deformed body were observed in adults that developed from larvae fed with apple leaves expressing Na-PI, when compared to larvae fed with the non-transformed apple leaves.  相似文献   

During phosphate (Pi) starvation in plants, membrane phospholipid content decreases concomitantly with an increase in non-phosphorus glycolipids. Although several studies have indicated the involvement of phytohormones in various physiological changes upon Pi starvation, the regulation of Pi-starvation induced membrane lipid alteration remains unknown. Previously, we reported the response of type B monogalactosyl diacylglycerol synthase genes (atMGD2 and atMGD3) to Pi starvation, and suggested a role for these genes in galactolipid accumulation during Pi starvation. We now report our investigation of the regulatory mechanism for the response of atMGD2/3 and changes in membrane lipid composition to Pi starvation. Exogenous auxin activated atMGD2/3 expression during Pi starvation, whereas their expression was repressed by cytokinin treatment in the root. Moreover, auxin inhibitors and the axr4 aux1 double mutation in auxin signaling impaired the increase of atMGD2/3 expression during Pi starvation, showing that auxin is required for atMGD2/3 activation. The fact that hormonal effects during Pi starvation were also observed with regard to changes in membrane lipid composition demonstrates that both auxin and cytokinin are indeed involved in the dynamic changes in membrane lipids during Pi starvation. Phosphite is not metabolically available in plants; however, when we supplied phosphite to Pi-starved plants, the Pi-starvation response disappeared with respect to both atMGD2/3 expression and changes in membrane lipids. These results indicate that the observed global change in plant membranes during Pi starvation is not caused by Pi-starvation induced damage in plant cells but rather is strictly regulated by Pi signaling and auxin/cytokinin cross-talk.  相似文献   

A summary of recent work on molecular aspects of self-incompatibility in Nicotiana alata is presented. The amino acid sequences of style proteins corresponding to different S-alleles of N. alata have a high level of homology in some regions and are variable in other regions. The regions of homology include N-terminal sequences as well as most of the glycosylation sites and cysteine residues. The glycosyl substituents may consist of a number of glycoforms. The isolated style S-glycoproteins inhibit in vitro growth of pollen tubes. The S-glycoproteins tested inhibited the growth of pollen of several S-genotypes, and there was some specificity in the interaction. Heat treatment of the isolated S-glycoproteins dramatically increased their activity as inhibitors of pollen tube growth, although the specificity in the interaction was lost. The nature of the S-allele products in pollen is not yet established.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms in response to phosphate starvation in rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphorus is one of the most important elements that significantly affect plant growth and metabolism. Among the macro-nutrients, phosphorus is the least available to the plants as major phosphorus content of the fertiliser is sorbed by soil particles. An increased knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms controlling plant's phosphorus status is vital for improving phosphorus uptake and P-use efficiency and for reducing excessive input of fertilisers, while maintaining an acceptable yield. Phosphorus use efficiency has been studied using forward and reverse genetic analyses of mutants, quantitative genomic approaches and whole plant physiology but all these studies need to be integrated for a clearer understanding. We provide a critical overview on the molecular mechanisms and the components involved in the plant during phosphorus starvation. Then we summarize the information available on the genes and QTLs involved in phosphorus signalling and also the methods to estimate total phosphate in plant tissue. Also, an effort is made to build a comprehensive picture of phosphorus uptake, homeostasis, assimilation, remobilization, its deposition in the grain and its interaction with other micro- and macro-nutrients as well as phytohormones.  相似文献   

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