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Abstract: Fecal specimens from 19 healthy humans were used to enumerate H2-utilizing microbial populations of methanogenic archaea (MA), acetogenic bacteria (AB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Eight subjects were methane (CH4) excretors (CH4+) and 11 non CH4-excretors (CH4−), based on breath methane concentrations. The mean ± S.E. of the logarithm of MA per gram wet weight feces were 8.8 ± 0.21 and 2.6 ± 0.39 for CH4+ and CH4−, respectively ( P < 0.001). SRB counts were 7.1 ± 0.43 and 7.3 ± 0.39, respectively (NS), while counts of AB were 4.6 ± 0.75 and 6.6 ± 0.38, respectively ( P < 0.02). Counts of AB were negatively correlated with counts of MA (r = −0.53; P < 0.05). These results confirm the potential importance of AB in the human colon, especially for CH4— subjects, and suggest that a much greater competitive interrelation occurs in the human colon between MA and AB than between the former and SRB. We further report on the isolation of representatives of the dominant     acetogenic population. Three strains from two CH4— subjects were characterized from 10−5-10−7 dilutions. They all consumed     and several carbohydrates to produce acetate as the sole metabolite. Phenotypically related to the species Peptostreptococcus productus , the strains used     via the acetyl-CoA pathway.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed, H2-oxidizing CO2-reducing acetogenic bacterium was isolated from gut contents of the wood-feeding termite, Pterotermes occidentis. Cells of representative strain APO-1 were strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative, endospore-forming motile rods which measured 0.30–0.40×6–60 m. Cells were catalase positive, oxidase negative, and had 51.5 mol percent G+C in their DNA. Optimum conditions for growth on H2+CO2 were at 30–33°C and pH (initial) 7.8, and under these conditions cells formed acetate according to the equation: 4 H2+2 CO2CH3COOH+2 H2O. Other energy sources supporting good growth of strain APO-1 included glucose, ribose, and various organic acids. Acetate and butyrate were major fermentation products from most organic compounds tested, however propionate, succinate, and 1,2-propanediol were also formed from some substrates. Based on comparative analysis of 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences, strain APO-1 was related to, but distinct from, members of the genus Sporomusa. Moreover, physiological and morphological differences between strain APO-1 and the six known species of Sporomusa were significant. Consequently, it is proposed herewith that a new genus, Acetonema, be established with strain APO-1 as the type strain of the new species, Acetonema longum. A. longum may contribute to the nutrition of P. occidentis by forming acetate, propionate and butyrate, compounds which are important carbon and energy sources for termites.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to define the potential for reductive acetogenesis of colonic microflora from six non-methane- and four methane-excreting human subjects in relation to numbers of the different H2-utilizing microorganisms. Faecal bacterial suspensions were incubated in the presence of NaH13CO3 and under a gas phase composed of either 100% N2 (control) or 80% H2–20% N2. The effects of a specific methanogenesis inhibitor or of sulfate supplementation were also determined. Quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance showed the presence of both single- and double-labelled acetate in all incubations under hydrogen. H2/CO2-acetogenesis appears to be a quantitatively important activity only in the presence of very low numbers of methanogens. Inhibition of methanogenesis induced a large increase in 13CO2 incorporation into acetate in CH4-producing samples. These results showed that methanogens can efficiently outcompete acetogens in human colonic contents. In contrast, no clear-cut competition for H2 between acetogenesis and dissimilatory sulfate-reduction could be demonstrated. A slight reduction of the acetogenic activity was only observed at the highest sulfate addition (100 mM).  相似文献   

Clostridium mayombei sp. nov., a previously undescribed H2-oxidizing CO2-reducing acetogenic bacterium, was isolated from gut contents of the African soilfeeding termite, Cubitermes speciosus. Cells were anaerobic, Gram positive, catalase and oxidase negative, endospore-forming motile rods which measured 1×2 – 6 m and which had a DNA base composition of 25.6 mol% G+C (strain SFC-5). Optimum conditions for growth on H2+CO2 were at 33°C and pH 7.3, and under these conditions cells produced acetate according to the equation: 4 H2+2 CO2CH3COOH+2 H2O. Other substrates supporting good growth included carbohydrates (e.g. glucose, xylose, starch), sugar alcohols, and organic and amino acids, and with these substrates acetate was almost always the principle fermentation product. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences confirmed that C. mayombei was closely related to various members of the genus Clostridium. However, morphological and physiological differences between C. mayombei and other homoacetogenic clostridia were deemed significant enough to warrant creation of a new taxon. Results are discussed in light of the diversity of H2/CO2 acetogens recently isolated from various termites, and in terms of the relative importance of H2/CO2 acetogenesis to termite nutrition.  相似文献   

H2-oxidizing CO2-reducing acetogenic bacteria were isolated from gut contents of Nasutitermes nigriceps termites. Isolates were strictly anaerobic, Gram negative, endospore-forming, straight to slightly curved rods (0.5–0.8×2–8 m) that were motile by means of lateral flagella. Cells were oxidase negative, but catalase positive and possessed a b-type cytochrome(s) associated with the cell membrane. Cells grew anaerobically with H2+CO2 as energy source and catalyzed a total synthesis of acetate from this gas mixture. H2 uptake by a representative isolate (strain JSN-2) displayed a K m=6 M and V max=380 nmol x min-1 x mg protein-1. Other substrates used as energy sources for growth and acetogenesis included CO, methanol, betaine, trimethoxybenzoate, and various other organic acids. Succinate was also fermented, but propionate was formed from this substrate instead of acetate. Of a variety of sugars and sugar alcohols tested, only mannitol supported growth. Cells grew optimally at 30° C and pH 7.2 and required yeast extract or a source of amino acids (e.g. Casamino acids) for good growth. During initial enrichment and isolation, cells appeared sensitive to various reducing agents commonly employed in media for anaerobes. The DNA base composition of strain JSN-2 was 48.6 mol% G+C. On the bases of cell morphology, substrate utilization spectrum, and DNA base composition, strain JSN-2 is here-with proposed as the type strain of the new species Sporomusa termitida.Journal article no. 12513 from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Subdivision of equine Tf into H1 and H2   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Subdivision of equine TfH into two variants, designated H1 (faster) and H2 (slower), has been accomplished by high voltage, thin layer polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 7.9. Transferrin H1 and H2 have been shown to be controlled by codominant alleles and gene frequencies of the Tf alleles have been determined in the Australian Thoroughbred, Standardbred. Quarter Horse and Arabian Horse breeds.  相似文献   

Abstract Two strains of H2 / CO2-using acetogenic bacteria were isolated from the rumen of suckling lambs. Both strains displayed a coccobacillar morphology and possessed a Gram-positive type cell wall. Numerous organic substrates, including some O-methylated aromatic compounds, were used heterotrophically. 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated that the two acetogenic isolates were phylogenetically identical and represent a new subline within Clostridium cluster XIVa. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations a new species, Ruminococcus schinkii sp. nov., is proposed.  相似文献   

Fumigation of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cvs Estivato and Monosa) with H2S or SO, for 1 to 6 days resulted in accumulation of sulfhydryl (SH) compounds in the shoots of both H2S- and SO2-exposed plants. The sulfate concentration in shoots of SO2-exposed plants increased linearly with time. SH accumulation showed saturation kinetics as a function of time as well as H2S concentration, ascribed to the internal H2S concentration in the plant and the availability of substrates for glutathione synthesis, respectively. SH compounds accumulated more at lower exposure temperatures, whereas sulfate accumulation was more pronounced at higher temperatures. These results are discussed in relation to the possible foliar uptake of H2S and SO2, the temperature dependence of uptake and the water solubility of these gases. The possibility of SO2-induced H2S emission rather than sulfate accumulation as a source for SH accumulation is also discussed. Cessation of fumigation resulted in a decrease in SH compounds and sulfate content that could be accounted for by sulfur metabolism and growth, respectively.  相似文献   

Five strains of acetogenic bacteria were isolated by selective enrichment from the rumen of a mature Hereford crossbred steer fed a typical high forage diet. Suspensions of rumen bacteria, prepared from contents collected 7 h postfeeding, blended and strained through cheesecloth, were incubated in a minimal medium containing 10% clarified rumen fluid under either H2:CO2 (80:20) or N2:CO2 (80:20) headspace atmosphere. The selection criterion was an increment of acetate in the enrichments incubated under H2:CO2. Periodically, the enrichment broths were plated onto agar media and presumed acetogenic bacteria subsequently were screened for acetate production. Selected acetogenic bacteria utilized a pressurized atmosphere of H2:CO2 to form acetate in quantities 2 to 8-fold higher than when grown under N2:CO2. All presumptive acetogenic isolates were derived from either the 10-7 or 10-8 dilutions of rumen contents. All 5 strains were Gram-positive rods, and all utilized formate, glucose and CO. One strain required, and all were stimulated by, rumen fluid. No spores were observed with phase-contast microscopy and two strains were motile. No methane was detected in the headspace of pure cultures grown under either gas phase. The isolation of these bacteria indicates that acetogenic bacteria are inhabitants of the rumen of the bovine fed a typical diet and suggests that they may be participants in the utilization of hydrogen in the rumen ecosystem. Strain 139B (= ATCC 43876) is named Acetitomaculum ruminis gen. nov., sp. nov. and is the type strain of this new species. Portions of this work were presented previously (Greening RC, Leedle JAZ (1987) Abstr Annu Meet Am Soc Microbiol I 131, pp 194)  相似文献   

Abstract: Flue dust produced from the Kosaka copper flashsmelting furnace contains metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Fc, As, Cd, etc. To recover these metals, the dust is treated in the hydrometallurgical plant. Previous iron oxidation by air blown at pH 5 and at 50°C for removal of iron from the leached solution has been superceded by bacterial iron oxidation and pecipitation processes. The advantages of this bacterial oxidation procedure are (i) low cost; (ii) clear separation of metals; (iii) improvement in settling and dewatering characteristics and smaller, stable of volume precipitate and (iv) possibilities of fixing arsenate to obtain inexpensive ferric ions. A new hydrogen sulfide gas treatment process has been developed to treat the gas from plants producing barium chemicals. Itydrogen sulfide (70% content) is absorbed on ferric iron solution, and is thus oxidized to elemental sulfur. After the sulfur has been separated, the iron- oxidizing bacteria are employed to regenerate the absorbing solution. In this plant, which produces 150 tons sulfur per month, the hydrogen sulfide content of sweet gas is kept under 10 ppm; equivalent to 99.99%,; of the hydrogen sulfide recovery. The advantages of this process are (i) high H 2S gas removal efficiency; (ii) low running cost; (iii) ease of operation and maintenance: (iv) no waste; (v) high H2S selectivity; and (vi) good flexibility overload fluctuations.  相似文献   

Abstract: A thermophilic anaerobe is described which appears to have industrial potential with regard to the production of hydrogen from carbon monoxide.  相似文献   

Abstract Samples were collected from the forestomach and colon of North Atlantic fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus ) landed at the commercial whaling station at Hvalfjördur, Iceland during three whaling seasons. Techniques were used to enrich for and enumerate anaerobic bacteria, methanogens, and sulfate reducers. Anaerobic bacteria ranged from 108 to 1010 per ml of digesta in the colon, and from 105 to 109 per ml of digesta in the forestomach. Methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria were found in the majority of forestomach and colon samples, with sulfate-reducing bacteria usually occuring at higher concentrations. Enteric bacteria, Vibrio , and Listonella spp. were found in the colon. Volatile fatty acids were detected in significant concentrations in the forestomach of many of the whales. These results support previous findings which suggest that a microbial fermentation occurs in the forestomach of baleen whales.  相似文献   

The quantitative relationship between C2H2 reduction, H2 evolution and 15N2 fixation was investigated in excised root nodules from pea plants ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Bodil) grown under controlled conditions. The C2H2/N2 conversion factor varied from 3.31 to 5.12 between the 32nd and the 67th day after planting. After correction for H2 evolution in air, the factor (C2H2-H2)/N2 decreased to values near the theoretical value 3, or in one case to a value significantly ( P < 0.05) below 3. The proportion of the total electron flow through nitrogenase, which is not wasted in H2 production but used for N2 reduction, is often stated as the relative efficiency (1-H2/C2H2). This factor varied significantly ( P < 0.05) during the growth period. The actual allocation of electrons to H2 and N2, expressed as the H2/N2 ratio, was independent of plant age, however. This discrepancy and the observation that the (C2H2-H2)/N2 conversion factor tended to be lower than 3, suggests that the C2H2reduction assay underestimates the total electron flow through nitrogenase.  相似文献   

We have studied the characteristics of carbon-11 labeled pyrilamine as a radioligand for investigating histamine H1 receptors in human brain with positron emission tomography (PET). [11C]Pyrilamine is distributed evenly in proportion to cerebral blood flow at initial PET images. Later (after 45-60 min), 11C radioactivity was observed at high concentrations in the frontal and temporal cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus, and at low concentrations in the cerebellum and pons. The regional distribution of the carbon-11 labeled compound in the brain corresponded well with that of the histamine H1 receptors determined in vitro in autopsied materials. In six controls, the frontal and temporal cortices/cerebellum ratio increased during the first 60 min to reach a value of 1.22 +/- 0.071. Intravenous administration of d-chlorpheniramine (5 mg) completely abolished the specific binding in vivo in the frontal cortex and temporal cortex (cortex/cerebellum ratio, 0.955 +/- 0.015). The availability of this method for measuring histamine H1 receptors in vivo in humans will facilitate studies on neurological and psychiatric disorders in which histamine H1 receptors are thought to be abnormal.  相似文献   

Fusicoccin (FC) is a well known toxin acting as a 14-3-3 protein-mediated activator of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and it has been widely used to study the regulatory mechanism and the physiological role of this enzyme's activity. Recently, FC has been shown to induce other responses similar to those occurring under a stress condition, perhaps not strictly dependent on the activation of proton extrusion. In this paper we report that in cultured sycamore ( Acer pseudoplatanus L.) cells FC induces H2O2 overproduction as well as other novel, presumably related responses, such as the activation of the alternative oxidase and the leakage of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, accompanied by a decrease of the cytochrome pathway capacity. The relationship between H2O2 production and other phenomena has also been studied by means of exogenously added H2O2.  相似文献   


IWF, intercellular washing fluid
pCMB, p-chloromercuribenzoic acid
SNAP, S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine SNP, sodium nitroprusside
TMB, 3,3’,5,5’- tetramethylbenzidine

Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP) are two nitric oxide (NO)-releasing compounds that, when used at 5·0 mol m–3 concentrations, are capable of releasing NO in the aqueous phase at a rate of 35 ± 4 and 47 ± 5 μmol m–3 s–1, respectively. For this reason, the effect of SNP and SNAP on coniferyl alcohol peroxidase and on H2O2 production by the lignifying xylem of Zinnia elegans (L.) has been studied in order to ascertain whether NO, which is a synchronizing chemical messenger in animals and an air pollutant, has any effect on these plant-specific metabolic aspects. The results showed that both SNP and SNAP provoke an inhibition in the mol m–3 concentration range of the coniferyl alcohol peroxidase activity of a basic peroxidase isoenzyme present in the intercellular washing fluid of Z. elegans. The effect of these NO-releasing compounds on peroxidase was confirmed through histochemical studies, which showed that xylem peroxidase was totally inhibited by treatment with these NO donors at 5·0 mol m–3, and by NO at a concentration change rate of 55 ± 5 and 110 ± 9 μmol m–3 s–1. However, SNP, at 5·0 mol m–3, does not have any effect on H2O2 production by the xylem of Z. elegans. The fact that SNP and SNAP are two structurally dissimilar compounds which only share the common ability to release NO in aqueous buffer, and that similar results were obtained when using NO itself, suggest that NO could be considered as an inhibitor of coniferyl alcohol peroxidase which does not affect H2O2 production in the xylem of Z. elegans.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stable expression of the human H2 receptor in Chinese hamster ovary cells resulted in an increase in basal cyclic AMP (cAMP) production, which was inhibited by the inverse agonists cimetidine, famotidine, and ranitidine with potencies similar to those found for the rat H2 receptor. Burimamide, a neutral antagonist at the rat H2 receptor, behaved as a weak partial agonist at the human H2 receptor. Burimamide competitively antagonized both the histamine-induced increase in cAMP and the cimetidine-induced reduction of the basal cAMP level with apparent K B values that were similar to its H2 receptor affinity. Investigation of the modulation of receptor expression after long-term drug treatment revealed that at low concentrations histamine induced a significant reduction in H2 receptor expression, whereas at high concentrations receptor expression was slightly increased. The partial agonist burimamide induced, like inverse agonists, an upregulation of the human H2 receptor after prolonged treatment. These findings suggest a structural instability of the constitutively active human H2 receptor in transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. Occupation of the H2 receptor by any ligand reduces the instability, thus resulting in higher cellular expression levels.  相似文献   

Abstract In cell suspensions of the methanogenic bacterium strain Gö1 or Methanosarcina barkeri H2 formation from methanol in the presence of 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES) was strictly dependent on sodium ions; apparent K S for Na+, 1.3±0.3 mM.H2 formation was inhibited by the uncoupler tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS), but this inhibition could be temporarily overcome, when a sodium pulse (100 mM) was given to the cell suspension. On the other hand, H2 formation from formaldehyde in the presence of BES (rate: 300 nmol H2/h·mg protein as compared to 25 nmol H2/h·mg protein from methanol) was not sodium-dependent, not TCS-sensitive and not inhibited by addition of monensin. H2 formation was accompanied by CO2 formation in stoichiometric amounts, 3 H2:1 CO2 for methanol and 2 H2:1 CO2 for formaldehyde oxidation.  相似文献   

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