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The aminopeptidase from hog intestinal brush border   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

The kinetics of uptake of radioactive label from [U-14C]Gly, L-[4,5-3H]Leu and the dipeptide [14C]Gly-L-[4,5-3H]Leu by the brush border membrane vesicles of porcine small intestine have been studied. The effect of aminopeptidase N inhibitors and leucine-binding protein on accumulation rates has also been tested. Comparison of the kinetic parameters for uptake and hydrolysis of Gly-L-Leu makes it possible to conclude that the dipeptide transfer includes two conjugated steps, viz., hydrolysis catalysed by aminopeptidase N and transport of the resultant free amino acids by a specific carrier.  相似文献   

Immunological homology was shown between the active site regions of pig and rabbit aminopeptidases N and between those of the corresponding aminopeptidases A. However, no homology was detectable between the aminopeptidases N and A (EC 3.4.11.-) in a given species. The dimeric structure of pig aminopeptidases did not significantly modify their catalytic properties in aqueous solution compared to those of the monomeric rabbit enzymes. Only a slight difference in binding conditions was noted in the case of aminopeptidases N. Aminopeptidase A activity towards acidic substrates was enhanced by physiological concentrations of Ca2+ while that towards neutral substrates was considerably reduced. Therefore, acidic amino acid residues in proteins and peptides may be assumed to be mostly split off in vivo by aminopeptidase A, neutral residues by aminopeptidases N and basic residues by both enzymes. The respective specificity of aminopeptidase A and N for acidic and neutral amino acid residues was found to be mainly due to a more productive binding mode of the substrate rather than to a better affinity.  相似文献   

The intestinal brush border aminopeptidase and unfractionated maltases M2+M3 are composed of a hydrophilic, sugar containing and enzymatically active part, and a smaller hydrophobic part presumably binding the catalytic part to the lipid matrix of the membrane. Hydrophobic parts detached by trypsin from the detergent forms of aminopeptidase and the maltases were purified and shown to have molecular weights ranging from 8000 to 10000. All rich in hydrophobic residues and contain no disulfide bridges. However, their overall amino acid composition is different. The hydrophobic parts appear to be N-terminal in the detergent forms of the enzymes.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure (967 amino acids) of an intestinal human aminopeptidase N (EC was deduced from the sequence of a cDNA clone. Aminopeptidase N is anchored to the microvillar membrane via an uncleaved signal for membrane insertion. A domain constituting amino acid 250-555 positioned within the catalytic domain shows very clear homology to E. coli aminopeptidase N and contains Zn2+ ligands. Therefore these residues are part of the active site. However, no homology of the anchor/junctional peptide domain is found suggesting that the juxta- and intra-membraneous parts of the molecule have been added/preserved during development. It is speculated that this part carries the apical address.  相似文献   

The intestinal brush border aminopeptidase and unfractionated maltases M2+M3 are composed of a hydrophilic, sugar containing and enzymatically active part, and a smaller hydrophobic part presumably binding the catalytic part of the lipid matrix of the membrane. Hydrophobic parts detaced by trypsin from the detergent forms of aminopeptidase and the maltases were purified and shown to have molecular weights ranging from 8000 to 10000. All are rich in hydrophobic residues and contain no disulfide bridges. However, their overall amino acid composition is different. The hydrophobic parts appear to be N-terminal in the detergent forms of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of brush border vesicle proteins is induced by detergent solubilisation. This proteolysis is selective in that some of the proteins are more susceptible than others. The rate of induced proteolysis is decreased by decreasing the temperature, has a minimum of about pH 6 and is effectively prevented by a combination of the protease inhibitors, EDTA, diisopropylfluorophosphate and iodoacetamide.  相似文献   

Summary We have confirmed previous demonstrations of sodium gradient-stimulated transport ofl-alanine, phenylalanine, proline, and -alanine, and in addition demonstrated transport of N-methylamino-isobutyric acid (MeAIB) and lysine in isolated rabbit kidney brush border vesicles. In order to probe the multiplicity of transport pathways available to each of these14C-amino acids, we measured the ability of test amino acids to inhibit tracer uptake. To obtain a rough estimate of nonspecific effects, e.g., dissipation of the transmembrane sodium electrochemical potential gradient, we measured the ability ofd-glucose to inhibit tracer uptake.l-alanine and phenylalanine were completely mutually inhibitory. Roughly 75% of the14C-l-alanine uptake could be inhibited by proline and -alanine, while lysine and MeAIB were no more effective thand-glucose. Roughly 50% of the14C-phenylalanine uptake could be inhibited by proline and -alanine; lysine was as effective as proline and -alanine, and the effects of pairs of these amino acids at 50mm each were not cumulative. MeAIB was no more effective thand-glucose. We conclude that three pathways mediate the uptake of neutral,l, -amino acids. One system is inaccessible to lysine, proline, and -alanine. The second system carries a major fraction of thel-alanine flux; it is sensitive to proline and -alanine, but not to lysine. The third system carries half the14C-phenylalanine flux, and it is sensitive to proline, lysine, and -alanine. Since the neutral,l, -amino acid fluxes are insensitive to MeAIB, we conclude that they are not mediated by the classicalA system, and since all of thel-alanine flux is inhibited by phenylalanine, we conclude that it is not mediated by the classicalASC system.l-alanine and phenylalanine completely inhibit uptake of lysine. MeAIB is no more effective thand-glucose in inhibiting lysine uptake, while proline and -alanine appear to inhibit a component of the lysine flux. We conclude that the14C-lysine fluxes are mediated by two systems, one, shared with phenylalanine, which is inhibited by proline, -alanine, andl-alanine, and one which is inhibited byl-alanine and phenylalanine but inaccessible to proline, -alanine, and MeAIB. Fluxes of14C-proline and14C-MeAIB are completely inhibited byl-alanine, phenylalanine, proline, and MeAIB, but they are insensitive to lysine. Proline and MeAIB, as well as alanine and phenylalanine, but not lysine, inhibit14C--alanine uptake. However, -alanine inhibits only 38% of the14C-proline uptake and 57% of the MeAIB uptake. We conclude that two systems mediate uptake of proline and MeAIB, and that one of these systems also transports -alanine.  相似文献   

Summary The ion permeability of rabbit jejunal brush border membrane vesicles was studied by measuring unidirectional fluxes with radioactive tracers and bi-ionic diffusion potentials with the potential-sensitive fluorescent dye, diS–C3-(5). Tracer measurements provide estimates of the absolute magnitudes of permeability coefficients, while fluorescence measurements provide estimates of relative and absolute ion permeabilities. The magnitudes of the permeability coefficients for Na+, K+, Rb+, and Br were approximately 5 nanoliters/(mg protein × sec) or 10–5 cm/sec as determined by radioactive tracer measurements. The apparent selectivity sequence, relative to Na+, as determined by bi-ionic potential measurements was: F, isetheionate, gluconate, choline (<0.1)+(1.0)–(1.5)=NO 3 (1.5)–(2.3)+(2.4)+(2.5)+(2.6)+(3.9) 4 +(12)–(40). The origin of this selectivity sequence and its relationship to the ion permeability of the brush border membrane in the intact epithelium are discussed.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV (EC 3.4.14.-) was solubilized from a particulate membrane fraction of rat intestinal mucosa with Triton X-100. The solubilized enzyme was purified to homogeneity following ammonium sulfate fractionation, chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose and hydroxyapatite, gel filtration and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The final enzyme preparation had a specific activity of 55 units/mg protein representing a 1373 fold purification over the starting material. Purity was judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion. The molecular weight of the native undenatured enzyme was estimated to be 230000 by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (sodium dodecyl sulfate) indicated that the protein consists of two identical 98 kDa subunits. Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV is a glycoprotein containing approx. 8% carbohydrate by weight. A detailed analysis of the individual sugar components demonstrated that fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, sialic acid and hexosamine sugars were present. The nature of the constituent asparagine linked oligosaccharide side chains was further examined following cleavage from the peptide backbone by hydrazinolysis. Following high voltage paper electrophoresis approx. 80% of the isolated oligosaccharide was found with the neutral fraction while the remaining 20% consisted of a single acidic component. Gel filtration of the neutral oligosaccharide fraction indicated that it contains approx. 19 sugar residues.  相似文献   

Initial rates of Na(+)-dependent L-glutamic and D-aspartic acid uptake were determined at various substrate concentrations using a fast sampling, rapid filtration apparatus, and the resulting data were analyzed by nonlinear computer fitting to various transport models. At pH 6.0, L-glutamic acid transport was best accounted for by the presence of both high (Km = 61 microM) and low (Km = 7.0 mM) affinity pathways, whereas D-aspartic acid transport was restricted to a single high affinity route (Km = 80 microM). Excess D-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine served to isolate L-glutamic acid flux through the remaining low and high affinity systems, respectively. Inhibition studies of other amino acids and analogs allowed us to identify the high affinity pathway as the X-AG system and the low affinity one as the intestinal NBB system. The pH dependences of the high and low affinity pathways of L-glutamic acid transport also allowed us to establish some relationship between the NBB and the more classical ASC system. Finally, these studies also revealed a heterotropic activation of the intestinal X-AG transport system by all neutral amino acids but glycine through an apparent activation of Vmax.  相似文献   

A method for the preparation of closed, right-side-out vesicles from the brush border membrane of the kidney proximal tubules is described. The aminopeptidase known to be bound to this membrane was investigated in order to compare its properties with those already reported for the intestinal enzyme. Both are composed of a hydrophilic, catalytically active part lying on the external side of the membrane and a short hydrophobic domain probably located in the N-terminal region of one of the subunits ensuring fixation to the lipid matrix. The enzyme were also found to be clinically similar. Moreover, a quantitative immunological technique showed that they contained 6 cross-reacting determinants, consistent with a very high degree of homology. Four of these determinants were accessible in the bound form of the enzymes in the region of the active site. The other two, probably related to the junction between the hydrophilic moiety and the hydrophobic anchor were completely masked in the bound form. The remainder (6 in the intestinal and 4 in the renal enzyme), were heterologous. The accessibility of two well determinants in this latter group was substantially reduced, perhaps by the proximity of the lipid and/or of other enzyme molecules.  相似文献   

D Massey  S Maroux 《FEBS letters》1985,181(2):207-210
Endoglycosidase F was used to eliminate the N-linked complex glycans from intestinal aminopeptidase N. The glycans which were probably O-linked remaining after the endoglycosidase F treatment exhibited the human blood group A and H determinants expressed in enzymes from A+ or A- rabbits, respectively. The molecular mass estimation of the two types of glycans by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the sugar composition of aminopeptidase from A+ and A- rabbits strongly suggested the presence of eight N-linked complex glycans and two O-linked oligosaccharides bearing the human group antigenicity.  相似文献   

Molecular organization of the intestinal brush border   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The brush border of enterocytes represents one of the more specialized apical poles of epithelial cells. It is formed by particularly well-developed apical plasma membrane microvilli, whose shape is ensured by a highly organized cytoskeleton. The molecular organization of the cytoskeleton is described. Whereas several cytoskeleton proteins are ubiquitous, villin is highly specific for intestinal cells and can be used as a differentiation marker of these cells. The major glycoproteins, in particular hydrolases, of the brush border membrane have been characterized. They have many common structural features, in particular their mode of integration into the membrane by their N-terminal hydrophobic sequences that also plays the role of the 'signal peptide' responsible for their co-translational insertions into the endoplasmic reticulum. Studies on the biosynthesis and intracellular pathway of aminopeptidase N strongly suggest that sorting of apical and basolateral glycoproteins could occur after their integration into the basolateral domain.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Uptake of l-leucine, l-phenylalanine, l-proline and l-lysine into brush border membrane vesicles from rats fed either a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) or a long-chain triglyceride (LCT) diet was studied under conditions of the presence or absence of a Na+ gradient.
  • 2.2. From the results of initial rate, Na+-dependent transport in LCT feeding were lower than in feeding MCT. The Na+-independent transport did not vary in either group except for l-lysine uptake.
  • 3.3. For l-leucine, l-phenylalanine and l-proline in Na+ dependence, kinetic analysis revealed 4–6-fold smaller Vmax values in LCT group than in MCT group. l-Lysine in Na+-independent transport was 10-fold lower in LCT group than in MCT group. The Km values were not affected by feeding the LCT or MCT diet.
  • 4.4. It is clear that amino acid transport is regulated by different types of dietary fat. We consider that the alteration of transport activity is attributable to the changes in number of membrane-bound transport carriers but not to their affinity.

Summary Studies were performed to characterize the binding1 of bile acids to intestinal brush border membranes. Total14C-taurodeoxycholate binding was: 1) similar for brush borders prepared from jejunum and ileum, 2) linear with respect to monomer concentration, 3) uninhibited by a structural analog, and 4) not depressed by boiling or trypsin. A linear relationship existed between binding and the number of hydrogen bonds formed by a bile acid and the slope of the line corresponded to F of 300 cal/mol. The binding of bile acids to the 105,000×g supernatant fraction of sonicated brush borders was similar to the binding of phospholipid liposomes using gel chromatography. These data suggest that: 1) the kinetics and characteristics of binding of bile acid to ileal brush borders do not reflect the kinetics and characteristics of active ileal transport previously obtained in whole tissue preparations, but instead reflect the kinetics and characteristics of passive jejunal transport; 2) a determinant of binding is hydrogen bonding with water; 3) isolated intact brush borders are relatively polar membranes; and 4) binding to solubilized brush borders may represent partitioning between the aqueous phase and membrane lipid.Part of this work was presented at the National Meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research, May 2, 1976, Atlantic City, New Jersey.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of the antibiotic neomycin on the intestinal epithelium, D-glucose was used as a probe molecule and its transport into rabbit brush border membrane vesicles was measured by a rapid filtration method. Treatment of the epithelium with neomycin sulfate prior to the preparation of the brush border membrane enhanced the D-glucose uptake, whereas neutral N-acetylated neomycin did not. This action of neomycin was related to its polycationic character and not to its bactericidal action. No significant difference could be demonstrated between the protein content or disaccharidase-specific activities of the brush border fractions from treated or non-treated intestines. Electrophoretic protein patterns of SDS-solubilized membrane were not significantly different after neomycin treatment. To gain more information on the mechanism involved in the stimulation of D-glucose transport, experiments were conducted on phosphatidyl glycerol artificial membranes and the results compared with those obtained with brush border membrane. At a concentration of 10(-7) M, neomycin decreased the nonactin-induced K+ conductance by a factor of approx. 100. The membrane conductance was linearly dependent on the neomycin concentration and the conductance in 10(-2) M KCl was 10 times that in 10(-3) M KCl. The valence of neomycin was estimated, from the slope of these curves, to be between 6 and 4. In contrast, acetylated neomycin had no effect on the nonactin-induced K+ membrane conductance. Therefore, the effect of neomycin on artificial membrane is related to its 4 to 6 positive charges. It is proposed that the stimulation of sugar transport in brush border membrane is related to screening of the membrane negative charges by the positively-charged neomycin. Accumulation of anions at the membrane surface then occurs and their diffusion into the intravesicular space would increase the transmembrane potential which, in turn, stimulates the entry of D-glucose.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the beta subunit of rabbit lutropin (lLH) has been determined. The amino terminus of about 97% of the beta subunit has a two amino acid extension (pyro-Glu-Pro) compared to other lutropin beta sequences. Overlapping peptides from trypsin and chymotrypsin digestions of the performic acid-oxidized beta subunit and trypsin digestion of the S-aminoethylated cysteine beta subunit were isolated by chromatography on TSK Fractogel 40F and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sequencing was by a combination of the dansyl-Edman method and the direct Edman method. Amide placements were established by HPLC analysis of the PTH amino acid derivatives. The proposed sequence of lLH subunit is: This sequence is highly homologous to the other known lutropin beta subunits, especially rat and pig lutropin beta (91%). Partial cleavage of the peptide bond between Asp-79 and Pro-80 was observed during cyanogen bromide treatment. Rabbit thyrotropin and thyrotropin beta subunit copurified with lLH and lLH except at a final chromatography on Sephadex G-100.  相似文献   

H Hauser  N Gains  G Semenza  M Spiess 《Biochemistry》1982,21(22):5621-5628
The temperature dependence of the packing (order) and fluidity (microviscosity) of rabbit small, intestinal brush border vesicle membranes and of liposomes made from their extracted lipids has been investigated by using a variety of lipid spin probes. The lipids in the brush border membrane are present essentially as a bilayer. Compared to other mammalian membranes, the brush border membrane appears to be characterized by a relatively high packing order as well as microviscosity. At body temperature, the lipid molecules undergo rapid, anisotropic motion, which is essentially a fast rotation about an axis approximately perpendicular to the bilayer normal. Both the order (motional anisotropy) and the microviscosity increase with decreasing temperature and with increasing distance from the center of the bilayer. Qualitatively similar motional or fluidity gradients have been reported for other mammalian and bacterial membranes. The liposomes made from the extracted lipids have a somewhat lower packing order and a slightly higher fluidity than brush border vesicle membranes. The differences are, however, small indicating that the packing and the fluidity (microviscosity) of the membrane are primarily determined by the lipid composition. Membrane-associated proteins and cytoskeleton cannot play a dominant role in determining the order and fluidity of the lipid bilayer. Discontinuities are observed in the temperature dependence of various spectral parameters, the order parameter S, the rotational correlation time tau, and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy partitioning. They are assigned to phase transitions and/or phase separations of the membrane lipids. These discontinuities occur at about 30, 20, and 13 degrees C for 5-doxyl-, 12-doxyl-, and 16-doxylstearic acid, respectively. The apparent transition temperature depends on the location of the spin probe along the bilayer normal, being higher the closer the probe is to the membrane surface. This indicates the possibility that chain melting is progressive and spreads with increasing temperature from the center of the membrane outward.  相似文献   

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