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All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of protein folding allow analysis of the folding process at an unprecedented level of detail. Unfortunately, such simulations have not yet reached their full potential both due to difficulties in sufficiently sampling the microsecond timescales needed for folding, and because the force field used may yield neither the correct dynamical sequence of events nor the folded structure. The ongoing study of protein folding through computational methods thus requires both improvements in the performance of molecular dynamics programs to make longer timescales accessible, and testing of force fields in the context of folding simulations. We report a ten-microsecond simulation of an incipient downhill-folding WW domain mutant along with measurement of a molecular time and activated folding time of 1.5 microseconds and 13.3 microseconds, respectively. The protein simulated in explicit solvent exhibits several metastable states with incorrect topology and does not assume the native state during the present simulations.  相似文献   

The folding thermodynamics and kinetics of the Pin WW domain, a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, have been characterized extensively. Folding and activation free energies were determined as a function of temperature for 16 mutants, which sample all strands and turns of the molecule. The mutational phi value (Phi(m)) diagram is a smooth function of sequence, indicating a prevalence of local interactions in the transition state (TS). At 37 degrees C, the diagram has a single pronounced maximum at turn 1: the rate-limiting step during folding is the formation of loop 1. In contrast, key residues for thermodynamic stability are located in the strand hydrophobic clusters, indicating that factors contributing to protein stability and folding kinetics are not correlated. The location of the TS along the entropic reaction coordinate Phi(T), obtained by temperature-tuning the kinetics, reveals that sufficiently destabilizing mutants in loop 2 or in the Leu7-Trp11-Tyr24-Pro37 hydrophobic cluster can cause a switch to a late TS. Phi(m) analysis is usually applied "perturbatively" (methyl truncation), but with Phi(T) to quantitatively assess TS shifts along a reaction coordinate, more severe mutations can be used to probe regions of the free energy surface beyond the TS.  相似文献   

The folding kinetics of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (WW domain) have been measured by temperature jump relaxation. Folding and activation free energies were determined as a function of temperature for both the wild-type and the mutant domain, W39F, which modifies the beta(2)-beta(3) hydrophobic interface. The folding rate decreases at higher temperatures as a result of the increase in the activation free energy for folding. Phi-Values were obtained for thermal perturbations allowing the primary features of the folding free energy surface to be determined. The results of this analysis indicate a significant shift from an "early" (Phi(T)=0. 4) to a "late" (Phi(T)=0.8) transition state with increasing temperature. The temperature-dependent Phi-value analysis of the wild-type WW domain and of its more stable W39F hydrophobic cluster mutant reveals little participation of residue 39 in the transition state at lower temperature. As the temperature is raised, hydrophobic interactions at the beta(2)-beta(3) interface gain importance in the transition state and the barrier height of the wild-type, which contains the larger tryptophan residue, increases more slowly than the barrier height of the mutant.  相似文献   

The conformational spaces of five oligomers of tetrahydrofuran-based carbopeptoids in chloroform and dimethyl sulfoxide were investigated through nine molecular dynamics simulations. Prompted by nuclear magnetic resonance experiments that indicated various stable folds for some but not all of these carbopeptoids, their folding behaviour was investigated as a function of stereochemistry, chain length and solvent. The conformational distributions of these molecules were analysed in terms of occurrence of hydrogen bonds, backbone torsional-angle distributions, conformational clustering and solute configurational entropy. While a cis-linkage across the tetrahydrofuran ring favours right-handed helical structures, a trans-linkage results in a larger conformational variability. Intra-solute hydrogen bonding is reduced with increasing chain length and with increasing solvent polarity. Solute configurational entropies confirm the picture obtained: they are smaller for cis- than for trans-linked peptides, for chloroform than for dimethyl sulfoxide as solvent and for shorter peptide chains. The simulations provide an atomic picture of molecular conformational variability that is consistent with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

The tryptophanyl emission decay of the mesophilic beta-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae free in buffer and entrapped in agarose gel is investigated as a function of temperature and compared to that of the hyperthermophilic enzyme from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Both enzymes are tetrameric proteins with a large number of tryptophanyl residues, so the fluorescence emission can provide information on the conformational dynamics of the overall protein structure rather than that of the local environment. The tryptophanyl emission decays are best fitted by bimodal Lorentzian distributions. The long-lived component is ascribed to close, deeply buried tryptophanyl residues with reduced mobility; the short-lived one arises from tryptophanyl residues located in more flexible external regions of each subunit, some of which are involved in forming the catalytic site. The center of both lifetime distribution components at each temperature increases when going from the free in solution mesophilic enzyme to the gel-entrapped and hyperthermophilic enzyme, thus indicating that confinement of the mesophilic enzyme in the agarose gel limits the freedom of the polypeptide chain. A more complex dependence is observed for the distribution widths. Computer modeling techniques are used to recognize that the catalytic sites are similar for the mesophilic and hyperthermophilic beta-galactosidases. The effect due to gel entrapment is considered in dynamic simulations by imposing harmonic restraints to solvent-exposed atoms of the protein with the exclusion of those around the active site. The temperature dependence of the tryptophanyl fluorescence emission decay and the dynamic simulation confirm that more rigid structures, as in the case of the immobilized and/or hyperthermophilic enzyme, require higher temperatures to achieve the requisite conformational dynamics for an effective catalytic action and strongly suggest a link between conformational rigidity and enhanced thermal stability.  相似文献   

WW domain proteins are usually regarded as simple models for understanding the folding mechanism of β-sheet. CC45 is an artificial protein that is capable of folding into the same structure as WW domain. In this article, the replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations are performed to investigate the folding mechanism of CC45. The analysis of thermal stability shows that β-hairpin 1 is more stable than β-hairpin 2 during the unfolding process. Free energy analysis shows that the unfolding of this protein substantially proceeds through solvating the smaller β-hairpin 2, followed by the unfolding of β-hairpin 1. We further propose the unfolding process of CC45 and the folding mechanism of two β-hairpins. These results are similar to the previous folding studies of formin binding protein 28 (FBP28). Compared with FBP28, it is found that CC45 has more aromatic residues in N-terminal loop, and these residues contact with C-terminal loop to form the outer hydrophobic core, which increases the stability of CC45. Knowledge about the stability and folding behaviour of CC45 may help in understanding the folding mechanisms of the β-sheet and in designing new WW domains.  相似文献   

Stearoylsphingomyelin (SSM) bilayers containing 0, 22, and 50 mol % cholesterol (Chol) and a pentadecanoyl-stearoylphosphatidylcholine (15SPC) bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol were molecular dynamics simulated at two temperatures (37 degrees C and 60 degrees C). 15SPC is the best PC equivalent of SSM. The Chol effect on the SSM bilayer differs significantly from that on the 15SPC bilayer. At the same temperature and Chol content, H-bonding of Chol with SSM is more extensive than with 15SPC. SSM-Chol H-bonding anchors the OH group of Chol in the lower regions of the SSM-Chol bilayer interface. Such a location strengthens the influence of Chol on the SSM chains. In effect, the phase of the SSM-Chol bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol at 37 degrees C is shifted from the gel to the liquid-ordered phase, and the bilayer displays similar properties below and above the main phase-transition temperature for a pure SSM bilayer of approximately 45 degrees C. In contrast, due to a higher location, Chol is not able to change the phase of the 15SPC-Chol bilayer, which at 37 degrees C remains in the gel phase. Chol affects both the core and interface of the SSM bilayer. With increasing Chol content, the order of SSM chains and hydration of SSM headgroups increase, whereas polar interactions between lipids decrease.  相似文献   

Mu Y  Stock G 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(2):391-399
Molecular dynamics simulations of the binding of the heterochiral tripeptide KkN to the transactivation responsive (TAR) RNA of HIV-1 is presented, using an all-atom force field with explicit water. To obtain starting structures for the TAR-KkN complex, semirigid docking calculations were performed that employ an NMR structure of free TAR RNA. The molecular dynamics simulations show that the starting structures in which KkN binds to the major groove of TAR (as it is the case for the Tat-TAR complex of HIV-1) are unstable. On the other hand, the minor-groove starting structures are found to lead to several binding modes, which are stabilized by a complex interplay of stacking, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions. Although the ligand does not occupy the binding position of Tat protein, it is shown to hinder the interhelical motion of free TAR RNA. The latter is presumably necessary to achieve the conformational change of TAR RNA to bind Tat protein. Considering the time evolution of the trajectories, the binding process is found to be ligand-induced and cooperative. That is, the conformational rearrangement only occurs in the presence of the ligand and the concerted motion of the ligand and a large part of the RNA binding site is necessary to achieve the final low-energy binding state.  相似文献   

A structural model of the murine PrP small beta-sheet was obtained by synthesizing the RGYMLGSADPNGNQVYYRG peptide comprising the two beta-strands 127-133 and 159-164 linked by a four-residue sequence of high turn propensity. The DPNG turn sequence is a "short circuit" replacing the original protein sequence between the two strands. This 19-residue peptide spontaneously forms very long single fibrils as observed by electron microscopy. The X-ray diffraction patterns of a partially oriented sample reveals an average arrangement of the hairpin peptides into a structure which can be geometrically approximated by an empty-core cylinder. The hairpins are oriented perpendicular to the cylinder axis and a 130 A helix period is observed. Based on X-ray diffraction constraints and on more indirect general protein structure considerations, a precise and consistent fibril model was built. The structure consists of two beta-sheet ribbons wound around a cylinder and assembled into a single fibril with a hairpin orientation perpendicular to the fibril axis. Subsequent implicit and explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations provided the final structure at atomic resolution and further insights into the stabilizing interactions. Particularly important are the zipper-like network of polar interactions between the edges of the two ribbons, including the partially buried water molecules. The hydrophobic core is not optimally compact explaining the low density of this region seen by X-ray diffraction. The present findings provide also a simple model for further investigating the sequence-stability relationship using a mutational approach with a quasi-independent consideration of the polar and apolar interactions.  相似文献   

Most of the B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) protein structure has been elucidated; however, the conformation of its flexible loop domain (FLD) has not yet been experimentally predicted. Its high flexibility under physiological conditions is the reason. FLD behaves as an intrinsically disordered region (IDR) and can adopt regular structures in particular conditions associated with the control of Bcl-2’s anti-apoptotic functions. In a previous contribution, we analyzed an engineered Bcl-2 construct (Bcl-2-Δ22Σ3) submitted to 25-ns MD and reported a disordered-to-helix transitions in a region of FLD (rFLD, residues 60–77). However, the conformational preferences in solution of rFLD in the nanosecond to microsecond scale were not analyzed. Herein, an average model was obtained for the native Bcl-2 protein by homology modeling and MD simulation techniques. From this, only the atomic coordinates corresponding to the rFLD were simulated for 1 μs by MD at 310 K. In concordance with previous studies, a disordered-to-helix transitions were exhibited, implying that this “interconversion of folding” in the rFLD suggest a possible set of conformations encoded in its sequence. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that most of the conformational fluctuation of Bcl-2 is provided by rFLD. Dihedral PCA (dPCA) offered information about all the conformations of rFLD in the μs of the simulation, characterizing a dPCA-based free energy landscape of rFLD, and a conformational ensemble of fast interconverting conformations as other IDRs. Furthermore, despite the conformational heterogeneity of rFLD, the analysis of the dihedral angles (Φ, Ψ) showed that this region does not randomly explore the conformational space in solution.
Graphical Abstract Emergence of the Bcl-2-rFLD’s structural heterogeneity in solution, evidenced by molecular dynamics simulation.

WW结构域是由38~40个氨基酸残基严密组织形成一个连贯、紧凑的结构域;它以包含两个色氨酸残基为主要特征,能专一地与含有XPPXY保守序列的蛋白质相互作用.这种相互作用涉及许多细胞内事件,如非受体信号传导、转录调节、蛋白质降解等等,并且这种相互作用的变化会直接或间接影响到人体的正常生理代谢功能而引起疾病.  相似文献   

We report on unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of an RNA tetramer binding to a tetra-nucleotide overhang at the 5'-end of an RNA hairpin (nicked structure) and of the corresponding continuous hairpin with Na+ as counterions. The simulations lead to stable structures and in this way a structural model for the coaxially stacked RNA hairpin is generated. The stacking interface in the coaxially stacked nicked hairpin structure is characterized by a reduced twist and shift and a slightly increased propeller twist as compared to the continuous system. This leads to an increased overlap between C22 and G23 in the stacking interface of the nicked structure. In the simulations the continuous RNA hairpin has an almost straight helical axis. On the other hand, the corresponding axis for the nicked structure exhibits a marked kink of 39 degrees. The stacking interface exhibits no increased flexibility as compared to the corresponding base pair step in the continuous structure.  相似文献   

The N-terminal domain of fukutin-I has been implicated in the localization of the protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi Apparatus. It has been proposed to mediate this through its interaction with the thinner lipid bilayers found in these compartments. Here we have employed multiscale molecular dynamics simulations and circular dichroism spectroscopy to explore the structure, stability, and orientation of the short 36-residue N-terminus of fukutin-I (FK1TMD) in lipids with differing tail lengths. Our results show that FK1TMD adopts a stable helical conformation in phosphatidylcholine lipids when oriented with its principal axis perpendicular to the bilayer plane. The stability of the helix is largely insensitive to the lipid tail length, preventing hydrophobic mismatch by virtue of its mobility and ability to tilt within the lipid bilayers. This suggests that changes in FK1TMD tilt in response to bilayer properties may be implicated in the regulation of its trafficking. Coarse-grained simulations of the complex Golgi membrane suggest the N-terminal domain may induce the formation of microdomains in the surrounding membrane through its preferential interaction with 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate lipids.  相似文献   

A de novo redesign of the WW domain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have used a sequence prediction algorithm and a novel sampling method to design protein sequences for the WW domain, a small beta-sheet motif. The procedure, referred to as SPANS, designs sequences to be compatible with an ensemble of closely related polypeptide backbones, mimicking the inherent flexibility of proteins. Two designed sequences (termed SPANS-WW1 and SPANS-WW2), using only naturally occurring L-amino acids, were selected for study and the corresponding polypeptides were prepared in Escherichia coli. Circular dichroism data suggested that both purified polypeptides adopted secondary structure features related to those of the target without the aid of disulfide bridges or bound cofactors. The structure exhibited by SPANS-WW2 melted cooperatively by raising the temperature of the solution. Further analysis of this polypeptide by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated that at 5 degrees C, it folds into a structure closely resembling a natural WW domain. This achievement constitutes one of a small number of successful de novo protein designs through fully automated computational methods and highlights the feasibility of including backbone flexibility in the design strategy.  相似文献   

We study the unfolding of a parallel G-quadruplex from human telomeric DNA by mechanical stretching using steered molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. We find that the force curves and unfolding processes strongly depend on the pulling sites. With pulling sites located on the sugar-phosphate backbone, the force-extension curve shows a single peak and the unfolding proceeds sequentially. Pulling sites located on the terminal nucleobases lead to a force-extension curve with two peaks and the unfolding is more cooperative. Simulations of the refolding of partially unfolded quadruplexes show very different behavior for the two different pulling modalities. In particular, starting from an unfolded state prepared by nucleobase pulling leads to a long-lived intermediate state whose existence is also corroborated by the free energy profile computed with the Jarzynski equation. Based on this observation, we propose a novel folding pathway for parallel G-quadruplexes with the human telomere sequence.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulation of the hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer membrane in the liquid-crystalline phase was carried out for 5 ns to study the interaction among DMPC headgroups in the membrane/water interface region. The phosphatidylcholine headgroup contains a positively charged choline group and negatively charged phosphate and carbonyl groups, although it is a neutral molecule as a whole. Our previous study (Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, M., Y. Takaoka, H. Miyagawa, K. Kitamura, and A. Kusumi. 1997. J. Phys. Chem. 101:3677-3691) showed the formation of water cross-bridges between negatively charged groups in which a water molecule is simultaneously hydrogen bonded to two DMPC molecules. Water bridges link 76% of DMPC molecules in the membrane. In the present study we show that relatively stable charge associations (charge pairs) are formed between the positively and negatively charged groups of two DMPC molecules. Charge pairs link 93% of DMPC molecules in the membrane. Water bridges and charge pairs together form an extended network of interactions among DMPC headgroups linking 98% of all membrane phospholipids. The average lifetimes of DMPC-DMPC associations via charge pairs, water bridges and both, are at least 730, 1400, and over 1500 ps, respectively. However, these associations are dynamic states and they break and re-form several times during their lifetime.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the net transfer of cholesteryl esters (CEs) from atheroprotective high‐density lipoproteins (HDLs) to atherogenic low‐density lipoproteins (LDLs) or very‐low‐density lipoproteins (VLDLs). Inhibition of CETP raises HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels and reduces LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels, making it a promising drug target for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. Although the crystal structure of CETP has been determined, the molecular mechanism mediating CEs transfer is still unknown, even the structural features of CETP in a physiological environment remain elusive. We performed molecular dynamics simulations to explore the structural features of CETP in an aqueous solution. Results show that the distal portion flexibility of N‐terminal β‐barrel domain is considerably greater in solution than in crystal; conversely, the flexibility of helix X is slightly less. During the simulations the distal end of C‐terminal β‐barrel domain expanded while the hydrophilic surface increasing more than the hydrophobic surface. In addition, a new surface pore was generated in this domain. This surface pore and all cavities in CETP are stable. These results suggest that the formation of a continuous tunnel within CETP by connecting cavities is permitted in solution. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the structure and mobility of Sperm Wale Apomyoglobin was studied by Molecular Dynamics computer simulation at 1 bar and 3 kbar (1 atm=1.01325 bar=101.325 kPa). The results are in good agreement with the available experimental data, allowing further analysis of other features of the effect of pressure on the protein solution. From the analysis of Secondary Structures (SS) along the trajectories it is observed that alpha-helixes are favoured under pressure at the expense of bends, turns and 3-helixes. The studies of mobility show that although the general mobility is restricted under pressure this is not true for some particular residues. The studies of tertiary structure show important conformational changes. The evolution of the Solvent Accessed Surface (SAS) with pressure shows a notorious increase due almost completely to a biased raise in the hydrophobic area exposed, which consequently shows that the hydrophobic interaction is considerably weaker under high hydrostatic pressure conditions.  相似文献   

The anti-hypertensive drugs amlodipine, atenolol and lisinopril, in ordinary and PEGylated forms, with different combined-ratios, were studied by molecular dynamics simulations using GROMACS software. Twenty simulation systems were designed to evaluate the interactions of drug mixtures with a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer membrane, in the presence of water molecules. In the course of simulations, various properties of the systems were investigated, including drug location, diffusion and mass distribution in the membrane; drug orientation; the lipid chain disorder as a result of drug penetration into the DMPC membrane; the number of hydrogen bonds; and drug surface area. According to the results obtained, combined drugs penetrate deeper into the DMPC lipid bilayer membrane, and the lipid chains remain ordered. Also, the combined PEGylated drugs, at a combination ratio of 1:1:1, enhance drug penetration into the DMPC membrane, reduce drug agglomeration, orient the drug in a proper angle for easy penetration into the membrane, and decrease undesirable lipotoxicity due to distorted membrane self-assembly and thickness.
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Molecular dynamics simulations of a model membrane with inserted cholesterol molecules have been performed to study the perturbing influence of cholesterol. In the fluid phase of a lipid bilayer at 13 mol% concentration of cholesterol, local ordering of the hydrocarbon chains is induced. This perturbation decays with the distance from the cholesterol, and the effect extends 1.25 nm. It can be monitored in several ways, e.g., by an order parameter corresponding to deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance quadrupolar splittings, by the fraction of gauche bonds, or by the local bilayer thickness. At constant surface density, the local ordering is accompanied by disordering of the bulk phase, and, consequently, the net ordering effect is small. After compressing the system laterally in accordance with experimentally known surface areas, the bulk order parameters agree with those of a pure system, and the average order parameters are in accordance with experimental data. The necessity for this lateral compression is supported by calculated lateral pressures. At lower cholesterol concentration (3%), no direct perturbing effect is observed. A smaller lateral pressure than in a pure system indicates that the system with cholesterol is expected to have a smaller surface area, which would result in an increase of the order parameters, thus accounting for the experimental observations. The lack of spatial variation is, however, puzzling and may indicate a cooperative ordering effect.  相似文献   

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