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Different carbohydrates were investigated for somatic embryo development of black spruce and red spruce. They were tested in a basal maturation medium consisting of Litvay's salts at half-strength containing 1 g l-1 glutamine, 1 g l-1 casein hydrolysate, 7.5 M abscisic acid, and 0.9% Difco Bacto-agar. A comparison of different sucrose concentrations showed that 6% was optimal for embryo development. Among the nine carbohydrates tested, sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, and cellobiose supported embryo development while arabinose, mannitol, myo-inositol, and sorbitol did not. A comparison of sucrose, glucose, and fructose at three concentrations showed that the general pattern of response for both species followed concentration expressed as a percentage, independent of the molarity of carbohydrate in the medium. Interspecific differences were observed concerning carbohydrate requirements. For red spruce, 6% fructose was found best for embryo development, while no such preference was observed for black spruce. No significant difference was observed in the number of embryos produced with 6% sucrose or 3% sucrose plus an equimolar concentration of either mannitol, sorbitol, or myo-inositol in the maturation medium, suggesting that the effect of the carbohydrate on the maturation was partly osmotic.  相似文献   

Soil Ca depletion because of acidic deposition-related soil chemistry changes has led to the decline of forest productivity and carbon sequestration in the northeastern USA. In 1999, acidic watershed (WS) 1 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH, USA was amended with Ca silicate to restore soil Ca pools. In 2006, soil samples were collected from the Ca-amended (WS1) and reference watershed (WS3) for comparison of bacterial community composition between the two watersheds. The sites were about 125?m apart and were known to have similar stream chemistry and tree populations before Ca amendment. Ca-amended soil had higher Ca and P, and lower Al and acidity as compared with the reference soils. Analysis of bacterial populations by PhyloChip revealed that the bacterial community structure in the Ca-amended and the reference soils was significantly different and that the differences were more pronounced in the mineral soils. Overall, the relative abundance of 300 taxa was significantly affected. Numbers of detectable taxa in families such as Acidobacteriaceae, Comamonadaceae, and Pseudomonadaceae were lower in the Ca-amended soils, while Flavobacteriaceae and Geobacteraceae were higher. The other functionally important groups, e.g. ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosomonadaceae, had lower numbers of taxa in the Ca-amended organic soil but higher in the mineral soil.  相似文献   


A, assimilation rate
a, fractionation against 13C for CO2 diffusion through air
b, net fractionation against 13C during CO2 fixation
Ca, ambient CO2 concentration
Cc, CO2 concentration at the chloroplast
Ci, intercellular CO2 concentration
D, vapour pressure deficit
En, needle transpiration rate
Ep, whole plant water use
gw, leaf internal transfer conductance to CO2
gs, stomatal conductance to water vapour
L, projected leaf area
NUE, nitrogen use efficiency
PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate
Rubisco, ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase
TDR, time domain reflectometry
WUE, water use efficiency
Δ, carbon isotope discrimination
δ13C, carbon isotope abundance parameter
δ13Ca, carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2
θ, volumetric soil water content

The effect of nitrogen stress on needle δ13C, water-use efficiency (WUE) and biomass production in irrigated and dry land white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings was investigated. Sixteen hundred seedlings, representing 10 controlled crosses, were planted in the field in individual buried sand-filled cylinders. Two nitrogen treatments were imposed, nitrogen stressed and fertilized. The ranking of δ13C of the crosses was maintained across all combinations of water and nitrogen treatments and there was not a significant genetic versus environmental interaction. The positive relationships between needle δ13C, WUE and dry matter production demonstrate that it should be possible to use δ13C as a surrogate for WUE, and to select for increased WUE without compromising yield, even in nitrogen deficient environments. Nitrogen stressed seedlings had the lowest needle δ13C in both irrigated and dry land conditions. There was a positive correlation between needle nitrogen content and δ13C that was likely associated with increased photosynthetic capacity. There was some indication that decreased nitrogen supply led to increased stomatal conductance and hence lower WUE. There was a negative correlation between intrinsic water use efficiency and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). This suggests that white spruce seedlings have the ability to maximize NUE when water becomes limited. There was significant genetic variation in NUE that was maintained across treatments. Our results suggest that in white spruce, there is no detectable effect of anaplerotic carbon fixation and that it is more appropriate to use a value of 29‰ (‘Rubisco only’) for the net discrimination against 13C during CO2 fixation. This leads to excellent correspondence between values of Ci/Ca derived from gas exchange measurements or from δ13C.  相似文献   

To test for the effects of far‐red light on preventing budset in Picea abies , seedlings of six populations originating from latitudes between 67°N and 47°N were grown for 4–8 weeks in continuous incandescent (metal halogen) light at 300 µmol m−2 s−1 and 20°C and then transferred, at the same temperature, to a daily regime of 8 h incandescent light (300 µmol m−2 s−1) followed by 16 h cool white fluorescent light (40 µmol m−2 s−1). (Cool white lamps are deficient in far‐red light, with a R/FR ratio of 7.5 compared with 2.0 for the incandescent lamps.) All the seedlings from 67° and 80% of those from 64° stopped extension growth and set terminal buds within 28 days of the change of regime. The seedlings from 61° and further south continued growing, as did control seedlings from 67° grown as above but with incandescent light at 20 µmol m−2 s−1 replacing cool white illumination. To distinguish between a clinal and ecotypic pattern of variation, the interval between 64° and 59° was investigated by growing populations originating from that area in the same regimes as before. After 28 days in the cool white day‐extension regime, the percentage budset was 86 for the population from 64°, 0 for the population from 59° and 25–50 for the intermediate populations; i.e. the populations showed a clinal variation in requirement for far‐red light according to latitude. Thus northern populations of Picea abies appear to behave as 'light‐dominant' plants for the photoperiodic control of extension growth and budset, whereas the more southern populations behave as 'dark‐dominant' plants.  相似文献   

Extensive investigations on the fine root status of declining and healthy spruce were conducted in several stands at higher elevations of the Bavarian Forest heavily affected by needle yellowing. In most of the root parameters recorded, yellowing trees had significantly lower values than neighbouring green trees. Tight correlations were found between decreasing fine root density and crown transparency, degree of yellowing (increasing) and needle Mg (Ca) contents (decreasing), respectively. Although growing on the same substrate, green trees showed much better Mg (Ca) nutrition than yellow trees, indicating that poor fine root status contributes to Mg (Ca) deficiency in yellowing spruce. Experiments with spruce seedlings growing in soil samples from yellowing stands proved that needle symptoms can easily be reproduced on the seedlings under controlled conditions (i.e. in the absence of adverse atmospheric factors). Furthermore, reduced fine root systems and severe root damage were observed on seedlings grown in soils from yellowing stands, but not on those in soils from green stands. Adding a layer of soil from a yellow stand to a soil from a green stand caused a decrease of root parameters. Needle as well as root symptoms in these experiments were largely ameliorated after soils had been heat (autoclaving, sterilisation) or fungicide treated. Plants from treated soils had significantly longer roots and more root tips. The results of our study indicate that Mg deficiency leading to severe needle yellowing in stands at higher elevations of the Bavarian Forest is at least partially mediated by fine root disorders. Also, strong evidence is presented that fine root damage on trees in the affected stands is caused by soilborne micro-organisms, most likely fungi. Their exact identity, however, still remains to be unravelled.  相似文献   

For each of three nuclear gene loci, intraspecific- as well as trans-specific shared polymorphisms were detected in DNA among three distantly related species in the genus Picea. Few fixed interspecific polymorphisms were observed. Allele genealogies did not match species phylogenies, and species lineages were not reciprocally monophyletic. Based on molecular clocks and morphological evidence from the fossil record, the divergence time between species was estimated at 13-20 million years (my), and a mutation rate of 2.23 × 10(-10) to 3.42 × 10(-10) per site per year was estimated. Large historical population sizes in excess of 100?000 were inferred, which would have delayed the fixation of polymorphisms. These numbers translated into allele coalescence times in the order of 10 to 18 my, which implies the sharing of polymorphisms since common ancestry. These results suggest that trans-species shared polymorphisms might be frequent at plant nuclear gene loci, leading to high allelic diversity. Such a trend is more likely in trees and plants characterized by ecological and life-history determinants favoring large population sizes such as an outcrossing mating system, wind pollination, and a dominant position in ecosystem. These polymorphisms also call for caution in estimating congeneric species phylogenies from nuclear gene sequences in such plant groups.  相似文献   

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