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BAKER  H. G. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(3):433-446
A survey of pollen- and stigma-dimorphism and monomorphism inthe genus Limonium (as understood at present) reveals considerableheterogeneity which is useful for the solution of taxonomic,phylogenetic, and phytogeographic problems. Two main pollen types (A and B) and two main stigma types (coband papillate) occur in the genus. Capitate stigmata also occur. ‘Type A’ pollen has frequently been found in conjunctionwith ‘papillate’ stigmata as a secondarily monomorphic(self-compatible) combination and this must have arisen at leastfour times in the genus as well as in Armeria. ‘Type B’pollen and ‘cob’ stigmata are recorded togetherfor the first time (also as a secondarily monomorphic, self-compatiblecombination) in L. echioides. Apomixis, already discovered insubsections Densiflorae and Dissitiflorae, has been found inL. cosyrense of the subsection Steirocladae. The taxonomic and phylogenetic significance of the facts indiscussed.  相似文献   

The seed coat structure and histochemistry of Abelmoschus esculentuswere studied by bright-field, fluorescence and scanning electronmicroscopy. The seed coat was typical of species of the Malvaceae.The endotesta cells had inner tangential walls which were verythick and autofluorescent. The occurrence of phenolic substancesat this level has been related to seed coat imposed dormancy.The palisade cells were composed of three differently shapedparts: an upper ‘prismatic part’, a medium ‘transitionpart’ and a lower ‘twisted part’. The formerwas rich in hydrophilic substances, the latter was lignified.The swelling of the ‘prismatic parts’ was relatedto seed coat cracks. The region controlling onset of water entrywas thought to be the chalazal area. Thanks to the presenceof a large amount of highly acidic polysaccharide, water wasable to penetrate from the permeable maternal tissue, throughthe chalazal cap and plug as far as the boundary between thepalisade and underlying mesophyll. During imbibition of watera kidney-shaped ‘blister’ was seen to rise, formedby separation of the palisade cells from an underlying singlelayer of subpalisade cells. The palisade layer forming the blisterroof showed the same histochemical characteristic of other seedregions. The single layer of the blister floor showed an affinitywith Toluidine Blue O and Alcian blue. Both blister roof andfloor were strongly autofluorescent. Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, okra, seed coat, chalazal region, water entry, structure, histochemistry  相似文献   

Continuous flooding of the soil (‘flooded’ treatment)gave best growth of IR-8 variety of rice whereas soil drainedfor 4 weeks and then flooded for 8 (‘drained and flooded’treatment) resulted in poorest growth and chlorotic plants.Plants grown in the continuously drained soil (‘drained’treatment) and those in the soil flooded for 4 weeks and thendrained for 8 (‘flooded and drained’ treatment)showed intermediate growth. There were no differences in therelative water content of plants growing in the various treatments.Analyses of plant tissues showed that a consideration of therelative concentration of Fe, Mn, and P in the shoots is mostclosely related to the performance of rice under various culturalconditions. An increase in the concentration of Fe in the planttissues following flooding was correlated with the best growth(‘flooded’ treatment) unless it was accompaniedby high level of Mn (as in the ‘drained and flooded’treatment) which may have proved toxic, e.g. by interferencewith Fe metabolism as was evidenced by chlorosis. Measurementsof oxidation-reduction potentials, oxygen diffusion rates, andthe concentration of exchangeable and soluble Fe and Mn in thesoils have shown that the ‘drained and flooded’treatment caused the most extreme reducing conditions. Floodingaccompanied by the development of extreme reducing conditionsled to a greater accumulation of Mn in the shoots (‘drainedand flooded’ treatment) whereas flooding accompanied bythe maintenance of oxidizing conditions (‘flooded’treatment) resulted in a lower uptake of Mn. Growth of riceplants for 4 weeks in the drained soil did not fit them forthe reduced conditions which developed during subsequent flooding(‘drained and flooded’ treatment).  相似文献   

Growth analysis is based on equations that are ‘identities’because they are algebraically self-evident, whereas the moredeterministic models of plant growth are based on ‘conditionalequations’ that represent quantitative hypotheses. Growthanalytical studies consequently focus on the values of the componentsand not on the validity of the equations, whereas ‘validation’is a prime concern for other growth models. Implications ofmeasurement theory, of dependent and independent variables andof compensating components arise in the use of both types ofequation for quantifying growth. There is now available a rangeof approaches, from traditional growth analysis, through variousdevelopments of growth analysis including light conversion analysis,to complex mechanistic models of growth. Growth analysis, yield component analysis, light conversion analysis, mathematical models, measurement theory, derived quantities, independent variables, equations of growth  相似文献   

A simple expression has been derived to predict the rate ofnet K uptake into exponentially growing plants of Lemna minor.Net uptake predictions are in good quantitative agreement withmeasurements of ‘steady-state’ K influx, indicatingthat, in the ‘steady state’, K movements in theplant are essentially undirectional and that efflux is small.This close matching of inward K movement to the demands of theexpanding tissue is temporarily disturbed if plants are transferredto media of different K status. Uptake rates in the ‘step-up’are initially enhanced and then fall gradually towards a new‘steady-state’ rate. In contrast, the ‘step-down’causes an initial depression of uptake and then rates increasegradually towards the new ‘steady-state’ rate. Itis argued that these changes in uptake rates are associatedwith alterations in the cytoplasmic K content.  相似文献   

The effects of the foliar application of phytocidal concentrationsof 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) on change in totaldry weight, and in ‘available carbohydrate’ (starch,‘total’ and ‘reducing’ sugars), totalnitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium of ‘tops’and roots of tomato plants have been followed over a periodof 14 days following spraying. There were two main treatments—‘nutrient’(nutrient supply to roots continued after spraying) and ‘water’(distilled water only supplied to roots after spraying) and‘water’ (distilled water only supplied to rootsafter spraying)—the sub-treatments consisting of ‘MCPA’versus ‘no-MCPA’ for each of the main treatments.Twelve different times of sampling were used. In analysing the present data, the quantity ‘residualdry weight’ (total dry weight less ‘available carbohydrate’),which was originally introduced by Mason and Maskell as a basisof reference for analyses of plant organs in short-period experimentsnot involving appreciable growth, has been used as an estimateof the permanent structure of plant growth. This new use ofthe ‘residual dry weight’ basis has brought outimportant features which were obscured when the data were leftin their primary form (as percentages of total dry weight oramounts per plant). Growth, as measured by increase in ‘residual dry weight’,was greatly inhibited by 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acidshortly after spraying, in both the presence and the absenceof nutrient. In the presence of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, netassimilation rate (estimated as rate of increase in total dryweight per gram ‘residual dry weight’ of the ‘tops’)was greatly diminished while uptake of total nitrogen and ofP2O5 (estimated as increase in total nitrogen or of P2O5 ofthe whole plant per day per 1 g. ‘residual dry weight’of the roots) appeared to undergo a similar but much smallerdiminution. It seemed probable, however, that in the presenceof MCPA a larger proportion of the carbohydrate actually formedwas utilized for synthesis of aminoacids and protein. In the plant as a whole there was no evidence of actual depletionof ‘available carbohydrate’ as a result of MCPAtreatment, this fraction showing a steady increase in all treatmentsthroughout the experiment. The rate of increase was, however,much reduced by MCPA treatment. The ‘tops’ presentedmuch the same picture as the whole plant, but for the rootsthe situation was quite different. While the roots of the ‘no-MCPA’plants and also of the ‘MCPA-water’ plants showeda steady increase in available carbohydrate, those of the ‘MCPA-nutrient’plants rose only very slightly (from the initial value of 8mg. per plant to about 10 mg.) during the first 2 days, andthen in the next 2 days declined to a value (about 6 mg.) belowthe initial and remained at this low level for the rest of theexperiment. It is suggested that the phytocidal effect of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyaceticacid in the presence of nutrient may be due to depletion ofthe ‘available carbohydrate’ supplies in the roots,which is shown to be brought about, in part, by reduced transportfrom the tops, and partly by the relatively greater utilizationof the carbohydrate present. These results offer an explanationfor the facts that plants showing vigorous growth are more easilykilled by MCPA and that perennial plants, particularly thosewith storage tissues in their roots, are more resistant. Further,they suggest the useful practical application that MCPA treatmentshould be given when the carbohydrate reserves of the rootsare at a minimum. For perennial plants, conditions might beexpected to be optimal for the application of MCPA in late spring,at a time when the first ‘flush’ of growth is slowingdown and before any appreciable new reserves of carbohydratehave been accumulated. It was also shown that 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid preventedthe net synthesis of starch, but still permitted an appreciablenet formation of sucrose. 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid appeared to have no effecton the uptake of potassium, calcium, or of magnesium. The lackof effect on potassium is contrasted with the previous observationby Rhodes, Templeman, and Thruston (1950) that sub-lethal concentrationsof MCPA, applied over a relatively long period to the rootsof tomato plants, specifically depressed the uptake of potassium.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure of up to 2 h with sulphur dioxide ona range of plant species was observed by measuring changes inthe rate of net photosynthesis under closely controlled environmentalconditions. Ryegrass, Lolium perenne ‘S23’ was thespecies most sensitive to SO2; significant inhibition was detectedat 200 nl l–1. Fumigations at 300 nl l–1 also inhibitedphotosynthesis in field bean (Vicia faba cv. ‘Three FoldWhite’ and ‘Blaze’) and in barley (Hordeumvulgare cv. ‘Sonja’). No effect was detected inwheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ‘Virtue’) at concentrationsup to 600 nl l–1 SO2, or in oil-seed rape (Brassica napuscv. ‘Rafal’) except at 800 nl l–1 SO2). Recoverycommenced immediately after the fumigation was terminated andwas complete within 2 h when inhibition had not exceeded 20%during the SO2 treatment. Key words: Sulphur dioxide, short-term fumigation, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Barley and tomato plants were cultured in nutrient solutionsincluding 0.15 mol m–3 H2PO4. The phosphate supplywas discontinued and the subsequent effects on growth, internalphosphorus concentrations, phosphate absorption and translocationwere measured at frequent intervals. Growth rates were at firstunchanged and the internal phosphorus concentration decreased.During this phase the rate of phosphate transport by the rootssometimes increased significantly. Growth slowed more in shootsthan in roots during a second phase of stress development andvisual symptoms of deficiency appeared in tomato but not inbarley. During this phase, enhancement of phosphate uptake capacityreached a maximum in both species. The subsequent decline inuptake capacity was associated with visible symptoms of deficiencydeveloping in barley and intensifying in tomato. When stressedplants were returned to a solution containing 0.15 mol m–3H2PO4 rapid absorption continued for several days afterthe internal phosphorus concentration had returned to the levelof the controls. Phosphate toxicity may have been the causeof leaf lesions and necrosis during the ‘recovery’phase. Stomatal conductance in tomato was decreased at an early stageof stress development. Foliar-applied phosphate was absorbedmore rapidly by P-stressed barley leaves than by their controlsand much larger amounts were translocated from the leaves tothe roots.  相似文献   

Growth analysis of plants raised under controlled environments(10–5, 12, 15, 18 and 20 °C, and 21 h photoperiod)was used to examine whether varietal differences in the minimumgermination temperature of four bean cultivars persist duringgrowth at suboptimal temperatures. A method to estimate theminimum vegetative growth temperature, based on axis relativegrowth rate, was developed. In order to compensate for ontogeneticdrift, the harvests were conducted at the same stage of developmentof the plants. Axis relative growth rates, reduction rates ofthe cotyledons and other growth parameters were calculated inorder to compare the cultivars. Cultivar ‘Marschall’showed better growth potential at 12 °C than the others,‘Pergousa‘ at 15 °C, and ‘Marschall’,‘Olsok’ and ‘Pergousa’ at 18 and 20°C. The effect of temperature on axis RGR was similar for‘Marschall’, ‘Olsok’ and ‘Pergousa’(Q10 = 2·1) and more pronounced than for ‘Processor’(Q10 = 1·3). Although there were significant differencesin the growth parameters among the cultivars within each temperatureused, the differences did not correspond with the differencesduring germination at low temperatures. The minimum vegetativegrowth temperature was close to 10 °C for all the cultivarstested. Phaseolus vulgaris L., beans, suboptimum temperature, growth analysis, minimum germination temperature, minimum vegetative growth temperature  相似文献   

Recent molecular systematic and developmental genetic findingshave drawn attention to plant morphology as a discipline dealingwith the phenotypic appearance of plant forms. However, sincedifferent terms and conceptual frameworks have evolved overa period of more than 200 years, it is reasonable to surveythe history of plant morphology; this is the first of two paperswith this aim. The present paper deals with the historic conceptsof Troll, Zimmermann and Arber, which are based on Goethe'smorphology. Included are contrasting views of ‘unity anddiversity’, ‘position and process’, and ‘morphologyand phylogeny’, which, in part, are basic views of currentplant morphology, phylogenetic systematics and developmentalgenetics. Wilhelm Troll established the ‘type concept’and the ‘principle of variable proportions’. Hehas provided the most comprehensive overview of the positionalrelations of plant forms. Agnes Arber started from the universaldynamics of life and attempted to describe all structures asprocesses. She paid attention to ‘repetitive branching’,‘differential growth’, and ‘parallelism’.As a result she has recently been rediscovered by developmentalbotanists. Walter Zimmermann rejected any metaphysical influenceon plant form and instead called for objective procedures. Hewas mainly interested in phylogenetic ‘character transformation’and the ‘reconstruction of genealogical lines’.Guided by the example of flower-like inflorescences, a futurepaper will deal with functional and developmental constraintsinfluencing plant forms. Recent morphological concepts (‘trialectical’,‘continuum’/‘fuzzy’, ‘processmorphology’) will be discussed and related to currentmorphological and developmental genetic research. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Plant form, plant morphology, natural philosophy, homology, phylogeny, Goethe, Troll, Arber, Zimmermann, typology, character transformation, differential growth, complementarity  相似文献   

RAVEN  J. 《Annals of botany》2004,94(1):196-197
The back cover of this book states that ‘contrary to theclaims of the nativists, research shows that man-dispersed speciesincrease biological diversity, benefit ecosystems, and act asan important force for healing the planet’. This is anuncompromising statement, and David Theodoropoulos divides hisdevelopment of the arguments supporting this statement intothree parts. Part I (Chapters 1–6) is ‘Nature, Dispersaland Reaction’. Part II (Chapters 7 and 8) is ‘Why?Psychology, Politics and Pseudoscience’. Part III (Chapters9–11) is ‘Humanity and Diversity’. There isalso an ‘Introduction’ including a summary of findingsand ‘An outline for a new theory of anthropogenic dispersal’,  相似文献   

Marked changes in the activity of the ‘de novo’and ‘salvage’ pathways of pyrimidine biosynthesisduring growth of Vinca rosea cells in a batch suspension culturewere observed. The activity of these pathways was investigated by determiningthe contribution of 14C of [2-14Cluracil, 12-14Cluridine. and[6-14Clorotate to the cell constituents and by measuring theactivity of the several enzymes of these pathways. During the lag phase of the culture, ‘uracil-’ and‘uridine-salvage’ pathways made the predominantcontribution to nucleotide biosynthesis, but, following theinitiation of cell division, the ‘de novo’ pathwayfor nucleotide biosynthesis operated appreciably. These results suggest that nucleotide synthesis during cellgrowth in a suspension culture can be divided into two stages:a ‘turnover stage’, during the lag phase of cellgrowth, and a ‘true biosynthetic stage’, which isinitiated in the cell division phase.  相似文献   

DREW  KATHLEEN M. 《Annals of botany》1954,18(2):183-184
As the first step in an investigation of the life-history ofPorphyra umbilicalis (L.) Kütz. var. laciniata (Lightf.)J. Ag., spores which have originated as a result of the repeateddivision of the mother-cells have been germinated. When grownon glass their method of germination and growth agrees withthat described by previous investigators, but when germinatedon sterile shell the germ-tubes penetrate the shell and developinto growths identical with Conchocelis rosea Batters. This‘species’, therefore, is a phase in the life-historyof P. umbilicalis var. laciniata and not an autonomous species.The development of the ‘Conchocelis’-phase in cultureis described and also the formation of fertile cell-rows and‘plantlets’. Until the significance of these structuresis understood and a cytological investigation completed, therelationship of the intertidal leafy Porphyra-thallua to thefilamentous, shell-inhabiting, deep-water Conchocelis cannotbe expressed in the terms usually employed to denote the variousphases of the life-histories of algae.  相似文献   

Changes in the major alcohol-soluble, low molecular weight carbohydratesof P. purpurea, O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-2)-glycerol (‘floridoside’)and O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-1)-glycerol (‘isofloridoside’),have been examined in response to salinity variation. ‘Floridoside’is shown to vary in absolute amount, increasing in hypersalineand decreasing in hyposaline media. ‘Isofloridoside’content per cell does not change in a similar manner. Responsesare almost identical under light or dark conditions, ‘floridoside’changes being complete within 24 h. Decreasing the externalwater potential using ionic and non-ionic solutes has the sameeffect upon galactosyl-glycerol content. The amount of ‘floridoside’synthesized, and degraded under hypersaline and hyposaline conditionsrespectively is shown to be insufficient to restore cell volumeto its original value. It is therefore suggested that the primaryfunction of ‘floridoside’ increases in concentratedsea-waters is that of a compatible solute, serving to protectthe cell during periods when the external salt content is increaseddramatically.  相似文献   

‘Heavy’ mitochondrial preparations of bean, cauliflower,and rat liver have been found to give unimodal distributionfor electrophoretic mobility against number of particles. ThepH-mean mobility curves were similar in form and consistentwith the mitochondrial surfaces being lipoproteins. de Duve (1959) separated ‘heavy’ and ‘light’(lysosome-rich) mitochondrial fractions from rat liver. Microelectrophoreticstudies on similar ‘heavy’ and ‘light’mitochondrial preparations from rat liver have shown the latterto consist mostly of mitochondria with some faster-moving particlestentatively identified with de Duve's lysosomes. ‘Light’mitochondrial preparations of bean showed no evidence of particlesadditional to mitochondria.  相似文献   

Rooted shoots of the black currant with fewer than 20 nodes,taken from mature bushes, cannot be induced to initiate flowersby short-day treatment. This ‘juvenile’ conditionhas been shown to be unrelated to ‘size’ attributes,such as leaf area, but is associated with the proximity of theshoot tips to the roots. Aerial rooting on long ‘mature’shoots prevents flower initiation. Gibberellic acid applicationprevents flowering in mature shoots, as do high levels of IBA.Cytokinins have no effect. Abscisic acid and CCC applicationgave some promotion of flowering in long shoots in long-day,but did not overcome the ‘juvenility’ of short shoots.Gibberellin assay reveals activity in the roots and lower partsof stems, while none could be detected in the tops of long shoots.It is suggested that the correlation between shoot length andgibberellin activity may be decisive in determining juvenilityin the black currant and possibly other species.  相似文献   

The presence of a ‘tertiary’ apertural ‘notch’has been recorded in some species of Gemmula (subfamily Turrinae)and in Aforia circinata (Turriculinae). Studies of a large seriesof the new species Gemmula lordhoweensis confirms the presenceof the notch in adult females. The presence of the notch maybe connected with the processes of fertilization or oviposition. (Received 23 March 1990; accepted 25 June 1990)  相似文献   

HARDWICK  R. C. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(6):807-812
A consideration of recent papers on ‘integrated growthanalysis’ and ‘light conversion analysis’leads to an examination of the assumptions which underlie plantgrowth analysis. It is suggested that these assumptions areless tenable than they were when growth analysis was first devised.Some more appropriate alternatives are briefly examined. Growth analysis, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, light interception, light utilization, adaptive control, yield analysis  相似文献   

p. 186, right column line 11 ‘27.2 KBq’ change to‘37.2 MBq’ p. 187, left column line 8 ‘27.2 KBq’ change to‘37.2 MBq’ line 10 ‘13.6 KBq’ change to ‘18.6 MBq’ line 11 ‘13.6 KBq’ change to ‘18.6 MBq’ line 21 ‘89%’ change to ‘80%’ right column line 24 ‘CLC-NH4’ change to ‘CLC-NH2’ P. 189, Table 1 appeared incorrectly: it should appear as indicated.  相似文献   

KRISHNAMURTHY  V. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(1):147-176
1. Vegetative mitosis of Porphyra umbilicalis var. laciniatais normal, the chromosome number as seen in late prophase beingfive. Special features of this mitosis are the appearance ofseveral stained chromatin segments in early pro-phase and theformation of a crescent-shaped group of chromosomes during metaphaseand anaphase. 2. Genuine monospores have not been seen in the material investigated. 3. Both spores and spermatia arise by repeated division of amother-cell and in identical ways. Evidence is presented toshow that the first division in the mother-cell forming sporesis longitudinal. There is no evidence of reduction divisionin this division, and the chromosome number in the mother-cellis five. 4. The first division in the germinating spore is mitotic andshows five chromosomes. 5. The Conchocelis-phase is haploid throughout and produces‘fertile cell rows’ and ‘plantlets’,but spore liberation has not been observed. It is suggestedthat the ‘plantlets’ may grow out directly intothe leafy phase or may give rise to spores according to prevailingenvironmental conditions. 6. No evidence of sexual reproduction has been obtained in thepresent work and the role of the spermatium in the life-cycleis not clear. It is suggested that further work may profitablybe concerned with investigating the nature of the spermatium.  相似文献   

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