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Circadian clock system in the pineal gland   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Circadian programming in cyanobacteria.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Prokaryotic cyanobacteria express robust circadian (daily) rhythms under the control of a timing mechanism that is independent of the cell division cycle. This biological clock orchestrates global regulation of gene expression. Competition experiments demonstrate that fitness is enhanced when the circadian period is consonant with the period of the environmental cycle. Mutational analyses have identified three clock genes in the organism, one of which is related to DNA recombinases and helicases. We propose a new model for the core 'clockwork' that implicates rhythmic changes in the status of the chromosome that underly the rhythms of gene expression.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic cyanobacteria express robust circadian (daily) rhythms under the control of a timing mechanism that is independent of the cell division cycle. This biological clock orchestrates global regulation of gene expression and controls the timing of cell division. Proteins that may be involved in input pathways have been identified. Mutational screening has identified three clock genes that are organized as a gene cluster. The structure of cyanobacterial clock proteins, their phosphorylation, and regulation is described. A new model for the core clockwork in cyanobacteria proposes that rhythmic changes in the status of the chromosome underlie the rhythms of gene expression. Mixed-strain experiments demonstrate that this timekeeper confers adaptive value when different strains compete against each other.  相似文献   

A circadian clock, with physiological characteristics similar to those of eukaryotes, functions in the photosynthetic prokaryote, cyanobacteria. The molecular mechanism of this clock has been efficiently dissected using a luciferase reporter gene that reports the status of the clock. A circadian clock gene cluster, kaiABC, has been cloned via rhythm mutants of cyanobacterium, Synechococcus, and many clock mutations mapped to the three kai genes. Although kai genes do not share any homology with clock genes so far identified in eukaryotes, analysis of their expression suggests that a negative feedback control of kaiC expression by KaiC generates the circadian oscillation and that KaiA functions as a positive factor to sustain this oscillation. BioEssays 22:10-15, 2000.  相似文献   

Physical interactions among clock-related proteins KaiA, KaiB, KaiC, and SasA are proposed to be important for circadian function in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Here we show that the Kai proteins and SasA form heteromultimeric protein complexes dynamically in a circadian fashion. KaiC forms protein complexes of approximately 350 and 400-600 kDa during the subjective day and night, respectively, and serves as a core of the circadian protein complexes. This change in the size of the KaiC-containing complex is accompanied by nighttime-specific interaction of KaiA and KaiB with KaiC. In various arrhythmic mutants that lack each functional Kai protein or SasA, circadian rhythms in formation of the clock protein complex are abolished, and the size of the protein complexes is dramatically affected. Thus, circadian-regulated formation of the clock protein complexes is probably a critical process in the generation of circadian rhythm in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Male Australian field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus , Walker) reared in LD 12:12 h were transferred to LL at different developmental stages and the timing of their circadian calling song rhythm was analysed in regard to the previous zeitgeber. The phase settings for the onset and end of activity were similar in crickets experiencing the LD/LL transition: (i) 3–52 days after the final moult, (ii) within 24 h before the final moult, or (iii) 1–10 days before the final moult. For all groups the results reveal entrainment of the circadian mechanism at the last LD, thus excluding age-related differences. The rhythms of crickets, transferred from LD to LL as larval instars and also exposed to a reduced temperature (5–8oC) during their last night, were delayed by about 11 h, an effect similar to that in adult crickets after a comparable cold exposure (Loher & Wiedenmann, 1981).
The results are interpreted showing that the circadian control of (the adult's) calling song already functions in the previous (non-singing) larval stages. Since the rhythmicity continued through moults and sexual maturation, it is concluded that the control centres regulating those physiological processes (e.g. pars intercerebralis, corpora allata) are not essential to the basic circadian mechanism.  相似文献   

Comment on: Mercier Zuber A, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009; In press.  相似文献   

Summary The photoperiodic clock in quail (Coturnix colurnix japonica) is based upon a rhythm of photoinducibility (Øi) but the extent to which this rhythm is circadian remains unclear. Two types of experiment investigated this situation. In the first, gonadectomized quail were adapted to live in periods of darkness by training them on a schedule containing one short day and 3 days of darkness (SD/DD/DD/DD). They were then exposed to a single pulse of 6 or 10 h of light at different times across 3 days of darkness. The photoperiodic response, measured by the increase in LH secretion, showed clear rhythmicity, demonstrating unequivocally the circadian nature of Øi. The second set of experiments employed Nanda-Hamner cycles and varied the length of the photoperiod from 6 to 11 h. Responsiveness in a 36 h or a 60 h cycle was highly dependent upon the length of the photoperiod, something not predicted from theory. For instance, LD 6:30 was not photoperiodically inductive but LD 10:26 was clearly inductive. Close analysis of patterns of LH secretion indicated an unexpected delay before induction occurred and then a rapid rise to a stable level of induction. When LH was measured in every pulse under LD 10:26 there was no evidence that LH levels alternately increased and decreased. This is not consistent with the simplest interpretation of Nanda-Hamner experiments where alternate pulses of light are thought to entrain the rhythm or induce a photoperiodic response by coinciding with Øi. It is concluded that the quail's photoinducible rhythm is indeed based on a circadian rhythm but one that is only weakly self-sustaining. Possibly as a consequence of this, the rhythm's behaviour under abnormal photoperiodic cycles may be rather different from that found in other species and from other circadian rhythms in quail.Abbreviations Øi photoinducible phase - LH luteinizing hormone  相似文献   

Summary Experiments using various light-dark (LD) conditions demonstrated that an endogenous circadian clock controls gut-purge timing in the saturniid mothSamia cynthia ricini. A phase-response curve (PRC) based on the application of brief (15 min) light pulses is used to characterize the underlying pacemaking oscillation. The entrainment of the pacemaker to various LD cycles is interpreted in terms of this PRC. The effect of light immediately preceding gut purge was analyzed to account for the deviation of the actual gut-purge rhythm from the prediction made by considering only the action of the oscillation. Lack of precision in gut-purge timing in LD cycles with a very short scotophase has been explained by the failure of the oscillation in these conditions to attain the specific phase-point at which the clock information dictating gut-purge timing is released.Abbreviations AZT arbitrary Zeitgeber time - CT circadian time - PRC phase response curve  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus is the principal component of a neural timing system implicated in the temporal organization of circadian and seasonal processes. The present study was performed to analyze the circadian profiles of two major neuropeptidergic cell groups in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus. To that end the brains of 40 human subjects collected at autopsy were investigated. The populations of arginine vasopressin- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing neurons, located in the shell and core of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, respectively, showed marked circadian rhythms with an asymmetrical, bimodal waveform. Time series analysis revealed that these circadian cycles in neuronal activity could be described by a composite model consisting of a nonlinear periodic function, with mono- and diphasic cycles. The findings suggest that the 24-h biosynthesis of neuropeptides in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus, being part of the neural output pathway of the clock, is driven by a complex pacemaker system consisting of coupled nonlinear oscillators, in accordance with a multioscillator model of circadian timekeeping.Abbreviations AIC Akaikie's information criterion - ARMA autoregressive moving average - AVP arginine vasopressin - c-fos immediate early gene - Per period gene - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - VIP vasoactive intestinal polypeptide  相似文献   

All circadian clock genes discovered in Drosophila have mammalian counterparts with extensive sequence homology. Similarities and differences have been identified between insect and mammalian oscillators. Recent studies have shed new light on two mammalian clock components: Mop3 and Per2.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are the simplest organisms known to have a circadian system. In addition to the three well-studied kai genes, kaiA, kaiB, and kaiC, an important element of this system is a two-component sensory transduction histidine kinase sasA. Using publicly available data of complete prokaryotic genomes, we performed structural and phylogenetic analyses of the sasA genes. Results show that this gene has a triple-domain structure, and the domains are under different selective constraints. The sasA gene originated in cyanobacteria probably through the fusion of the ancestral kaiB gene with a double-domain, two-component sensory transduction histidine kinase. The results of the phylogenetic analyses suggest that sasA emerged before the kaiA gene, about 3,000-2,500 MYA, and has evolved in parallel with the evolution of the kaiBC cluster. The observed concordant patterns of the sasA and kaiBC evolution suggest that these genes might compose an ancient KaiBC-SasA-based circadian system, without the kaiA gene, and that such a system still exists in some unicellular cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

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