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The crystal structure of [(4-bromo)Phe4,Met5]enkephalin (Tyr-Gly-Gly-(4-bromo)-Phe-Met) shows two independent molecular conformations. The molecules are arranged in parallel in a head-to-tail fashion and form an antiparallel beta-sheet structure involving intermolecular hydrogen bonds. This dimeric beta-structure is also observed in the [Met5]enkephalin crystal, in spite of their different crystal packing environments, which shows the energetic stability of this molecular conformation. The three-dimensional similarity between the dimeric beta-structure and the beta-turn form is discussed in the relation to the opioid delta and mu receptors.  相似文献   

P W Schiller  B Eggimann  T M Nguyen 《Life sciences》1982,31(16-17):1777-1780
Analogs of dynorphin-(1-13) with modifications in the enkephalin segment were compared with correspondingly modified analogs of [Leu5]enkephalin in the guinea pig ileum (GPI) and mouse vas deferens (MVD) assay as well as in mu- and delta-receptor selective binding assays. The obtained results indicate that a) the enkephalin binding domain of the dynorphin (kappa) receptor has structural requirements which are distinct from those of the enkephalin binding site at the mu-receptor and b) the introduction of an identical conformational constraint in [Leu5]enkephalin and in the enkephalin segment of dynorphin-(1-13) produces a superpotent agonist in both cases. Fluorescence energy transfer measurements with the active [4-tryptophan]analogs of dynorphin-(1-13) and [Leu5]enkephalin and with dynorphin-(1-17) demonstrated a more extended conformation of the N-terminal tetrapeptide segment in [Trp4]dynorphin-(1-13) than in [Trp4, Leu5]enkephalin as well as the absence of an interaction between the N- and C-terminal segments of dynorphin-(1-17).  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction studies of nucleoprotamine structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The synthesis of some [Leu5]enkephalin derivatives is described in which D-glucose has been linked to the opioid pentapeptide through the ester bond involving the carboxyl function at the C-terminal with C-1 or C-6 of the D-glucopyranose moiety. Enkephalin derivatives were assayed for opioid activity and found to be full agonists in bioassays based on inhibition of electrically evoked contractions of the guinea pig ileum (GPI) and of the mouse vas deferens (MVD). The obtained results suggest that the opioid activity of the tested glucoconjugates depend upon the ester bond position in the molecule. Whereas 1-O conjugate 5 was somewhat more potent than [Leu5]enkephalin in the GPI assay, the 6-O conjugates, with the exception of 1-O-benzyl derivative 11, were considerably less potent. All enkephalin derivatives were delta-receptor selective; in particular, the acetylated analog 8 was three times more delta-receptor selective than [Leu5]enkephalin.  相似文献   

Analogs of opioid pentapeptide [D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin were prepared using two kinds of N-methylation reactions, namely quaternization and amide-methylation. Quaternization reaction with CH3I-KHCO3 in methanol was applied to the deprotected N-terminal group of the pentapeptide derivatives affording trimethylammonium group-containing analogs. [Me3+Tyr1,D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin and its amide were found to show opioid activity on guinea pig ileium assay only slightly lower than the parent unmethylated peptides. Application of amide-methylation reaction using CH3I-Ag2O in DMF to the protected pentapeptide yielded a pentamethyl derivative in which all of the five N atoms were methylated. Deprotection of the derivative gave pentamethyl analogs of [D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin, which showed no significant activity on the guinea pig ileum assay and opiate-receptor binding assay.  相似文献   

Model calculations are presented in order to interpret the X-ray diffraction diagrams given by chromatin gels. It is shown that by taking into account the hydration of chromatin subunits, the problem of calculating the interference function in concentrated gels is greatly simplified. In this way it is spossible to fully interpret the influence of concentration on the position and intensity of the various rings present in the X-ray diffraction patterns. The possibilities and limitations of models based on spherical symmetry are also discussed. It is concluded that each chromatin subunit most likely contains three turns of DNA in each 200 base pairs segment surrounding a central protein core. With the method presented here it is possible to test if other models of chromatin based on different kinds of evidence are compatible with the X-ray diffraction data.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of 2-isopropyl-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (thymoquinone) and its thermal behavior--as necessary physical and chemical properties--were determined in order to enhance the current understanding of thymoquinone chemical action by using high resolution x-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and 3 thermo-analytical techniques thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The findings obtained with high-resolution x-ray powder diffraction and molecular location methods based on a simulated annealing algorithm after Rietveld refinement showed that the triclinic unit cell was a = 6.73728(8) A, b = 6.91560(8) A, c = 10.4988(2) A, alpha = 88.864(2) degrees, beta = 82.449(1) degrees, gamma = 77.0299(9) degrees; cell volume = 472.52(1) A3, Z = 2, and space group P1. In addition, FTIR spectrum revealed absorption bands corresponding to the carbonyl and C-H stretching of aliphatic and vinylic groups characteristically observed in such p-benzoquinones. Also, a chemical decomposition process starting at 65 degrees C and ending at 213 degrees C was noted when TGA was used. DSC allowed for the determination of onset at 43.55 degrees C and a melting enthalpy value of DeltaH(m) = 110.6 J/g. The low value obtained for the fusion point displayed a van der Waals pattern for molecular binding, and the thermograms performed evidence that thymoquinone can only be found in crystalline triclinic form, as determined by DRX methods.  相似文献   

The conformation of [Leu5]enkephalin has been studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy in media more like the actual environment in which the agonist-receptor interaction takes place than water, i.e. in three cryoprotective mixtures (dimethylformamide/water, methanol/water and ethylene glycol/water), in aqueous SDS and in two neat solvents, dimethylformamide and acetonitrile, whose dielectric constants (36.7 and 37.5) are intermediate between that of water and that of the lipid phase. In all cases examined, contrary to the studies in water or dimethylsulfoxide, we were able to detect numerous nuclear Overhauser effects, indicating that the media employed favour well-defined structures and/or reduce the internal motions of the peptide. Data from both organic solvents and cryoprotective mixtures suggest a 4----1 beta turn as the most probable structure of [Leu5]enkephalin in solution, whereas in SDS/H2O micelles the structural picture appears completely different, suggesting the presence of a 5----2 beta turn. The existence of two different preferred conformations of enkephalins may possibly be related to their ability to be effective towards both mu and delta opioid receptors.  相似文献   

Using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection to measure substrate disappearance and metabolite accumulation following addition of [Leu]enkephalin to samples prepared from chick brain in vitro, the following were found: 1. [Leu]enkephalin hydrolysis by whole forebrain homogenates is almost solely attributable to aminopeptidase MII activity. 2. [Leu]enkephalin hydrolysis by whole forebrain P2 membrane fractions is attributable to both aminopeptidase MII and dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase activity. 3. Differences are apparent in both [Leu]enkephalin disappearance and Tyr-Gly-Gly accumulation in P2 membrane fractions, but not in homogenate fractions, prepared from several regions of the chick brain.  相似文献   

The cyclic analogue of [Leu5]enkephalin--cyclo (Lys-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu) and two corresponding linear hexapeptides with lysine residue attached to the N- or C-terminus of the molecule have been synthesized by classical methods of peptide chemistry. The addition of lysine residue to the N-terminus of cyclization of the molecule reduce the interaction of these analogues with both central and peripheral opiate receptors. The addition of lysine residue to the C-terminus of the molecule through the epsilon-amino group does not affect the interaction of the analogue with mu-receptors but reduces approximately tenfold its affinity for delta-receptors. All three analogues have analgesic potency similar to that of [Leu5]enkephalin as assayed after intracisternal administration to mice.  相似文献   

N Sasaki  S Shiwa  S Yagihara  K Hikichi 《Biopolymers》1983,22(12):2539-2547
The temperature dependence of the humidity-sensitive spacing, d, related to the lateral packing of collagen molecules was measured for fully hydrated collagen. In the vicinity of 0°C, a sudden change in d was observed, which was reversible with temperature. In the diffraction profile, below 0°C, a set of diffraction peaks identified with the hexagonal crystalline form of ice was observed. With the reduction in water content, the intensity of the set of diffraction peaks decreased and was found to be zero at a water content of 0.38 g/g collagen. These results were considered to be caused by the frozen water in collagen fibril below 0°C. According to the water content dependence of d, it was considered that up to a certain water content water absorbed would be stowed in the intermolecular space of collagen and above that water content water molecules would aggregate to make pools, i. e., extrafibrillar spaces. The unfreezable bound water was considered to be located in the intermolecular space of collagen. Size of the extrafibrillar space, determined from the intensity analysis of a smallangle x-ray scattering pattern, corroborates the speculation that the water showed in the extrafibrillar space is freezable and free. The formation of the hexagonal crystalline form of ice in the extrafibrillar space was considered to cause the sudden change in d at 0°C.  相似文献   

The synthesis and isolation of 1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-5-iodo-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D,L-ribitol and N-[(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D,L-ribitol)-5-yl]trimethylammonium iodide are described. The products were examined by (1)H, (13)C NMR spectroscopy, and N-[(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D,L-ribitol)-5-yl]trimethylammonium iodide was additionally analyzed by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction studies of lecithin bilayers.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Counting the individuals in a population before and after an annual period of environmental stress allows the proportion s of the initial population surviving the period to be computed. A series of such observations over n annual periods gives a sequence s1, s2, …, sn. A statistical model is formulated from axioms describing the survival process, and it is concluded that these observed values may usefully be regarded as realizations of a random variable that arises from the normal generated distribution (n.g.d.). Equations for estimating the n.g.d. parameters ζ and τ2 from observed survival proportions by the method of moments and maximum likelihood are given. The distributions of parameter estimates ζ and τ2 are obtained and discussed in the context of testing hypotheses comparing survival among different populations. Finally, the dependence of the n.g.d. upon parameters ζ and τ2 is examined in terms of altering survival, either by population self-regulation mechanisms or man-induced controls. The intent is to provide insight into the relationship between the n.g.d. and its supporting axioms and, more generally, basic knowledge of population processes.  相似文献   

[D-Ala2,Leu5,Cys6]Enkephalin (DALCE) is a synthetic enkephalin analog which contains a sulfhydryl group. DALCE binds with high affinity to delta-receptors, with moderate affinity to mu-receptors, and with negligible affinity to kappa-receptors. Pretreatment of rat brain membranes with DALCE resulted in concentration-dependent loss of delta-binding sites. Using 2 nM [3H][D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (where Pen represents penicillamine) to label delta-sites, 50% loss of sites occurred at about 3 microM DALCE. Loss of sites was not reversed by subsequent incubation in buffer containing 250 mM NaCl and 100 microM guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), conditions which cause dissociation of opiate agonists. By contrast, the enkephalin analogs [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin, [D-Ser2,Leu5,Thr6]enkephalin, [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin, and [D-Ala2,D-Leu5,Lys6]enkephalin were readily dissociated by NaCl and Gpp(NH)p, producing negligible loss at 3 microM. This suggests that DALCE binds covalently to the receptors. Pretreatment of membranes with the reducing agents dithiothreitol and beta-mercaptoethanol had no effect on opiate binding. Thus, loss of sites required both specific recognition by opiate receptors and a thiol group. The irreversible effect of DALCE was completely selective for delta-receptors. Pretreatment with DALCE had no effect on binding of ligands to mu- or kappa-receptors. The effect of DALCE on delta-binding was: 1) markedly attenuated by inclusion of dithiothreitol in the preincubation buffer, 2) partially reversed by subsequent incubation with dithiothreitol, 3) slightly enhanced when converted to the disulfide-linked dimer, and 4) prevented by blocking the DALCE sulfhydryl group with N-ethylmaleimide or iodoacetamide. These results indicate that DALCE binds covalently to delta-receptors by forming a disulfide bond with a sulfhydryl group in the binding site. The mechanism may involve a thiol-disulfide exchange reaction.  相似文献   

Both [Leu]enkephalin and DPen2-[DPen5]enkephalin, a delta opioid receptor selective analog of [Leu]enkephalin, impaired acquisition of an automated shelf-jump response in rats. A similar level of impairment was produced by equimolar doses of the two enkephalins. As is seen for [Leu]enkephalin when tested in a one-way active avoidance task, the dose-response function for the impairment produced by DPen2-[DPen5]enkephalin in the automated shelf-jump task is U-shaped. These results, together with our previous findings that DPen2-[DPen5]enkephalin and [Leu]enkephalin both impair acquisition of a one-way active avoidance response in mice, and that [Leu]enkephalin impairs acquisition of that same response in rats, support our suggestion that delta opioid receptors are implicated in the effects of [Leu]enkephalin on conditioning. In addition, these results indicate that the involvement of delta opioid receptors in acquisition impairment extends to two species of rodents and to two different avoidance conditioning tasks.  相似文献   

The range of delta-selectivity of linear and cyclic analogues of enkephalin in rat brain was found to be: [D-Pen2, L-Pen5] enkephalin (DPLPE) greater than [D-Pen2, D-Pen5] enkephalin (DPDPE) greater than [D-Thr2, Leu5] enkephalyl-Thr6 (DTLET) greater than [D-Ser2, Leu5] enkephalyl-Thr6 (DSLET). Saturation experiments performed with [3H]DPDPE and [3H]DTLET in NG108-15 cells and rat brain showed similar binding capacities for both the ligands, but the delta-affinity of [3H]DTLET (KD approximately 1.2 nM) was much better than that of [3H]DPDPE (KD approximately 7.2 nM). The rather low delta-affinity of DPDPE induced high experimental errors cancelling the benefit of its better delta-selectivity. Binding experiments in rat or guinea-pig brains showed, in both cases, the better delta-selectivity of [3H]DTLET compared to [3H]DSLET. The former peptide remains at this time the most appropriate radioactive probe for binding studies of delta-receptor.  相似文献   

Uniaxially oriented films with high tensile strength were processed from ultrahigh-molecular-weight poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] (P(3HB)) by a method combining hot-drawing near the melting point of the polymer and two-step-drawing at room temperature. In a two-step-drawn and subsequently annealed film, P(3HB) molecular chains fall into two states: 2/1 helix (alpha-form) and planar zigzag (beta-form) conformations. The mechanism for generating the beta-form during two-step-drawing was investigated by time-resolved synchrotron wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering measurements (WAXD and SAXS), together with the measurement of stress-strain curves. It was found that the improvement of mechanical properties is due to not only the orientation of molecular chains but also the generation of the beta-form during the drawing. The crystal and molecular structures of the alpha-form remained unchanged until the yield point of the stress-strain curve. At the yield point, the long period obtained from SAXS doubled and a new reflection indicative of the beta-form was observed on the equatorial line in WAXD. The intensity of the reflection from the beta-form increased with an increase in the two-step-drawing ratio at room temperature. The SAXS pattern changed from a two-point reflection along the meridian to a cross pattern with streaking on the equatorial line, demonstrating the close alignment of shish-kebab structures. The reflection intensity, crystal orientation and crystal size of the alpha-form decreased during two-step-drawing. Based on these results, the beta-form is mainly introduced from the orientation of free molecular chains in the amorphous regions between alpha-form lamellar crystals, but the structural transformation of molecular chains also occurs from the alpha-form to the beta-form at the deformed lamellar crystals.  相似文献   

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