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Reconstituted subcellular membrane fragments were prepared from sonicated murine lymphoid tissue membrane fragments by detergent solubilization and dialysis. The reconstituted subcellular antigen was compared with sonicated cell membranes and x-irradiated cells for the ability to stimulate the formation of allogeneic cytotoxic thymus-dependent lymphocytes in vitro. The results showed that the reconstituted subcellular antigen had properties similar to those reported for the sonicated antigen. Both types of antigen could stimulate immune spleen cells but not normal spleen cells. Furthermore, soluble H-2 antigens, even of membrane origin, were incapable of the stimulation unless reconstituted into membrane fragments large enough to be centrifuged at 48,000 X G for 30 min.  相似文献   

When A/J mice are injected subcutaneously with azobenzenearsonate- (ABA) coupled spleen cells, their splenocytes contain primed ABA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors. Animals that are not primed in vivo do not develop vigorous CTL activity when assessed after in vitro culture with ABA-coupled stimulators. Suppressor molecules derived from ligand-induced first-order ABA-specific suppressor T cells were evaluated for their ability to limit cytolytic T cell development. We have shown that an idiotype-bearing, hapten-specific suppressor factor suppresses priming for CTL in an H-2-unrestricted but allotype-restricted manner. The implication of these studies to regulatory networks is discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of several types of cell preparations to induce in vivo a state of memory for a secondary in vitro cytotoxic response against non-major-histocompatibility antigen was markedly reduced (on a per cell basis) by uv-irradiation. This indicated that memory induction requires metabolically active stimulator cells. An “adherent cell preparation” (AC) that was enriched for dendritic cells was among the most effective memory-inducing cell populations; but concanavalin A-activated nylon-wool-nonadherent spleen cells (Con A-NWT) or concanavalin A-activated unfractionated spleen cells (Con A-spl) were on the average equally effective. Normal unfractionated spleen cells (spl) or nonactivated nylon-wool-nonadherent cells (NWT) were markedly less effective on a per cell basis. This pattern of stimulatory activity was in line with the relative stimulatory activity of these cell types in primary cytotoxic responses in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and also in line with the relative capacity to induce IL-2-dependent proliferation in H-2D-incompatible T-cell populations (cf. W. Dröge et al., J. Immunol.132, 2749, 1984). These differences in the immunogenic potential and the requirement for metabolically active stimulator cells suggested that these cells stimulated the CTL system directly and not indirectly through antigen processing cells of the immunized host. Nevertheless, the secondary cytotoxic response after injection of low numbers of Con A-spl into H-2 heterozygous recipients, (BALB/c × BALB/b)F1, or into recipients with recombinant H-2 haplotype (A.J) was only preferentially but not exclusively restricted to the H-2 haplotype of the immunizing cell populations. Restriction was considerably more complete when AC were used for immunization.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of memory and cytotoxic murine T cells against syngeneic haptne N equals[N-(3-nitro-4-hydroxy-5-iodophenyl-acetyl)-Beta-alanylglycylglycyl] associated antigen. Memory activity in this system had the following characteristics. a) In vitro challenged cells primed in vivo resulted in an augmented cytotoxic response compared to cells primed in vitro. b) The augmented cytotoxic response in vitro was antigen-specific for both target cells in the lytic reaction and stimulator cells in the secondary response. c) Memory activity was long lasting (at least 2 months). d) Memory cells were not cytotoxic. e) Memory activity as well as the cytotoxic cells generated in a secondary response in vitro were T cell dependent, These findings are consistent with the results of others who have investigated T cell dependent memory in other cell-mediated reactions.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated cytotoxic responses against a syngeneic Gross virus-induced lymphoma, (C58NT)D, in W/Fu rats were generated in vitro by using mixed lymphocyte-tumor cell cultures. The source of responding cells was either spleens from normal rats or spleens from rats carrying or having rejected (C58NT)D tumors. Mitomycin C-treated (C58NT)D tumor cells were used as stimulating cells. The secondary anti-tumor cytotoxic response occurred more rapidly and reached higher levels than the primary response, and it was antigen specific. T cells, but nor B cells or macrophages, were essential for both the induction and the effector phases of the secondary anti-tumor responses. These data suggest that specific memory T cells persist for long periods of time in the lymphoid organs of (C58NT)D immune rats, which can rapidly become cytotoxic upon re-exposure to antigen.  相似文献   

Lysis of virus-infected target cells by virus-specific cytotoxic T cells occurs where donors of T cells and targets share either H-2K or H-2D genes. The effect of four H-2K mutations on virus-induced antigens recognized by cytotoxic T cells from in vitro secondary response to infection was studied. B10.A(5R) cytotoxic T cells (which share the K end of H-2 with the mutant strains, except for the mutated gene(s)) efficiently killed virus-infected macrophage targets from mutant strains B6-H-2bg1 and B6-H-2bg2, were less effective against B6-H-2bh and did not appear to be cytotoxic for B6.C-H-2ba target cells. Conversely, B6-H-Ibg1 and B6-H-2bg2 cytotoxic T cells were more effective in killing virus-infected B10.A(5R) macrophages than B6-H-2bh and B6.C-H-2ba cytotoxic cells respectively. In addition, B6-H-2bg1 and B6-H-2bg2 cells appeared to be only slightly different from wild-type with respect to the interaction between virus-infected cells and T cells. The data obtained suggested that virus-induced antigenic patterns on infected B6.C-H-2ba (mutant) cells are more different antigenically from those on wild-type cells than are those on infected cells from the other mutants, B6-H-2bh, B6-H-2bg1 and B6-H-2bh2. This agrees with previous data using primary cytotoxic T cells and thus suggests that no detectable change in the affinity or specificity of cytotoxic T cell receptors occurs between primary and secondary responses to infection. These findings are also discussed in relation to the exclusion of T cells with receptors for H-2K determinants that are common to the mutants and wild-type, from the response to virus-infected self cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from adult female (AKR/J x BALB/(c)F1 mice can respond to mitomycin C-treated spleen from AKR/J mice and can generate effector CTL in a 5-day primary in vitro culture. The response is comparable in magnitude to the response to allogeneic H-2K or H-2D antigens. The response is T cell mediated and is directed to antigen(s) present only on the parental cells. The target cell must be homozygous at H-2Kk to be lysed and H-2Dk antigens do not serve as a target in this response. Spleen cells from (B10.BR x B10.D2) hybrids that have been stimulated with AKR/J lyse B10.Br as well as AKR/J target cells. Similar H-2k/d hybrid F1 anti-H-2k parent responses are seen in certain other strain combinations. A number of possible interpretations of these responses are discussed.  相似文献   

T cells in G1 provide a memory-like response to secondary stimulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The commitment of naive T cells to proliferate is a function of the strength and duration of stimuli mediated by the TCR and coreceptors. Ranges of 2-20 h of stimulation have been reported as necessary in vitro. Whether T cells actually experience uninterrupted stimulation for such long periods under physiological conditions is controversial. Here we ask whether commitment to proliferate requires continuous stimulation, or can T cells integrate intermittent periods of stimulation. T cells were stimulated for two short-term (subthreshold) periods (5-7 h) either sequentially or separated by an interval of rest. Naive lymph node T cells were able to integrate interrupted stimulation, even when the duration of rest was as long as 2 days. Furthermore, when short-term-stimulated T cells were separated by density, three populations were observed: low density blasts, intermediate density G(1) cells, and high density G(0) cells. Low density cells progressed to division without further stimulation, whereas G(0) and G(1) cells remained undivided. However, after a period of rest, a second subthreshold stimulation caused the G(1) but not the G(0) fraction to quickly proceed through the cell cycle. We conclude that noncycling T cells in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle remain in a state of readiness for prolonged periods of time, and may represent a population of memory-like effectors capable of responding rapidly to antigenic challenge.  相似文献   

Syngeneic normal lymphoid cells added in co-culture of immune lymphocytes and tumor cells reveal a suppressive activity inhibiting the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes. The suppression was specific for the response directed against endogenous virus-induced or x-ray-induced tumor cells expressing endogenous C type virus antigens. Thymocytes, spleen cells, or lymph node cells from naive mice were able to express this suppressive activity. The same cells displayed no suppressive activity on killer cells directed against exogenous C type virus-induced tumor cells. The suppressor cells were Thy-1+, Lyt-1- 2+. Our results strongly suggested that the spontaneous suppressor cells exert their activity by interacting with an early step on the CTL response, probably at the level of the helper T cell function. The suppressive activity was mediated by soluble factor(s) that were antigen specific and possibly H-2 restricted. The possible implications of these spontaneous suppressor T lymphocytes in the development of endogenous virus-induced tumors and their possible implications in tolerance to self antigens are discussed.  相似文献   

The effector cell in mouse spleen which mediates natural cytotoxicity against mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)-infected target cells was characterized. The target cells were MHV-infected BALB/c 3T3, and the assay time was 3 hr. The effector cell, designated virus killer (VK) cell for the purpose of discussion, had the following phenotype: lymphocyte morphology, plastic-nonadherent, nylon wool-adherent, nonphagocytic, cyclophosphamide-sensitive; by antibody plus complement (C) depletion studies, it was asialo GM1-, NK 1.2 alloantigen-negative, Thy-1.2-, Lyt-5-, and macrophage antigen-negative; by rosetting techniques, it was Fc receptor-positive and surface Fab+; by flow cytometry (FACS) analysis, it was Lyt-2-, MAC-1-, Ia+, IgG (gamma)+, IgM (mu)+, IgD (delta)+, and B cell lineage antibody B-220+. NK cells, measured for cytotoxicity on YAC-1 cells, were similarly tested and were found to differ from the VK cell in the following properties: nylon wool-nonadherent, asialo GM1+, NK alloantigen-positive, Lyt-5+, surface Fab-, MAC-1+, Ia-, IgG-, IgM-, IgD-, and B-220-. The VK effector cell had a phenotype highly distinguishable from NK cells, effectors most commonly associated with antiviral natural cytotoxicity. The VK cell had a phenotype identical to that of a B lymphocyte and was identified as such. Although the effector cells displayed cell surface antibody, the antibody did not appear to be involved in lysis, because lysis could not be blocked by F(ab)'2 directed against Fab, mu, or delta. Cytotoxicity was more likely associated with recognition of the B lymphocyte surface by the MHV glycoprotein E2, as shown in the accompanying companion paper. This is the first demonstration that natural cytotoxicity can be mediated by B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

HIV-1 encephalitis (HIVE) and its associated dementia can occur in up to 20% of infected individuals, usually when productive viral replication in brain mononuclear phagocytes (macrophages and microglia) and depletion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes are most significant. T cells control viral replication through much of HIV-1 disease, but how this occurs remains incompletely understood. With this in mind, we studied HIV-1-specific CTL responses in a nonobese diabetic (NOD)-SCID mouse model of HIVE. HIV-1-infected monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) were injected into the basal ganglia after syngeneic immune reconstitution by HLA-A*0201-positive human PBL to generate a human PBL-NOD-SCID HIVE mouse. Engrafted T lymphocytes produced HIV-1gag- and HIV-1pol-specific CTL against virus-infected brain MDM within 7 days. This was demonstrated by tetramer staining of human PBL in mouse spleens and by IFN-gamma ELISPOT. CD8, granzyme B, HLA-DR, and CD45R0 Ag-reactive T cells and CD79alpha-positive B cells migrated to and were in contact with human MDM in brain areas where infected macrophages were abundant. The numbers of productively infected MDM were markedly reduced (>85%) during 2 wk of observation. The human PBL-NOD-SCID HIVE mouse provides a new tool for studies of cellular immune responses against HIV-1-infected brain mononuclear phagocytes during natural disease and after vaccination.  相似文献   

Results of studies in mice and clinical observations in man indicate that T cell-mediated immunity is important in resistance to herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections. This study was undertaken to elucidate the viral antigen specificity of human HSV-immune T cells. Purified HSV-1 glycoproteins gB-1 and gD-1, cloned and expressed in mammalian cells, were found to stimulate proliferation of, and interleukin 2 (IL 2) production by, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of HSV seropositive individuals, indicating the presence of memory T cells to gB-1 and gD-1 in individuals with serologic evidence of immunity to HSV. Second, T cell clones, generated by stimulation of PBL with HSV-1, were found to recognize gB-1 or gD-1, as evidenced by the ability of the clones to proliferate in response to stimulation with gB-1 or gD-1 in the absence of exogenous IL 2. Third, HSV-specific T cell clones, lytic for HSV-1 or both HSV-1- and HSV-2-infected autologous target cells, were generated after stimulation of PBL with purified cloned gB-1 or gD-1. Our findings, that human HSV-specific T cells can recognize and be activated by HSV subunit antigens gB-1 or gD-1, imply that these glycoproteins play a role in human T cell-mediated immunity to HSV and support the contention that a gB-1 or gD-1 subunit vaccine may be protective in man.  相似文献   

An in vitro culture method was used to study secondary cell-mediated responses to ectromelia virus infection in mice. Infected, syngeneic spleen cells or peritoneal cells were efficient "stimulator" cells when cultured with "responder" cells obtained from mice infected with ectromelia 4-6 weeks previously. The kinetics of generation of cytotoxic cells in cultures were determined; a peak occurred on days 4-5. A separation procedure performed on the cytotoxic cells showed that activity was associated mainly with the Ig-negative subpopulation (T cell-rich) and that H-2 compatibility between cytotoxic cells and target cells was required. The secondary response was virus-specific, at the level of both induction and target cell lysis, at least so far as ectromelia and lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) viruses are concerned. Seperation of responder cells prior to culture showed that a potent secondary response was generated with the Ig-negative (T cell-rich) subpopulation and only a weak response was observed when the responder cells were Ig-positive (rich in B cells). Infected stimulator cells did not appear to secrete significant amounts of soluble antigen into the medium over 4 days of culture. Thus, antigenic patterns effective in memory T cell stimulation may be largely associated with the surfaces of infected cells.Pretreatment of ectromelia virus with UV- or gamma-irradiation did not impair its ability to induce antigenic changes in stimulator cells. Stimulator cells treated with UV-or gamma-irradiated virus for 1 h and then immediately with pactamycin to inhibit further viral protein synthesis and replication were efficient stimulators, thus indicating that antigenic changes are induced very rapidly on the surface of stimulator cells after uptake of virus. These treatments are being used to further characterize the cellular requirements in the stimulator population.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive and immunostimulatory activity of human cancer ascitic fluids has been examined using the in vitro primary plaque-forming cell response (PFR) to sheep erythrocytes (Mishell-Dutton assay). We have prepared three fractions of ascitic fluid by precipitation with ammonium sulfate. Suppressive activity occurred in the fraction which was insoluble at 50% of saturation but not those fractions which precipitated at 30 or 80% of saturation. The fractions which were precipitated at 30 and 80% were stimulatory in the assay system. Normal human serum also had suppressive activity in the fraction precipitated at 50% of saturation but not as much as was found in ascitic fluid. Serum did not yield any fractions with stimulatory activity.  相似文献   

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