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An in vitro regeneration system was developed in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Blackeye. Among several explants studied, shoot initiation response was observed from shoot apices of 3–5-day-old seedlings. The optimal medium for maximum shoot initiation comprised MS salts, B5 vitamins, 8.88 μM N 6-benzylaminopurine, 1 gl-1 casein hydrolysate, 342 μM L-glutamine, 3% sucrose, 0.3% phytagel, adjusted to pH 5.8. A shift in pH from 5.8 to 7.0 had no effect on shoot initiation and on number of shoots per explant. The highest shoot initiation frequency (77%) was obtained using this preferred medium, reaching a maximum of eight shoots per explant. For shoot elongation, 14 μM gibberellic acid was supplemented in the shoot initiation medium. Presence of indolebutyric acid in the rooting medium had no effect on root induction. The regenerated plants were fertile and developed normally.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The genetics of domestication of yardlong bean [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. ssp. unguiculata cv.-gr. sesquipedalis] is of particular interest because the genome of this legume has experienced divergent domestication. Initially, cowpea was domesticated from wild cowpea in Africa; in Asia a vegetable form of cowpea, yardlong bean, subsequently evolved from cowpea. Information on the genetics of domestication-related traits would be useful for yardlong bean and cowpea breeding programmes, as well as comparative genome study among members of the genus Vigna. The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for domestication-related traits in yardlong bean and compare them with previously reported QTLs in closely related Vigna.


Two linkage maps were developed from BC1F1 and F2 populations from the cross between yardlong bean (V. unguiculata ssp. unguiculata cv.-gr. sesquipedalis) accession JP81610 and wild cowpea (V. unguiculata ssp. unguiculata var. spontanea) accession TVnu457. Using these linkage maps, QTLs for 24 domestication-related traits were analysed and mapped. QTLs were detected for traits related to seed, pod, stem and leaf.

Key Results

Most traits were controlled by between one and 11 QTLs. QTLs for domestication-related traits show co-location on several narrow genomic regions on almost all linkage groups (LGs), but especially on LGs 3, 7, 8 and 11. Major QTLs for sizes of seed, pod, stem and leaf were principally located on LG7. Pleiotropy or close linkage of genes for the traits is suggested in these chromosome regions.


This is the first report of QTLs for domestication-related traits in yardlong bean. The results provide a foundation for marker-assisted selection of domestication-related QTLs in yardlong bean and enhance understanding of domestication in the genus Vigna.  相似文献   

Root exudate of Vigna unguiculata was extracted from a soil system consisting of charcoal and vermiculite. Germination stimulating activity for Striga gesnerioides was found in extracts of the soil system, and an active compound was isolated. The chemical structure of the active ingredient was determined to be (+)-4-O-acetylorobanchol, based on analysis of the spectral data of 1-D and 2-D NMR together with nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) experiments. Application of the active compound to the seeds of S. gesnerioides at a concentration of 0.35 × 10−9 mol/disk led to 69% germination. The germination observed with application of GR-24, a positive control, at 0.57 × 10−10 mol/disk was 80%.  相似文献   

Summary When pot-grown cowpea plants experienced a large diurnal variation in root temperature (33°C day–19°C night) during reproductive growth, floral morphology was markedly affected. Petals were constricted in such a way as to restrict self-pollination hence seed yields were drastically reduced. These abnormal flowers were very similar to those mediating mechanical male sterility in cowpea, a genetically inherited, recessive, outcrossing mechanism identified in field populations.  相似文献   

A survey of allozyme variation in cultivar-groups of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] was undertaken by examining 21 enzyme systems encoded by 36 loci in 271 accessions representing the five cultivar-groups. Very low levels of variation were found within accessions, which is typical of self-pollinating species. Little variation was also found among accessions. Compared with other legume crops, V. unguiculata is depauperate in allozyme variation. We found an average of 1.61 alleles per locus with 42% of the loci polymorphic and a total heterozygosity of 0.061. Of the variation present, 90% was found within cultivar-groups, while 10% was among cultivar-groups. Data analyses revealed continuous variation among cultivar-groups and geographic regions with the accessions failing to segregate into discrete morphophysiological or geographic clusters. However, evolved cultivar-groups (cv.-gr. Melanophthalmus and cv.-gr. Sesquipedalis) appear to be less diverse than their putative primitive cultivar-group progenitors. Due to the lack of availability of critical material, no clear center of origin can be established. However, the data presented suggest that Northeast Africa could be a possible center of domestication. Received: 18 February 1999 / Accepted: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) is a major crop for worldwide food and nutritional security, especially in sub‐Saharan Africa, that is resilient to hot and drought‐prone environments. An assembly of the single‐haplotype inbred genome of cowpea IT97K‐499‐35 was developed by exploiting the synergies between single‐molecule real‐time sequencing, optical and genetic mapping, and an assembly reconciliation algorithm. A total of 519 Mb is included in the assembled sequences. Nearly half of the assembled sequence is composed of repetitive elements, which are enriched within recombination‐poor pericentromeric regions. A comparative analysis of these elements suggests that genome size differences between Vigna species are mainly attributable to changes in the amount of Gypsy retrotransposons. Conversely, genes are more abundant in more distal, high‐recombination regions of the chromosomes; there appears to be more duplication of genes within the NBS‐LRR and the SAUR‐like auxin superfamilies compared with other warm‐season legumes that have been sequenced. A surprising outcome is the identification of an inversion of 4.2 Mb among landraces and cultivars, which includes a gene that has been associated in other plants with interactions with the parasitic weed Striga gesnerioides. The genome sequence facilitated the identification of a putative syntelog for multiple organ gigantism in legumes. A revised numbering system has been adopted for cowpea chromosomes based on synteny with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). An estimate of nuclear genome size of 640.6 Mbp based on cytometry is presented.  相似文献   

Endo-polygalacturonase (PG) was purified from a commercial preparation of Aspergillus niger pectinase by means of carboxymethylcellulose chromatography, preparative isoelectric focusing, and gel permeation through Sephadex G-50. The enzyme was electrophoretically homogeneous and consisted of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 33,500. The enzyme exhibited a specific activity significantly higher than those of purified polygalacturonases from phytopathogenic fungi. Galacturonate oligomers with a degree of polymerization higher than four appeared quickly as products of the enzymic hydrolysis of Napolygalacturonate. The oligomers were later degraded to di- and monogalacturonate. The homogeneous enzyme and growing mycelium of Aspergillus niger separately elicited a necrotic response in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) pods. Heat-inactivated PG and PG inactivated with specific antibodies did not elicit necrosis, suggesting that the catalytic activity of the enzyme is necessary for its function as an elicitor. The PG-released oligosaccharides from Vigna cell wall and the galacturonides with a degree of polymerization greater than four separately elicited necrosis, whereas di- and monogalacturonate did not.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of K and Mg application on dry matter yield and uptake of K, Mg and Ca in cowpea were studied in greenhouse at Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar (india). Dry matter yields of leaves, stems and roots increased by 17, 30 and 27 per cent over control due to application of 150 ppm K and 17, 16 and 26 per cent by 40 ppm Mg respectively. Potassium application has antagonistic effect on Ca concentration of leaves, stems and roots and synergistic on root Mg concentrations upto 25 ppm K. However, Mg had a synergistic effect on concentration of K upto 20 ppm Mg and antagonistic at 40 ppm Mg in all plant parts. Uptake of K, Mg and Ca increased by Mg application, but K increased only K uptake.  相似文献   

LUSH  W. M.; EVANS  L. T. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(6):719-725
To test the proposition that photoperiodic controls synchronizethe flowering of cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. [V. sinensis(L.) Savi], the day-length requirements for floral initiationand for flowering were investigated in several short-day accessions.No evidence was found of different critical photoperiods atdifferent stages of development, but exposure to only 2–4short days was required for floral initiation compared withabout 20 for development to open flowers. Pod setting was increasedafter exposure to even one short day more than the number requiredfor flower opening. Floral buds at higher nodes appeared to require fewer shortdays for development to flowering than buds at the lower nodes,and displayed faster rates of development. Inflorescence budsdid not resume development if they were exposed to 15 or morelong days following inflorescence initiation. Thus, any tendencytowards synchronous flowering in cowpeas is not due to the criticalday-length for flower development being shorter than that forflower initiation, but could be the result of cumulative photoperiodicinduction of plants and the more rapid development of later-formedflowers. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., cowpeas, flower initiation, flower development, fruit set, photoperiodism  相似文献   

D akora , F.D. & V incent , J.M. 1984. Fast-growing bacteria from nodules of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 , 327–330.
First plating from nodules of cowpea frequently yielded fast-growing large colonies, either apparently uniform or associated with small colony forms typical of the expected slow-grower ( Bradyrhizobium ). Most cultures from single large colonies nodulated both cowpea and siratro ( Macroptilium atropurpureum ), but all such nodules revealed Bradyrhizobium alone or associated with a fast-growing form. Six of nine plants inoculated with a mixed inoculum of slow and fast forms had nodules occupied by both although in no case was the fast-grower able to secure solo invasion. Most of the fast-growing forms shared some internal antigens with Rhizo-biurn meliloti and/or R. trifolii ; none reacted with antiserum to Bradyrhizobium CB 756.  相似文献   

The relationship between seed number per pod and senescenceof the leaf in its axil was examined in a determinate cowpea(Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) variety C.779. The seed number perpod was reduced at all fruiting nodes by surgical excision ofpart of the 4-d-old pod. Leaf senescence as measured by lossof leaf area, chlorophyll content and soluble protein was sloweddown in leaves supporting the development of an artificiallyreduced number of seeds. Diminished nitrogen mobilization fromthe leaf could not account for the reduced rate of leaf senescence.The result suggests the involvement of a senescence signal fromthe developing seeds to the leaf in its axil. Development ofthe basal half of the excised pod in the cowpea provides a uniquesystem for manipulating seed number per pod. Senescence, monocarpic, chlorophyll, protein, Vigna unguiculata, cowpea  相似文献   

Summary Rhizobium strains CIAT 301, CIAT 79 and SLM 602 were tested and found effective in the nodulation and nitrogen fixation of cowpea cv. MI-35 (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) plants in growth chamber experiments. Fresh weight of nodules increased with plant age initially and stabilized in 20–30 days from planting, followed by a secondary flush of nodule growth after 30 days. Apparent nitrogen fixation per gram nodule fresh weight reached a maximum in 20–30 days after planting and then decreased, even though a flush of new nodules was produced.  相似文献   

The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) cultivars TVu 354 and Solojo were grown in solution culture at 10 to 1000 M Ca supply. The Ca supply did not vary by more than 10% during the experiment. The pH value was kept constant within 0.1 units at 4.0 by automatic titration. The cultivar TVu 354 proved to be much more Ca-efficient than Solojo. At 10 M Ca supply Solojo died, whereas TVu 354 was hardly affected in dry matter production. The differences in Ca efficiency were independent of the P supply. They could not be explained by differences in Ca uptake or Ca concentrations in the plant tissue. Short-term studies using 45Ca, both in the dark and in the light, indicated better transport of Ca from the roots to the shoots and within the shoots to the younger leaves in the Ca-efficient cultivar TVu 354. However, the main reason for the differences between the cultivars in sensitivity to low Ca supply were differences in the Ca requirement of the plant tissue to maintain tissue organization and function. Sequential fractionation of the freeze-dried leaf tissue with hot water, 0.5 M NaCl, 1 M CH3COOH, and 2 M HCl did not reveal cultivar differences in Ca binding state. The results clearly show that considerable genetic potential in tolerance to low Ca supply exists in cowpea. However, a better understanding of the physiological/biochemical reasons for low internal Ca requirement is needed.  相似文献   

A chimeric plant was observed in the F2 generation of a cross between a mutant cultivar, Ife BPC, and a germplasm line, TVu 2, in cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. The chimeric plant had four lateral branches, one of which was intensely variegated, while the others were mostly green with few white sectors. F3 progeny from the intensely variegated branch of this plant were all variegated, while seed derived from the mostly green branches produced only green progeny. In subsequent generations, the descendants of the variegated branch bred true for the variegated trait, while those of the mostly green branches were also true-breeding for green colour. No pure-green or pure-white shoots were observed in any of the variegated plants examined in this study. Consequently, no pure-green or pure-white seedlings were produced from seeds harvested from the variegated plants. The results of reciprocal crosses between variegated and normal green plants indicate that variegation is inherited in a strictly uniparental maternal fashion. This is the first report of a cytoplasmically inherited mutation affecting foliage colour in cowpea. Received: 10 March 2000 / Accepted: 16 May 2000  相似文献   

Staked and ‘topped’ cowpea plants (cv. K 2809) withsix trifoliate leaves were defoliated in various ways and grownon for 9 d in controlled-environment growth cabinets. Leaveswhich were from 2 to 3 weeks old contributed little to furtherdry weight increment of vegetative plants. When parts of youngleaves were removed plant dry weight increase was affected onlyslightly as compensatory expansion of the remaining laminaetook place. The complete removal of several young leaves washighly detrimental to subsequent plant growth. Thus, the outcomeof defoliation depended not just on the absolute leaf area removedbut also on the position (age) of the leaves treated and whetheror not loss of whole leaves or just parts of leaves was involved.  相似文献   

Osonubi  O. 《Oecologia》1985,66(4):554-557
Summary Greenhouse-grown cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., were subjected either to well-watered or to progressive soil drought conditions between 10–40 days after emergence. Stomatal closure was found to correlate with the progressive drying of soil while leaf water potentials were not very different from the well-watered plants. Reduction in leaf turgor resulted in a reduced rate of leaf extension but increased that of root. Stomatal conductance and transpiration rates of soil-drought plants were similar to well-watered plants in the morning, but were greatly reduced in the afternoon till evening. It is suggested that the maintenance of transpiration rates per unit leaf area of soil-drought cowpeas in the morning is due to the reduction in the leaf area per plant and possibly the hydration of the plants in the night through enhanced root growth.  相似文献   

 The cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] is a morphologically and genetically variable species composed of wild perennial, wild annual, and cultivated forms that are mainly used for edible seeds and pods. In this study, genetic variation in 199 germplasm accessions of wild and cultivated cowpea was evaluated using an allozyme analysis. The results from this survey showed that wild cowpea exhibits genetic variation perfectly fitted with the existing morphological classification. The cowpea gene-pool is characterized by its unusually large size. It encompasses taxa (ranked as subspecies) that could be considered as different species considering the high genetic distances observed between accessions belonging to different taxa. These subspecies can be classified into three groups characterized by their breeding systems: perennial outcrossers, perennial out-inbreds, and inbred annuals. Allozyme data confirm this grouping. Perennial outcrossers look primitive and are more remote from each other and from perennial out-inbreds. Within this large gene-pool, mainly made of perennial taxa, cultivated cowpeas (ssp. unguiculata var. unguiculata) form a genetically coherent group and are closely related to annual cowpeas (ssp. unguiculata var. spontanea) which may include the most likely progenitor of cultivated cowpeas. Received: 15 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

Shoot regeneration via organogenesis was achieved from axenic cowpea [Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata L. (Walp.) Verde.] hypocotyls and cotyledons of advanced breeding lines and varieties. Cotyledons and embryos were excised from green immature pods. The apical parts of the embryos were removed and the hypocotyls were transferred to regeneration media. Cotyledons and hypocotyls were tested on media with gradients of several hormonal and putrescine combinations. Cowpea cotyledons and hypocotyls exhibited a pattern of shoot formation that occurred in three distinct phases. Multiple shoots developed within 45 days from the wounded region of the primary hypocotyl and cotyledons in different media containing a high cytokinin concentration. The induced plant explants were then grown for 20 days in low-intensity light (10 μmol m–2 s–1) on the same medium and numerous shoot buds emerged de novo from the upper part of the hypocotyl and the wounded part of the cotyledons. These buds had no apparent vascular connection with the parent tissues. The plant regeneration capability of this procedure was tested with several cowpea genotypes, five of which (83D-442, 86D-1010, 93K-624, Vita 3 and Ife Brown) responded positively with shoot development and were able to form roots and whole plants. Some somaclonal variation was observed. Received: 14 June 1996 / Revision received: 14 December 1996 / Accepted: 25 January 1997  相似文献   


The presence of latent infections was studied in five cowpeas varieties. Seeds of the varieties were planted and the seedlings inoculated with antigens from Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genus Cucumovirus, Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) genus Potyvirus (Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus strain), Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) genus Sobemovirus and Cowpea mottle virus (CPMoV) genus Carmovirus seven days after planting. Seedlings expressing symptoms were rouged at two weeks after inoculation, while asymptomatic ones were subjected to serological indexing to detect the presence/absence of latent infection. Protein A-sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PAS ELISA) was employed for the serological detection of CMV, SBMV and CPMoV, while antigen-coated plate (ACP) ELISA was used to detect BCMV in the asymptomatic plants. Cowpea seedlings without virus symptoms but with positive serological reactions were considered as being latently infected. All of the inoculated TVu 1272 and SuVita-2 plants showed symptoms consistent with CMV and CPMoV infections, respectively. The rate of CMV latent infection was high in TVu 1179 (14.5%), low in SuVita-2 (1.3%) but not recorded in TVu 1272.  相似文献   

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