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alpha-Helical CRF-(9-41) is an analogue of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) that antagonizes CRF-stimulated ACTH release in rats. In the present study, alpha-helical CRF-(9-41) was tested to determine whether it would antagonize the ACTH-releasing activity of CRF or urotensin I (UI) observed with superfused, dispersed goldfish anterior pituitary cells. At a concentration of 4 microM, alpha-helical CRF-(9-41) completely blocked the ACTH-releasing activity of 100 nM CRF or 100 nM UI. The inhibitor by itself showed little intrinsic ACTH-releasing activity. This investigation reveals similarities in the CRF-antagonism of alpha-helical CRF-(9-41) in the teleost and mammalian pituitary in vitro. It also provides are similar and suggests that alpha-helical CRF-(9-41) may be useful as a tool to investigate the effects of CRF-like and UI-like peptides in teleost fishes.  相似文献   

V Giguere  G Lefevre  F Labrie 《Life sciences》1982,31(26):3057-3062
Synthetic ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) causes a 6- to 8-fold stimulation of ACTH release and cAMP accumulation in rat anterior pituitary cells in culture at ED50 values of 1 and 4 nM, respectively. Removal of Ca2+ from the incubation medium reduces CRF-induced ACTH release by 70% but have no effect on cyclic AMP accumulation. ACTH release induced by 8-Br-cAMP is inhibited by 65% in the absence of Ca2+. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 does not alter spontaneous ACTH release. Verapamil, a pharmacological agent that blocks Ca2+ entry into cells, has no influence on spontaneous or CRF-induced ACTH release. The present data clearly demonstrate a role of Ca2+ in CRF action at a step subsequent to cAMP formation and suggest that Ca2+ is mobilized from intracellular stores during CRF stimulation.  相似文献   

The steroidic antibiotic fusidic acid showed a polyvalent action on isolated rat liver cells. It displayed a strong inhibitory capability on protein synthesis in intact cells even stronger than that previously reported in cell-free extracts. Also, it inhibited basal gluconeogenesis and promoted an increase of the membrane permeability to trypan blue. However, the effects on both protein synthesis and basal gluconeogenesis were observed at doses smaller than those required to reduce the cell viability.  相似文献   

L D Sander  J R Porter 《Life sciences》1982,31(11):1103-1110
The influence of cholecystokinin 33 (CCK33) on CRF-like stimulation of ACTH output was tested in vitro using isolated pituitary cells. ACTH was assayed using isolated adrenal cell preparations. The CRF-like material was contained in a crude acetic-acid extract of hypothalamic stalk median eminence (HSME). CCK33, in doses of 1 U, 10(-3) U, and 10(-6) U/ml cell suspension had no influence on basal or ACTH-stimulated corticosterone output from isolated adrenal cells. Isolated pituitary cells responded in a dose-related fashion of HSME extract, however, the absolute response to a given dose of HSME extract varied according to the basal (non-stimulated) output of a particular cell preparation. CCK33, in the dose range tested, had no influence on basal ACTH output. In contrast, 10(-3) U/ml oc CCK33, which corresponds to a concentration of 8 X 10(-11) M, significantly inhibited the output of ACTH from isolated pituitary cells stimulated by 0.2 equivalents of HSME. Higher concentrations of CCK33 had a variable effect. We conclude that cholecystokinin may have a role in the regulation of HSME-stimulated ACTH output from the pituitary.  相似文献   

We studied whether fatty acids modify adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release induced by stimulation with corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from rat anterior pituitary cells. Stimulation with CRH (0.01-100 nmol/l) significantly and concentration-dependently increased ACTH release, which was synergistically enhanced by the simultaneous stimulation with 1 nmol/l arginine-vasopressin. Addition of saturated fatty acids (butyrate, caprylate, laurate, palmitate and stearate) in a medium at 1 mmol/l, despite effects on the basal release, significantly reduced the ACTH release induced by CRH (1 nmol/l) stimulation. Caprylate suppressed ACTH release in a concentration-dependent manner. However, unsaturated C18 and C20 fatty acids (oleate, linolate, linolenate and arachidonate) at 1 mmol/l significantly increased the basal release, but none of them suppressed CRH (1 nmol/l)-induced ACTH release. In the presence of caprylate (1 mmol/l), CRH (1 nmol/l)-stimulated increase in cellular calcium ion concentration was diminished. From these results we conclude that saturated fatty acids have a suppressing effect on CRH-induced ACTH increase in primary cultured rat anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   

An in vitro perifusion system was used to investigate the effects of GnRH stimulation on LH, ACTH, and immunoreactive beta-endorphin (i beta-END) release from ovariectomized (1 week) rat anterior hemipituitaries. Either 0, 8 or 80 nM GnRH was administered as a 15 min pulse followed 30 min later by a prolonged 45 min infusion. Both 8 and 80 nM GnRH induced comparable LH release in response to the 15 min as well as the 45 min GnRH stimulation. The initial 15 min exposure to either 8 or 80 nM GnRH did not induce significant changes in ACTH or i beta-END release. In contrast, the subsequent 45 min exposure to 8 nM GnRH induced a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in ACTH release, and the 45 min exposure to 80 nM GnRH induced a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in ACTH as well as i beta-END release. Equimolar (i.e. 8 or 80 nM) GnRH receptor antagonist (ANT) blocked the stimulatory effects of GnRH in all cases. These results demonstrate that GnRH can stimulate not only LH but also ACTH and i beta-END release from ovariectomized rat anterior hemipituitaries in vitro, apparently by a GnRH receptor mediated mechanism independent of actual LH release. Although the time course of these responses appears to be consistent with the hypothesis that GnRH-stimulated gonadotropes release paracrine factor(s) which stimulate corticotrope activity, the mechanism of these responses remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Summary Radioimmunocytochemistry (RICH) was applied to detect corticotrophs in adult rat pituitaries and 8-day-old anterior pituitary monolayers by incubating sections and cultures with 125I-ACTH-anti ACTH immune complexes. After incubations autoradiography was made. In comparison, conventional immunostaining was carried out on adjacent sections and parallel cultures. It has been esteblished that RICH is suitable for detection of corticotrophs.  相似文献   

本实验利用垂体组织块离体灌流技术,观察到γ-氨基丁酸A受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹笃切除双侧肾上腺96h后的大鼠垂体前叶ACTH的分泌具有强烈的刺激作用。但同样浓度的荷包牡丹笃分离的垂体前叶细胞的ACTH分泌无影响,提示肾上腺切除后,γ-氨基丁酸在垂体前叶直接或通过间接途径抑制ACTH分泌。  相似文献   

Radioimmunocytochemistry (RICH) was applied to detect corticotrophs in adult rat pituitaries and 8-day-old anterior pituitary monolayers by incubating sections and cultures with 125I-ACTH-anti ACTH immune complexes. After incubations autoradiography was made. In comparison, "conventional" immunostaining was carried out on adjacent sections and parallel cultures. It has been established that RICH is suitable for detection of corticotrophs.  相似文献   

We have recently shown the presence of adenosine receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase in anterior pituitary and in the present studies we have investigated the effects of adenosine on ACTH release. The R-site specific analogs of adenosine such as N-Ethylcarboxamide adenosine (NECA), L-N6-phenylisopropyl adenosine (PIA), 2-chloro-adenosine (2-Cl-Ado) all stimulated ACTH release in a dose-dependent manner. NECA was the most potent analog and stimulated ACTH release by about 170% with an apparent Ka of 0.1 µM, whereas PIA and 2-Cl-Ado were less potent and stimulated the release by about 110% and 125% with an apparent Ka of 0.2 and 0.4 µ-M respectively. The stimulation of ACTH release by NECA was inhibited by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). On the other hand, adenosine deaminase (ADA) treatment of the cells also stimulated ACTH release as well as adenylate cyclase activity by about 2-fold, suggesting that endogenous adenosine plays an inhibitory role in the release of ACTH. Other agents, such as corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and forskolin (FSK) also stimulated ACTH release from these cells. In addition, the stimulation by an optimal concentration of NECA was almost additive with maximal stimulation caused by VIP and FSK. These data suggest that adenosine modulates ACTH release from anterior pituitary through its interaction with adenosine receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase.Abbreviations NECA N-Ethylcarboxamideadenosine - PIA L-N6-Phenylisopropyladenosine - 2-Cl-Ado 2-chloroadenosine - FSK Forskolin - VIP Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide - CRF Corticotropin Releasing Factor - ADA Adenosine Deaminase - IBMX 3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine  相似文献   

Dynorphin A (Dyn A) stimulates the release of ACTH in fetal sheep, a response that involves N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors but not the secretogogues corticotropin-releasing hormone or arginine vasopressin. We now find that neither Dyn A-(1-13) (0.5 mg/kg, i.v.) nor NMDA (4 mg/kg, i.v.) elicits ACTH release in postnatal lambs. This led us to hypothesize that Dyn A-(1-13) and NMDA might act to release placental ACTH. However, the ability of Dyn A-(1-13), NMDA, and the kappa-opioid receptor agonist U-50488H (1 mg/kg, i.v.) to release ACTH was lost after either fetal hypophysectomy (n = 4) or hypothalamo-pituitary disconnection (n = 4). These results indicate that neither the placenta nor the fetal pituitary is the site of action for these agonists and suggest a hypothalamic or suprahypothalamic site of action. Furthermore, the release of ACTH by Dyn A-(1-13) and NMDA was abolished after pretreatment with indomethacin, suggesting that they might cause the release of a prostanoid, possibly from the placenta, that subsequently acts at the hypothalamus or serves as a permissive factor in the action of Dyn A-(1-13) and NMDA at the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Systematic administration of the enkephalin analog FK 33-824 was previously shown to stimulate PRL secretion and to inhibit ACTH secretion in man. Naloxone prevented the effect on PRL release, but not on ACTH release. In this study, the direct action of this analog on hormone release by rat anterior pituitary lobes invitro were investigated. 1 uM FK 33-824 inhibited basal ACTH secretion by anterior pituitary glands in vitro, while 0.1 uM and 1 uM attenuated the lysine vasopressin stimulated ACTH release. Naloxone did not reverse the inhibitory action of the analog on ACTH release. β-Endorphin (0.01 - 1 uM) did not directly affect ACTH release. Basal and dopamine-induced inhibition of PRL release by anterior pituitary glands was neither influenced by FK 33-824 (0.1 and 1 uM), nor by β-endorphin (0.1 and 1 uM) with or without bacitracin. This study shows that the long-acting met-enkephalin analog FK 33-824 differentially affects PRL and ACTH secretion by the pituitary gland. It seems to stimulate PRL release at a suprapituitary site and this action probably involves u opiate receptors, because naloxone prevents these stimulatory effects. The inhibitory effect of FK 33-824 on ACTH release, however, is mediated via a direct effect at the pituitary level, which does not involve u receptors, as naloxone did not prevent this effect. In this respect, its action differs from that of β-endorphin, which does not directly affect ACTH release by the anterior pituitary gland.  相似文献   

The role of cyclic AMP in the stimulation of corticotropin (ACTH) release by corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), angiotensin II (AII), vasopressin (VP), and norepinephrine (NE) was examined in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. Synthetic CRF rapidly stimulated cyclic AMP production, from 4- to 6-fold in 3 min to a maximum of 10- to 15-fold at 30 min. Stimulation of ACTH release by increasing concentrations of CRF was accompanied by a parallel increase in cyclic AMP formation, with ED50 values of 0.5 and 1.3 nM CRF for ACTH and cyclic AMP, respectively. A good correlation between cyclic AMP formation and ACTH release was also found when pituitary cells were incubated with the synthetic CRF(15-41) fragment, which displayed full agonist activity on both cyclic AMP and ACTH release with about 0.1% of the potency of the intact peptide. In contrast, the CRF(21-41) and CRF(36-41) fragments were completely inactive. The other regulators were less effective stimuli of ACTH release and caused either no change in cyclic AMP (AII and VP) or a 50% decrease in cyclic AMP (NE). Addition of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, methylisobutylxanthine, increased the sensitivity of the ACTH response to CRF but did not change the responses to AII, VP, and NE. In pituitary membranes, adenylate cyclase activity was stimulated by CRF in a dose-dependent manner with ED50 of 0.28 nM, indicating that the CRF-induced elevation of cyclic AMP production in intact pituitary cells is due to increased cyclic AMP biosynthesis. The intermediate role of cyclic AMP in the stimulation of ACTH release by CRF was further indicated by the dose-related increase in cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity in pituitary cells stimulated by CRF with ED50 of 1.1 nM. These data demonstrate that the action of CRF on ACTH release is mediated by the adenylate cyclase-protein kinase pathway and that the sequence requirement for bioactivity includes the COOH-terminal 27 amino acid residues of the molecule. The other recognized regulators of ACTH release are less effective stimuli than CRF and do not exert their actions on the corticotroph through cyclic AMP-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids are steroids endowed with powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which are routinely believed to require several hours to take effect through modulation of gene expression. Our recent report has shown that glucocorticoids could inhibit allergic reaction within 10 minutes, which the classical genomic mechanism could not explain. Histamine is thought to be one of major mediators in the allergic reaction, and IgE-mediated histamine release from mast cells plays a pivotal role in allergic diseases. Here, we have determined a rapid effect of corticosterone on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells, using fluorometric assay. The results showed that corticosterone could inhibit antigen-induced histamine release from rat peritoneal cells within 15 minutes (p<0.05), which could be mimicked by membrane-impermeable BSA conjugated corticosterone (p<0.05). Neither glucocorticoid nuclear receptor antagonist nor protein synthesis inhibitor could block the rapid action (p<0.05). The study provided evidence that nongenomic mechanism might be involved in rapid effect of glucocorticoids on mast cells in allergic disease.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the hypothesis that acute restraint stress results in ultrastructural evidence for enhanced release of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH) and -endorphin from the intermediate lobe (IL) of the rat pituitary. Measurements of plasma -MSH-and -endorphin-immunoreactivity (ir) were used to confirm ultrastructural findings. Plasma -MSH-ir was elevated after 20 and 30 min of restraint while plasma -endorphin-ir peaked 10 min after the onset of restraint. Ultrastructural analysis revealed a decrease in the content of secretory granules within IL cells of stressed rats. Analysis of Golgi-related immature secretory granules in IL cells indicated that new peptide synthesis was not enhanced after 30 min of restraint. These results confirm previous studies showing and elevation of plasma -endorphin and -MSH-ir during acute restraint. Furthermore, these results indicate that quantitative analysis at the ultrastructural level can be used to assess peptide release from IL secretory cells during stress.  相似文献   

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