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The integrin beta 1 (CD29) is a marker for total very late activation Ag integrins on cells, and exhibits considerable fluctuation in cell surface density at various stages of T cell development. We have analyzed beta 1 integrin expression on subsets of human thymus, and on T cells from healthy babies and children, in comparison to healthy adults aged 26 to 75. T cells from adult peripheral blood include a CD29-, a CD29lo, and a CD29hi set. Compared with adults, PBMC T cells from children have reduced numbers of both CD29lo and CD29hi subsets but equivalent numbers of CD29- T cells. The number of CD29hi T cells increases gradually with age, achieving adult levels only at about 26 yr of age; in aged adults (69 to 75 yr), nearly all T cells have a CD29hi phenotype. Most thymocytes and cord blood T cells, in contrast, have a single peak of CD29 staining that is intermediate to the two peaks seen in adults. Multi-negative progenitor and CD45RO- thymocytes (presumptive thymic generative line-age) are 98% CD29hi. Progenitor thymocytes and adult PBMC T cells express equivalent amounts of beta 1 and alpha 4, but progenitors are alpha 5hi, whereas PBMC T cells are alpha 5lo. T cells from children have reduced beta 1hi and alpha 5lo, but nearly comparable numbers of alpha 4hi. This suggests that the major very late activation Ag integrins during childhood may be alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha 4 complexed with an alternate beta chain. In children, the majority of CD29hi cells are also CD45RAhi, in contrast to the pattern in adults, in whom the majority of CD29hi T cells are CD45RA-. This suggests that in children, the main defense against infection may reside in the CD29hi45RAhi T cells, which have not yet made the transition to CD45RO and to bona fide memory status. The proliferative response to tetanus toxoid of 4- to 6-mo-old babies correlates with the number of CD29hi45RAhi T cells, suggesting that it derives at least in part from cells that do not express a "memory" phenotype. These observations show a pattern of alternating high and low density CD29 during T cell development, which is consistent with the idea that CD29 is a marker for functionally defined T cell sets. Analysis of the CD29 expression of CD29hi thymocytes developing in vitro supports this view. We suggest that the intensity of CD29 expression on a T cell varies, dependent upon the microenvironmental interactions required by a differentiating T cell.  相似文献   

The existence of distinct subsets of memory CD8 T cells with different characteristics is now well established. In this work, we describe two subsets of mouse CD8 T cells with memory characteristics that coexist in primed thymectomized TCR-transgenic F5 mice and that share some properties with the human central and effector memory cells. The first subset corresponds to CD8 T cells generated following nucleoprotein 68 peptide priming which are CD44(int)CD122(-)nucleoprotein 68/H-2D(b) tetramer(+) and express high levels of CCR7 mRNA. In contrast, CD8 T cells in the second subset are CD44(high)CD122(+), are heterogeneous in terms of Ag specificity, and express low levels of CCR7 mRNA. We have studied the functional characteristics and the persistence of these two subsets in thymectomized mice. CD44(int) CD8 T cells persist like naive cells; i.e., they are slowly lost with time. However, surviving cells maintain their phenotype and memory characteristics for the entire life span of the animal. In contrast, CD44(high) CD8 T cells are persistent and accumulate in thymectomized but not euthymic mice. This is correlated with an increased in vivo proliferative and survival potential of these cells. These results show that acquisition of enhanced functional characteristics and long-term persistence by memory T cells are independent. This may have important consequences for the design of specific vaccine.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory functions of human T8 cell subpopulations defined by mAb to the CD45RA molecule (2H4) were examined. Both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells that had been treated with mitomycin C provided help for the production of immunoglobulins by B cells in cultures stimulated with immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1). In contrast, both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells that had not been treated with mitomycin C suppressed B cell responses in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures, although CD45RA+ T8 cells were more effective in this regard. Interleukin 2 (IL2) enhanced suppression by anti-CD3-activated CD45RA- T8 cells, whereas suppression by CD45RA+ T8 cells was almost maximal and not as much increased by IL2. The differentiation into suppressor-effector cells in this system appeared to involve the production of IL2, but not the production of interferon (INF)-gamma. Thus, CD45RA+ T8 cells produced higher amounts of IL2 but lower amounts of IFN-gamma than CD45RA- T8 cells in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures. Moreover, addition of mAb to the p55 component of IL2 receptor (anti-Tac) inhibited the generation of suppressor activity from CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells. The pattern and magnitude of suppression of B cell responses by CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T4 cells were similar to that by CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells in this system. Finally, preactivated CD45RA+ T8 cells that had lost CD45RA expression suppressed the B cell responses as effectively as fresh CD45RA+ T8 cells. The results indicate that both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T8 cells can help or suppress B cell responses. More importantly, the data suggest that the suppressor-effector function of human T cells may rather be related with the stages of the post-thymic differentiation as evidenced by the expression of the CD45RA molecule than represent the fully differentiated T cell subsets, such as T4 and T8 cells. In addition, the CD45RA molecule appeared not to be involved in the suppressor-effector function, but to determine the stage of post-thymic differentiation.  相似文献   

In the present report we extended our previous studies demonstrating that obligatory T-T interactions are important in regulating human immune responses in vitro. Functionally distinct human T cell subsets were isolated by complement-mediated lysis using the monoclonal antibodies OKT4 and OKT8. Evidence was obtained that during allogeneic interactions, OKT4+, but not OKT8+, responder T cells are required to generate helper factor(s) capable of polyclonally activating human B cells independent of additional T cell help. Importantly, the alloantigen-induced helper factor(s) production and/or release was found to be suppressed by addition of graded numbers of radiosensitive OKT8+ cells. On the other hand, no evidence was obtained that supernatant derived from alloactivated OKT8+ cells could counterbalance the helper activity generated in the presence of supernatant from alloactivated OKT4+ cells. Furthermore, OKT8+ cells, known to suppress PWM-driven B cell differentiation in the presence of OKT4+ cells, do not suppress B cell differentiation induced by preformed helper factor even in the presence of OKT4+ cells. These data further underscore the importance of functional T-T interactions in immunoregulation in vitro and support the idea that the target of suppression of B cell differentiation, induced either by alloantigen-triggered helper factor or PWM, are OKT4+ cells and not B cells themselves.  相似文献   

Three major subsets of Ag-experienced CD8+ T cells have been identified according to their expression of CD62L and CD127. These markers are associated with central memory T cells (CD62L+ CD127+), effector memory T cells (CD162L- CD127+), and effector T cells (CD62L- CD127-). In this study we characterized the development of these three populations during acute and chronic viral infections and after immunization with virus-like particles and determined their lineage relation and functional and protective properties. We found that the balance between the three subsets was critically regulated by the availability of Ag and time. After initial down-regulation of CD127, the responding CD8+ T cell population down-regulated CD62L and re-expressed CD127. Dependent on Ag availability, the cells then further differentiated into CD62L- CD127- effector cells or, in the absence of Ag, re-expressed CD62L to become central memory T cells. Although all three populations efficiently produced effector cytokines such as IFN-gamma, CD62L- CD127- effector cells exhibited the highest ex vivo lytic potential. In contrast, CD62L+ CD127+ central memory T cells most efficiently produced IL-2 and proliferated extensively in vitro and in vivo upon antigenic restimulation. Strikingly, only effector and effector memory, but not central memory, T cells were able to protect against peripheral infection with vaccinia virus, whereas central memory T cells were most potent at protecting against systemic infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, indicating that the antiviral protective capacities of specific CD8+ T cell subsets are closely related to the nature of the challenging pathogen.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that over 50% of CD8 cells from HIV-infected persons do not survive in 3-day cultures of mononuclear cells; this loss occurred preferentially in subsets with phenotypes indicative of in vivo activation. In the studies reported here, we asked if cytokines enhanced CD8 cell survival. Of IL1, IL2, IL4, IL6, tumor necrosis factor, and interferon-gamma only IL2 specifically enhanced CD8 survival in the HIV group, compared to the control group. Further studies thus focused on characterizing CD8 cell survival in the presence of IL2. In both study groups, three subsets of CD8 cells were identified based on in vitro survival: (a) those surviving in culture medium alone (survivors), (b) those surviving only when IL2 was included in the culture medium (IL2-dependent survivors), and (c) those failing to survive even in the presence of IL2 (nonsurvivors). By dual-color cytofluorometry, the CD8 survivor subset was similar in the two study groups, and expressed nonactivated phenotypes (Leu8+, CD45RA+, HLA-DR-). The IL2-dependent survivor subset was also similar in the two study groups and expressed the phenotypes Leu8-, CD45RA+, CD57+, HLA-DR+, and CD38+, suggesting prior activation. The CD8 nonsurvivor subset, in contrast, was markedly different in the study groups: compared to the control group, the HIV group contained significantly higher proportions of CD8 cells expressing the phenotypes Leu8-, CD57+, and HLA-DR+, also suggesting activation. These findings indicate that, in HIV infection, the activated CD8 cell subsets that do not survive in medium alone consist of a "normal" component that requires IL2 for survival and an "abnormal" component that does not survive even in IL2.  相似文献   

The CD45RA and CD45RO isoforms have been reported to define complementary subsets among CD4+ T cells: CD45RA CD4+ T cells are considered "virgin T cells" and CD45RO "primed T cells." We investigated the secretion of lymphokines by human CD4+ CD45RO and CD4+ CD45RA T helper cells after mitogen stimulation. CD45RA and CD45RO CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative immunoselection using magnetic beads. CD45RO cells, but not CD45RA cells, proliferate well in response to pokeweed mitogen (PWM) or insoluble anti-CD3. Both subpopulations produced interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, and interferon (IFN)-gamma when stimulated with PWM for 1-4 days. Only Day 1 supernatants from CD45RO cells contained moderate amounts of IL-4. After 14 days of continuous culture and stimulation with PWM, the CD45RA subset had lost the expression of CD45RA and gained that of CD45RO. When long-term cultured CD45RA or CD45RO cells were treated with insoluble anti-CD3, they incorporated [3H]thymidine at similar levels, but only CD45RO cells secreted IL-4 and significantly increased their secretion of IFN-gamma. These data indicate that despite phenotype conversion, the two subpopulations maintain functional differences in the secretion of lymphokines, thus suggesting that circulating CD45RA and CD45RO cells may represent different lines of differentiation.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cell subsets are unequally distributed in rat secondary lymphoid organs. Those with the memory phenotype CD45RClow Thy-1- L-selectin- are present at a higher frequency in Peyer's patches (PP) than in lymph nodes and spleen, and increase in numbers with age in all three tissues, particularly in the PP. Homing experiments revealed that CD4+ T cells that recirculate through secondary lymphoid organs are mainly CD45RChigh. It was also apparent that the ability of recirculating cells to enter different lymphoid organs varies; less cells enter PP than the spleen or lymph nodes. Our results also reveal the existence of a nonrecirculating population of CD4+ T cells in secondary lymphoid organs, which are predominantly, if not exclusively, CD45RClow. Our results show that secondary lymphoid organs differ in their CD4+ T cell subset composition as a consequence of having different ratios of recirculatory:nonrecirculatory CD4+ T cells, and these cells display a different CD45RC phenotype.  相似文献   

The percentages of rhesus monkey blood lymphocytes (PBL) reactive with OKT4 and OKT8 antibodies and the OKT4OKT8 ratio showed significant correlations with the log of the immunoglobulin plaque-forming cell (PFC) response after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen (PWM). These correlations suggested that monkey OKT4+ cells function as “helper” cells and OKT8+ cells function as “suppressor” cells for the PFC response. This was confirmed by separation and study of enriched T- and B-cell subpopulations. OKT8-depleted (OKT4+) and OKT4-depleted (OKT8+) cells were obtained by treatment of purified T cells with antibody and complement. OKT4+ cells augmented the PWM-induced B-cell differentiation into PFC but OKT8+ cells did not. OKT8+ cells suppressed the PFC response by mixtures of B cells and OKT4+ cells. OKT8 antibodies also detected a suppressive cell subset in African green monkeys since the percentage of OKT8+ cells showed a negative correlation with the log PFC response. OKT4 antibodies failed to bind to African green monkey PBL.  相似文献   

In our previous paper, we demonstrated that anti-D44 MAb can, in the presence of complement, eliminate all the allocytotoxicity generated during a mixed lymphocyte reaction without affecting the alloproliferative response. As approximately 70% of CD4+ cells and 30% of CD8+ will be stained with anti-D44 MAb, we researched the functional role of the D44+ and D44- cells in each of these T cell subsets in the PWM-induced antibody response. We found that most of the helper activity for immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesis was mediated by CD4+ D44+ lymphocytes and that virtually all the suppressive activity was mediated by CD8+ D44- lymphocytes. Surprisingly enough, we noticed that the low level of Ig synthesis induced in B cells by CD4+ D44- lymphocytes could be strongly amplified by the addition of radiosensitive CD8+ lymphocytes, suggesting coexisting opposite immunoregulatory functions within the CD8+ T cell subset. These results, together with previous data, indicate that anti-D44 MAb subdivides T cells into subpopulations with distinct functional repertoires: a CD4+ D44+ helper subpopulation, a CD8+ D44+ cytotoxic subpopulation, and a CD8+ D44- suppressor subpopulation.  相似文献   



T cell-mediated immunity in elderly people is compromised in ways reflected in the composition of the peripheral T cell pool. The advent of polychromatic flow cytometry has made analysis of cell subsets feasible in unprecedented detail.


Here we document shifts in subset distribution within naïve (N), central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) cells defined by CD45RA and CCR7 expression in the elderly, additionally using the costimulatory receptors CD27 and CD28, as well as the coinhibitory receptors CD57 and KLRG-1, to further dissect these. Although differences between young and old were more marked in CD8 than in CD4 cells, a similar overall pattern prevailed in both. Thus, the use of all these markers together, and inclusion of assays of proliferation and cytokine secretion, may enable the construction of a differentiation scheme applicable to CD4 as well as CD8 cells, with the model (based on Romero et al.) suggesting the progression N→CM→EM1→EM2→pE1→pE2→EM4→EM3→E end-stage non-proliferative effector cells.


Overall, the results suggest that both differences in subset distribution and differences between subsets are responsible for age-related changes in CD8 cells but that differences within rather than between subsets are more prominent for CD4 cells.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory functions of human T4 cell subpopulations defined by mAb to the CD45R molecule (2H4) were examined. Both CD45R- and CD45R+ T4 cells that had been treated with mitomycin C (CD45R- and CD45R+ T4-mito) provided help for the generation of Ig-secreting cells (ISC) in cultures stimulated by PWM or by immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1). IL-2 enhanced the generation of ISC in PWM-stimulated cultures and in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures containing CD45R+ T4-mito. The generation of ISC was maximal in cultures containing anti-CD3-activated CD45R- T4-mito and was not increased by IL-2. By contrast, CD45R+ T4 cells that had not been treated with mitomycin C suppressed B cell responses in cultures stimulated with PWM or anti-CD3, whereas CD45R- T4 cells suppressed the generation of ISC only in cultures stimulated with anti-CD3. IL-2 enhanced suppression by anti-CD3, but not PWM, activated CD45R- T4 cells. Suppression by CD45R+ T4 cells was maximal and not increased by IL-2. CD45R+ T4-mito were more effective suppressor-inducers in PWM-stimulated cultures, promoting the differentiation of suppressor-effector cells from CD8+ T cells. However, both CD45R+ and CD45R- T4-mito exerted comparable suppressor-inducer function in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures. Moreover, in anti-CD3-stimulated cultures, T8 cells could function as both suppressor-effector cells and suppressor-inducer cells. One of the functions of suppressor-inducer cells in this system appeared to involve the production of IL-2. Thus, the addition of IL-2 facilitated the induction of suppressor-effector T8 cells by CD45R- T4-mito in PWM-stimulated cultures. Although IL-2 production by the T cell subsets varied widely depending on the nature of the stimulus, these differences could not entirely explain their capacity to function as helper cells, suppressor-effector cells or suppressor-inducer cells. These results indicate that both CD45R+ and CD45R- T4 cells can help or suppress B cell responses, as well as induce suppressor-effector T8 cells. Moreover, suppressor-inducer function of T cells is not limited to the T4 cell population, but rather can also be accomplished by T8 cells. The results indicate that both T4 cell subsets and T8 cells exert multiple regulatory effects on human B cell function, with the nature of the activating stimulus playing a major role in determining the functional capacity of various T cell subsets.  相似文献   

Functional and ontogenetic analysis of murine CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo CD4+ T cells   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
CD4+ murine T cell clones, TH1 and TH2, can be distinguished by both functional responses and by their patterns of lymphokine secretion. Recently, a mAb, 23G2, which reacts with a subset of CD45 molecules (CD45R), has been reported to bind differentially to clones of TH1 and TH2 cells. In the present study, normal splenic T cells were analyzed for differences in 23G2-reactivity and were separated into two populations based on their density of CD45R (CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo). The CD45Rhi cells secrete more IL-2 than IL-4 after stimulation in vitro; the reverse is true for the CD45Rlo cells. Because neither population secretes only IL-2 or IL-4, we were unable to classify cells as TH1 or TH2. In vivo and in vitro analyses of the CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo cells suggest a lineage relationship between the two subsets that correlates with the degree of Ag exposure and the state of maturation of the mice. In newborn mice and mice raised under sterile conditions, splenic CD4+ T cells are predominantly CD45Rhi. Under conditions of increased antigenic exposure and maturation of the mice, CD45Rlo cells develop; after long term priming in vivo, the majority of specific Ag-reactive cells are CD45Rlo. Adoptive transfer studies using BALB/c nu/nu recipients demonstrate that CD45Rhi cells become CD45Rlo cells and that the recall response (IgG) to specific Ag is mediated by CD45Rlo cells. Taken together, these data indicate that the level of expression of CD45R on CD4+ T cells distinguishes virgin (CD45Rhi) from primed/memory (CD45Rlo) T cells in normal mice.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system leading to demyelination and axonal/neuronal loss. Cumulating evidence points to a key role for CD8 T cells in this disabling disease. Oligoclonal CD8 T cells reside in demyelinating plaques where they are likely to contribute to tissue destruction. Histopathological analyses and compelling observations from animal models indicate that cytotoxic CD8 T cells target neural cell populations with the potential of causing lesions reminiscent of MS. However, CD8 T cell differentiation results in several subsets of effector CD8 T cells that could be differentially implicated in the mechanisms contributing to tissue damage. Moreover CD8 regulatory T cells arise as important populations involved in restoring immune homoeostasis and in maintaining immune privileged sites. Here we examine the current literature pertaining to the role of CD8 effector and regulatory T cell subsets in the pathogenesis of MS.  相似文献   

The ability of the dendritic cell (DC) subsets, CD8alpha+ and CD8alpha- DCs, to initiate a CD8 T cell response or to activate memory CD8 T cells and generate effector CD8 T cells has been controversial. In this study, we analyse the capacity of splenic DC subsets to induce CD8 T cell responses to a CD8 T cell epitope (pb9) of a malaria antigen. The administration of peptide-pulsed CD8alpha- or CD8alpha+ DCs primes and boosts a primed CD8 T cell response against the malaria epitope. In vitro, depletion of CD11c(+) DCs from mouse splenocytes, immunised with recombinant vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing pb9 epitope, significantly reduced the generation of pb9-specific IFNgamma producing effector CD8 T cells, indicating that splenic DCs are involved in the development of pb9-specific IFNgamma producing effector cells. Taken together, this result shows that both DC subsets have the ability to prime and boost CD8 T cell responses and are involved in the activation of memory CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) has become a therapy of choice for the treatment of certain malignancies and hematopoietic disorders. However, immunodeficiencies following BMT continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality. We have compared the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of BMT patients and healthy control individuals by staining peripheral blood mononuclear cells with fluorochrome-labeled TCR-specific antibodies. Several patients exhibited a biased pattern of TCR expression atypical of the healthy controls, yet no particular TCR bias characterized all patients. For example, we found that 2%–8% of T cell from healthy individuals expressed the V19 TCR. One BMT patient exhibited V19 expression on more than 60% of peripheral T cells, while additional patients expressed V19 on less than 1% of T cells. The patients with the most extreme skewing of TCR types suffered from graft-versus-host disease. The causes of skewed TCR V expression patterns in BMT patients are not fully understood, yet some researchers have suggested that an oligoclonal expansion of CD8+ T cell populations may be largely responsible. To test this hypothesis, we examined the TCR V repertoire of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. We found that biased V expression characterized both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations, sometimes within a single individual. Thus, therapies directed toward CD8+ T cells alone may not fully correct repertoire abnormalities following BMT.  相似文献   

CD4+45RB- rat T cells were shown to respond strongly to recall antigens and produce IFN and TNF after polyclonal activation. Compared to CD4+45RB- cells, CD4+45RB+ cells showed a very weak response to recall antigens but produced higher amounts of IFN and TNF after polyclonal activation. Addition of rIL-2 reduced the difference between the subsets with respect to the level of IFN produced at 48 and 72 hr after activation, but did not influence the level of TNF production. The CD4+45RB- cells clearly showed a faster response to polyclonal activation than that of CD4+45RB+ cells detected as an earlier IFN production and CD25 expression. The earlier IFN production by the CD45RB- population could not only be explained by their faster production of IL-2, since the difference persisted when rIL-2 was added to both populations at the beginning of culture. We conclude that the CD4+45RB- rat T cell population resemble the CD4+45RA-0+ human T cell subset with respect to a good responsiveness to recall antigen and efficient production of IFN. However, the CD4+45RB+ rat T cell subset functionally differs from the CD4+45RA+0- human T cell subset. We suggest that the CD4+45RB+ subset comprises a major CD4+45RA+B+0- and a minor CD4+4+45A-B+0+ T cell subpopulation, the latter possibly mediating a response to recall antigen and the production of IFN.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that Con A-induced suppressor T cells belong to the CD45RA+ subset. After unseparated T cells are activated with Con A, CD45RA expression increases to a maximum (Day 2), and then decreases significantly, but does not disappear entirely (Day 9), while CD29 expression increases steadily. In the present study, we examined the fate of these cell surface molecules on isolated CD4+CD45RA+ and CD4+CD45RA- cells following activation with Con A, and their relationship to the regulatory functions of these subsets. After activation of CD4+CD45RA+ cells with Con A, CD45RO and CD29 antigen expression rapidly increases (greater than 90%). While CD45RA expression is downregulated, approximately 40% of the cells continue to express low-density CD45RA in a stable fashion through Day 21. Despite these phenotypic changes, cells originally CD45RA+ continue to suppress IgG synthesis and provide only minimal B cell help. Furthermore, when cells originally CD45RA+ were sorted on the basis of continued presence, or loss of CD45RA antigen 14 days after activation, both populations demonstrated potent suppression and minimal help. In contrast, after activation with Con A, CD4+CD45A- cells maintain stable phenotype and provide significant help and minimal suppression. Immunoprecipitation of the CD45RA antigen from Day 14 activated CD4+CD45RA+ cells confirms the continued presence of the 205-kDa isoform, but reveals a significant decrease in the 220-kDa isoform. These results suggest that after activation with Con A, cells originally CD45RA+ remain functionally distinct from cells originally CD45RA-, and that CD45RA antigen persists on a subpopulation of CD45RA+ cells after activation with Con A.  相似文献   

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