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全球气候变暖对陆地生态系统尤其是森林生态系统有着重要的影响,气温升高、辐射强迫的增强将显著改变森林生态系统的结构和功能.南方人工林作为我国森林的重要组成部分,对气候变化的响应日益强烈.为了探究未来气候情景下我国南方人工林对气候变化的响应,降低未来气候变化对人工林可能带来的损失,本研究采用3种最新的气候情景—典型浓度排放路径情景(RCP2.6情景、RCP4.5情景、RCP8.5情景)预估数据,应用生态系统过程模型PnET-Ⅱ和空间直观景观模型LANDIS-Ⅱ模拟2014—2094年间湖南省会同森林生态实验站磨哨实验林场森林的地表净初级生产力(ANPP)、物种建立可能性(SEP)和地上生物量的变化.结果表明: 不同森林类型的SEP和ANPP对气候变化的响应有明显的差异,各森林类型对气候变化的响应程度表现为: 对于SEP,在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,人工针叶林>天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林;在RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.对于ANPP,在RCP2.6情景下,人工阔叶林>天然阔叶林>人工针叶林;在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.人工针叶林的地上生物量在2050年左右开始下降,天然阔叶林和人工阔叶林整体呈现上升趋势.2014—2094年,研究区地上总生物量在不同气候情景下增加幅度不同,RCP2.6情景下增加了68.2%,RCP4.5情景下增加了79.3%,RCP8.5情景下增加了72.6%.3种情景下的总地上生物量大小排序为: RCP4.5> RCP8.5> RCP2.6.我们认为,适当的增温将有助于未来研究区森林总地上生物量的积累,但过度的增温也可能会阻碍森林的生产和生态功能的持续发展.  相似文献   

预测森林地上生物量对气候变化和林火干扰的响应是陆地生态系统碳循环研究的重要内容,气温、降水等因素的改变和气候变暖导致林火干扰强度的变化将会影响森林生态系统的碳库动态.东北森林作为我国森林的重要组成部分,对气候变化和林火干扰的响应逐渐显现.本文运用LANDIS PRO模型,模拟气候变化对大兴安岭森林地上生物量的影响,并比较分析了气候变暖对森林地上生物量的直接影响与通过林火干扰强度改变所产生的影响.结果表明: 未来气候变暖和火干扰增强情景下,森林地上生物量增加;当前气候条件和火干扰下,研究区森林地上生物量为(97.14±5.78) t·hm-2;在B1F2预案下,森林地上生物量均值为(97.93±5.83) t·hm-2;在A2F3预案下,景观水平第100~150和150~200年模拟时期内的森林地上生物量均值较高,分别为(100.02±3.76)和(110.56±4.08) t·hm-2.与当前火干扰相比,CF2预案(当前火干扰增加30%)在一定时期使景观水平地上生物量增加(0.56±1.45) t·hm-2,CF3预案(当前火干扰增加230%)在整个模拟阶段使地上生物量减少(7.39±1.79) t·hm-2.针叶、阔叶树种对气候变暖的响应存在差异,兴安落叶松和白桦生物量随气候变暖表现为降低趋势,而樟子松、云杉和山杨的地上生物量则随气候变暖表现出不同程度的增加;气候变暖对针阔树种的直接影响具有时滞性,针叶树种响应时间比阔叶树种迟25~50年.研究区森林对高CO2排放情景下气候变暖和高强度火干扰的共同作用较为敏感,未来将明显改变研究区森林生态系统的树种组成和结构.  相似文献   

罗旭  贺红士  梁宇  吴志伟  黄超  张庆龙 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1104-1114
林火干扰是北方森林最主要的自然干扰之一,对北方森林地上生物量影响是一个长期的过程。因此,在预测地上生物量动态变化时需要考虑林火的影响。运用空间直观景观模型LANDIS PRO,模拟大兴安岭林区林火对不同树种地上生物量预测的影响。选取研究区5种主要树种林分(兴安落叶松、樟子松、云杉、白桦和山杨),以无干扰情景为参考预案,在验证模型模拟结果的基础上,模拟林火在短期(0—50a)、中期(50—150a)和长期(150—300a)对地上生物量的定量化影响,及其对不同立地类型地上生物量的动态变化。结果表明:(1)基于森林调查数据参数化的2000年森林景观模拟结果能够较好地代表2000年真实森林景观,模拟的2010年森林林分密度和胸高断面积与2010年森林调查数据无显著性差异(P0.05),当前林火干扰机制模拟结果能够较好地与样地调查数据匹配,说明林火模拟能够代表当前研究区林火发生情况;(2)与无干扰预案相比,整个模拟时期内景观水平上林火减少了1.7—5.9 t/hm2地上生物量;(3)与无干扰预案相比,林火预案下主要树种生物量在短期、中期和长期变化显著(P0.05);(4)在不同模拟时期,林火显著地改变了地上生物量空间分布,其中以亚高山区地上生物量降低最为明显。研究可为长期森林管理以及森林可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The forests of northeastern China store nearly half of the country's total biomass carbon stocks. In this study, we investigated the changes in forest biomass by using satellite observations and found that a significant increase in forest biomass took place between 2001 and 2010. To determine the possible reasons for this change, several statistical methods were used to analyze the correlations between forest biomass dynamics and forest disturbances (i.e. fires, insect damage, logging, and afforestation and reforestation), climatic factors, and forest development. Results showed that forest development was the most important contributor to the increasing trend of forest biomass from 2001 to 2010, and climate controls were the secondary important factor. Among the four types of forest disturbance considered in this study, forest recovery from fires, and afforestation and reforestation during the past few decades played an important role in short‐term biomass dynamics. This study provided observational evidence and valuable information for the relationships between forest biomass and climate as well as forest disturbances.  相似文献   

停止商业性采伐对大兴安岭森林结构与地上生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采伐是北方森林最主要的人为干扰之一,过去高强度采伐导致森林植被组成单一化和均质化。为提高森林的生态功能和经济效益,国家先后于2000年实施"天然林资源保护工程"、2014年实施全面停止天然林商业性采伐。为评价这两种政策下不同的采伐干扰对森林的直接影响,以大兴安岭林区为研究对象,采用空间直观景观模型LANDIS PRO,模拟比较2000—2100年"天然林资源保护工程"、全面停止商业性采伐政策下森林树种组成、年龄结构及森林地上生物量的长期变化特征及其差异性。研究结果表明:1)模型初始化的林分密度、地上生物量与2000年野外调查数据相吻合(P0.01),模型模拟结果具有较高的可靠性;2)对比分类经营,全面停止商业性采伐的实施:增大了优势树种(落叶松与白桦)的树种组成比例,减小了保护树种(云杉与樟子松)的比例;对树种组成在中长期影响显著(P0.05),降低了树种组成结构的多样性;总体上增加了林分平均胸高断面积,减小了林分密度;3)模型模拟100年,全面停止商业性采伐下中幼龄林向成熟林过渡,改善森林年龄结构;4)与分类经营相比,整个模拟时期内全面停止商业性采伐增加森林地上生物量,提高森林恢复速率,有助于森林地上总生物量的恢复与累积。但保护树种(云杉与樟子松)森林地上生物量在一定程度上有所下降,不利于提高珍贵树种的丰度。对评估森林管理方案在森林资源恢复上的作用和有效实施森林生态系统管理有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Fundamental drivers of ecosystem processes such as temperature and precipitation are rapidly changing and creating novel environmental conditions. Forest landscape models (FLM) are used by managers and policy‐makers to make projections of future ecosystem dynamics under alternative management or policy options, but the links between the fundamental drivers and projected responses are weak and indirect, limiting their reliability for projecting the impacts of climate change. We developed and tested a relatively mechanistic method to simulate the effects of changing precipitation on species competition within the LANDIS‐II FLM. Using data from a field precipitation manipulation experiment in a piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) ecosystem in New Mexico (USA), we calibrated our model to measurements from ambient control plots and tested predictions under the drought and irrigation treatments against empirical measurements. The model successfully predicted behavior of physiological variables under the treatments. Discrepancies between model output and empirical data occurred when the monthly time step of the model failed to capture the short‐term dynamics of the ecosystem as recorded by instantaneous field measurements. We applied the model to heuristically assess the effect of alternative climate scenarios on the piñon–juniper ecosystem and found that warmer and drier climate reduced productivity and increased the risk of drought‐induced mortality, especially for piñon. We concluded that the direct links between fundamental drivers and growth rates in our model hold great promise to improve our understanding of ecosystem processes under climate change and improve management decisions because of its greater reliance on first principles.  相似文献   

刘彦春  张远东  刘世荣  张笑鹤 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5810-5820
川西亚高山针阔混交林是该地区云冷杉暗针叶林大规模采伐后自然恢复形成的主要次生林类型之一,是由采伐迹地向顶极暗针叶林演替过程中的重要阶段。采用样地调查与异速生长模型相结合的方法,研究了川西亚高山林区4个海拔梯度(A:2900—3050m;B:3150—3300m;C:3300—3450m;D:3450—3550m)40a生针阔混交林的生物量与生产力变化。结果表明,林分乔木层生物量、生产力随海拔上升而不断下降,分别由A梯度的157.07t/hm2、3.43t·hm-·2a-1下降到D梯度的54.65t/hm2、1.36t·hm-·2a-1,气温的海拔间差异以及林分密度的递减是影响林分生物量、生产力变化的主要原因;阔叶类树种单株平均生物量、生产力随海拔升高而显著下降,由A梯度的200.55kg、4.96kg/a下降到D梯度的47.86kg、1.19kg/a;而针叶类树种单株平均生物量、生产力则逐渐上升,由A梯度的51.57kg、1.28kg/a上升到D梯度的73.88kg、1.84kg/a,但未达显著水平,阔、针叶类树种生物量、生产力变化分异是物种的生物学特性和林分环境共同作用的结果。相关分析显示,该地区阔叶类树种对海拔梯度的响应比针叶树种更为敏感和显著。  相似文献   

Forests provide important ecological, economic, and social services, and recent interest has emerged in the potential for using residue from timber harvest as a source of renewable woody bioenergy. The long‐term consequences of such intensive harvest are unclear, particularly as forests face novel climatic conditions over the next century. We used a simulation model to project the long‐term effects of management and climate change on above‐ and belowground forest carbon storage in a watershed in northwestern Oregon. The multi‐ownership watershed has a diverse range of current management practices, including little‐to‐no harvesting on federal lands, short‐rotation clear‐cutting on industrial land, and a mix of practices on private nonindustrial land. We simulated multiple management scenarios, varying the rate and intensity of harvest, combined with projections of climate change. Our simulations project a wide range of total ecosystem carbon storage with varying harvest rate, ranging from a 45% increase to a 16% decrease in carbon compared to current levels. Increasing the intensity of harvest for bioenergy caused a 2–3% decrease in ecosystem carbon relative to conventional harvest practices. Soil carbon was relatively insensitive to harvest rotation and intensity, and accumulated slowly regardless of harvest regime. Climate change reduced carbon accumulation in soil and detrital pools due to increasing heterotrophic respiration, and had small but variable effects on aboveground live carbon and total ecosystem carbon. Overall, we conclude that current levels of ecosystem carbon storage are maintained in part due to substantial portions of the landscape (federal and some private lands) remaining unharvested or lightly managed. Increasing the intensity of harvest for bioenergy on currently harvested land, however, led to a relatively small reduction in the ability of forests to store carbon. Climate change is unlikely to substantially alter carbon storage in these forests, absent shifts in disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

徐雨晴  周波涛  於琍  石英  徐影 《生态学报》2018,38(6):1952-1963
基于用CEVSA模型计算的NPP及Costanza等提出的生态系统服务价值计算方法,分析了基准期(1971—2000年)及未来(2021—2050年)我国森林生态系统服务价值时空动态变化特征。结果表明,基准期及未来RCP4.5、RCP8.5两情景下,我国森林生态系统服务总价值均呈逐年增加趋势,年均值分别为12.80(4.55—20.72)万亿元、14.81(5.26—23.97)万亿元、15.13(5.38—24.49)万亿元。总价值在空间上均呈现出西部、东北低及南部高的格局。未来总价值除了在少数地区(新疆中部、内蒙古西部、甘肃西北部、西藏东南部以及我国东北和南方部分森林边缘地区)将降低外,在其他地区均增加,且增幅在东部大于西部,南部大于北部,其中华南增幅最大(RCP4.5、RCP8.5情景下年均增幅分别达1.87亿元、2.13亿元)。高增幅比例(45%)主要分布在我国东北北端。生态系统服务各功能构成项对总价值的贡献率依次为:土壤形成与保护(17.8%)气体调节(16.0%)生物多样性保护(14.9%)水源涵养(14.6%)气候调节(12.4%)原材料生产(11.9%)废物处理(6.0%)娱乐文化(5.9%)食物生产(0.5%),即物质产品产出价值(12.4%)远低于非物质价值(87.6%)。揭示了未来30年我国森林生态系统服务价值的时空格局动态演化及气候变化的影响,为气候变化背景下合理利用森林资源、促进生态环境保护及实施可持续发展战略提供科学量化的依据。  相似文献   

基于遥感降尺度估算中国森林生物量的空间分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘双娜  周涛  舒阳  戴铭  魏林艳  张鑫 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2320-2330
森林生物量是陆地生态系统重要的碳库,其大小与空间分布特征直接影响森林的碳汇潜力。基于空间降尺度技术,以中国第六次国家森林资源清查资料为基础,同时结合1∶100万植被分布图及同期的基于MODIS反演的NPP空间分布,定量估算了1 km分辨率下我国森林生物量的空间分布。结果表明:(1)降尺度技术能有效结合遥感数据的空间特征与地面详查资料的统计特征,从而较好地解决当前生物量估算的区域尺度转化问题;(2)我国森林生物量存在明显的空间分布规律,与水热条件的空间分布格局基本一致,表现为西部较低东部较高,大型山脉分布处较高;(3)我国森林生物量总量11.0 Pg,平均生物量74.8 Mg/hm2,其中高值区主要集中在东北大小兴安岭和长白山地区、新疆山区、西南横断山脉地区以及东南武夷山地区。  相似文献   

罗旭  梁宇  贺红士  黄超  张庆龙 《生态学报》2019,39(20):7656-7669
气候变化及相应火干扰在不同尺度上影响着我国大兴安岭地区森林动态,且在未来的影响可能继续加剧。为了提高森林生态功能和应对气候变暖,国家在分类经营基础上全面实施抚育采伐和补植造林,效果较好,但抚育采伐对森林主要树种的长期影响知之甚少,其在未来气候下的可持续性也有待进一步评估,同时,探讨造林措施对未来森林的影响也显得尤为重要。本文运用森林景观模型LANDIS PRO,模拟气候变化及火干扰、采伐和造林对大兴安岭地区主要树种的长期影响。结果表明:1)模型初始化、短期和长期模拟结果均得到了有效验证,模拟结果与森林调查数据之间无显著性差异(P0.05),基于火烧迹地数据的林火干扰验证亦能够反映当前火干扰的效果,模型模拟结果的可信度较高;2)与当前气候相比,气候变暖及火干扰明显改变了树种组成、年龄结构和地上生物量,B1气候下研究区森林基本上以针叶树种为主要树种,A2气候下优势树种向阔叶树转变;3)与无采伐预案相比,当前气候下,抚育采伐使落叶松的林分密度和地上生物量分别降低了(165±94.9)株/hm~2和(8.5±5.1) Mg/hm~2,增加了樟子松、白桦和云杉等树木株数和地上生物量(3.3—753.4株/hm~2和0.2—4.0 Mg/hm~2),而对山杨的影响较小;B1和A2气候下抚育采伐显著改变林分密度,降低景观尺度地上生物量,进而表现为不可持续;4)B1气候下,推荐实施中低强度造林预案(10%和20%强度),在A2气候下,各强度造林均可在模拟后期增加树种地上生物量。  相似文献   

Biomass change of the world's forests is critical to the global carbon cycle. Despite storing nearly half of global forest carbon, the boreal biome of diverse forest types and ages is a poorly understood component of the carbon cycle. Using data from 871 permanent plots in the western boreal forest of Canada, we examined net annual aboveground biomass change (ΔAGB) of four major forest types between 1958 and 2011. We found that ΔAGB was higher for deciduous broadleaf (DEC) (1.44 Mg ha?1 year?1, 95% Bayesian confidence interval (CI), 1.22–1.68) and early‐successional coniferous forests (ESC) (1.42, CI, 1.30–1.56) than mixed forests (MIX) (0.80, CI, 0.50–1.11) and late‐successional coniferous (LSC) forests (0.62, CI, 0.39–0.88). ΔAGB declined with forest age as well as calendar year. After accounting for the effects of forest age, ΔAGB declined by 0.035, 0.021, 0.032 and 0.069 Mg ha?1 year?1 per calendar year in DEC, ESC, MIX and LSC forests, respectively. The ΔAGB declines resulted from increased tree mortality and reduced growth in all forest types except DEC, in which a large biomass loss from mortality was accompanied with a small increase in growth. With every degree of annual temperature increase, ΔAGB decreased by 1.00, 0.20, 0.55 and 1.07 Mg ha?1 year?1 in DEC, ESC, MIX and LSC forests, respectively. With every cm decrease of annual climatic moisture availability, ΔAGB decreased 0.030, 0.045 and 0.17 Mg ha?1 year?1 in ESC, MIX and LSC forests, but changed little in DEC forests. Our results suggest that persistent warming and decreasing water availability have profound negative effects on forest biomass in the boreal forests of western Canada. Furthermore, our results indicate that forest responses to climate change are strongly dependent on forest composition with late‐successional coniferous forests being most vulnerable to climate changes in terms of aboveground biomass.  相似文献   

徐雨晴  肖风劲  於琍 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4710-4723
植被生产力是表征植被活力的关键变量,能够反映陆地生态系统的质量状况。森林净初级生产力(NPP)对气候变化的响应研究,是理解森林生态系统碳收支的基础,有助于认识气候变化与森林生态系统的相互作用机制,因而对于深刻理解陆地碳循环和全球变化均具有重要意义。目前我国已有大量针对近几十年国家和区域尺度上植被NPP时空分布的研究,其中专门针对森林生态系统NPP的研究也有不少。研究尺度多为全国范围或者片段式区域,以行政区或流域尺度最为多见。然而,这些研究总体比较分散,其中部分研究的结果、结论并不一致甚至相悖,尚缺乏异同性分析与比较,也缺乏系统性和综合性。这并不利于全面掌握我国相关研究的整体情况、了解清晰明确的研究结论以及进行更深层次的规律及原因探究,也非常影响对森林NPP的精确评估及机理认识,因而,对相关研究成果进行梳理、整合和总结非常有必要。鉴于此,本文收集了近几十年我国植被NPP研究的相关文献,依据其研究结果,系统地综述了全国及区域尺度森林生态系统NPP的时空分布规律及未来可能变化趋势,揭示出NPP与气候因子(以CO2、温度、降水为主)的关系及对气候变化的响应情况,并指出目前...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the total above‐ground biomass (TAGB), stem height (H), diameter at breast height (dbh) and basal area of five tree species (ages 7‐8 years) irrigated by municipal sewage water in the Egyptian‐Chinese friendship forest, Sadat City, Egypt. From the biomass data that obtained through destructive sampling, models for predicting aboveground biomass were developed. The highest values for stem density and height were estimated for Eucalyptus citriodora, while the lowest value for density was obtained for Dalbergia sissoo and stem height for Khaya senegalensis. The highest values for basal area and dbh were obtained for Casuarina spp., while the lowest values were recorded for Dalbergia sissoo. Eucalyptus camaldulensis had the highest stand stem biomass and TAGB (55.5, 83.9 t DW ha‐1, respectively). In addition, Casuarina spp. had the highest leafy branches biomass (32.5 t DW ha‐1) while Dalbergia sissoo had the lowest values for all tree components. All the generated allometric equations had high correlation coefficients at high probability levels. Moreover, the results revealed that not only the dbh data can be used as independent variable for biomass determination, but also stem height and size index are recommended for biomass estimation (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

借鉴近自然森林管理理念,用阔叶林或针阔混交林替代南亚热带大面积人工针叶纯林已被认为是一种有效的森林培育方式.1993年,在位于广西凭祥的中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心伏波试验场营造了马尾松和杉木纯林.为了提高针叶纯林的生产力和维护生态平衡,2007-2008年间,运用近自然森林培育技术,分别在间伐后的马尾松和杉木纯林中套种等量混合的当地优质乡土树种红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)和香梓楠(Michelia gioii苗木,套种密度均为405株/hm2(以下简称“马尾松近自然林”、“杉木近自然林”).选择邻近地块相同林龄、相似立地条件的未经改造的马尾松、杉木人工纯林作为对照(以下简称“未改造纯林”),研究了马尾松和杉木人工针叶纯林近自然改造早期对群落特征和土壤性质的影响,以期为马尾松和杉木人工林的可持续经营提供科学依据.研究结果表明:(1)近自然林中马尾松和杉木的密度、胸高断面积均显著低于各自未改造纯林(P<0.05),但其平均胸径均高于各自未改造纯林,其中马尾松达显著差异(P<0.05).(2)近自然林成年树(DBH≥10 cm)的林木株数少于未改造纯林,树种仍以马尾松和杉木占据绝对优势地位,而近自然林小树(5 cm≤DBH<10 cm)和幼树(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)的物种数、株数均多于未改造纯林,套种的红椎和香梓楠已经成为近自然林中重要值最大的幼树物种,红椎和香梓楠在马尾松近自然林中的生长状况优于杉木近自然林.(3)马尾松近自然林灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数与其未改造纯林均无显著差异;杉木近自然林灌木层的丰富度指数和草本层的Pielou指数显著高于其未改造纯林(P<0.05),其他指数则没有显著差异.(4)马尾松和杉木近自然林的土壤容重、总孔隙度、全磷、全氮、全钾和速效钾与各自未改造纯林没有显著差异,但马尾松近自然林的土壤有机碳含量和pH值显著低于其未改造纯林(P<0.05),杉木近自然林的速效磷含量显著低于其未改造纯林(P<0.05).  相似文献   

三江源区位于青藏高原腹地,作为长江、黄河、澜沧江三大河流的发源地,是我国重要的生态安全屏障。基于三江源区域草地AGB的野外调查数据,本研究采用多种机器学习算法集成分析的方式构建模型,实现了高精度的三江源国家公园草地AGB时空估算。基于AGB时空模拟结果,分析了近19年(2000—2018年)三江源国家公园区域草地AGB的时空动态变化。研究结果显示:(1)通过多种机器学习结合贝叶斯平均模型,草地AGB模拟值与实测值的r为0.88,RMSE为71.60g/m2,表明多模型集成分析的方式对草地AGB估算获得了较好的模拟效果。(2)三江源国家公园区域草地AGB的空间分布具有明显的空间异质性,呈从东南向西北递减的趋势。(3)2000—2018年长江源国家公园、黄河源国家公园和澜沧江国家公园区域草地AGB多年平均值分别为82.96 g/m2、117.54g/m2和168.39 g/m2。(4)近19年间,在黄河和长江源园区受到温度上升的影响草地AGB呈现出非显著性上升趋势;澜沧江区域,由于2015和2016年的...  相似文献   

Ticks are known as vectors of several pathogens causing various human and animal diseases including Lyme borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. While China is known to have more than 100 tick species well distributed over the country, our knowledge on the likely distribution of ticks in the future remains very limited, which hinders the prevention and control of the risk of tick-borne diseases. In this study, we selected four representative tick species which have different regional distribution foci in mainland China. i.e., Dermacentor marginatus, Dermacentor silvarum, Haemaphysalis longicornis and Ixodes granulatus. We used the MaxEnt model to identify the key environmental factors of tick occurrence and map their potential distributions in 2050 under four combined climate and socioeconomic scenarios (i.e., SSP1-RCP2.6, SSP2-RCP4.5, SSP3-RCP7.0 and SSP5-RCP8.5). We found that the extent of the urban fabric, cropland and forest, temperature annual range and precipitation of the driest month were the main determinants of the potential distributions of the four tick species. Under the combined scenarios, with climate warming, the potential distributions of ticks shifted to further north in China. Due to a decrease in the extent of forest, the distribution probability of ticks declined in central and southern China. In contrast with previous findings on an estimated amplification of tick distribution probability under the extreme emission scenario (RCP8.5), our studies projected an overall reduction in the distribution probability under RCP8.5, owing to an expected effect of land use. Our results could provide new data to help identify the emerging risk areas, with amplifying suitability for tick occurrence, for the prevention and control of tick-borne zoonoses in mainland China. Future directions are suggested towards improved quantity and quality of the tick occurrence database, comprehensiveness of factors and integration of different modelling approaches, and capability to model pathogen spillover at the human-tick interface.  相似文献   

Climate and forest structure are considered major drivers of forest demography and productivity. However, recent evidence suggests that the relationships between climate and tree growth are generally non‐stationary (i.e. non‐time stable), and it remains uncertain whether the relationships between climate, forest structure, demography and productivity are stationary or are being altered by recent climatic and structural changes. Here we analysed three surveys from the Spanish Forest Inventory covering c. 30 years of information and we applied mixed and structural equation models to assess temporal trends in forest structure (stand density, basal area, tree size and tree size inequality), forest demography (ingrowth, growth and mortality) and above‐ground forest productivity. We also quantified whether the interactive effects of climate and forest structure on forest demography and above‐ground forest productivity were stationary over two consecutive time periods. Since the 1980s, density, basal area and tree size increased in Iberian forests, and tree size inequality decreased. In addition, we observed reductions in ingrowth and growth, and increases in mortality. Initial forest structure and water availability mainly modulated the temporal trends in forest structure and demography. The magnitude and direction of the interactive effects of climate and forest structure on forest demography changed over the two time periods analysed indicating non‐stationary relationships between climate, forest structure and demography. Above‐ground forest productivity increased due to a positive balance between ingrowth, growth and mortality. Despite increasing productivity over time, we observed an aggravation of the negative effects of climate change and increased competition on forest demography, reducing ingrowth and growth, and increasing mortality. Interestingly, our results suggest that the negative effects of climate change on forest demography could be ameliorated through forest management, which has profound implications for forest adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

中国五味子分布范围及气候变化影响预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合文献资料、标本记录和实际调查绘制了中国五味子分布图,并基于五味子分布范围和21个环境因子,运用Maxent软件预测了IPCC A2和A1B两种气候变化情景下21世纪50和80年代中国五味子分布范围.结果表明:五味子分布于中国15省/市(区),涉及151个县,随着纬度和经度的降低,面积逐渐减少,黑龙江、辽宁、内蒙古和吉林4省(区)是五味子主要分布区域;五味子在中国的潜在分布面积为145.12×104 km2,较好生境面积占48.6%,主要分布在长白山山脉、大兴安岭、小兴安岭以及河北省与辽宁省相邻区域;最佳生境面积仅占0.3%,主要分布在辽宁省的宽甸满族自治县、本溪满族自治县、桓仁满族自治县以及吉林省的安图县、和龙市和内蒙古自治区牙克石市.在A1B和A2两种情景下,未来五味子潜在分布区逐渐减少,A2情景的五味子潜在分布区下降比率大于AIB情景;至21世纪50年代,A1B和A2情景下五味子潜在分布区将缩减为当前潜在分布区面积的84.0%和81.5%;至21世纪80年代,A2情景下五味子潜在分布区仅为当前的0.5%,B2情景下五味子潜在分布区减至当前的1/2.  相似文献   

东北森林净第一性生产力与碳收支对气候变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以东北地区(38.43'N~53.34'N,115.37'E~135.5'E)为研究对象,利用当前气候状况和不同气候情景下的气象数据驱动基于个体生长过程的中国森林生态系统碳收支模型FORCCHN,模拟了气候变化对东北森林生态系统净第一性生产力(NPP)和碳收支(NEP)的影响.结果表明:1981~2002年期间,东北森林NPP总量位于0.27~0.40 pgc·a-1之间,平均值为0.34 pgc·a-1;土壤呼吸总量在0.11~0.27 PgC·a-1,平均为0.19 PgC·a-1;NEP总量位于0.11~0.18 PgC·a-1之间,且近20多年来该区森林起着CO2汇的作用,平均每年吸收0.15 Pg C的CO2;该区森林NPP和NEP对温度升高比对降雨变化的反应更为敏感;综合降雨增加(20%)和气温增加(3℃)的情况,该区各点森林的NPP和NEP增加的幅度最大;温度不变、降水增加(不变)情景下最小.  相似文献   

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