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Gagnon MC  Angers B 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(4):1051-1065
Phylogeographic studies have shed light on Pleistocene glaciations as a key factor in shaping present-day genetic structure of many organisms. In formerly glaciated regions, the combined action of several factors such as refuges origin, physiological capacities and demographic parameters have contributed importantly to this process but specifically for each species. Therefore, a fine-scale genetic structure is not expected to be similar for different species, unless it has been modulated by the action of a strong environmental pressure. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of postglacial environment on the genetic structure of fishes. To achieve this objective, three fish species (northern pike, lake whitefish and yellow perch) commonly found in sympatry in Laurentian Shield lakes but displaying different ecological and physiological characteristics were analysed. The comparison of these unrelated species was performed to identify the factors determining the organization of their genetic structure. Populations of all species mostly originated from the Mississippian refuge. Low genetic differentiation was observed among populations but significant structures were detected for the three species. Despite marked differences among species, these structures presented common characteristics: a lack of congruence with drainage and a longitudinal organization. This suggested that the dispersion of species occurred independently, leading to a species-specific structure. However, the settling of populations appeared to be mediated by a dynamic system of proglacial meltwater streams associated to the glacial Lake Ojibway-Barlow, providing such similarities among species.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated strong population structuring over small distances in the rocky-shore mbuna cichlid fishes from Lake Malawi, suggesting the potential for allopatric speciation. However, many endemic Lake Malawi cichlids are neither mbuna, nor confined to rocky shores. Using microsatellites, we investigated the population structure in three species of the non-mbuna genus Protomelas. The rocky-shore P. taeniolatus showed high levels of population structure even over distances of less than 1 km, while the sandy-shore species P. similis showed no significant structure over distances up to 21 km. Protomelas fenestratus, which is generally found at the interface between rocks and sand, also showed low levels of population structure. Our results suggest that the model of allopatric speciation based on habitat fragmentation within the current lake basin may be equally applicable to rocky-shore non-mbuna as to mbuna, but that an alternative model is required to explain speciation among sandy-shore species as well as the deep-water and pelagic species.  相似文献   

The Asiatic wild dog or dhole was once very widely distributed across Asia but now has a very fragmented range. In this first genetic study of this little-known species, we obtained information on genetic diversity, phylogeography, and social structure using both mitochondrial control region sequencing and microsatellite genotyping of noninvasive faecal samples from wild populations, as well as from museum and captive samples. A pattern largely consistent with isolation by distance across the Asian mainland was observed, with no clear subspecies distinctions. However, two major phylogeographical groupings were found across the mainland, one extending from South, Central, and North India (south of the Ganges) into Myanmar, and the other extending from India north of the Ganges into northeastern India, Myanmar, Thailand and the Malaysian Peninsula. We propose a scenario involving glaciation events that could explain this pattern. The origin of the dhole populations in Sumatra and Java is enigmatic and requires further study. Very low levels of genetic diversity were observed among wild dholes from Baluran National Park in Java, Indonesia, but in contrast, high levels were observed in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary in South India.  相似文献   

Bearded vulture populations in the Western Palearctic have experienced a severe decline during the last two centuries that has led to the near extinction of the species in Europe. In this study we analyse the sequence variation at the mitochondrial control region throughout the species range to infer its recent evolutionary history and to evaluate the current genetic status of the species. This study became possible through the extensive use of museum specimens to study populations now extinct. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two divergent mitochondrial lineages, lineage A occurring mainly in Western European populations and lineage B in African, Eastern European and Central Asian populations. The relative frequencies of haplotypes belonging to each lineage in the different populations show a steep East-West clinal distribution with maximal mixture of the two lineages in the Alps and Greece populations. A genealogical signature for population growth was found for lineage B, but not for lineage A; futhermore the Clade B haplotypes in western populations and clade A haplo-types in eastern populations are recently derived, as revealed by their peripheral location in median-joining haplotype networks. This phylogeographical pattern suggests allopatric differentiation of the two lineages in separate Mediterranean and African or Asian glacial refugia, followed by range expansion from the latter leading to two secondary contact suture zones in Central Europe and North Africa. High levels of among-population differentiation were observed, although these were not correlated with geographical distance. Due to the marked genetic structure, extinction of Central European populations in the last century re-sulted in the loss of a major portion of the genetic diversity of the species. We also found direct evidence for the effect of drift altering the genetic composition of the remnant Pyrenean population after the demographic bottleneck of the last century. Our results argue for the management of the species as a single population, given the apparent ecological exchangeability of extant stocks, and support the ongoing reintroduction of mixed ancestry birds in the Alps and planned reintroductions in Southern Spain.  相似文献   

The cross-utility of 12 microsatellite loci (including nine newly developed loci) amongst the viviparous subfamily, the Mexican Goodeinae, was assessed, examining both the probability of amplification and the potential incidence of null alleles from tests of F IS. Genetic diversity was relatively high in comparison to other freshwater species. Amplification success was not correlated with genetic distance between microsatellite source and target species, but taxa that were more distantly related were less likely to be cross-polymorphic for microsatellite loci. On average, species that were cross-polymorphic were separated by a genetic distance of 15% at the cytochrome oxidase I locus, while those that were monomorphic were separated by 19%. There was no evidence that null alleles become more frequent at greater source-target genetic distance.  相似文献   

The iconic and brightly coloured Australian northern corroboree frog, Pseudophryne pengilleyi , and the southern corroboree frog, Pseudophryne corroboree are critically endangered and may be extinct in the wild within 3 years. We have assembled samples that cover the current range of both species and applied hypervariable microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA sequences to assess the levels and patterns of genetic variation. The four loci used in the study were highly variable, the total number of alleles observed ranged from 13 to 30 and the average number of alleles per locus was 19. Expected heterozygosity of the four microsatellite loci across all populations was high and varied between 0.830 and 0.935. Bayesian clustering analyses in structure strongly supported four genetically distinct populations, which correspond exactly to the four main allopatric geographical regions in which the frogs are currently found. Individual analyses performed on the separate regions showed that breeding sites within these four regions could not be separated into distinct populations. Twelve mtND2 haplotypes were identified from 66 individuals from throughout the four geographical regions. A statistical parsimony network of mtDNA haplotypes shows two distinct groups, which correspond to the two species of corroboree frog, but with most of the haplotype diversity distributed in P. pengilleyi . These results demonstrate an unexpectedly high level of genetic diversity in both species. Our data have important implications for how the genetic diversity is managed in the future. The four evolutionarily significant units must be protected and maintained in captive breeding programmes for as long as it is possible to do.  相似文献   

Organisms sampled for population‐level research are typically assigned to species by morphological criteria. However, if those criteria are limited to one sex or life stage, or the organisms come from a complex of closely related forms, the species assignments may misdirect analyses. The impact of such sampling can be assessed from the correspondence of genetic clusters, identified only from patterns of genetic variation, to the species identified using only phenotypic criteria. We undertook this protocol with the rock‐dwelling mbuna cichlids of Lake Malawi, for which species within genera are usually identified using adult male coloration patterns. Given high local endemism of male colour patterns, and considerable allele sharing among species, there persists considerable taxonomic uncertainty in these fishes. Over 700 individuals from a single transect were photographed, genotyped and separately assigned: (a) to morphospecies using photographs; and (b) to genetic clusters using five widely used methods. Overall, the correspondence between clustering methods was strong for larger clusters, but methods varied widely in estimated number of clusters. The correspondence between morphospecies and genetic clusters was also strong for larger clusters, as well as some smaller clusters for some methods. These analyses generally affirm (a) adult male‐limited sampling and (b) the taxonomic status of Lake Malawi mbuna, as the species in our study largely appear to be well‐demarcated genetic entities. More generally, our analyses highlight the challenges for clustering methods when the number of populations is unknown, especially in cases of highly uneven sample sizes.  相似文献   

Information on the reproductive behaviour and population structure of female hawksbill turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata , is necessary to define conservation priorities for this highly endangered species. Two hypotheses to explain female nest site choice, natal homing and social facilitation, were tested by analyzing mtDNA control region sequences of 103 individuals from seven nesting colonies in the Caribbean and western Atlantic. Under the social facilitation model, newly mature females follow older females to a nesting location, and subsequently use this site for future nesting. This model generates an expectation that female lineages will be homogenized among regional nesting colonies. Contrary to expectations of the social facilitation model, mtDNA lineages were highly structured among western Atlantic nesting colonies. These analyses identified at least 6 female breeding stocks in the Caribbean and western Atlantic and support a natal homing model for recruitment of breeding females. Reproductive populations are effectively isolated over ecological time scales, and recovery plans for this species should include protection at the level of individual nesting colonies.  相似文献   

Male nuptial colour hues are important for the maintenance of reproductive isolation among cichlid fish species, and environmental changes that lead to narrower light spectra can lead to hybridization. However, cichlid species can naturally co-occur in narrow light spectrum habitats, such as turbid shallow lakes and the deep benthic zones of African rift lakes. Closely related species from narrow light spectrum habitats tend to differ little in the palette of male nuptial colours, thus for these taxa differences in colour patterns may be more important than differences in colour hue for species recognition. To investigate this hypothesis we examined morphometric and genetic differentiation among males of four sympatric putative species within the deep-water genus Diplotaxodon. These taxa live in a narrow-light spectrum environment where only blue light is present, and males differ primarily in 'monochromatic' black, white and silver patterning of the body and fins. Significant genetic differentiation was present among taxa in both microsatellite DNA and mitochondrial DNA, including one pair with no significant morphometric differentiation. Thus, these taxa represent reproductively isolated biological species, a result consistent with male nuptial patterning being important for species recognition and assortative mating. As such, we suggest that narrow-light spectra need not always represent barriers to effective visually mediated mate recognition.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA markers were applied for the first time in a population genetic study of a cephalopod and compared with previous estimates of genetic differentiation obtained using allozyme and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Levels of genetic variation detected with microsatellites were much higher than found with previous markers (mean number of alleles per locus=10.6, mean expected heterozygosity ( H E)=0.79; allozyme H E=0.08; mtDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) H E=0.16). In agreement with previous studies, microsatellites demonstrated genetic uniformity across the population occupying the European shelf seas of the North East Atlantic, and extreme genetic differentiation of the Azores population ( R ST/ F ST=0.252/0.245; allozyme F ST=0.536; mtDNA F ST=0.789). In contrast to other markers, microsatellites detected more subtle, and significant, levels of differentiation between the populations of the North East Atlantic offshore banks (Rockall and Faroes) and the shelf population ( R ST=0.048 and 0.057). Breakdown of extensive gene flow among these populations is indicated, with hydrographic (water depth) and hydrodynamic (isolating current regimes) factors suggested as possible barriers to migration. The demonstration of genetic subdivision in an abundant, highly mobile marine invertebrate has implications for the interpretation of dispersal and population dynamics, and consequent management, of such a commercially exploited species. Relative levels of differentiation indicated by the three different marker systems, and the use of measures of differentiation (assuming different mutation models), are discussed.  相似文献   

Seven populations of the imperiled snuffbox mussel, Epioblasma triquetra , were sampled from across the central basin of North America. Samples were genotyped using 15 microsatellite DNA loci, and maternal history was inferred using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome  c oxidase subunit-I (COI) sequences. Populations in the Clinch and St Francis rivers were quite distinct in their mtDNA. The population in the St Francis River had a unique, fixed haplotype. Among a suite of haplotypes, the population in the Clinch River had two unique haplotypes of common ancestry. The other populations were dominated by a common haplotype, which also occurred in the Clinch River population. Analysis of DNA microsatellites revealed much greater divergences and showed significant genetic structure between populations in the formerly glaciated regions. Divergence has occurred between the populations, as evidenced by moderate to high fixation indices ( F ST and R ST values) and nearly perfect assignment tests. These results indicate the occurrence of three glacial refugia for E. triquetra : the Tennessee River, rivers south of the Ozark Crest, and the lower Ohio River drainage near the confluence with the Mississippi. Populations in the lower Ohio River were likely to be responsible for the postglacial reinvasion into formerly glaciated regions, and into the upper Tennessee River drainage. The population of the St Francis River may constitute a distinct taxonomic entity. Conservation efforts, if necessary for this imperiled species, should not mix populations.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 371–384.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic differentiation were analysed and compared in two sympatric species of the endemic Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Eretmodini by means of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of the control region and six microsatellite DNA loci. The sample area covers a total of 138 km of mostly uninterrupted rocky shoreline in the Democratic Republic of Congo and includes the entire distribution range of Tanganicodus cf. irsacae that stretches over a distance of 35 km. Both markers detected significant genetic differentiation within and between the two species. T. cf. irsacae contained lower overall genetic variation than Eretmoduscyanostictus, possibly due to its more restricted range of distribution and its smaller effective population sizes. Complete fixation of Tanganicodus mtDNA haplotypes was observed in Eretmodus at two localities, while at two other localities some Tanganicodus individuals possessed Eretmodus mtDNA haplotypes. Taking into account the relatively large average sequence divergence of 6.2% between the two species, as well as the geographical distribution of mtDNA haplotypes in the lake, the observed pattern is more likely to be a consequence of asymmetric introgression than of shared ancestral polymorphism. As there is significant population differentiation between sympatric Tanganicodus and Eretmodus populations, the events of introgressions may have happened after secondary contact, but our data provide no evidence for ongoing gene flow and suggest that both species are reproductively isolated at present time.  相似文献   

We investigated the dispersal, recruitment and migratory behaviour of the hawksbill sea turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ), among different life-history stages and demographic segments of the large hawksbill turtle aggregation at Mona Island, Puerto Rico. There were significant differences in both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype diversity and haplotype frequencies among the adult males, females and juveniles examined, but little evidence for temporal heterogeneity within these same groups sampled across years. Consistent with previous studies and the hypothesis of strong natal homing, there were striking mtDNA haplotype differences between nesting females on Mona Island and nesting females in other major Caribbean rookeries. Breeding males also showed strong, albeit weaker, genetic evidence of natal homing. Overall, Bayesian mixed-stock analysis suggests that Mona Island was the natal rookery for 79% (65–94%) of males in the aggregation. In contrast, the Mona Island rookery accounted for only a small subset of the new juvenile recruits to the foraging grounds or in the population of older juvenile hawksbills turtles on Mona. Instead, both new recruits and the older juvenile hawksbill turtles on Mona more likely recruited from other Caribbean rookeries, suggesting that a mechanism besides natal homing must be influencing recruitment to feeding habitats. The difference in the apparent degree of natal homing behaviour among the different life-history stages of hawksbill turtles at Mona Island underscores the complexity of the species' life-history dynamics and highlights the need for both local and regional conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Large pelagic vertebrates pose special conservation challenges because their movements generally exceed the boundaries of any single jurisdiction. To assess the population structure of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), we sequenced complete mitochondrial DNA control regions from individuals collected across a global distribution. We observed 51 single site polymorphisms and 8 regions with indels comprising 44 haplotypes in 70 individuals, with high haplotype (h = 0.974 +/- 0.008) and nucleotide diversity (pi = 0.011 +/- 0.006). The control region has the largest length variation yet reported for an elasmobranch (1143-1332 bp). Phylogenetic analyses reveal no geographical clustering of lineages and the most common haplotype was distributed globally. The absence of population structure across the Indian and Pacific basins indicates that oceanic expanses and land barriers in Southeast Asia are not impediments to whale shark dispersal. We did, however, find significant haplotype frequency differences (AMOVA, Phi(ST) = 0.107, P < 0.001) principally between the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations. In contrast to other recent surveys of globally distributed sharks, we find much less population subdivision and no evidence for cryptic evolutionary partitions. Discovery of the mating and pupping areas of whale sharks is key to further population genetic studies. The global pattern of shared haplotypes in whale sharks provides a compelling argument for development of broad international approaches for management and conservation of Earth's largest fish.  相似文献   

In order to properly manage and conserve exploited shark species, detailed analyses of their population structure is needed. Global populations of Galeorhinus galeus are in decline due to the exploitation of the fishery over the past 80 years. Currently, the genetic structure of eastern Pacific populations of G. galeus is not known and recent observations in the northeastern Pacific suggest an increase in numbers. To evaluate gene flow among populations of G. galeus , 116 samples were collected and analysed from six geographically dispersed locations: Australia, North America, South Africa, South America (Argentina and Peru), and the UK. Analysis of 968 to 1006 bp of the 1068-bp mitochondrial control region revealed 38 unique haplotypes that were largely restricted to their collecting locality. Significant genetic structure was detected among populations (ΦST = 0.84; P  < 0.000001) and migration estimates were low ( Nm  = 0.05–0.97). Due to an apparent lack of migration, populations of G. galeus appear to be isolated from each other with little to no gene flow occurring among them. As a consequence of this isolation, increasing numbers of G. galeus in the northeastern Pacific can be best explained by local recruitment and not by input from geographically distant populations.  相似文献   

This study examined how riverine inputs, in particular sediment, influenced the community structure and trophic composition of reef fishes within Rio Bueno, north Jamaica. Due to river discharge a distinct gradient of riverine inputs existed across the study sites. Results suggested that riverine inputs (or a factor associated with them) had a structuring effect on fish community structure. Whilst fish communities at all sites were dominated by small individuals (<20 cm), diversity and total biomass were reduced with increased proximity to the river mouth. The abundance of all fishes, but particularly small-bodied, juvenile and herbivorous fishes was reduced in turbid water when compared to clear-water sites. Results strongly suggest that fluvial sediment inputs may play an important role in structuring fish assemblages even under intense fishing pressure.  相似文献   

1. Nursery areas are commonly recognized as important habitats for the management and conservation of fish stocks. Here we report the use of nursery areas by an exploited offshore cichlid in Lake Malawi, Rhamphochromis longiceps .
2. Like all haplochromine cichlids that have been studied, the species is a maternal mouthbrooder that broods eggs for several weeks following spawning. We found evidence that during this brooding period females migrate from open water to release juveniles in three shallow peripheral waterbodies (Chia Lagoon, Unaka Lagoon, Lake Malombe). However, it was unclear whether there is geographical population structuring within the species, which could indicate stock differences in their use of these nursery habitats, or if the lake contains a genetically panmictic population that employs nursery habitats opportunistically.
3. To investigate spatial and temporal population structuring within the lake we genotyped populations at seven microsatellite DNA loci. Overall, we found no significant spatial structuring among juveniles from the peripheral lagoons or among breeding males within the main lake body. Moreover, we found no evidence of temporal structuring among males on the breeding grounds within Lake Malawi or females entering Chia lagoon. Together, these results suggest that Lake Malawi contains a genetically homogeneous population of R. longiceps .
4. At present we know little of the distribution of juvenile R. longiceps elsewhere in the Lake Malawi basin, but their absence from surveyed rocky and sandy littoral habitats makes it possible that the species is dependent upon a small number of nearshore nursery areas, including these lagoons. As such, conservation of lagoon habitats and monitoring of exploited fish stocks within them may be important for effective preservation of biodiversity within the catchment.  相似文献   

Italian freshwaters are highly biodiverse, with species present including the native fishes Barbus plebejus and Barbus tyberinus that are threatened by habitat alteration, fish stocking and invasive fishes, especially European barbel Barbus barbus. In central Italy, native fluvio‐lacustrine barbels are mainly allopatric and so provide an excellent natural system to evaluate the permeability of the Apennine Mountains. Here, the morphologic and genetic distinctiveness was determined for 611 Barbus fishes collected along the Padany–Venetian (Adriatic basins; PV) and Tuscany–Latium (Tyrrhenian basins; TL) districts. Analyses of morphological traits and mitochondrial DNA sequence data explored the natural and anthropogenic factors that have shaped their distribution ranges. Over 100 alien B. barbus were recorded in the Tiber basin (TL district) and Metauro basin (PV district). Comparisons of genetic and morphometric data revealed that morphometric data could identify alien B. barbus from native Barbus, but could not differentiate between B. tyberinus and B. plebejus. Genetic analyses revealed ~50 D‐loop mtDNA haplotypes and identified a distinct Barbus lineage present only in the Vomano River at the southern boundary of PV district. Demographic expansion and molecular variance analyses revealed a lack of geographic structuring across the sampling regions. While the contemporary B. plebejus distribution has been driven primarily by anthropogenic fish translocations, the dispersal of B. tyberinus has been via natural dispersion, including their crossing of the Apennine Mountains via temporary river connectivity. The results also revealed that the Barbus fishes of the mid‐Adriatic region of Europe have a complex pattern of local endemism. To conserve these patterns of genetic uniqueness, especially in the mid‐Adriatic basins, Barbus fishes should be managed by treating them as unique evolutionary units and ceasing translocations of all Barbus fishes between river basins.  相似文献   

Disentangling the impact of landscape features such as rivers and historical events on dispersal is a challenging but necessary task to gain a comprehensive picture of the evolution of diverse biota such as that found in Amazonia. Adenomera andreae, a small, territorial, terrestrial frog species of the Amazonian forest represents a good model for such studies. We combined cytochrome b sequences with 12 microsatellites to investigate the genetic structure at two contrasted spatial scales in French Guiana: along a ~6‐km transect, to evaluate dispersal ability, and between paired bank populations along a ~65‐km stretch of the Approuague river, to test the effect of rivers as barriers to dispersal. We observed significant spatial genetic structure between individuals at a remarkably small geographical scale, and conclude that the species has a restricted dispersal ability that is probably tied to its life‐history traits. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data also indicate a high level of differentiation among populations on opposite banks of the river, and, in some cases, among populations on the same riverbank. These results suggest that the observed population structure in A. andreae is the result of restricted dispersal abilities combined with the action of rivers and Quaternary population isolation. Given that Amazonia hosts a great portion of anurans, as well as other small vertebrates, that display life‐history traits comparable with A. andreae, we argue that our analyses provide new insights into the complex interactions among evolutionary processes shaping Amazonian biodiversity. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 356–373.  相似文献   

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