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Pyrogenic carbon (PyC) derived from charcoal particles (paleo + modern) deposited in the soil column has been little studied in the Amazon, and our understanding of the factors that control the spatial and vertical distribution of these materials in the region's forest soils is still unclear. The objective of this study was to test the effect of forest type and distance from the ignition source on the PyC stocks contained in macroscopic particles of soil charcoal (≥2 mm; 1 m depth) dispersed in ecotone forests of the northern Brazilian Amazon. Thirty permanent plots were set up near a site that had been occupied by pre‐Columbian and by modern populations until the late 1970s. The sampled plots represent seasonal and ombrophilous forests that occur under different hydro‐edaphic restrictions. Our results indicate that the largest PyC stock was spatially dependent on distance to the ignition source (<3 km), occurring mainly in flood‐free ombrophilous forests (3.46 ± 5.22 Mg PyC/ha). The vertical distribution of PyC in the deeper layers of the soil (> 50 cm) in seasonal forests was limited by hydro‐edaphic impediments that restricted the occurrence of charcoal. These results suggest that PyC stocks derived from macroscopic charcoal particles in the soil of this Brazilian Amazon ecotone region are controlled by the distance from the ignition source of the fire, and that forest types with higher hydro‐edaphic restrictions can inhibit formation and accumulation of charcoal. Making use of these distinctions reduces uncertainty and improves our ability to understand the variability of PyC stocks in forests with a history of fire in the Amazon.  相似文献   

The allocation and cycling of carbon (C) within forests is an important component of the biospheric C cycle, but is particularly understudied within tropical forests. We synthesise reported and unpublished results from three lowland rainforest sites in Amazonia (in the regions of Manaus, Tapajós and Caxiuanã), all major sites of the Large‐Scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Programme (LBA). We attempt a comprehensive synthesis of the C stocks, nutrient status and, particularly, the allocation and internal C dynamics of all three sites. The calculated net primary productivities (NPP) are 10.1±1.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Manaus), 14.4±1.3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Tapajós) and 10.0±1.2 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (Caxiuanã). All errors bars report standard errors. Soil and leaf nutrient analyses indicate that Tapajós has significantly more plant‐available phosphorus and calcium. Autotrophic respiration at all three sites (14.9–21.4 Mg C ha yr−1) is more challenging to measure, with the largest component and greatest source of uncertainty being leaf dark respiration. Comparison of measured soil respiration with that predicted from C cycling measurements provides an independent constraint. It shows general good agreement at all three sites, with perhaps some evidence for measured soil respiration being less than expected. Twenty to thirty percent of fixed C is allocated belowground. Comparison of gross primary productivity (GPP), derived from ecosystem flux measurements with that derived from component studies (NPP plus autotrophic respiration) provides an additional crosscheck. The two approaches are in good agreement, giving increased confidence in both approaches to estimating GPP. The ecosystem carbon‐use efficiency (CUEs), the ratio of NPP to GPP, is similar at Manaus (0.34±0.10) and Caxiuanã (0.32±0.07), but may be higher at Tapajós (0.49±0.16), although the difference is not significant. Old growth or infertile tropical forests may have low CUE compared with recently disturbed and/or fertile forests.  相似文献   

This study was set up to identify the long‐term effect of biochar on soil C sequestration of recent carbon inputs. Arable fields (n = 5) were found in Belgium with charcoal‐enriched black spots (>50 m2; n = 14) dating >150 years ago from historical charcoal production mound kilns. Topsoils from these ‘black spots’ had a higher organic C concentration [3.6 ± 0.9% organic carbon (OC)] than adjacent soils outside these black spots (2.1 ± 0.2% OC). The soils had been cropped with maize for at least 12 years which provided a continuous input of C with a C isotope signature (δ13C) ?13.1, distinct from the δ13C of soil organic carbon (?27.4 ‰) and charcoal (?25.7 ‰) collected in the surrounding area. The isotope signatures in the soil revealed that maize‐derived C concentration was significantly higher in charcoal‐amended samples (‘black spots’) than in adjacent unamended ones (0.44% vs. 0.31%; = 0.02). Topsoils were subsequently collected as a gradient across two ‘black spots’ along with corresponding adjacent soils outside these black spots and soil respiration, and physical soil fractionation was conducted. Total soil respiration (130 days) was unaffected by charcoal, but the maize‐derived C respiration per unit maize‐derived OC in soil significantly decreased about half (< 0.02) with increasing charcoal‐derived C in soil. Maize‐derived C was proportionally present more in protected soil aggregates in the presence of charcoal. The lower specific mineralization and increased C sequestration of recent C with charcoal are attributed to a combination of physical protection, C saturation of microbial communities and, potentially, slightly higher annual primary production. Overall, this study provides evidence of the capacity of biochar to enhance C sequestration in soils through reduced C turnover on the long term.  相似文献   

Soil respiration in six temperate forests in China   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Scaling soil respiration (RS), the major CO2 source to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystems, from chamber‐based measurements to ecosystems requires studies on variations and correlations of RS from various biomes and across geographic regions. However, few studies on RS are available for Chinese temperate forest despite the importance of this forest in the national and global carbon budgets. In this study, we conducted 18‐month RS measurements during 2004–2005 in six temperate forest types, representing the typical secondary forest ecosystems across various site conditions in northeastern China: Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch.), aspen‐birch (Populous davidiana Dode and Betula platyphylla Suk.), mixed deciduous (no dominant tree species), hardwood (dominated by Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., and Phellodendron amurense Rupr.) forests, Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) and Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) plantations. Our specific objectives were to: (1) explore relationships of RS against soil temperature and water content for the six forest ecosystems, (2) quantify annual soil surface CO2 flux and its relations to belowground carbon storage, (3) examine seasonal variations in RS and related environmental factors, and (4) quantify among‐ and within‐ecosystem variations in RS. The RS was positively correlated to soil temperature in all forest types, and was significantly influenced by the interactions of soil temperature and water content in the pine, larch, and mixed deciduous forests. The sensitivity of RS to soil temperature at 10 cm depth (Q10) ranged from 2.61 in the oak forest to 3.75 in the aspen‐birch forests. The Q10 tended to increase with soil water content until reaching a threshold, and then decline. The annual RS for the larch, pine, hardwood, oak, mixed deciduous, and aspen‐birch forests averaged 403, 514, 781, 785, 786, and 813 g C m?2 yr?1, respectively. The annual RS of the broadleaved forests was 72% greater than that of the coniferous forests. The annual RS was positively correlated to soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration at O horizon (R2=0.868) and total biomass of roots <0.5 cm in diameter (R2=0.748). The coefficient of variation (CV) of RS among forest types averaged 25% across the 18‐month measurements. The CV of RS within plots varied from 20% to 27%, significantly (P<0.001) greater than those among plots (9–15%), indicating the importance of the fine‐scaled heterogeneity in RS. This study emphasized that variations in soil respiration and potential sampling bias should be appropriately tackled for accurate soil CO2 flux estimates.  相似文献   

The charcoal effect in Boreal forests: mechanisms and ecological consequences   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
Wildfire is the principal disturbance regime in northern Boreal forests, where it has important rejuvenating effects on soil properties and encourages tree seedling regeneration and growth. One possible agent of this rejuvenation is fire-produced charcoal, which adsorbs secondary metabolites such as humus phenolics produced by ericaceous vegetation in the absence of fire, which retard nutrient cycling and tree seedling growth. We investigated short-term ecological effects of charcoal on the Boreal forest plant-soil system in a glasshouse experiment by planting seedlings of Betula pendula and Pinus sylvestris in each of three humus substrates with and without charcoal, and with and without phenol-rich Vaccinium myrtillus litter. These three substrates were from: (1) a high-productivity site with herbaceous ground vegetation; (2) a site of intermediate productivity dominated by ericaceous ground vegetation; and (3) an unproductive site dominated by Cladina spp. Growth of B. pendula was stimulated by charcoal addition and retarded by litter addition in the ericaceous substrate (but not in the other two), presumably because of the high levels of phenolics present in that substrate. Growth of P. sylvestris, which was less sensitive to substrate origin than was B. pendula, was unresponsive to charcoal. Charcoal addition enhanced seedling shoot to root ratios of both tree species, but again only for the ericaceous substrate. This response is indicative of greater N uptake and greater efficiency of nutrient uptake (and presumably less binding of nutrients by phenolics) in the presence of charcoal. These effects were especially pronounced for B. pendula, which took up 6.22 times more nitrogen when charcoal was added. Charcoal had no effect on the competitive balance between B. pendula and P. sylvestris, probably due to the low intensity of competition present. Juvenile mosses and ferns growing in the pots were extremely responsive to charcoal for all sites; fern prothalli were entirely absent in the ericaceous substrate unless charcoal was also present. Charcoal stimulated active soil microbial biomass in some instances, and also exerted significant although idiosyncratic effects on decomposition of the added litter. Our results provide clear evidence that immediately after wildfire fresh charcoal can have important effects in Boreal forest ecosystems dominated by ericaceous dwarf shrubs, and this is likely to provide a major contribution to the rejuvenating effects of wildfire on forest ecosystems. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 24 February 1998  相似文献   

The development of appropriate tools to quantify long‐term carbon (C) budgets following forest transitions, that is, shifts from deforestation to afforestation, and to identify their drivers are key issues for forging sustainable land‐based climate‐change mitigation strategies. Here, we develop a new modeling approach, CRAFT (CaRbon Accumulation in ForesTs) based on widely available input data to study the C dynamics in French forests at the regional scale from 1850 to 2015. The model is composed of two interconnected modules which integrate biomass stocks and flows (Module 1) with litter and soil organic C (Module 2) and build upon previously established coupled climate‐vegetation models. Our model allows to develop a comprehensive understanding of forest C dynamics by systematically depicting the integrated impact of environmental changes and land use. Model outputs were compared to empirical data of C stocks in forest biomass and soils, available for recent decades from inventories, and to a long‐term simulation using a bookkeeping model. The CRAFT model reliably simulates the C dynamics during France's forest transition and reproduces C‐fluxes and stocks reported in the forest and soil inventories, in contrast to a widely used bookkeeping model which strictly only depicts C‐fluxes due to wood extraction. Model results show that like in several other industrialized countries, a sharp increase in forest biomass and SOC stocks resulted from forest area expansion and, especially after 1960, from tree growth resulting in vegetation thickening (on average 7.8 Mt C/year over the whole period). The difference between the bookkeeping model, 0.3 Mt C/year in 1850 and 21 Mt C/year in 2015, can be attributed to environmental and land management changes. The CRAFT model opens new grounds for better quantifying long‐term forest C dynamics and investigating the relative effects of land use, land management, and environmental change.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated that soil respiration rates increase under experimental warming, although the long‐term, multiyear dynamics of this feedback are not well constrained. Less is known about the effects of single, punctuated events in combination with other longer‐duration anthropogenic influences on the dynamics of soil carbon (C) loss. In 2012 and 2013, we assessed the effects of decadal‐scale anthropogenic global change – warming, increased nitrogen (N) deposition, elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), and increased precipitation – on soil respiration rates in an annual‐dominated Mediterranean grassland. We also investigated how controlled fire and an artificial wet‐up event, in combination with exposure to the longer‐duration anthropogenic global change factors, influenced the dynamics of C cycling in this system. Decade‐duration surface soil warming (1–2 °C) had no effect on soil respiration rates, while +N addition and elevated CO2 concentrations increased growing‐season soil CO2 efflux rates by increasing annual aboveground net primary production (NPP) and belowground fine root production, respectively. Low‐intensity experimental fire significantly elevated soil CO2 efflux rates in the next growing season. Based on mixed‐effects modeling and structural equation modeling, low‐intensity fire increased growing‐season soil respiration rates through a combination of three mechanisms: large increases in soil temperature (3–5 °C), significant increases in fine root production, and elevated aboveground NPP. Our study shows that in ecosystems where soil respiration has acclimated to moderate warming, further increases in soil temperature can stimulate greater soil CO2 efflux. We also demonstrate that punctuated short‐duration events such as fire can influence soil C dynamics with implications for both the parameterization of earth system models (ESMs) and the implementation of climate change mitigation policies that involve land‐sector C accounting.  相似文献   

Soil inorganic carbon storage pattern in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soils with pedogenic carbonate cover about 30% (3.44 × 106 km2) of China, mainly across its arid and semiarid regions in the Northwest. Based on the second national soil survey (1979–1992), total soil inorganic carbon (SIC) storage in China was estimated to be 53.3±6.3 PgC (1 Pg=1015 g) to the depth investigated to 2 m. Soil inorganic carbon storages were 4.6, 10.6, 11.1, and 20.8 Pg for the depth ranges of 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, 0.3–0.5, and 0.5–1 m, respectively. Stocks for 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 1 m of depth accounted for 8.7%, 28.7%, 49.6%, and 88.9% of total SIC, respectively. In contrast with soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, which is highest under 500–800 mm yr−1 of mean precipitation, SIC storage peaks where mean precipitation is <400 mm yr−1. The amount and vertical distribution of SIC was related to climate and land cover type. Content of SIC in each incremental horizon was positively related with mean annual temperature and negatively related with mean annual precipitation, with the magnitude of SIC content across land cover types showing the following order: desert, grassland >shrubland, cropland >marsh, forest, meadow. Densities of SIC increased generally with depth in all ecosystem types with the exception of deserts and marshes where it peaked in intermediate layers (0.1–0.3 m for first and 0.3–0.5 m for latter). Being an abundant component of soil carbon stocks in China, SIC dynamics and the process involved in its accumulation or loss from soils require a better understanding.  相似文献   

Since land‐use change (LUC) to lignocellulosic biomass crops often causes a loss of soil organic carbon (SOC), at least in the short term, this study investigated the potential for pyrogenic carbon (PyC) to ameliorate this effect. Although negative priming has been observed in many studies, most of these are long‐term incubation experiments which do not account for the interactions between environmentally weathered PyC and native SOC. Here, the aim was to assess the impact of environmentally weathered PyC on native SOC mineralization at different time points in LUC from arable crops to short rotation coppice (SRC) willow. At eight SRC willow plantations in England, with ages of 3–22 years, soil amended 18–22 months previously with PyC was compared with unamended control soil. Cumulative CO2 flux was measured weekly from incubated soil at 0–5 cm depth, and soil‐surface CO2 flux was also measured in the field. For the incubated soil, cumulative CO2 flux was significantly higher from soil containing weathered PyC than the control soil for seven of the eight sites. Across all sites, the mean cumulative CO2 flux was 21% higher from soil incubated with weathered PyC than the control soil. These results indicate the potential for positive priming in the surface 5 cm of soil independent of changes in soil properties following LUC to SRC willow production. However, no net effect on CO2 flux was observed in the field, suggesting this increase in CO2 is offset by a contrasting PyC‐induced effect at a different soil depth or that different effects were observed under laboratory and field conditions. Although the mechanisms for these contrasting effects remain unclear, results presented here suggest that PyC does not reduce LUC‐induced SOC losses through negative priming, at least for this PyC type and application rate.  相似文献   

Increased topsoil carbon stock across China's forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biomass carbon accumulation in forest ecosystems is a widespread phenomenon at both regional and global scales. However, as coupled carbon–climate models predicted, a positive feedback could be triggered if accelerated soil carbon decomposition offsets enhanced vegetation growth under a warming climate. It is thus crucial to reveal whether and how soil carbon stock in forest ecosystems has changed over recent decades. However, large‐scale changes in soil carbon stock across forest ecosystems have not yet been carefully examined at both regional and global scales, which have been widely perceived as a big bottleneck in untangling carbon–climate feedback. Using newly developed database and sophisticated data mining approach, here we evaluated temporal changes in topsoil carbon stock across major forest ecosystem in China and analysed potential drivers in soil carbon dynamics over broad geographical scale. Our results indicated that topsoil carbon stock increased significantly within all of five major forest types during the period of 1980s–2000s, with an overall rate of 20.0 g C m?2 yr?1 (95% confidence interval, 14.1–25.5). The magnitude of soil carbon accumulation across coniferous forests and coniferous/broadleaved mixed forests exhibited meaningful increases with both mean annual temperature and precipitation. Moreover, soil carbon dynamics across these forest ecosystems were positively associated with clay content, with a larger amount of SOC accumulation occurring in fine‐textured soils. In contrast, changes in soil carbon stock across broadleaved forests were insensitive to either climatic or edaphic variables. Overall, these results suggest that soil carbon accumulation does not counteract vegetation carbon sequestration across China's forest ecosystems. The combination of soil carbon accumulation and vegetation carbon sequestration triggers a negative feedback to climate warming, rather than a positive feedback predicted by coupled carbon–climate models.  相似文献   

Soils retain large quantities of carbon, thereby slowing its return to the atmosphere. The mechanisms governing organic carbon sequestration in soil remain poorly understood, yet are integral to understanding soil‐climate feedbacks. We evaluated the biochemistry of dissolved and solid organic carbon in potential source and sink horizons across a chronosequence of volcanic soils in Hawai'i. The soils are derived from similar basaltic parent material on gently sloping volcanic shield surfaces, support the same vegetation assemblage, and yet exhibit strong shifts in soil mineralogy and soil carbon content as a function of volcanic substrate age. Solid‐state13carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectra indicate that the most persistent mineral‐bound carbon is comprised of partially oxidized aromatic compounds with strong chemical resemblance to dissolved organic matter derived from plant litter. A molecular mixing model indicates that protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and char content decreased whereas oxidized lignin and carboxyl/carbonyl content increased with increasing short‐range order mineral content. When solutions rich in dissolved organic matter were passed through Bw‐horizon mineral cores, aromatic compounds were preferentially sorbed with the greatest retention occurring in horizons containing the greatest amount of short‐range ordered minerals. These minerals are reactive metastable nanocrystals that are most common in volcanic soils, but exist in smaller amounts in nearly all major soil classes. Our results indicate that long‐term carbon storage in short‐range ordered minerals occurs via chemical retention with dissolved aromatic acids derived from plant litter and carried along preferential flow‐paths to deeper B horizons.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of gross primary production and ecosystem respiration to seasonal changes in the net carbon flux of tropical forests remains poorly quantified by both modelling and field studies. We use data assimilation to combine nine ecological time series from an eastern Amazonian forest, with mass balance constraints from an ecosystem carbon cycle model. The resulting analysis quantifies, with uncertainty estimates, the seasonal changes in the net carbon flux of a tropical rainforest which experiences a pronounced dry season. We show that the carbon accumulation in this forest was four times greater in the dry season than in the wet season and that this was accompanied by a 5% increase in the carbon use efficiency. This seasonal response was caused by a dry season increase in gross primary productivity, in response to radiation and a similar magnitude decrease in heterotrophic respiration, in response to drying soils. The analysis also predicts increased carbon allocation to leaves and wood in the wet season, and greater allocation to fine roots in the dry season. This study demonstrates implementation of seasonal variations in parameters better enables models to simulate observed patterns in data. In particular, we highlight the necessity to simulate the seasonal patterns of heterotrophic respiration to accurately simulate the net carbon flux seasonal tropical forest.  相似文献   

南亚热带不同造林模式碳汇林土壤碳积累与碳汇功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳汇林能够固定大气二氧化碳,在缓解全球变暖中起着重要的作用,研究南亚热带地区不同造林模式碳汇林土壤碳的累积,有助于为不同造林模式的碳汇林土壤碳汇功能评价提供科学依据。采用单因素随机区组设计,对立地条件基本一致的研究区采用新造林(Ⅰ)、封山育林(Ⅱ)和补植套种(Ⅲ) 3种造林模式进行碳汇造林,从而研究不同造林模式土壤碳积累与碳汇功能。结果表明:碳汇造林5年期间,土壤全碳含量差异显著,不同造林模式0—20 cm土壤层碳含量差异显著(P0.05),其变化幅度最大,介于(-0.861±1.893)—(3.021±1.577) g C/kg之间。经过接近5年的碳汇造林,不同造林模式0—60 cm土壤层碳储量变化量介于(-2.233±3.540)—(8.670±2.342) Mg C/hm2之间,其中新造林(Ⅰ)与补植套种(Ⅲ)土壤碳储量变化量差异极显著(P0.01);碳汇造林5年,土壤碳储量显著增加,各造林模式土壤碳汇量由大到小依次为Ⅲ Ⅱ Ⅰ,封山育林(Ⅱ)和补植套种(Ⅲ)的土壤碳汇效益显著。采取新造林模式的初始5年,不利于土壤的碳积累,而采取补植套种模式既有利于土壤碳固定,也有利于土壤碳的积累。  相似文献   

The incomplete combustion of vegetation and dead organic matter by landscape fires creates recalcitrant pyrogenic carbon (PyC), which could be consequential for the global carbon budget if changes in fire regime, climate, and atmospheric CO2 were to substantially affect gains and losses of PyC on land and in oceans. Here, we included global PyC cycling in a coupled climate–carbon model to assess the role of PyC in historical and future simulations, accounting for uncertainties through five sets of parameter estimates. We obtained year‐2000 global stocks of (Central estimate, likely uncertainty range in parentheses) 86 (11–154), 47 (2–64), and 1129 (90–5892) Pg C for terrestrial residual PyC (RPyC), marine dissolved PyC, and marine particulate PyC, respectively. PyC cycling decreased atmospheric CO2 only slightly between 1751 and 2000 (by 0.8 Pg C for the Central estimate) as PyC‐related fluxes changed little over the period. For 2000 to 2300, we combined Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 with stable or continuously increasing future fire frequencies. For the increasing future fire regime, the production of new RPyC generally outpaced the warming‐induced accelerated loss of existing RPyC, so that PyC cycling decreased atmospheric CO2 between 2000 and 2300 for most estimates (by 4–8 Pg C for Central). For the stable fire regime, however, PyC cycling usually increased atmospheric CO2 (by 1–9 Pg C for Central), and only the most extreme choice of parameters maximizing PyC production and minimizing PyC decomposition led to atmospheric CO2 decreases under RCPs 4.5 and 8.5 (by 5–8 Pg C). Our results suggest that PyC cycling will likely reduce the future increase in atmospheric CO2 if landscape fires become much more frequent; however, in the absence of a substantial increase in fire frequency, PyC cycling might contribute to, rather than mitigate, the future increase in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Aims The bank of soil carbon of forests plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Our aim is to understand the characteristics of soil carbon storage and its determinants in the forests in Shaanxi Province.Methods The data of forest inventory in 2009 and resampling in 2011 were used to analyze the characteristics of soil carbon storage and its determinants in the forest soil in Shaanxi Province.Important findings The soil carbon storage in the forests in Shaanxi Province was 579.68 Tg. Soil carbon storage of Softwood and Hardwood forests were the highest among all forest types, accounting for 36.35% of the whole province forest soil carbon storage. The forest soil carbon storage was 4.15 times greater in the natural forest (467.17 Tg) than that in the plantations. The young and middle-aged forests were the main contributors to the total carbon storage across all age groups, accounting for about 57.30% of the total forest soil carbon storage. The average soil carbon density of forests in Shaanxi Province was 90.68 t∙hm-2, in which the soil carbon density of Betula forests was the highest (141.74 t∙hm-2). Soil carbon density of different forest types were gradually decreased with soil depth. In addition, it was highest in middle-aged forest. Soil carbon density was higher in the natural forest ecosystems than that in the plantations within the each age group, indicating natural forest ecosystems have higher capacity of carbon sequestration. Differences in the spatial patterns between carbon storage and density indicated that carbon storage was related to forest coverage. The soil carbon density and storage of forests in Yulin were the lowest across the province. This suggests that, in order to enhance the regional carbon sequestration capacity in this region, we need to appropriately strengthen artificial afforestation activities and manage them scientifically and rationally. The soil carbon density of forests in Shaanxi Province decreased with the increase of longitude, latitude, and annual temperature, but increased with the increase of altitude and annual rainfall. This study provides data basis for provincial estimation of forest soil carbon bank in China.  相似文献   

Input of labile organic carbon can enhance decomposition of extant soil organic carbon (SOC) through priming. We hypothesized that long‐term nitrogen (N) input in different chemical forms alters SOC pools by altering priming effects associated with N‐mediated changes in plants and soil microbes. The hypothesis was tested by integrating field experimental data of plants, soil microbes and two incubation experiments with soils that had experienced 10 years of N enrichment with three chemical forms (ammonium, nitrate and both ammonium and nitrate) in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Incubations with glucose–13C addition at three rates were used to quantify effects of exogenous organic carbon input on the priming of SOC. Incubations with microbial inocula extracted from soils that had experienced different long‐term N treatments were conducted to detect effects of N‐mediated changes in soil microbes on priming effects. We found strong evidence and a mechanistic explanation for alteration of SOC pools following 10 years of N enrichment with different chemical forms. We detected significant negative priming effects both in soils collected from ammonium‐addition plots and in sterilized soils inoculated with soil microbes extracted from ammonium‐addition plots. In contrast, significant positive priming effects were found both in soils collected from nitrate‐addition plots and in sterilized soils inoculated with soil microbes extracted from nitrate‐addition plots. Meanwhile, the abundance and richness of graminoids were higher and the abundance of soil microbes was lower in ammonium‐addition than in nitrate‐addition plots. Our findings provide evidence that shifts toward higher graminoid abundance and changes in soil microbial abundance mediated by N chemical forms are key drivers for priming effects and SOC pool changes, thereby linking human interference with the N cycle to climate change.  相似文献   

东北东部森林生态系统土壤碳贮量和碳通量   总被引:62,自引:7,他引:62  
杨金艳  王传宽 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2875-2882
土壤碳是高纬度地区森林生态系统最大的碳库,是森林生态系统碳循环的极其重要组分。研究了东北东部典型的6种次生林生态系统(天然蒙古栎林、杨桦林、杂木林、硬阔叶林、红松人工林和落叶松人工林)的土壤碳动态,包括(1)量化土壤有机碳(SOC)含量、碳密度及周转时间,(2)比较不同森林生态系统的土壤表面CO2通量(RS)年通量差异,(3)建立RS年通量及其分量与SOC的量化关系。研究结果表明:阔叶天然次生林和针叶人工林的SOC含量变化范围分别为52.63~66.29 g.kg-1和42.15~49.15 g.kg-1;平均SOC密度分别为15.57和17.16 kg.m-2;平均SOC周转时间分别为32a和48a。各个生态系统的RS依次为杂木林951 gC.m-2.a-1、硬阔叶林892 gC.m-2.-a 1、杨桦林812 gC.m-2.-a 1、蒙古栎林678gC.m-2.-a 1、红松林596 gC.m-2.-a 1和落叶松林451 gC.m-2.a-1。RS年通量及其分量(土壤异养呼吸和自养呼吸)与SOC含量呈显著的正相关,但其相关程度因土层不同而异(R2=0.747~0.933)。同一生态系统中,SOC含量随土深增加而降低,而SOC密度和SOC周转时间随深度增加而增大。采用统一规范的研究方法,获取大量有代表性的森林生态系统土壤碳贮量和RS的实测数据,是减少区域尺度碳平衡研究中不确定性的不可缺少的研究内容。  相似文献   

The most carbon (C)‐dense ecosystems of Amazonia are areas characterized by the presence of peatlands. However, Amazonian peatland ecosystems are poorly understood and are threatened by human activities. Here, we present an investigation into long‐term ecohydrological controls on C accumulation in an Amazonian peat dome. This site is the oldest peatland yet discovered in Amazonia (peat initiation ca. 8.9 ka BP), and developed in three stages: (i) peat initiated in an abandoned river channel with open water and aquatic plants; (ii) inundated forest swamp; and (iii) raised peat dome (since ca. 3.9 ka BP). Local burning occurred at least three times in the past 4,500 years. Two phases of particularly rapid C accumulation (ca. 6.6–6.1 and ca. 4.9–3.9 ka BP), potentially resulting from increased net primary productivity, were seemingly driven by drier conditions associated with widespread drought events. The association of drought phases with major ecosystem state shifts (open water wetland–forest swamp–peat dome) suggests a potential climatic control on the developmental trajectory of this tropical peatland. A third drought phase centred on ca. 1.8–1.1 ka BP led to markedly reduced C accumulation and potentially a hiatus during the peat dome stage. Our results suggest that future droughts may lead to phases of rapid C accumulation in some inundated tropical peat swamps, although this can lead ultimately to a shift to ombrotrophy and a subsequent return to slower C accumulation. Conversely, in ombrotrophic peat domes, droughts may lead to reduced C accumulation or even net loss of peat. Increased surface wetness at our site in recent decades may reflect a shift towards a wetter climate in western Amazonia. Amazonian peatlands represent important carbon stores and habitats, and are important archives of past climatic and ecological information. They should form key foci for conservation efforts.  相似文献   

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