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Thirty‐seven isolates of Didymella bryoniae from three Cucurbitaceae species were collected in Brazil and tested for pathogenicity to watermelon. All isolates were pathogenic but differed in aggressiveness levels. Seven representative isolates were used in cross‐pathogenicity tests against 10 cucurbitaceous hosts. Most isolates were pathogenic to most host species tested, except to Sechium edule. Among the susceptible species, Citrullus and Cucumis species were the most susceptible hosts, while pumpkin and Luffa purgans were the most resistant. Host of origin affected the pattern of aggressiveness on each host. Isolates from watermelon were very aggressive to their original host, but much less aggressive or not pathogenic at all to some Cucurbita. Two previously described random‐amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)‐specific primers indicated that 81% of the isolates could be classified into the so‐called RG I group, while the remaining isolates could not be classified into any of the described RG groups. All 37 isolates were further characterized by RAPD fingerprinting and compared with three US isolates representative of RG I and RG II groups. The Brazilian D. bryoniae isolates could be separated into genetically similar clusters. The majority of the isolates were grouped in cluster DB Ia, which contained only isolates of Citrullus lanatus and Cucumis melo. Two of the American isolates used as controls clustered with this group at 68% similarity level. The DB Ib cluster included three Brazilian isolates obtained from melon and watermelon and the American representative for RG II, at a lower similarity level (43%). Two isolates from watermelon clustered with one isolate from melon in a separate group (DB II), while one single isolate from pumpkin (DB III) showed the lowest genetic similarity to all other isolates. Didymella bryoniae isolates from Brazil showed, therefore, a level of genetic diversity higher than previously reported for the species. RAPD fingerprinting allowed for geographical distinction of D. bryoniae isolates but no correlation between genetic distance, aggressiveness or origin of the isolate was found.  相似文献   

Wild birds, including waterfowl such as ducks, are reservoir hosts of influenza A viruses. Despite the increased number of avian influenza virus (AIV) genome sequences available, our understanding of AIV genetic structure and transmission through space and time in waterfowl in North America is still limited. In particular, AIVs in ducks of the Atlantic flyway of North America have not been thoroughly investigated. To begin to address this gap, we analyzed 109 AIV genome sequences from ducks in the Atlantic flyway to determine their genetic structure and to document the extent of gene flow in the context of sequences from other locations and other avian and mammalian host groups. The analyses included 25 AIVs from ducks from Newfoundland, Canada, from 2008–2011 and 84 available reference duck AIVs from the Atlantic flyway from 2006–2011. A vast diversity of viral genes and genomes was identified in the 109 viruses. The genetic structure differed amongst the 8 viral segments with predominant single lineages found for the PB2, PB1 and M segments, increased diversity found for the PA, NP and NS segments (2, 3 and 3 lineages, respectively), and the highest diversity found for the HA and NA segments (12 and 9 lineages, respectively). Identification of inter-hemispheric transmissions was rare with only 2% of the genes of Eurasian origin. Virus transmission between ducks and other bird groups was investigated, with 57.3% of the genes having highly similar (≥99% nucleotide identity) genes detected in birds other than ducks. Transmission between North American flyways has been frequent and 75.8% of the genes were highly similar to genes found in other North American flyways. However, the duck AIV genes did display spatial distribution bias, which was demonstrated by the different population sizes of specific viral genes in one or two neighbouring flyways compared to more distant flyways.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that determine heterogeneity in levels of parasitism across individuals is a major challenge in disease ecology. It is known that genetic makeup plays an important role in infection likelihood, but the mechanism remains unclear as does its relative importance when compared to other factors. We analyzed relationships between genetic diversity and macroparasites in outbred, free-ranging populations of raccoons (Procyon lotor). We measured heterozygosity at 14 microsatellite loci and modeled the effects of both multi-locus and single-locus heterozygosity on parasitism using an information theoretic approach and including non-genetic factors that are known to influence the likelihood of parasitism. The association of genetic diversity and parasitism, as well as the relative importance of genetic diversity, differed by parasitic group. Endoparasite species richness was better predicted by a model that included genetic diversity, with the more heterozygous hosts harboring fewer endoparasite species. Genetic diversity was also important in predicting abundance of replete ticks (Dermacentor variabilis). This association fit a curvilinear trend, with hosts that had either high or low levels of heterozygosity harboring fewer parasites than those with intermediate levels. In contrast, genetic diversity was not important in predicting abundance of non-replete ticks and lice (Trichodectes octomaculatus). No strong single-locus effects were observed for either endoparasites or replete ticks. Our results suggest that in outbred populations multi-locus diversity might be important for coping with parasitism. The differences in the relationships between heterozygosity and parasitism for the different parasites suggest that the role of genetic diversity varies with parasite-mediated selective pressures.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Three hundred and fifty-seven reptiles belonging to 15 species (11 genera, 7 families) from the Pacific Northwest were examined for haematozoa. Twenty-six (7.3%) had parasites. Eleven (3.1%) were infected with haemogregarines, 6 (1.7%) with microfilariae and 9 (2.5%) with unidentified organisms. Four species of snakes and 4 of lizards were positive. Several forms of haemogregarine from the Pacific gopher snake ( Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer ) are described.  相似文献   

North American waterfowl harvest regulations are largely guided by the status of breeding populations. Nonetheless, understanding the demographics of wintering waterfowl populations can elucidate the effects of hunting pressure on population dynamics. The ring-necked duck (Aythya collaris) breeds and winters in all North American administrative flyways and is one of the most abundant and most harvested diving ducks in the Atlantic Flyway. But few studies have investigated the winter ecology of ring-necked ducks. We used a known-fate analysis to estimate period survival probability using data from 87 female ring-necked ducks marked with satellite transmitters in 2 regions of the southern Atlantic Flyway during winters of 2017–2018 and 2018–2019. Winter (128-day) survival probability was higher for individuals in the Red Hills region of southern Georgia and northern Florida (0.875, 95% CI = 0.691–0.952) than individuals in central South Carolina (0.288, 95% CI = 0.082–0.514). We attribute the regional disparity in winter survival probabilities to differences in hunting pressure, which are reflected in the number of harvests we observed in each region. Our findings warrant further investigation into regional variation in winter survival of southern Atlantic Flyway ring-necked ducks, and, specifically, the relationship between variable harvest pressure and winter survival and its influence on ring-necked duck population dynamics and adaptive harvest management decisions. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

An understanding of the genetic structure of populations in the wild is essential for long‐term conservation and stewardship in the face of environmental change. Knowledge of the present‐day distribution of genetic lineages (phylogeography) of a species is especially important for organisms that are exploited or utilize habitats that may be jeopardized by human intervention, including climate change. Here, we describe mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear genetic (microsatellite) diversity among three populations of a migratory bird, the greater white‐fronted goose (Anser albifrons), which breeds discontinuously in western and southwestern Alaska and winters in the Pacific Flyway of North America. Significant genetic structure was evident at both marker types. All three populations were differentiated for mtDNA, whereas microsatellite analysis only differentiated geese from the Cook Inlet Basin. In sexual reproducing species, nonrandom mate selection, when occurring in concert with fine‐scale resource partitioning, can lead to phenotypic and genetic divergence as we observed in our study. If mate selection does not occur at the time of reproduction, which is not uncommon in long‐lived organisms, then mechanisms influencing the true availability of potential mates may be obscured, and the degree of genetic and phenotypic diversity may appear incongruous with presumed patterns of gene flow. Previous investigations revealed population‐specific behavioral, temporal, and spatial mechanisms that likely influence the amount of gene flow measured among greater white‐fronted goose populations. The degree of observed genetic structuring aligns well with our current understanding of population differences pertaining to seasonal movements, social structure, pairing behavior, and resource partitioning.  相似文献   

The hindguts of lower termites and Cryptocercus cockroaches are home to a distinct community of archaea, bacteria, and protists (primarily parabasalids and some oxymonads). Within a host species, the composition of these hindgut communities appears relatively stable, but the evolutionary and ecological factors structuring community composition and stability are poorly understood, as are differential impacts of these factors on protists, bacteria, and archaea. We analyzed the microbial composition of parabasalids and bacteria in the hindguts of Cryptocercus punctulatus and 23 species spanning 4 families of lower termites by pyrosequencing variable regions of the small-subunit rRNA gene. Especially for the parabasalids, these data revealed undiscovered taxa and provided a phylogenetic basis for a more accurate understanding of diversity, diversification, and community composition. The composition of the parabasalid communities was found to be strongly structured by the phylogeny of their hosts, indicating the importance of historical effects, although exceptions were also identified. Particularly, spirotrichonymphids and trichonymphids likely were transferred between host lineages. In contrast, host phylogeny was not sufficient to explain the majority of bacterial community composition, but the compositions of the Bacteroidetes, Elusimicrobia, Tenericutes, Spirochaetes, and Synergistes were structured by host phylogeny perhaps due to their symbiotic associations with protists. All together, historical effects probably resulting from vertical inheritance have had a prominent role in structuring the hindgut communities, especially of the parabasalids, but dispersal and environmental acquisition have played a larger role in community composition than previously expected.  相似文献   

To investigate the population structure and systematic evolution of the domestic duck in China, we sequenced the 667 bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop control region of 106 ducks from nine breeds along the Yangtze-Huai River. Of the total analyzed sites, 34 (5.1%) were polymorphic due to transitions, transversions, insertions, and deletions. Nucleotide content was 25.6% A, 33.3% C, 15.2% G, and 25.9% T. In total, 31 haplotypes were identified in the target region; of these, the major haplotype was A7, and nine haplotypes were shared by the tested ducks. The haplotype diversity (Hd) and average nucleotide diversity (Pi) were 0.798% and 0.28%, respectively. Hd was highest in the Jingjiang shelduck, followed by the Youxian and Enshi shelducks, and it was lowest in the Wendeng black duck. Nucleotide diversity (Dxy) among the nine breeds ranged from 0.139 to 0.433%, and the Kimura 2-parameter distances were 0.0013-0.0044. Molecular variance indicated that a very high proportion of the insignificant genetic variance was attributable to variations within breeds. Phylogenetic analysis of 31 haplotypes revealed only one distinct maternal lineage in the tested ducks, and no evidence was found of a contribution of the Anas zonorhyncha group B haplotype to the maternal origin of Chinese domestic duck breeds along the Yangtze-Huai.  相似文献   

Host-specificity is an intrinsic feature of many bacterial pathogens, resulting from a long history of co-adaptation between bacteria and their hosts. Alpha-proteobacteria belonging to the genus Bartonella infect the erythrocytes of a wide range of mammal orders, including rodents. In this study, we performed genetic analysis of Bartonella colonizing a rodent community dominated by bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in a French suburban forest to evaluate their diversity, their capacity to recombine and their level of host specificity. Following the analysis of 550 rodents, we detected 63 distinct genotypes related to B. taylorii, B. grahamii, B. doshiae and a new B. rochalimae-like species. Investigating the most highly represented species, we showed that B. taylorii strain diversity was markedly higher than that of B. grahamii, suggesting a possible severe bottleneck for the latter species. The majority of recovered genotypes presented a strong association with either bank voles or wood mice, with the exception of three B. taylorii genotypes which had a broader host range. Despite the physical barriers created by host specificity, we observed lateral gene transfer between Bartonella genotypes associated with wood mice and Bartonella adapted to bank voles, suggesting that those genotypes might co-habit during their life cycle.  相似文献   

利用分子检测方法对2014—2015年北京及周边地区3目20种126只猛禽血液寄生虫的感染率和多样性进行调查。通过对猛禽血液寄生虫线粒体Cyt b基因的测序和系统发生分析,发现猛禽血液寄生虫的感染率较低(7.94%)。通过与Mal Avi数据库比对,共鉴定了7个谱系支,其中3个为新发现的血液变形虫属Haemoproteus谱系支,2个为首次在鸮形目Strigiformes中发现的谱系支。  相似文献   

Long‐distance migration is a behavior that is exhibited by many animal groups. The evolution of novel migration routes can play an important role in range expansions, ecological interactions, and speciation. New migration routes may evolve in response to selection in favor of reducing distance between breeding and wintering areas, or avoiding navigational barriers. Many migratory changes are likely to evolve gradually and are therefore difficult to study. Here, we attempt to connect breeding and wintering populations of myrtle warblers (Setophaga coronata coronata) to better understand the possible evolution of distinct migration routes within this species. Myrtle warblers, unlike most other warblers with breeding ranges primarily in eastern North America, have two disjunct overwintering concentrations—one in the southeastern USA and one along the Pacific Coast—and presumably distinct routes to‐and‐from these locations. We studied both myrtle and Audubon's warblers (S. c. auduboni) captured during their spring migration along the Pacific Coast, south of the narrow region where these two taxa hybridize. Using stable hydrogen isotopes and biometric data, we show that those myrtle warblers wintering along the southern Pacific Coast of North America are likely to breed at high latitudes in Alaska and the Yukon rather than in Alberta or further east. Our interpretation is that the evolution of this wintering range and migration route along the Pacific Coast may have facilitated the breeding expansion of myrtle warblers into northwestern North America. Moreover, these data suggest that there may be a migratory divide within genetically similar populations of myrtle warblers.  相似文献   

The genus Laccaria (Hydnangiaceae, Agaricales) plays an important role in forest ecosystems as an ectomycorrhizal fungus, contributing to nutrient cycles through symbiosis with many types of trees. Though understanding Laccaria diversity and distribution patterns, as well as its association with host plants, is fundamental to constructing a balanced plant diversity and conducting effective forest management, previous studies have not been effective in accurately investigating, as they relied heavily on specimen collection alone. To investigate the true diversity and distribution pattern of Laccaria species and determine their host types, we used four different approaches: specimen-based analysis, open database search (ODS), NGS analysis, and species-specific PCR (SSP). As a result, 14 Laccaria species have been confirmed in Korea. Results regarding the species distribution pattern were different between specimen-based analysis and SSP. However, when both were integrated, the exact distribution pattern of each Laccaria species was determined. In addition, the SSP revealed that many Laccaria species have a wide range of host types. This study shows that using these four different approaches is useful in determining the diversity, distribution, and host of ECM fungi. Furthermore, results obtained for Laccaria will serve as a baseline to help understand the role of ECM fungi in forest management in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Bats are the second largest group of mammals on earth and act as reservoirs of many emerging viruses. In this study, a novel bat adenovirus (AdV) (BtAdV-TJM) was isolated from bat fecal samples by using a bat primary kidney cell line. Infection studies indicated that most animal and human cell lines are susceptible to BtAdV-TJM, suggesting a possible wide host range. Genome analysis revealed 30 putative genes encoding proteins homologous to their counterparts in most known AdVs. Phylogenetic analysis placed BtAdV-TJM within the genus Mastadenovirus, most closely related to tree shrew and canine AdVs. PCR analysis of 350 bat fecal samples, collected from 19 species in five Chinese provinces during 2007 and 2008, indicated that 28 (or 8%) samples were positive for AdVs. The samples were from five bat species, Hipposideros armiger, Myotis horsfieldii, M. ricketti, Myotis spp., and Scotophilus kuhlii. The prevalence ranged from 6.25% (H. armiger in 2007) to 40% (M. ricketti in 2007). Comparison studies based on available partial sequences of the pol gene demonstrated a great genetic diversity among bat AdVs infecting different bat species as well as those infecting the same bat species. This is the first report of a genetically diverse group of DNA viruses in bats. Our results support the notion, derived from previous studies based on RNA viruses (especially coronaviruses and astroviruses), that bats seem to have the unusual ability to harbor a large number of genetically diverse viruses within a geographic location and/or within a taxonomic group.Members of the family Adenoviridae are nonenveloped, icosahedral viruses approximately 70 to 100 nm in size. The family is divided into four genera: Mastadenovirus, Aviadenovirus, Atadenovirus, and Siadenovirus (3, 6, 7). Adenoviruses (AdVs) contain a linear, nonsegmented, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with a genome size ranging from 30 to 36 kb for mastadenoviruses, 31 to 36 kb for atadenoviruses, and 26 to 45 kb for siadenoviruses (3).AdV infection can be identified in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish, and live AdVs have been isolated from at least 40 vertebrate species (3, 6, 21, 25). A total of 52 human AdV (hAdV) serotypes have been identified and classified into seven groups, designated serotypes A through G. AdVs are highly prevalent in the human population and can cause human infections ranging from respiratory disease (mainly by AdV-B and -C) and conjunctivitis (AdV-B and -D) to gastroenteritis (AdV-F serotypes 40 and 41) (11, 24). In animals, canine AdV type 1 (CAV-1) and canine AdV type 2 (CAV-2) cause hepatitis and respiratory and enteric diseases in dogs (20, 30). The egg drop syndrome-1976 virus (EDS-76 virus), belonging to the aviadenoviruses, is the causative agent of an economically important disease characterized by a severe and sudden drop in egg production (17).Bats are reservoirs of numerous new or emerging viruses, including henipavirus, Ebola virus, Marbourg virus, Menangle virus, rabies virus, coronavirus, and astrovirus, and most of the bat viral species reported to date are RNA viruses (4, 5, 14, 23, 28, 31). Although numerous virus species and strains were identified in recent years by PCR and sequencing, the isolation of live bat viruses remains rare and difficult, probably due to the lack of appropriate bat cell lines. Recently, two bat adenoviruses (bat AdV-FBV1 and bat AdV-2 PPV1) were isolated from fruit bat (Pteropus dasymallus yayeyamae) and common pipistrelles (Pteropus pipistrellus), respectively. The agent was identified as novel adenovirus by partial sequencing (16, 22).In this study, we report the isolation of a novel AdV from bat fecal samples using a newly established bat primary kidney cell culture. The isolated AdV, named bat adenovirus strain TJM (BtAdV-TJM), is capable of infecting several vertebrate cell lines and inducing a cytopathic effect (CPE). The near-full-length genome sequence (except the 5′- and/or 3′-terminal ends) of BtAdV-TJM is 31,681 bp and carries 30 putative genes. Our epidemiological investigation demonstrated that among the 19 bat species surveyed in this study, bat AdVs are prevalent mainly in Myotis species and Scotophilus kuhlii. This report represents a first detailed study of a DNA virus group in bats.  相似文献   

The genotyping of numerous isolates of Cryptosporidium parasites has led to the definition of new species and a better understanding of the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis. A single-locus genotyping method based on the partial sequence of a polymorphic sporozoite surface glycoprotein gene (GP60) has been favored by many for surveying Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis populations. Since genetically distinct Cryptosporidium parasites recombine in nature, it is unclear whether single-locus classifications can adequately represent intraspecies diversity. To address this question, we investigated whether multilocus genotypes of C. parvum and C. hominis cluster according to the GP60 genotype. C. hominis multilocus genotypes did not segregate according to this marker, indicating that for this species the GP60 sequence is not a valid surrogate for multilocus typing methods. In contrast, in C. parvum the previously described “anthroponotic” genotype was confirmed as a genetically distinct subspecies cluster characterized by a diagnostic GP60 allele. However, as in C. hominis, several C. parvum GP60 alleles did not correlate with distinct subpopulations. Given the rarity of some C. parvum GP60 alleles in our sample, the existence of additional C. parvum subgroups with unique GP60 alleles cannot be ruled out. We conclude that with the exception of genotypically distinct C. parvum subgroups, multilocus genotyping methods are needed to characterize C. parvum and C. hominis populations. Unless parasite virulence is controlled at the GP60 locus, attempts to find associations within species or subspecies between GP60 and phenotype are unlikely to be successful.The lack of variable morphological traits to identify oocysts from different Cryptosporidium species has driven the development of numerous genotyping methods to survey the diversity in this genus. Genetic markers such as single-nucleotide polymorphisms (24), restriction fragment length polymorphisms (7, 34), random amplification methods (17, 20), conformational polymorphisms (11), simple sequence repeats (3, 10), and DNA sequence polymorphisms (6, 36) have been used to type Cryptosporidium oocysts excreted by humans and animals and oocysts recovered from the environment. This effort has led to a deeper understanding of the taxonomy of the genus Cryptosporidium and the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis in humans and livestock. As a result of this work, two species responsible for a majority of human infections, Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis, were identified (21) and our understanding of the taxonomy of the genus was refined (35).The application of genetic markers to define species, i.e., reproductively isolated populations, is straightforward. At this taxonomic level, all genotypes cosegregate and the choice of marker will have little impact on the outcome, provided that the marker, or combination thereof, is sufficiently polymorphic. The classical example is the variable region of the small-subunit rRNA gene which has been used, as in other taxa, to define many Cryptosporidium species. For studying intraspecies polymorphism, the choice of genotyping methods needs to take into consideration the potential for genetic recombination. This is clearly the case for species such as those belonging to the genus Cryptosporidium, which are known to undergo an obligatory sexual cycle during which genetically dissimilar haplotypes can recombine (28).Among the many markers that have been applied in epidemiological surveys of C. parvum and C. hominis, a variable fragment of the gene encoding a sporozoite surface glycoprotein (8, 26) has been particularly popular. As a result of the widespread adoption of this marker, variously named GP60, cpgp40/15, or gp40, numerous alleles have been identified and deposited in GenBank. The analysis of this continuously growing collection of GP60 sequences has led to the identification of groups of related sequences (18, 27, 32, 33). In an attempt to simplify the comparison of GP60 genotypes among different laboratories, a GP60 nomenclature distinguishing the main groups of alleles has been created (26) and later refined (27).The desire to streamline the genotyping of large numbers of Cryptosporidium isolates collected during surveys has led to the widespread adoption of the GP60 genotype as the only marker for defining intraspecies groups. Since this approach is not compatible with the reassortment of unlinked loci, the classification of isolates on the basis of the GP60 genotype, or any other single marker, needs to be evaluated. Within a recombining population, no single genetic marker can a priori be expected to serve as a surrogate for other loci or multilocus genotypes (MLGs), and any apparent clustering of isolates is dependent on the marker. To investigate the validity of the GP60 genotyping method as commonly applied to the classification of C. parvum and C. hominis isolates, the GP60 genotype was added to a previously described 9-locus genotype (29) and a diversified collection of 10-locus genotypes was examined for intraspecies clusters. We show that, with the exception of some GP60 alleles apparently restricted to human C. parvum, neither C. parvum nor C. hominis GP60 alleles define subspecies genotypes. These results are discussed in the context of ongoing research to better understand the population structure of these parasites and identify genotypes associated with virulence traits.  相似文献   

采用快速瑞氏-姬姆萨(Wright's-Giemsa's)染色法对斑腿泛树蛙(Polypedates megacephalus)和沼水蛙(Hylarana guentheri)的外周血细胞进行观察,并与北部湾棱皮树蛙(Theloderma corticale)己有的数据进行了比较.结果显示,三种蛙的血细胞均由红细胞、白...  相似文献   

Relationships between host and microbial diversity have important ecological and applied implications. Theory predicts that these relationships will depend on the spatio-temporal scale of the analysis and the niche breadth of the organisms in question, but representative data on host-microbial community assemblage in nature is lacking. We employed a natural gradient of rodent species richness and quantified bacterial communities in rodent blood at several hierarchical spatial scales to test the hypothesis that associations between host and microbial species diversity will be positive in communities dominated by organisms with broad niches sampled at large scales. Following pyrosequencing of rodent blood samples, bacterial communities were found to be comprised primarily of broad niche lineages. These communities exhibited positive correlations between host diversity, microbial diversity and the likelihood for rare pathogens at the regional scale but not at finer scales. These findings demonstrate how microbial diversity is affected by host diversity at different spatial scales and suggest that the relationships between host diversity and overall disease risk are not always negative, as the dilution hypothesis predicts.  相似文献   

The rhizobial community indigenous to the Okavango region has not yet been characterized. The isolation of indigenous rhizobia can provide a basis for the formulation of a rhizobial inoculant. Moreover, their identification and characterization contribute to the general understanding of species distribution and ecology. Isolates were obtained from nodules of local varieties of the pulses cowpea, Bambara groundnut, peanut, hyacinth bean, and common bean. Ninety-one of them were identified by BOX repetitive element PCR (BOX-PCR) and sequence analyses of the 16S-23S rRNA internally transcribed spacer (ITS) and the recA, glnII, rpoB, and nifH genes. A striking geographical distribution was observed. Bradyrhizobium pachyrhizi dominated at sampling sites in Angola which were characterized by acid soils and a semihumid climate. Isolates from the semiarid sampling sites in Namibia were more diverse, with most of them being related to Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense and Bradyrhizobium daqingense. Host plant specificity was observed only for hyacinth bean, which was nodulated by rhizobia presumably representing yet-undescribed species. Furthermore, the isolates were characterized with respect to their adaptation to high temperatures, drought, and local host plants. The adaptation experiments revealed that the Namibian isolates shared an exceptionally high temperature tolerance, but none of the isolates showed considerable adaptation to drought. Moreover, the isolates'' performance on different local hosts showed variable results, with most Namibian isolates inducing better nodulation on peanut and hyacinth bean than the Angolan strains. The local predominance of distinct genotypes implies that indigenous strains may exhibit a better performance in inoculant formulations.  相似文献   

Abstract The Beringia region of the Arctic contains 2 colonies of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) breeding on Wrangel Island, Russia, and Banks Island, Canada, and wintering in North America. The Wrangel Island population is composed of 2 subpopulations from a sympatric breeding colony but separate wintering areas, whereas the Banks Island population shares a sympatric wintering area in California, USA, with one of the Wrangel Island subpopulations. The Wrangel Island colony represents the last major snow goose population in Russia and has fluctuated considerably since 1970, whereas the Banks Island population has more than doubled. The reasons for these changes are unclear, but hypotheses include independent population demographics (survival and recruitment) and immigration and emigration among breeding or wintering populations. These demographic and movement patterns have important ecological and management implications for understanding goose population structure, harvest of admixed populations, and gene flow among populations with separate breeding or wintering areas. From 1993 to 1996, we neckbanded molting birds at their breeding colonies and resighted birds on the wintering grounds. We used multistate mark-recapture models to evaluate apparent survival rates, resighting rates, winter fidelity, and potential exchange among these populations. We also compared the utility of face stain in Wrangel Island breeding geese as a predictor of their wintering area. Our results showed similar apparent survival rates between subpopulations of Wrangel Island snow geese and lower apparent survival, but higher emigration, for the Banks Island birds. Males had lower apparent survival than females, most likely due to differences in neckband loss. Transition between wintering areas was low (<3%), with equal movement between northern and southern wintering areas for Wrangel Island birds and little evidence of exchange between the Banks and northern Wrangel Island populations. Face staining was an unreliable indicator of wintering area. Our findings suggest that northern and southern Wrangel Island subpopulations should be considered a metapopulation in better understanding and managing Pacific Flyway lesser snow geese. Yet the absence of a strong population connection between Banks Island and Wrangel Island geese suggests that these breeding colonies can be managed as separate but overlapping populations. Additionally, winter population fidelity may be more important in lesser snow geese than in other species, and both breeding and wintering areas are important components of population management for sympatric wintering populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Cross-transmission experiments were performed in order to determine the host specificity in the intermediate and definitive hosts of the four described dihomoxenous Sarcocystis species, S. gallotiae, S. stehlinii, S. simonyi , and S. dugesii from lacertid lizards of the genera Gallotia and Podarcis from the Macaronesian Islands. Sarcocysts of either species from experimentally infected lizards were fed to a variety of laboratory-bred lizard species of the genera Gallotia, Lacerta , and Podarcis . These sarcocysts proved to be infectious to all examined animals, showing no definitive host specificity in the tested genera. Lizards of the genera Chalcides and Tarentola , however, were not susceptible definitive hosts for S. gallotiae . The inoculation of experimentally obtained sporocysts of each of the four Sarcocystis species to various lacertid lizard species revealed varying degrees of intermediate host specificity, generally demonstrating each native host to be the most susceptible.  相似文献   

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