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Schizophrenia is a hereditary disease that approximately 1% of the worldwide population develops. Many studies have investigated possible underlying genes related to schizophrenia. Recently, clinical studies suggested sterol regulatory element‐binding protein (SREBP) as a susceptibility gene in patients with schizophrenia. SREBP controls cellular lipid homeostasis by three isoforms: SREBP‐1a, SREBP‐1c and SREBP‐2. This study used SREBP‐1c knockout (KO) mice to examine whether a deficiency in SREBP‐1c would affect their emotional and psychiatric behaviors. Altered mRNA expression in genes downstream from SREBP‐1c was confirmed in the brains of SREBP‐1c KO mice. Schizophrenia‐like behavior, including hyperactivity during the dark phase, depressive‐like behavior, aggressive behavior and deficits in social interaction and prepulse inhibition, was observed in SREBP‐1c KO mice. Furthermore, increased volume of the lateral ventricle was detected in SREBP‐1c KO mice. The mRNA levels of several γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)‐receptor subtypes and/or glutamic acid decarboxylase 65/67 decreased in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex of SREBP‐1c KO mice. Thus, SREBP‐1c deficiency may contribute to enlargement of the lateral ventricle and development of schizophrenia‐like behaviors and be associated with altered GABAergic transmission.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is a crucial part of the limbic system involved both in cognitive processing and in the regulation of responses to stress. Adverse experiences early in life can disrupt hippocampal development and lead to impairment of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis response to subsequent stressors. In our study, two types of early‐life stress were used: prolonged separation of pups from their mothers (for 3 hours/day, maternal separation, MS) and brief separation (for 15 minutes/day, handling, HD). In the first part of our study, we found that adult female mice (F0) who had experienced MS showed reduced locomotor activity and impairment of long‐term spatial and recognition memory. Analysis of various hippocampal regions showed that MS reduced the number of mature neurons in CA3 of females, which is perhaps a crucial hippocampal region for learning and memory; however, neurogenesis remained unchanged. In the second part, we measured maternal care in female mice with a history of early‐life stress (F0) as well as the behavior of their adult offspring (F1). Our results indicated that MS reduced the level of maternal care in adult females (F0) toward their own progeny and caused sex‐specific changes in the social behavior of adult offspring (F1). In contrast to MS, HD had no influence on female behavior or hippocampal plasticity. Overall, our results suggest that prolonged MS early in life affects the adult behavior of F0 female mice and hippocampal neuronal plasticity, whereas the mothers' previous experience has effects on the behavior of their F1 offspring through disturbances of mother‐infant interactions.  相似文献   

In humans, loss or alteration of the CHL1/CALL gene may contribute to mental impairment associated with the 3p‐syndrome, caused by distal deletions of the short (p) arm of chromosome 3, and schizophrenia. Mice deficient for the Close Homologue of L1 (CHL1) show aberrant connectivity of hippocampal mossy fibers and olfactory sensory axons, suggesting participation of CHL1 in the establishment of neuronal networks. Furthermore, behavioral studies showed that CHL1‐deficient mice react differently towards novel experimental environments. These data raise the hypothesis that processing of information, possibly novel versus familiar, may be altered in the absence of CHL1. To test this hypothesis, brain activities were investigated after presentation of a novel, familiar, or neutral gustatory stimulus using metabolic mapping with (14C)‐2‐deoxyglucose (2‐DG) and analysis of mRNA expression of the immediate early genes (IEGs) c‐fos and arg 3.1/arc by in situ hybridization. 2‐DG labeling revealed only small differences between CHL1‐deficient and wild‐type littermate mice. In contrast, while the specific novelty‐induced increase in c‐fos expression was maintained in most of the brain areas analyzed, c‐fos mRNA expression was similar after the novel and familiar taste in several brain areas of the CHL1‐deficient mice. Furthermore, in these mutants, arg 3.1/arc expression was slightly reduced after the novel taste and increased after the familiar taste, leading to a similar arg 3.1/arc mRNA expression after both stimuli. Our results indicate that, in contrast to controls, CHL1‐deficient mice might process novel and familiar information similarly and suggest that the altered neuronal connectivity in these mutants disturbs information processing at the molecular level. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 57: 67–80, 2003  相似文献   

Adult mammals have experience‐dependent plasticity in visual system, but it is unclear whether adult insects also have this plasticity after the critical period of visual development. Here, we have established a modified Y‐maze apparatus for investigating experience‐dependent plasticity in Drosophila. Using this setup we demonstrate that flies after the critical period have bidirectional modifications of the phototaxis preference behavior (PPB) induced by visual deprivation and experience: Visual deprivation decreases the preference of flies for visible light, while visual experience exerts the opposite effect. We also found an age‐dependent PPB plasticity induced by visual deprivation. Molecular and cellular studies suggest that the N‐methyl‐ d ‐aspartate receptors (NMDARs) mediate ocular dominance plasticity in visual cortex in mammals, but direct behavioral evidence is lacking. Here, we used the genetic approaches to demonstrate that NMDAR1, which is NMDARs subunit in Drosophila, can mediate PPB plasticity in young and adult flies. These findings provide direct behavioral evidence that NMDAR1 mediates PPB plasticity in Drosophila. Our results suggest that mammals and insects have analogous mechanisms for experience‐dependent plasticity and its regulation by NMDAR signaling.  相似文献   

With age, protein damage accumulates and increases the risk of age‐related diseases. The proteasome activator PA28αβ is involved in protein damage clearance during early embryogenesis and has demonstrated protective effects against proteinopathy. We have recently discovered that adult female mice overexpressing PA28α (PA28αOE) have enhanced learning and memory, and protein extracts from their hippocampi prevent aggregation more efficiently than wild type. In this study, we investigated the effect of overexpressing PA28α on aging using C57BL/6N×BALB/c F2 hybrid mice. We found that the hippocampal anti‐aggregation effect was maintained in young adult (7 months) to middle‐aged (15 months) and old (22 months) PA28αOE females. While the PA28αOE influence on learning and memory gradually decreased with aging, old PA28αOE females did not display the typical drop in explorative behavior—a behavioral hallmark of aging—but were as explorative as young mice. PA28αOE lowered PA28‐dependent proteasome capacity in both heart and hippocampus, and there was no indication of lower protein damage load in PA28αOE. The life span of PA28αOE was also similar to wild type. In both wild type and PA28αOE, PA28‐dependent proteasome capacity increased with aging in the heart, while 26S and 20S proteasome capacities were unchanged in the timepoints analyzed. Thus, PA28αOE females exhibit improved hippocampal ability to prevent aggregation throughout life and enhanced cognitive capabilities with different behavioral outcomes dependent on age; improved memory at early age and a youth‐like exploration at old age. The cognitive effects of PA28αβ combined with its anti‐aggregation molecular effect highlight the therapeutical potential of PA28αβ in combating proteinopathies.  相似文献   

Follistatin‐like protein 1 (FSTL1) is a newly characterized protein that can regulate the immune response in various ways. Dendritic cells (DCs) are central to immune regulation. In this study, we explored the impact of FSTL1 on DC activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. The surface expression of CD40, CD86, and HLA‐DR on DCs was analyzed and showed significantly elevated expression levels, indicating DC maturity. After FSTL1 was added to DCs collected from NPC patients (n = 50), controls (n = 47), and healthy donors (n = 10), interferon γ secretion and T‐cell receptor expression in cytotoxic T lymphocytes were also investigated. In the experimental groups, the expression of the critical immune protein nuclear factor (NF)‐κb was upregulated, whereas Jun N‐terminal kinase (JNK) was downregulated. Our findings demonstrate that FSTL1 plays a critical role in immune regulation, enhancing the antigen presentation ability of DCs by up‐regulating NF‐κb expression and down‐regulating JNK expression.  相似文献   

Atp1a3 is the Na‐pump alpha3 subunit gene expressed mainly in neurons of the brain. Atp1a3‐deficient heterozygous mice (Atp1a3+/?) show altered neurotransmission and deficits of motor function after stress loading. To understand the function of Atp1a3 in a social hierarchy, we evaluated social behaviors (social interaction, aggression, social approach and social dominance) of Atp1a3+/? and compared the rank and hierarchy structure between Atp1a3+/? and wild‐type mice within a housing cage using the round‐robin tube test and barbering observations. Formation of a hierarchy decreases social conflict and promote social stability within the group. The hierarchical rank is a reflection of social dominance within a cage, which is heritable and can be regulated by specific genes in mice. Here we report: (1) The degree of social interaction but not aggression was lower in Atp1a3+/? than wild‐type mice, and Atp1a3+/? approached Atp1a3+/? mice more frequently than wild type. (2) The frequency of barbering was lower in the Atp1a3+/? group than in the wild‐type group, while no difference was observed in the mixed‐genotype housing condition. (3) Hierarchy formation was not different between Atp1a3+/? and wild type. (4) Atp1a3+/? showed a lower rank in the mixed‐genotype housing condition than that in the wild type, indicating that Atp1a3 regulates social dominance. In sum, Atp1a3+/? showed unique social behavior characteristics of lower social interaction and preference to approach the same genotype mice and a lower ranking in the hierarchy.  相似文献   

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