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There is an enormous diversity in the structure of the flower palate of the carnivorous rootless genus Utricularia. This study aims to examine the structure of the palates in Utricularia bremii Heer and U. minor L of the Utricularia sect. Utricularia, which have a glandular palate type. In both species, the palate has only one type of glandular trichomes. Because of the occurrence of cell wall ingrowths in its glandular cells, any exudation may be transported via eccrinous secretion. It was proposed that the palate trichomes of the examined species act as scent glands and that the palate may play a role as an unguentarium. Both U. bremii and U. minor are of an open flower type. Thus, U. bremii and U. minor flowers can be penetrated by small, weak insects, which then easily have access to their generative structure. Small Hymenoptera (member of families Mymaridae and Braconidae) were observed as flower visitors of the male-sterile species Utricularia bremii.  相似文献   

For the first time, the sequences of the TROSPA gene from taiga tick and sheep tick from Russia were obtained. Three specimens of sheep tick from Voronezh oblast and three specimens each of taiga tick from Irkutsk oblast and Perm krai were analyzed. At the end of the intron of the TROSPA gene in Ixodes persulcatus, a poly-T region was found. In addition, a fragment of the first exon containing a large number of differences in the nucleotide and amino acid composition both among species and within them was identified.  相似文献   

This study assessed the taxonomic hierarchy of the phylum Firmicutes as well as elucidated the isolation and classification states of novel Firmicutes species isolated from Korean territory. The hierarchical classification system of the phylum Firmicutes has been developed since 1872 when the genus Bacillus was first reported and has been generally adopted since 2001. However, this taxonomic hierarchy is still being modified. Until Feb. 2017, the phylum Firmicutes consisted of seven classes (Bacilli, Clostridia, Erysipelotrichia, Limnochordia, Negativicutes, Thermolithobacteria, and Tissierellia), 13 orders, 45 families, and 421 genera. Firmicutes species isolated from various environments in Korea have been reported from 2000, and 187 species have been approved as of Feb. 2017. All Firmicutes species were affiliated with three classes (Bacilli, Clostridia, and Erysipelotrichia), four orders (Bacillales, Lactobacillales, Clostridiales, and Erysipelotrichales), 17 families, and 54 genera. A total of 173 species belong to the class Bacilli, of which 151 species were affiliated with the order Bacillales and the remaining 22 species with the order Lactobacillales. Twelve species belonging to the class Clostridia were affiliated within only one order, Clostridiales. The most abundant family was Bacillaceae (67 species), followed by the family Paenibacillaceae (56 species). Thirteen novel genera were created using isolates from the Korean environment. A number of Firmicutes species were isolated from natural environments in Korean territory. In addition, a considerable number of species were isolated from artificial resources such as fermented foods. Most Firmicutes species, belonging to the families Bacillaceae, Planococcaceae, and Staphylococcaceae, isolated from Korean fermented foods and solar salterns were halophilic or halotolerant. Firmicutes species were isolated from the whole territory of Korea, especially large numbers from Provinces Gyeonggi, Chungnam, and Daejeon.  相似文献   

A revision of Penstemon sect. Saccanthera subsect. Serrulati includes a new species (P. salmonensis), a new variety (P. triphyllus var. infernalis), and the elevation of a subspecies to species (P. curtiflorus), bringing the total number of species to eight, which are keyed and described, complete with nomenclature and type citations.  相似文献   

Stegastes adustus and Stegastes planifrons are two species of damselfishes commonly found in the Caribbean. These territorial fishes have been widely studied due to their major ecological role on coral reef in controlling the growth of macroalgae that compete with corals for space and, inversely, on their deleterious role in destroying coral tissues to impulse the development of algae. However, few studies were conducted on the biotic and abiotic components of their territories. In the present study, territory size and surfaces of benthic components (macroalgae, algal turf, massive corals, branching corals, Milleporidae, sponges, sand and rubbles) were estimated for the two species at two contrasted sites. At Ilet Pigeon site (IP), the two damselfishes were found at different depth and exhibited different territory sizes. S. adustus defended a larger territory characterized by massive corals, sand and Milleporidae, while S. planifrons territories were smaller, deeper and characterized by branching corals, sponges and rubble. At Passe-à-Colas site (PC), the two fish species coexisted in the same depth range and defended territories of similar size. Their territories presented higher proportions of macroalgae, but smaller surfaces of Milleporidae than at IP. At PC, the main difference between the two species was a higher surface of massive corals inside S. planifrons territories than S. adustus territories. Differences in microhabitat characteristics between the two Stegastes seemed mostly site related. This resulted from the high plasticity of two species, allowing them to persist on Caribbean coral reefs after the decline of most branching acroporids, their former favorite habitats.  相似文献   

To specify the taxonomic rank of form ciscaucasicus (independent species Sylvaemus ciscaucasicus, or intraspecific form of pygmy wood mouse, S. uralensis), a 402-bp the mtDNA cytochrome b gene fragment (402 bp) was examined in ciscaucasicus individuals from six geographic localities of the Caucasus and Ciscaucasus (Krasnodar krai and Adygeya Republic) and 17 S. uralensis individuals from seven localities of the Russian Plain (Saratov oblast, Smolensk oblast, Voronezh oblast, Tula oblast, Moscow oblast, Tver’ oblast, and northern Krasnodar krai). For comparison, the cytochrome b gene was partly sequenced in the samples of yellow necked, S. flavicollis (n = 2, Samara oblast), and Caucasian, S. ponticus (n = 6, Krasnodar krai), wood mice. One Mus musculus specimen from Western Europe, whose nucleotide sequences were deposed in the GenBank, was used as intergeneric outgroup. Phylogenetic trees for the forms examined were constructed based on the mtDNA sequence variation and using the neighbor joining and maximum parsimony methods. The network of the cytochrome b haplotypes was also constructed. The level of genetic divergence was evaluated using Kimura’s two-parameter algorithm. Based on the data on the sequence variation in a 402-bp mtDNA cytochrome b gene fragment, the hypothesis on the species status of the ciscaucasicus form was. The mean intergroup distances (d) between the geographic groups of S. uralensis varied from 0.0036 to 0.0152. At the same time, the distances between the pygmy wood mice and the group of S. flavicollis-S. ponticus varies in the range from 0.0860 to 0.0935, and the level of intergeneric genetic differentiation (Sylvaemus-Mus) is higher than the latter index (d = 0.142). Ciscaucasicus should be considered as geographic substitution form of S. uralensis. Furthermore, the Caucasian populations of S. uralensis (= ciscaucasicus) were characterized by a threefold lower value of intergroup genetic divergence (d = 0.0062) than the East European populations (d = 0.0179). This finding pointed to some isolation of Caucasian populations of pygmy wood mouse and depletion of their gene pool. However other molecular genetic data (similarity of nucleotide composition and consistence of the levels of intra-and intergroup distances) suggest the absence of geographic subdivision between Caucasian and East European populations of S. uralensis relative to the molecular marker examined.  相似文献   

The Lemnaceae, known as duckweed, the smallest flowering aquatic plant, shows promise as a plant bioreactor. For applying this potential plant bioreactor, establishing a stable and efficient genetic transformation system is necessary. The currently favored callus-based method for duckweed transformation is time consuming and genotype limited, as it requires callus culture and regeneration, which is inapplicable to many elite duckweed strains suitable for bioreactor exploitation. In this study, we attempted to establish a simple frond transformation system mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens for Lemna minor, one of the most widespread duckweed species in the world. To evaluate the feasibility of the new transformation system, the gene CYP710A11 was overexpressed to improve the yield of stigmasterol, which has multiple medicinal purposes. Three L. minor strains, ZH0055, D0158 and M0165, were transformed by both a conventional callus transformation system (CTS) and the simple frond transformation system (FTS). GUS staining, PCR, quantitative PCR and stigmasterol content detection showed that FTS can produce stable transgenic lines as well as CTS. Moreover, compared to CTS, FTS can avoid the genotype constraints of callus induction, thus saving at least half of the required processing time (CTS took 8–9 months while FTS took approximately 3 months in this study). Therefore, this transformation system is feasible in producing stable transgenic lines for a wide range of L. minor genotypes.  相似文献   

All materials, including upper and lower jaw fragments and isolated teeth, of two closely related species of the stem placental mammal Prokennalestes, P. minor Kielan-Jaworowska et Dashzeveg, 1989 (258 specimens) and P. trofimovi Kielan-Jaworowska et Dashzeveg, 1989 (251 specimens), from the type locality of Khovoor (Early Cretaceous of Mongolia) are described. These extensive materials allow for the first time the study of morphological and size variability in an Early Cretaceous mammal. Prokennalestes can be diagnosed by the dental formula I?/4, C1/1, P4–5/5, M3/3, presence of the Meckelian groove, the mandibular foramen positioned dorsally on a prominent longitudinal ridge, presence of the masseteric foramen, double-rooted and premolariform lower canine, submolariform P5 with a large protocone and minute metacone, presence of the preparastyle, cusplike postmetacrista, and cusplike conules with incipient conular cristae on the upper molars, premolariform p5, the protoconid distinctly higher than the metaconid, the paraconid and metaconid connate at the base, transverse protocristid, and presence of distal metacristid on the lower molars. Two Prokennalestes species are reliably distinguished by the tooth dimensions (P. minor is smaller by 20%), the position of the infraorbital foramen (under P4 in P. minor and between P4 and P5 or under P5 in P. trofimovi), the presence of protoconal swelling on P4 (usually absent in P. minor and usually present in P. trofimovi), the ectocingulum extension in M3 (longer in P. minor), position of the posterior end of the mandibular symphysis (under p2 in P. minor, under p2–p3 in P. trofimovi), and by the position of the posterior mental foramen (under p4 in P. minor and under p5 in P. trofimovi). Taking into account considerable morphological differences between the two samples, they are regarded as different species rather than sexual morphs of the same species. Prokennalestes is a basal eutherian mammal similar in phylogenetic position to other stem placentals (Eomaia, Murtoilestes, Bobolestes, Aspanlestes). A more exact phylogenetic position of Prokennalestes can be established based on rigorous phylogenetic analysis including a large set of known stem therian and stem placental taxa.  相似文献   

In this contribution on the genus Cantharellus in Asia, C. subvaginatus is described from the Republic of Korea as a close relative to the Chinese C. vaginatus, which is here reported for the first time from India. Both species are here placed in Cantharellus subg. Cantharellus sect. Amethystini, together with the Indian C. pseudoformosus (syn.: C. umbonatus) and the Malayan C. subamethysteus. As such, Asia has suddenly become the continent with the highest diversity for Amethystini. Species delimitation in sect. Amethystini is molecularly supported by a combined phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences obtained for LSU and ITS and additionally suggests the existence of a still undescribed species in North America. Character variability is discussed for all known members of Amethystini, including atypical specimens of the North American C. lewisii that are morphologically more reminiscent of the South Korean C. subvaginatus.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of Candida albicans is associated with its capacity switch from yeast-like to hyphal growth. The hyphal form is capable to penetrate the epithelial surfaces and to damage the host tissues. Therefore, many investigations have focused on mechanisms that control the morphological transitions of C. albicans. Recently, certain studies have showed that non-albicans Candida species can reduce the capacity of C. albicans to form biofilms and to develop candidiasis in animal models. Then, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Candida krusei and Candida glabrata on the morphogenesis of C. albicans. Firstly, the capacity of reference and clinical strains of C. albicans in forming hyphae was tested in vitro. After that, the expression of HWP1 (hyphal wall protein 1) gene was determined by quantitative real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assay. For both reference and clinical strains, a significant inhibition of the hyphae formation was observed when C. albicans was incubated in the presence of C. krusei or C. glabrata compared to the control group composed only by C. albicans. In addition, the culture mixed of C. albicans-C. krusei or C. albicans-C. glabrata reduced significantly the expression of HWP1 gene of C. albicans in relation to single cultures of this specie. In both filamentation and gene expression assays, C. krusei showed the higher inhibitory activity on the morphogenesis of C. albicans compared to C. glabrata. C. krusei and C. glabrata are capable to reduce the filamentation of C. albicans and consequently decrease the expression of the HWP1 gene.  相似文献   

A complex study on the adaptation of cn and vn mutants and the allozymes of alcoholdehydrogenase (ADH) was carried out in initially pure lines, and their panmixia populations during exchange of the mutant genotype with that of wild-type flies (C-S) and D) through saturating crossings. The relative adaptation of the genotypes was estimated by their effect on reproductive efficiency in the experimentally obtained population. Fecundity, lifespan, and the resistance of the studied genotypes to hyperthermia were investigated individually. It was shown that the high level of adaptation of the cn mutants and the low level of adaptation of the vg mutants was correlated with the presence of different ADH allozymes. In the studied population, the F-allozyme of ADH accompanied the vg mutation, while the S-allozyme of the enzyme was detected in cn mutants. Saturating crossings of C-S(Adh Svg(Adh F) and D(Adh F) × cn(Adh S), along with the parallel determination of the allele composition of the Adh locus, demonstrated that the complete substitution of the F-allozyme of ADH in the vg mutants by the S-allozyme in D flies, as well as the substitution of the S-allozyme of ADH in the cn mutants by the F-allozyme in D flies was realized only after the 15th–20th backcrosses. These results favor the coadaptation of cn and vg marker genes with alleles of the Adh locus and indicate the important role of the latter in the adaptation of genotypes. In the studied population, selection acted primarily against the vg mutants, which were inferior to the cn mutants, and heterozygote genotypes in indices of the main adaptation components.  相似文献   

Babesia spp. are tick-transmitted intraerythrocytic apicomplexan parasites that infect wild and domestic animals. Babesia bovis and B. bigemina are endemic and responsible for enormous economic losses to the livestock industry in most of the Brazilian territory, wherein the tick Rhipicephalus microplus is the unique vector. Better understanding of epidemiology and parasite–host interactions may improve the tools for disease control and genetic management for selection of resistant animals. This study aimed to detect, quantify and measure the correlation between B. bigemina and B. bovis infection levels in bovine blood and into tick, by absolute quantification of hemoparasite DNA using qPCR. Blood bovine samples and larvae pools from 10 engorged R. microplus females were collected from each Canchim heifers (5/8 Charolais?+?3/8 zebu, n?=?36). All evaluated samples were positive for both Babesia species tested. Correlations of B. bovis and B. bigemina levels between cattle and tick host were 0.58 and 0.66, respectively. These high positive correlation coefficients indicate that parasitemia load in the bovine may be dependent on or may determine the parasitemia load in the ticks.  相似文献   

SnRK2s are a large family of plant-specific protein kinases, which play important roles in multiple abiotic stress responses in various plant species. But the family in Gossypium has not been well studied. Here, we identified 13, 10, and 13 members of the SnRK2 family from Gossypium raimondii, Gossypium arboreum, and Gossypium hirsutum, respectively, and analyzed the locations of SnRK2 homologs in chromosomes based on genome data of cotton species. Phylogenetic tree analysis of SnRK2 proteins showed that these families were classified into three groups. All SnRK2 genes were comprised of nine exons and eight introns, and the exon distributions and the intron phase of homolog genes among different cotton species were analogous. Moreover, GhSnRK2.6 was overexpressed in Arabidopsis and upland cotton, respectively. Under salt treatment, overexpressed Arabidopsis could maintain higher biomass accumulation than wild-type plants, and GhSnRK2.6 overexpression in cotton exhibited higher germination rate than the control. So, the gene GhSnRK2.6 could be utilized in cotton breeding for salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Invasive candidiasis is caused mainly by Candida albicans, but other Candida species have increasing etiologies. These species show different virulence and susceptibility levels to antifungal drugs. The aims of this study were to evaluate the usefulness of the non-conventional model Caenorhabditis elegans to assess the in vivo virulence of seven different Candida species and to compare the virulence in vivo with the in vitro production of proteinases and phospholipases, hemolytic activity and biofilm development capacity. One culture collection strain of each of seven Candida species (C. albicans, Candida dubliniensis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida metapsilosis, Candida orthopsilosis and Candida parapsilosis) was studied. A double mutant C. elegans AU37 strain (glp-4;sek-1) was infected with Candida by ingestion, and the analysis of nematode survival was performed in liquid medium every 24 h until 120 h. Candida establishes a persistent lethal infection in the C. elegans intestinal tract. C. albicans and C. krusei were the most pathogenic species, whereas C. dubliniensis infection showed the lowest mortality. C. albicans was the only species with phospholipase activity, was the greatest producer of aspartyl proteinase and had a higher hemolytic activity. C. albicans and C. krusei caused higher mortality than the rest of the Candida species studied in the C. elegans model of candidiasis.  相似文献   

The relationship between Sporidiobolus johnsonii and S. salmonicolor was investigated using rDNA sequence data. Two statistically well-supported clades were obtained. One clade included the type strain of S. johnsonii and the other included the type strain of S. salmonicolor. However, some mating strains of S. salmonicolor were found in the S. johnsonii group. These strains belonged to mating type A2 and were sexually compatible with mating type A1 strains from the S. salmonicolor group. DNA–DNA reassociation values were high within each clade and moderate between the two clades. In the re-investigation of teliospore germination, we observed that the basidia of S. salmonicolor were two-celled. In S. johnsonii, basidia were not formed and teliospore germination resulted in direct formation of yeast cells. We hypothesize that the S. johnsonii clade is becoming genetically isolated from the S. salmonicolor group and that a speciation process is presently going on. We suspect that the observed sexual compatibility between strains of the S. johnsonii and S. salmonicolor groups and the possible genetic flow between the two species has little biological relevance because distinct phenotypes have been fixed in the two taxa and intermediate (hybrid) sequences for LSU and ITS rDNAs have not been detected.  相似文献   

Two species, M. danae Ebeling and M. pumilis Ebeling, belonging to the species group “M. simus” are described in the final part of the revision of oligo-raker species of the genus Melamphaes (Melamphaidae) (≤19 gill rakers on the first gill arch). The species M. danae is distributed in the Indian and Pacific oceans between 30° N and 30° S. In the Pacific Ocean, it is known up to 112° W. The species M. pumilis is distributed in the North Atlantic between 17° and 45° N, and the main catches have been conducted in the western part of the ocean. In the eastern part of the ocean, the catches are registered up to 28° W. A key for the identification of 21 oligo-raker species of the genus Melamphaes is presented.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses based on protein-encoding gene exons and introns of ATP citrate lyase (ACL1), beta tubulin (TUB), the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB1), and translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) are used for inferring the existence of a new Clonostachys species from the Cerrado biome in Brazil, described here as C. chloroleuca. The species produces dimorphic, primary, and secondary conidiophores that form consistently greenish conidial masses on artificial media. It resembles therefore C. rosea f. catenulata although it differs from this species by less adpressed branches in the secondary conidiophores. The new species is also phylogenetically related to C. byssicola and C. rhizophaga. Our inventory suggests that C. byssicola, C. chloroleuca, C. pseudochroleuca, C. rhizophaga, C. rogersoniana, and C. rosea commonly occur in native and agriculturally used soils of the Cerrado and Amazon Forest. Using sequences available from two genome-sequenced strains employed as biological control agents, we confirm the identity of the European strain IK726 as C. rosea and identify strain 67-1 from China as C. chloroleuca.  相似文献   

Molecular markers derived from the complete chloroplast genome can provide effective tools for species identification and phylogenetic resolution. Complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequences of Capsicum species have been reported. We herein report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum, a wild Capsicum species. The total length of the chloroplast genome is 157,145 bp with 37.7 % overall GC content. One pair of inverted repeats, 25,910 bp in length, was separated by a small single-copy region (17,974 bp) and large single-copy region (87,351 bp). This region contains 86 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA genes, and 11 genes contain one or two introns. Pair-wise alignments of chloroplast genome were performed for genome-wide comparison. Analysis revealed a total of 134 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs and 282 insertions or deletions variants in the C. baccatum var. baccatum cp genome. The types and abundances of repeat units in Capsicum species were relatively conserved, and these loci could be used in future studies to investigate and conserve the genetic diversity of the Capsicum species.  相似文献   

In Russian populations, polymorphism of two pigmentation system genes, OCA2 (loci 305, 355, and 419, tested in Russians, Buryats, Chukchi, Koryaks, and Evens) and ASIP (locus 8818, tested in Russians and Buryats) was examined. Pairwise comparisons of the F ST distances between the populations showed that only the populations from Northeast Asia (Chukchi, Koryaks, and Evens) were statistically significantly different from all other populations, at least relative to one of the OCA2 locus. In Russians from Pskov oblast and Novgorod oblast, increased frequency (up to 6%) of the OCA2 allele 419A was revealed. In earlier studies, as association of this allele with green eye color was demonstrated. The data obtained in terms of their application for ethnic population genetics.  相似文献   

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