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We applied a 15N dilution technique called “Integrated Total Nitrogen Input” (ITNI) to quantify annual atmospheric N input into a peatland surrounded by intensive agricultural practices over a 2-year period. Grass species and grass growth effects on atmospheric N deposition were investigated using Lolium multiflorum and Eriophorum vaginatum and different levels of added N resulting in increased biomass production. Plant biomass production was positively correlated with atmospheric N uptake (up to 102.7 mg N pot−1) when using Lolium multiflorum. In contrast, atmospheric N deposition to Eriophorum vaginatum did not show a clear dependency to produced biomass and ranged from 81.9 to 138.2 mg N pot−1. Both species revealed a relationship between atmospheric N input and total biomass N contents. Airborne N deposition varied from about 24 to 55 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Partitioning of airborne N within the monitor system differed such that most of the deposited N was found in roots of Eriophorum vaginatum while the highest share was allocated in aboveground biomass of Lolium multiflorum. Compared to other approaches determining atmospheric N deposition, ITNI showed highest airborne N input and an up to fivefold exceedance of the ecosystem-specific critical load of 5–10 kg N ha−1 yr−1.  相似文献   

Although Miscanthus sinensis grasslands (Misc‐GL) and Cryptomeria japonica forest plantations (Cryp‐FP) are proposed bioenergy feedstock systems, their relative capacity to sequester C may be an important factor in determining their potential for sustainable bioenergy production. Therefore, our objective was to quantify changes in soil C sequestration 47 years after a Misc‐GL was converted to a Cryp‐FP. The study was conducted on adjacent Misc‐GL and Cryp‐FP located on Mt. Aso, Kumamoto, Japan. After Cryp‐FP establishment, only the Misc‐GL continued to be managed by annual burning every March. Mass C and N, δ13C, and δ15N at 0–30 cm depth were measured in 5 cm increments. Carbon and N concentrations, C:N ratio, δ13C, and δ15N were measured in litter and/or ash, and rhizomes or roots. Although C input in Misc‐GL by M. sinensis was approximately 36% of that in Cryp‐FP by C. japonica, mean annual soil C sequestration in Misc‐GL (503 kg C ha?1 yr?1) was higher than that in Cryp‐FP (284 kg C ha?1 yr?1). This was likely the result of larger C input from aboveground litter to soil, C‐quality (C:N ratio and lignin concentration in aboveground litter) and possibly more recalcitrant C (charcoal) inputs by annual burning. The difference in soil δ15N between sites indicated that organic C with N had greater cycling between heterotrophic microbes and soil and produces more recalcitrant humus in Misc‐GL than in Cryp‐FP. Our data indicate that in terms of soil C sequestration, maintenance of Misc‐GL may be more advantageous than conversion to Cryp‐FP in Aso, Japan.  相似文献   

Ecosystem respiration (Reco) is one of the largest terrestrial carbon (C) fluxes. The effect of climate change on Reco depends on the responses of its autotrophic and heterotrophic components. How autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration sources respond to climate change is especially important in ecosystems underlain by permafrost. Permafrost ecosystems contain vast stores of soil C (1672 Pg) and are located in northern latitudes where climate change is accelerated. Warming will cause a positive feedback to climate change if heterotrophic respiration increases without corresponding increases in primary production. We quantified the response of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to permafrost thaw across the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons. We partitioned Reco using Δ14C and δ13C into four sources–two autotrophic (above – and belowground plant structures) and two heterotrophic (young and old soil). We sampled the Δ14C and δ13C of sources using incubations and the Δ14C and δ13C of Reco using field measurements. We then used a Bayesian mixing model to solve for the most likely contributions of each source to Reco. Autotrophic respiration ranged from 40 to 70% of Reco and was greatest at the height of the growing season. Old soil heterotrophic respiration ranged from 6 to 18% of Reco and was greatest where permafrost thaw was deepest. Overall, growing season fluxes of autotrophic and old soil heterotrophic respiration increased as permafrost thaw deepened. Areas with greater thaw also had the greatest primary production. Warming in permafrost ecosystems therefore leads to increased plant and old soil respiration that is initially compensated by increased net primary productivity. However, barring large shifts in plant community composition, future increases in old soil respiration will likely outpace productivity, resulting in a positive feedback to climate change.  相似文献   

Stable isotope patterns in lichens are known to vary largely, but effects of substrate on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of lichens were previously not investigated systematically. N and C contents and stable isotope (δ15N, δ13C) patterns have been measured in 92 lichen specimens of Xanthoria parietina from southern Bavaria growing on different substrates (bark and stone). Photobiont and mycobiont were isolated from selected populations and isotopically analyzed. Molecular investigations of the internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS nrDNA) region have been conducted on a subset of the specimens of X. parietina. Phylogenetic analysis showed no correlation between the symbionts X. parietina and Trebouxia decolorans and the substrate, isotope composition, or geographic origin. Instead specimens grown on organic substrate significantly differ in isotope values from those on minerogenic substrate. This study documents that the lichens growing on bark use additional or different N sources than the lichens growing on stone. δ15N variation of X. parietina apparently is controlled predominantly by the mass fraction of the mycobiont and its nitrogen isotope composition. In contrast with mycobionts, photobionts of X. parietina are much more 15N‐depleted and show less isotopic variability than mycobionts, probably indicating a mycobiont‐independent nitrogen acquisition by uptake of atmospheric ammonia.  相似文献   

  • In gynodioecious plants, females are expected to produce more or better seeds than hermaphrodites in order to be maintained within the same population. Even though rarely measured, higher seed production can be achieved through differences in physiology.
  • In this work, we measured sexual dimorphism in several physiological traits in the gynodioecious plant Geranium sylvaticum. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, WUE and isotopic signatures were measured in plants growing in two habitats differing in light availability.
  • Females have been reported to produce more seeds than hermaphrodites. However, we did not observe any significant difference in seed output between the sexes in these experimental populations. Similarly, the sexes did not differ in any physiological trait measured. Seed production was strongly limited by light availability. Likewise, differences between plants growing in full light versus low light were detected in most physiological parameters measured.
  • Our results show that the sexes in G. sylvaticum do not show any evidence of sexual dimorphism in physiology, which concurred with a lack of sexual differences in seed output.

  • The fast growth of mulberry depends on high water consumption, but considerable variations in drought tolerance exist across different cultivars. Physiological and anatomical mechanisms are important to plant survival under drought. However, few research efforts have been made to reveal the relationships of these two aspects in relation to drought tolerance.
  • In this study, growth rates, leaf functional physiology and anatomical characteristics of leaf and xylem of 1‐year‐old saplings of seven mulberry cultivars at a common garden were compared. Their relationships were also explored.
  • Growth, leaf physiology and anatomy were significantly different among the tested cultivars. Foliar stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) was negatively correlated with growth rates, and closely related to several leaf and xylem anatomical traits. Particularly, leaf thickness, predicted hydraulic conductivity and vessel element length jointly contributed 77% of the variability in δ13C. Cultivar Wupu had small stomata, intermediate leaf thickness, the smallest hydraulically weighted vessel diameter and highest vessel number, and higher δ13C; Yunguo1 had high abaxial stomatal density, low specific leaf area, moderate hydraulic conductivity and δ13C; these are beneficial features to reduce leaf water loss and drought‐induced xylem embolism in arid areas. Cultivar Liaolu11 had contrasting physiological and anatomical traits compared with the previous two cultivars, suggesting that it might be sensitive to drought.
  • Our findings indicate that growth and δ13C are closely associated with both leaf and xylem anatomical characteristics in mulberry, which provides fundamental information to assist evaluation of drought tolerance in mulberry cultivars and in other woody trees.

Plants depend upon both genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity to cope with environmental variation over different timescales. The spatial variation in foliar δ13C levels along a moisture gradient represents an overlay of genetic and plastic responses. We hypothesized that such a spatial variation would be more obvious than the variation arising purely from a plastic response to moisture change. Leymus chinensis and Stipa spp. were sampled from Inner Mongolia along a dry‐wet transect, and some of these species were transplanted to an area with a moisture gradient. For Stipa spp., the slope of foliar δ13C and mean annual precipitation along the transect was significantly steeper than that of foliar δ13C and mean annual precipitation after the watering treatment. For L. chinensis, there was a general decreasing trend in foliar δ13C under the different (increasing) watering levels; however, its populations showed an irregular relationship between foliar δ13C and moisture origin. Therefore, support for our hypothesis was obtained from Stipa spp., but not from L. chinensis.  相似文献   

Plants provide resources and shape the habitat of soil organisms thereby affecting the composition and functioning of soil communities. Effects of plants on soil communities are largely taxon‐dependent, but how different functional groups of herbaceous plants affect trophic niches of individual animal species in soil needs further investigation. Here, we studied the use of basal resources and trophic levels of dominating soil meso‐ and macrofauna using stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in arable fallow systems 3 and 14–16 years after abandonment. Animals were sampled from the rhizosphere of three plant species of different functional groups: a legume (Medicaco sativa), a nonlegume herb (Taraxacum officinale), and a grass (Bromus sterilis). We found virtually no consistent effects of plant identity on stable isotope composition of soil animals and on thirteen isotopic metrics that reflect general food‐web structure. However, in old fallows, the carbon isotope composition of some predatory macrofauna taxa had shifted closer to that of co‐occurring plants, which was particularly evident for Lasius, an aphid‐associated ant genus. Trophic levels and trophic‐chain lengths in food webs were similar across plant species and fallow ages. Overall, the results suggest that variations in local plant diversity of grassland communities may little affect the basal resources and the trophic level of prey consumed by individual species of meso‐ and macrofauna belowground. By contrast, successional changes in grassland communities are associated with shifts in the trophic niches of certain species, reflecting establishment of trophic interactions with time, which shapes the functioning and stability of soil food webs.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N values) of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) is influenced by their diet. Young‐of‐the‐year during lactation and postweaning fast are expected be enriched in 15N compared to foraging seals. We studied the temporal variation of stable isotope composition of young‐of‐the‐year and adults to determine from which point in time the young‐of‐the‐year tissues (i.e., muscles and vibrissae) are influenced by independent foraging only. These results were compared with the development of trophically transmitted parasitic infections. The δ15N values in young‐of‐the‐year muscles decreased from June (20.3‰ ± 0.5‰) to October (18.5‰ ± 0.4‰), while those of foraging seals were all year long below 19.2‰. This decrease coincides with the increase of parasitic infections in young‐of‐the‐year, reflecting a shift to fish diet. Together these results suggest that the muscles of the young‐of‐the‐year older than 5–6 mo reflect independent foraging and that they can therefore be used in community diet studies. The nursing signal in vibrissae was unclear, as the δ15N values of young‐of‐the‐year were stable over time, whereas those of adults varied seasonally. However, δ15N values of nursing pups were significantly higher than those of adults in May and June, maybe due to their reliance on milk.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of organisms from different trophic groups collected from a semi‐isolated wetland pool in the Ross River estuary, northern Australia, was analysed to determine if there was a consistent relationship between δ13C, δ15N and trophic level that could be used to assign trophic positions. A strong linear negative relationship between δ13C and δ15N was detected for the three trophic levels considered (primary producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers). This relationship was consistent among trophic levels, differing only in height, that is, on δ15N values, which indicate trophic positions. A difference of 3.6–3.8‰ between trophic levels was present, suggesting a δ15N fractionation of approximately 3.7‰, a value slightly higher than the commonly assumed δ15N fractionation of approximately 3.4‰. The relationship between δ13C and δ15N was similar for invertebrate and fish primary consumers, indicating similar δ15N trophic fractionation for both groups, meaning trophic positions and trophic length could be reliably calculated based on either invertebrates or fish.  相似文献   

Plant δ13C–temperature (δ‐T) relation has been established in many systems and is often used as paleotemperature transfer function. However, it is still unclear about the exact contributions of temperature variation to plant 13C discrimination because of covariation between temperature and precipitation (aridity), which reduces confidence in reconstruction of paleoclimate. In this study, we measured carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of 173 samples of C3 perennial herbs from 22 sites across a temperature gradient along the 400 mm isohyet in the farming‐pastoral zone of North China. The results showed that precipitation obviously affected the correlations of temperatures and foliar δ13C. After removing the influence of precipitation by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), a more strongly positive relationship was obtained between site‐mean foliar δ13C and annual mean temperature (AMT), with a regression coefficient of 0.1636‰/°C (= .0024). For widespread species, Artemisia lavandulaefolia and Artemisia capillaries, the slopes (or coefficients) of foliar δ13C and AMT were significantly steeper (larger) than those of foliar δ13C and AMT where the precipitation influence was not excluded, whereas the δ‐T coefficients of Polygonum persicaria and Leymus chinensis showed little change across the transect after deducting the precipitation effect. Moreover, the positive relationship between temperature and δ13C over the transect could be explained by soil moisture availability related to temperature. Our results may afford new opportunities for investigating the nature of past climate variability.  相似文献   

Air temperatures in the arid western United States are predicted to increase over the next century. These increases will likely impact the distribution of plant species, particularly dioecious species that show a spatial segregation of the sexes across broad resource gradients. On the basis of spatial segregation patterns, we hypothesized that temperature increases will have a greater negative impact on female plants compared with co‐occurring male plants of dioecious species. This hypothesis was tested by examining the whole‐plant carbon and water relations of 10‐year‐old female (= 18) and male (= 13) Acer negundo Sarg. trees grown in a common garden in Salt Lake City, UT. The trees were established from cuttings collected where the growing season temperature averaged about 6.5 °C cooler than at the common garden. During May and June, stem sap flux (Js) was similar between genders, but averaged 25% higher in males during the warmer months of July and August. Daytime canopy stomatal conductance (gs) per unit leaf area was 12% higher in females in May : June, but was 11% higher in males in July : August. We combined measurements of sap flux–scaled transpiration with measurements of tree allometry and δ13C of leaf soluble sugars to estimate whole‐tree carbon assimilation (Atree) and water use efficiency (WUE) (Atree : Etree). Atree was similar between genders until late August when Atree was 32% higher in male trees. Atree : Etree was on average 7% higher in females than in males during the growing season. Patterns of Js, gs, Atree and Atree : Etree in the present study were in contrast to those previously reported for A. negundo genders under native growing season temperatures. Results suggest that the spatial segregation of the sexes could shift under global warming such that female plants lose their dominance in high‐resource habitats, and males increase their dominance in relatively lower‐resource habitats.  相似文献   

Glaucousness is described as the scattering effect of visible light from wax deposited on the cuticle of plant aerial organs. In wheat, two dominant genes lead to non‐glaucous phenotypes: Inhibitor of wax 1 (Iw1) and Iw2. The molecular mechanisms and the exact extent (beyond visual assessment) by which these genes affect the composition and quantity of cuticular wax is unclear. To describe the Iw1 locus we used a genetic approach with detailed biochemical characterization of wax compounds. Using synteny and a large number of F2 gametes, Iw1 was fine‐mapped to a sub‐cM genetic interval on wheat chromosome arm 2BS, which includes a single collinear gene from the corresponding Brachypodium and rice physical maps. The major components of flag leaf and peduncle cuticular waxes included primary alcohols, β‐diketones and n‐alkanes. Small amounts of C19–C27 alkyl and methylalkylresorcinols that have not previously been described in wheat waxes were identified. Using six pairs of BC2F3 near‐isogenic lines, we show that Iw1 inhibits the formation of β‐ and hydroxy‐β‐diketones in the peduncle and flag leaf blade cuticles. This inhibitory effect is independent of genetic background or tissue, and is accompanied by minor but consistent increases in n‐alkanes and C24 primary alcohols. No differences were found in cuticle thickness and carbon isotope discrimination in near‐isogenic lines differing at Iw1.  相似文献   

For decades, studies have been focusing on the neuronal abnormalities that accompany neurodegenerative disorders. Yet, glial cells are emerging as important players in numerous neurological diseases. Astrocytes, the main type of glia in the central nervous system , form extensive networks that physically and functionally connect neuronal synapses with cerebral blood vessels. Normal brain functioning strictly depends on highly specialized cellular cross-talk between these different partners to which Ca2 +, as a signaling ion, largely contributes. Altered intracellular Ca2 + levels are associated with neurodegenerative disorders and play a crucial role in the glial responses to injury. Intracellular Ca2 + increases in single astrocytes can be propagated toward neighboring cells as intercellular Ca2 + waves, thereby recruiting a larger group of cells. Intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation depends on two, parallel, connexin (Cx) channel-based mechanisms: i) the diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate through gap junction channels that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells, and ii) the release of paracrine messengers such as glutamate and ATP through hemichannels (‘half of a gap junction channel’). This review gives an overview of the current knowledge on Cx-mediated Ca2 + communication among astrocytes as well as between astrocytes and other brain cell types in physiology and pathology, with a focus on the processes of neurodegeneration and reactive gliosis. Research on Cx-mediated astroglial Ca2 + communication may ultimately shed light on the development of targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in which astrocytes participate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

In grassland ecosystems, spatial and temporal variability in precipitation is a key driver of species distributions and population dynamics. We experimentally manipulated precipitation to understand the physiological basis for differences in responses of species to water availability in a southern mixed grass prairie. We focused on the performance of two dominant C4 grasses, Andropogon gerardii Vitman and Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, in treatments that received ambient rainfall, half of ambient rainfall (“drought” treatment), or approximately double ambient rainfall (“irrigated” treatment). Water potentials of S. scoparium were lower than A. gerardii, suggesting superior ability to adjust to water deficit in S. scoparium. Additionally, drought reduced photosynthesis to a greater extent in A. gerardii compared to S. scoparium. Leaf-level photosynthesis rates were similar in ambient and irrigated treatments, but were significantly lower in the drought treatment. Although stomatal conductance was reduced by drought, this was not limiting for photosynthesis. Leaf δ13C values were decreased by drought, caused by an increase in Ci/Ca. Chlorophyll fluorescence measures indicated light-harvesting rates were highest in irrigated treatments, and were lower in ambient and drought treatments. Moreover, drought resulted in a greater proportion of absorbed photon energy being lost via thermal pathways. Reductions in photosynthesis came as a result of non-stomatal limitations in the C4 cycle. Our results provide mechanistic support for the hypothesis that S. scoparium is more drought tolerant than A. gerardii.  相似文献   

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