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High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and ethidium bromide binding studies are used to demonstrate that poly d(G-T) forms an ordered double helical structure at low temperatures (below 24 degrees C in 0.3 M NaCl) in which G and T are hydrogen bonded together in a wobble base pair hydrogen bonding scheme as proposed earlier by Lezius and Domin. Alternative hydrogen bonding schemes involving the tautomeric form of either T or G, such as have been proposed to account for mutation rates in DNA synthesis, are eliminated.  相似文献   

Computer generation of pairing schemes for RNA molecules   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

5S RNA. An analysis of possible base pairing schemes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We present an implementation of McCaskill's algorithm for computing the base pair probabilities of an RNA molecule for massively parallel message passing architectures. The program can be used to routinely fold RNA sequences of more than 10,000 nucleotides. Applications to complete viral genomes are discussed.  相似文献   

G·U wobble base pairs are the most common and highly conserved non-Watson–Crick base pairs in RNA. Previous surface maps imply uniformly negative electrostatic potential at the major groove of G·U wobble base pairs embedded in RNA helices, suitable for entrapment of cationic ligands. In this work, we have used a Poisson–Boltzmann approach to gain a more detailed and accurate characterization of the electrostatic profile. We found that the major groove edge of an isolated G·U wobble displays distinctly enhanced negativity compared with standard GC or AU base pairs; however, in the context of different helical motifs, the electrostatic pattern varies. G·U wobbles with distinct widening have similar major groove electrostatic potentials to their canonical counterparts, whereas those with minimal widening exhibit significantly enhanced electronegativity, ranging from 0.8 to 2.5kT/e, depending upon structural features. We propose that the negativity at the major groove of G·U wobble base pairs is determined by the combined effect of the base atoms and the sugar-phosphate backbone, which is impacted by stacking pattern and groove width as a result of base sequence. These findings are significant in that they provide predictive power with respect to which G·U sites in RNA are most likely to bind cationic ligands.  相似文献   

Adjacent GxU wobble base pairs are frequently found in rRNA. Atomic structures of small RNA motifs help to provide a better understanding of the effects of various tandem mismatches on duplex structure and stability, thereby providing better rules for RNA structure prediction and validation. The crystal structure of an RNA duplex containing the sequence r(GGUAUUGC-GGUACC)2 has been solved at 2.1 A resolution using experimental phases. Novel refinement strategies were needed for building the correct solvent model. At present, this is the only short RNA duplex structure containing 5'-U-U-3'/3'-G-G-5' non-symmetric tandem GxU wobble base pairs. In the 14mer duplex, the six central base pairs are all displaced away from the helix axis, yielding significant changes in local backbone conformation, helix parameters and charge distribution that may provide specific recognition sites for biologically relevant ligand binding. The greatest deviations from A-form helix occur where the guanine of a wobble base pair stacks over a purine from the opposite strand. In this vicinity, the intra-strand phosphate distances increase significantly, and the major groove width increases up to 3 A. Structural comparisons with other short duplexes containing symmetrical tandem GxU or GxT wobble base pairs show that nearest-neighbor sequence dependencies govern helical twist and the occurrence of cross-strand purine stacks.  相似文献   

When guanine and uracil form hydrogen bonds in the pairing scheme first proposed by Crick one would expect that poly(A,G) will form an unperturbed double helix with poly U at room temperature in a dilute electrolyte solution (0.1 M NaCl). We have demonstrated by Raman- and IR-spectroscopy that the secondary structure of poly(A.G) · poly U is very similar to the structure of poly A · poly U; only the thermal stability of the double helix seems slightly lower than the stability of poly A · poly U, whereas the average helix length is unaffected by the dispersed G · U base pairs. From our input ratio of guanine and adenine we estimate that about every fourth base pair is a wobble pair.  相似文献   

Adenine-guanine base pairing ribosomal RNA.   总被引:17,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Analyses of secondary structures proposed for ribosomal RNA's show that, of the different kinds of base pairs directly adjoining the ends of postulated double-helical regions, only A-G with A at the 5' end significantly exceeds the number expected for a random base distribution. An A(syn)-G(trans) hydrogen-bonded basepair is proposed. This could fit at the end of an undistorted double helix, but would prevent further base stacking, thus favoring a break in the double helix to produce a non-linear tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Degeneracy of the genetic code was attributed by Crick to imprecise hydrogen-bonded base-pairing at the wobble position during codon–anticodon pairing. The Crick wobble rules define but do not explain the RNA base pair combinations allowed at this position. We select six pyrimidine bases functioning as anticodon wobble bases (AWBs) to study their H-bonded pairing properties with the four major RNA bases using density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. This is done to assess the extent to which the configuration of a solitary RNA wobble base pair may in itself determine specificity and degeneracy of the genetic code by allowing or disallowing the given base pair during codon–anticodon pairing. Calculated values of select configuration markers for the base pairs screen well between allowed and disallowed base pairs for most cases examined here, where the base pair width emerges as an important factor. A few allowed wobble pairs invoke the involvement of RNA nucleoside conformation, as well as involvement of the exocyclic substituent in H-bonding. This study, however, cannot explain the disallowed status of the Ura?Gua wobble pair on the basis of configuration alone. Explanation of the allowed status of the V?Ura pair requires further study on the mediatory role of water molecules. Apart from these two cases, these computational results are sufficient, on the basis of base pair configuration alone, to account for the specificity and degeneracy of the genetic code for all known cases of codon–anticodon pairing which involve the pyrimidine AWBs studied here.  相似文献   

An increasing number of recognition mechanisms in RNA are found to involve G.U base pairs. In order to detect new functional sites of this type, we exhaustively analyzed the sequence alignments and secondary structures of eubacterial and chloroplast 16S and 23S rRNA, seeking positions with high levels of G.U pairs. Approximately 120 such sites were identified and classified according to their secondary structure and sequence environment. Overall biases in the distribution of G.U pairs are consistent with previously proposed structural rules: the side of the wobble pair that is subject to a loss of stacking is preferentially exposed to a secondary structure loop, where stacking is not as essential as in helical regions. However, multiple sites violate these rules and display highly conserved G.U pairs in orientations that could cause severe stacking problems. In addition, three motifs displaying a conserved G.U pair in a specific sequence/structure environment occur at an unusually high frequency. These motifs, of which two had not been reported before, involve sequences 5''UG3'' 3''GA5'' and 5''UG3'' 3''GU5'', as well as G.U pairs flanked by a bulge loop 3'' of U. The possible structures and functions of these recurrent motifs are discussed.  相似文献   

Watson-Crick optimized geometries and the energies of base pairing for the natural pairs of nucleic bases: adenine-thymine (AT) and guanine-cytosine (GC) have been recalculated by ab initio methods in order to compare results to those found for the non-natural azaadenine-thymine (AAT) and azaguanine-cytosine (AGC) pairs. Geometry optimizations carried out at the HF/6-31G** level and energies obtained at MP2/6-31G**, show that AAT and AGC have hydrogen bonding patterns similar to the natural AT and GC and that the interaction energies (DeltaH0int) for the former are ca. 7 kcal/mol more stable than the latter. Accordingly, the pairs based on azapurines would be favored with respect to the natural pairs. Some possible explanations why nature does not use extensively the azabases in base pairing are given.  相似文献   

J P Lin  M Aker  K C Sitney  R K Mortimer 《Gene》1986,49(3):383-388
A 2.4-kb fragment of DNA isolated from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome was found to suppress amber mutations when its carrier plasmid was present in high copy number. A 1.2-kb subclone of this fragment was sufficient to confer suppressor activity. Sequencing has established that this fragment carries a normal glutamine tRNA gene. Deletion of this tRNA gene from the subclone resulted in the loss of suppressor activity. The tRNAGln has the anticodon CUG that normally recognizes the glutamine codon CAG. We propose that suppression occurs via an inefficient readthrough of the UAG amber stop codons during translation. Such readthrough requires wobble in the first position of the codon.  相似文献   

The extent of base pairing in 5 s RNA. Yeast 5 s RNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We have determined the crystal structure of the RNA octamer duplex r(guguuuac)/r(guaggcac) with a tandem wobble pair, G·G/U·U (motif III), to compare it with U·G/G·U (motif I) and G·U/U·G (motif II) and to better understand their relative stabilities. The crystal belongs to the rhombohedral space group R3. The hexagonal unit cell dimensions are a = b = 41.92 Å, c = 56.41 Å, and γ = 120°, with one duplex in the asymmetric unit. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method at 1.9 Å resolution and refined to a final R factor of 19.9% and Rfree of 23.3% for 2862 reflections in the resolution range 10.0–1.9 Å with F ≥ 2σ(F). The final model contains 335 atoms for the RNA duplex and 30 water molecules. The A-RNA stacks in the familiar head-to-tail fashion forming a pseudo-continuous helix. The uridine bases of the tandem U·G pairs have slipped towards the minor groove relative to the guanine bases and the uridine O2 atoms form bifurcated hydrogen bonds with the N1 and N2 of guanines. The N2 of guanine and O2 of uridine do not bridge the ‘locked’ water molecule in the minor groove, as in motifs I and II, but are bridged by water molecules in the major groove. A comparison of base stacking stabilities of motif III with motifs I and II confirms the result of thermodynamic studies, motif I > motif III > motif II.  相似文献   

A role for RNA synthesis in homologous pairing events.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

RNA secondary structure is often predicted from sequence by free energy minimization. Over the past two years, advances have been made in the estimation of folding free energy change, the mapping of secondary structure and the implementation of computer programs for structure prediction. The trends in computer program development are: efficient use of experimental mapping of structures to constrain structure prediction; use of statistical mechanics to improve the fidelity of structure prediction; inclusion of pseudoknots in secondary structure prediction; and use of two or more homologous sequences to find a common structure.  相似文献   

NMR shielding constants are calculated for the base protons of duplexes formed by the dodecamer d(CGTGAATTCGCG) and the decamer d(CCAAGATTGG). A good agreement with experimental data is obtained for B-DNA helices in which the wobble GT and GA pairs are in the plane of the corresponding GC pairs of the parent duplexes formed by d(CGCGAATTCGCG) and d(CCAAGCTTGG), if the glycosyl bonds of T and G or A and G are symmetrical with respect to the dyad axis of the Watson-Crick GC pair. Interaction energy calculations show that this type of geometrical arrangement, which implies a distortion of the ribonphosphate backbone of both strands of the duplexes are more stable than those in which only one strand has its conformation modified by the presence of the wobble pair. For the duplex containing the GA pair, NMR chemical shifts as well as interaction energy computations favour the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding scheme. The variation of the different contributions (intrastrand, interstrand, pair-pair) to the interaction energy between the bases of the duplexes, with the geometrical arrangement of the wobble pairs, is reported.  相似文献   

Optical properties and base pairing of E. coli 5S RNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultraviolet absorption, optical rotatory dispersion, circular dichroism, and infrared absorption spectra of renatured 5S RNA have been measured at pH 7.0 in 0.1M NaCl at 25° and used to obtain four independent estimates of the number of base pairs. These four estimations are in reaonable agreement and average values of 28 ± 4 G.C and 13 ± 4 A.U. base pairs.  相似文献   

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