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英语谚语是英语文化的一个重要组成部分,在表现手法上往往通过多种修辞手段表达思想。本文从英语谚语语音上的修辞格,结构上的修辞格,以及文体上的修辞格三个方面分析和探讨了英语谚语的各种特点,并指出了这些修辞格在英语谚语中的作用,展现了英语谚语思想智慧和语言艺术的光彩。  相似文献   

李慧 《微生物学杂志》2011,31(6):106-109
随着现代科学技术的发展,科技英语已成为一种重要的英语文体,而阅读和翻译科技英文文献也成为科研工作者一项基本素质。以一篇分子生物学文章为例,从词汇、词法、句法、修辞和篇章结构5方面对科技英语的文体特征和翻译策略进行探析。  相似文献   

本书是美国植物病理学会五十周年(1908—1958)纪念学术讨论会的论文集,除美国外还邀请国外的植物病理学家等参加,并将其提出的论文编辑而成。全书共分10个部分,计有51篇论文与一部分篇章的绪论、讨论等。除第一部分为主题演讲外,其余九部分的讨论为寄生物的生理学,致病性和抗病性的遗传机制,杀菌剂,杀菌剂化学,土壤微生物和根病菌,线虫,病毒的结构,植物病毒的繁殖和植物病害流行学。每一篇论文的执笔人都是对于这些问题有长期工作经  相似文献   

A.w.克朗普登(crompton)主编的“卡鲁系的地层与古生物学”(论文集),共包括14篇论文和一篇序言,发表在南非科学促进协会出版的“南非科学杂志”(South African Journal of Science)1963年5月号(页133—264)。论文集中发表的文章是1962年举行的一次关于“卡鲁系”地层和古生物学的讨论会上宣读的论文的一部分。在会上共宣读和讨论了18篇论文,这里刊出了其中的14篇。这些文章从古植物学、地层学、沉积学,和古脊椎动物等方面,详细地讨论了“卡鲁系”的沉积条件,分层对比和古气候等问题。关于  相似文献   

激素讨论会上宣读了论文40篇。概括为三个方面。应用研究,涉及三十烷醇、石油助长剂、乙烯利、B_9、调节磷、丁二酸等。在各自的实验条件下,适当施用这些生长调节物质都取得了好的结果。这些研究报告,除报导作物的生育变化和增产效果外,又介绍了作物内在的生理生化分析结果,显  相似文献   

南京直立人的高鼻梁是由于对寒冷气候的适应吗?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴新智  尚虹 《人类学学报》2007,26(4):289-294
有人质疑南京直立人的高耸鼻梁的成因,认为高鼻梁是对寒冷和干燥气候的适应,有两篇论文被引用来作为支持。本文指出那两篇论文讨论的是鼻高,鼻宽与纬度的关系,结论是纬度较高者鼻宽较小,并没有论证高鼻梁是对寒冷和干燥气候的适应。本文还援引其他不同纬度地区人群反映鼻的不同部分向前方突出程度的资料,指出目前很难看出鼻的突出程度与气候如何相关。这些资料和寒带因纽特人的扁鼻梁与热带的Bodo化石头骨的高鼻梁的对比以及南京直立人1号头骨所在的堆积物反映温带或亚热带气候,都反对或至少是不支持高耸鼻梁是适应寒冷和干燥气候结果的观点。目前也还没有证据表明南京直立人的高鼻梁可以在东亚的人类谱系上溯源到某些曾经由于对寒冷气候的适应而具有高鼻梁的古人类。  相似文献   

科技英语不同于其他文体,其具有客观、准确、严密、简洁、逻辑性强的特点,译者在翻译时要做到既忠实于原文,又能准确通顺地把原文意思表达出来。这不仅需要译者具有一定的外语水平、扎实的汉语语言功底,还要了解相关的专业知识及掌握一定的翻译技巧。根据科技英语的特点,从词类的转换、分译、合译几个方面来探讨科技英语的翻译方法和技巧。  相似文献   

本文论述了一篇优秀医学科研论文必须具备的一些特征,如:科学性、创新性与实用性等.同时,本文对目前国内外大多数医学期刊对递交稿件的逻辑结构及写法的基本要求进行了总结分析,并就一篇完整的医学科研论文的各个部分在撰写过程中应该遵循的规则及应该注意的事项进行了较为详细的说明.最后,作者阐述了医学科研论文写作过程文学修辞的恰当点缀,希望这些对医学工作者的论文撰写有所帮助.  相似文献   

由中国科学院召集的纤维素化学学术会议于80年1月22日至27日在广州举行。这是建国以来第一次全国性的纤维素化学会议。全国各地的一百多代表对国内外纤维素化学的研究现状及发展趋势进行了讨论。还就纤维素分离提纯、物化特性;纤维素衍生物及其改性;纤维素加工性能及结构性以及纤维多糖和木素等问题进行了分组讨论和交流。大会收到论文一百多篇,在会上宣读了87篇。这些论文涉及到广泛的领域,反映了  相似文献   

通过多次到中国学术访问, 得知许多中国学者围绕植物种子在基础研究和应用领域开展了多学科的研究。此次《植物生态学报》种子生态学专辑将向读者集中介绍中国学者在种子生态学这一有趣专题的研究进展。该专辑刊登了23篇论文, 包括19篇研究论文和4篇综述论文, 涉及种子传播、种子性状、种子休眠和萌发、土壤种子库以及幼苗生长对变化环境的响应等多方面的研究内容, 我们对这些论文进行了简单的评述。由于篇幅的限制, 该专辑所刊登出的论文只是当前中国学者对植物种子多方面研究的一小部分内容。该专辑的刊出将为国内外学者对种子研究的合作交流提供便利, 也将向参加中国2013年第四届国际种子生态学学术研讨会的国内外专家介绍中国学者在种子生态学等领域的研究现状。  相似文献   

Despite efforts to increase teaching of biotechnology worldwide, there are concerns that public literacy of genetic technologies remains insufficient. Improved education strategies are expected to empower individuals to make informed decisions about biotechnology. To evaluate the teaching and learning of this complex topic, qualitative assessment tools are needed. In this case study, we performed a hybrid thematic analysis to identify a set of overarching themes that can be used to evaluate individuals’ understanding of genetic technologies. We analysed the written justifications students gave for their attitudes on a range of genetic technologies, before and after peer-led discussion of each topic. We identified seven themes commonly detected in student responses, five of which have been previously described in studies of mass media communication of biotechnology. Our preliminary analysis suggests that peer-led discourse can promote changes in student understanding of biotechnology. We conclude that hybrid thematic analysis is a useful approach for evaluating the teaching and learning of genetic technologies. We discuss the utility of the hybrid approach and the themes described here for future studies of biotechnology education.  相似文献   

ProFaNE, Prevention of Falls Network Europe, is a four-year thematic network co-ordinated by the University of Manchester, UK, with 25 partners across Europe and funded by the European Community Framework 5. There are also Network Associates from a number of EU and non-EU countries who give their advice and experience at steering meetings, seminars and conferences. There are four main themes (taxonomy and co-ordination of trials; clinical assessment and management of falls; assessment of balance function; psychological aspects of falling). The work of ProFaNE is practical, in terms of developing the evidence base for implementation of effective interventions, standardising the health processes for people with a history of falls and encouraging best practice across Europe. Over the four years of the Network many key publications by the members have been regularly cited, the web membership has increased to over 2,000 members from 30 countries, there is an active discussion board and there are nearly 1,000 resources available to download. The success of the networking and relationship building in these four years has meant that many countries have adopted new national strategies to prevent falls and injuries.  相似文献   

This article reports results of an ethnographic study that sought to understand how a cohort of gay men living with HIV infection evaluated and worked to preserve or improve the quality of their lives. Themes of life story narratives are identified, each with an associated stylistic self-orientation to living with HIV infection. Changes in thematic content of a selected participant's life story narratives are discussed, demonstrating how events of his daily life are integrated into the narratives. Resultant concurrent shifting of themes and stylistic orientations is linked to his perception of improved quality of life.  相似文献   



Qualitative studies are particularly valued for their exploratory nature but, like other research methods, they do require careful planning to ensure rigorous study design. Our objective was to undertake a pilot study to inform the development of a larger qualitative study.


We conducted a series of brief interviews with out-patients in a hospital setting. The interviews were designed to elicit superficial information about whether (and how) post-fracture osteoporosis investigation and/or treatment were being initiated among patients receiving treatment or follow-up for a current or recent fracture. We used thematic analysis to identify key themes in the data that related to the broader research questions.We analysed data obtained from 11 out of a total of 12 interviews conducted. Participants were male and female, aged 19-83 years of age (median age 57 years). Participants attended 2-8 medical appointments to seek treatment and follow up for a current or recent fracture. The following four overarching themes emerged from thematic analysis of the data: fracture event, referral pathway, osteoporosis investigation and/or treatment, and communication by health practitioners and staff.


This pilot study was necessarily tentative and exploratory in nature, but provided a helpful snapshot of some typical experiences in the public health system following fracture. Several themes emerged for consideration in the design of the main study.Despite its critics, theoretical sampling and saturation continue to provide sustainable methods for ensuring that relevant themes and categories are covered in sufficient depth and breadth, appropriate to the needs of the study.

The present study was geared toward expanding the previous evidence for the thematic similarities between dreaming and psychosis. Themes derived from delusions that characterize psychotic and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, together with the modified Typical Dream Questionnaire, were administered to 280 Chinese participants from Hong Kong. These delusional themes served as some continuous variables for evaluating the degree to which the narrative contents of dreaming can be compared with those of psychotic and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. It was found that delusions of various types, with various levels of bizarreness, could be observed in dreams. This was particularly true for themes involving paranoid suspiciousness, such as blaming others for making troubles and feeling that others are not giving proper credit for one’s achievements, which were dreamed by a majority of the participants. The current findings generated by the exploratory factor analyses precisely replicated Yu’s (2009) previous delusional model that classified dream themes into the Ego Ideal, Grandiosity, and Persecution categories. Moreover, the present study expanded the Ego Ideal category, developed measures for assessing the delusional inclination during dreaming, and discussed the reciprocal, triadic dynamics between the three major categories of dream themes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   



To establish a thematic framework for a Diabetes Mellitus (DM)-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) item bank by identifying important HRQoL themes and content gaps in existing DM-specific HRQoL measures and determining whether Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) item banks are useful as a starting point.


English-speaking Type 2 DM patients were recruited from an outpatient specialist clinic in Singapore. Thematic analysis was performed through open coding and axial coding. Items from four existing DM-specific measures and PROMIS Version 1.0 and 2.0 item banks were compared with identified themes and sub-themes.


42 patients participated (25 men and 17 women; 28 Chinese, 4 Malay, 8 Indians, 2 other ethnicities). Median age was 53.70 years (IQR45.82–56.97) and the median disease duration was 11.13 (SD9.77) years. 10 subthemes (neutral emotions, coping emotions, empowered to help others, support from family, spend more time with family, relationships, financial burden on family, improved relationship, social support and religion/spirituality) were not covered by existing DM-specific measures. PROMIS covered 5 of 6 themes, 15 of 30 subthemes and 19 of 35 codes identified. Emotional distress (frustration, fear and anxiety) was most frequently mentioned (200 times).


We had developed a thematic framework for assessing DM-specific HRQoL in a multi-ethnic Asian population, identified new items that needed to be written and confirmed that PROMIS was a useful starting point. We hope that better understanding and measurement of HRQoL of Asian DM patients will translate to better quality of care for them.  相似文献   

Kumar R  Katare OP 《AAPS PharmSciTech》2005,6(2):E298-E310
The purpose of this review is to give an insight into the considerable potential of lecithin organogels (LOs) in the applications meant for topical drug delivery. LOs are clear, thermodynamically stable, viscoelastic, and biocompatible jelly-like phases, chiefly composed of hydrated phospholipids and appropriate organic liquid. These systems are currently of interest to the pharmaceutical scientist because of their structural and functional benefits. Several therapeutic agents have been formulated as LOs for their facilitated transport through topical route (for dermal or transdermal effect), with some very encouraging results. The improved topical drug delivery has mainly been attributed to the biphasic drug solubility, the desired drug partitioning, and the modification of skin barrier function by the organogel components. Being thermodynamically stable, LOs are prepared by spontaneous emulsification and therefore posses prolonged shelf life. The utility of this novel matrix as a topical vehicle has further increased owing to its very low skin irritancy potential. Varied aspects of LOs viz formation, composition, phase behavior, and characterization have been elaborated, including a general discussion on the developmental background. Besides a comprehensive update on the topical applications of lecithin organogels, the review also includes a detailed account on the mechanistics of organogelling. Published: October 6, 2005  相似文献   

Community studies as a form of study in complex societies cart be unduly restrictive though this need not be the case. It depends on the criteria employed to select a field location, and on the types of social organization studied within that location. These themes are illustrated by reference to the Australian community studies of Ron Wild and Harry Oxley. Some limitations in their studies are noted only in order to illustrate how their work might have been linked profitably with debates in Australian historiography over issues of class culture, ideology and consciousness. I propose a framework for Australian community studies that would allow anthropologists to explore some of the themes introduced in this discussion.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity prevention efforts have had limited success in American Indian (AI) populations. More effective prevention programs might be designed using insights into linkages between parental health beliefs, environmental constraints and healthy lifestyle choices. Methods and Procedures: Focus group sessions (n = 42 participants) were conducted to explore parental perspectives on children's health, diet and physical activity in three Wisconsin Tribal communities. Focus group questions were derived from preliminary interviews and observations on environmental barriers surrounding nutrition and physical activity. Results: Two broad thematic areas emerged from the focus groups: child health themes and environmental themes. Health themes included views of child health (emphasizing emotional health), views on parenting, and assessment of risks to child safety. Environmental (social and physical) themes included assessments of personal support networks, assessments of local facilities and programs, and values regarding household relationships. A provisional model of family behaviors related to child nutrition and physical activity was developed to better understand these themes and the potential tensions among them. Discussion: Understanding the unique cultural constructs of health and environment of AI communities can inform decision making in community‐level prevention research. The proposed model served as a useful starting point for designing healthy lifestyle interventions in these AI communities. This model may also be applicable to other minority communities.  相似文献   

Magdalenian signs are more numerous and more varied than ones of another periods in the Upper Palaeolithic. In the 3986 signs studied in 28 caves, 2364 signs, or 59,3% of signs are associated with figurative representations. For the question about the relations between the figurative representations and the signs associated, we chose four parameters: thematic analysis, interior analysis, chronological analysis and external analysis. Especially in three caves like Les Combarelles I, Rouffignac (Périgord, France) and Altxerri (Spanish Basque), we got interesting results by those analyses. The thematic analysis let find whether the themes are associated with specific signs. In the many caves, the most numerous figurative representations are often associated with signs. About the interior analysis, many signs are located on the flank of the animal figures. And, the chronological analysis show that the signs were made before the figurative representations the same times that after. The anteriority of making signs and the posterity depends on the place (external analysis) in the three caves. So, our analysis methods with those varied parameters make the signs characterized by type, by cave or by region.  相似文献   

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