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Photosystem II and oxygen regulation in Sesbania rostrata stem nodules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tropical wetland legume Sesbania rostrata Brem. produces nitrogen-fixing stem nodules which are green and contain chlorophyll, the chloroplasts being concentrated in a hand in the inner and mid-cortex close to the nitrogen-fixing cells. The photosystem II thylakoid membrane proteins D1, D2 and PsbO, which are essential for photo-synthetic O2 evolution, were shown by immunoblotting to be present in extracts of leaves and stem nodules. Immunogold labelling confirmed their presence on stem nodule thylakoids and showed that labelling was most intense in well-developed chloroplasts in the mid-cortex and least intense in the smaller, less-abundant chloroplasts adjacent to the nitrogen-fixing cells. Concentrations of the oxygen-carrying protein leghaemoglobin (Lb) did not differ between stem and S. rostrata root nodules, and Lb was localized in bacteroid-containing cells, including those immediately adjacent to the cortex, in both nodule types. Moreover, nitrogenase component 2 was localized in bacteroids within the outermost layers of infected cells, suggesting that a low pO2 was maintained, despite the nearby chloroplasts. Nodule extracts examined by ELISA and immunoblots, using the monoclonal antibody MAC265, showed greatly enhanced expression of a 139 kDa glycoprotein in stem compared to root nodules. Immunogold labelling showed that material containing the MAC265 antigen occluded intercellular spaces, and was present in cell walls, throughout the cortex of stem nodules (particularly in the chloroplasl-rich inner and mid-cortex), but was considerably less evident in root nodules.  相似文献   

A few legume species possess the ability to form N2-fixing nodules on stems as well as on roots. Little is known of the functional characteristics of stem nodules, or to what extent they differ from root nodules. Stem and root nodules of greenhouse-grown plants of Aeschynomene scabra (inoculated with the photosynthetic rhizobial strain BTAi 1) and Sesbania rostrata (inoculated with Azorhizobium caulinodans strain BTSr 3) were examined for assimilation of 14CO2 in the light and dark, soluble carbohydrate and starch contents, acetylene reduction activity, relative efficiency of nitrogenase in terms of uptake-hydrogenase activity, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase, and reduced N and ureide contents. In general, stem nodules possessed higher enzyme activities and metabolite contents than did root nodules, suggesting that they fix N2 with greater energy efficiency. This greater efficiency correlated with photosynthesis in the cortex of stem nodules. Differences in enzyme activities and metabolite contents between the stem nodules on A. scabra and those on S. rostrata probably result either from legume-species characteristics or from the photosynthetic capability of strain BTAi 1.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of stem nodules in Sesbania rostrata was studied over a period of 6 days after inoculation with an appropriate species of Rhizobium. Nodulation sites were initially slightly raised, circular areas 0.3 to 0.6 mm in diameter and 4 to 5 mm apart in vertical rows along the length of the stem. Each site was underlaid by an adventitious root primordium. A site became susceptible to infection by a specific Rhizobium sp. when the root primordium broke through the epidermis, leaving a fissure. Rhizobia multiplied within this fissure and colonized the exposed intercellular spaces. The infection extended inward as narrow, branched intercellular threads moved into a cortical meristematic zone, where cell division was initiated, and invagination of infection thread branches into adjacent plant cells followed. Rhizobia were released into the plant cells and surrounded immediately by plant membrane. Intracellular rhizobia divided actively, leading to bacteroid-filled cells. Infected areas enlarged and coalesced as the nodule matured.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was carried out in an attempt to produce nodulated plants of Sesbania rostrata with qualities more closely resembling those in the wild than has been achieved to date. When groups of five plants were grown in a controlled climate chamber in pipes containing ~12dm3 modified Jensen's medium with 6mol m?3 nitrate, the daily growth in height reached 5 cm and at 30 d the plants were ~40cm high. At this time, the stems were inoculated with Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 571 and the medium replaced with Jensen's medium without nitrate. In the subsequent 19-d period ~300 nodules (representing >50% of the potential infection sites) developed on each stem. The nodules increased linearly in size over this time to ~15mg. Specific acetylene reduction activity, ARA ((μmol C2H4 mg?1 h?1) rose to 45 between days 5 and 10 after inoculation and plateaued; total ARA rose to ~200 μmol C2H4 plant?1 h?1. Under the conditions described the plants grew vigorously, and reproducibly uniform yields of nodules with high ARA activities were obtained. As outlined, the procedure offers a standard system in which, within a 2-week period after inoculation, individual strains of bacteria can be quantitatively compared in their ability to induce nodulation and N2-fixation. Physiological and biochemical aspects of the nodulated system can be much more readily approached than with plants producing only root nodules. The inhibitory effects of stem nodules induced by wild type and two mutant strains of Azorhizobium on the development and activity of root nodules are described.  相似文献   

Labelled iron (applied as 55FeCl3) moves rapidly from the soilto the shoots and stem nodules of S. rostrata. Time-course experimentsare described that investigate the movement of iron throughdifferent plant parts, detailing the route of iron translocation.The results show that iron moves first to the mature leavesand is subsequently translocated to the vegetative buds andstem nodules. Phloem girdling the stem nodules almost completelystops the movement of labelled iron into the nodules. We concludethat iron is supplied to stem nodules in the phloem; these resultssupport other work suggesting there is no inward xylem flowinto legume nodules, which probably receive almost all nutrientsand most of their water via phloemmediated transport. Key words: Translocation, nutrient, Fe, iron, stem nodules, legume, nitrogen fixation  相似文献   

The morphogenetic responses of cultured stem explants of Sesbaniarostrata Brem. from various positions along the stem axis wereanalysed after treatment with four growth regulators (BAP, NAA,kinetin, and GAJ. Internodal explants formed adventitious shootbuds when cultured on a Murashige and Skoog basal medium withoutadded growth regulators. Histological studies of regenerated shoot buds revealed thatapproximately 30% of the buds resulted from the conversion ofa preformed root primordium (characteristic of this species)into a shoot bud without a callogenesis phase. Each bud whichoriginated from a single root primordium grew into a leafy shoot.Preformed root primordia of stem explants of Sesbania rostratamay constitute an excellent model for physiological researchon plant differentiation. Key words: Organogenesis, adventitious bud, preformed root primordium, conversion, Sesbania rostrata  相似文献   

We have constructed a Sesbania rostrata stem nodule-specific cDNA library. By screening with heterologous probes from pea and soybean, we have isolated several nodulin cDNA clones. On the basis of nucleotide and amino acid sequence homology, two nearly full-length cDNA clones coding for two different leghemoglobin-like proteins have been identified. The inserts of two other clones reveal a high degree of amino acid sequence homology (81% and 72%) to the early nodulin Enod2 from soybean; the characteristic heptapeptide repeat units PPHEKPP and PPYEKPP of the soybean Enod2 are conserved in the proteins encoded by these Sesbania cDNA clones. The time course of Enod2 and leghemoglobin mRNA appearance during the formation of stem nodules and root nodules on S. rostrata was analyzed by northern blot hybridization. Significant differences were found for the initiation of mRNA accumulation of these nodulins between S. rostrata and soybean.  相似文献   

近来,豆科植物茎瘤固氮研究取得很大进展,这种双重固氮能力在农业上具有很大应用潜力。茎瘤固氮植物主要有三个属,即田菁属(Sesbania)、合萌属(Aeschynonmene)和假含羞草属(Neptunia)。本文论述它们的生长特性、茎瘤的形成、固氮及在农业上的应用。  相似文献   

Root nodulation of Sesbania rostrata.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The tropical legume Sesbania rostrata can be nodulated by Azorhizobium caulinodans on both its stem and its root system. Here we investigate in detail the process of root nodulation and show that nodules develop exclusively at the base of secondary roots. Intercellular infection leads to the formation of infection pockets, which then give rise to infection threads. Concomitantly with infection, cortical cells of the secondary roots dedifferentiate, forming a meristem which has an "open-basket" configuration and which surrounds the initial infection site. Bacteria are released from the tips of infection threads into plant cells via "infection droplets," each containing several bacteria. Initially, nodule differentiation is comparable to that of indeterminate nodules, with the youngest meristematic cells being located at the periphery and the nitrogen-fixing cells being located at the nodule center. Because of the peculiar form of the meristem, Sesbania root nodules develop uniformly around a central axis. Nitrogen fixation is detected as early as 3 days following inoculation, while the nodule meristem is still active. Two weeks after inoculation, meristematic activity ceases, and nodules then show the typical histology of determinate nodules. Thus, root nodule organogenesis in S. rostrata appears to be intermediate between indeterminate and determinate types.  相似文献   

Micropropagation of Sesbania rostrata from the Cotyledonary Node   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Multiple shoots were induced from the cotyledonary nodes derived from seedling of Sesbania rostrata on Nitsch (1969; N) medium supplemented with various concentrations of benzyladenine (BA). 1 mg dm−3 BA proved to be the best, eliciting 5.8 ± 1.0 shoots per explant in 100 % cultures. The elongation of shoots was best at 2.0 mg dm−3 BA. The shoot proliferation capacity increased to 7.5 shoots per explant following transfer of explants to the fresh shoot multiplication medium (MS + 1.0 mg dm−3 BA), after an initial incubation of 30 d. To further enhance number of shoots per explant an alternative strategy of cultivation of mother explant on fresh shoot multiplication medium after excision of shoots was adopted. Following the repeated harvesting of shoots an average of 33 shoots per explant could be obtained. The in vitro regenerated shoots produced roots when transferred to half-strength MS medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose and 1 mg dm−3 IBA. The developed plantlets were planted in the soil and transferred to the field after an acclimatization period of 3 – 4 months. These plants produced flowers and fruits in the field and exhibited the development of prominent and more organized stem nodules as compared to the in vivo raised plants of the same age. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report a novel use of the 15N dilution technique to detail the translocation of amino compounds in the legume Sesbania rostrata . The conventional 15N dilution technique follows the dilution of 15N within a labelled plant, as 14N2 is fixed by symbiotic bacteria. In our experiments, stem-nodulated Sesbania rostrata were enriched by feeding with 15N ammonium nitrate for 2 weeks, followed by a 1 week period where the only N available to the plants was via nitrogen fixation of atmospheric N2. We measured the composition, concentration and 15N enrichment of amino compounds in various plant tissues, both above and below the stem nodules, using GC-MS and isotopic abundance mass spectrometry techniques. Approximately 28% of the total N in the stem nodules was derived from internal plant sources. The ureides allantoic acid and allantoin were not abundant in xylem, leaf or nodule tissues. The amides asparagine and glutamine were the major export products from stem nodules although a wide range of other amino compounds are also synthesized. Amino acids within the nodules had a low level of enrichment, demonstrating that a small fraction (≈ 11%) was derived from outside the nodules, and significant cycling of N (28% of xylem N) through the root system was revealed by measurements of 15N distribution and amino acid concentrations.  相似文献   

Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 synthesizes mainly pentameric Nod factors with a household fatty acid, an N-methyl, and a 6-O-carbamoyl group at the nonreducing-terminal residue and with a d-arabinosyl, an l-fucosyl group, or both at the reducing-terminal residue. Nodulation on Sesbania rostrata was carried out with a set of bacterial mutants that produce well characterized Nod factor populations. Purified Nod factors were tested for their capacity to induce root hair formation and for their stability in an in vitro degradation assay with extracts of uninfected adventitious rootlets. The glycosylations increased synergistically the nodulation efficiency and the capacity to induce root hairs, and they protected the Nod factor against degradation. The d-arabinosyl group was more important than the l-fucosyl group for nodulation efficiency. Replacement of the 6-O-l-fucosyl group by a 6-O-sulfate ester did not affect Nod factor stability, but reduced nodulation efficiency, indicating that the l-fucosyl group may play a role in recognition. The 6-O-carbamoyl group contributes to nodulation efficiency, biological activity, and protection, but could be replaced by a 6-O-acetyl group for root nodulation. The results demonstrate that none of the studied substitutions is strictly required for triggering normal nodule formation. However, the nodulation efficiency was greatly determined by the synergistic presence of substitutions. Within the range tested, fluctuations of Nod factor amounts had little impact on the symbiotic phenotype.  相似文献   

Gibberellins are involved in nodulation of Sesbania rostrata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Upon submergence, Azorhizobium caulinodans infects the semiaquatic legume Sesbania rostrata via the intercellular crack entry process, resulting in lateral root-based nodules. A gene encoding a gibberellin (GA) 20-oxidase, SrGA20ox1, involved in GA biosynthesis, was transiently up-regulated during lateral root base nodulation. Two SrGA20ox1 expression patterns were identified, one related to intercellular infection and a second observed in nodule meristem descendants. The infection-related expression pattern depended on bacterially produced nodulation (Nod) factors. Pharmacological studies demonstrated that GAs were involved in infection pocket and infection thread formation, two Nod factor-dependent events that initiate lateral root base nodulation, and that they were also needed for nodule primordium development. Moreover, GAs inhibited the root hair curling process. These results show that GAs are Nod factor downstream signals for nodulation in hydroponic growth.  相似文献   

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