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Several house gecko species of the genus Hemidactylus are almost cosmopolitan lizards, with distributions that have probably been shaped by natural transoceanic dispersal as well as by more recent human introductions. Here we revise the Hemidactylus populations of Madagascar and compare them genetically with populations from other sites in the Indian Ocean region. Morphological data strongly confirm the occurrence of three Hemidactylus species on Madagascar: Hemidactylus frenatus , distributed along the western coast of Madagascar; H. platycephalus , restricted to the north-west and the widespread H. mercatorius that occurs throughout the island, including coastal areas at sea level as well as big cities (Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa) at altitudes of 1200–1300 m above sea level. Analyses of partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene in 46 Hemidactylus specimens from Madagascar, East Africa, South Asia, and the Comoro and Mascarene archipelagos demonstrated the presence of a fourth species, H. brooki, on the Mascarenes (Réunion, Rodrigues, and Mauritius) and Comoros (Moheli). The Malagasy populations of H. platycephalus were genetically uniform and differentiated from the African and Comoroan specimens studied. H. frenatus had a relatively low genetic differentiation over the whole region with no recognizable phylogeographical structure, indicating more recent colonizations or introductions. In contrast, H. mercatorius showed a strong phylogeographical structure of haplotypes, with two distinctly different lineages in Madagascar. Moreover, all Malagasy specimens differed strongly from the single African specimen included. This indicates that populations of H. mercatorius in Madagascar have a long history that predates human settlement.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 115–130.  相似文献   

Abstract. Allozymes were assessed by starch gel electrophoresis in 3 populations of a eutardigrade, Richtersius coronifer , with different reproductive modes. One population from Italy (with 2 sub-populations) was amphimictic and 2 populations (1 from Italy and 1 from Sweden) were parthenogenetic. All populations, irrespective of their reproductive mode, were diploid with the same chromosome number (2n=12) and had bivalents in the oocytes. Of the 14 loci analyzed, only 3 were polymorphic. The amphimictic population had a higher degree of genetic variability (mean heterozygosity >0.25) than the parthenogenetic populations (mean heterozygosity of the 2 populations <0.01). In all female populations, allele frequencies at all 3 loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibria due to heterozygote deficiency. These results support a hypothesis of automictic parthenogenesis in R. coronifer .  相似文献   

Prior allozyme studies have indicated that populations of the asexual ostracode, Cypridopsis vidua (Müller), show extraordinary clonal diversity. Based on a joint examination of allozyme variation and sequence divergence at the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene, the present analysis provides new insights concerning the origins of this variation. The results establish that populations of C. vidua in one recently deglaciated region of North America are not only allozymically diverse, but also include several divergent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages. The extent of sequence divergence among these lineages is so large as to suggest their diversification over the past 7–8 million years. The patterning of genetic divergence among co-occurring clones makes it apparent that much of the mtDNA and allozyme diversity in local populations owes its origins to recurrent colonization events. However, in situ mutational diversification also appears to explain some variation. The mechanisms enabling the sustained coexistence of such a large array of closely allied genotypes remain unclear, but there is an apparent difference in equilibrium diversity between benthic and planktonic asexual organisms.  相似文献   

Gynpetoscincus is a monotypic genus of skink endemic to the ancient and biogeographically complex wet tropical rainforests of northern Queensland. Surveys of variation in mitochondrial DNA and allozymes inG. queenslandiae revealed a major genetic break within the skink's 275 km range, clearly dividing it into northern and southern populations. The genetic differences between the two groups of populations are several-fold greater than differences between similarly separated localities within the southern group. The presence of two strongly differentiated evolutionary lineages within this narrowly distributed species highlights the value of genetic surveys to estimate evolutionary diversity in old, biogeographically complex biomes such as these rainforests.  相似文献   

Restriction enzymes were used to assay variation among mitochondrial DNAs from parthenogenetic and sexual species of Lacerta. This permitted identification of the sexual species that acted as the maternal parent of the various hybrid-parthenogenetic lineages. Lacerta mixta was the maternal parent for both L. dahli and L. armeniaca, L. valentini was the maternal parent for L. uzzelli, and L. raddei was the maternal parent of L. rostombekovi. The maternal ancestry of L. unisexualis is not as clear. The sample of L. nairensis was very similar to one from a population of L. raddei and either species could be the maternal parent of L. unisexualis. The parthenogenetic species all had very low nucleotide diversity in absolute terms and in comparison to their sexual relatives. The close similarity between mtDNAs from the parthenogenetic species and their respective sexual maternal ancestor species provides strong evidence for the recent origin of the parthenogens. The low diversity of the parthenogens indicates that few females were involved in their origins; the maternal parents of L. dahli and L. armeniaca could have come from a single population. The patterns of mtDNA variation in Lacerta are very similar to those in Cnemidophorus and Heteronotia, establishing recent and geographically restricted origins as a general feature of parthenogenetic lizards.  相似文献   

Russia and western Asia harbour trout populations that have been classified as distinct species and subspecies, most often on the basis of morphological and ecological variation. In order to assess their origins and to verify whether traditional taxonomy reflects their evolutionary distinctiveness, we documented their genetic relationships on the basis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) RFLP, mtDNA sequence analysis, and allozyme variation. Both mtDNA and nuclear gene variation defined two ancient phylogenetic assemblages of populations distributed among northern (Baltic, White, Barents), and southern (Black, Caspian, Aral) sea basins, between which gene flow has been possible but limited in postglacial times. These results supported the traditional taxonomic differentiation between populations of these two regions. They provided weak support for the taxonomic distinction of southern brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations based on their basin of origin. They also refuted the hypothesis that L. Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan) diverged from a primitive brown trout ancestor. Nevertheless, all trout populations from southern sea basins possessed private alleles or mtDNA genotypes and were genetically distinct Therefore, they represent unique gene pools that warrant individual recognition for conservation and management.  相似文献   

To assess the level of genetic variation in a threatened black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) population, we examined 36 allozyme loci and restriction fragment profiles of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Mean heterozygosity at allozyme loci was only 0.021 and 5.6 percent of the loci were polymorphic. Analyses of mtDNA also revealed low genetic diversity compared with other primates. F-statistics revealed no significant genetic heterogeneity among troops within the Bermudian Landing preserve, but did indicate a deficiency of heterozygotes at one of the two loci. We explore several explanations for this result, which is unexpected in a socially structured primate. Low genetic diversity in this population may reflect its history of demographic bottlenecks. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 102:329–336, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

阴环  李晓晨 《昆虫学报》2013,56(7):807-815
赤胸梳爪步Dolichus halensis (Schaller)(鞘翅目:步甲科)是重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,在我国分布广泛。为揭示其种群遗传多样性和扩张机制, 本研究以秦岭地区为中心,以线粒体Cox1 tRNALeu Cox2基因片段为分子标记,对来自于24个采集点共191个个体进行了检测分析。在长度为1 601 bp的碱基中共检测到45个变异位点,定义了53个单倍型,单倍型多样性高(Hd=0.796),而核苷酸多样性较低(Pi=0.0033)。系统发育分析结果表明该地区该物种存在两大进化枝。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明86.61%的变异来源于种群内。SAMOVA和PERMUT分析结果一致,表明秦岭地区分布的赤胸梳爪步甲种群不存在明显的谱系地理结构。中性检验和错配分布分析的结果一致,表明该物种在秦岭地区曾经发生过种群扩张。综上,认为赤胸疏爪步甲种群经历过冰期后的扩散。  相似文献   

Asexual taxa are short-lived, suggesting that transitions to asexuality represent evolutionary dead-ends. However, with high rates of clonal origin and coexistence of asexuals and sexuals via selective asymmetries, asexuality may persist in the long term as a result of a dynamic equilibrium between clonal origin and extinction. Few such systems have been studied in detail. Here, we investigate the evolutionary history of asexual lineages of Daphnia pulex, which are derived from sexual relatives via the inheritance of a dominant female-limited meiosis-suppressing locus and inhabit ponds throughout northeastern North America (NA). Our extensive sampling and subsequent phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial sequence data reveals a young and genetically diverse asexual assemblage, reflecting high rates of clonal origin due to the contagious nature of asexuality. Yet, asexuality is restricted to two phylogroups (B and C) with historical and/or present associations with northeastern NA and is absent from a northwestern phylogroup (A), supporting a recent northeastern origin of asexuality in this species. Furthermore, macrogeographic patterns of genetic variability indicate that phylogroups B and C recolonized northeastern NA from opposite directions, yet their presently overlapping geographic distributions are similarly divided into an eastern asexual and a western sexual region. We attribute these patterns to a recent contagious spread of asexuality from a northeastern source. If environment-mediated selective asymmetries play no significant role in determining the outcome of competitive interactions between sexuals and asexuals, regions of contact may be setting the stage for continued asexual conquests.  相似文献   

Allozymes and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) sequences were analysed to determine whether populations of the western North American gastropod Tryonia porrecta (from California, Nevada, Utah, and northwest Mexico) are strongly differentiated in accordance with traditional interpretation of regional fauna as ancient relicts inhabiting isolated fragments of late Tertiary palaeodrainages. These data were also used to assess whether this species, for which males have not been recorded, is a rare example of a molluscan parthenogen. Both data sets strongly supported monophyly of T. porrecta populations. Five of the nine sampled populations consisted of a single monoallelic allozyme genotype while the others contained two to 10 distinct genotypes. Allozymic data for genetically diverse Utah populations provided evidence of clonal and sexual reproduction. mtCOI haplotypes of T. porrecta formed two subgroups which differed by 1.99-2.60%. The common haplotype was found in seven populations with rare haplotypes observed in single populations. Based on these results and an available mtCOI molecular clock for related hydrobiid snails, T. porrecta is interpreted as a primarily parthenogenetic species that undergoes occasional sexual reproduction and has accumulated substantial diversity following its mid-Pliocene to mid-Pleistocene origin. Our results also suggest that the distribution of present-day populations of these gill-breathing snails did not result from fragmentation of an ancient, well-integrated drainage but instead reflects overland colonization of habitats which only recently became available following desiccation of late Quaternary pluvial lakes.  相似文献   

The frequency of polyploidy increases with latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in deglaciated, recently colonized areas. The cause or causes of this pattern are largely unknown, but a greater genetic diversity of individual polyploid plants due to a doubled genome and/or a hybrid origin is seen as a likely factor underlying selective advantages related to life in extreme climates and/or colonization ability. A history of colonization in itself, as well as a recent origin, and possibly a limited number of polyploidization events would all predict less genetic diversity in polyploids than in diploids. The null hypothesis of higher gene diversity in polyploids has to date hardly been quantified and is here tested in self-incompatible Rorippa amphibia (Brassicaceae). The species occurs in diploid and tetraploid forms and displays clear geographical polyploidy in Europe. On the basis of eight microsatellite loci it can be concluded that the level of gene diversity is higher in tetraploids than in diploids, to an extent that is expected under neutral evolution when taking into account the larger effective population size in the doubled cytotype. There is thus no evidence for reduced genetic diversity in the tetraploids. The evidence presented here may mean that the tetraploids' origin is not recent, has not been affected by bottlenecks and/or that tetraploids were formed multiple times while an effect of introgression may also play a role.  相似文献   

The freshwater Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum (Atherinidae) has a broad northern and south-eastern Australian distribution, and has been divided into two sub-species. Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus occurs in eastern and western flowing drainages of the southeast, while C. s. stercusmuscarum occurs in north eastern and northern flowing drainages. Four populations of each sub-species were sampled from different river systems to examine if genetic diversity was consistent with this nomenclature or a previously proposed vicariance hypothesis. Allozyme data did not support the notion that the subspecies were genetically distinct, but the mtDNA data showed that haplotypes from one sub-species, regardless of geography, were reciprocally monophyletic to haplotypes of the other subspecies. Thus, mtDNA genetic diversity was partitioned by prevailing taxonomy and the data suggest that C. s. fulvus populations in eastern and western flowing drainages may have had a relatively recent connection subsequently interrupted by geological events.  相似文献   

We examined the consequences of barriers, stream architecture and putative dispersal capability on levels of genetic differentiation among populations of the freshwater fish Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum. Seven polymorphic allozyme loci and sequences of a 498-bp fragment of the ATPase 6 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene were used to assess patterns of genetic variation among 16 populations from upland and lowland streams of five drainages in northern Queensland, Australia. Concordant patterns at both genetic markers revealed that there were significant levels of genetic subdivision among all populations, while an analysis of molecular variation showed that the distribution of genetic diversity was not consistent with contemporary drainage structure. There were reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA clades and fixed or large frequency differences at allozyme loci either side of instream barriers such as waterfalls. This implied barriers were effective in restricting gene flow between upland and lowland populations separated by waterfalls. However, there were two genetically distinct groups in upland areas, even within the same subcatchment, as well as high levels of genetic subdivision among lowland populations, suggesting barriers alone do not explain the patterns of genetic diversity. The data revealed a complex phylogeographic pattern, which we interpreted to be the result of one or more invasion events of independent lineages to different sections of each drainage, possibly mediated by well documented geomorphological changes. Our results highlight the importance of earth structure and history in shaping population genetic structure in stream organisms where dispersal capability may be limited, and reveal that the contemporary structure of drainages is not necessarily a good indicator of genetic relationships among populations.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among four Stizostedion species were examined using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozyme analyses. Twenty-six allozyme loci were scored, and mtDNA variation was examined using 24 restriction endonucleases, yielding 48–57 restriction sites among the species. Genetic distance analyses show that the two North American species ( S. canadense and S. vitreum ) cluster in one group, while the two European species ( S. hciopercu and S. vogense ) form a second group. Nei's genetic distance between these two groups was 0.7 ± 0.2 for allozymes, while the corresponding mtDNA sequence divergence was 14.8 ± 2.0%, suggesting that these two groups diverged approximately 10 million years ago. Thus, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that Stizostedion colonized North America during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among six members of the 'tyndarus' group in the Erebia genus of Satyrid butterflies, i.e. E. tyndarus, E. cassioides, E. nivalis, E. calcaria, E. hispania and E. ottomana were analysed using data from 19 presumptive enzyme loci, as well as 440 and 429 bp, respectively, from the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S) and subunit 1 from the NADH dehydrogenase (ND1) genes. The two types of molecular data (allozymes and mtDNA) yielded largely congruent tree topologies. The two basal, independent lineages formed by E. ottomana and E. hispania are contrasted by a group of Genétically closely related taxa, suggestive of a recent radiation associated with allopatric speciation, and competitive exclusion. The time of divergence for the radiation event is similar for both allozymes and mtDNA with an estimation of 440000 years ago. The lineages involved in this radiation do not comply with all the criteria necessary to assign to each of them full species rank, but they can no more be included in one single species unit. Such situations involving more than two alio- or parapatric lineages may explain why polytomies are so often met in phylogenetic reconstructions, after the lineages have reached full species rank. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 319–332.  相似文献   

The tradition of animal husbandry in the context of a nomadic lifestyle has been of great significance in the Mongolian society. Both Bactrian camels and horses have been invaluable for the survival and development of human activities in the harsh arid environment of the Mongolian steppe. As camels offer unique and sustainable opportunities for livestock production in marginal agro‐ecological zones, we investigated the current genetic diversity of three local Mongolian camel breeds and compared their levels of variation with common native Mongolian camels distributed throughout the country. Based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers, we found levels of genetic diversity in Mongolian populations similar to that reported for Chinese Bactrian camels and for dromedaries. Little differentiation was detected between single breeds, except for a small group originating from the northwestern Mongolian Altai. We found neither high inbreeding levels in the different breeds nor evidence for a population decline. Although the Mongolian camel census size has severely declined over the past 20 years, our analyses suggest that there still exists a stable population with adequate genetic variation for continued sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence for alternative gene orders demonstrates that vertebrate mitochondrial genomes are more evolutionarily dynamic than previously thought. Several lineages of parthenogenetic lizards contain large, tandem duplications that include rRNA, tRNA, and protein-coding genes, as well as the control region. Such duplications are hypothesized as intermediate stages in gene rearrangement, but the early stages of their evolution have not been previously studied. To better understand the evolutionary dynamics of duplicated segments of mitochondrial DNA, we sequenced 10 mitochondrial genomes from recently formed ( approximately 300,000 years ago) hybrid parthenogenetic geckos of the Heteronotia binoei complex and 1 from a sexual form. These genomes included some with an arrangement typical of vertebrates and others with tandem duplications varying in size from 5.7 to 9.4 kb, each with different gene contents and duplication endpoints. These results, together with phylogenetic analyses, indicate independent and frequent origins of the duplications. Small, direct repeats at the duplication endpoints imply slipped-strand error as a mechanism generating the duplications as opposed to a false initiation/termination of DNA replication mechanism that has been invoked to explain duplications in other lizard mitochondrial systems. Despite their recent origin, there is evidence for nonfunctionalization of genes due primarily to deletions, and the observed pattern of gene disruption supports the duplication-deletion model for rearrangement of mtDNA gene order. Conversely, the accumulation of mutations between these recent duplicates provides no evidence for gene conversion, as has been reported in some other systems. These results demonstrate that, despite their long-term stasis in gene content and arrangement in some lineages, vertebrate mitochondrial genomes can be evolutionary dynamic even at short timescales.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study based on molecular marker and karyotype analyses has provided evidence for the monophyly of the subfamily Myoxocephalinae, which includes the genera Myoxocephalus, Megalocottus, Microcottus, Porocottus, Enophrys and Argyrocottus. In addition, the karyotype of the threadfoot sculpin Argyrocottus zanderi Herzenstein 1892 has been studied for the first time. Marker traits of karyotypes identified 13 species among six cottid genera. As the molecular genetic results confirmed, the subfamily is divided into two groups corresponding to Enophrys and Myoxocephalus. The molecular genetic data did not support the formation of tribes within the subfamily Myoxocephalinae, as proposed earlier based on morphological characters. Moreover, the genera Trichocottus and Taurocottus should be excluded from the Myoxocephalinae. The evolutionary transformations of karyotypes in cottid fish tended towards a reduction in the number of chromosomes and chromosome arms.  相似文献   

Despite its tropical origin, the Asian house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) is currently invading higher latitudes around the world. In this study, we investigated whether the introduced geckos in the subtropical/temperate region of southeastern Australia have shifted their thermal biology to cope with colder temperatures. In the lab, we measured the body temperatures of geckos from Thailand and Australia in a cost-free thermal gradient. Native H. frenatus from Thailand displayed a diel pattern of thermoregulation. Geckos maintained higher body temperatures during mid-afternoon and at dusk but selected cooler temperatures during the night. Introduced geckos showed a similar pattern of thermoregulation, but selected lower body temperatures in summer (mean = 28.9 °C) and winter (mean = 25.5 °C) than native geckos (mean = 31.5 °C). While the Asian house geckos from Thailand did not alter their body temperatures after feeding, their conspecifics from southeastern Australia selected body temperatures that were 1.6–3.1 °C higher after feeding. In conclusion, our study shows that invasive house geckos in Australia have shifted their preferred body temperatures downwards relative to their native conspecifics in Thailand, presumably as a result of plasticity or natural selection. Our findings suggest that these tropical geckos have adapted to colder regions, and thus, they may spread much further than expected for a tropical ectotherm.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic analyses of the lizard genus Diplodactylus subgenus Strophurus using 1646 aligned positions of mitochondrial DNA sequences containing 893 parsimony-informative characters for samples of 12 species of Strophurus and 19 additional Australian gecko species. Sequences from three protein-coding genes (ND1, ND2 and COI) and eight intervening transfer RNA genes were examined using parsimony, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses. Species of Strophurus appeared to form a monophyletic group with the possible exception of S. taenicauda . Strophurus has evolved two distinct defence/display characteristics: caudal glands, which expel an unpalatable substance, and striking mouth colours. Caudal glands appeared to have arisen once in a common ancestor of Strophurus , with dermal augmentation of caudal glands characterizing a subclade within the subgenus. Evolution of yellow and dark-blue mouth colours in Strophurus occurred in the context of diurnal activity and may be interpreted as an augmentation of defensive behavioural displays. Molecular divergence suggests that arboreality evolved in a common ancestor of Oedura and Strophurus approximately 29 Mya and that the caudal glands of Strophurus arose approximately 25 Mya.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 123–138.  相似文献   

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