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The histogenetic and organogenetic capabilities of normal and lobeless embryos of Ilyanassa obsoleta are analyzed. Larvae developed from eggs in which the polar lobe was removed at the trefoil stage of first cleavage were studied in wholemount and section. None showed any evidence of eyes, statocysts, operculum, external shell, heart, or intestine. Sixty per cent of the wholemount larvae observed under polarized light exhibited internal masses of birefringent material resembling shell material. Of eight- to nine-day lobeless larvae studied as stained, sectioned material 100% possessed muscle tissue; 97.5% possessed velar tissue, digestive gland tissue, and style sac tissue; 52.5% possessed two or more style sac areas; 71% exhibited esophagus; 63% possessed stomach tissue; 37% exhibited stomodeal-like invaginations of the ectoderm; 31% exhibited a lightly staining ciliated area at the tip of the prevelar ectoderm; and 21% possessed glandular ectoderm resembling pedal or mantle gland tissue. The evidence presented suggests that the material of the polar lobe has an important role not only in cellular differentiation but also in the organization of tissue types into organs or organ primordia.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation and interconversion of purines was measured after pulsing normal and lobeless Ilyanassa embryos with [2-3H]-adenosine. The isolated polar lobe phosphorylated and interconverted purines to the same extent as the intact egg, and the removal of this anucleate structure did not significantly impair these functions in the lobeless egg. All components of the egg, i.e. the polar lobe and lobeless egg, were equally effective in the synthesis of dATP.  相似文献   

 We have used in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry to study the expression of the engrailed-related gene, Ily-en in embryos of the marine mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta. We find that Ily-en is only expressed in shell gland cells. Only mRNAs localized in the shell gland hybridize to an antisense probe of the Ily-en homeobox. Similarly, only shell gland cells or shell-forming cells are stained by the monoclonal antibody 4D9, which was raised to the engrailed-class protein from Drosophila. Ilyanassa embryos made deficient in vegetal cytoplasm by removing the third polar lobe fail to differentiate an organized external shell. They do however make some randomly oriented internal shell fragments in which Ily-en is expressed. Because Ily-en is expressed in shell gland cells of both normal and lobeless embryos, we conclude that the determinant(s) required for Ily-en expression are not exclusively localized in the polar lobe. Received: 16 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 January 1998  相似文献   

The proteins labeled by normal and lobeless embryos of Ilyanassa obsoleta incubated in [35S]methionine during early and late organogenesis were shown by two-dimensional electrophoresis to be qualitatively equivalent. It is concluded that these polypeptides are part of the ubiquitous proteins required for cellular maintenance and that they are not uniquely associated with the differentiation of any specific organ or structure.  相似文献   

Some effects of gravity on early morphogenesis are correlated with microtubule locations within cells. During first cleavage in Ilyanassa obsoleta embryos, a transitory polar lobe constriction forms and then relaxes, allowing the polar lobe to merge with one daughter cell. If the polar lobe is equally divided or removed, morphogenesis is severely disrupted. To examine microtuble locations during early Ilyanassa development, eggs were fixed and stained for polymerized alpha-tubulin during first cleavage. The mitotic apparatus assembles at the animal pole. The cleavage furrow forms between the asters, constricting to a stabilized intercellular bridge encircling midbody-bound microtubules, whereas the polar lobe constriction forms below and parallel to the spindle, constricting to a transitory intercellular bridge encircling no detectable microtubules. At metaphase an alpha-tubulin epitope is distributed throughout the spindle, whereas a beta-tubulin epitope is present predominantly in the asters. Incubation in hexylene glycol, a drug that increases microtubule polymerization, during mitosis causes the polar lobe constriction to tighten around polymerized alpha-tubulin and remain stably constricted. If hexylene glycol is removed, alpha-tubulin staining disappears from the polar lobe constriction, which relaxes, whereas microtubules remain in the cleavage furrow, which remains constricted. These observations suggest that asymmetric distribution of microtubules affects early Ilyanassa cleavage patterns, and that continued presence of microtubules extending through an intercellular bridge is important for stabilization of the bridge constriction prior to completion of cytokinesis. These data provide the basis for further analysis of the role of microtubules in possible microgravity disruptions of Ilyanassa development.  相似文献   

In the first polar lobe of the egg of Bithyma tentaculata thereis a cup-shaped mass of small vesicles rich in RNA, called thevegetal body. It is passed to the CD blastomere with the polarlobe and then its contents are distributed to C and D. Whenthe polar lobe is removed, embryos form neither mesentoblastnor mesoderm bands. They fail to establish bilateral symmetryor to form eyes, foot, operculum and shell. AB half embryosdevelop only the structures found in lobeless embryos, whileCD halves develop lobe dependent adult structures such as eyes,foot and shell. AD- and BC-2/4-embryos develop similarly andboth have lobe dependent structures. Three quarter embryos developas in other molluscs except that ABD (–C) develops poorlyand ABC (–D) develops all lobe-dependent structures. Thus,all evidence available indicates that C receives cytoplasm usuallyrestricted to D in molluscs and therefore has the capacity toexert a similar morphogenetic influence on development.  相似文献   

 During the first mitotic divisions many spiralian embryos form a cytoplasmic protrusion at the vegetal pole called the polar lobe. In the gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta the polar lobe is constricted by a contractile ring composed of filamentous actin, myosin, and associated proteins, similar to the contractile ring of the cleavage furrow. To resolve the role of myosin and actin in polar lobe formation and resorption, we have applied 2,3-butanedione monoxime and Latrunculin B at different stages of the first cleavage to inhibit myosin and F-actin, respectively. Our results show that myosin is important for both cytokinesis and polar lobe formation. Additionally, we have found that the resorption of the polar lobe is a two-step process: the first step is passive, driven by the tension of the actin-cortex and the second step is active, in which the ATP-hydrolysis of myosin/actin interaction supplies the force to complete the resorption of the polar lobe. We have summarized our results in a scheme of the first cleavage of Ilyanassa obsoleta. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted:15 March 1998  相似文献   

Polar lobes, anucleate vegetal pole protrusions formed by Ilyanassa obsoleta embryos, serve as a mechanism for shunting morphogenetic determinants to one cell during the first two cleavages. Polar lobe material becomes segregated in the CD cell during first cleavage and in the D cell during second cleavage, resulting in a very unequal four-cell stage. Larval structures including external shell, foot, operculum, statocysts, and eyes develop only when polar lobe material is present. Treatment with the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) before and during the first cleavage inhibited polar lobe formation and equalized cleavage, as the lobe material was distributed to two cells. No polar lobes formed during second clevage in SDS-equalized embryos, and the four-cell stage consisted of four equal cells with reduced cell contacts. SDS inrreversibly inhibited polar lobe formation without affecting cytokinesis. Although 27% of the larvae from SDS-equalized embryos had one or more lobe-dependent structures duplicated, morphogenesis was impaired: more than 40% of such larvae failed to form shell and/or statocysts. When cells were separated after equalized first cleavage and raised as pairs, the pairs of resulting larvae duplicated lobe-dependent structures with the same frequency as whole equalized embryos. Possible explanations for impaired morphogenesis in SDS-treated embryos are discussed.  相似文献   

The experimental removal of the polar lobe, an anucleate cytoplasmic protrusion formed in preparation for the first cleavage, from the egg of Ilyanassa obsoleta results in grossly abnormal embryonic development. In experiments reported here normal and delobed embryos, as well as isolated polar lobes, were incubated with [35S]methionine for 4 hr beginning at the completion of the first cleavage or 21 hr later during epiboly. Proteins were extracted and examined by fluorography after resolution by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In normal embryos the synthesis of several proteins begins or ends between the two stages investigated. In isolated polar lobes a subset of these developmental changes in protein synthesis occurs, indicating that the regulation of these events is independent of concomitant nuclear activity and probably involves selective regulation of the translation of mRNA stored in the eggs. The patterns of protein synthesis in normal embryos and delobed embryos are qualitatively extremely similar, though quantitative differences are also observed. No proteins can be detected which are synthesized exclusively in polar lobes.  相似文献   

Histone H1 subtype complexity and H1 histone subtype synthesis switches were characterized during the development of normal embryos of the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta. The effect of the removal of the third polar lobe on the normal H1 pattern of synthesis was then investigated in the delobed embryo to determine if classical polar lobe effects are accompanied by a perturbation of these patterns. SDS-gel electrophoresis and fluorography of radiolabeled 5% perchloric acid-soluble nuclear extracts resolved six H1 proteins designated bands 1-6. Bands 1-5 migrate as a cluster of individual bands with similar mobilities. Band 6 has a substantially slower mobility. The synthesis of band 6 is predominant during the first 6 hr post-trefoil. During cleavage and gastrulation bands 1 and 2 are predominant while band 3, 4, and 5 become predominant during organogenesis. In addition, it has been found that removal of the polar lobe delays the off-switch of the early bands 6, 1, and 2 and the on-switch of the late bands 3, 4, and 5. This must result in a different H1 composition in the chromatin of the two embryo types. Cell number data of normal and delobed embryos reveal that the delay in subtype synthesis switching is not caused by an overall delay of cell division in the delobed embryo. However, the data indicate that a subpopulation of cells may not divide, or may divide late, in the delayed embryo. The data also suggest that the D cell lineage may be involved in the control of histone synthesis switching in the A, B, and C cell lineages.  相似文献   

Summary The inequality of the first cleavage division of the Chætopterus embryo is caused by the production of a small polar lobe and the internal shifting of the first cleavage spindle. This division produces a two-celled embryo containing a small AB and a large CD blastomere. These blastomeres have different morphogenetic potentials. Only the larvae resulting from isolated CD blastomeres are able to form bioluminescent photocytes, eyes and lateral hooked bristles. The removal of the polar lobe during first cleavage does not have a great effect on development. These lobeless embryos display a normal pattern of cleavages through the time of mesentoblast formation. The resulting larvae are essentially normal, however they do not form functional photocytes. If the CD cell is isolated after the removal of the first polar lobe, the resulting larva is virtually identical to those formed by the intact CD cell except it lacks the photocyte cells. These results indicate that two separate pathways are involved in the segregation of developmental or morphogenetic potential which takes place during first cleavage. One set of factors, which are necessary for photocyte formation, are associated with the first polar lobe. Other factors that are necessary for the formation of the eyes and lateral hooked bristles are segregated by the unequal cleavage which results from an internal shifting of the cleavage spindle. The removal of a large portion of the vegetal region of the embryo during first cleavage leads to the production of larvae which display a decreased ability to form eyes and lateral hooked bristles. These embryos frequently display an abnormal pattern of cleavages. They do not form the primary somatoblast or the mesentoblast. These results indicate that the vegetal region of the CD cell of Chætopterus is analogous to polar lobes which have been studied in other species, and is therefore important in the specification of the D quadrant. These features of the first cleavage of Chætopterus are a combination of those displayed by forms with direct unequal cleavage and other forms which cleave unequally through the production of large polar lobes. The significance of these findings is discussed relative to the origins of these different types of unequal cleavage.  相似文献   

The RNA and DNA content of the normal and lobeless embryo of the Ilyanassa embryo was measured at several stages of embryogenesis. In the lobeless embryo a delay in the net accumulation of RNA and a decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis were observed. It is suggested that the failure of some of the lobe dependent organs to differentiate may be caused by a reduced rate of proliferation of determined embryonic cells.  相似文献   

Ilyanassa obsoleta embryos cleave unequally via the formation of polar lobes, which contain materials essential for the development of larval shell, foot, operculum, statocysts, and eyes. Polar lobe material is shunted to the CD cell during first cleavage and to the D cell during second cleavage. Treatment with cytochalasin B (CB) before first cleavage prevents the formation of the polar lobe and leads to equal cleavage and the equal distribution of lobe material. At second cleavage each cell forms a polar lobe, resulting in a four-cell stage with two large (D) cells and two smaller (C) cells. Embryos equalized with CB frequently display duplications, 68% duplicating two or more larval structures. Embryos with adjacent D cells (CCDD) duplicate statocysts more frequently than embryos with opposite D cells (CDCD), perhaps due to enhanced inductive interactions. When equal cells are separated after first cleavage, resulting larvae develop like CD halves from control embryos. When equal halves are analyzed as pairs and compared with whole, equalized embryos, they duplicate shell, foot, and operculum more frequently. This difference is probably due to masking of duplications of these structures in whole, equalized embryos rather than to general inhibitory interactions between the two D quadrants. These results are discussed with respect to proposals that interactions between D quadrants in equalized embryos may alter developmental capabilities.  相似文献   

The ATP content of the Illyanassa egg, the lobeless egg and the third polar lobe was measured. The third polar lobe contained 37.8 per cent of the ATP of the intact egg.  相似文献   


Surface architecture and selected ultrastructural features of normal embryos of the marine gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta have been investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. A re-examination of the classic account of Anthony Clement on temporal and division patterns in normal and lobeless embryos confirms most of his observations; a few differences, involving the size and positioning of micromere 4d and its derivatives, are noted. Several hypotheses are presented to account for zonular distribution of longer microvilli on some blastomere surfaces and progressive diminution of microvilli on micromere surfaces, especially the leading edge micromeres (LEMs), during postulated epibolic spreading movements. Microfilaments, discovered in the cortical regions of the LEMs, are described, and a role for these structures in gastrulation is proposed.  相似文献   

We have studied the ability of fertilized eggs of Ilyanassa obsoleta to undergo polar lobe formation and cytokinesis in the presence of Ca2+ antagonists (Ca2+ channel blockers, Ca2+ uptake inhibitors). Earlier work had suggested little need for exogenous Ca2+ during these cellular shape changes. Again it appears that exogenous Ca2+ probably is not required, based on cell ability to undergo the shape changes with no, or only minor, delay in the presence of 50 mM La3+ at pH 6.5, 10 mM concentrations of Ni2+ or Co2+, 1 mM Cd2+, and 100 microM concentrations of Mn2+, papaverine, verapamil, D600, or diltiazem. In nominally Ca2+-free seawater (containing approximately 10 microM Ca2+) (CFSW), there still is no effect of Cd2+ (up to 100 microM), Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+, or diltiazem; however, papaverine, verapamil, and D600 in CFSW cause longer delays in the shape changes than they do in the presence of normal levels of Ca2+ (SW). In 10-50 microM nifedipine, shape changes are progressively delayed to the same extent in both SW and CFSW, but more so in CFSW at concentrations above 50 microM nifedipine. Among calmodulin antagonists, trifluoperazine up to 100 microM was without effect, but chlorpromazine at 25-100 microM and calmidazolium at 50-100 microM caused substantial, concentration-dependent delays in the starting times for the shape changes. Methylxanthines caused a substantial speed-up in the starting times for both polar lobe formation and cytokinesis. The most effective of these, caffeine, at optimal concentrations of 0.7-10 mM in SW or CFSW caused shape changes to occur 12-15 min earlier than in controls undergoing a normal 50-min cycle. Caffeine is known to cause release of Ca2+ from muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. A putative antagonist of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, TMB-8, significantly inhibited the shape changes of the Ilyanassa cells, whereas a variety of inhibitors of exogenous Ca2+ uptake noted above did not inhibit. We conclude that Ca2+ may be necessary for polar lobe formation and cytokinesis in Ilyanassa cells, but that it may be released from intracellular, sequestered stores rather than derived from exogenous sources.  相似文献   

Much of the protein synthesis during early development in Ilyanassaresults from the translation of oogenetic mRNA. We show thatmicrotubule proteins are products of this translation, and thattheir synthesis is subject to translation level regulation.We also show that translation level regulation is involved inthe function of the polar lobe by making comparisons of theelectrophoretic patterns of synthesis of 14C labeled proteinsof normal embryos with the patterns of synthesis of 3H labeledproteins of embryos from which the polar lobes had been removedat the trefoil stage. Controls utilizing biochemical and morphologicalmarkers were performed to assure that normal and delobed embryoswere developing at equivalent rates. The expression of significantdifferences in the patterns of protein synthesis were foundbetween normal and delobed embryos, and these differences werenot dependent upon concomitant RNA synthesis. These differenceswere observable as early as after only 24 hours of development,although organogenesis does not begin until much later in development.Therefore, the observed differences probably reflect determinativeevents. The results support the hypothesis that the developmentaldeterminants of the polar lobe may include specific, preformedmRNA sequences, or specific regulators of translation.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the patterns of synthesis of 14C-labeled proteins of normal embryos of Ilyanassa with the patterns of synthesis of 3H-labeled proteins of embryos from which the polar lobes had been removed at the trefoil stage were made by coelectrophoresis on polyacrylamide disc gels. Controls utilizing biochemical and morphological markers were performed to assure that normal and delobed embryos were developing at equivalent rates. The expression of significant differences in the patterns of protein synthesis were found between normal and delobed embryos, and these differences were not dependent upon concomitant RNA synthesis. These differences were observable as early as after only 24 hr of development, although organogenesis does not begin until much later in development. Therefore, the observed differences probably reflect determininative events. The results support the hypothesis that the developmental determinants of the polar lobe may include specific, preformed mRNA sequences, or specific regulators of translation.  相似文献   

The spectrum of low molecular weight compounds, in particular of ribonucleotides, within first cleavage stage embryos of the polar lobe-forming mollusc Nassarius reticulatus and the distribution of the compounds within the embryo at the trefoil stage of first cleavage are analysed by means of capillary isotachophoresis after 0.5 M PCA extraction. The compounds which are found in the whole trefoil embryo (T), the lobeless part (LL), and the polar lobe (PL) respectively, and the mean quantities (nmol. microliter-1; n = 6) are: UTP (11.5, 4.8, 5.6), ITP (8.5, 3.6, 5.0), GTP (10.3, 3.0, 9.0), ATP (29.8, 13.4, 18.8), UDP (11.8, 3.4, 8.7), CTP (8.0, 3.1, 4.5), GDP (5.3, 2.6, 3.4), ADP (16.5, 6.1, 11.6), CDP (4.0, 1.4, 2.6), GMP (4.7, 2.7, 4.3), glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) (53.5, 38.8, 13.0). These compounds appear to be localized in the non-yolk cytoplasmic pool. As the volume ratio of PL/LL for total volume and for non-yolk cytoplasmic volume is about 0.74 and 0.60 respectively, the concentration of all nucleotides in PL as compared to LL is significantly higher (HO, p less than 0.001), both relative to the total volume and to the non-yolk cytoplasmic volume. The G6P concentration is considerably higher in the lobeless part. The morphogenetic role of the vegetal pole compartment of the egg apparently is correlated with a relatively high level of its nucleotide contents.  相似文献   

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