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This study was conducted to determine whether hypohydration (Hy) alters blood flow, skin temperature, or cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD) during peripheral cooling. Fourteen subjects sat in a thermoneutral environment (27 degrees C) during 15-min warm-water (42 degrees C) and 30-min cold-water (4 degrees C) finger immersion (FI) while euhydrated (Eu) and, again, during Hy. Hy (-4% body weight) was induced before FI by exercise-heat exposure (38 degrees C, 30% relative humidity) with no fluid replacement, whereas during Eu, fluid intake maintained body weight. Finger pad blood flow [as measured by laser-Doppler flux (LDF)] and nail bed (T(nb)), pad (T(pad)), and core (T(c)) temperatures were measured. LDF decreased similarly during Eu and Hy (32 +/- 10 and 33 +/- 13% of peak during warm-water immersion). Mean T(nb) and T(pad) were similar between Eu (7.1 +/- 1.0 and 11.5 +/- 1.6 degrees C) and Hy (7.4 +/- 1.3 and 12.6 +/- 2.1 degrees C). CIVD parameters (e.g., nadir, onset time, apex) were similar between trials, except T(pad) nadir was higher during Hy (10.4 +/- 3.8 degrees C) than during Eu (7.9 +/- 1.6 degrees C), which was attributed to higher T(c) in six subjects during Hy (37.5 +/- 0.2 degrees C), compared with during Eu (37.1 +/- 0.1 degrees C). The results of this study provide no evidence that Hy alters finger blood flow, skin temperature, or CIVD during peripheral cooling.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of menstrual cycle on the ventilatory sensitivity to rising body temperature, ten healthy women exercised for ~60 min on a cycle ergometer at 50% of peak oxygen uptake during the follicular and luteal phases of their cycle. Esophageal temperature, mean skin temperature, mean body temperature, minute ventilation, and tidal volume were all significantly higher at baseline and during exercise in the luteal phase than the follicular phase. On the other hand, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide was significantly lower during exercise in the luteal phase than the follicular phase. Plotting ventilatory parameters against esophageal temperature revealed there to be no significant menstrual cycle-related differences in the slopes or intercepts of the regression lines, although minute ventilation and tidal volume did significantly differ during exercise with mild hyperthermia. To evaluate the cutaneous vasodilatory response, relative laser-Doppler flowmetry values were plotted against mean body temperature, which revealed that the mean body temperature threshold for cutaneous vasodilation was significantly higher in the luteal phase than the follicular phase, but there were no significant differences in the sensitivity or peak values. These results suggest that the menstrual cycle phase influences the cutaneous vasodilatory response during exercise and the ventilatory response at rest and during exercise with mild hyperthermia, but it does not influence ventilatory responses during exercise with moderate hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Isnard, Richard, Philippe Lechat, Hanna Kalotka, HafidaChikr, Serge Fitoussi, Joseph Salloum, Jean-Louis Golmard, Daniel Thomas, and Michel Komajda. Muscular blood flow response to submaximal leg exercise in normal subjects and in patients with heartfailure. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6):2571-2579, 1996.Blood flow to working skeletal muscle is usuallyreduced during exercise in patients with congestive heart failure. Anintrinsic impairment of skeletal muscle vasodilatory capacity has beensuspected as a mechanism of this muscle underperfusion during maximalexercise, but its role during submaximal exercise remains unclear.Therefore, we studied by transcutaneous Doppler ultrasonography thearterial blood flow in the common femoral artery at rest and during asubmaximal bicycle exercise in 12 normal subjects and in 30 patientswith heart failure. Leg blood flow was lower in patientsthan in control subjects at rest [0.29 ± 0.14 (SD) vs. 0.45 ± 0.14 l/min, P < 0.01], at absolute powers and at the same relative power (2.17 ± 1.06 vs. 4.39 ± 1.4 l/min, P < 0.001). Because mean arterial pressure was maintained, leg vascularresistance was higher in patients than in control subjects at rest (407 ± 187 vs. 247 ± 71 mmHg · l1 · min,P < 0.01) and at thesame relative power (73 ± 49 vs. 31 ± 13 mmHg · l1 · min,P < 0.01) but not at absolutepowers. Although the magnitude of increase in leg blood flow correctedfor power was similar in both groups (31 ± 10 vs. 34 ± 10 ml · min1 · W1),the magnitude of decrease of leg vascular resistance corrected forpower was higher in patients than in control subjects (5.9 ± 3.3 vs. 1.9 ± 0.94 mmHg · l1 · min · W1,P < 0.001). These results suggestthat the ability of skeletal muscle vascular resistance to decrease isnot impaired and that intrinsic vascular abnormalities do not limitvasodilator response to submaximal exercise in patients with heartfailure.


We examined whether an increase in skin temperature or the rate of increase in core body temperature influences the relationship between minute ventilation (Ve) and core temperature during prolonged exercise in the heat. Thirteen subjects exercised for 60 min on a cycle ergometer at 50% of peak oxygen uptake while wearing a suit perfused with water at 10 degrees C (T10), 35 degrees C (T35), or 45 degrees C (T45). During the exercise, esophageal temperature (Tes), skin temperature, heart rate (HR), Ve, tidal volume, respiratory frequency (f), respiratory gases, blood pressure (BP), and blood lactate were all measured. We found that oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, BP, and blood lactate did not differ among the sessions. Tes, HR, Ve, and f remained nearly constant from minute 10 onward in the T10 session, but all of these parameters progressively increased in the T35 and T45 sessions, and significantly higher levels were seen in the T45 than the T35 session. For all but two subjects in the T35 and T45 sessions, plotting Ve as a function of Tes revealed no threshold for hyperventilation; instead, increases in Ve were linearly related to Tes, and there were no significant differences in the slopes or intercepts between the T35 and T45 sessions. Thus, during prolonged submaximal exercise in the heat, Ve increases with core temperature, and the influences of skin temperature and the rate of increase in Tes on the relationship between Ve and Tes are apparently small.  相似文献   

The relationship between body temperature and the hunting response (intermittent supply of warm blood to cold exposed extremities) was quantified for nine subjects by immersing one hand in 8°C water while their body was either warm, cool or comfortable. Core and skin temperatures were manipulated by exposing the subjects to different ambient temperatures (30, 22, or 15°C), by adjusting their clothing insulation (moderate, light, or none), and by drinking beverages at different temperatures (43, 37 and 0°C). The middle finger temperature (T fi) response was recorded, together with ear canal (T ear), rectal (T re), and mean skin temperature ( sk). The induced mean T ear changes were −0.34 (0.08) and +0.29 (0.03)°C following consumption of the cold and hot beverage, respectively. sk ranged from 26.7 to 34.5°C during the tests. In the warm environment after a hot drink, the initial finger temperature (T fi,base) was 35.3 (0.4)°C, the minimum finger temperature during immersion (T fi,min) was 11.3 (0.5)°C, and 2.6 (0.4) hunting waves occurred in the 30-min immersion period. In the neutral condition (thermoneutral room and beverage) T fi,base was 32.1 (1.0)°C, T fi,min was 9.6 (0.3)°C, and 1.6 (0.2) waves occurred. In the cold environment after a cold drink, these values were 19.3 (0.9)°C, 8.7 (0.2)°C, and 0.8 (0.2) waves, respectively. A colder body induced a decrease in the magnitude and frequency of the hunting response. The total heat transferred from the hand to the water, as estimated by the area under the middle finger temperature curve, was also dependent upon the induced increase or decrease in T ear and sk. We conclude that the characteristics of the hunting temperature response curve of the finger are in part determined by core temperature and sk. Both T fi,min and the maximal finger temperature during immersion were higher when the core temperature was elevated; sk seemed to be an important determinant of the onset time of the cold-induced vasodilation response. Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   

Kolka, Margaret A., and Lou A. Stephenson. Effect ofluteal phase elevation in core temperature on forearm blood flow duringexercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4):1079-1083, 1997.Forearm blood flow (FBF) as an index of skinblood flow in the forearm was measured in five healthy women by venousocclusion plethysmography during leg exercise at 80% peak aerobicpower and ambient temperature of 35°C (relative humidity 22%;dew-point temperature 10°C). Resting esophagealtemperature (Tes) was 0.3 ± 0.1°C higher in the midluteal than in the early follicular phase ofthe menstrual cycle (P < 0.05).Resting FBF was not different between menstrual cycle phases. TheTes threshold for onset of skinvasodilation was higher (37.4 ± 0.2°C) in midluteal than inearly follicular phase (37.0 ± 0.1°C; P < 0.05). The slope of the FBF toTes relationship was not different between menstrual cycle phases (14.0 ± 4.2 ml · 100 ml1 · min1 · °C1for early follicular and 16.3 ± 3.2 ml · 100 ml1 · min1 · °C1for midluteal phase). Plateau FBF was higher during exercise inmidluteal (14.6 ± 2.2 ml · 100 ml1 · min1 · °C1)compared with early follicular phase (10.9 ± 2.4 ml · 100 ml1 · min1 · °C1;P < 0.05). The attenuation of theincrease in FBF to Tes occurred when Tes was 0.6°C higher andat higher FBF in midluteal than in early follicular experiments(P < 0.05). In summary, the FBF response is different during exercise in the two menstrual cycle phasesstudied. After the attenuation of the increase in FBF and whileTes was still increasing, thegreater FBF in the midluteal phase may have been due to the effects ofincreased endogenous reproductive endocrines on the cutaneousvasculature.


The American College of Sports Medicine recommends lifting a weight of at least 70% 1RM to achieve muscular hypertrophy as it is believed that anything below this intensity rarely produces substantial muscle growth. At least part of this recommendation is related to elevated systemic hormones following heavy resistance training being associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Despite benefits of high intensity resistance training, many individuals are unable to withstand the high mechanical stresses placed upon the joints during heavy resistance training. Blood flow restricted exercise offers a novel mode of exercise allowing skeletal muscle hypertrophy at low intensities, however the testosterone response to this exercise has yet to be discussed. The acute and chronic testosterone response to blood flow restricted exercise appears to be minimal when examining the current literature. Despite this lack of response, notable increases in both size and strength are observed with this type of exercise, which seems to support that systemic increases of endogenous testosterone are not necessary for muscular hypertrophy to occur. However, definitive conclusions cannot be made without a more thorough analysis of responses of androgen receptor density following blood flow restricted exercise. It may also be that there are differing mechanisms underlying hypertrophy induced by high intensity resistance training and via blood flow restricted exercise.  相似文献   

Colonic temperature response of rats during exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Under normal physiological conditions, coronary blood flow is closely matched with the rate of myocardial oxygen consumption. This matching of flow and metabolism is physiologically important due to the limited oxygen extraction reserve of the heart. Thus, when myocardial oxygen consumption is increased, as during exercise, coronary vasodilation and increased oxygen delivery are critical to preventing myocardial underperfusion and ischemia. Exercise coronary vasodilation is thought to be mediated primarily by the production of local metabolic vasodilators released from cardiomyocytes secondary to an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption. However, despite various investigations into this mechanism, the mediator(s) of metabolic coronary vasodilation remain unknown. As will be seen in this review, the adenosine, K(+)(ATP) channel and nitric oxide hypotheses have been found to be inadequate, either alone or in combination as multiple redundant compensatory mechanisms. Prostaglandins and potassium are also not important in steady-state coronary flow regulation. Other factors such as ATP and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors have been proposed as potential local metabolic factors, but have not been examined during exercise coronary vasodilation. In contrast, norepinephrine released from sympathetic nerve endings mediates a feed-forward betaadrenoceptor coronary vasodilation that accounts for approximately 25% of coronary vasodilation observed during exercise. There is also a feed-forward alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction that helps maintain blood flow to the vulnerable subendocardium when heart rate, myocardial contractility, and oxygen consumption are elevated during exercise. Control of coronary blood flow during pathophysiological conditions such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and heart failure is also addressed.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow during static exercise in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was determined in humans at rest and during four consecutive unilateral static contractions of the knee extensors. Each contraction was maintained for 3 min 15 s with the subjects in a semisupine position. The contractions corresponded to 8, 16, 24, and 32% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and utilized alternate legs. CBF (measured by the 133Xe clearance technique) was expressed by a noncompartmental flow index (ISI). Heart rate and mean arterial pressure increased from resting values of 73 (55-80) beats/min and 88 (74-104) mmHg to 106 (86-138) beats/min and 124 (102-146) mmHg, respectively (P less than 0.0005), during the contraction at 32% MVC. Arterial PCO2 and central venous pressure did not change. Corrected to the average resting PCO2, CBF during control was 55 (35-73) ml.100 g-1.min-1 and remained constant during contractions. Cerebral vascular resistance increased from 1.5 (1.0-2.2) to 2.4 (1.4-3.0) mmHg. 100 g.min.ml-1 (P less than 0.025) at 32% of MVC. There was no difference in CBF between the two hemispheres at rest or during exercise. In contrast to dynamic leg exercise, static leg exercise is not associated with an increase in global CBF when measured by the 133Xe clearance technique.  相似文献   

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