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Most commercial cultivars of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., are susceptible to early blight (EB), a devastating fungal (Alternaria solani Sorauer) disease of tomato in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. Currently, sanitation, long crop rotation, and routine application of fungicides are the most common disease control measures. Although no source of genetic resistance is known within the cultivated species of tomato, resistant resources have been identified within related wild species. The purpose of this study was to identify and validate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring EB resistance in an accession (PI126445) of the tomato wild species L. hirsutum Humb. and Bonpl. by using a selective genotyping approach. A total of 820 BC1 plants of a cross between an EB susceptible tomato breeding line (NC84173; maternal and recurrent parent) and PI126445 were grown in a greenhouse. During late seedling stage, plants were inoculated with mixed isolates of A. solani and subsequently evaluated for EB symptoms. The most resistant (75 plants = 9.1%) and most susceptible (80 = 9.8%) plants were selected and subsequently transplanted into a field where natural infestation of EB was severe. Plants were grown to maturity and evaluated for final disease severity. From among the 75 resistant plants, 46 (5.6% of the total) that exhibited the highest resistance, and from among the 80 susceptible plants, 30 (3.7% of the total) that exhibited the highest susceptibility, were selected. The 76 selected plants, representing the two extreme tails of the response distribution, were genotyped for 145 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and 34 resistance gene analogs (RGAs). A genetic linkage map, spanning approximately 1298 cM of the 12 tomato chromosomes with an average marker distance of 7.3 cM, was constructed. A trait-based marker analysis (TBA), which measures differences in marker allele frequencies between extreme tails of a population, detected seven QTLs for EB resistance, one on each of chromosomes 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11. Of these, all but the QTL on chromosome 3 were contributed from the resistant wild parent, PI126445. The standardized effects of the QTLs ranged from 0.45 to 0.81 phenotypic standard deviations. Four of the seven QTLs were previously identified in a study where different populations and mapping strategy were used. The high level of correspondence between the two studies indicated the reliability of the detected QTLs and their potential use for marker-assisted breeding for EB resistance. The location of several RGAs coincided with locations of EB QTLs or known tomato resistance genes (R genes), suggesting that these RGAs could be associated with disease resistance. Furthermore, similar to that for many R gene families, several RGA loci were identified in clusters, suggesting their potential evolutionary relationship with R genes.  相似文献   

Field resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, the causal agent of late blight in potatoes, has been characterized in a potato segregating family of 230 full-sib progenies derived from a cross between two hybrid Solanum phureja × S. stenotomum clones. The distribution of area under the disease progress curve values, measured in different years and locations, was consistent with the inheritance of multigenic resistance. Relatively high levels of resistance and transgressive segregations were also observed within this family. A genetic linkage map of this population was constructed with the intent of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with this late blight field resistance. A total of 132 clones from this family were genotyped based on 162 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The genome coverage by the map (855.2 cM) is estimated to be at least 70% and includes 112 segregating RFLP markers and two phenotypic markers, with an average distance of 7.7 cM between two markers. Two methods were employed to determine trait–marker association, the non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test and interval mapping analysis. Three major QTLs were detected on linkage group III, V, and XI, explaining 23, 17, and 10%, respectively, of the total phenotypic variation. The present study revealed the presence of potentially new genetic loci in this diploid potato family contributing to general resistance against late blight. The identification of these QTLs represents the first step toward their introgression into cultivated tetraploid potato cultivars through marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Improvement of resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a continuous challenge for durum wheat breeders, particularly due to the limited genetic variation within this crop species. We accordingly generated a backcross-derived mapping population using the type 2 FHB resistant Triticum dicoccoides line Mt. Gerizim #36 as donor and the modern Austrian T. durum cultivar Helidur as recipient; 103 BC1F6:7 lines were phenotyped for type 2 FHB resistance using single-spikelet inoculations and genotyped with 421 DNA markers (SSR and AFLP). QTL mapping revealed two highly significant QTL, mapping to chromosomes 3A and 6B, respectively. For both QTL the T. dicoccoides allele improved type 2 FHB resistance. Recombinant lines with both favorable alleles fixed conferred high resistance to FHB similar to that observed in the T. dicoccoides parent. The results appear directly applicable for durum wheat resistance breeding.  相似文献   


Key message

Ten QTL underlying the accumulation of Zn and Fe in the grain were mapped in a set of RILs bred from the cross Triticum spelta × T. aestivum . Five of these loci (two for Zn and three for Fe) were consistently detected across seven environments.


The genetic basis of accumulation in the grain of Zn and Fe was investigated via QTL mapping in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population bred from a cross between Triticum spelta and T. aestivum. The concentration of the two elements was measured from grain produced in three locations over two consecutive cropping seasons and from a greenhouse trial. The range in Zn and Fe concentration across the RILs was, respectively, 18.8–73.5 and 25.3–59.5 ppm, and the concentrations of the two elements were positively correlated with one another (rp =+0.79). Ten QTL (five each for Zn and Fe accumulation) were detected, mapping to seven different chromosomes. The chromosome 2B and 6A grain Zn QTL were consistently expressed across environments. The proportion of the phenotype explained (PVE) by QZn.bhu-2B was >16 %, and the locus was closely linked to the SNP marker 1101425|F|0, while QZn.bhu-6A (7.0 % PVE) was closely linked to DArT marker 3026160|F|0. Of the five Fe QTL detected, three, all mapping to chromosome 1A were detected in all seven environments. The PVE for QFe.bhu-3B was 26.0 %.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a serious disease in wheat and barley affecting both yield and quality. To identify genes for resistance to infection, the RIL population derived from ‘Nanda2419’ × ‘Wangshuibai’ and the parents were evaluated for percentage of infected spikes (PIS) in four different environments. Using a 2,960 cM marker framework map constructed for this population, ten chromosome regions were detected for their association with type I resistance through interval mapping with Mapmaker/QTL, among which QTLs mapped in the intervals of Xwmc349~Xgwm149 on chromosome 4B, of Xwmc96~Xgwm304 on chromosome 5A and of Xgwm408~Xbarc140 on chromosome 5B were revealed in at least three environments and have Wangshuibai as the source of resistance alleles. Qfhi.nau-4B and Qfhi.nau-5A had larger effects and explained up to 17.5 and 27.0% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. To detect epistasis QTLs, two-locus interactions were examined by whole genome scan. Interactions of five locus pairs were found to have significant effects on type I resistance with the LOD score ranging 3.8–6.5 and four of them conferred resistance in parental phase. The one with the most significant effect was Xcfd42~Xgwm469 (6D)/Xwmc390-2~Xbd04 (2A) pair. No QTL × E interaction was detected for PIS. It was found that flowering time did not have significant effects on PIS in this population. Our studies indicated that Wangshuibai is useful for breeding for both type I and type II scab resistance and the markers associated with the QTLs could be used in marker-assisted selection and isolation of scab-resistance QTLs. F. Lin and S.L. Xue equally contributed to this article  相似文献   


Key message

Phytophthora infestans resistant somatic hybrids of S. × michoacanum (+) S. tuberosum and autofused 4 x S. × michoacanum were obtained. Our material is promising to introgress resistance from S. × michoacanum into cultivated potato background.


Solanum × michoacanum (Bitter.) Rydb. (mch) is a wild diploid (2n = 2x = 24) potato species derived from spontaneous cross of S. bulbocastanum and S. pinnatisectum. This hybrid is a 1 EBN (endosperm balance number) species and can cross effectively only with other 1 EBN species. Plants of mch are resistant to Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary. To introgress late blight resistance genes from mch into S. tuberosum (tbr), genepool somatic hybridization between mch and susceptible diploid potato clones (2n = 2x = 24) or potato cultivar Rywal (2n = 4x = 48) was performed. In total 18,775 calli were obtained from postfusion products from which 1,482 formed shoots. The Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR), Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses confirmed hybrid nature of 228 plants and 116 autofused 4x mch. After evaluation of morphological features, flowering, pollen stainability, tuberization and ploidy level, 118 somatic hybrids and 116 autofused 4x mch were tested for late blight resistance using the detached leaf assay. After two seasons of testing three somatic hybrids and 109 4x mch were resistant. Resistant forms have adequate pollen stainability for use in crossing programme and are a promising material useful for introgression resistance from mch into the cultivated potato background.  相似文献   

Heading date is a key trait for the adaptation of barley to Mediterranean environments. We studied the genetic control of flowering time under Northern Spanish (Mediterranean) conditions using a new population derived from the spring/winter cross Beka/Mogador. A set of 120 doubled haploid lines was evaluated in the field, and under controlled temperature and photoperiod conditions. Genotyping was carried out with 215 markers (RFLP, STS, RAPD, AFLP, SSR), including markers for vernalization candidate genes, HvBM5 (Vrn-H1), HvZCCT (Vrn-H2), and HvT SNP22 (Ppd-H1). Four major QTL, and the interactions between them, accounted for most of the variation in both field (71–92%) and greenhouse trials (55–86%). These were coincident with the location of the major genes for response to vernalization and short photoperiod (Ppd-H2 on chromosome 1H). A major QTL, near the centromere of chromosome 2H was the most important under autumn sowing conditions. Although it is detected under all conditions, its action seems not independent from environmental cues. An epistatic interaction involving the two vernalization genes was detected when the plants were grown without vernalization and under long photoperiod. The simultaneous presence of the winter Mogador allele at the two loci produced a marked delay in heading date, beyond a mere additive effect. This interaction, combined with the effect of the gene responsive to short photoperiod, Ppd-H2, was found responsible of the phenomenon known as short-day vernalization, present in some of the lines of the population. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Coccidiosis is a major parasitic disease that causes huge economic losses to the poultry industry. Its pathogenicity leads to depression of body weight gain, lesions and, in the most serious cases, death in affected animals. Genetic variability for resistance to coccidiosis in the chicken has been demonstrated and if this natural resistance could be exploited, it would reduce the costs of the disease. Previously, a design to characterize the genetic regulation of Eimeria tenella resistance was set up in a Fayoumi × Leghorn F2 cross. The 860 F2 animals of this design were phenotyped for weight gain, plasma coloration, hematocrit level, intestinal lesion score and body temperature. In the work reported here, the 860 animals were genotyped for a panel of 1393 (157 microsatellites and 1236 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers that cover the sequenced genome (i.e. the 28 first autosomes and the Z chromosome). In addition, with the aim of finding an index capable of explaining a large amount of the variance associated with resistance to coccidiosis, a composite factor was derived by combining the variables of all these traits in a single variable. QTL detection was performed by linkage analysis using GridQTL and QTLMap. Single and multi-QTL models were applied.


Thirty-one QTL were identified i.e. 27 with the single-QTL model and four with the multi-QTL model and the average confidence interval was 5.9 cM. Only a few QTL were common with the previous study that used the same design but focused on the 260 more extreme animals that were genotyped with the 157 microsatellites only. Major differences were also found between results obtained with QTLMap and GridQTL.


The medium-density SNP panel made it possible to genotype new regions of the chicken genome (including micro-chromosomes) that were involved in the genetic control of the traits investigated. This study also highlights the strong variations in QTL detection between different models and marker densities.  相似文献   

Seed quality in tomato is associated with many complex physiological and genetic traits. While plant processes are frequently controlled by the action of small‐ to large‐effect genes that follow classic Mendelian inheritance, our study suggests that seed quality is primarily quantitative and genetically complex. Using a recombinant inbred line population of Solanum lycopersicum × Solanum pimpinellifolium, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing seed quality phenotypes under non‐stress, as well as salt, osmotic, cold, high‐temperature and oxidative stress conditions. In total, 42 seed quality traits were analysed and 120 QTLs were identified for germination traits under different conditions. Significant phenotypic correlations were observed between germination traits under optimal conditions, as well as under different stress conditions. In conclusion, one or more QTLs were identified for each trait with some of these QTLs co‐locating. Co‐location of QTLs for different traits can be an indication that a locus has pleiotropic effects on multiple traits due to a common mechanistic basis. However, several QTLs also dissected seed quality in its separate components, suggesting different physiological mechanisms and signalling pathways for different seed quality attributes.  相似文献   

Seed yield mega-environment-universal and specific QTL (QTLU and QTLSP, respectively) linked to Satt100, Satt130, Satt162, Satt194, Satt259 Satt277 and Sat_126, have been identified in a population derived from a cross between a Chinese and a Canadian soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] elite line. The variation observed in yield could be the consequence of the variation of agronomic traits. Yield-component traits have been reported in the literature, but a better understanding of their impact at the molecular level is still lacking. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify traits correlated with yield and to determine if the yield QTLU and QTLSP were co-localized with QTLU and QTLSP associated with an agronomic trait. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was developed from a cross between a high-yielding adapted Canadian and a high-yielding exotic Chinese soybean elite line. The RIL were evaluated in multiple environments in China and Canada during the period from 2004 to 2006. Four yield QTLU, tagged by markers Satt100, Satt277, Satt162 and Sat_126, were co-localized with a QTL associated with an agronomic trait, behaving as either QTLU or QTLSP for the agronomic trait. For example, the yield QTLU, tagged by marker Satt100 was associated also with 100 seed weight, pods per plant, pods per node, plant height, R1, R5, R8, oil content and protein content in all Canadian environments, but only with pods per plant, pods per node, plant height, R1, R5, R8 and oil content in two or more Chinese environments. No agronomic traits QTL were co-localized with the yield QTLU tagged by the marker Satt139 or the yield QTLSP tagged by Satt259, suggesting a physiological basis of the yield in these QTL. The results suggest that a successful introgression of crop productivity alleles from plant introductions into an adapted germplasm could be facilitated by the use of both the QTLU and QTLSP because each type of QTL contributed either directly or indirectly through yield-component traits to seed yield of RILs.  相似文献   

Modern soybean [(Glycine max (L.) Merrill] breeding programs rely primarily on the use of elite × elite line crosses to develop high-yielding cultivars. Favorable alleles for traits of interest have been found in exotic germplasm but the successful introduction of such alleles has been hampered by the lack of adaptation of the exotic parent to local mega-environment and difficulties in identifying superior progeny from elite × exotic crosses. The objective of this study was to use a population derived from a cross between an adapted and an exotic elite line to understand the genetic causes underlying adaptation to two mega-environments (China and Canada). A cross between a high-yielding Canadian cultivar ‘OAC Millennium’ and an elite Chinese cultivar ‘Heinong 38’ was performed to develop a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. The RIL population was evaluated in China and Canada in multiple environments from 2004 to 2006. Significant variation for seed yield was observed among the RILs in both the Chinese and Canadian environment. Individual RILs performed differently between the Chinese and Canadian environments suggesting differential adaptation to intercontinental mega-environments. Seven seed yield quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified of which five were mega-environment universal QTL (linked to markers Satt100, Satt162, Satt277, Sat_126, and the interval of Satt139-Sat_042) and two were mega-environment-specific QTL (at marker intervals, Satt194-SOYGPA and Satt259-Satt576). Seed yield QTL located near Satt277 has been confirmed and new QTL have been identified explaining between 9 and 37% of the phenotypic variation in seed yield. The QTL located near Satt100 explained the greatest amount of variation ranging from 18 to 37% per environment. Broad sense heritability ranged from 89 to 64% among environments. Epistatic effects have been identified in both mega-environments with pairs of markers explaining between 9 and 14% of the phenotypic variation in seed yield. An improved understanding of the type of QTL action as either universal or mega-environment-specific QTL as well as their interaction may facilitate the development of strategies to introgress specific high-yielding alleles from Chinese to North American germplasm and vice versa to sustain efforts in breeding of high-yielding soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

Scab disease caused by Fusarium spp. has been a major concern for both wheat producers and consumers. Deployment of scab-resistant varieties is the major strategy to curb this disease. To identify the scab resistance genes in wheat cv. Wangshuibai, we produced a F6:7 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population by crossing Wangshuibai with the scab-susceptible cultivar Nanda2419. The RILs were evaluated for scab resistance in the field by single floret inoculation in two replicates in 2002 and one replicate in 2003. The number of diseased spikelets (NDS) and the length of diseased rachides (LDR) were investigated to reflect the Type II resistance. Among 654 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers surveyed, 326 were found to be polymorphic between the parents. A partial molecular map was constructed with these markers that covered over 2,210 cM of the wheat genome. Six chromosome regions showed association with both NDS and LDR in a one-way anova analysis, even though the variation explained by them varied between the two traits. Eight intervals were detected for their association with Type II resistance through interval mapping, five of which were not identified in single-point analysis. The quantitative trait loci (QTL) with large effects were the ones in the interval of Xgwm533-3–Xgwm533-1 on chromosome 3B and in the interval of Xwmc539–Xbarc024 on chromosome 6B, whose alleles favoring resistance originate from Wangshuibai. In addition, a QTL whose resistance allele originated from Nanda2419 was consistently detected in the interval of Xs1021m–Xgwm47-1 on chromosome 2B. These results suggest that Wangshuibai is the major source for Type II resistance in this population. The markers associated with these QTL would facilitate the use of scab-resistant genes of Wangshuibai in scab resistance breeding programs of wheat.F. Lin and Z.X. Kong have equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

Adult plant resistance to stripe (yellow) rust in the wheat cultivar Kariega has previously been ascribed to a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on each of chromosomes 2B and 7D, along with a number of minor QTL. We have extended both the size of the cv. Kariega × cv. Avocet S mapping population, and the marker coverage within it, by assembling a set of Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers. This has allowed for the analysis of the genetic basis of the adult plant and seedling resistances to stripe, leaf and stem rust present in the two mapping population parents. The stripe rust reactions of the segregating material were assessed in both field (three scoring dates) and greenhouse experiments. The chromosome 2B QTL became more important than the Lr34/Yr18 complex on chromosome 7D as the plants aged. As the infection progressed, the two QTL explained an increasing proportion of the variance for percentage leaf area infected. The cv. Kariega allele at the minor chromosome 4A QTL had a consistent effect on the severity of stripe rust infection and the overall plant reaction at the earlier scoring dates, but lost importance as the disease progressed. Several rust resistances were detected using an improved greenhouse-based test.  相似文献   


Key message

QTL mapping in multiple families identifies trait-specific and pleiotropic QTL for biomass yield and plant height in triticale.


Triticale shows a broad genetic variation for biomass yield which is of interest for a range of purposes, including bioenergy. Plant height is a major contributor to biomass yield and in this study, we investigated the genetic architecture underlying biomass yield and plant height by multiple-line cross QTL mapping. We employed 647 doubled haploid lines from four mapping populations that have been evaluated in four environments and genotyped with 1710 DArT markers. Twelve QTL were identified for plant height and nine for biomass yield which cross-validated explained 59.6 and 38.2 % of the genotypic variance, respectively. A major QTL for both traits was identified on chromosome 5R which likely corresponds to the dominant dwarfing gene Ddw1. In addition, we detected epistatic QTL for plant height and biomass yield which, however, contributed only little to the genetic architecture of the traits. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the potential of genomic approaches for a knowledge-based improvement of biomass yield in triticale.  相似文献   

We performed QTL analyses for pigment content on a carotenoid biosynthesis function map based on progeny of a wild white carrot (QAL) which accumulates no pigments × domesticated orange carrot (B493), one of the richest sources of carotenoid pigments—mainly provitamin A α- and β- carotenes. Two major interacting loci, Y and Y 2 on linkage groups 2 and 5, respectively, control much variation for carotenoid accumulation in carrot roots. They are associated with carotenoid biosynthetic genes zeaxanthin epoxidase and carotene hydroxylase and carotenoid dioxygenase gene family members as positional candidate genes. Dominant Y allele inhibits carotenoid accumulation. When Y is homozygous recessive, carotenoids that accumulate are either only xanthophylls in Y 2 __ plants, or both carotenes and xanthophylls, in y 2 y 2 plants. These two genes played a major role in carrot domestication and account for the significant role that modern carrot plays in vitamin A nutrition.  相似文献   


Key message

A major QTL controlling early flowering in broccoli × cabbage was identified by marker analysis and next-generation sequencing, corresponding to GRF6 gene conditioning flowering time in Arabidopsis.


Flowering is an important agronomic trait for hybrid production in broccoli and cabbage, but the genetic mechanism underlying this process is unknown. In this study, segregation analysis with BC1P1, BC1P2, F2, and F2:3 populations derived from a cross between two inbred lines “195” (late-flowering) and “93219” (early flowering) suggested that flowering time is a quantitative trait. Next, employing a next-generation sequencing-based whole-genome QTL-seq strategy, we identified a major genomic region harboring a robust flowering time QTL using an F2 mapping population, designated Ef2.1 on cabbage chromosome 2 for early flowering. Ef2.1 was further validated by indel (insertion or deletion) marker-based classical QTL mapping, explaining 51.5% (LOD = 37.67) and 54.0% (LOD = 40.5) of the phenotypic variation in F2 and F2:3 populations, respectively. Combined QTL-seq and classical QTL analysis narrowed down Ef1.1 to a 228-kb genomic region containing 29 genes. A cabbage gene, Bol024659, was identified in this region, which is a homolog of GRF6, a major gene regulating flowering in Arabidopsis, and was designated BolGRF6. qRT-PCR study of the expression level of BolGRF6 revealed significantly higher expression in the early flowering genotypes. Taken together, our results provide support for BolGRF6 as a possible candidate gene for early flowering in the broccoli line 93219. The identified candidate genomic regions and genes may be useful for molecular breeding to improve broccoli and cabbage flowering times.

Fire blight is the most important bacterial disease in apple (Malus?×? domestica) and pear (Pyrus communis) production. Today, the causal bacterium Erwinia amylovora is present in many apple- and pear-growing areas. We investigated the natural resistance of the wild apple Malus?×? robusta 5 against E. amylovora, previously mapped to linkage group 3. With a fine-mapping approach on a population of 2,133 individuals followed by phenotyping of the recombinants from the region of interest, we developed flanking markers useful for marker-assisted selection. Open reading frames were predicted on the sequence of a BAC spanning the resistance locus. One open reading frame coded for a protein belonging to the NBS–LRR family. The in silico investigation of the structure of the candidate resistance gene against fire blight of M.?×? robusta 5, FB_MR5, led us hypothesize the presence of a coiled-coil region followed by an NBS and an LRR-like structure with the consensus ‘LxxLx[IL]xxCxxLxxL’. The function of FB_MR5 was predicted in agreement with the decoy/guard model, that FB_MR5 monitors the transcribed RIN4_MR5, a homolog of RIN4 of Arabidopsis thaliana that could interact with the previously described effector AvrRpt2EA of E. amylovora.  相似文献   

Compared to maize and temperate grasses, sorghum has received less attention in terms of improving cell wall components. The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) with main effects, epistatic and pleiotropic effects along with QTL × environment (QE) interactions controlling fibre-related traits in sorghum. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), cellulose, hemicellulose, fresh leaf mass, stripped stalk mass, dry stalk mass, fresh biomass and dry biomass were analysed from a population of 188 grain × sweet sorghum recombinant inbred lines. A genetic map consisting of 157 DNA markers was constructed, and QTL were detected using composite interval mapping (CIM). CIM detected more than 5 additive QTL per trait explaining 7.1–24.7% of the phenotypic variation. Abundant co-localization of these QTL was observed across all chromosomes, and the highest cluster was identified on chromosome 6. Searching for candidate genes using the confidence interval of our QTL clusters reveals that these clusters might comprise a set of genes that are tightly linked. Some QTL showed multiple effects; however, the allele for each trait was favouring the parent with the increasing effect. QE interactions were observed for QTL showing multiple effects. Additive × additive interaction was observed for 7 out of 10 traits, indicating the importance of epistatic analysis. However, the phenotypic variation explained by digenic interactions was lower compared to the individual QTL. Our results indicate that various genetic components contribute to fibre-related traits and should be considered during the enhancement of sorghum for lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

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