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Summary The present study deals with the localization and ultrastructure of S-100-immunoreactive cells in the human thymus. These immunoreactive cells are distributed mainly in the medulla with some scattered elements in the cortex. Electron-microscopic observation revealed that the cells are characterized by an irregularly shaped nucleus, tubulovesicular structures in the cytoplasm and characteristic interdigitations of the plasma membrane. The cells often embrace lymphocytes with their branched processes. On the basis of these morphological features, the immunostained elements were identified as interdigitating cells (IDCs). The immunocytochemistry for S-100 visualizes the precise distribution and extension of the IDCs under the light microscope and indicates that the IDCs form no structural networks such as those established by the thymic epithelial cells. Since the IDCs in human lymph nodes have also been reported to contain S-100-like immunoreactivity, S-100 protein can be regarded as a useful marker for identifying the IDCs in the human thymus and other lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and distribution of peptidergic nerves in the guinea pig uterus was studied by means of immunocytochemistry using numerous neuropeptide antisera. Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive (IR) nerves were the most abundant, whereas substance P (SP)-, calcitonine gene-related peptide (CGRP)-, and neurokinin A (NKA)-IR nerves were less frequent, and peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI)-IR nerves were the most sparse. Chemical sympathectomy by means of 6-hydroxydopamine, and capsaicin treatment revealed the division of the peptidergic nerves into three separate populations: (1) NPY-IR nerves, which co-existed with adrenergic nerves, (2) SP-, CGRP-and NKA-IR nerves, which mutually co-existed, and (3) PHI-IR nerves. Parallel-running adrenergic/NPY-IR and SP-IR nerves could be found with very similar although not completely identical morphological appearance. Paracervical ganglia contained neurotensin-and dynorphin A-IR cell bodies in addition to cell bodies with immunoreactivities similar to those in prevertebral ganglia. Combined retrograde tracing with True blue and immunocytochemistry showed that the adrenergic and NPY-IR uterine nerves originate in paracervical and prevertebral ganglia. In the prevertebral ganglia the cellular origin was the same for adrenergic and NPY-IR nerves. In contrast, SP-, CGRP-,and NKA-IR nerves originated in dorsal root ganglia. At full-term pregnancy all the neuropeptide immunoreactivities had vanished, probably reflecting a fetus-induced general nerve degeneration.  相似文献   

Microtubules formed in vitro in the presence of S-100 proteins and micromolar Ca2+ concentrations are fewer in number and longer than those formed in the presence of Ca2+ alone. Moreover, microtubules growing after addition of microtubule fragments to a microtubule protein solution in the presence of S-100 are shorter than those growing in its absence. These data lend support to previous results of kinetic studies indicating that S-100 interferes with both the nucleation and the elongation of microtubules in vitro.  相似文献   

Abstract: The dissociation of the 125I-labelled S-100 specifically bound to synaptosomal particulate fractions (SYN) has been studied under a variety of conditions after different association times. The results indicate that after a critical association time of about 20 min at 37°C, the bound protein becomes progressively less accessible to the dissociating agents or conditions employed. These findings support the view that the partial irreversibility of the 125I-labelled S-100 binding to SYN could be due to the formation of a tight complex between the protein and its synaptosomal sites. These data are discussed mainly in relation to the particulate-bound fraction of native S-100.  相似文献   

The homologous proteins S-100a and S-100b affect the microtubule system in a distinctly different way in the presence of low molar ratios of Zn2+. Assembly of brain microtubule proteins can be almost completely inhibited and rapid disassembly can be induced by low molar amounts of S-100b in the presence of low molar ratios [2-4] of Zn2+. Higher molar ratios per S-100b (greater than 4) potentiate the general Zn2+ effect, promoting the formation of sheets of microtubules. However, the effect of S-100a is quite different, no inhibition of assembly can be observed and the presence of S-100a seems to protect the microtubule proteins against the effect of Zn2+ by chelating the Zn2+ and decreasing the free metal-ion concentration. S-100a or S-100b cannot bind to the microtubule polymer-form, either in the absence or in the presence of Zn2+.  相似文献   

Summary Cell types containing S-100b protein-like immunoreactivity in the islets of Langerhans of the guinea pig were studied by light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry using antisera to S-100b protein, insulin, glicentin, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide. Two types of S-100b-immunoreactive cells were identified. The first type was stellate and characterized by thin cytoplasmic processes sheathing endocrine-type cells, especially pancreatic A-cells. It was located predominantly in the neuro-insular complex and in large islets, both of which were located near the main pancreatic duct. Intense immunoreactivity was found in the cytoplasmic matrix as well as in the nucleoplasm. Nerve fibers or endings were occasionally ensheathed by its cytoplasmic processes. The second type, whose immunoreactivity was rather weak and varied from one cell to another, was oval to polygonal in shape and located randomly throughout the islets. It was an endocrine cell-type and its immunoreactivity was located in the secretory granule. With the use of immunostained consecutive sections for demonstrating pancreatic endocrine cell-types, it was found that a portion of the pancreatic B-cell population expressed S-100b-like immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal glands of human fetuses were investigated by means of an immunohistochemical method with the use of an anti-S-100 serum. S-100-immunoreactivity was recognized in sustentacular cells located among the chromaffin cells. A characteristic circular arrangement of the immunostained cells was found in the central region of the adrenal glands. It surrounded aggregations of non-argyrophilic, small, round cells, which were identified as the remaining sympathoblasts (primitive sympathetic cells).  相似文献   

Summary The innervation and myocardial cells of the human atrial appendage were investigated by means of immunocytochemical and ultrastructural techniques using both tissue sections and whole mount preparations. A dense innervation of the myocardium, blood vessels and endocardium was revealed with antisera to general neuronal (protein gene product 9.5 and synaptophysin) and Schwann cell markers (S-100). The majority of nerve fibres possessed neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity and were found associated with myocardial cells, around small arteries and arterioles at the adventitial-medial border and forming a plexus in the endocardium. Subpopulations of nerve fibres displayed immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide. In whole-mount preparations of endocardium, substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivities were found to coexist in the same varicose nerve terminals. Ultrastructural studies revealed the presence of numerous varicose terminals associated with myocardial, vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity was localised to large electron-dense secretory vesicles in nerve terminals which also contained numerous small vesicles. Atrial natriuretic peptide immunoreactivity occurred exclusively in myocardial cells where it was localised to large secretory vesicles. The human atrial appendage comprises a neuroendocrine complex of peptidecontaining nerves and myocardial cells producing ANP.  相似文献   

The specific interaction of S-100 protein with synaptosomal particulate fractions (SYN) was further investigated with special reference to the number of binding components and their localization in synaptosomal subfractions. Binding studies were conducted on SYN from various CNS regions, on synaptosomal subfractions from the cerebral cortex, and on cerebral cortex SYN under various conditions. The results suggest that S-100 binds to two populations of membrane sites: high -affinity sites, which seem to be confined to neuronal membranes (synaptosomal plasma membranes and synaptic vesicles), and low-affinity sites, which are also detected in other membranes. The data are consistent with the view that the biphasic profile of S-100 binding to SYN does not result from heterogeneity of the S-100 molecule, and that the Ca2+ conformation of the protein is as important as the proper conformation of the binding site for full expression of high-affinity binding.  相似文献   

Summary With the use of an anti-human S-100 protein antibody, it was possible to reveal a characteristic cell type in the anterior lobe of the normal human pituitary. These cells, so-called folliculo-stellate cells, were present in all pituitaries studied but their number varied from one gland to another. Immunoreactive cells, isolated or grouped, were arranged close to various secretory granulated cells. Especially by use of double immunoenzymatic labeling, it was evident that these cells are spatially related either to somatotropes, prolactin cells and corticotropes, or to glycoprotein-containing cells. Such immunoreactive cells were rare or absent in pseudo-follicular arrangements of secretory granulated cells. Since it is now possible to identify this cell type by light microscopy and since no reliable functional significance is known, it seems more advisable to term this cell type stellate cell instead of folliculostellate cell.  相似文献   

目的:探讨血清IL-6及S-100B水平变化对颅脑损伤患者病情程度及预后评估的临床价值。方法:选择我院2013年7月~2015年7月收治的颅脑损伤患者100例为研究对象,依据格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)将患者分为特重型损伤组、重型损伤组、中型损伤组和轻型损伤组,每组25例。另选择同期在我院接受体检的25位健康志愿者作为对照组。采用酶联免疫吸附法检测各组研究对象不同时间点血清IL-6及S-100B水平,并分析IL-6及S-100B水平变化与颅脑损伤程度及预后的关系。结果:颅脑损伤后第1、3、5、7、14天患者血清IL-6及S-100B水平均显著高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。在相同检测时间,损伤程度越重的患者其血清IL-6及S-100B水平越高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);相同损伤程度颅脑损伤患者随着损伤时间延长,其血清IL-6水平越高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);相同损伤程度颅脑损伤患者血清S-100B水平在损伤后第1天开始上升,第3天达到高峰,第5天开始下降,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。颅脑损伤患者血清IL-6和S-100B水平与格拉斯哥预后评分(GOS)和格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)呈负相关(rIL-6=-0.812、-0.770,rS-100B=-0.767、-0.831,P0.05),与颅脑损伤程度呈正相关关系(r=0.776、0.791,P0.05)。结论:血清IL-6和S-100B水平与颅脑损伤患者病情严重程度和预后相关,对颅脑损伤程度的临床诊断及预后评估具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Summary Measurable amounts of the nervous-system specific S-100 protein were detected by microcomplement fixation assay both in the superior cervical ganglion and in the adrenal medulla of adult rats, though at a significantly higher concentration in the ganglion. By the unlabeled antibody PAP method, the antigen was localized at: he ultrastructural level in the Schwann cells and in the satellite cells of the ganglion, but not in neurons. Similarly, the protein was found in the Schwann cells of the adrenal medulla, but not in the chromaffin cells. Moreover, the S-100 immunolabeling allowed detection of a class of satellite cells closely enveloping the chromaffin cells. In the labeled cells of both organs the reaction product was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasmic matrix as well as in the nucleoplasm.The presence of the S-100 antigen in the satellite cells of the sympathetic ganglion and in satellite cells of the adrenal medulla suggests a possible homology for the two cell types, and one could hypothesize the presence in peptide hormone-secreting endocrine organs of glia-like cells exhibiting functional relationships with the secretory cells comparable to those of the glial cells with the neurons.  相似文献   

The binding of vanadyl to a porcine and bovine testicular S-100-like protein and to calmodulin was demonstrated using X-band (9.2 gHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in aqueous solution at pH 7.4. In liquid solutions at 22°C, the vanadyl-protein complexes yielded VO2+ near rigid limit spectra. At 122 K, each of the three high-field resonances (i.e., 3/2, 5/2, and 7/2 parallel components) splits into two components indicating the presence of two classes of vanadyl-binding sites in each protein. The spectra of the frozen solutions were simulated to give parallel and perpendicular components of the hyperfine coupling constant and g factors similar to other vanadyl-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Abstract: The nonlinearity of single components of the Scatchard plot of S-100 binding to synaptosomal particulate fractions (SYN) and the observation that dilution of the 125I-labeled S-100 site complex results in a greater extent of dissociation of the tracer in the presence than in the absence of an excess of unlabeled S-100 suggest that sites change their binding behavior depending on fractional occupancy. To study this aspect of the interaction in more detail, 125I-labeled S-100 binding experiments were conducted in the presence of, or after preincubation of SYN with various concentrations of, unlabeled S-100. The results indicate that: (a) S-100 synaptosomal sites do change their binding behavior depending on fractional occupancy; and (b) the nonrapid equilibrium between bound S-100 and the medium, which has been referred to as the formation of a tight complex between S-100 and its binding sites, is related to the activation of high-affinity sites. However, no univocal interpretation of these data in terms of binding model can be offered at present, as the binding models currently employed in the analysis of ligand-site interactions can each account for only part of the results described in this report. In any case, data obtained by studying 125I-labeled S-100 binding to untreated SYN at 2°C and to prefixed SYN at 37°C indicate that the physical state of membranes influences both the extent of the interaction and the binding behavior of the sites.  相似文献   

Summary Immunohistochemical examination for neuronspecific enolase (NSE), neurofilament protein (NFP), and S-100 protein was performed in the olfactory mucosa of human fetuses. NSE and NFP immunoreactivities were found in the olfactory receptor cells, while no S-100 immunoreactive cells were recognized within the olfactory epithelium. The anti-NSE serum stained various types of nerve bundles in the lamina propria mucosae; a population of the NSE-positive nerve bundles was also immunoreactive for NFP. The anti-S-100 serum clearly demonstrated Schwann cells associated with the nerve fibers in the lamina propria mucosae. These findings 1) suggest a possibility of NSE and NFP as new marker substances for olfactory cells and 2) indicate that immunohistochemistry is a useful tool to analyse the cellular components of the olfactory organs in normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

探讨血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100蛋白水平变化对脑梗死患者病情的影响。选择2016年3月至2017年5月期间我院确诊的脑梗死患者60例作为研究对象,男性30例,女性30例,平均年龄为(60.2±8.1)岁。选择同期在我院进行体检的30名健康志愿者作为对照组。采用酶联免疫双抗体夹心法检测受试者血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100蛋白水平。脑梗死患者的血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100水平均高于对照组(p<0.05)。进展性脑梗死患者血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100水平显著升高(p<0.05)。轻型神经功能缺损患者的血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100水平显著低于中型和重型患者(p<0.05),中型患者血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100水平均显著低于重型患者(p<0.05)。脑梗死患者的血清MCP-1、VE-cadherin和S-100参与脑梗死的发生发展,并且与脑梗死患者的临床表现和神经功能缺损程度有关。  相似文献   

The innervation of the uterus is remarkable in that it exhibits physiological changes in response to altered levels in the circulating levels of sex hormones. Previous studies by our group showed that chronic administration of estrogen to rats during the infantile/prepubertal period provoked, at 28 days of age, an almost complete loss of norepinephrine-labeled sympathetic nerves, similar to that observed in late pregnancy. It is not known, however, whether early exposure to estrogen affects uterine cholinergic nerves. Similarly, it is not known to what extent development and estrogen-induced responses in the uterine cholinergic innervation are affected by the absence of sympathetic nerves. To address this question, in this study we analyzed the effects of infantile/prepubertal chronic estrogen treatment, chronic chemical sympathectomy with guanethidine, and combined sympathectomy and chronic estrogen treatment on developing cholinergic nerves of the rat uterus. Cholinergic nerves were visualized using a combination of acetylcholinesterase histochemistry and the immunohistochemical demonstration of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). After chronic estrogen treatment, a well-developed plexus of cholinergic nerves was observed in the uterus. Quantitative studies showed that chronic exposure to estrogen induced contrasting responses in uterine cholinergic nerves, increasing the density of large and medium-sized nerve bundles and reducing the intercept density of fine fibers providing myometrial and perivascular innervation. Estrogen-induced changes in the uterine cholinergic innervation did not appear to result from the absence/impairment of sympathetic nerves, because sympathectomy did not mimic the effects produced by estrogen. Estrogen-induced responses in parasympathetic nerves are discussed, considering the direct effects of estrogen on neurons and on changes in neuron-target interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Nervous elements in the periodontal ligament and dental pulp of rat incisors were investigated by means of immunohistochemistry for neurofilament protein (NFP) and glia-specific S-100 protein. The periodontal ligament in the incisors was densely innervated by NFP-immunoreactive nerve fibers; the distribution of the nerve fibers and their terminations differed markedly from those in molars. NFP-positive, thick nerve bundles entered the lingual periodontal ligament through slits located in the mid-region of the alveolar socket, and immediately formed numerous Ruffini-like corpuscles. In the labial periodontal ligament, all of the NFP-immunoreactive nerve fibers terminated in free endings. The restricted location of the stretch receptor, Ruffini-like corpuscle, in the lingual periodontal ligament appears to be an essential element, because this region is regularly extended during mastication. The nervous elements were restricted to the alveolar half of the periodontal ligament in every region; they avoided the dental half of the periodontal ligament, which presumably moves continuously with the tooth. Pulpal nerve fibers in incisors also showed a characteristic distribution different from those in molars; individual nerve fibers with beaded structures ran in the center of the pulp toward the incisai edge, and did not form the subodontoblastic nerve plexus of Raschkow.Immunostaining for S-100 protein revealed a distribution pattern of nervous elements similar to that for NFP, suggesting that the nerves supplying the periodontal ligament and dental pulp were mostly covered by a Schwann sheath.  相似文献   

The distribution of the S-100 protein cell (folliculo-stellate cell) is very important to our understanding of the regulation of the anterior pituitary. In this study, 10 intact 60-day-old male Wistar-Imamichi rats, were separated equally into two groups. One was used for immunohistochemical study, and the other for electron microscopic analysis. Immunostained pituitary sections with S-100 protein antibody were photographed using a CCD camera equipped with a computer. The S-100 protein cells were then measured using NIH image software, and the three-dimensional distribution of the cells was analyzed. The distribution of the cells observed in each serial section showed that S-100 protein cells were dense at the basal zone of the gland and at the "transitional zone" where the pars tuberalis adjoined the anterior and intermediate lobes, where they represented over 50% of the total cell population. They then decreased in number with distance from this region to mid-way towards the sagittal axis before increasing again in the tail of the gland. The population of cells also decreased with increasing distance from the "transitional zone" to the wing and with distance from the basal zone. Portal vessels entered the anterior lobe through the "transitional zone" as thick capillaries, ran through the basal surface and penetrated into the central area of the anterior lobe. In all planes, S-100 protein cells encircled the capillaries. Ultrastructural observations confirmed the light microscopic findings indicating that clusters of agranular cells were densely located at the "transitional zone" and in the pars tuberalis. The distribution pattern of the folliculo-stellate cells and the capillaries showed good agreement and the spatial relationship between these two is detailed so as to better understand hypophyseal histophysiology.  相似文献   

The regional changes in quantities of the glial S-100 protein and the neuron specific enolase in the rat nervous system have been studied after long-term exposure to 2,5-hexanedione. The wet weights of most of the examined nervous tissues were found to be reduced, with an extensive effect seen in the brain stem. Using dot immunobinding assays, the concentrations of S-100 were found to be increased in most of the examined tissues, but unaffected in the brain stem. The total amount of S-100 per tissue was markedly reduced in the brain stem. The content of neuron specific enolase was reduced only in the brain stem. Thus the effects of 2,5-hexanedione on the nervous system varied regionally. The brain stem was severely atrophied with a reduction of neuronal as well as of glial marker proteins. Other brain regions contained increased glial cell marker proteins as signs of progressive astroglial reactions.  相似文献   

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