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In the inter- and intracellular N2-fixing symbioses between plants and micro-symbionts, the development of an endophytic form of the micro-symbiont is essential. This development includes a series of steps consisting of plant-bacteria interactions. Considerable progress in the elucidation of these steps has been made by applications of the methods of molecular genetics. Several genes with a role during infection and nodulation have been indicated in Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium like the common nod genes A, B, C, I and J, and the host-specific genes nod E, F and H. The nod D gene is the only constitutive gene, and its product is essential for activity of all other nod genes, provided some flavonoids from the root exudate are present as well. Mutants in these genes show phenotypic effects, in which the products of the genes must be involved. Far more difficult is the biochemical and physiological study of these products and their direct effects. The difficulties involved in such biochemical-physiological studies is illustrated by a short discussion of the controversies around the possible role of plant lectins. While in Rhizobium the nod genes are present on a large sym-plasmid, other essential genes must be present on the bacterial chromosome and on other plasmids. Induction of plant genes is evident from the formation of nodule-specific proteins, the nodulins. Though many different plant and bacterial genes are involved in the series of steps in the development of an effective root nodule, there are indications that regulation is affected by a smaller number of essential regulatory genes. This is illustrated by the effect of the regulatory nod D gene during infection and nodulation, and of ntrA and nifA genes for the formation and activation of the nitrogen-fixing systems. Moreover, every step, once initiated, may lead to cascade effects on subsequent reactions. Finally, some further consequences of the endophytic way of life are discussed, which affect either the metabolic and transport activities of the endophytes or their viability. This is illustrated by the possible role of membrane integrity as evident during the isolation of Frankia from its endophytic form.  相似文献   

It is probable that nearly every natural product structure results from interactions between organisms. Symbiosis, a subset of inter-organism interactions involving closely associated partners, has recently provided new and interesting experimental systems for the study of these interactions. This review discusses new observations about natural product function and structural evolution that emerge from the study of symbiotic systems. In particular, these advances directly address long-standing 'how' and 'why' questions about natural products, providing fundamental insights about the evolution, origin and purpose of natural products that are inaccessible by other methods.  相似文献   

Symbiotic relationships, both parasitic and mutualistic, are ubiquitous in nature. Understanding how these symbioses evolve, from bacteria and their phages to humans and our gut microflora, is crucial in understanding how life operates. Often, symbioses consist of a slowly evolving host species with each host only interacting with its own subpopulation of symbionts. The Red Queen hypothesis describes coevolutionary relationships as constant arms races with each species rushing to evolve an advantage over the other, suggesting that faster evolution is favored. Here, we use a simple game theoretic model of host-symbiont coevolution that includes population structure to show that if the symbionts evolve much faster than the host, the equilibrium distribution is the same as it would be if it were a sequential game where the host moves first against its symbionts. For the slowly evolving host, this will prove to be advantageous in mutualisms and a handicap in antagonisms. The result follows from rapid symbiont adaptation to its host and is robust to changes in the parameters, even generalizing to continuous and multiplayer games. Our findings provide insight into a wide range of symbiotic phenomena and help to unify the field of coevolutionary theory.  相似文献   


Laser Microdissection (LM) is a technology that allows the rapid procurement of selected cell populations from a section of heterogeneous tissues in a manner conducive to the extraction of DNA, RNA, proteins and even metabolites. In the past few years, it has also been applied to plant biology in order to study gene expression in plant-nematode and plant-microbe interactions. LM represents a powerful tool since cells associated with a particular infection stage can be visualized under the microscope and harvested. Therefore, verification of the response of the plant during the progression of the colonization can be performed in different cell types. Applications of LM to study the interaction between the plant and both pathogenic and symbiotic organisms (i.e. nematode and fungi, respectively) are explored in this review.  相似文献   

Total nodule nitrogenase activity (TNA, μmols ethylene plant-1 h-1) in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajari) increased with plant growth to reach maximum at flowering (75 days after sowing), decreasing thereafter until maturity (120 days after sowing). However, specific nodule nitrogenase activity (SNA, μmols ethylene g-1 nodule fresh wt h-1) reached its maximum earlier (45 days after sowing). The rate of photosynthesis and shoot and nodule respiration followed a similar pattern to TNA. However, higest rates of root respiration were observed at flowering and again immediately before final harvest. 14CO2 feeding studies showed that assimilates produced in leaves before flowering were retained in the vegetative parts. Assimilates produced after flowering were exported to the reproductive structure at the expense of the nodules. It is suggested that the decreased availability of photosynthate to nodules decreased nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

The gut of lower termites is populated by numerous microbial species belonging to prokaryotes, fungi, yeasts and protists. These micro-organisms are organized in a complex symbiotic system, interacting together and with the insect host. Their likely ability to degrade ligno-cellulosic compounds could lead to improvements in second generation biofuels production. Lignin elimination represents a critical point as this polymer significantly interferes with industrial process of cellulose. Although host produces its own lignin-degrading enzymes, some symbionts may participate in digestion of lignin and its degradation products in termite gut. Here, we compared gut proteomes from R. santonensis after rearing on artificial diets composed of cellulose with and without lignin. The effect of lignin in artificial diets on different parts of the digestive tract was compared through liquid chromatography associated with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) experiments. Enzymatic assays were performed to characterize activities present in R. santonensis digestive tract after feeding on artificial diets. Microscopic observations of microbial communities provided some information on population balances after feeding experiment.  相似文献   

Sacchi L 《Parassitologia》2004,46(1-2):19-24
This paper reviews the Author's contribution to the knowledge of the ultrastructural basis of the prokaryote-eukaryote interactions in different models assessed by an ultrastructural approach. In agreement with the hypothesis of the origin of eukaryotic cells, which are chimeras of several prokaryotes with different morpho-functional specializations, symbiosis had major consequence for evolution of life. In Arthropods, one of the most successful lifestyles, the presence of endosymbiotic prokaryotes, plays an important role in their metabolism. In some cases, genome integration has occurred in the endosymbiotic relationships with the host, proving that intracellular symbiosis is not merely a nutritional supplement. Intracellular symbiotic bacteria are also described in nematodes. In particular, the presence of intracellular Wolbachia in filariae, even if its function is not yet completely known, influences positively the reproductive biology and the survival of the host, as proved by antibiotic treatment against this bacterium. The ultrastructural images reported in this review were obtained using different species of cockroaches, termites, ticks and filarial nematodes. The traditional methods of transmission (TEM), scansion (SEM) and immuno electron microscopy were used. In addition, also freeze-fracture and deep-etching techniques were employed. The cockroaches and the primitive termite Mastotermes darwiniensis host symbiotic bacteria in the ovary and in specialized cells (bacteriocytes) of the fat body. These bacteria have the typical cell boundary profile of gram-negative bacteria and are enveloped in a vacuolar membrane produced by the host cell. Molecular sequence data of 16S rDNA of endosymbionts of five species of cockroaches and M. darwiniensis indicate that they are members of the Flavobacteria-bacteroides group and that the infection occurred in an ancestor common to cockroaches and termites probably after the end of the Paleozoic (250 Ma BP). The symbiotic bacteria are transmitted transovarially and, during embryogenesis, they are integrated into the morphogenetic processes. In particular, we were able to demonstrate that the origin of the bacteriocyte should be looked for in the cells of the haemocyte line (embryonic plasmatocytes). The eggs are infected by the bacteria emerging from the bacteriocytes of the ovaric fat body and, at the end of the vitellogenesis, they are actively phagocytized by the egg membrane. In filarial nematodes, intracellular bacteria belonging to the genus Wolbachia have been described: they have evolved an obligatory mutualistic association with their host. In fact, antibiotic treatments lead to the clearance of bacteria and this loss produces a negative impact on reproduction and survival of the filarial host. We evidenced, by TEM, the degenerative events occurring during the embriogenesis of Brugia pahangi and Dirofilaria immitis after tetracycline treatment. The data suggest that the Wolbachia play a direct role in worm metabolism. Finally, a new additional model of the prokaryote-eukaryote interaction has been described: we have recently discovered a new intracellular alpha-proteobacterium, named Iric ES1, which resides in the ovarian tissues of the tick Ixodes ricinus. The intriguing characteristic of this bacterium is its ability to invade and consume the ovaric mitochondria. From an evolutionary perspective, it is interesting to note that Iric ES1 enters mitochondria in a similar way to that employed by the "predatory" bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic control of effectiveness and infectivity in Rhizobium cultures show certain similarities to plasmid-controlled traits in other bacteria. The loss of effectivity following treatment with acridine orange and ethidium bromide is reported and the use of viomycin resistance as an assay of loss of effectivity has been confirmed. The implications of plasmid control of effectivity has been discussed in relation to loss of effectivity in certain soils following the action of certain soil components on the Rhizobium species present. The taxonomic implications of plasmid control of virulence in Rhizobium and Agrobacterium is also discussed.  相似文献   

Plasmids and stability of symbiotic properties of Rhizobium trifolii.   总被引:24,自引:15,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A conjugal plasmid which encodes both peak nodulation genes and nitrogenase genes, and which is labeled with the transposon Tn5, was transferred to a wild-type Rhizobium trifolii strain to examine the stability and expression of the host range and fixation (Fix+) phenotypes. Transconjugates were isolated which were shown to initially form nitrogen-fixing nodules (Nod+ Fix+) on both clovers and peas. These hybrid strains were then repeatedly passaged through either pea or clover nodules or onto a solid agar medium to determine whether these broadened-host-range characteristics were stably maintained. An instability was noted in the capacity of some of these hybrids to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on all of the host plants used. The broadened nodulation ability was, however, more readily maintained. In some cases, the changes in the Nod+ Fix+ phenotype could be attributed to demonstrable changes in the plasmid profile of the hybrid strains, whereas in other cases no demonstrable plasmid alterations could be detected.  相似文献   

Legume-nodulating bacteria (rhizobia) usually produce N-acyl homoserine lactones, which regulate the induction of gene expression in a quorum-sensing (or population-density)-dependent manner. There is significant diversity in the types of quorum-sensing regulatory systems that are present in different rhizobia and no two independent isolates worked on in detail have the same complement of quorum-sensing genes. The genes regulated by quorum sensing appear to be rather diverse and many are associated with adaptive aspects of physiology that are probably important in the rhizosphere. It is evident that some aspects of rhizobial physiology related to the interaction between rhizobia and legumes are influenced by quorum sensing. However, it also appears that the legumes play an active role, both in terms of interfering with the rhizobial quorum-sensing systems and responding to the signalling molecules made by the bacteria. In this article, we review the diversity of quorum-sensing regulation in rhizobia and the potential role of legumes in influencing and responding to this signalling system.  相似文献   

Herbivory is a highly sophisticated feeding behavior that requires abilities of plant defense suppression, phytochemical detoxification, and plant macromolecule digestion. For plant‐sucking insects, salivary glands (SGs) play important roles in herbivory by secreting and injecting proteins into plant tissues to facilitate feeding. Little is known on how insects evolved secretory SG proteins for such specialized functions. Here, we investigated the composition and evolution of secretory SG proteins in the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) and identified a group of secretory SG phospholipase C (PLC) genes with highest sequence similarity to the bacterial homologs. Further analyses demonstrated that they were most closely related to PLCs of Xenorhabdus, a genus of Gammaproteobacteria living in symbiosis with insect‐parasitizing nematodes. These suggested that H. halys might acquire these PLCs from Xenorhabdus through the mechanism of horizontal gene transfer (HGT), likely mediated by a nematode during its parasitizing an insect host. We also showed that the original HGT event was followed by gene duplication and expansion, leading to functional diversification of the bacterial‐origin PLC genes in H. halys. Thus, this study suggested that an herbivore might enhance adaptation through gaining genes from an endosymbiont of its parasite in the tripartite parasitic and symbiotic interactions.  相似文献   

Marine foods represent a unique source of poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the omega-3 (n-3) family. Today it is generally accepted that fish oil is important in a healthy and balanced omnivorous human diet. This favorable health perception of fish oil is however troubled by the high level of PUFA oxidation and low absorption in the gastro-intestinal tract. In this work we present and described various types of delivery systems which are used to improve PUFA and fish oil availability and oxidative stability.  相似文献   

Podila  G.K.  Zheng  J.  Balasubramanian  S.  Sundaram  S.  Hiremath  S.  Brand  J.H.  Hymes  M.J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,244(1-2):117-128
Ectomycorrhizas are mutualistic symbiotic organs formed by interaction between plant roots and fungi. Mycorrhizal initiation, development and functional maintenance involve morphological changes that are mediated by activation and suppression of several fungal and plant genes. During the pre-infection stage, a harmonized cross-talk takes place between the symbionts, to determine their compatibility. Upon mutual recognition, the symbionts initiate further physiological and morphological changes essential for the formation of the symbiotic organ. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying these events, we developed an interaction-specific cDNA library from Laccaria bicolor that represents fungal genes regulated by its interaction with Pinus resinosa roots. Membrane array analyses of these cDNAs suggested that a wide variety of genes are involved in the pre-infection stage processes.  相似文献   

Pairwise comparisons of Genista tinctoria (dyer’s weed) rhizobium nodA, nodC, and nodZ gene sequences to those available in databanks revealed their highest sequence identities to nodulation loci of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) strains and rhizobia from other genistoid legumes. On phylogenetic trees, genistoid microsymbionts were grouped together in monophyletic clusters, which suggested that their nodulation genes evolved from a common ancestor. G. tinctoria nodulators formed symbioses not only with the native host, but also with other plants of Genisteae tribe such as: Lupinus luteus, Sarothamnus scoparius, and Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis, and they were classified as the genistoid cross-inoculation group. The dyer’s weed root nodules were designated as indeterminate with apical meristem consisting of infected and uninfected cells.The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences reported in this paper are as follows: nodC, DQ139776–DQ139781; nodA, DQ135897, Q135898; nodZ, DQ135899–DQ135903.  相似文献   

Tóth G  Watts CR  Murphy RF  Lovas S 《Proteins》2001,43(4):373-381
Weakly polar interactions between aromatic rings of amino acids and hydrogens of backbone amides (Ar-HN) have been shown to support local structures in proteins. Their role in secondary structures, however, has not been elucidated. To investigate the relationship between Ar-HN interaction and the stability of local and secondary structures of polypeptides and to improve the prediction of this interaction based on amino acid sequence, the structures of 560 nonhomologous proteins, from the Protein Data Bank, were searched for Ar-HN interactions between the aromatic ring of each Phe, Tyr, and Trp residue at position i and the backbone amide group of any residue, except Pro, at the positions i, i - 1, i - 2, i - 3, i + 1, i + 2, and i + 3. Ar-HN interactions were identified by calculating the chemical shift of the amide hydrogen caused by the proximal aromatic ring. Ar(i)-HN(i + 1, i + 2 and i + 3) interactions were more common (7.10%, 2.08%, and 0.54%, respectively) than were Ar(i)-HN(i - 1, i - 2, and i - 3) interactions (0.66%, <0.1%, and 0.18%, respectively). The value of the chi(1) torsion angle of the aromatic residue in position i depended on the direction of the Ar-HN interaction. The position of the aromatic ring in Ar(i)-HN(i + 1, i + 2, and i + 3) interactions was mostly trans, in Ar(i)-HN(i - 1, i - 2, and i - 3) interactions mainly gauche(-), and in Ar(i)-HN(i) interactions mostly gauche(+). The analyses of the secondary structures of the protein fragments containing Ar-HN interactions showed that Ar-HN interactions were in all types of secondary structures. Search results suggest that Ar-HN interactions have a stabilizing effect on all types of secondary structures.  相似文献   

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