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Chlamydia spp. express a functional type III secretion system (T3SS) necessary for pathogenesis and intracellular growth. However, certain essential components of the secretion apparatus have diverged to such a degree as to preclude their identification by standard homology searches of primary protein sequences. One example is the needle subunit protein. Electron micrographs indicate that chlamydiae possess needle filaments, and yet database searches fail to identify a SctF homologue. We used a bioinformatics approach to identify a likely needle subunit protein for Chlamydia. Experimental evidence indicates that this protein, designated CdsF, has properties consistent with it being the major needle subunit protein. CdsF is concentrated in the outer membrane of elementary bodies and is surface exposed as a component of an extracellular needle-like projection. During infection CdsF is detectible by indirect immunofluorescence in the inclusion membrane with a punctuate distribution adjacent to membrane-associated reticulate bodies. Biochemical cross-linking studies revealed that, like other SctF proteins, CdsF is able to polymerize into multisubunit complexes. Furthermore, we identified two chaperones for CdsF, termed CdsE and CdsG, which have many characteristics of the Pseudomonas spp. needle chaperones PscE and PscG, respectively. In aggregate, our data are consistent with CdsF representing at least one component of the extended Chlamydia T3SS injectisome. The identification of this secretion system component is essential for studies involving ectopic reconstitution of the Chlamydia T3SS. Moreover, we anticipate that CdsF could serve as an efficacious target for anti-Chlamydia neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis occupies a parasitophorous vacuole termed an inclusion. During its intracellular developmental cycle, C. trachomatis maintains this intracellular niche, presumably by expressing a type III secretion system, which deploys a set of host cell-interactive proteins including inclusion membrane-localized proteins termed Incs. Some Incs are expressed and secreted by 2 h (early cycle) after infection, whereas the expression of type III-specific genes is not detectable until 6-12 h (mid-cycle). To resolve this paradox, we investigated the presence of a type III apparatus on elementary bodies (EBs) that might function early in infection. We demonstrate the existence of the type III secretory apparatus by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) and immunoblot analyses of purified EB extracts. Immunoblots using polyclonal antibodies specific for the core apparatus component CdsJ identified this protein in both EB and reticulate body (RB) extracts. Furthermore, CdsJ-specific signals were detected by immunoblot of whole infected-culture extracts and by indirect immunofluorescence of infected monolayers at times before the detection of cdsJ-specific message. Finally, expression of IncC, expressed by 2 h after infection during C. trachomatis infections, in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis resulted in its secretion via the Yersinia type III apparatus. Based on these data, we propose a model in which type III secretion pores are present on EBs and mediate secretion of early Incs and possible additional effectors. Mid-cycle expression of type III genes would then replenish secretion apparatus on vegetative RBs and serve as a source of secretion pores for subsequently formed EBs.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (T3SS) is required for the virulence of many gram‐negative bacterial human pathogens. It is composed of several structural proteins, forming the secretion needle and its basis, the basal body. In Chlamydia spp., the T3SS inner membrane ring (IM‐ring) of the basal body is formed by the periplasmic part of CdsD (outer ring) and CdsJ (inner ring). Here we describe the crystal structure of the C‐terminal, periplasmic part of CdsD, not including the last 60 residues. Two crystal forms were obtained, grown in three different crystallization conditions. In both crystal forms there is one molecule per asymmetric unit adopting a similar extended structure. The structures consist of three periplasmic domains (PDs) of similar αββαβ topology as seen also in the structures of the homologous PrgH (Salmonella typhimurium) and YscD (Yersinia enterocolitica). Only in the C2 crystal form, there is a C‐terminal additional helix after the PD3 domain. The relative orientation of the three subsequent CdsD PD domains with respect to each other is more extended than in PrgH but less extended than in YscD. Small‐angle X‐ray scattering data show that also in solution this CdsD construct adopts the same elongated shape. In both crystal forms the CdsD molecules are packed in a parallel fashion, using translational crystallographic symmetry. The most extensive crystal contacts are preserved in both crystal forms, suggesting a possible mode of assembly of the CdsD periplasmic part into a 24‐mer complex forming the outer ring of the IM‐ring of the T3SS.  相似文献   

The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis possesses a biphasic developmental cycle that is manifested by differentiation of infectious, metabolically inert elementary bodies (EBs) to larger, metabolically active reticulate bodies (RBs). The cycle is completed by asynchronous differentiation of dividing RBs back to a population of dormant EBs that can initiate further rounds of infection upon lysis of the host cell. Chlamydiae express a type III secretion system (T3SS) that is presumably employed to establish and maintain the permissive intracellular niche by secretion of anti-host proteins. We hypothesize that T3SS activity is essential for chlamydial development and pathogenesis. However, the lack of a genetic system has confounded efforts to establish any role of the T3SS. We therefore employed the small molecule Yersinia T3SS inhibitor N'-(3,5-dibromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-4-nitrobenzohydrazide, designated compound 1 (C1), to examine the interdependence of the chlamydial T3SS and development. C1 treatment inhibited C. trachomatis but not T4SS-expressing Coxiella burnetii development in a dose-dependent manner. Although chlamydiae remained viable and metabolically active, they failed to divide significantly and RB to EB differentiation was inhibited. These effects occurred in the absence of host cell cytotoxicity and were reversible by washing out C1. We further demonstrate that secretion of T3S substrates is perturbed in C1-treated chlamydial cultures. We have therefore provided evidence that C1 can inhibit C. trachomatis development and T3SS activity and present a model in which progression of the C. trachomatis developmental cycle requires a fully functional T3SS.  相似文献   

Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria, developing inside host cells within chlamydial inclusions. From these inclusions, the chlamydiae secrete proteins into the host cell cytoplasm. A pathway through which secreted proteins can be delivered is the type III secretion system (T3SS). The T3SS is common to several gram-negative bacteria and the secreted proteins serve a variety of functions often related to the modulation of host signalling. To identify new potentially secreted proteins, the cytoplasm was extracted from Chlamydia trachomatis L2-infected HeLa cells, and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles of [35S]-labelled chlamydial proteins from this extract were compared with profiles of chlamydial proteins from the lysate of infected cells. In this way, CT621 was identified. CT621 is a member of a family of proteins containing a domain of unknown function DUF582 that is only found within the genus Chlamydia . Immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoblotting demonstrated that CT621 is secreted late in the chlamydial developmental cycle and that it is the first chlamydial protein found to be localized within both the host cell cytoplasm and the nucleus. To determine whether CT621 is secreted through the T3SS, an inhibitor of this apparatus was added to the infection medium, resulting in retention of the protein inside the chlamydiae. Hence, the so far uncharacterized CT621 is a new type III secretion effector protein.  相似文献   

Genomes of bacterial pathogens contain and coordinately regulate virulence-associated genes in order to cause disease. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), a major cause of watery diarrhea in infants and a model gram-negative pathogen, expresses a type III secretion system (TTSS) that is encoded by the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) and is necessary for causing attaching and effacing intestinal lesions. Effector proteins encoded by the LEE and in cryptic prophage are injected into the host cell cytoplasm by the TTTS apparatus, ultimately leading to diarrhea. The LEE is comprised of multiple polycistronic operons, most of which are controlled by the global, positive regulator Ler. Here we demonstrated that the LEE2 and LEE3 operons also responded to SOS signaling and that this regulation was LexA dependent. As determined by a DNase I protection assay, purified LexA protein bound in vitro to a predicted SOS box located in the divergent, overlapping LEE2/LEE3 promoters. Expression of the lexA1 allele, encoding an uncleavable LexA protein in EPEC, resulted in reduced secretion, particularly in the absence of the Ler regulator. Finally, we obtained evidence that the cryptic phage-located nleA gene encoding an effector molecule is SOS regulated. Thus, we demonstrated, for the first time to our knowledge, that genes encoding components of a TTSS are regulated by the SOS response, and our data might explain how a subset of EPEC effector proteins, encoded in cryptic prophages, are coordinately regulated with the LEE-encoded TTSS necessary for their translocation into host cells.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (T3SS) is employed by a number of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens to inject toxins into eukaryotic cells. The biogenesis of this complex machinery requires the regulated interaction between over 20 cytosolic, periplasmic, and membrane-imbedded proteins, many of which undergo processes such as polymerization, partner recognition, and partial unfolding. Elements of this intricate macromolecular system have been characterized through electron microscopy, crystallography, and NMR techniques, allowing for an initial understanding of the spatiotemporal regulation of T3SS-related events. Here, we report recent advances in the structural characterization of T3SS proteins from a number of bacteria, and provide an overview of recently identified small molecule T3SS inhibitors that could potentially be explored for novel antibacterial development.  相似文献   

Bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS) chaperones pilot substrates to the export apparatus in a secretion‐competent state, and are consequently central to the translocation of effectors into target cells. Chlamydia trachomatis is a genetically intractable obligate intracellular pathogen that utilizes T3SS effectors to trigger its entry into mammalian cells. The only well‐characterized T3SS effector is TARP (translocated actin recruitment protein), but its chaperone is unknown. Here we exploited a known structural signature to screen for putative type III secretion chaperones encoded within the C. trachomatis genome. Using bacterial two‐hybrid, co‐precipitation, cross‐linking and size exclusion chromatography we show that Slc1 (SycE‐like chaperone 1; CT043) specifically interacts with a 200‐amino‐acid residue N‐terminal region of TARP (TARP1–200). Slc1 formed homodimers in vitro, as shown in cross‐linking and gel filtration experiments. Biochemical analysis of an isolated Slc1–TARP1–200 complex was consistent with a characteristic 2:1 chaperone–effector stoichiometry. Furthermore, Slc1 was co‐immunoprecipitated with TARP from C. trachomatis elementary bodies. Also, coexpression of Slc1 specifically enhanced host cell translocation of TARP by a heterologous Yersinia enterocolitica T3SS. Taken together, we propose Slc1 as a chaperone of the C. trachomatis T3SS effector TARP.  相似文献   

The obligate intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis expresses a type III secretion system (T3SS) which has the potential to contribute significantly to pathogenesis. Based on a demonstrated role of type III secretion (T3S)-specific chaperones in the secretion of antihost proteins by gram-negative pathogens, we initiated a study of selected putative Chlamydia T3S chaperones in an effort to gain mechanistic insight into the Chlamydia T3SS and to potentially identify Chlamydia-specific secreted products. C. trachomatis Scc2 and Scc3 are homologous to SycD of Yersinia spp. Functional studies of the heterologous Yersinia T3SS indicated that although neither Scc2 nor Scc3 was able to fully complement a sycD null mutant, both have SycD-like characteristics. Both were able to associate with the translocator protein YopD, and Scc3 expression restored limited secretion of YopD in in vitro studies of T3S. CopB (CT578) and CopB2 (CT861) are encoded adjacent to scc2 and scc3, respectively, and have structural similarities with the YopB family of T3S translocators. Either Scc2 or Scc3 coprecipitates with CopB from C. trachomatis extracts. Expression of CopB or CopB2 in Yersinia resulted in their type III-dependent secretion, and localization studies with C. trachomatis-infected cells indicated that both were secreted by Chlamydia.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclic AMP (cAMP) on the chlamydial growth cycle was studied with Chlamydia trachomatis-infected HeLa cells. At concentrations of 1 mM, cAMP had a profound effect on the chlamydial developmental cycle, resulting in small, immature inclusions. Immunoblot analysis revealed the absence of elementary body (EB)-specific antigens in the cAMP-treated cells. This effect was observed only if cAMP was added within the first 12 h of incubation and continued thereafter. Its withdrawal at any time from the medium led to the reappearance of fully mature, infectious organisms. Analogs or breakdown products of cAMP exerted no inhibitory effect on chlamydial development. Intracellular inclusions from the cAMP-treated cells were unable to infect fresh HeLa monolayers, in contrast to the completely infectious nontreated inclusions. Protein profiles of the cAMP-treated organisms (at any time point) resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis very closely resembled reticulate bodies (RB) and did not possess characteristic EB-binding proteins. Collectively, these observations suggest an inhibitory role for cAMP at the RB stage of intracellular development. We also identified a cAMP receptor protein which is associated with RB and not with EB, further supporting a role for this system in the developmental regulation of chlamydiae.  相似文献   

Heat shock response of murine Chlamydia trachomatis.   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文

【背景】沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis,Ct)的分泌蛋白在Ct与宿主细胞的相互作用、感染发育周期及致病过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。GlgA蛋白是课题组前期研究发现的一种新的Ct分泌蛋白,其表达和分泌的具体机制及作用还不清楚。【目的】寻找调控CtGlgA蛋白表达和分泌的分子机制,为后续Ct致病机制研究提供实验基础和新思路。【方法】采用Signal P 4.1软件对GlgA蛋白N端进行信号肽预测分析,并用细菌分泌蛋白特异性阻断剂C16和C1化合物分别或同时处理Ct感染的He La细胞,观察阻断Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型分泌途径对GlgA蛋白分泌的影响;经新生霉素处理、噬斑筛选及穿梭质粒转染技术,构建Ct质粒缺失株和缺失互补株,并鉴定质粒编码基因在两种菌株的缺失及表达情况;间接免疫荧光法观察质粒缺失对GlgA表达和分泌的影响。【结果】GlgA蛋白N端无信号肽序列,细菌Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型分泌途径特异性阻断剂C16和C1化合物不能阻断GlgA的胞浆分泌;Ct质粒缺失株CTD1的质粒编码基因pgp7丢失,且质粒编码蛋白Pgp3及基因组编码蛋白GlgA的表达和分泌现象均消失;Ct缺失互补株CTD1-pGFP::SW2重新获得pgp7基因,并恢复Pgp3蛋白和GlgA的表达和分泌。【结论】初步证实Ct糖原合酶GlgA蛋白的表达和分泌不依赖细菌Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型分泌途径,而且与衣原体质粒密切相关。  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are essential virulence devices for many gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic for plants, animals, and humans. They serve to translocate virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic host cells. T3SSs are composed of a large cytoplasmic bulb and a transmembrane region into which a needle is embedded, protruding above the bacterial surface. The emerging antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens urges the development of novel strategies to fight bacterial infections. Therapeutics that rather than kill bacteria only attenuate their virulence may reduce the frequency or progress of resistance emergence. Recently, a group of salicylidene acylhydrazides were identified as inhibitors of T3SSs in Yersinia, Chlamydia, and Salmonella species. Here we show that these are also effective on the T3SS of Shigella flexneri, where they block all related forms of protein secretion so far known, as well as the epithelial cell invasion and induction of macrophage apoptosis usually demonstrated by this bacterium. Furthermore, we show the first evidence for the detrimental effect of these compounds on T3SS needle assembly, as demonstrated by increased numbers of T3S apparatuses without needles or with shorter needles. Therefore, the compounds generate a phenocopy of T3SS export apparatus mutants but with incomplete penetrance. We discuss why this would be sufficient to almost completely block the later secretion of effector proteins and how this begins to narrow the search for the molecular target of these compounds.  相似文献   

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