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Prion diseases are a class of fatal neurodegenerative disorders that can be sporadic, genetic or iatrogenic. They are characterized by the unique nature of their etiologic agent: prions (PrPSc). A prion is an infectious protein with the ability to convert the host-encoded cellular prion protein (PrPC) into new prion molecules by acting as a template. Since Stanley B. Prusiner proposed the “protein-only” hypothesis for the first time, considerable effort has been put into defining the role played by PrPC in neurons. However, its physiological function remains unclear. This review summarizes the major findings that support the involvement of PrPC in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Synaptic dysfunction is a key process in the evolution of many neurodegenerative diseases, with synaptic loss preceding the loss of neuronal cell bodies. In Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and prion diseases early synaptic changes correlate with cognitive and motor decline, and altered synaptic function may also underlie deficits in a number of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions. The formation, remodelling and elimination of spines and synapses are continual physiological processes, moulding cortical architecture, underpinning the abilities to learn and remember. In disease, however, particularly in protein misfolding neurodegenerative disorders, lost synapses are not replaced and this loss is followed by neuronal death. These two processes are separately regulated, with mechanistic, spatial and temporal segregation of the death 'routines' of synapses and cell bodies. Recent insights into the reversibility of synaptic dysfunction in a mouse model of prion disease at neurophysiological, behavioral and morphological levels call for a deeper analysis of the mechanisms underlying neurotoxicity at the synapse, and have important implications for therapy of prion and other neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Extracellular fibrous amyloid deposits or intracellular inclusion bodies containing abnormal protein fibrils characterize many different neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), dementia with Lewy bodies, multiple system atrophy, Huntington's disease, and the transmissible 'prion' dementias. There is strong evidence from genetic, transgenic mouse and biochemical studies to support the idea that the accumulation of protein aggregates in the brain plays a seminal role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. How monomeric proteins ultimately convert to highly polymeric deposits is unknown. However, studies employing, synthetic, cell-derived and purified recombinant proteins suggest that amyloid proteins first come together to form soluble low n-oligomers. Further association of these oligomers results in higher molecular weight assemblies including so-called 'protofibrils' and 'ADDLs' and these eventually exceed solubility limits until, finally, they are deposited as amyloid fibrils. With particular reference to AD and PD, we review recent evidence that soluble oligomers are the principal pathogenic species that drive neuronal dysfunction.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have indicated that a modified proteinase K-resistant form of an endogenous brain protein, prion protein (PrP), is associated with scrapie infection in animals. This scrapie-associated PrP modification appears to occur posttranslationally in brain, but its molecular nature is not known. To learn about the normal PrP biosynthesis and whether it is altered by scrapie infection in vitro, we did metabolic labeling experiments with uninfected and scrapie-infected mouse neuroblastoma tissue culture cells. Pulse-chase labeling experiments indicated that, in both cell types, two major PrP precursors of 28 and 33 kilodaltons (kDa) were processed to mature 30- and 35- to 41-kDa forms. Endoglycosidase H, tunicamycin, and phospholipase treatments revealed that the 28- and 33-kDa precursors resulted from the addition of high-mannose glycans to a 25-kDa polypeptide containing a phosphatidylinositol moiety and that maturation of the precursors involved the conversion of the high-mannose glycans to hybrid or complex glycans. Treatments of the live cells with trypsin and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C indicated that the mature PrP species were expressed solely on the cell surface, where they were anchored by covalent linkage to phosphatidylinositol. Once on the cell surface, the major PrP forms had half-lives of 3 to 6 h. No differences in PrP biosynthesis were observed between the scrapie-infected versus uninfected neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

Synaptic dysfunction is a key process in the evolution of many neurodegenerative diseases, with synaptic loss preceding that of neuronal cell bodies. In Alzheimer, Huntington, and prion diseases early synaptic changes correlate with cognitive and motor decline, and altered synaptic function may also underlie deficits in a number of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions. The formation, remodelling and elimination of spines and synapses are continual physiological processes, moulding cortical architecture, underpinning the abilities to learn and remember. In disease, however, particularly in protein misfolding neurodegenerative disorders, lost synapses are not replaced and this loss is followed by neuronal death. These two processes are separately regulated, with mechanistic, spatial and temporal segregation of the death ‘routines’ of synapses and cell bodies. Recent insights into the reversibility of synaptic dysfunction in a mouse model of prion disease at neurophysiological, behavioral and morphological levels call for a deeper analysis of the mechanisms underlying neurotoxicity at the synapse, and have important implications for therapy of prion and other neurodegenerative disorders.Key words: neurodegeneration, prion, synaptic dysfunction, behavior, neurophysiology  相似文献   

Surfactant protein C (SP-C) is a highly hydrophobic protein found in pulmonary surfactant. SP-C is synthesized exclusively in alveolar type II cells as a 21 kDa integral membrane precursor protein and subsequently proteolytically processed to a 3.7 kDa secretory protein. SP-C enhances the adsorption and spreading of phospholipids at the air-liquid interface thereby promoting the surface tension-lowering properties of surfactant. The importance of SP-C in normal lung function is underscored by the recent findings of inflammatory lung diseases associated both with absence of alveolar SP-C and with cellular expression of mutant SP-C isoforms. This review examines our current understanding of the role of SP-C in maintaining alveolar epithelial homeostasis and the potential role of abnormal SP-C expression in the development of lung diseases with particular emphasis on microbial pulmonary infection and inflammation.  相似文献   

Studies of notch signaling in immune cells have uncovered critical roles for this pathway both during the differentiation and effector function phases of immune responses. Cells of the myeloid lineage, including macrophages and dendritic cells, function as key components of innate immune defense against infection and, by acting as antigen presenting cells, can instruct cells of the adaptive immune response, specifically CD4 and CD8 T cells. Tight regulation of this functional interaction is needed to ensure a well-balanced immune response and its dysregulation may indirectly or directly cause the tissue damage characteristic of autoimmune diseases. In this review, the focus will be placed on those recent findings which support a role for notch signaling in inflammatory responses mediated by macrophages and other myeloid lineage cells, as well as peripheral T cells, and their relevance to inflammatory and autoimmne diseases.  相似文献   

Activated microglia and astroglia are known to be involved in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including prion diseases. In the present experiments, we studied activation of astroglia and microglia after intraocular scrapie infection in transgenic mice expressing prion protein (PrP) in multiple cell types (tg7 mice) or in neurons only (tgNSE mice). In this model, scrapie infection and protease-resistant PrP deposition occurs in the retinas of both strains of mice, but retinal degeneration is observed only in tg7 mice. Our results showed that the retinas of tg7 and tgNSE mice both had astroglial activation with increased chemokine expression during the course of infection. However, only tg7 retinas exhibited strong microglial activation compared to tgNSE retinas, which showed little microglial activation by biochemical or morphological criteria. Therefore, microglial PrP expression might be required for scrapie-induced retinal microglial activation and damage. Furthermore, microglial activation preceded retinal neurodegeneration in tg7 mice, suggesting that activated microglia might contribute to the degenerative process, rather than being a response to the damage. Surprisingly, brain differed from retina in that an altered profile of microglial activation markers was upregulated, and the profiles in the two mouse strains were indistinguishable. Microglial activation in the brain was associated with severe brain vacuolation and neurodegeneration, leading to death. Thus, retinal and brain microglia appeared to differ in their requirements for activation, suggesting that different activation pathways occur in the two tissues.  相似文献   

The role of N-formyl-methionyl-sRNA in protein biosynthesis   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  

The normal cellular prion protein, PrPc is a highly con served and widely expressed cell surface glycoprotein in all mammals. The expression of PrP is pivotal in the pathogenesis of prion diseases; however, the normal physiological functions of PrPc remain incompletely understood. Based on the studies in cell models, a plethora of functions have been attributed to PrPc. In this paper, we reviewed the potential roles that PrPc plays in cell physiology and focused on its contribution to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

An improved procedure is described for the recovery and purification of the coenzyme A-synthesizing protein complex (CoA-SPC) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers' yeast). The molecular mass of the CoA-SPC, determined prior to and following its purification, is estimated by Sephacryl S-300 size exclusion chromatography to be between 375 000–400 000. Two previously unreported catalytic activities attributed to CoA-SPC have been identified. One of these is CoA-hydrolase activity which catalyzes the hydrolysis of CoA to form 3′,5′-ADP and 4′-phosphopantetheine, and the other is dephospho-CoA-pyrophosphorylase activity which catalyzesa reaction between 4′-phosphopantetheine and ATP to form dephospho-CoA. The dephospho-CoA then reacts with ATP, catalyzed by the dephospho-CoA-kinase. to reform CoA. This sequence of reactions, referred to as the CoA/4′-phosphopantethiene cycle, provides a mechanism by which the 4′-phosphopantetheine can be recycled to form CoA. Each turn of the cycle utilizes two mol of ATP and produces one mol of ADP, one mol of PPi, and one mol of 3′,5′-ADP. Other than the hydrolysis of CoA by CoA-SPC, the 4′-phosphopantetheine for the cycle apparently could be supplied by alternate sources. One alternate source may be the conventional pathway of CoA biosynthesis. Intact CoA-SPC has been separated into two segments. One segment is designated apo-CoA-SPC and the other segment is referred to as the 10 000–15 000 Mr subunit. The 5′-ADP-4′-pantothenic acid-synthetase, 5′-ADP-4′-pantothenylcysteine-synthetase, 5′-ADP-4′-pantothenylcysteine-decarboxylase, and CoA-hydrolase activities reside in the apo-CoA-SPC segment of CoA-SPC. Whereas the dephospho-CoA-kinase and the dephospho-CoA-pyrophosphorylase activities reside in the 10 000–15 000 Mr subunit. Thus, the 10 000–15 000 Mr subunit mimics the bifunctional enzyme complex that catalyzes the final two steps in the conventional pathway of CoA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Prion protein glycosylation   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), or prion diseases are a group of transmissible neurodegenerative disorders of humans and animals. Although the infectious agent (the 'prion') has not yet been formally defined at the molecular level, much evidence exists to suggest that the major or sole component is an abnormal isoform of the host encoded prion protein (PrP). Different strains or isolates of the infectious agent exist, which exhibit characteristic disease phenotypes when transmitted to susceptible animals. In the absence of a nucleic acid genome it has been hard to accommodate the existence of TSE strains within the protein-only model of prion replication. Recent work examining the conformation and glycosylation patterns of disease-associated PrP has shown that these post-translational modifications show strain-specific properties and contribute to the molecular basis of TSE strain variation. This article will review the role of glycosylation in the susceptibility of cellular PrP to conversion to the disease-associated conformation and the role of glycosylation as a marker of TSE strain type.  相似文献   

The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, remain mysterious neurodegenerative diseases that involve perturbations in prion protein (PrP) structure. This article summarizes our use of in vitro models to describe how PrP is converted to the disease-associated, protease-resistant form. These models reflect many important biological parameters of TSE diseases and have been used to identify inhibitors of the PrP conversion as lead compounds in the development of anti-TSE drugs.  相似文献   

Alzheimer and prion diseases are neurodegenerative disorders characterised by the abnormal processing of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide and prion protein (PrPC), respectively. Recent evidence indicates that PrPC may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. PrPC interacts with and inhibits the β-secretase BACE1, the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of Aβ. More recently PrPC was identified as a receptor for Aβ oligomers and the expression of PrPC appears to be controlled by the amyloid intracellular domain (AICD). Here we review these observations and propose a feedback loop in the normal brain where PrPC exerts an inhibitory effect on BACE1 to decrease both Aβ and AICD production. In turn, the AICD upregulates PrPC expression, thus maintaining the inhibitory effect of PrPC on BACE1. In Alzheimer disease, this feedback loop is disrupted, and the increased level of Aβ oligomers bind to PrPC and prevent it from regulating BACE1 activity.Key words: alzheimer disease, amyloid-β, Aβ oligomers, amyloid intracellular domain, BACE1, presenilin, prion protein  相似文献   

The InsP3 receptor: its role in neuronal physiology and neurodegeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The InsP3 receptor is a ligand-gated channel that releases Ca2+ from intracellular stores in a variety of cell types, including neurons. Genetic studies from vertebrate and invertebrate model systems suggest that coordinated rhythmic motor functions are most susceptible to changes in Ca2+ release from the InsP3 receptor. In many cases, the InsP3 receptor interacts with other signaling mechanisms that control levels of cytosolic Ca2+, suggesting that the maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis in normal cells could be controlled by the activity of the InsP3R. In support of this idea, recent studies show that altered InsP3 receptor activity can be partially responsible for Ca2+ dyshomeostasis seen in many neurodegenerative conditions. These observations open new avenues for carrying out genetic and drug screens that target InsP3R function in neurodegenerative conditions.  相似文献   

Tau protein and neurodegeneration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tau protein is the major component of the intracellular filamentous deposits that define a number of neurodegenerative diseases. They include the largely sporadic Alzheimer's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), Pick's disease (PiD), argyrophilic grain disease, as well as the inherited frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). The identification of mutations in Tau as the cause of FTDP-17 established that dysfunction or misregulation of tau protein is sufficient to cause neurodegeneration and dementia. At an experimental level, the new understanding is leading to the development of good transgenic animal models of the tauopathies.  相似文献   

Tau protein and neurodegeneration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many of the human neurodegenerative conditions involve a reorganization of the neuronal cytoskeleton. The way in which the cytoskeleton is reorganized may provide a clue to the nature of the insult causing the neurodegeneration. The most common of these conditions is Alzheimer's disease, in which microtubules are lost from neurites that fill up with filamentous structures. One component of the filamentous structures is the microtubule-associated protein (MAP), tau. The tau protein is the product of a single gene expressed predominantly in neurons. The tau gene undergoes complex alternative splicing that is regulated both by development, and by the particular neuronal cell population in which it is expressed. Tau protein can be further modified, following its translation by phosphorylation at several sites. Much of the recent interest in the transition of tau to an abnormal state within a tangle-bearing neuron has focused on phosphorylation. A group of proteins that migrate slightly more slowly than tau, designated PHF-tau, are found in regions of the Alzheimer brain rich in dystrophic neurites, are hyperphosphorylated, fail to bind to microtubules, have distinct solubility properties, and can be derived from fractions of paired helical filaments (PHF).  相似文献   

Alzheimer and prion diseases are neurodegenerative disorders characterised by the abnormal processing of amyloid-b (Ab) peptide and prion protein (PrPC), respectively. Recent evidence indicates that PrPC may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. PrPC interacts with and inhibits the b-secretase BACE1, the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of Ab. More recently PrPC was identified as a receptor for Ab oligomers and the expression of PrPC appears to be controlled by the amyloid intracellular domain (AICD). Here we review these observations and propose a feedback loop in the normal brain where PrPC exerts an inhibitory effect on BACE1 to decrease both Ab and AICD production. In turn, the AICD upregulates PrPC expression, thus maintaining the inhibitory effect of PrPC on BACE1. In Alzheimer disease, this feedback loop is disrupted, and the increased level of Ab oligomers bind to PrPC and prevent it from regulating BACE1 activity.  相似文献   

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