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Aims There is increasing concern on the trade-off between carbon sequestration and water yield of forest ecosystems. Our objective was to explore the effects of vegetation composition on water and carbon trade-off in the sub-alpine watersheds of western Sichuan during 1982-2006.Methods The WaSSI-C, which is an eco-hydrological model with coupled water and carbon cycles, was employed to calculate the key components in water balance and carbon sequestration for the 22 sub-catchments in the upper reaches of Zagunao River. Spearman’s Rho trend analysis was used to examine the trends in runoff and net ecosystem productivity. Important findings Compared with either subalpine meadow or mixed forest dominated catchments, the conifer-dominated catchments had much higher water loss due to high evapotranspiration, and the loss was not offset by its higher soil water infiltration during the growing season. The change in soil water storage for subalpine meadow, mixed forest and coniferous forest are -44 mm, -18 mm and -5 mm, respectively, which indicated significant decline in soil water storage and thus water yield particularly in alpine meadow catchments. Significant negative relationship was found between runoff and net ecosystem productivity, the alpine meadow as the dominant vegetation type showed high water yield and low carbon sequestration, and the conifer-dominant and mixed forest vegetation showed low water yield and high carbon sequestration, moreover, the higher the forest coverage, the lower the water yield. Upward trends in net ecosystem productivity were observed in the three vegetation types during the study period and the alpine meadow type was significant.  相似文献   

在复杂的气候变化条件下, 利用水碳耦合模型进行生态水文学研究成为主要的研究手段和途径。该文以杂谷脑河上游流域为例, 在确定生态水文模型WaSSI-C模拟尺度的基础上, 探讨水碳耦合模型在中国西南湿润地区的适用性。杂古脑河上游流域位于岷江上游, 隶属于长江流域。在分析和讨论了模型结构和机理的基础上, 分别对模型蒸散和融雪计算进行了补充改进, 以提高模型的适用性。将1988-1996年作为模型的率定期, 1997-2006年作为模型的验证期, 分别在率定期和验证期利用实测的径流数据和中分辨率成像光谱仪数据的总初级生产力、蒸散(ET)数据, 对模拟结果进行对比验证。并利用决定系数(R2)和Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数(NS)两个指标对模拟效果进行评价。流域总径流率定期和验证期对比验证的R2分别为0.86和0.78; NS分别为0.82和0.67。总生态系统生产力和ET验证期的R2分别为0.89和0.78。可见模型模拟结果的两个评价指标都处于较为理想的区间内, 说明WaSSI-C模型在研究区内具有较好的适用性。并对模型的蒸散计算方法进行了讨论, 在此基础上提出了模型中存在的问题和改进的方向。  相似文献   

王小辣  段凯  韦林 《应用生态学报》2022,33(5):1377-1386
流域水循环和碳循环通过植物光合作用与蒸散发(ET)过程紧密相联,两者在流域尺度上的耦合模拟研究是实现水、碳资源综合管理的重要基础。本研究通过对WaSSI(供水压力指数)生态水文模型进行适当改进,建立并验证了珠江流域水-碳耦合模拟模型(WaSSI-PRB),将珠江流域划分为1715个子流域,选定1980—2004年为率定期、2005—2016年为验证期,并对径流、蒸散发和总初级生产力(GPP)等3个关键水-碳通量的模拟结果进行验证。结果表明: 西江、北江、东江的水文控制站,径流模拟纳什效率系数(NSE)和决定系数(R2)在率定期均达0.80以上,在验证期均达0.75以上;相较于MODIS、PML、SSEBop、VPM等大尺度遥感数据产品,WaSSI-PRB模型能更好地模拟ET和GPP的时空分布特征。总体而言,WaSSI-PRB模型在珠江流域具有较好的适用性,可作为量化分析流域水-碳平衡及其对变化环境响应关系的一种有效工具。  相似文献   

靳翔  徐庆  刘世荣  姜春前 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1831-1840
树木年轮(简称树轮)碳稳定同位素技术是研究树轮气候学的一种有效方法。利用四川卧龙亚高山暗针叶林不同海拔高度岷江冷杉树轮样本资料,提取该树轮稳定碳同位素(δ13C)和去趋势序列(DS),研究其树轮碳稳定同位素序列对气候要素(降水、月平均温度和月平均相对湿度)的响应关系,初步揭示了在全球气候变化背景下,川西亚高山森林岷江冷杉树木生长对气候因子变化(气候变暖、降水减少等)的响应方式。主要结论有:(1)岷江冷杉树轮δ13C组成变化范围为-23.33‰—-26.31‰,平均值为-24.91‰,变异系数为-0.011—-0.038,并表现出较强的一阶自相关;其对环境变化有较好的指示作用,表明岷江冷杉树轮δ13C组成在年际变化中较为稳定。(2)低海拔的岷江冷杉树轮δ13C分馏主要与当年8月月平均相对湿度和当年12月月平均温度相关性显著(P0.05);高海拔岷江冷杉树轮δ13C分馏主要与上一年8月月平均相对湿度和当年4月月平均温度相关性显著(P0.05);中海拔的岷江冷杉树轮δ13C分馏主要与上一年1、11月月平均温度和当年2、11月月平均温度相关性显著(P0.05),冬季温度是中海拔区岷江冷杉树木生长的限制因子,且具有明显的"滞后效应"。川西卧龙亚高山暗针叶林岷江冷杉树木径向生长主要受到气温的制约,从生物学基础上阐明了树木生长与环境的关系,冬季温度的升高,有利于植物生长期的提前,植物生长旺盛,抗旱能力减弱;同时证明了建群种岷江冷杉对雨水的依赖很小,这有利于植物生存,且维持了该植物群落的稳定性。该研究弥补了我国青藏高原高海拔地区气象台站稀少、观测资料时间短缺,为预测未来气候变化对岷江冷杉树木径向生长变化提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

李潇  吴克宁  冯喆  王颖涵 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9627-9635
土地利用变化影响陆地系统碳循环过程。在实现碳中和目标的背景下,分析区域碳平衡,优化土地利用结构具有现实意义。以河南省为例,以1 km网格为单元,应用InVEST碳固存模块、IPCC碳排放核算、人口密度法等方法,研究1995、2005、2015年区域碳平衡的时空变化。结果表明,研究区固碳服务的供需量与土地利用类型密切相关。固碳服务的供需在空间存在错配关系,即需求高的地区通常具有较低的供给。研究时段内,研究区的总碳固量逐年下降,总碳排放量逐年增加,研究区碳平衡表现为整体向好,局部恶化的情况。在碳平衡分析的基础上提出了空间优化利用建议,可为未来国土空间规划碳平衡目标的实现提供参考。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳平衡主要研究方法评述   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陆地生态系统碳平衡是全球变化科学中的核心问题之一,目前也是生态科学中的前沿与热点问题,而陆地生态系统的复杂性与不确定性决定了对陆地生态系统碳平衡估测的复杂性和不确定性。为研究这一复杂性问题,已发展了许多研究方法。可分为“自下而上”与“自上而下”两种,各种方法都有其自身的优势和劣势。相关方向也已经有了大量的研究报道,但是,不同的研究由于在方法、时间与空间尺度等存在的差异,使得许多研究结果和预测很难被有效的整合或适用于大范围甚至全球水平。综述了陆地碳平衡的主要研究方法,分析和比较了各方法的特点,指出在研究中对不同方法的结果进行分析和比较,以及采用综合方法的必要性。  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素的SPAC水碳拆分及耦合研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤-植被-大气连续体(SPAC)是陆地水文学、生态学和全球变化领域的重要研究对象,其水碳循环过程及耦合机制是前沿性问题.稳定同位素技术示踪、整合和指示的特征有助于评估分析生态系统固碳和耗水情况.本文在简述稳定同位素应用原理和技术的基础上,重点阐释了基于稳定同位素光学技术的SPAC系统水碳交换研究进展,包括:在净碳通量中拆分光合与呼吸量,在蒸散通量中拆分蒸腾与蒸发量,以及在系统尺度上的水碳耦合研究.新兴的技术和方法实现了生态系统尺度上长期高频的同位素观测,但在测量精准度、生态系统呼吸拆分、非稳态模型适应性、尺度转换和水碳耦合机制等方面存在挑战.本文探讨了现有主要研究成果、局限性以及未来研究展望,以期对稳定同位素生态学领域的新研究和技术发展有所帮助.  相似文献   

区域尺度陆地生态系统碳收支及其循环过程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
于贵瑞  方华军  伏玉玲  王秋凤 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5449-5459
地球系统的碳库和碳循环过程变化是影响气候系统的重要因素,而陆地生态系统的碳收支及其循环过程机制研究一直是全球气候变化成因分析、变化趋势预测、减缓和适应对策分析领域的科学研究热点。回顾了过去几十年区域尺度陆地生态系统碳循环和碳收支研究领域的国际前沿及其关键科学问题,并分析了我国在该研究领域的科技需求和发展方向。当前国际科学研究的热点和前沿领域主要包括:生态系统和区域碳储量和碳收支的清查、综合计量与碳汇认证,陆地生态系统碳通量的联网观测及其循环过程机制,陆地生态系统碳循环过程对气候变化响应野外控制试验,陆地生态系统水、碳、氮循环及其耦合关系机制和模拟模型研究等,同时指出在这些研究领域依然存在且急需解决的关键科学问题。我国近期的科技工作重点工作应该是努力构建天-地-空一体化的碳储量和碳收支动态监测体系、开展生态系统碳-氮-水耦合循环及其区域调控管理的前瞻性研究,定量评价中国生态系统的碳收支状况和增汇潜力,评估各种典型生态系统增汇技术的经济效益,为国家尺度的温室气体管理和碳交易机制与政策体系的建立提供可报告、可度量和可核查的科学数据和技术支持。  相似文献   

为了解次生林自然更新演替过程中土壤碳氮含量及酶活性的变化规律, 采用空间代替时间的方法, 在川西亚高山米亚罗林区选取环境条件基本一致的20世纪60、70和80年代采伐迹地自然更新演替的次生林(60-NSF、70-NSF和80-NSF)和岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)原始林(对照, CK)为对象, 研究了表层(0-20 cm)土壤碳氮含量和土壤酶活性的关系。结果表明: 表层土壤有机碳(SOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、轻组有机碳(LFOC)含量均随森林植被更新演替呈显著降低趋势, 而全氮(TN)和可溶性有机氮(DON)含量则表现为60-NSF < 80-NSF < 70-NSF, 但70-NSF和80-NSF间差异不显著; 次生林表层土壤有机碳氮及其活性组分含量均低于CK, 其中80-NSF的DOC和DON含量与CK差异不显著。次生林的β-葡萄糖苷酶(βG)、β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)和多酚氧化酶(PHO)活性均显著低于CK, 纤维素水解酶(CBH)和过氧化物酶(PEO)活性与CK无显著差异; 天然次生林中, 60-NSF的βG和CBH活性显著低于70-NSF和80-NSF; 80-NSF的NAG活性显著高于60-NSF和70-NSF; 4种林型之间的PEO活性无显著性差异。Pearson相关分析和冗余分析显示, 土壤TN、LFOC和DOC含量与土壤酶活性显著相关, 其中TN含量解释了酶活性变化的65.4%, 说明土壤氮含量变化可能会影响到土壤碳的水解酶活性, 同时也表明土壤微生物优先利用易分解碳和氮。因此, 次生林近60年的天然更新演替引起了TN、LFOC及DOC含量的显著下降, 导致表层土壤某些胞外酶(如βG、CBH和NAG)活性降低。从土壤酶活性角度看, 岷江冷杉原始林比早期演替阶段的次生林(<60 a)更有利于川西亚高山高海拔森林生态系统的碳氮循环。  相似文献   

北京市妫水河流域人类活动的水文响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘玉明  张静  武鹏飞  周德民  宫辉力 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7549-7558
选取1986-1987年、2005-2006年为两个研究时段,解译1987年和2005年两幅土地利用图,分析土地利用和气候变化情况.利用土壤水评价模型(Soil Water Assessment Tool,SWAT)量化近20年来人类活动对妫水河流域产生的直接与间接影响.结果显示:人类活动的间接影响使径流量增加,汛期(6-8月)增加显著,增幅达34.67%.另外,涨水与退水过程明显加快,径流分配趋于不均匀.人类活动的直接影响使径流量大幅度降低,平均径流系数下降了87%以上.涨水和退水过程基本消失,径流量分配趋于均匀.因此,在妫水河流域,人类活动的间接影响使流域涵养水源能力下降,易发生洪涝和干旱.人类活动的直接影响增加了降水的利用率,减少了洪涝和干旱.  相似文献   

Aims: There is increasing concern on the trade-off between carbon sequestration and water yield of forest ecosystems. Our objective was to explore the effects of vegetation composition on water and carbon trade-off in the sub-alpine watersheds of western Sichuan during 1982-2006. Methods: The WaSSI-C, which is an eco-hydrological model with coupled water and carbon cycles, was employed to calculate the key components in water balance and carbon sequestration for the 22 sub-catchments in the upper reaches of Zagunao River. Spearman's Rho trend analysis was used to examine the trends in runoff and net ecosystem productivity. Important findings: Compared with either subalpine meadow or mixed forest dominated catchments, the conifer-dominated catchments had much higher water loss due to high evapotranspiration, and the loss was not offset by its higher soil water infiltration during the growing season. The change in soil water storage for subalpine meadow, mixed forest and coniferous forest are -44 mm, -18 mm and -5 mm, respectively, which indicated significant decline in soil water storage and thus water yield particularly in alpine meadow catchments. Significant negative relationship was found between runoff and net ecosystem productivity, the alpine meadow as the dominant vegetation type showed high water yield and low carbon sequestration, and the conifer-dominant and mixed forest vegetation showed low water yield and high carbon sequestration, moreover, the higher the forest coverage, the lower the water yield. Upward trends in net ecosystem productivity were observed in the three vegetation types during the study period and the alpine meadow type was significant.  相似文献   

川西亚高山桦木林的林地水文效应   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
川西亚高山森林是我国西南亚高山林区水源涵养林的重要组成部分,原生的亚高山暗针叶林在经历大规模采伐利用后,天然更新的次生桦木林已成为该区域的主要森林类型之一。前人对原始暗针叶林水文学的研究已相当丰富,内容涉及冠层截留、地被物持水特征、森林蒸发散、土壤入渗、根土作用层等诸多方面;而对于采伐后人工林和天然次生林的研究较少,仅有的结论也以人工林为主。通过对林地苔藓、枯落物和土壤的野外调查与室内实验,分析了川西亚高山次生桦木林在不同林龄和海拔梯度间的林地水文效应,这对于丰富亚高山森林水文学的研究、确定长江上游水源涵养林的恢复与重建模式,都具有重要的意义。研究表明:桦木林苔藓蓄积量及最大持水量在不同林龄间差异显著,随林龄增大而显著增加;而在不同海拔间差异不显著。枯落物蓄积量及最大持水量在不同林龄及海拔间均差异显著,随林龄的增大而增加;在林龄相同的条件下,在中海拔(3200m、3400m)较高,在较高(3600m)、较低(3000m)海拔偏低。苔藓最大持水率平均为945%,在林龄和海拔间差异不显著;枯落物最大持水率平均573%,在林龄和海拔间均差异显著。各林龄和海拔梯度上的桦木林,随土壤深度的增加土壤容重均显著增大,最大持水量显著下降,但毛管持水量和最小持水量仅在部分类型下降显著。土壤0~40cm最大持水量在不同林龄间差异不显著,而在不同海拔间差异显著;这种差异主要表现在林龄10~25a的林分,随海拔升高土壤0~40cm最大持水量增大。在大规模采伐后,苔藓层的恢复是一个长期过程,可以作为次生林地水文效应向原始暗针叶林恢复程度的一个指标。  相似文献   

The water-holding functions of soils and ground covers in terms of moss and litters in the three major shrubs at different altitude gradients were studied using field investigation. The water-holding functions were measured and expressed with Biomass (t/hm2) of moss and litters, along with their maximal water holding capacity (MWHC, t/hm2) and maximal water holding rate (MWHR, %). The physical characteristics of the soils included bulk density, MWHC, capillary water holding capacity (CWHC), and least water holding capacity (LWHC). The result showed that Rhododendron przewalskii shrub exhibited the highest water-holding capacity among the three types. The average MWHC of the moss, litters, and at a depth of 0–40cm in R. przewalskii at different elevation gradients was 46.73,139.98 t/hm2, and 2216.92 t/hm2, respectively, whereas the average MWHC of the moss, litters, and soils in Quercus aquifolioides was 1.64, 72.08 t/hm2 and 2114.88 t/hm2, respectively. There was no moss in Quercus cocciferoides, and the average MWHC of litters and soils at a depth of 0–40 cm at different elevation gradients was 84.55 t/hm2 and 2062.83 t/hm2, respectively. The biomass and MWHC of the moss layer in R. przewalskii shrub significantly decreased with increasing elevation, whereas the reverse occurred in Q. aquifolioides before the maximum was reached at 3400 m, and then the SCM and MWHC decreased. MWHR of the moss layer in R. przewalskii was higher than that in Q. aquifolioides. The biomass and MWHC of the litters in R. przewalskii and Q. aquifolioides decreased with increasing elevation, whereas the reverse occurred in Q. cocciferoide. Regardless of shrub types, soil bulk density increased significantly with increasing soil depth, whereas MWHC decreased significantly with increasing soil depth. Significant decrease in CWHC and LWHC were found only in certain shrub communities. The MWHC with respect to the 0–40cm soil depth significantly decreased with increasing elevation only in R. przewalskii shrub, whereas there was no significant difference in MWHCs among the different elevation gradients for the other two types.  相似文献   

Zhang Y D  Liu S R  Ma J M 《农业工程》2006,26(9):2775-2781
The water-holding functions of soils and ground covers in terms of moss and litters in the three major shrubs at different altitude gradients were studied using field investigation. The water-holding functions were measured and expressed with Biomass (t/hm2) of moss and litters, along with their maximal water holding capacity (MWHC, t/hm2) and maximal water holding rate (MWHR, %). The physical characteristics of the soils included bulk density, MWHC, capillary water holding capacity (CWHC), and least water holding capacity (LWHC). The result showed that Rhododendron przewalskii shrub exhibited the highest water-holding capacity among the three types. The average MWHC of the moss, litters, and at a depth of 0–40cm in R. przewalskii at different elevation gradients was 46.73,139.98 t/hm2, and 2216.92 t/hm2, respectively, whereas the average MWHC of the moss, litters, and soils in Quercus aquifolioides was 1.64, 72.08 t/hm2 and 2114.88 t/hm2, respectively. There was no moss in Quercus cocciferoides, and the average MWHC of litters and soils at a depth of 0–40 cm at different elevation gradients was 84.55 t/hm2 and 2062.83 t/hm2, respectively. The biomass and MWHC of the moss layer in R. przewalskii shrub significantly decreased with increasing elevation, whereas the reverse occurred in Q. aquifolioides before the maximum was reached at 3400 m, and then the SCM and MWHC decreased. MWHR of the moss layer in R. przewalskii was higher than that in Q. aquifolioides. The biomass and MWHC of the litters in R. przewalskii and Q. aquifolioides decreased with increasing elevation, whereas the reverse occurred in Q. cocciferoide. Regardless of shrub types, soil bulk density increased significantly with increasing soil depth, whereas MWHC decreased significantly with increasing soil depth. Significant decrease in CWHC and LWHC were found only in certain shrub communities. The MWHC with respect to the 0–40cm soil depth significantly decreased with increasing elevation only in R. przewalskii shrub, whereas there was no significant difference in MWHCs among the different elevation gradients for the other two types.  相似文献   

Large‐scale planted forests (PF) have been given a higher priority in China for improving the environment and mitigating climate change relative to natural forests (NF). However, the ecological consequences of these PF on water resource security have been less considered in the national scale. Moreover, a critically needed comparison on key ecological effects between PF and NF under climate change has rarely been conducted. Here, we compare carbon sequestration and water consumption in PF and NF across China using combination of remote sensing and field inventory. We found that, on average, NF consumed 6.8% (37.5 mm per growing season) less water but sequestered 1.1% (12.5 g C m?2 growing season?1) more carbon than PF in the period of 2000–2012. While there was no significant difference in water consumption (p = 0.6) between PF and NF in energy‐limited areas (dryness index [DI] < 1), water consumption was significantly (p < 0.001) higher in PF than that in NF in water‐limited regions (DI > 1). Moreover, a distinct and larger shift of water yield was identified in PF than in NF from the 1980s to the 2000s, indicating that PF were more sensitive to climate change, leading to a higher water consumption when compared with NF. Our results suggest NF should be properly valued in terms of maximizing the benefits of carbon sequestration and water yield. Future forest plantation projects should be planned with caution, particularly in water‐limited regions where they might have less positive effect on carbon sequestration but lead to significant water yield reduction.  相似文献   

为阐明安徽省不同林龄的森林生态系统的碳储量现状, 以及现有自然环境条件下顶极森林生态系统的固碳潜力, 采用野外样地调查和BIOME4模型方法对此进行研究。安徽省森林生态系统的现状总碳储量为714.5 Tg C, 其中植被碳402.1 Tg C、土壤碳312.4 Tg C。从幼龄林至过熟林的生长过程中, 森林生态系统的总碳密度和植被碳密度都呈现增长趋势。但土壤碳密度从幼龄林至近熟林阶段呈增加趋势, 近熟林以后出现减少趋势。安徽省幼龄林和中龄林占森林总面积的75%, 若幼、中龄林发展到近熟林阶段, 将增加125.4 Tg C。BIOME4模拟显示: 当森林发展到气候顶极森林时, 安徽省森林生态系统将增加245.7 Tg C, 即总固碳潜力包括植被固碳153.7 Tg C, 土壤固碳92.0 Tg C。  相似文献   

The role of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration as a ‘win-win’ solution to both climate change and food insecurity receives an increasing promotion. The opportunity may be too good to be missed! Yet the tremendous complexity of the two issues at stake calls for a detailed and nuanced examination of any potential solution, no matter how appealing. Here, we critically re-examine the benefits of global SOC sequestration strategies on both climate change mitigation and food production. While estimated contributions of SOC sequestration to climate change vary, almost none take SOC saturation into account. Here, we show that including saturation in estimations decreases any potential contribution of SOC sequestration to climate change mitigation by 53%–81% towards 2100. In addition, reviewing more than 21 meta-analyses, we found that observed yield effects of increasing SOC are inconsistent, ranging from negative to neutral to positive. We find that the promise of a win-win outcome is confirmed only when specific land management practices are applied under specific conditions. Therefore, we argue that the existing knowledge base does not justify the current trend to set global agendas focusing first and foremost on SOC sequestration. Away from climate-smart soils, we need a shift towards soil-smart agriculture, adaptative and adapted to each local context, and where multiple soil functions are quantified concurrently. Only such comprehensive assessments will allow synergies for land sustainability to be maximised and agronomic requirements for food security to be fulfilled. This implies moving away from global targets for SOC in agricultural soils. SOC sequestration may occur along this pathway and contribute to climate change mitigation and should be regarded as a co-benefit.  相似文献   

王晓学  李叙勇  莫菲  江燕 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5491-5500
模型方法是定量评价森林水源涵养的重要途径。根据元胞自动机的基本理论,结合森林水源涵养效应的多尺度特征,提出了一个新的基于元胞自动机的森林水源涵养量计算模型。该模型将森林"水文响应单元"网格化作为元胞空间的基本单元,邻域定义为摩尔(Moore)型,元胞"水库"水量状态变化范围定义在一个连续的实数空间上。将元胞单元对不同降雨事件的响应分为不产生径流和产生径流两种情况,通过对蒸散发、邻域元胞间水量传输、深层渗漏等制定转换规则,模拟森林在不同尺度上的水源涵养动态特征。这种新模型方法将为森林水源涵养由小尺度(水文响应单元)向流域、景观尺度上推提供有效的定量研究途径,从而进一步推动森林水源涵养功能研究的深入。  相似文献   

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