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The genus Schistosoma is composed of blood flukes that infect vertebrates, from which three species are major causative agents of human schistosomiasis, a tropical disease that affects more than 200 million people. Current models of the recent evolution of Schistosoma indicate multiple events of migration and speciation from an Asian ancestral species. Transposable elements are important drivers of genome evolution and have been hypothesised to have an important role in speciation. In this work, we describe a comprehensive inventory of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum retrotransposons, based on their recently published genomic data. We find a considerable difference in retrotransposon representation between the two species (22% and 13%, respectively). A large part of this difference can be attributed to higher representation of two previously described families of S. mansoni retrotransposons (SR2 and Perere-3/SR3), compared with the representation of their closest relative families in S. japonicum. A more detailed analysis suggests that these two S. mansoni families were the subject of recent bursts of transposition that were not paralleled by their S. japonicum counterparts. We hypothesise that these bursts could be a consequence of the evolutionary pressure resulting from migration of Schistosoma from Asia to Africa and their establishment in this new environment, helping both speciation and adaptation.  相似文献   

Alu element-mediated gene silencing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Alu elements are conserved approximately 300-nucleotide-long repeat sequences that belong to the SINE family of retrotransposons found abundantly in primate genomes. Pairs of inverted Alu repeats in RNA can form duplex structures that lead to hyperediting by the ADAR enzymes, and at least 333 human genes contain such repeats in their 3'-UTRs. Here, we show that a pair of inverted Alus placed within the 3'-UTR of egfp reporter mRNA strongly represses EGFP expression, whereas a single Alu has little or no effect. Importantly, the observed silencing correlates with A-to-I RNA editing, nuclear retention of the mRNA and its association with the protein p54(nrb). Further, we show that inverted Alu elements can act in a similar fashion in their natural chromosomal context to silence the adjoining gene. For example, the Nicolin 1 gene expresses multiple mRNA isoforms differing in the 3'-UTR. One isoform that contains the inverted repeat is retained in the nucleus, whereas another lacking these sequences is exported to the cytoplasm. Taken together, these results support a novel role for Alu elements in human gene regulation.  相似文献   

The human genome is a mosaic of isochores, which are long DNA segments (300 kbp) relatively homogeneous in G+C. Human isochores were first identified by density-gradient ultracentrifugation of bulk DNA, and differ in important features, e.g. genes are found predominantly in the GC-richest isochores. Here, we use a reliable segmentation method to partition the longest contigs in the human genome draft sequence into long homogeneous genome regions (LHGRs), thereby revealing the isochore structure of the human genome. The advantages of the isochore maps presented here are: (1) sequence heterogeneities at different scales are shown in the same plot; (2) pair-wise compositional differences between adjacent regions are all statistically significant; (3) isochore boundaries are accurately defined to single base pair resolution; and (4) both gradual and abrupt isochore boundaries are simultaneously revealed. Taking advantage of the wide sample of genome sequence analyzed, we investigate the correspondence between LHGRs and true human isochores revealed through DNA centrifugation. LHGRs show many of the typical isochore features, mainly size distribution, G+C range, and proportions of the isochore classes. The relative density of genes, Alu and long interspersed nuclear element repeats and the different types of single nucleotide polymorphisms on LHGRs also coincide with expectations in true isochores. Potential applications of isochore maps range from the improvement of gene-finding algorithms to the prediction of linkage disequilibrium levels in association studies between marker genes and complex traits. The coordinates for the LHGRs identified in all the contigs longer than 2 Mb in the human genome sequence are available at the online resource on isochore mapping: http://bioinfo2.ugr.es/isochores.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to show how, in some particular circumstances, a physical marker can be used along with molecular markers in the research of an ancient people movement. A set of five Alu insertions was analysed in 42 subjects from a particular Tunisian group (El Hamma) that has, unlike most of the Tunisian population, a very dark skin, similar to that of sub-Saharans, and in 114 Tunisian subjects (Gabes sample) from the same governorate, but outside the group. Our results showed that the El Hamma group is genetically midway between sub-Saharan populations and North Africans, whereas the Gabes sample is clustered among North Africans. In addition, The A25 Alu insertion, considered characteristic to sub-Saharan Africans, was present in the El Hamma group at a relatively high frequency. This frequency was similar to that found in sub-Saharans from Nigeria, but significantly different from those found in the Gabes sample and in other North African populations. Our molecular results, consistent with the skin color status, suggest a sub-Saharan origin of this particular Tunisian group.  相似文献   

Over a third of the human genome consists of interspersed repetitive sequences which are primarily degenerate copies of transposable elements. In the past year, the identities of many of these transposable elements were revealed. The emerging concept is that only three mechanisms of amplification are responsible for the vast majority of interspersed repeats and that with each autonomous element a number of dependent non-autonomous sequences have co-amplified.  相似文献   

Transposition of a new Drosophila retrotransposon was investigated. Total genomic Southern analysis and polytene in situ hybridizations in D. buzzatii strains and other related species using a 6 kb D. buzzatii clone (cDb314) showed a dispersed, repetitive DNA pattern, suggesting that this clone contains a transposable element (TE). We have sequenced the cDb314 clone and demonstrated that it contains all the conserved protein sequences and motifs typical of retrovirus-related sequences. Although cDb314 does not include the complete TE, the protein sequence alignment demonstrates that it includes a defective copy of a new long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposon, related to the gypsy family, which we have named Osvaldo. Using a D. buzzatii inbred line in which all insertion sites are known, we have measured Osvaldo transposition rates in hybrids between this D. buzzatii line and its sibling species D. koepferae. The results show that Osvaldo transposes in bursts at high rate, both in the D. buzzatii inbred line and in species hybrids.This paper is dedicated posthumously to Osvaldo A. Reig in recognition of his contributions to evolutionary biology and his early appreciation of the role of transposable elements in evolution  相似文献   



Transposable elements constitute an important part of the genome and are essential in adaptive mechanisms. Transposition events associated with phenotypic changes occur naturally or are induced in insertional mutant populations. Transposon mutagenesis results in multiple random insertions and recovery of most/all the insertions is critical for forward genetics study. Using genome next-generation sequencing data and appropriate bioinformatics tool, it is plausible to accurately identify transposon insertion sites, which could provide candidate causal mutations for desired phenotypes for further functional validation.


We developed a novel bioinformatics tool, ITIS (Identification of Transposon Insertion Sites), for localizing transposon insertion sites within a genome. It takes next-generation genome re-sequencing data (NGS data), transposon sequence, and reference genome sequence as input, and generates a list of highly reliable candidate insertion sites as well as zygosity information of each insertion. Using a simulated dataset and a case study based on an insertional mutant line from Medicago truncatula, we showed that ITIS performed better in terms of sensitivity and specificity than other similar algorithms such as RelocaTE, RetroSeq, TEMP and TIF. With the case study data, we demonstrated the efficiency of ITIS by validating the presence and zygosity of predicted insertion sites of the Tnt1 transposon within a complex plant system, M. truncatula.


This study showed that ITIS is a robust and powerful tool for forward genetic studies in identifying transposable element insertions causing phenotypes. ITIS is suitable in various systems such as cell culture, bacteria, yeast, insect, mammal and plant.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0507-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The genus Fritillaria (Liliaceae) comprises species with extremely large genomes (1C = 30 000–127 000 Mb) and a bicontinental distribution. Most North American species (subgenus Liliorhiza) differ from Eurasian Fritillaria species by their distinct phylogenetic position and increased amounts of heterochromatin. This study examined the contribution of major repetitive elements to the genome obesity found in Fritillaria and identified repeats contributing to the heterochromatin arrays in Liliorhiza species.


Two Fritillaria species of similar genome size were selected for detailed analysis, one from each phylogeographical clade: F. affinis (1C = 45·6 pg, North America) and F. imperialis (1C = 43·0 pg, Eurasia). Fosmid libraries were constructed from their genomic DNAs and used for identification, sequence characterization, quantification and chromosome localization of clones containing highly repeated sequences.

Key Results and Conclusions

Repeats corresponding to 6·7 and 4·7 % of the F. affinis and F. imperialis genome, respectively, were identified. Chromoviruses and the Tat lineage of Ty3/gypsy group long terminal repeat retrotransposons were identified as the predominant components of the highly repeated fractions in the F. affinis and F. imperialis genomes, respectively. In addition, a heterogeneous, extremely AT-rich satellite repeat was isolated from F. affinis. The FriSAT1 repeat localized in heterochromatic bands makes up approx. 26 % of the F. affinis genome and substantial genomic fractions in several other Liliorhiza species. However, no evidence of a relationship between heterochromatin content and genome size variation was observed. Also, this study was unable to reveal any predominant repeats which tracked the increasing/decreasing trends of genome size evolution in Fritillaria. Instead, the giant Fritillaria genomes seem to be composed of many diversified families of transposable elements. We hypothesize that the genome obesity may be partly determined by the failure of removal mechanisms to counterbalance effectively the retrotransposon amplification.  相似文献   



Cochliobolus heterostrophus is a dothideomycete that causes Southern Corn Leaf Blight disease. There are two races, race O and race T that differ by the absence (race O) and presence (race T) of ~ 1.2-Mb of DNA encoding genes responsible for the production of T-toxin, which makes race T much more virulent than race O. The presence of repetitive elements in fungal genomes is considered to be an important source of genetic variability between different species.


A detailed analysis of class I and II TEs identified in the near complete genome sequence of race O was performed. In total in race O, 12 new families of transposons were identified. In silico evidence of recent activity was found for many of the transposons and analyses of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) demonstrated that these elements were actively transcribed. Various potentially active TEs were found near coding regions and may modify the expression and structure of these genes by acting as ectopic recombination sites. Transposons were found on scaffolds carrying polyketide synthase encoding genes, responsible for production of T-toxin in race T. Strong evidence of ectopic recombination was found, demonstrating that TEs can play an important role in the modulation of genome architecture of this species. The Repeat Induced Point mutation (RIP) silencing mechanism was shown to have high specificity in C. heterostrophus, acting only on transposons near coding regions.


New families of transposons were identified. In C. heterostrophus, the RIP silencing mechanism is efficient and selective. The co-localization of effector genes and TEs, therefore, exposes those genes to high rates of point mutations. This may accelerate the rate of evolution of these genes, providing a potential advantage for the host. Additionally, it was shown that ectopic recombination promoted by TEs appears to be the major event in the genome reorganization of this species and that a large number of elements are still potentially active. So, this study provides information about the potential impact of TEs on the evolution of C. heterostrophus.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-536) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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