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We have developed instrumentation, image processing, and data analysis techniques to quantify the locomotory behavior of C. elegans as it crawls on the surface of an agar plate. For the study of the genetic, biochemical, and neuronal basis of behavior, C. elegans is an ideal organism because it is genetically tractable, amenable to microscopy, and shows a number of complex behaviors, including taxis, learning, and social interaction1,2. Behavioral analysis based on tracking the movements of worms as they crawl on agar plates have been particularly useful in the study of sensory behavior3, locomotion4, and general mutational phenotyping5. Our system works by moving the camera and illumination system as the worms crawls on a stationary agar plate, which ensures no mechanical stimulus is transmitted to the worm. Our tracking system is easy to use and includes a semi-automatic calibration feature. A challenge of all video tracking systems is that it generates an enormous amount of data that is intrinsically high dimensional. Our image processing and data analysis programs deal with this challenge by reducing the worms shape into a set of independent components, which comprehensively reconstruct the worms behavior as a function of only 3-4 dimensions6,7. As an example of the process we show that the worm enters and exits its reversal state in a phase specific manner.  相似文献   



Mammalian ATAD3 is a mitochondrial protein, which is thought to play an important role in nucleoid organization. However, its exact function is still unresolved.


Here, we characterize the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) ATAD3 homologue (ATAD-3) and investigate its importance for mitochondrial function and development. We show that ATAD-3 is highly conserved among different species and RNA mediated interference against atad-3 causes severe defects, characterized by early larval arrest, gonadal dysfunction and embryonic lethality. Investigation of mitochondrial physiology revealed a disturbance in organellar structure while biogenesis and function, as indicated by complex I and citrate synthase activities, appeared to be unaltered according to the developmental stage. Nevertheless, we observed very low complex I and citrate synthase activities in L1 larvae populations in comparison to higher larval and adult stages. Our findings indicate that atad-3(RNAi) animals arrest at developmental stages with low mitochondrial activity. In addition, a reduced intestinal fat storage and low lysosomal content after depletion of ATAD-3 suggests a central role of this protein for metabolic activity.


In summary, our data clearly indicate that ATAD-3 is essential for C. elegans development in vivo. Moreover, our results suggest that the protein is important for the upregulation of mitochondrial activity during the transition to higher larval stages.  相似文献   

In the current study, we tested the in vivo effects of Yy1 gene dosage on the Peg3 imprinted domain with various breeding schemes utilizing two sets of mutant alleles. The results indicated that a half dosage of Yy1 coincides with the up-regulation of Peg3 and Zim1, suggesting a repressor role of Yy1 in this imprinted domain. This repressor role of Yy1 is consistent with the observations derived from previous in vitro studies. The current study also provided an unexpected observation that the maternal allele of Peg3 is also normally expressed, and thus the expression of Peg3 is bi-allelic in the specific areas of the brain, including the choroid plexus, the PVN (Paraventricular Nucleus) and the SON (Supraoptic Nucleus) of the hypothalamus. The exact roles of the maternal allele of Peg3 in these cell types are currently unknown, but this new finding confirms the previous prediction that the maternal allele may be functional in specific cell types based on the lethality associated with the homozygotes for several mutant alleles of the Peg3 locus. Overall, these results confirm the repressor role of Yy1 in the Peg3 domain and also provide a new insight regarding the bi-allelic expression of Peg3 in mouse brain.  相似文献   

During programmed cell death, apoptotic cells are recognized and rapidly engulfed by phagocytes. Although a number of genes have been identified that promote cell corpse engulfment, it is not well understood how phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is negatively regulated. Here we have identified Caenorhabditis elegans myotubularin MTM-1 as a negative regulator of cell corpse engulfment. Myotubularins (MTMs) constitute a large, highly conserved family of lipid phosphatases. MTM gene mutations are associated with various human diseases, but the cellular functions of MTM proteins are not clearly defined. We found that inactivation of MTM-1 caused significant reduction in cell corpses in strong loss-of-function mutants of ced-1, ced-6, ced-7, and ced-2, but not in animals deficient in the ced-5, ced-12, or ced-10 genes. In contrast, overexpression of MTM-1 resulted in accumulation of cell corpses. This effect is dependent on the lipid phosphatase activity of MTM-1. We show that loss of mtm-1 function accelerates the clearance of cell corpses by promoting their internalization. Importantly, the reduction of cell corpses caused by mtm-1 RNAi not only requires the activities of CED-5, CED-12, and CED-10, but also needs the functions of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) VPS-34 and PIKI-1. We found that MTM-1 localizes to the plasma membrane in several known engulfing cell types and may modulate the level of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)P) in vivo. We propose that MTM-1 negatively regulates cell corpse engulfment through the CED-5/CED-12/CED-10 module by dephosphorylating PtdIns(3)P on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) are the major DNA components in flowering plants. Most LTR-RTs contain dinucleotides ‘TG’ and ‘CA’ at the ends of the two LTRs. Here we report the structure, evolution, and propensity of a tomato atypical retrotransposon element (TARE1) with both LTRs starting as ‘TA’. This family is also characterized by high copy numbers (354 copies), short LTR size (194 bp), extremely low ratio of solo LTRs to intact elements (0.05∶1), recent insertion (most within 0.75∼1.75 million years, Mys), and enrichment in pericentromeric region. The majority (83%) of the TARE1 elements are shared between S. lycopersicum and its wild relative S. pimpinellifolium, but none of them are found in potato. In the present study, we used shared LTR-RTs as molecular markers and estimated the divergence time between S. lycopersicum and S. pimpinellifolium to be <0.5 Mys. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the TARE1 elements, together with two closely related families, TARE2 and TGRE1, have formed a sub-lineage belonging to a Copia-like Ale lineage. Although TARE1 and TARE2 shared similar structural characteristics, the timing, scale, and activity of their amplification were found to be substantially different. We further propose a model wherein a single mutation from ‘G’ to ‘A’ in 3′ LTR followed by amplification is responsible for the origin of TARE1, thus providing evidence that the proliferation of a spontaneous mutation can be mediated by the amplification of LTR-RTs at the level of RNA.  相似文献   

In mammals, germ cells within the developing gonad follow a sexually dimorphic pathway. Germ cells in the murine ovary enter meiotic prophase during embryogenesis, whereas germ cells in the embryonic testis arrest in G0 of mitotic cell cycle and do not enter meiosis until after birth. In mice, retinoic acid (RA) signaling has been implicated in controlling entry into meiosis in germ cells, as meiosis in male embryonic germ cells is blocked by the activity of a RA-catabolizing enzyme, CYP26B1. However, the mechanisms regulating mitotic arrest in male germ cells are not well understood. Cyp26b1 expression in the testes begins in somatic cells at embryonic day (E) 11.5, prior to mitotic arrest, and persists throughout fetal development. Here, we show that Sertoli cell-specific loss of CYP26B1 activity between E15.5 and E16.5, several days after germ cell sex determination, causes male germ cells to exit from G0, re-enter the mitotic cell cycle and initiate meiotic prophase. These results suggest that male germ cells retain the developmental potential to differentiate in meiosis until at least at E15.5. CYP26B1 in Sertoli cells acts as a masculinizing factor to arrest male germ cells in the G0 phase of the cell cycle and prevents them from entering meiosis, and thus is essential for the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of male germ cells during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Third instar larvae of members of the Ceratitis FAR complex, including Ceratitisfasciventris (Bezzi), Ceratitisanonae Graham, and Ceratitisrosa Karsch are described and compared with those of Ceratitiscapitata (Wiedemann). Diagnostic characters, such as presence vs. absence of a secondary tooth on the mandibles, previously used to separate Ceratitiscapitata from Ceratitisrosa, are shown to vary in each species. Significant variation in diagnostic morphological characters among populations of Ceratitisrosa from east and south Africa is documented; however, the differences are not simply congruent with the R1 and R2 designations based on other studies. Quantitative measures of numerous morphological characters are consistently smaller in the larvae of Ceratitisfasciventris and distinguish them from other species of the FAR complex. Larvae of Ceratitiscapitata can be distinguished from those of the FAR complex by characters such as absence of accessory plates of the oral ridges, the shape of the anterior spiracle, and the pattern of dorsal spinules. Previous studies indicated that absence of accessory lobes separate the genus Ceratitis from Bactrocera, but this is shown to be incorrect, as accessory lobes are in fact present in several species of Ceratitis.  相似文献   

Eight new examples of retrotransposons of the Gypsy/Ty3 class have been identified in marine species. A 525-nt pol gene-coding region was amplified using degenerate primers from highly conserved regions and has extended the range of recognition of Gypsy/Ty3 far beyond those previously known. The following matrix shows the percentage AA divergence of the translations of this segment of the pol gene coding region. Spr2 Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, sea urchin 39 Por2 Pisaster ochraceus, starfish 46 45 Cprl Clupea pallasi, herring 51 52 41 Cirl Ciona intestinalis, tunicate bar52 49 49 55 P. orchraceus, starfish 55 60 60 62 62 Spr3 S. purpuratus, sea urchin 55 61 60 63 61 24 Tgrl* Tripneustes gratilla, sea urchin 56 61 60 63 58 26 27 Lvrl* Lytechinus variegatus, sea urchin 57 62 60 64 62 27 10 29 Sprl* S. purpuratus 58 61 62 65 61 15 27 30 31 Spr4 S. purpuratus 72 72 74 75 72 73 72 72 73 72 Por3 P. ochraceus The underlines separate three groups of retrotransposons that can be recognized on the basis of this amino acid sequence. The new upper group shows surprising amino acid sequence similarity among members from the DNA of herring, sea urchin, starfish, and a tunicate. For example, the herring element differs by only 41 % from the Ciona element and 46% from the sea urchin element. The group between the lines includes members close to previously known elements (marked by asterisks) and has so far been found only in sea urchins. The two upper groups differ from each other by 55–60% and yet members of both groups (e.g., Sprl and Spr2) are integrated into the DNA of one species-S. purpuratus. Below the lower underline is listed the only known representative of a very distant group, which occurs in starfish DNA. In spite of large divergence, amino acid sequence comparisons indicate that all of the elements shown in the array are members of the LTR-containing class of retrotransposons that includes Gypsy of Drosophila and Ty3 of yeast. Of all known mobile elements this class shows the closest sequence similarity to retroviruses and has the same arrangement of genes as simpler retroviruses.Correspondence to: R.J. Britten  相似文献   

A major challenge of neuroscience is to understand the circuit and gene bases of behavior. C. elegans is commonly used as a model system to investigate how various gene products function at specific tissue, cellular, and synaptic foci to produce complicated locomotory and bending behavior. The investigation generally requires quantitative behavioral analyses using an automated single-worm tracker, which constantly records and analyzes the position and body shape of a freely moving worm at a high magnification. Many single-worm trackers have been developed to meet lab-specific needs, but none has been widely implemented for various reasons, such as hardware difficult to assemble, and software lacking sufficient functionality, having closed source code, or using a programming language that is not broadly accessible. The lack of a versatile system convenient for wide implementation makes data comparisons difficult and compels other labs to develop new worm trackers. Here we describe Track-A-Worm, a system rich in functionality, open in source code, and easy to use. The system includes plug-and-play hardware (a stereomicroscope, a digital camera and a motorized stage), custom software written to run with Matlab in Windows 7, and a detailed user manual. Grayscale images are automatically converted to binary images followed by head identification and placement of 13 markers along a deduced spline. The software can extract and quantify a variety of parameters, including distance traveled, average speed, distance/time/speed of forward and backward locomotion, frequency and amplitude of dominant bends, overall bending activities measured as root mean square, and sum of all bends. It also plots worm travel path, bend trace, and bend frequency spectrum. All functionality is performed through graphical user interfaces and data is exported to clearly-annotated and documented Excel files. These features make Track-A-Worm a good candidate for implementation in other labs.  相似文献   

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